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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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Corythoichthys flavofasciatus (Ruppell 1838), the Network
Pipefish. Indo-Pacific. To six inches in length. One of the hardier
"creeping" types of Pipes. French Polynesia 2018 |
Neoniphon sammara (Forsskal 1775), the
Sammara Soldierfish. Indo-Pacific, Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands. To about
a foot long. An occasional import. French Polynesia 2018 |
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Sargocentron microstoma, the Smallmouth Squirrelfish (Gunther
1859). Indo-Pacfic; Seychelles to Tuamotus. Hawaii. French Polynesia 2018 |
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Acanthurus pyroferus Kittliz 1834, the
Chocolate Surgeonfish. Indo-Pacific; Seychelles to the French
Polynesia, down to the GBR. To ten inches in length. A successful
mimic of three (four if you count C. vrolikii in Palau where C.
flavissimus is absent and it mimics the other!) Centropyge Angels. French Polynesia 2018 |