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Next Installment: Retail Success With Aquatic Plants: Maintenance Last installment: Success With Aquatic Plants 3: A Good
Selection Live plants husbandry is an
enormously wide field that is poorly to
totally undeveloped in a large part of the aquatic life keeping
hobbies. In Europe, aquatic gardening is more popular than fishes;
there are some strictly aquatic plant stores,
selling carbon dioxide infusion systems, expensive specialty lighting
and a regimen of chemical treatments for underwater
gardening. In the U.S., per unit unit,
aquatic horticulture is in a state of infancy, with some
"hot-spots" of local growth and talent. What is lacking
in this area is baseline knowledge and motivation; availability of
suitable plant materials and technologies to help them flourish. This
is a strong growth area (pun intended) where hobbyists can easily
underwrite costs by sales and distribution of excess plants. Through
these three articles we hope to encourage appropriate selection,
treatment, and application of these plants. Introduction: There are several
hundred species and cultivars of usable aquatic plants available to the
hobby world-wide, year in & out. In addition, there are many
questionable "house-plants" and other "materials"
sold as aquarium plant-decorations that are entirely inappropriate and
are to be avoided (Fenner and Pitcairn 1987). class=Section4> These plants include both natives and exotics
from all over the world. Identification, as with fishes, is confusing
in some ways due to many names, both common and scientific, being
applied to one particular type of plant. Lucid arguments for live aquarium plants have been offered over the years in the aquatics hobby and business literature (Fenner and Fenner, 1982). To mention a few of the more important benefits: they aid in nutrient removal and cycling, oxygen production, Carbon dioxide reduction during daylight hours when the fish are most active; they provide food, hiding & "fun" space. All in all they make the aquatic habitat more suitable and stable. For you, the aquatics keeper, the tangible results are healthier fishes, more beautiful, natural aquaria, enhanced habitats and more success as a hobbyist. How to go about this? Read o Set Up: For the most part, if
you've taken care to set up your system well, selected healthy
stock, most of the "best-selling" plant species will live
well and long enough to out-grow your tanks, and ponds and possibly
reproduce. We are going to walk you through a few embellishments/tricks
to boost plant well-being, appearance &
multiplication. Plant
Tanks: Your plants can and should be raised in
aquaria that fish and invertebrates are kept in. The activity of fish
swimming around will serve to keep dirt an algae from settling and
growing on the leaves. Some fishes and non-fishes are too rough on most
plants and there are other valid reasons for having mainly a plant
tank. Plant tanks are easier to
maintain on their own, make beautiful displays & are easier to
optimize by themselves. Size &
Shape: As large and many tanks and
tubs as possible & practical; twelve inches deep with some tank
space to eighteen inches or deeper for taller plants. Some
"dither" fish should be added since the plants do better when
fish are present, even in a highly planted tank. Substrate:
A fine washed gravel of two to three inches
depth will do. The gravel should be chemically inert to slightly
calcareous; not dolomite, marble or marl. Colored, coated gravels may
be used, but fine (1/8"-1/16", #8 or #1) natural gravel is
less expensive and more neutral in color, showing off the fishes and
plants. Some people mix and/or bury organic (e.g.
African violet potting mixture) & inorganic
nutrient-source-materials in and under the gravel. These potting soils
are intended for terrestrial plants and often contain buoyant material
that will float up out of the gravel and make a real mess. Also, the
chemical fertilizers made for gardens and houseplants are unsuitable to
use in aquaria and may result in algae problems or even dead fish and
plants. If you wish to grow a real
"natural" "Leiden-Style" aquarium with lush,
established foliage that it entails, you will want to use some
supplements in the gravel, but make sure they are suitable for aquatic
use. Tetra has a very good program for this treatment; see their
materials through your distributor and read of other technology through
the bibliography offered at the end of this series. In general
"soil supplements" are not necessary in most settings
and create more of a mess than they're worth; tap water and fish
wastes will provide all the nutrients generally needed. See our
suggestions regarding periodic maintenance including periodic
fertilization. Nutrients: Aquatic plants have essentially the same
nutritional requirements as land plants; oxygen, carbon dioxide, water,
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and numerous trace
elements. The first four nutrients are readily available
in your set-up. If you're into organic gardening, nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium may be minimally supplied by keeping
some display fishes in your plant tanks. Trace
elements will be supplied through water changes, fish food and the
gravel. Much better short and long
term results can be had by using Plantabbs, Florapride or other similar
industry product. Be careful of using houseplant or garden fertilizers
as they are often formulated differently, are highly concentrated and
can easily pollute your system. Water: Conditioned tap water is the best. Treat it
with a chloramine and heavy-metal neutralizer. If the system is being
set-up for the first time, a bacterial starter culture or some
"mulm" from an established system should be added to aid
initially in expedient nutrient/fertilizer cycling. If you have a recirculating
"central" filter system it is strongly suggested that you leave your plant tanks off of
it. Medications, salts, diseases, parasites & pests may be
restricted in this
Chemistry: We have not mentioned measuring or adjusting pH, DH et al. for good reasons. For the most part, these are secondary factors and your end-users, customers, will be using about the same water as you. Often, attempts to adjust water chemistry worsen plant vitality. Extremes should be avoided, alkaline gravel for example, but otherwise pH & hardness should not be a problem. Undergravel filtration is undesirable; a
filter with some circulation and a little aeration is preferable. An
air-lift powered box filter will do except in densely populated fish
tanks where some additional power filtration will help compensate
for the effects of broken roots and leaves rotting away all around the
plants. Regarding undergravel
filters: many rooted aquatic plants do not do well with them. If you
must place rooted plants in systems with undergravel filters, blind-pot
them or lay a sheet of saran or plastic over the plate in their
area. Heating: In almost all plant species,
room temperature is fine. If it's comfy for you, most plants will
prosper. Seventy to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit is right in
there. Lighting: Very
important; the area
where most wanna be aquatic horticulturists fail. Most systems
don't have enough (photostrength), broad spectrum, especially
red-end spectrum (photoquality) illumination on long enough
(photoperiod). Without getting too detailed, most problems of adequate
lighting can be ameliorated by having more
light (3-5 watts per gallon). How? If you use fluorescent lighting, put
an extra fixture on with a bulb with more phosphor/surface area if
possible. If you can, add some incandescent lighting for red-end
spectrum. Some of the newer lighting equipment and fixtures featured in
hobby and science publications are very appropriate technology if you
can afford them. If all else fails, the least expensive dual shop-light
with soft-white lamps will work. Put these lights on a 12-16
hour per day light cycle with an automatic
timer. Regular, long light-days work miracles. Some or full sunlight may be
desirable but impractical due to the vicissitudes of nature; if you use
"solar", augment it with supplemental
lighting. Educate Yourself: Learn the living conditions,
both range and optimal factors for your plants as you do for you finny
aquatic charges & try to accommodate them. It's easy and
profitable. See the bibliography at the end of this series for further
reading and read the popular periodical
literature. Buy
Quality: Find reputable sources for plants through your
existing and new dealers. There are many good growers, distributors and
retailers. Check through your local hobbyist organizations for stock.
Many tropical fish societies actually have Horticultural Award Programs
for promoting and recognizing excellence in the aquatic plant
field. Many problems with aquatic plants start
with and come from buying stock that is dead or dying. Poor shipping
& storage methods (e.g. without light) are all too common among
dealers who otherwise care well for their fishes. Check out your
sources by questioning and visiting their facilities. Stems, roots and leaves
should be firm and color should be good. Check the bottom of sword
plant petioles (leaf stems); if this part has turned brown, the whole
leaf is dead and might as well be removed. A quick test is to hold up
the sword plant right side up and see how many leaves fall more than 45
degrees from vertical. These may not be completely dead, but
they're on their way. Swords, Sagittaria,
Vallisneria and Cryptocoryne should be well-rooted with crisp, white
roots. Back
Home: Inspect the plants carefully. Rinse and remove
extraneous and dead plant materials. Check for leech eggs and snail
eggs (amber-colored capsules or gelatinous masses) and if found, scrape
them off with your finger nail. Also remove any gravel or sand-snails
from between the leaves by holding the plant upside down underwater and
moving it up and down gently. A method of using aluminum sulfate (alum)
as a disinfectant will be discussed will be discussed in the next
installment. Remember to get the plants
into water as soon as possible, and when planting sword, Sagittaria, and Vallisneria, be sure the crown of the plant (the
point where the leaves and roots come together) is at the surface of the gravel and don't get any gravel
in-between the leaves, as this will kill the plant. Next Installment: Retail Success With Aquatic Plants: Maintenance Last installment: Success With Aquatic Plants 3: A Good
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