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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
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Pachyseris speciosa (Dana 1846). One sided colony faces, with
regular ridging. Most common member of the genus. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
Pavona cf. chiriquensis, small encrusting colonies with few cm.
irregular, randomly spaced bumps. Corallites are small and not
regularly spaced between the bumps. The bumps have small ridges on their
sides. Generally a shade of brown or grey. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Pavona cactus (Forsskal 1775). Cactus Coral.
Thin, twisted two-sided upright fronds. Corallites very small, arranged in
irregular rows. Fr. Polynesia 2018 |
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Montastrea curta (Dana 1846),
Colonies may be spherical, columnar or flattened. Corallites appear
circular and are widely spaced or closely compacted. Width of calices
varies greatly, this variation mostly occurring between, rather than
within, colonies. Long and short septa alternate. Small paliform lobes
are usually developed. (AIMS). Fr. Polynesia 2018 |