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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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Bohadschia argus
Jager 1833, the Ocellated Sea Cucumber. Western Indian Ocean;
Madagascar, Seychelles to Sri Lanka. Pacific Ocean; Malay Archipelago to
South Pacific Islands. Needs large quarters than captivity allows. To
two feet in length. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
Limaria fragilis Gmelin
1791, the Fragile File Shell. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Japan, Australia.
Takes a beating if stocked with many types of fishes, crustaceans. Needs
to be inserted in rock cover. A thumbnail size one in Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Limaria fragilis Gmelin
1791, the Fragile File Shell. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Japan, Australia.
Takes a beating if stocked with many types of fishes, crustaceans. Needs
to be inserted in rock cover. A thumbnail size one in Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
Leucetta chagosensis Dendy 1913 the aptly name Lemon
Sponge. Large mouths with raised margins... to about 4 inch colonies
maximum. Fr. Polynesia 2018. |