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Ontario Retailer
5/8/14 Expanding my maintenance company
3/7/13 To swap or not to Swap? Frag momma frag, whatcha gonna
do? 10/1/11 Fish Merchandising cards? 8/5/11 Marineland Promotion: 1/7/11 Re: Fish retail piece 12/10/10 Neale's drive-about/UK, the petfish industry
7/30/2010 Coral Business Question 1/8/10 Aquarium Service Advertising. 09/14/09 Re: Aquarium Service Advertising. --
09/14/09 Guidance... Petfish, life 08/18/2008 Robert <Ron> This is an email intended for you but please anyone chime in. I am looking for brainstorming and I am not about causing dissention from your guidance. <Okay> I am trying to make sense of the things I have learned in the last 2 years and put in their proper place the things that are wives tales, myth, misinformation and things that work that supposedly are not suppose to. <Again, I understand this preface> I am new to this life controlling endeavor of saltwater reef keeping and I will be the first to say that when my daughter wanted a fish tank, that with my previous experience with freshwater I did all I could to get her to choose saltwater, because if I could spend the rest of my life as a reef inhabitant I would. (The Incredible Mister Limpet) <Thrummmm!> Why does it seem LFS managers do not take the charge seriously as professionals or do they just let themselves get worn down with all the redundant questions. <A bit of both in my observation... more the latter in recent years> Which brings up another thought as why don't they see a money making idea that seems to scream at me'¦ hold class once a week or month on saltwater keeping, it would build client knowledge and keep them in the LFS as returning customers as well as create more revenue opportunities. <Mmmm... very likely has a good deal to do with A) Human nature, B) Market forces, economics that tend to sort, choose the types of folks that gravitate toward such positions, "careers", C) A lack of vision, drive per the above influences... More I could add, but I'd like to propose instead that you go forward and help the LFS's about with organizing such. I myself think it's way past time for the stores to not have on-site computers, with reference sites readily linked, to inform, inspire their customers, along with their staffs' input. Your turn.> When I first started my Tank I made the mistake of going to a local large franchise pet store and listening to 'their resident expert' and walked away with a 30 gal tank, a fluval 205, a protein skimmer, thermometer, heater, artificial rock castle (which killed my first fish), bag of salt and some starter bacteria, oh yes and a 10w light fixture. Up front all things that for a beginner seems like what you need but all things I replaced within the first year as my knowledge increased. <Have heard worse...> Am I wrong in saying reef keeping is kind of like computers'¦ double the recommended size? <Mmm, interesting comparison... maybe so> Back to the first fish, yes'¦ a sergeant damsel added 2 weeks later after only the starter bacteria was added and ammonia levels where '0' he immediately swam into the castle never to be seen live again. I felt horrible, but the ammonia level never changed? It was trapped in the non circulating water in the castle which is probably how and why the damsel got trapped and died. I threw away the castle and bought live rock directly from a display tank and a clown, hippo tang, and the elegant coral. <Yowch!> The history of which you guys are aware of, as luck would have it I still only had the 10w lighting system. I put it in a crevasse in my live rock point down (as it was in the LFS) in a water flow area under the return from the skimmer, it doubled in size. As I read up on the elegance I realized 'I had done it wrong' so I put it in a non water flow area of my tank point down in the sand, where it immediately began to recede. It got to the point where it was a quarter inch long and less than an eighth of an inch wide and separated in the middle, inside it's clam shell. Now a little while before this I had bought a 130watt pc light so I do not know if it was the change in light or change back to old location, but one and a half years later it is over 10 inches wide and green tent all the way across the base with purplish tentacles and solid purple tips and an excellent fleshy skin covering the clam shell base. I wonder how many people know this is suppose to exist, I have yet to see this in the LFS or the net. I now have a 50 gal tank, a 405 Fluval filter, 2 inches of sand, 35 lbs of live rock (Fiji / Solomon'¦lite and porous) and am being choosy about adding more, Chiller, UV filter, current 156 watt F-5 light system, and every 3 weeks I use a vortex filter, and R/O water filter. At present time I have not done a water change in 6 weeks and plan on not dong one for 9 weeks total, my filter has not been cleaned for 3 week intervals and I am having less problems than back when I was doing weekly water changes and filter cleaning. And yes I am buffering with dKH and Purple up and adding iodide; so far this is where my knowledge has me and I am still working on learning more chemistry. <Good> I do not have nearly the hair algae problems or glass algae green or brown. Use to be I would clean glass in the morning and I would get home and the glass would be covered, my chemistry was perfect (had it checked by one of the largest fish stores on the east coast'¦ full testing) they where amazed when I told them the problems I was having. Now I clean the glass about every 5 days minor film. UV and Diatom filter, I was actually talked out of buying them by a worker at the LFS. I say with as strong emphasis as I can muster, buy them and use them. I have a ton of mushroom coral, metallic green star polyp, a Duncanopsammia Axifuga Colony (that started as 2 polyps and is now 13 :>), a sponge, 7 feather dusters, and a clam (the last 3 have all grown on their own, out of nowhere) and oh yeh the elegance. 7 coughs, 5 emerald crabs. Now for what you are going to beat me up about if you have not already :>) 2 hippo tangs (which have gotten allow swimmingly from the beginning), 2 clowns which have made a great home in the elegance, royal Gramma, Bicolor Pseudochromis (yes they get along very well, they have made homes on opposite sides of the tank and sometimes even swim together), Lawnmower Blenny, Splendid Mandarin, Scooter blenny, both where thin when I got them and have gotten FAT since then and are eating very well. I think that is all I have, please your input is very much appreciated and listened to and followed up on. <Much life can be purposely crowded into captive systems... "successively"> Again I hope you do not get tired of hearing this but, I am very much appreciative that you started this site and that ALL who have joined in to help and ask the questions and discussions (good and bad), have helped me as well as others, not to mention the inhabitants of our tanks. Ron :>) <Perhaps one day you'll join us too. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Information on Organizations willing to defend against the Abuse of Fish 4/24/08 Hello! My name is Samantha Anderson and I live in Sidney, Nebraska. I am writing to tell you of a situation that is really upsetting. Recently our local Wal-Mart store has decided that it is unnecessary to have gravel in their fish tanks, and so they removed all the gravel, rock, sand, etc. from the bottoms of all of their fish tanks. At the same time they decided that it was unnecessary to have so many small tanks with feeder goldfish, so they moved all of the fish from their only large fish tank to other smaller fish tanks and put over 1,000 feeder goldfish in the larger fish tank. As you probably have already figured out this managed to kill off and is still killing many fish. I also question their understanding of fish in general since there have been numerous times that I have seen fish in a tank that included their predator. For example: smaller Goldfish with Oscars. If that is their idea of display then it is grossly disturbing! Since Wal-Mart is the only fish supplier in our town I really don't know who to ask for support to stop this. Not only is this neglectful and abusive to remove the habitat from their tanks it also reduces the quality and life of every fish that has to suffer through this. This needs to stop now. I appreciate the time you have taken to read this email. Thank you. Samantha Anderson <I sense your frustration, and applaud your concern and efforts to address/fix this situation. Not just Wal-Mart, but other chains, even independents have displayed woeful ignorance in their choice of "assortments" (e.g. Green Spotted Puffers... a notorious fin-nipping brackish species... sold as freshwater community...), mis-stocking, and poor management practices. As far as I'm aware, the sorts of laws and institutions that protect companion animals (e.g. dogs, cats), farm animals... do not (as yet) apply to ornamental aquatics. Nonetheless, I DO encourage your popularization of this situation (the local media) and writing to corporate management... And, of course, the striking of purchasing these animals, perhaps all products, services from such outlets in protest. Vote with your dollars and feet. Again, my congratulations to you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> New <actually...> biz idea, "Tanks (Love) For Sale..." TV ads ineffectiveness 7/7/07 My name is Joseph and I am from SF Bay Area California. I have a business idea I want to run by you guys. <Okay> I want to start a Rent-to-Own aquarium business. Targeting the mid income public. <Good idea... we did this for almost two decades> Using Television commercial. <Mmmm, not likely at all to be "cost-benefit useful"> Full service hands free packages, I know the rent to own business and I was into the hobby for about 5 years. I know how addictive and gratifying it can be. I also know the work and responsibility. I feel I can offer the plusses of the hobby without the hard messy stuff. Has anyone tried this? <A few folks, companies over the years, yes> I cant find any businesses like this and have never seen anything like it. Especially advertised on TV. <Our trade, ornamental aquatics, HAS used this medium (mainly Tetra's (under Ulrich Baensch and WLA's stewardship) co-op ad programs years back... But, as stated, there's not enough 'catch per unit effort' to warrant such expense... Perhaps targeted ads in the local mag.s for home improvement... Attending professional trade shows... Placements in kiosks of sorts in large shopping malls with the demography of population you perceive your customer base to be made of... We/Nature Etc. Inc. used these last three to economic advantage... Bob Fenner> Thanks for your time, Joseph Before I Mail These Out... Service, etailing promotion... FWIW/Alternatives - 05/01/07 First of all, thanks for the response on my last marketing question. I've decided to start marketing my saltwater-only store by using direct mail to get my tri-fold brochures (very colorful of course) out to the customers with the greatest potential. <Good idea> Please stop me if something doesn't sound right, and/or if you have anything that I'm missing. In hopes of boosting immediate sales (and possibly service accounts), I'm considering on targeting the following: -Doctors, Physicians, Hospitals, etc. -Dentists, Orthodontists, Oral Surgeons, etc. -Lawyers(?), people with "disposable" income, etc. <A good target audience> I wish I could find a list of "The most likely places to see an aquarium", but my search fell short, so I'm going on assumption only. In the smaller towns of Michigan, saltwater aquariums are scarce, so I don't see first hand where the aquariums should be. Please let me know if there are any obvious ones I'm missing. <Mmm... well... do think there is more "bang for the buck" to be had by building your site... having time go by... offering "bonuses" to your existing customers for their help... tie-in sales> In addition to boosting immediate sales, I also want to build relationship with other businesses, in order to generate some future sales. I want to reach the following business, just to let them know there is someone in the area with the expertise, and so they keep us in mind if any requests came from clients and/or if they just want to put an over-the-top aquarium into a new project: -Architects -Builders -Engineers -Contractors -Interior Designers/Decorators <Good thinking...> I guess I'm not sure who is the most responsible for putting an aquarium into a design/project, but I'm guessing that most of the businesses I listed would influence the decision in some way. Again, let me know if you'd make any changes to my list of "future business" targets. <Not targets... but the means stated... is expensive, and don't think the ROE (return on effort) will be there> I'd just hate to miss out on an enormous aquarium installation, just because a builder didn't know we existed. I wanted to run these by you and get your thoughts before I "pull the trigger". Thanks again Bob! <Welcome... Am back in San Diego, and sending out billings today. If you folks want to stay on WWM, do make a payment today, or we'll be dropping you. BobF> Saltwater Marketing 2/20/07 I purchased a saltwater-only store in a very small Michigan town about a year ago, and I'm looking to grow the business. <Good> Our first year was somewhat of a "break even" type of year, but we have made a lot of worth-while improvements. <Also> Now that the improvements have been made, I really want to concentrate on marketing the business. Because the store is in a very small town, there is minimal traffic, and a majority of our customers come from a city or two away. I have a degree in marketing so this should be an easy thing for me to figure out myself, but who is my target market? <And perhaps more importantly, "Who can you make your Target Customer"... and how> I've been going cross-eyed trying to find the answer on your website (maybe I just have to look a little harder?). <Heeeee! Likely not (that) much there...> I read that saltwater is more of a "big city" and freshwater is more of a "small town" type of market, but that's all the info I've come up with. <Mmm, much more that larger population centers have a bigger sub-set of folks with more "disposable" (love that term) income> If I could find out who I need to target in my advertising, I'll be able to take it from there. <Mmmm, may need to, want to change your presentation... but likely a bit of educational/inspirational curve here... to foreshorten time-wise> Before I purchased the store, my initial thought was that my target market would be people with a lot of money (maybe I'm watching too much TV and see the celebrities with the big aquariums), but my customer base seems to be somewhat of the opposite. Is this just my store, or is that usually the case? <Could be... but unless the region is outright depauperate... no avocations... there is hope... "Fish and liquor stores do well during hard times"> Just looking for a little advice. Thank you, Adam <A bit of insight here... I'd look for help in putting tog. a survey (anonymous) at your store... with the help of a local H.S. business class student or two... or even College... or even better the SBA (we used their retired executives outreach years back with great result)... asking who they are income wise, what they keep, how long they've been in the hobby, how they came to be in it... How they suggest reaching your target customer... And making more of this latter... through participation (production?) of a local and/or online hobbyist group... Met some fantastic folks in the retail side in SC last week... one young fellow produces an online newsletter every Tuesday! Do you have such a database? How might you develop this? Bob Fenner> Partnerships with local establishments... Where pond service and retail cooperate to all's benefit 1/14/07 Hello Bob, <Hey there Brian!> Your passion for this industry is infectious to say the least! Thank you for sharing all your experience and resources, a true well spring and boon for us all! I have been operating an aquarium and water garden design, installation and maintenance business, out of my home, for several years now. <... and I did the same as you are likely aware> I was thinking about going retail, but have diverted that thought to partnering with local retailers and offering my services to them. So far so GOOD! <Yes... and retail is really hard... Harder than stand-up comedy IME!> I have been in concert with two retailers, a garden shop for the water garden business and an aquarium shop for both the water garden and aquarium business (I am providing my aquarium maintenance service to their customers). My problem is that I am having some difficulty getting these wonderful establishments to carry the water garden parts and pieces. They love the enhancement the water garden display brings to their establishments, aesthetics and all, but are not willing to take the next step and start stocking the drygoods. <Mmm... this will likely come... with growth of both your and their businesses... in the warming months... this season or next...> I have entertained the thought of occupying some floor space, maybe on a rent basis and put my money where my mouth is and carry the items for retailing purposes. <Mmm> This is where it gets sticky. There are all kinds of issues that run across my mind with this proposal. Commission on sales, keeping track of sales, cost to me for floor space, having an individual staff my space, etc. . I am trying to have a great access point to send my current and future customers to, so they can have a nice "retail" experience and hopefully round out my "fullserviceness". What are your thoughts on this matter. Is it a bad proposition for my current business model, which is to be a full service, service company? <Well... for one, kudos on your apparent drive, ambition... and direction... When do you sleep? And... secondly... I would not go the renting space, providing drygoods route here... Too likely to be real troubles with jealousy twixt all the other outlets... and as you state, not easy to monitor your/their inventory... I myself encourage your ongoing efforts at encouraging the stores to stock more... and make offers to help them with presentation/s... Like free in-store pitches on water garden design, installation... stocking, maintenance... Perhaps an offer to build, place a small sample pond (we used to have Tetra 32 mil liners on sort of "Lincoln Log" emplacements in our retail shops... Maybe to help them plan an end-cap display with pond-oriented merchandise... Foods, water treatments... to a few pumps (like the Luft) filters, large nets... for the "pond season"... You can even look for some help with all this with some of the larger manufacturers and distributors...> Will it somehow start conflicting with my current loose "partnering" situation with these establishments, and maybe create a future strain? <Yes... I think this is too much a possibility> Your sage advice would be much appreciated! Brian Dahle The Fishman Aquarium and Water Garden Services www.fishmanservices.com <Remember... persistence pays... Hope to meet you on the pet-fish high and by-ways. Bob Fenner> Clams (for sale) Hi Bob, Thanks for adding my link to your site. :) I appreciate your support. Saw Scott at SDC this past Thursday and he is getting a nice shipment in a few weeks, now you know I will be there. <Like Xmas, Bdays for adults> This is a lot of work but am enjoying it. Take a long time to answer e-mail regarding clams and posting pictures but I want to get the name ClamsDirect out. :) Household name for clams buyers. :) <Mmm... do keep building your "brand"... I would suggest you consider placing small, strategic ads in FAMA, having a considerable, substantive website. Bob Fenner> Best Regards, Barry Re: clams I am joining AMDA, I think it is good and maybe be some good advertising for us. What's you thinking on this? GREAT thought about FAMA ! Barry <Hello, this is Steven Pro. I am one of the guys that helps Bob answer his emails. I am leaving this email for Bob to respond to, too, but I figured I would give you my two cents. I am a former Board Member for AMDA and a current regular member and I would not encourage people to join. I will not be renewing my membership. Your money will be better spent elsewhere. -Steven Pro> Re: clams I am joining AMDA, I think it is good and maybe be some good advertising for us. What's you thinking on this? <Mmm, the American Marinelife Dealer's Association is at a lull... not much of any advertising value here. But worthwhile to involve oneself in the industry> GREAT thought about FAMA ! Barry <Do include an image or two... perhaps get a friend to write up "your business story" as an article... A tremendous boost. At some point we can/should talk over your carrying Knops' Clam Book, a few other titles (they don't die!) and Calcium Reactors of a line or two... and the great consumable products which are feeder stocks and supplements... All important and profitable tie-ins. Bob Fenner> Re: clams Thanks Steve for your input. <You are welcome.> Most hobbyist do not know what AMDA is. <Correct, it will get you very little publicity. The membership is only $50 per year, but for that you get next to nothing; listing on their website and a VERY occasional newsletter. I also strongly disagree with the current leadership and the direction the organization is taking. Sincerely, Steven Pro> Re: clams Boy you are funny. :) " They don't die" <Keep this statement in mind as your "livestock" business progresses> I have wrote to Daniel a few times and has been helpful in answering some of my question regarding something he states in his book, "Giant Clams" I also drop him a note saying what I was going to do with my business, never replied. <A shame... he may not have received your note. Jules/TLF distributes the one title in the west (DianaF the rest of Knop Products)> I am sure he has heard this before and thinks this is another hobbyist trying to dabble in this kind of thing. Not true on this end. Spent several hours making a business plan and setting up the proper equipment to better house the clams before shipping. Had my shipping boxes examined by FedEx testing facility to help in shipping to avoid some lose. <Mmm, good> A lot of business start off small but can turn into a big business if willing to devote the time and some money which I am willing to do. Being in business I also know that you have to have some folks willing to work with you like Scott and a few others. You of course. :) I was telling Scott the other day that by years end my marketing plan is to have approx. 300 clams in stock at all times. Don't think he believe me. <He should. SDC goes through MANY clams> From the 48 shipments that I had done in the past 3 week, I have had nothing but praise in regards to my product and customer service. I have always thought word of mouth advertising is the best advertising. <Ah, good> Any comments from you or feed back as to how to better do things, I ALWAYS have a opened mine. <A trait to be praised, emulated and cultured. Bob Fenner> Regards, Barry See my new "Banner" :) Using Printed Handouts 9/27/06 Hello, I've been reading your website and I love it. Lots of great information. Thanks a lot for putting it together. I am starting an aquarium business (the only one in my area!), and I have printed up a few handouts for hopeful customers. I will be selling, setting up and doing maintenance for saltwater aquariums. In your "using printed handouts" article, you said that we could use one of yours for ideas (or to 'copy it shamelessly') I cannot seem to find one on your website, unless I'm just not looking in the right spot. Your help is greatly appreciated. Butch Marek <They're there... in the Aquatics Business subweb... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/AqBizSubWebIndex/Biz%20Index/Biz%20index.htm see in the tray under "Marketing..." Bob Fenner> Statute (perhaps height?) limitations, retail ad. campaign idea to share, selection service sought for marines 5/2/06 Hello Mr. Fenner Crazy to think that someone of you statute will be actually corresponding with me! :) :) <Heeee!> couple of things... but before background... am a LFS worker/manager in a salt only store. 1) For the summer time slumps my company does a "frequent fliers club card" every $10 spent on livestock gets customers 1 stamp after 20 stamps $20 off any live stock... keeps profit margins and keeps customers coming back for more ... stamps that is :):) maybe pass it along. <Neat. Will do> 2) My employer is currently seeking a cherry picker as the companies that we have been dealing with for 12+ years is not meeting the standards of our competition ... any personal contact info would be appreciated sincerely Brian Borate <Mmm... do you know the folks at Fish Heads? Bob Fenner> Consumer Activism (and if you drive with your fish, be sure to belt up) - 12/1/05 Hi Bob, <John with you today filling in> This is an important letter to circulate. I thank you for sending a link when it is published so I can further circulate this..... <I honestly don't know if this will be published... I expect it might, but with no express or implied support of your views. Certainly not on my part. If it is published, you may find it on the dailies> <<All is posted unless specifically directed not to. Marina>> Subject: Boycott Tetra -- a Bad Corporate Citizen! I first saw the call to boycott Tetra when the movie 'Finding Nemo' came out. Tetra's spokesperson, Carol Huntley-Weber, appeared on CBS's The Early Show and plopped 2 clownfish and 2 seahorses into a bowl of tap water. She made no mention of the salt needed. No doubt, the animals died. <This has already well publicized. I was quite appalled to hear about it.> Carol, the spokesperson for the largest fish food company in the country, obviously knows nothing about keeping fish. Now I have discovered that Tetra spent over $100,000 to support monster truck racing. You can Google the phrase 'Tetra monster trucks' to see photos of the Tetra sponsored trucks. Tetra's support for these gas guzzling, air polluting vehicles does absolutely nothing to help the aquarium hobby and the hobbyists who make Tetra wealthy! <Hmmmmmm> Even more astounding, Tetra spent $750,000 to purchase from Nickelodeon the manufacturing rights for children's toys. The toys were based on a TV program, Fairly Odd Parents, which shows kids riding in a car while talking to a cartoon fish in a fish bowl that was just sitting on the back seat. These toy products have received terrible ratings from consumers. <I am sure that will send a much larger message to Tetra than this rather ill-conceived letter> I wonder how many more fish may have been killed and how many more kids were misled by this nonsense. <Why? I've been driving around in monster trucks with fish in bowls on the back seat. Is there something wrong with that? The Tetra ads told me to! :P> The irony is that Tetra, with $266 million in sales a year, does absolutely nothing to support our fish hobbyist forums and websites. Yet, Tetra squanders amazing sums of money on hobbyist disinformation featuring stunningly ignorant spokespeople and ridiculous schemes that pollute the environment. <They indeed may not have the fish's best interest at heart. I cannot comment on that. But they are in the business of marketing to potential hobbyists. In attracting more newcomers to the hobby, they are directly benefiting the trade and the stores we rely on. This benefits us.> Tetra is a bad corporate citizen! That is why I am boycotting Tetra and I invite others to do the same. Circulate this letter and email to consumer@tetra-fish.com <This may have to be edited out. Marina? Sabrina?> <<No, but I may have something even better (outside of going to their site and calling the (800) number). http://www.tetra-fish.com/ENEWSROOM/index.asp - with a person's name and phone and everything. Found via Google (but be careful, there is another Tetra, not at all associated with fish). Marina>> to let them know that you are appalled by this irresponsible behavior and that you expect better from them!!! <I would encourage you to think from Tetra's viewpoint here. I am not saying or implying that I endorse (or do not endorse -- how's that for disclaimer verbiage?) what they do, simply that, in my experience, a scathing letter like this is not likely to be effective in achieving your goals.> <<Maybe not a single letter, but if it grows, it can be very effective. However, the best vote is with your dollars. If you disapprove of their methods, actions, etc., then don't buy Tetra products. Marina>> Jeff Stevens <Jeff, this is all just my opinion, and I have no idea what the reaction of other WetWebMedia crew members will be. Perhaps they will comment on this also? Thanks for the e-mail. Best regards, John> <<Mmm, I guess I will... Tetra, as owned by Warner Lambert was a good company (IMO of course), supporting, growing the hobby, industry... they do (currently) have a nice, informative website, circulars... I do agree with the "Nemo incident"... RMF>> Marketing, Networking, Visiting, and Dinner 11/3/05 Hi Bob, Are you back in SD? <Yep, just back late last night> I have finally opened my store, only with livestock I had since before and I have not yet been up to LA. I wanted to get some initial traffic on the site before buying a lot. Hopefully someone will soon find the store. <I see> I have relisted the domain with all major search engines and reefs.org (just a link). Apparently reefs.org or reefcentral don't feature banner ads anymore or at least I could not find any. <Strange... thought this is how they made their big bongo bucks> <<Me, too. I'd try to contact Chucker to solve this problem, RDO does seem to have banner ads. Check out this page: http://www.reefs.org/sponsor.html MH>> Next comes decisions how else to spend ad bucks. Directed ads on reef websites seem better than pay per click listings on Google. I looked on Wetwebmedia and although it probably gets a lot of traffic, as you told me, only a few advertisers were listed. Is the right side ads $200 per month as listed? <Yes... but am still doubtful that this is money well spent for you at this present time> Magazine ads are expensive but may reach many people. What would you recommend? <That we chat. James Fatherree is visiting... picking him up tomorrow night... Let's get together. BobF> Tapio Thanks and a favor 11/2/05 Hi Bob. First thanks for the post a couple months back about our new retail store in Tulsa and employment. We received several calls/emails about jobs for fishgeeks. I finally got our new web site up and would really appreciate it if you could give a section of it 30 minutes of your time. You may not remember me [If I said this in my last email to you sorry to waste your time] but we met on a couple of occasions during my employment as sales manager of Seachem and Sera. <Do recall> I have been in this hobby and industry for 20 years and have written lots of stuff I never exposed to anyone other than my Dell. <A shame... perhaps not too late...> The last 5 years of my life was in Atlanta running a service / custom aquarium business. I finally put thoughts, theories, ideas [what I call maintenance articles] on our new site for the shop in Tulsa. <Outstanding> I have always put hobbyists into 3 categories beginning, intermediate, and expert [the later term used lightly]. These articles were written exclusively for beginning and intermediate hobbyists. Thus the reason for this email. I really enjoy your writing. I am not a writer, according to my wife just a fishgeek. <Both are developmental (disorders...) traits/qualities/talents> In your opinion, am I missing anything for the new guys. The focus of our new business is to encourage more people to get into the hobby [like most retailers]. We have a pretty aggressive marketing campaign scheduled to kick off in about 3 weeks. I wrote this stuff because over the years I heard the same thing... love to have a tank but they are a pain in the a--. I wanted to put a reference guide to the most common questions and problems for beginners and intermediates on our site. Any thoughts about what we are missing for these folks would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the extended babble. Very best Scott M. Kosciolek President Premier Aquatics of Oklahoma By the way I think I have already caught just not updated the misspellings and grammar issues. <Mmm, where's that URL? Cheers, Bob Fenner> Re: thanks and a favor 11/2/05 Sorry, it was late last night www.premieraquaticsok.com Scott <A very nice site indeed... The best I have seen of its kind/genre. I very much like the looks, the brevity of the articles, the comparison of flea infestations... Cheers, Bob Fenner> Business: Merchandising Corals Hello Friends at WWM! <Hi there Matt> I am looking for a way to more effectively price our corals. What we really want is to do underwater tags, but we're not sure quite how to go about it. <U/W? Me neither> Have you ever done this, seen it done, or simply have any brilliant ideas that would be relatively simple and effective? <Mmm, maybe labeling a "stand" of PVC pipe section... or color coding same... and sticking the coral bits, colonies on these... with a legend outside the systems?> We clean the glass on our tanks daily and no solution that requires writing on the glass is a desirable option for us. We have tried bulletin boards but naming proves difficult, and customers aren't pleased with their ability to find the price of the coral they are interested. <Good points... a common gripe> Currently, we have tags that we Velcro around the tanks, which are nice because we can provide a lot of information about the coral, but its a very difficult system to maintain and changing price based on size and health is very difficult after a tag has been made and printed. Thanks! Scott Johnson <Will ask Antoine here as well... as he has been a retailer too. Bob Fenner> - Snazzy Fish-wear & Etc. - Dear Friends at WetWebMedia, Triggerfish & Pongo have been creating nature themed art for over 20 years. Our apparel designs have been extremely successful in a variety of venues. The Nature Company and Discovery Channel Stores, among many others, have enjoyed remarkable success with our shirts, with sales exceeding 30,000 pieces per design for our bestsellers! Our designs are distinctly unique in their exquisitely fine detail and their rich vibrant colors. All of our images are beautifully screened on 100% cotton, custom color, extra-heavyweight shirts. To guarantee flawless reproduction of our art, we really do scrutinize every single print! Just ask our printer! We are pleased to announce, and invite you to visit, our new website featuring our best new designs. We are here > www.reef-rainforest.com These exceptional nature designs portray myriad fascinating and colorful creatures in their intriguing and exotic natural habitats... coral reefs, rain forests, kelp forests, mountains, plains, wetlands and woodlands. In addition to very specially priced retail selections, you'll find a gallery of our exclusive wholesale shirt designs. A very attractive price and available terms afford the opportunity to offer an extraordinary shirt at a great price. These unique designs are perfect for a wide variety of venues and interests; conservation / education programs, divers, birdwatchers, adventure travel, aquarium, zoo, and museum shops, and many more. We offer several inexpensive options for the addition of a name drop or logo. Finally, on the site is a fine nature art gallery; a collection of outstanding original art, potentially available for licensed use on a variety of products such as posters, cards, puzzles, calendars, mugs, etc. We create our art out of our real love of nature and our sincere wish to share the inspiration to protect and preserve the precious treasures of the natural world. We sincerely hope you'll take a minute to visit. Thank you and best wishes, Glen R. Smith / Patricia Smith Triggerfish & Pongo Designs www.reef-rainforest.com <Thanks for sharing. Will post on our daily FAQ and link pages and hopefully will bring some traffic your way. Cheers, J -- > Aquarium Journals Hi there Mr. Fenner, <Good to hear from you Lisa> I hope all is well with you and all your travels have been filled with good times. Well, here I am 1 year later and business is picking up, but you were correct about marketing....it really takes getting in the car and driving the US. As you know my husband and I live in San Francisco so I've got to go back to work, in addition we are working on starting a family....not very conducive to driving across country. Several suppliers are placing reorders now so the book is selling well where I have been able to place it. I think the only way to sell them now is to either find independent sales reps in the business or ask a national supplier to use their sales staff, or maybe even sell the business to someone who would like to travel. Do you have any information on these sales people? <Some... am given to suggest you consider T.F.H.... which Microcosm took the sales/distribution route with... instead> Or know someone I could call who would? As always, thank you so....much for your time, I do appreciate your help. Have a good day. Sincerely, Lisa Harwood <I doubt if the independent reps in the trade would be interested in just the one title... or that they would be able to do you much good (unless they could place the work with the mass merchandisers... Petco, PetSmart... let's say). Do consider approaching Glen Axelrod of TFH re this possibility. Bob Fenner> Aquarium Canopy Hi...I am selling my home in which I have a 55 gallon aquarium covered with a decorative custom canopy I designed and built myself...problem is... most of the prospective buyers have complimented my aquarium more than my home...not a real problem per say, but it has lead me to think that there may be a market for my canopy...any suggestions on how to market it? Thank you. <Yes. The best (simplest, least-expensive, more likely to get you results) is to place an ad in the best of the hobby zines (Freshwater and Marine Aquarium) in their classifieds... and sell the plans for such... ALONG WITH having an internet site to refer folks to examples/photos of the finished product. Bob Fenner> Aquarium Journals Hi there Mr. Fenner, <Hello Lisa> Hope all is well. Well, I have been marketing like crazy and am seeing how tough it is to get the word out..... <Yes, particularly during the "summer doldrums"> I am getting a great response to the journal but sales are slow....wanted to ask what you thought about approaching Microcosm to work a deal for distribution. <Very fine people. Do ask Mr. James Lawrence (owner, manager, chief editor) for his input (I'll cc him here). He likely has some very valuable insights> Seems like they have that all figured out. Do you think this is a good avenue to approach or should I just keep plugging away? <Always... continue to "plug away"... in addition to others co-efforts> I have also spoken with Susan Steele at FAMA magazine, they are putting me in the October issue in the Showcase section, she mentioned that you are the one that does their product reviews.....would it be possible for you to review the journal for FAMA? <I will gladly offer my input to Sue.S/FAMA if they'd like it, but the "blurb" you have is very complete for the purposes of their "Showcase"> Thank you so much for your time, I really do appreciate it. Have a great day! Sincerely, Lisa http://www.aquariumjournals.com <Bob.F just back again, from Indo., and dazed> MACNA XV Hi Mr. Fenner, <Howdy Lisa> Hope all is well. I am considering going to MACNA to promote Aquarium Journals and I remembered that you may know someone with whom I could split a booth. If you know of someone who may be interested in this could you let me know? Things are definitely starting to pick up and I think the show would help get the word out. Thanks for your time. <Good idea, venue. I took a look at the current exhibitors and the only one thus far that I think might work is Leng Sy (of Miracle Mud fame). Have cc'ed him here, and will gladly chat with both of you re the possibility of sharing a booth. Leng, Lisa only needs a few square feet of space and is a very nice person. Please do email her re this. Bob Fenner> Sincerely, Lisa Harwood Aquarium Journals.com New Business Mr. Fenner: We have recently opened up a
Saltwater Fish Store located in Roanoke, VA. <Ah,
congratulations! Welcome to the trade.> We have been open for 3
weeks and are just now starting to have some problems with one of our
Livestock suppliers. I have read your visit your website daily and have
learned a lot from you. Can you recommend any wholesale suppliers to
me. Our orders range from $1000 - $1500 per week. <Many. Do you
focus on reef organisms? If so, please contact Sea Dwelling Creatures
in Los Angeles... Let me start again. Please tell me about your store.
Size, make-up of current customer preferences, what you hope to
accomplish... and I'll gladly offer my input and assistance at
helping you make your business successful.> I would appreciate any
information you can provide me. Thanks, Kathy Rand <Chat with you
soon. Bob Fenner> Tank glow Dear Bob Hi from down under ,Bob could advise me as to have you ever seen any luminous /glow in the dark products in fish tanks . <Yes... every few years there are a few decor items (like from "Blue Ribbon", a manufacturer/reseller of such) in the trade> Reason is I've developed a paint very good if you were to compare it to any thing else to be bold it's the best of the lot water based etc. do you think there's a market in the US would value your advice. am seeing one of Australia's largest builders on Wednesday . here from you soon regards Simon <Hmm, will post your note on our sites, send it around. Don't know who you might approach directly... but do know how I would go about trying to sell this product if it were mine. The international trade show, the Interzoo is coming up in May 02... would take samples, brochures, business cards, and show it about: http://www.interzoo.com/d/index.html There are other regional shows... but this is the best. Do make some "mock-ups" and put together a web-site with images of same... have the paint checked for toxicity to fresh, marine life by an independent lab... And we'll be chatting, if not having a pint at Interzoo! Bob Fenner> Advertising of individual owned aquariums Bob, I am preparing
to sale one of my reef tanks - It's a DAS 75g glass with solid oak
stand and trim with built-in skimmer and bio filter. I have a web site
page that I would like to use to advertise the sale of the tank. Are
you aware of any Marine/Reef web sites that promote sales of individual
owned aquariums? <Am sure there are ones that do... or should
do...> I've never seen this type of service on WetWebMedia -
does it exist and I just don't know about it? <Hmm, no... not
currently at least. What part of the world are you in? Let's try
you listing this on our chatforum first: http://talk.wetwebfotos.com/
Bob Fenner> Thanks, Rocky Phillips |
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