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Perception, cognition and emotion in fish
7/27/19 Melanistic 2/27/12 Why are coral reef fish so colourful? Enhancing the gold colour in Asian Arowana --
09/03/09 Re: Enhancing the gold colour in Asian Arowana --
09/03/09 Fishes Losing Color (Inadequate Nutrition) -- 01/26/09 Hi Guys, <<Hey Brian>> I have a 330g reef tank fairly well stocked with 70g sump, weekly 50-60g water changes, ozone, skimmer, Kalk reactor, 4 x 400w HQI MH 20k. <<Cool>> I maintain good water quality and stable conditions. I have noticed many of my fish have slightly lost the vibrant color they had when introduced to the tank, mostly: Lyretail Anthias (the male and females), purple tang and Sailfin tang. The color is more faded on tangs, and on Anthias the appearance of slight darker spots on them. My blue/green Chromis, orange clownfish, and Pseudochromis still have very good color. I have been feeding: Bio-Pure mysis shrimp green seaweed <<Ah! This alone is not enough to adequately meet the nutritional requirements of your fishes and is very likely the reason for their loss of color vibrancy. Food additives can help (Selcon/Selco, Vita-Chem), but these often are abused or simply not provided due to the cost/hassle. Offering a wider selection of frozen foods would also be of benefit 'but if you do nothing else, I VERY MUCH suggest you add New Life Spectrum pellets to your fish's diet. This pelleted food is very palatable and amazingly nutritious and wholesome. I have a 375g reef display housing five Tangs from four genera. Along with an assortment of frozen foods, I provide daily offerings of the Spectrum pellets and the colors of these and all the fishes are (admittedly 'my opinion) spectacular>> I have recently switched to PE mysis due to higher protein content (although I am starting to wonder if they get higher simply due to less water mixed into cubes) and brown/green/red seaweeds. <<Still not enough>> Rarely do I use Vita-Chem and garlic additives. <<Okay>> I have also recently stopped using carbon due to suspected involvement w/ lateral-line on my tangs. <<Mmm'¦this will also likely be 'cured' with better nutrition>> I am wondering if this is likely a nutritional deficiency or what exactly is the cause? <<Very much an environmental issue 'and in this case a lack of adequate nutrition, I do believe>> Thanks a lot as always! <<Happy to assist>> Best, Bryan <<Cheers, EricR>> Re: Fishes Losing Color (Inadequate Nutrition) -- 01/27/09 Thanks a lot! <<Quite welcome Brian>> What's your opinion on plankton cubes, brine, and bloodworms? Worthless and not beneficial? <<The Brine Shrimp is of questionable value, but both the Plankton and Blood Worms are of benefit>> I'll look for those pellets. <<Please do'¦ The Spectrum food will be of great benefit to the health, vigor, and color of your fishes>> Should I continue Vita-Chem and add Selcon also? <<These can also be of benefit (the Selcon more so than the Vita-Chem, in my opinion). I use both on an infrequent basis>> I always had read brine is useless except to entice feeding initially. <<Depends'¦ Adult Brine Shrimp are mostly water with little nutritional value, but if 'gut loaded' before feeding if live, or freezing by the food manufacturer, they can be of some value. Even so, I don't think they should ever be the primary food source. Regards, EricR>> R2: Fishes Losing Color (Inadequate Nutrition) - 01/27/09 BTW I failed to mention I feed a mix of Formula One, Two, and Reef Blend w/ an automatic feeder 4 times a day. Does this change anything? <<Mmm, no'¦ Our previous discussion on the color and condition of your fishes would seem to indicate it is still not enough/is not 'doing the job.' Make sure the fish are eating this offering 'and that you are providing 'enough' of it. And I can't mention this enough, but if this were me, I would replace these with New Life Spectrum pellets in the auto-feeder. Cheers, EricR>> Fish Coloration, and stress, Chromis - 7/24/08
Hey crew Good day to you all, I hope all is well. <Hello! The same
to you!> I have a quick question that I looked and looked on the
site for the answer but had no luck. I may be looking in the wrong
place, but I thought I would ask anyway. <Okay> So I have a
little green Chromis that shares a 60gal with two big Chromis. Well,
the little guy has always had a blotchy or spotty looking coloration
but his behavior seems normal. When I put the first Chromis in the tank
to help cycle the tank he also appeared like this as well, but shortly
grew out of it. My question is what causes this coloration? He does get
picked on by the other two a little, but nothing that keeps him from
strutting around the tank and eating everything I put in. I read the
articles about why and how fish change color and the various types
(cited here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/AqSciSubWebIndex/coloration.htm). Well, the
concern I really have is more related to my Kole Tang that has been in
the tank for about three weeks now and doing great. <Needs more
space...> Although, this morning, I turned the lights on earlier
then usual, and his coloration looked blotchy and spotty like the
Chromis. I immediately put a pinch of pellet food in and he gobbled it
up. I took a shower and got ready for work and went and checked on him
(about 20 minutes overall). He was fine. Color back to normal and
active as usual. I took two samples of my water today to check at my
LFS on my lunch. I figure maybe I have a water quality issue, so I will
have it checked and do a water change tonight (which I regularly do
every other week). Now I have never noticed this before on him,
although, he is a bit skittish still. He is the man of the tank. The
other fish leave him alone and somewhat "run" the other way
when he comes around except for the maroon, they seem to have become
friends. I did introduce two new fish to the tank a few days ago. They
were a Orchid Dottyback and a Lawnmower Blenny. <Quarantined?> I
do know that the Orchids can be a touch ornery, but I have yet to see
him since he was added. Could he be causing stress to the tang for a
change of coloration? Well I hope this was enough information. Thanks
for your time and constant attention to helping people like me.
<I'd say this is most likely stress due to crowding or water
quality issues- do see about a larger home for that tang, as well as
quarantining new arrivals for 4-6 weeks. Water changes and the works as
well, varied feeding...general stress most likely the culprit here.>
Spencer <Benjamin> Re: carotenoids and seahorses 5/16/07 Dear Bob: <Pete!> So that's what gives the Garibaldi their brilliant coloration -- those dazzlers really stand out in a kelp forest like neon signs! <Ah, yes... am particularly fascinated by the more-shallow water juveniles with their brilliant blue highlights> That's a fascinating subject (certainly the habitual sponge eaters are among the most vividly colored of all the marine fish). <Yes... had a few conversations with friend and fish-food maker Chris Turk years back... trying to convince him to investigate, incorporate such material/s in his frozen fish food prep.s... With some success. Always strikes me as strange that folks don't consider/realize that with so much of a given material present (e.g. live coral polyps) that there should not be predators about...> No one has done a similar study specific to seahorses to my knowledge. The Vibrance enrichment formulas developed for Ocean Rider specifically to meet the long-term nutritional requirements of seahorses include pure Astaxanthin and other carotenoids as key ingredients, no doubt based largely on information from papers such as yours. I would like to read your Garibaldi paper sometime if it's available. <Can, will look through my old files if you'd like... Not keyed/computerized, so if you'll send a FAX number along...> Best of luck with all of your projects, sir! Respectfully, Pete Giwojna <And you and yours my friend. Life to you. Bob Fenner> Hi Everyone, Attached is a paper about mimicry in coral reef fish. 10/29/06 I would especially like to thank Erik Schlogl and Bob Fenner for allowing me to use their photographs. Best Regards Ashley Frisch James Cook University. Dear Author PDF offprints Blackwell Publishing is pleased to advise you that a PDF file of your paper is attached to this email. Please note that this replaces the procedure of sending free offprints by post. If you have any queries please contact the Production Editor at: mae@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com PDF Terms & Conditions Please note the following Terms and Conditions regarding the use of the attached PDF file of your Article. Use of this PDF file indicates consent to these Terms and Conditions. Provided that you give appropriate acknowledgement to the Journal and Blackwell Publishing, and give full bibliographic reference for the Article, and as long as you do not sell or reproduce the Article or any part of it for commercial purposes (i.e. for monetary gain on your own account or on that of a third party, or for indirect financial gain by a commercial entity) you may use the PDF, in the following ways: o you may share print or electronic copies of the Article with colleagues; o you may use all or part of the Article and abstract, without revision or modification, in personal compilations or other publications of your own work; o you may use the Article within your employer's institution or company for educational or research purposes, including use in course packs. Please note that you are not permitted to post the Blackwell Publishing PDF version of the Article online. Self-archiving of author manuscripts . Submitted version: You may post the original manuscript of the Article, as submitted for publication in the Journal, on your own personal website, on your employer's website/repository and on free public servers in your subject area. We ask that as part of the publishing process you give appropriate acknowledgement to the Journal and Blackwell Publishing. You agree not to sell or reproduce the Article or any part of it for commercial purposes (i.e. for monetary gain on your own account or on that of a third party, or for indirect financial gain by a commercial entity). . Accepted version: Twelve months after publication you may post the original manuscript of the Article, as originally submitted for publication in the Journal, and updated to include any amendments made after peer review, on your own personal website, on your employer's website/repository and on free public servers in your subject area. Appropriate acknowledgement to the Journal and Blackwell Publishing, and full bibliographic reference for the Article must be given. In addition you agree not to sell or reproduce the Article or any part of it for commercial purposes (i.e. for monetary gain on your own account or on that of a third party, or for indirect financial gain by a commercial entity). The electronic version must include a link to the published version of the Article together with the following text: 'The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com <http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/> ' For additional information regarding any use of this PDF file not covered by these Terms and Conditions, please refer to the Blackwell Rights Department at: journalsrights@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com. Use of this PDF file indicates consent to these terms and conditions. mae_103.pdf (Binary attachment) The Physiology and Behavior of Color in Fishes information 7/5/06 Dear sir: I am interested in the article : The Physiology and Behavior of Color in Fishes, but it seems no author's information. Could you tell me ? <I am the author of this survey piece... It is quite old. Bob Fenner> Sincerely, Cheng Bang Chu Re: Goldfish turns yellow! - 03/22/06 Dear Bob, <Teti> Thank you for your e-mail. I'm glad to hear that there is nothing wrong with the fish. Could you explain though why this is happening? <Mmm, maybe... Turns out, the mechanism/s that determine color and reflection in Goldfish breeds are not "well fixed"... and that some are becoming more random w/ lack of detail by breeders. Due to whatever influences... water quality, nutrition mostly, along with genetic (pre)disposition, some do change color... mainly "reverting" back to browns of sorts (their "natural color"), but some white, some even mottled/mosaics... Makes sense teleologically that there should be such "drift", as there is demonstrated survival value (being able to avoid predation by "blending in")...> I visited the link you sent me and we will try to enrich the diet of the goldfish. We've started feeding them blanched courgettes and spinach. <Ah, good> Once again, Thank you! Teti <Welcome. Bob Fenner Color change 12/21/05 From the references in your excellent web pages on color in fishes, can you tell me what the letters "TFH" and "FAMA" stand for? I'd like to look up these references. <Richard, they are magazines. Tropical Fish Hobbyist and Freshwater and Marine Aquarium.> Thanks, <You're welcome. James Gasta Richard Ellis <<... THE R. Ellis? RMF>> Ultrafluorescent 9/7/05 Hi friends: We live in Baja Sur, Mexico... so far on the ocean at night, and not always there are special things that shines very brightly, specially related with the movement...nobody here knows the name of this parasites, fish, who knows.... They are supposed to shine more on bays, near the rocks or at the shore, but even if you inside the ocean they are by tons, they leave like a wave of glitter....so nice, so peaceful... By any chance, do you know the name of these things? We would appreciate your help Regards Hugo and Josefina <There are many phosphorescent organisms in the sea... some are indeed spectacular... the most common in Baja are largely algae that "sparkle" when disturbed by surface activity. Bob Fenner> The Ethics of Glo-Fish (TM) (6/5/05) Hiya Bob, <<Howdy. RMF>> I just finished reading the article on the Glo-fish, and I was wondering if it would be possible to ask the author if he considers every breed of dog, most breeds of milk and beef producing cattle, and probably 80% or better of all of the grains and fruits he eats as also being 'garbage' due to the fact that they are also man induced 'mutations' (yes, the method may be different, but the intent and process is the same and similar-one is just more 'trial and error, after all, no?) For the record, I also don't like the idea of Glo-fish, or painted chandas, but plenty of folks hate telescopes, black moors, fancy guppies and swords for just as legitimate reasons. <Agreed> I can understand a POV of distaste and dislike, I was just wondering what selective bias the author uses to determine which of our obvious genetic alterations are 'garbage' and why? ;) (heh, maybe I should write a counter point article for submission, playing devil's advocate) <All submissions are welcome for consideration. You will have to use a lot better grammar than you did in this e-mail. Please capitalize the proper noun "I" and the first letter of sentences. We post all e-mails and replies. It's a lot easier for folks to read them if they are punctuated properly. If you do it then we can spend less time proofreading and more time answering.> Keep up the good work-been observing your website for years, all the best! Alan <Thanks. The author of the article is not a member of the question-answering crew, so I do not know how to contact him. I do agree with you on this issue. I have nothing against Glo-Fish (TM) myself. They were created to serve a utilitarian purpose (pollution detection). If there is a side benefit of providing pretty fishes that have not been chemically burned and dyed, that's great from my perspective. I have no problem with GM foods either. I say you're right that there is no difference in principle between this and selective breeding. It's only method and speed. In fact, GM is better because the planning will lead to fewer bad mutations. It just needs to be properly regulated. As for the other fish you mention, I have qualms about some of them. If fish are selectively bred for appearance, I only have a problem if that creates a deformity that impairs the fish or causes pain. Some of the fish sold these days definitely suffer as a result of their selectively-bred appearance. That's my opinion, for what it's worth. Steve Allen> Question: behavior of color Dear Dr. Fenner, <Just Bob
please, I have no doctorate> I enjoyed reading your article on The
Physiology and Behavior of Color in Fishes. I am writing a
children's book on albino animals. I am trying to
understand leucism, which according to my research is defined as white
or weak coloration. What causes leucism? Is it due to less
pigment, less or abnormal chromatophores, or by the movement of pigment
to different layers of the epidermis? <Is of genetic disposition. A
partial expression of color... imagine a multi-gene trait with only
part passed on to offspring... and conditions allowing the presences of
said young (most are eaten due to lightness of color by predators)>
Thank you for your time. I appreciate your help and will
give you credit in my book. Sincerely, Randi <Thank you my friend.
Bob Fenner> Color Vision in Fishes Hi gang, The question just occurred to me as to whether fish in general and Tangs of various varieties in particular are color blind. Nothing shows in your data base. So, to your knowledge has anyone tested for this? Regards, Charlie H. >>>Hi Charlie, Yes, fish are equipped with both rods and cones, and can see color very well. Some deep water fish can only see in reds and greens - tangs, being surface fish can detect the entire range. Jim<<< Regarding Melanophores! Hi there Dr. Fenner, <Just Bob, or Robert if you must> I emailed you once before about a month ago. In your paper on the WetWebMedia website, do you know where you found the information on acetylcholine and epinephrine and its effects on the melanophores? <Would have to search through the posted references... it's been a great while since I reviewed the root information> Please email me back and help me! Sincerely, Nicole <Are you able to search the literature... at a large (college) library? Bob Fenner> The Physiology and Behavior of Color in Fishes Dear Dr. Fenner, I really enjoyed this piece and would like to give proper credit to you. Can you please email me the proper citation for this piece? Thanking you in advance! Sincerely, Nicole Hitchen <Fenner, Bob. 2004. The physiology and behavior of color in fishes. Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, Sept. 2004.> The Physiology and Behavior of Color in Fishes Dear Mr. Fenner, <Ms. Palmer> I read your excellent article online at WetWebMedia and found it very informative- I would like to cite your work in a report I am doing on Zebrafish coloration and give you proper credit, but I am missing some key bits of information. Could you perhaps tell me when you wrote or posted the article, and if it was ever published in a non-internet source (and if so what that source might be)? <This small survey piece was written and posted just this last year... and did run in Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine... about six months back. Am out in HI or I'd look up the citation for you. Perhaps you can just cite WWM as the source with myself as the writer> I hate to impose but I would really like to give you the proper credit for this piece, it definitely helped me with my paper. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Adriana Palmer Brown University, '05 <Please make it known if I may be of other assistance. Will be back "home" in a week or so. Bob Fenner> Fish Coloration - Why? Dear Web Media, Why do freshwater fish have dull dark backs and shiny silver bellies? I am home schooled and have not been able to find the answer to this question. Thank you. From, Jena Ritchey. <Well, Jena, there are some very good reasons for this kind of coloration on fishes. The silvery belly, when seen from below, blends in pretty well with the light color of the sky as seen from underwater, so predator fish might miss out on seeing their prey, or so the prey fish might miss out on seeing the predator sneaking up for a snack. The dark color is harder to see from above, like from a fish-eating bird looking down, so the dark color will blend in with the mud, sticks, and such underwater. Not all fish are colored like this, though; in fact, there are a few fish that are colored quite the opposite - with dark bellies and light backs - and swim upside down! Most fish will turn very very pale at night, when it's too dark to see and their dark color isn't very useful. There are also a lot of very brightly colored freshwater fishes in nature. Some of these fishes come from muddy, cloudy waters, and are brilliantly colored so they can see each other and find mates; in these mucky waters, it's not as important to have the dark on top/light on bottom colors, because they wouldn't be very useful; if their predators can't see through the water very well to begin with, there's no reason to try to blend in, right? Here's a link to a picture of one of many such brightly colored freshwater fishes: http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/PicturesSummary.cfm?ID=53747&what=species Hope this sheds some light on things for you! -Sabrina> Question re behaviour Dear Crew <David> This is probably a most fundamental question from a novice, and yet to date I have not heard a reasonable (informed!) answer to it:- Q. Why have certain genera of fish swim evolved to swim with a tail-down attitude - e.g. Nannobrycon and Thayeria and for that matter why do some swim with a nose-down attitude - e.g. Abramites? The thought is that it is linked to feeding habits and yet it would seem to disadvantage such fish {compared to those that swim 'horizontally'} should they require to escape rapidly from predators. Yours sincerely Brian <Have not seen much (anything re spatial orientation function) and these Characoids (or other fishes for that matter) either. Will make some speculations. The parts of the world (Amazon et al. basins in South America) where these animals are found are relatively "old" and crowded relatively... and so as general rules go, there is more competition for food, space, avoidance of predators... Perhaps the "abnormal" positioning in the water column confers a benefit in not appearing like a food item? Maybe there is something to being able to escape up/down instead of ahead, to the right, left in avoiding "arrow shot" attacks by predators? Maybe something/s re these "tetras" markings, coloration and change therein matches with plant life, particle movement, light propagation... in their environment? Maybe it's time for you and I to make a trip to Brazil's outback? Bob Fenner> |
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