FAQs on Paravortex, Black
Spot, Black "Ich", Turbellarian Worm Disease,
Related Articles: Marine
Parasitic Disease, Parasitic
Worms, Roundworms,
Related FAQs on
Blackspot Disease: Black Spot
Disease 1, Black Spot Disease 2,
Diagnosis/Symptomology, Etiology/Prevention, Cures That Don't Work, Cures That Do Work, & Fish Worm Diseases
1, Marine
Worm Parasites 2, Marine Worm
Parasites 3, & FAQs on Marine Worm Parasites: Diagnosis/Symptomology, Etiology/Prevention, Cures That Don't Work, Cures That Do Work, Products/Manufacturers... Flukes/Trematodes, Tapeworms/Cestodes, Leeches/Hirudineans, "Other" Worms and Worm-Like
Parasites... & Yellow Tang Disease, Parasitic Disease 2, Parasitic Disease 3, Parasitic Marine Tanks, Parasitic Reef Tanks,
Cryptocaryoniasis, Marine
Ich, Marine Velvet Disease Biological Cleaners,
Treating Parasitic Disease,
Using Hyposalinity to Treat
Parasitic Disease, Roundworms, Yellow Tangs, Tang
Kick ich... kicks nothing Rally... doesn't
Praziquantel and Paravortex - 7/1/08 Morning crew,
<Good morrow to you> I suspect my yellow tang may have developed
black ich. <Developed...> With its classification as a
Paravortex, a Turbellarian worm, would Praziquantel be a suitable
remedy? <Mmm, unnecessary but yes...> I understand that a
freshwater dip is also recommended, but would Praziquantel have better
effects of eradicating the Paravortex life cycle in the tank itself?
Thanks, Brian <Likely so... though time going by w/o host/s almost
always "does it"... You have read on WWM re? Bob
Invincible Black Ich??? 12/10/07 Hi Bob, <Lane> I
purchased a Powder Brown Tang about 6 weeks ago. I placed the
tang in QT and treated with Cupramine for a week as preventative
for ich. The fish also had a few black spots which I thought
might be black ich. <Appears to be so> I hoped the copper
would help with this as well, <Ah, no. If anything, would hurt
the host...> but it did not appear to do anything. After week
one I replaced all the water in QT and did a FW dip. <For how
long?> I thought it may take a few days for the spots to go
away, but after several days of observation the tang appeared to
be getting a few more spots. I did another FW dip this time with
methylene blue. Once again it did not seem to help. I then
decided to try Prazi Pro treatment. After about one week I still
did not see any improvement, <Wow!> so I decided to do
another FW dip and then try treating with Rid-Ich (malachite
green and formalin) in the QT. <Yikes> After several days
the spots still remained but the fish appeared to be getting fin
rot and what appeared to be stressed breathing. <I can
imagine> I decided to do a 100% water change and another FW
dip with methylene blue. After several days the fish was healing
nicely from the fin rot, but still has the dreaded black spots. I
decided once again to try treating with Prazi again, but this
time I increased the dosage from 2.5 mg/l to around 4 mg/l. It
has been a week and I am still not seeing any signs of
improvement. <Very strange indeed> The spots seem a little
more pronounced than before, but the fish does not scratch or
seem overly affected. The fish loves algae and is eating tons.
<Good> The biggest thing is the fish has a very pale body
(semi-transparent). Is this something other than black ich?
<Can't tell w/o microscopic examination> How can I get
rid of this? <What you've done should have...> I really
want to save this fish and really want to get it into my display
tank. Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated. I
have attached a picture for you. Please disregard the white spots
as they are just bubbles. Thanks again. Lane <Mmm, a decision
(as in nothing is decided until it is done) needs to be made...
whether to try re-doing a treatment regimen (if it were me, with
another source of Praziquantel or other vermifuge, see WWM) OR
just placing the Acanthurus japonicus directly in your display...
in the hope that the (likely) Paravortex will cycle off in time,
not infest other fishes there (not all are susceptible)... Which
will you choose? Bob Fenner>
Re: Invincible Black Ich???
12/11/07 Bob, <Lane> Thank you for the input. Just to
answer your question, the dips were approx. 10 minutes.
<Gosh... these should have "done it"...> Anyway,
you recommended a different Prazi treatment or placing the fish
in the display tank and hoping for the best. I don't want to
do this as I have a yellow tank <Tang I'll take it...>
as well. I would feel much better keep my display free of issues.
<I see> What do you think about Jungle Buddies Parasite
Clear. It contains Active ingredients: Praziquantel;
N-[[(N-Chlorophenyl) amino] carbon 1]-2,6-difluorobenzamide;
Metronidazole; acriflavine - Water ??? <The last as a
carrier/diluent... I do think this product would work as well>
It sounds reasonable, but I does not say anything about saltwater
Compatability. Thanks again. <All the ingredients are fine for
use in seawater... NOT in your main system though. BobF>
