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Psycho Synodontis; beh., incomp.
9/26/13 African Cichlids Anthony, Thanks for the prompt reply I will start setting up my shopping list. <quite welcome> Of the compatible fish, which would be the best to start with. Are there some that will tolerate the tank cycling process better than the others? <actually all are quite durable. Try to add more than one at a time to temper aggression> Also I was thinking of a Pleco and a couple small cats to help with the housekeeping. Any ideas? Thanks again for the really prompt reply. <Plecos and Corys are a bad choice for true African water... look instead at African Synodontis species... a little pricey for some, but beautiful. Anthony>
Synodontis note Hi Jeremy, Ananda is correct, some of these guys don't get along with other fish, mainly those similar in feeding habits, living space (substrate and under rocks and logs) like Pleco's, other Catfish. Best to find a different home for one or the other. This is true of several of the cats, Plecos, etc. A group of two or three Synodontis is alright, but they will chase each other around too if it's too crowded or there is a pronounced size difference. I got around some of these issues by feeding in separate locations. Best of luck! Craig> Very aggressive Synodontis upside-down catfish
(05/30/03) Hello, I have a question for you. <Hi,
Ananda here tonight...> I have a three year old Upside-down catfish
that up until this point has been a very peaceful fish. But
a few days ago I noticed that the top of my spotted Raphael fish was
white. After watching for a little while I noticed that it
was white because the Synodontis kept biting him there every time he
saw him. I moved him to another aquarium and he was fine for
one day (hiding in a cave) but after that he began attacking all of my
fish in that aquarium too. I have been looking on the
internet for possible reasons for this, and most sites I have seen have
said that it should be compatible with every type of fish.
<The book I have says that some Synodontis species are compatible
with other fish, while others aren't... do check out
www.planetcatfish.com and try to find details about your particular
species.> I was wondering if you knew what I could do to fix this
problem. <Hmmm... a new tank for the catfish,
perhaps....> Any help would be greatly appreciated! -Jeremy Oh, and
the first aquarium is a 29 gallon, the new one is a 55 in case that may
help you. <How large is the fish? Some Synodontis species get to be
a foot long, far too large for a 55 gallon tank. It may be that your
fish is just feeling cramped for space. --Ananda> Bullying Multipunctatus Catfish Thanks again for all of your priceless assistance. I am not sure what to do with my Synod Multis. In a Malawi 90 gallon I have 3 Synos- a Eupterus and 2 Multis. The slightly smaller (3.5"), but longer resident, Multi seems to chase the more recently introduced Multi a lot. At first I thought, give it some time, but a few weeks later it is still going on as intensely. I have never noticed any scars or wounds on the Multi, just that lately it seems to rest more than usual in strange positions, leaning on things at times. At feeding time, he still swims around the bottom and eats. I am not sure what the best course to take is. There are definitely enough caves, but the bully Multi almost seems to seek him out at times. I have read they are schooling fish somewhat, would adding another Multi or two help? I also have a 55 Tanganyikan tank where I could move him, except this tank is full of 1-2" juveniles, including a 2" Syno Angelicus (which is my favorite catfish of all and I don't want to endanger him). Any advice greatly appreciated. >> It will help to add more Multis. I would try to have a group of 5 fish that are around the same size. They will chase each other also, but not only one fish will be under constant stress. Good Luck, Oliver Synodontis Catfish Bullying Cichlids I have had a four inch Synodontis petricola for about month now, this morning when I turned on the light she did something new. She chased all the Cichlids out of her cave, very aggressively. Normally she would basically ignore all the other fish in the tank. Then this evening when I fed her I noticed that her stomach was very bloated. I usually attempt to feed her with the other fish and then feed her specifically when I turn lamp out, it was after I turned the lamp out and fed her that I noticed her belly. She is still swimming around and she did seem to eat a little. Is she sick, what can I do? As for tank, it is a 30 gallon, 36 inch tank with an Emperor 400 filter. There are 8 small cichlids I believe they are all originally Malawian (4 of them came from my brother-in-laws tank--he has a fry problem,) they are all young the largest is maybe 1.5 inches. Then there is 1 common Pleco and the Petricola. The substrate is mixed coral and black pebbles. There are 3 Anubias plants, 3 Java ferns and a small piece of Amazon Sword. I keep the water at about 79 degrees, PH is 8, Nitrite and Ammonia are trace. I do weekly 7-10 gallon water changes. The tank finished cycling about a month ago and the fish were added a few at a time over a 10 day period. Until today everything seemed perfect. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks, Tony < In the wild, this catfish deals with cichlids all day long and doesn't back down very easily. I think what is going on here is the much larger catfish is pushing the smaller cichlids out of the way at dinner time. She is probably eating both during the day and at night. I would recommend just one feeding a day during the daylight hours. Fed only enough food so that all of it is gone in two minutes. If your fish is not eating then it could be an internal bacterial infection that needs to be treated with Metronidazole.-Chuck> Breeding blue tetras and cichlid problems. Mochokid comp. 7/12/06 Hello. I was wondering what I would have to do to breed the blue tetra (Boehlkea fredcochui), also what are the sex characteristics. <Cochu's Blue Tetra... have no personal experience with... you might peruse this search: http://www.google.com/search?q=Boehlkea+fredcochui> I am also having problems with one of my cichlids (Melanochromis auratus) and a Synodontis nigrita. whenever my poor cat tries to come out to eat he just get beat up by the one cichlid until he goes back to his hiding place. I kept my poor Syno. in my 55 gallon tetra tank and he prospered. now he looks like he came out of a boxing match. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks CJ <I'd move this Catfish, pronto... back in with the Tetras or somewhere more easygoing. The situation with the Cichlid is not going to improve... it will kill this cat if they are not separated. Bob Fenner> Plant sticks / golden apple snails / feeding... Synodontis comp., fdg. 7/5/06 Hallo. I think before I purchased three golden apple snails my plants were looking a little eaten / worn - some more than others. All I currently have is two Synodontis nigriventris which I feed every other day with one to two pinches of flakes (morning and evening for example). <This small African Catfish species can make plants ragged... chew small holes. Generally at night> To add variety I include frozen bloodworm / peas and greens. I think that I am feeding them enough, better to give too little than too much? <Hard to so... Mochokid catfishes are so active that they seem to "swim off" any excess food> I have three plant sticks embedded in the sand - should I stick one underneath each plant, if that's the case then I had better use the others as I have around eleven plants in my 18.6 gallon. <Mmm, worth trying... though it may be that you have "too many foxes, too few hens"... that the catfish will still be too much for the volume of plant material present> I expect the snails will accelerate the plant munching though one of the reasons I chose them was because I was informed that they weren't a major problem in this respect. <Mmm, generally not... though Pomacea/Ampullaria species are individualistic...> Please advise me. Many thanks team. Steve. <Best to keep your eyes on all, consider moving the Synodontis. Bob Fenner> Baby Eater, Guppies, Synodontis nigriventris comp. 3/19/07 Hi WWM crew, <Ben> I have a 46 gallon tank with two filters (I use charcoal) and an oxygen bubbler. I have assorted rocks and fake plants in my freshwater aquarium. Just yesterday I went to the fish store and bought 18 Guppies (8 male and 10 female). So now in my tank I have 1 Upside-Down Catfish, 2 Cardinal Neon Tetras <These are two different species> , and 18 Guppies. The Guppies always huddle at the top of the tank. I was wondering if once the Guppies had babies, if the Upside-Down Catfish would attack and eat them and if this is normal for an Upside-Down Catfish to do (even though it is usually unseen and hiding somewhere because it is nocturnal)? <Yes, might> I was also wondering if it would eat the adult Guppies. <Generally this small Synodontis doesn't bother such fishes, but it might, yes> My tank has very low pH and last night a Rummy Nose fish died suspected from a white growth (I don't know if this matters but it might help). <Need numbers... not opinions...> Thank you for your time, Benjamin <Data please... water quality tests, maintenance routine, foods/feeding... Bob Fenner> 55 Gal Freshwater Synodontis Tank 12/15/2007 Hello, I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank that currently has a 6 inch common Pleco, 4 inch Bala, 2 spotted pictus cats appx 3"< and a young 3" horse face loach. I recently took a liking to The Synodontis species of catfish. How many could I put into my 55 Gal and which of the Synodontis get along with each other? I'd like to get 1 each of a couple different kinds. Thank you for your advice. <Greetings. Synodontis spp. vary considerably in size and temperament. As a rule, most species are very nocturnal, somewhat territorial, but not overtly aggressive. There are a few species that are particular about water chemistry. Synodontis multipunctatus from Lake Tanganyika needs hard, alkaline water to do well. But most are adaptable and will thrive at pH 6-8, 5-20 degrees dH. This being the case, you could choose a single specimen of one of the medium-sized, non-aggressive species. Synodontis angelicus has long been a favourite, but Synodontis eupterus, Synodontis decorus, and Synodontis flavitaeniatus are also colourful and peaceful. Some Synodontis thrive in groups provided there are adequate hiding places. Synodontis flavitaeniatus, Synodontis eupterus, and Synodontis nigriventris are particularly good in groups. I have a trio of Synodontis nigriventris in a community tank, and it is great fun watching them chase each other at feeding time. They will generally ignore other non-aggressive Synodontis species, but this varies, especially if the two fish fight over a hiding space. Other Synodontis are best thought of as one-to-a-tank fish, being short-tempered towards their own kind and other species of Synodontis; Synodontis nigrita is a good example of a species that can be territorial if crowded. Of all the Synodontis on sale, Synodontis nigriventris is probably the best all-round fish; at a modest size of about 10 cm when mature it is small enough to make maintenance in a big group viable. Four or five specimens work nicely in your tank and provide plenty of amusement. It is a very hardy, easy to keep species widely sold species. One last thing: Bala Sharks are schooling fish; please get your specimen a couple of pals. Cheers, Neale.> Synodontis eupterus in the corner
05/19/08 Hi there, I recently set up my old 55 gallon again
for the first time in a few years after a good scrubbing. My buddy had
a 5 inch Synodontis he could no longer keep with his other fish and
needed a home for. Anything too gross to salvage got replaced, and
I'm picking up a full test kit on Friday since I can't find
most of my old set. Anyhow, everything seems fine so far, and my Syno
has a little Raphael buddy I picked up at the pet store whilst shopping
for supplies. I haven't gotten around to getting him a full size
cave yet or put any fake plants in there, but there's plenty of
coral rock and a bunch of old stuff in there from when I had it up
before. I know these are nocturnal fish, and I can tell he doesn't
like when I turn the tank lights on, so I got a little LCD light set
instead. For the most part he hides behind the rocks and such, but
every once in a while I'll see him lean against the corner of the
tank in backslash position, mouth in the corner... and will just sit
there for a while... his breathing has seemed a little erratic at
times, but for the most part he seems to do well as long as the lights
are out. Just wondering if this is normal behavior or not really, or if
I should hurry up with the testing to see if there's some kinda
serious problem. Thanks a bunch. -Eric <Greetings. Synodontis
generally are very hardy. Usually they're the last fish to get ill!
So unless you can see things like skin or fin damage, or signs of
parasites, I'd not be overly concerned about variations in
breathing rate. By default, they press themselves against solid
objects, and this is especially true if they feel cramped or exposed.
Make sure they have lots of hiding places. Synodontis eupterus (and
indeed Synos generally) become more outgoing the more secure they feel.
Coral rock isn't quite the right thing because anything calcareous
will harden the water and raise the pH, but plastic plants, flowerpots,
slate, granite, bogwood, etc can all be used successfully. Synodontis
eupterus are territorial, so the idea this species needs a
"buddy" is erroneous. In fact the Synodontis eupterus will
view other catfish as potential rivals for hiding places. On the other
hand, Platydoras costatus is a gregarious species and does well kept in
groups, even though specimens will jostle with one another over the
best hiding places. Single specimens are notoriously shy. Cheers,
Neale.> |
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