FAQs on Marine Freshwater Quality involving
Nitrates: Troubleshooting/Fixing
Related Articles: Nitrates in Freshwater Aquariums, Establishing Cycling, Freshwater Filtration, Know Your Filter Media, A
Concise Guide to Your Options by Neale Monks,
Setting up a Freshwater
Aquarium, Tips for
Beginners, Water Quality
and Freshwater Aquariums,
Related FAQs: Nitrates
1, Nitrates 2, & FAQs on FW
Nitrates: Importance, Science, Measure,
Sources, Control, Chemical
Filtrants, & Ammonia,
FW Nitrites, Biological Filtration,
Freshwater Nutrient Cycling,
Establishing Cycling 1,
Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate Units of Measure
Hello Crew,
<Hey Ray>
I have a 210g, probably considered overstocked, mixed Malawi tank. The
tank is filtered by a submerged media sump with a six times turnover. I
use Hanna meters for my chemistry checks. The ammonia, nitrite and
meters all measure using the -N unit of measure (NH3-N, NO2-N &
The unit of measure for ammonia and nitrite are not relevant since the
goal of both is to maintain 0ppm. Nitrate is the one causing me some
thought. The tank consistently runs 10 - 30ppm NO3-N and I use this
value to determine water changes, as it approaches 30ppm I do a 50% WC
usually every other week. But if I apply the conversion factor
(4.4) to these numbers my ranges are 45 - 130ppm in which case my WCs
should be happening probably twice per week. I recently read
the article, Nitrates in Freshwater Aquarium Systems
by Bob Fenner, which stated "Do check your test kit though almost all
are nitrate ion types on the market nowadays..." I'm guessing doing the
conversion on NO3-N > NO3 is what I should be looking at.
<Yes; agreed>
The tank has been running in its current configuration (mixed Malawi)
for 2 years, before that it was a planted discus tank for maybe 8 years.
Being retired gives me time to think, maybe too much. Should I take the
attitude, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it?" Looking for
Raymond M Sugel Sr
<Were it me, mine, I would increase the number/frequency of water
changes as you state (twice a week; with pre-mixed (for pH, salts if you
use them) stored water. I encourage you to look into the possibility of
tying this
tank in with a good size/volume sump as well, perhaps growing live
plants there, incorporating a deep sand bed for denitrification;
utilizing and out-gassing the excess NO3. Bob Fenner>Stress from Water Change Worse than having 20ppm Nitrates in
new Tank? 10/11/17
Hi Crew,
<Helen et al.>
I'm new to fish-keeping but have done a lot of research and hope I have
got my aquarium off to a good start. I cycled it for six weeks
using a fishless cycle with fish food for the ammonia source. I
have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with two male Dalmatian mollies, 4
female Dalmatian mollies and two female gold mollies. All but
one are less than 1 inch in size, so quite young. I know I may need to
move them to a bigger tank in the future. They have been in the tank for
eight days and I did a 25% water change four days ago and plan on doing
one every week.
<A good interval and percentage. Best to store the new water in advance
of your weekly changes; do whatever you intend to supplement (add
salt/s, alkalinity...) ahead of time>
I have been testing the water everyday using the API water test kit.
Today's readings were: Ammonia:0; Nitrites: 0; Nitrates: 20; PH 7.6.
Temp is 78.4F.
I know mollies are particularly sensitive to nitrates, so I would like
to do another 25% water change today to get the nitrates down. However,
I have also read that all fish are sensitive to changes in water
chemistry so I
am wondering what would be most harmful to the fish - having the
nitrates at 20ppm or doing a 25% water change.
<You are right to be concerned here. As you hint/state there are
trade-offs in doing too frequent/serial dilutions, and just tolerating
nitrogenous et al. accumulation>
I would also like to add some aquarium salt to the water but am again
hesitant to change the water chemistry too
much when they have only been in the tank for eight days.
<I WOULD go ahead with the salt addition/s... some every day. This will
also reduce the Nitrate toxicity>
Your advice is much appreciated!
<And gladly rendered. Bob Fenner>
Very high nitrate readings
I have a really big problem with nitrates in my community tank and I am
wondering if there was anything you could suggest that would help. The current
readings for my 240 litre tank are Ph 7.6, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 160.
My readings in my tank were Ammonia, 0, Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 30. I have plants
in my tank and after research I decided to add liquid carbon to my tank as I was
led to believe it was good for the plants.
<I'm not a fan. Here's my take: unless your plants are obviously failing, it's
best to let them adapt and thrive in ambient conditions. Adding a bit of plant
fertiliser for iron and magnesium makes sense, but that's about it. Only after
careful consideration would I ever recommend adding CO2, and such tanks are
usually designed around the plants, not the fish, so tend not to be suitable for
casual fishkeepers. Since plants 'fix' carbon in the form of CO2 into glucose
via photosynthesis, the limiting carbon source for them is normally CO2, which
adding CO2 relieves a bit. But adding a carbon-based compound such as glucose or
alcohol doesn't really seem to make any sense to me. Plants don't absorb these
directly, and if it does solve some particular problem, that has to be a very
niche situation. Best avoided, otherwise all that happens is the increased
nutrients in the water spurs a bacterial bloom into being, and that in turn
places more strain on the biological filter (with consequent decline in water
I have 12 tanks and I added the liquid carbon to my 240 litre community tank and
my 125 litre Betta sorority tank. I tested the water a couple of days later and
the readings were fine. After about a week of using the product my plants
started dying off and I noticed some of the smaller fish, galaxy Rasboras and
emerald Rasboras were struggling and starting to die. I tested the water and my
Nitrates had gone sky high. I tested the water in my other tanks. The Nitrates
were sky high in my sorority tank too. My other tanks were fine. The only change
to these two tanks was using the liquid carbon. As the plants were dying and the
cover for my small fish was disappearing I went out and bought £50 worth of new
plants which was about 12 plants and added them to my tanks and started doing
20% water changes daily.
<Yes, understood; but in situations where fish are dying, toxins/poisons are a
bigger issue to deal with than pH/temperature fluctuations. So bigger water
changes, even 75%, are not out of line, provided you keep the temperature more
or less steady and avoid massive water chemistry changes (this latter a reason
why I recommend keeping fish adapted to your local tap water conditions rather
than relying on RO mixtures you can't make in large quantities when required).>
I stopped using the liquid carbon.
Again the plants started dying off and I have now lost all my galaxy and emerald
Rasboras and some of the other smaller fish.
<Do think these are unrelated. Plants can die off when uprooted/replanted, but
usually recover. I've seen a massive die-off of Vallisneria when the pH dropped
in one tank, so unstable water chemistry could be an issue.>
My Betta that was in the community tank started to struggle and I quarantined
him. He is now doing fine. I carried on with the water changes and replaced the
plants again last Thursday. The readings in my sorority tank have stabilised and
are now Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 5 (Nitrate has never been so low). My
community tank though is just not changing. The Nitrates just do not seem to be
going down at all. I don't overfeed the fish and clean out the waste regularly.
<Change more water; siphon/remove any/all dead and decaying material, including
plants. Be ruthless. Nitrate doesn't come out of nowhere -- it comes out of
decay. So clean the tank, and also look at any other places detritus might be
found, like filter media and the inside of filter hoses.>
Prior to this I was doing 25% water changes weekly and siphoning up waste on the
top of the sand. Even though I have spent a fortune on plants most of them have
<Understood. Stabilise water quality first. Ensure the fish are healthy.
Rebuilding a planted tank takes time after this sort of crisis. Don't rush it.
Even a few, temporary, floating plants could provide nitrate remove as well as
shade and shelter.>
I don't want to keep on buying plants that are going to die even though I know
they absorb Nitrates.
<When they're growing, at least.>
My tank has 18 Tetras (Rosy), 6 Harlequins, 9 Honey Gourami's, 8, Cory's, 2
Synodontis Petricolas (not adults), 2 Bristlenoses (not adults), 6 Danios and 2
Synodontis Eupterus (not adult) and 4 Threadfins (was 6 before), 14 Rasboras
that have died.
Thank you in advance
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Very high nitrate readings
Thanks for your quick response.
Last night we did a 50% water change. Took all the bog wood, caves out etc.
Made sure there was no waste or decaying plants underneath, cleaned the
filter out. I forgot about the pipes so when I turned the filter on
(external) it spewed out some rubbish.
<Ah, yes!>
It was very late so I went to bed and tested the water again this morning.
The Nitrate was still 160 so I cleaned out the pipes, cleaned up again and
changed another 90 litres of water. Just tested the water and it is still
the same.
<Would perhaps double check two things. First, your tap water. What's the
nitrate reading there? If you have, say, 160 mg/l in the aquarium, and
replace 50% of the water with tap water with 0 nitrate, you should get 80
mg/l if you do a nitrate test afterwards. Of course few people have zero
nitrate tap water, but it should certainly be no higher than 40-50 mg/l even
in cities. So a substantial should yield a big reduction in nitrate.
Second thing to do is check your nitrate test kit. It may be off. It may be
out of date, difficult to read, or whatever. I tend to go by gut instinct.
If the fish are fine, I assume the water is too. Clearly, this hasn't been
the case for you, but if you "deep clean" the tank, and then remove half the
water, water conditions should improve a lot. If nitrite and/or ammonia are
zero, I'd be especially skeptical of wildly high nitrate levels after big
water changes.>
Apart from continuing with the water changes would adding extra media to the
filter or adding an internal filter help to stabilise the tank?
<No. Biological media removes ammonia and nitrite. They have no positive
effect on reducing nitrate levels, because denitrification requires
anaerobic conditions you won't have in a standard aquarium filter.>
Are Nitrate removing sponges helpful?
<Can be, but very expensive, and don't do anything a water change doesn't.
So a niche product. Not what you need here.>
Also do you think that the readings for Nitrate are actually higher since
the test kit has 160 as top on it's chart and that is why water changes
aren't actually showing any improvements.
<Again, change lots and lots of water. If you change half today and half
tomorrow, by rights even crazy high levels should be back down to normal
levels. Bear in mind 100 mg/l is considered toxic, so levels 160 or higher
are very unlikely.>
I hate dirty tanks and I siphon up the waste in the tanks all the time. I
hate to see poop and dead leaves sitting on top of the tank. I have added a
photo. Is there anything you would add or take out that might help.
<See above.>
Thank you again Neale.
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: Very high nitrate readings 12/7/16
Just tested the tap water and the reading is 5ppm.
If I didn't use the same test kit on my other tanks I would have suspected that
the kit wasn't accurate too.
My other tanks don't show high readings so I don't know why the readings in my
community tank aren't going down with the water changes.
<There's some reason nitrate is being produced in this tank, very quickly.
Could be mineralogical, i.e., a nitrate salt, rather than a waste product.
Have you added something that might be responsible? Like a holiday feeding
block? Or some type of organic remains, like a skull or seashell? If the tank is
clean; if you have done multiple water changes; if the fish look fine -- I'd
tend to ignore the test kit. Let things run for a few days, see what happens.
Cheers, Neale.>
re: Very high nitrate readings
The only thing added recently other than the liquid carbon is an extra
piece of Mopani wood.
<'Post hoc, ergo propter hoc' is often misleading, but if the nitrate shot up
after you added this wood, I'd remove it. Do big water changes, then see if it
stays lower, at more normal levels. If it does, there's your issue.>
The tank has soil which I have always had in the tank and about an inch and a
half to two inches of sand over the top. It has one ornamental cave and various
pieces of Mopani wood (bought from the aquarium section of a big brand shop)
that has been soaked in boiling water before adding. All but one big piece has
been in the tank months. I have some plants in the soil and Amazon Frogbit (even
most of that died off after adding the liquid carbon) so I have no idea what
would cause the levels not to go down. <Agreed. Would review the substrate for
anything buried in there, but still... not convinced.>
It probably sounds stupid but can it be locked into sand and possibly be
released in cleaning?
<Anaerobic decay can occur, the gases become trapped, and then released 'of a
sudden'. But this normally hydrogen sulphide, and in reality, is pretty rare.
Marine aquarists invariably have deep substrates and anaerobic live rocks in
their tanks, and don't worry much about it, and their fish are far more
sensitive. Similarly ponds with their black oozes. That said, if you had a big
dead fish in the substrate, that could be an appreciable risk.>
Other than setting up a different tank I have and moving the filter and fish to
it I don't no what else to do. I have had two more fish die today.
<Oh dear. Hope this improves. Cheers, Neale.>
re: Very high nitrate readings
Update: I have just taken out approximately 80% of the water and changed it. The
reading for Nitrate has not changed at all. I have now been taking huge
quantities of water out daily and it doesn't appear to be doing anything to
<This is all very odd. Do you have a temporary tank? If this was me, and I know
this sounds like a lot of work, I'd strip the tank. I'd deep clean the filter
(though not kill off the bacteria in the process). I'd leave out all the rocks,
sand, plants, etc. Only thing in the tank would be simple, easy to clean
ornaments like flowerpots or ceramic doodads. Let the fish settle.
Hopefully water quality should be excellent. I'd then rebuild in stages, each
time seeing what happened for a few days. Maybe float the plants without
substrate for a day or two, and see what happens. Then add some substrate
(ideally, new). Rinse and repeat! At some point you'll find what's wrong. Or
maybe it'll all vanish. It is possible for tanks to go
toxic for some reason, and stripping and rebuilding solves this. Make sense?
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Very high nitrate readings 12/9/16
I decided to give it one more go at water changing the night before last.
Took 145 litres out. When I tested the water it was just slightly lower than the
160ppm but because it was the first time it has gone under that reading I did
another 145 litres and the water tested to under 40ppm. It has been hard work
doing such large water changes every night but at last we have progress.
<I'll say! Yes, very hard work. This is NOT normal for fishkeeping, thank
I definitely will never add liquid carbon to my tank again.
<Indeed. I have no idea what the problem was/is, but agreed, total nightmare.>
Thank you so much for all your help.
<Most welcome and good luck, Neale.>
Nitrate levels high - how to fix?– 6/24/13
We have a 20 gallon tank with a variety of 4 small fish. We originally
had 6 but 2 died last week. We've had the tank since February so it's
had time to cycle. The 2 that died would shimmy in place and then lay on
the floor of the tank. Today we have a fish that is darting around the
<Darting and shimmying behaviour sounds like New Tank Syndrome. Cut back
feeding to zero for the next few days. Do daily water changes of around
20%. Check the filter is properly working (e.g., water flowing) and if
you clean the filter, be very careful not to harm the filter bacteria by
rinsing the biological media in a bucket of aquarium water rather than
under a tap.>
Our Nitrate levels are obscenely high despite regular water changes
(cleaning from the beneath the rocks).
<What's the nitrate out of the tap? If your tap water has a nitrate
level of 20 mg/l, but the aquarium has a nitrate level of 50 mg/l, then
the difference, in this case 30 mg/l, comes about as the end product of
biological filtration. Reducing the number of fish in the tank, reducing
the amount of food, and/or doing more water changes will all lower
nitrate levels (and obviously doing the opposite will increase nitrate
Adding fast-growing plants, especially floating plants, can also reduce
- Ph is consistently 6.6. We have not been able to get it to 7 despite
regular water changes & adding: Stress Zyme, Stress Coat, Aquarium Salt,
SafeStart, and Neutral Regulator
<Get the carbonate hardness tested. Acidification in the tank is natural
and will always tend to lower the pH in an aquarium between water
Adding something with calcium carbonate in its can reduce this; the most
convenient way is to put a half-handful of crushed coral into a filter
medium bag (a bit like a nylon bag) and put this into an external
canister filter. Alternatively, you can add a commercial buffer to the
water. Use precisely as directed. Do remember that over time
acidification will use up the buffer, so do regular pH tests for the
first week to see how well the buffer is buffering. You might instead
use some of the Rift Valley Salt Mix, here:
Use at about one-half the dose suggested for a mixed species community
tank, testing the pH and hardness, and either using less or more
depending on the species of fish you're keeping.>
- Ammonia levels are at 0
- Other levels are fine
What is causing high Nitrate levels and what is the best way to handle
<See above; if nitrate levels are greater than the tap water, then the
aquarium is generating the nitrate, and better maintenance and/or
stocking will be the solution.>
We're receiving mixed messages advising a huge water change vs. don't do
too many water changes.
<In short, you can change as much water as you want, so long as
temperature and water chemistry (hardness and pH) stay steady. In
practise changing 25% every week is about right for the average
community tank with not too many fish. For casual aquarists, more
frequent 25% water changes (even daily if needs be) are the easiest and
safest way to avoid dramatic swings in water chemistry and temperature
if you need to change more water.>
Thank you for your time,
<Welcome, Neale.>
Numerous medicinal treatments, fish still ill
I had been previously speaking with Bob back in November 2012 regarding
my tank and fish issues, and since then I have discovered, I believe,
the root of my problems, but the fish are still not well. I
understand that it may just take time, but I am writing again to see if
there is anything else I can do to help the fish’s well-being.
<Sure thing.>
I have a 10 gallon tank; when the problems first arose,
in August of 2012, I had 1 Honey Gourami, 6 Corys (Peppered and Albino),
a guppy and a Nerite Snail. My nitrates spiked to 40ppm,
the snail died and the tank had lots of algae. By doing water
changes, the nitrates lowered to 10ppm through the rest of August,
September and October (I was doing 30% water changes per week).
Between the nitrates and the algae, I figured the filter was
overburdened by the number of inhabitants, so I re-homed the guppy.
November the nitrates went back up to 25ppm. I did a 40% water
change and a week later a Peppered Cory died. At this point, I
realized the Gourami and other catfish seemed ill (sitting on the bottom
of the tank, listless, Gourami with stringy poop). I did a dual
treatment of Maracyn and Maracyn 2; it did not help. I did a 50%
water change after the treatment, a 40% water change a week later, and
after speaking with Bob, I then treated with Metro. I used the
Metro in the tank and also tried to feed it to the fish by attempting to
bind the Metro to their food with fish oil, which kind of worked (the
fish had and continue to have an appetite). Nitrates lowered to
10ppm by December. The fish seemed better at first, but then
became sick again with the same symptoms stated above. Then an
Albino Cory got pop-eye and died. I treated the tank AGAIN, this
time with a treatment called Parasite Guard, which has a combination of
Praziquantel, Diflubenzuron, Metro, and Acriflavine. I also
treated with Maracyn 2 in conjunction with this. After the
treatment, a Peppered Cory died. The other fish improved in
health, only to get sick again. So now we have the Gourami and 3
Corys left at this time. By mid-February, the nitrates spiked to
40ppm. Throughout this time, I had been scaling back feedings,
thinking this was causing the nitrate problem. I did water changes
as usual to lower the nitrates, and I also figured out the
source of my nitrate problem, finally, which was the sinking wafers I
was feeding the Corys. I had scaled back to half a wafer
a day, but upon observation, the few Corys in there were not eating this
in its entirety within a few minutes. Then it seems the wafers
would get buried in the gravel. My normal maintenance is 20-25%
weekly water changes/gravel vacuuming, where I was sucking up the
leftover wafers. I thought I was vacuuming up their poop, but it
was actually the wafers. So, they stopped getting wafers by the
end of February, and since they were still sick, I treated again with
Maracyn 2. Throughout March, I tested the nitrates every week and
they are steady at 10ppm. As before, the fish showed improvement
with the treatment, and right now their health is degrading back down.
Same symptoms; listless, sitting at bottom of tank. Then recently,
after treatment, the last Peppered Cory died.
<I see.>
So now I have the Gourami and 2 Albino Corys.
<Definitely time to take stock, reflect.>
One of the Albino Corys looks in bad shape- it came down with fin rot
previously. The only fins left are a bit of tail, a front fin and
a sliver of a front fin on the other side. The rest are gone.
Also, with this Cory, it has an issue with one of its eyes. I
thought a long time ago that its eye was damaged. It was just
white over it. I thought maybe the eye was gone. But now it
has changed, maybe for the better? I can see the eye is actually
there, but it’s white and smaller than the other eye. There is
also a tiny red spot in front of the eye. Not surprisingly, this
Cory spends most of its time in the corner of the tank. It still
eats, but considering the history here and how bad it looks, I was
considering euthanizing him. Maybe you have some thoughts on that?
<Nothing specific. If the fish feeds and shows signs of recovery,
however slight or slow, I'd hold off euthanising it. Corydoras can, do
recover from amazing stress and hardship; they're tough little spuds!>
Now the other Albino Cory, which had been the healthiest and hardiest, I
just found this past Saturday morning lying on its side. It then
swam away, only to lodge itself between the air stone and tank wall,
upside down. I haven’t found it like that since, but it’s
listless. The Gourami is also listless and spending more time at
the bottom of the tank.
<I see.>
So, I think the exposure to high nitrates is the problem here,
although I don’t know exactly what ailments my fish have, or if they
have more than one.
<A combination, likely caused by environmental stress, which can of
course include medications, some of which are outright toxic to
fish, especially if used repeatedly or at too high a dose. Do bear in
mind a 10-gallon tank likely holds 7 or 8 gallons of water, so
overdosing is real easy to do.>
I have medicated four times to no avail, the last being only a month
ago. Since it seems the nitrates are now under control, part of me
says just give it time.
<Nitrates at 40 mg/l shouldn't be a problem; that's London tap water!
I'd be looking at the tank more generally, especially nitrite level as a
key measurement of filtration efficiency. I'd test 4 or 6 times across a
day to see if nitrites go above zero at any time, rather than just 1
time a day, and I'd also be increasing filtration as a matter of course,
adding another internal or external filter as your preferences and
budget dictate. I don't like bio-wheel filters, but do at least make
sure yours is set up properly and working correctly. Of course, remove
any carbon if medicating (medication won't work if there's carbon in the
filter) and I'd also remove any chemical media such as zeolite. Maximise
biological filtration, but take care to clean media as gently as
possible. Your tank is relatively small, and that's likely a factor,
though shouldn't have been a lethal one.>
But, they are still sick, and I wonder if they are slowly dying.
If that’s the case, I’d rather euthanize all of them and put them out of
their misery. Of course I feel horrible for my stupidity, and
embarrassed my fish are in this state. I don’t know what to do.
Would medicating even be an option again? Any other measures I can
<My gut feeling is to let things settle down. Get the big picture (i.e.,
water quality and filtration) sorted out. If the fish all die, then
that's that, and you should scrub the tank as best you can, use a good
aquarium steriliser if you can, and then start over using fish suitable
for the size tank you have and the water chemistry you're working with
(e.g., Endler's Guppies, Ricefish and/or Cherry Shrimps).>
Other info- Ammonia and Nitrite 0, pH 8, hard water. Filter-
Marineland Bio-Wheel Power Filter, 100 gph.
<<RMF would remove "the wheel" from this, these filter/s... A ready
source of nitrate production>>
<Sounds adequate, but I do wonder. Just not a fan of this type of
filter, and such mixed reports on the likes of Amazon suggest some
variation in quality and effectiveness. Would heartily recommend a
decent external or internal canister or failing that, plain vanilla
undergravel if budget is limited.>
Temp 78 F. I know now that Gourami’s prefer soft water and Corys
prefer cooler water, but this is where I am at.
<Quite so.>
Sorry for the long email and thank you for any advice you can offer,
<Hmm… sounds like you and your fish have been through the wars. Good
luck going forward! Neale.>
Re: Numerous medicinal treatments, fish still ill... FW
Filtration, NO3 f's 4/9/13
Other info- Ammonia and Nitrite 0, pH 8, hard water. Filter-
Marineland Bio-Wheel Power Filter, 100 gph.
<<RMF would remove "the wheel" from this, these filter/s... A ready
source of nitrate production>>
<Sounds adequate, but I do wonder. Just not a fan of this type of
filter, and such mixed reports on the likes of Amazon suggest some
variation in quality and effectiveness. Would heartily recommend a
decent external or internal canister or failing that, plain vanilla
undergravel if budget is limited.>
<<<Bob, would you recommend supplementing or replacing with another
>Yes; always a good idea to have redundancy in filtration<
Would a traditional undergravel be better than this Marineland unit?
>Mmm, better? Yes, in terms of more reliability, flexibility and
continuity. Worse in terms of (historical) maintenance, NO3 issues<
My gut feeling is that undergravel filters, if used right, are reliable
and inexpensive; what say you? Cheers, Neale>>>
>I do concur... mostly their downside is that folks "get lazy" with
regular vacuuming/removing detritus/mulm. BobF<
Cichlids Dying Rapidly-- 03/20/11
Cichlid Tank Die Off
Hello. I have a 90gallon cichlid tank. I am running 2 Fluval filters a
405 and 305. I have sand from home depot and about 70 lbs of live rock
and couple lbs of other rock. I also have a Rena air 400 for air
supply. my pH is around 7.8. Nitrates are higher around 60-80ish,
nitrite is 0 and ammonia is 0. I have 25 African cichlids currently
from yellow labs, peacocks, scats and few others. I have never had and
problem with fish dying until the last few weeks. I purchased a 4 yr
old Calvus from a friend and seemed fine. The next morning I woke up
and found 3 fish dead.
I immediately brought him back because I figured he killed them. They
had no bite marks on them or anything noticeably wrong. Over the next
couple of day I lost another 5 cichlids all were fine the day before
and found dead with nothing wrong with them. It has been 2 weeks now
since anything else has happened.
What could of caused the death of 8 fish in little over a week? Could
the calvus had brought some sort of parasites to the tank? I keep the
salinity around 1.008ish brackish. I lowered it a little thinking maybe
the salt was burning their gills please help. Thanks Adam.
< Nitrates become a problem at anything over 20 ppm. Nitrates are
less toxic but they are still very harmful to your fish at these very
high levels. As your fish died the levels of ammonia and nitrites
continued to rise and added to the problem. The new fish could not
handle the nitrate level and died pretty quickly. The salt was not
helpful, in fact probably inhibited the FW bacteria needed to convert
the ammonia and nitrites to nitrates.-Chuck>
Re: Cichlids Dying Rapidly
Cichlids Quickly Die 3/21/11
I was able to scoop the dead fish out right away and my ammonia levels
and nitrites never changed from 0. None of the fish that died were new
either the tank has been set up for little over a year now. So does
more salt make the nitrates higher? I am unclear about the last
sentence sorry. Thanks for the fast response
< The high nitrates are the major cause of the tank crashing. The
new fish could not tolerate the excessive nitrate levels and quickly
died. When they died the ammonia levels had the potential to spike.
This only adds to the stress. The rift lakes are not brackish. They are
hard and alkaline. Salt increases the slime coat over the skin and
gills. This may have made your cichlids more tolerant of the high
nitrate levels. salt does not increase the nitrate levels.
Re: Cichlids Dying Rapidly
Cichlids Dying Rapidly III 3/22/11
There were NO new fish added that died. And I am unsure how long the
nitrites had been high for because I had never tested them. They are
still high. There are still 25 cichlids and there have been no problems
for about 2 weeks. I don't believe nitrates had anything to do with
this because they are still high and always have been. Most people are.
The ammonia and nitrites never changed.
< There are two different scenarios, sick fish or sick tank. When a
fish is sick the pathogen usually only affects old or weak fish that
become vulnerable to disease due to stress. A sick tank, one that water
conditions are not favorable to keeping aquatic organisms in an optimum
level is a sick tank that stress fish. When fish are stressed then they
are vulnerable to organisms detrimental to their overall health.
Nitrates in the 60 to 80 ppm is a problem. It may not have been a
problem in the past but it is one now. Losing 8 fish in a week would be
very rare due to a single disease. It is a sign that something is wrong
with the tank. You may live in an area with high nitrates in the tap
water due to living in an agricultural area where fertilizers have
leached into the groundwater. Check the nitrates of your tapwater. If
they are less than 60-80 then start to change the water to bring the
nitrates down. You asked the question and this is the best answer based
on the information you have provided. I would like to recommend the
book "Enjoying Cichlids" by Ad Konings. this book will help
you with all aspects of cichlid keeping.-Chuck>
Re: Cichlids Dying Rapidly
Cichlids Dying Rapidly IV 3/24/11
So the calvus may have contributed to the start of the overall health
problems is that what you are saying?
< The nitrates were already very high. The additional fish elevated
ammonia, nitrites and nitrates to the aquarium water. When you added
the new fish it just added to the problem and the levels just reached a
toxic level with the addition of the new fish sooner than if you had
not added the new fish.>
He bothered no one and he was gone after the 1st day because I thought
he killed 2 fish but 6 more died after he was gone.
< Big calvus can be killers if they are breeding and defending a
female in a shell or protective cave. If the calvus was a killer you
would have seen very obvious aggression towards the other fish.>
Nitrates out of my tap are 0 tested them and it is also the law you can
get sick from nitrates if you are to constantly drink water that has
< There are limits to how high the nitrates can be in domestic
drinking water. >
I have done several changes and nitrates have not changed.
< Your tap water is zero and the aquarium water is in the 60-80 ppm
range of nitrates. A 50% water change should have cut then in half just
by a matter of dilution. Something in the tank is contributing to the
excessive nitrates. This week clean the filters and change 1/3 of the
water. Next week vacuum the gravel and change another 1/3 of the water.
Dead fish, uneaten food and decomposing plant matter can increase
nitrogenous waste.
Also feed the fish once a day and only enough food so that all of it is
eaten in 5 minutes. Over a couple of weeks you should see a decrease in
the nitrates.-Chuck>
Sudden change in NitrAtes??? 10/13/09
I have an established and cycled tank. It's been set up for about a
year now. Readings have always been; Ammonia= 0, NO2 = 0, and NO3 = 20
or so.
Suddenly NO3 is now 0?
I know low Nitrates are a good thing, but I'm concerned about the
sudden change.
<So long as nitrite and ammonia are both zero, so it's not as if
the biological filter has conked out, I wouldn't worry.>
At first, I thought my cycle had crashed inexplicably, but Ammonia and
Nitrite have not risen at all. There are no live plants in the tank, so
that can't account for the change.
<Nor can I. Most likely what scientists call a "rogue
reading". Would repeat the test, and also think about possible
sources of error -- e.g., old/contaminated test kit.>
It's a 29G brackish system for guppies with a SG of 1.003. Right
now we have 9 guppies in there with their fry making plenty of ammonia.
pH is 7.8, GH is about 300 (too high?), and KH is also 300 (also too
<Both fine.>
As an aside, I've had trouble w/ pH stabilization due to low KH and
I'm using a Rift Valley Salt mix recipe I got at WWM but it seems
to make things stable but REALLY hard.
<You can tweak the proportions a bit if you want. Adding a bit less
Epsom salt will lower the general hardness, while adding a bit less
baking soda will lower the carbonate hardness. The Rift Valley salt mix
is a starting point really, and you can feel free to experiment a bit
to get the precise mix of general and carbonate hardness values you
Any suggestions on this would be helpful.
<I wouldn't worry too much Guppies enjoy "liquid rock"
and 300 mg/l calcium carbonate is about 17 degrees KH, well within
their comfy comfort zone.>
Everyone seems basically happy, but they seem to be a bit more active
than usual. There isn't any flashing or rubbing, however, so
I'm not sure what the extra activity is about really. So (after all
that) my question is, can a sudden drop in Nitrates be indicative of a
problem? If so, what am I looking for?
<So far as fish are concerned, low levels of nitrate are not a
There are arguments about whether near-0 levels of nitrate are useful
for corals or plants, but that's a whole other issue. For your
Guppies, it's fine.>
Thanks so much.
<Cheers, Neale.>
New African Knife fish not eating/RMF
<Hi there>
Two days ago I purchased an African Knife fish after researching for
quite some time and visiting pet stores.
<Xenomystus nigri... one of my fave fishes>
I purchased a 55 gallon aquarium setup and cycled it for ten days,
<This is a quick cycle>
took a water sample to be tested, and finally purchased my knife fish.
It is quite healthy (busy at night and still in the day.) It has plenty
of hiding places, but does not seem the slightest bit inclined to eat.
So far I have offered him frozen bloodworms, earthworms, and tropical
flakes at night when he becomes active. He is about five inches and
very healthy. I have searched the web diligently, finding only similar
instances where refusing to eat was a problem and have read that larger
knife fish can be difficult feeders. I was hoping for some suggestions
on how to get him interested in feeding, because I would really hate to
lose the fish I was soo keen on keeping.
<Mmm, well... am not sure this system is fully cycled, nor the fish
all the way settled in...>
Thank you,
<Do try some form (frozen/defrosted, freeze-dried (stuck to the side
low against the inside viewing panel/glass) or live Tubificid worms to
get this fish started on captive foods... And do search again on the
Net using the scientific name. Bob Fenner>
Re: New African Knife fish not eating
Thank you so much for responding,
<My pleasure.>
To cycle my tank, I used AquaSafe for the heavy metals and in the next
ten days I fed the tank with tropical flakes.
<Well, adding the flakes should work. But I'd be staggered if it
only took 10 days to cycle the tank. Three to six weeks is normal. My
gut feeling is your aquarium isn't cycled, and until the ammonia
and nitrite levels hit zero, you'll have some problems. Non-zero
levels of ammonia and nitrite stress fish, and among other things, put
them off their food.>
I had a sample of the water tested for nitrates and the man that showed
me how, explained that it was at zero.
<Nitrate -- with an "a" -- is largely irrelevant here.
Unless you have very high levels, freshwater fish generally don't
care about nitrate levels.
It's nitrite -- with an "i" -- that matters, and above
zero, this most certainly is toxic to fish.>
I will try Tubifex tonight, and hopefully he will give in.
<Would actually buy a nitrite test kit first, and check the nitrite
Thank you soo much for your help!-Stephanie
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New African Knife fish not eating
Thank you for responding! I cycled the tank using AquaSafe and feeding
it for ten days like there were fish in it and when I had my sample
tested, the nitrates read zero,
<... actually, NO3 should be accumulating if the system is
but perhaps he is just not quite settled in yet. I have bought some
Tubifex worms and I will give these a try tonight. Thank you soo much
for your help!
<Do read on WWM re biofiltration, cycling. BobF>
Re: New African Knife fish not eating
I took your advice and bought a good test kit, and determined the
following: Nitrites are reading 0, Nitrates are 80-160, hardness is 25
(very soft), chlorine is 0, Total Alkalinity is 180-300, and pH is
about 7.4-8.4 (Alkaline).
<Mostly sounds within the tolerances of this species. That said, the
pH between 7.4 and 8.4 covers a lot of ground: an increase of 1.0 on
the pH scale corresponds to a ten-fold increase in acidity or
alkalinity. I'm assuming this test kit is one with strips: while
easy to use and certainly inexpensive, they are notoriously difficult
to read and consequently can be unreliable. In any case, if you can
have the pet shop confirm with a liquid test kit what the carbonate
hardness (alkalinity) might be, and what the pH actually is, then that
would be very useful.>
Since Nitrites are zero, should I not be concerned about the water
<I'm still skeptical that you were able to complete the cycle in
ten days... that's really a very short period of time (unless of
course you added mature filter media from another aquarium). So I'd
be sensitive to
the idea nitrite and ammonia levels might not be as low as you think.
Try a test 2-3 times in one day; once first thing in the morning,
another immediately after feeding, and then another a couple of hours
If these are still zero, then yes, you are probably fine.>
Will this water quality contribute to the knife fish's lack of
<I'd try and pin down the pH. Xenomystus will do fine at pH 7.5,
and should remain healthy even as high as pH 8. But above pH 8, and
certainly at pH 8.4, it is out of its comfort zone.>
Thank you again for helping me!
<My pleasure.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
<<I think Neale (or I) mis-read the Nitrate reading... 80-160 ppm
is WAY too high. Please read here re importance and reducing: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>>
Re: New African Knife fish not eating: MORE... & FW NO3
f' - 10/05/2009
<<I think Neale (or I) mis-read the Nitrate reading... 80-160 ppm
is WAY too high. Please read here re importance and reducing:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>>
<Bob, you are quite right. I missed that: in fact I've never
even heard of nitrate levels that high. Stephanie, you need to do a big
water change today, and another tomorrow, I'd say 50% each time.
Did you do water
changes while cycling the tank? You need to, otherwise the nitrate just
builds up. Don't feed the fish. Review carefully before you start
feeding how much you're adding. With luck, once the nitrate drops
to below 50 mg/l, and preferably below 20 mg/l, you'll find the
Xenomystus behaves much more normally. Feed, sparingly, small morsels
of food. Initially at least, maybe one earthworm, every other night.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New African Knife fish not eating: MORE... & FW NO3
f' - 10/05/2009
Oh, wow, I am on my way to doing a water change, but before I did, just
out of curiosity, I tested the tap water and noticed that the Nitrates
are equally high coming out of the tap! I have a Culligan water filter
and I tested it as well with absolute opposite results... Should I
consider using the filtered water instead? There were no nitrates
present at all, the water was a bit softer and not as alkaline. The
Xenomystus at an earthworm last night, so he is giving in, but I feel
the water is still stressing him. Thank you again!
<... Please read where you were referred to. I would NOT drink this
water until it is tested by a professional. I would NOT use
salt-recharged filter water... ALL this is gone over on WWM. Bob
Re: New African Knife fish not eating: MORE... & FW NO3
f' - 10/05/2009
<... Please read where you were referred to. I would NOT drink this
water until it is tested by a professional. I would NOT use
salt-recharged filter water... ALL this is gone over on WWM. Bob
<<Within the EU at least, the upper level of nitrate that is
considered safe to drink is 50 mg/l; above that, your water supplier is
*obliged by law* to act. It sounds as if your water is contaminated,
e.g., by
agricultural run-off (the source of ~70% nitrate in UK water supplies,
at least). As Bob says, this should NOT be treated as drinking water.
Babies in particular are at particular risk (see "Blue Baby
Syndrome"). Call your water supplier, now. Cheers,
>A note here... Neale and I are certainly NOT trying to scare
("terrorize") anyone, nor are we "certified" health
authorities of any sort... We are only trying to urge readers on to
further awareness and possible action, to safeguard their livestock and
safety. RMF<
Re: New African Knife fish not eating: MORE... & FW NO3
f' - 10/06/2009
Wow, I certainly will have to get someone to come out and check the
water (we have a well and live near some farm fields...)
I went ahead and used reverse osmosis filtered water for my 50% water
change (I would not dream of using the same tap water,) and the nitrate
level is in the 30's! I may have to supplement the water with
minerals, but at least this is bearable for now. Hopefully my problem
is solved.
<One problem solved, and another created. Plain deionised water has
zero buffering capacity and isn't suitable for fishkeeping (indeed,
pure water is potentially harmful to fish). To each bucket of deionised
water, add appropriate minerals to harden it up. You can buy ready made
hardening salts (often called Rift Valley cichlid salts, as opposed to
tonic salt or aquarium salt, which don't want). Or else, you can
make your own. See here:
There's a recipe for Rift Valley cichlid salts, but use one-quarter
to one-half the amount listed, since you want soft to moderately hard
water for these fish; pH 7-7.5, 10-15 degrees dH would be
Thanks again Neale!
<My pleasure.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Please help - nitrates through the roof!!
Hi there,
We got a new 26 gallon (100 litre) about a month and a half ago.
<Six weeks old... should just about be cycled now, though still
vulnerable to water quality swings, so go easy with stocking and
We lost a few fish in the beginning, which was probably due to water
quality and to a monster filter we had in the tank.
<Eh? Don't understand why a filter would cause bad water
quality. Most water quality problems come down to [a] adding too many
fish too quickly; [b] feeding the fish too much; and [c] not having
sufficient water volume and filtration for the fish being kept.>
We currently have 1 golden Gourami,
<Males become very aggressive...>
1 dwarf Gourami,
<Worthless fish in my opinion; very prone to disease.>
2 Neons,
<Need to be kept in groups of at least 6, and prefers slightly cool
conditions, around 24 C ideal.>
1 angel,
<You do realize Angels eat Neon tetras?>
4 penguins and 4 suckers (1 large and 3 small) in the tank.
<Suckers? Do you mean Pterygoplichthys species? These are FAR TOO
large for this aquarium. If you mean Gyrinocheilus, then not only are
these fish too large, they're also far too aggressive.>
I am feeding them flakes and blood worms at the moment. I have
read up about the whole cycling situation, but I just don't think
I'm doing everything right.
<I'll say. You've obviously added too many fish too
I have purchased a water testing kit. My ph is round about 7 and
everything else seems okay, except my nitrite and nitrate levels (more
than 250!!).
<I don't believe this number. For a start, which is it, nitrite
or nitrate? Next up, what are the units? The devil is in the
detail! In any case, if you had 250 mg/l of either, your fish would be
dead. So let's cut to the case here: anything other than 0 nitrite
is dangerous, and will kill your fish. As for nitrate, levels under 20
mg/l are best, though up to 50 mg/l won't do much harm to your
fish, except perhaps the Angelfish. Like most cichlids, Angelfish are
intolerant of nitrate.>
They are through the roof and I'm not sure what to do!! I usually
do 30% water changes on a weekly basis and have even tried doing them
twice a
week, but it still won't come down.
<Too many fish, too quickly, and likely the filters aren't being
maintained properly or stuffed with useless media (like carbon) instead
of what you actually need, biological media.>
We have one corner filter, under-gravel filter and another hanging
filter in the tank and they seem to be functioning fine. We have a
castle and some pipes in the tank, and the fish like to play and hide
in them and the suckers are very fond of them as well. We had some
plants in the tank, I added plant fertilizer (as directed), but they
turned yellow. I removed the plants yesterday and I'm hoping that
it will maybe make a difference.
<It won't. Like the plants died because you either [a] bought
plants that were cheap but actually aren't underwater plants (a
very common con trick among retailers) or [b] your aquarium isn't
suitable for plants: not enough light, the wrong substrate, etc.
Undergravel filters, by the way, cannot be used with plants except
floating plants or epiphytes (plants attached to wood or
Firstly, please help me with the water!!???
<See above.>
Secondly, I am not sure about the amount of bloodworms to feed my fish.
I am currently giving them 1 block per day, and flakes twice a day. Is
that too much?
<I'll say. One meal a day is ample, and for this collection of
fish, the smallest pinch of flake food is fine. Don't feed them at
all while you
detect any ammonia or nitrite.>
I know I must check what they eat in 2-3 minutes,
<Too much...>
but that is very difficult, as my suckers don't always dine with
the rest of the fish.
<Correct. Hence, you feed them at night, using algae wafers.>
Thirdly, my golden Gourami is looking a bit bloated, it has been like
this for about two weeks and I've been reading up on it trying to
find the
problem. I saw some people posting that it may just be bloated and I
need to give it a deshelled frozen pea. Will that work or is the water
<Likely to some degree.>
I think the Gourami is female, but so is the dwarf (I think), so
I'm not too sure if it can be pregnant.
It got a black spot in the middle of where it tail starts, is that
normal? I know the golden Gourami eats quite greedily when I feed
them, but that is always the case. Can that be the problem?
<Likely environmental; concentrate on that for now.>
Please help me with this. I am quite new to the tropical fish scene and
I just don't want to lose my precious babies just because I just
don't know better.
<Much written for beginners here. Do have a read here:
Would recommend you take some/all of these fish back, and start adding
a few hardy fish to start with, while you pick up the skills required.
The Yellow Gourami is perhaps the toughest of the bunch, though males
are super-aggressive and worth avoiding (males have longer dorsal fins
than females). Space out each batch of new fish by 2-3 weeks. Use the
smallest amounts of food you need; a piece of flake about the size of
the fish's eye is really all it needs per day, and skipping a
couple days a week if you have problems with water quality won't do
the least harm.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: please help - nitrates through the roof!!
Hi Neale,
Thanks for your previous response. I will check the links that you gave
me and see if I can maybe get things on track. Unfortunately I left the
water testing kit at home, but I will send you the exact readings
tomorrow. I think it was the nitrates as one of our angels died quite
suddenly last week.
<Hmm... nitrates don't normally kill Angelfish (or cichlids)
quickly, but rather make them prone to disease, leading to gradually
weakening health over a period of weeks or months. So I'd be
looking at other, more immediate issues: ammonia, nitrite, toxins,
What I meant about the monster filter was, that it sucked in a few of
our fish.
<Doesn't usually happen; fish are plenty strong enough to avoid
being sucked into filters *of appropriate size* for the aquarium in
question. So assuming the turnover isn't, say, 10 times the volume
of the tank (in your case, 200 gallons per hour for a 20 gallon tank)
there's very little chance the filter killed your fish. What often
happens is a fish are weakened/killed by something the aquarist has (or
hasn't) done, and the moribund/dead fish gets sucked into the
My golden Gourami was very aggressive with the dwarf in the beginning,
but they are best of friends now. The purchase of the Neons was a
mistake on my part. I bought them without reading up on them. I
initially bought 7, but 1 died and 4 were eaten. Now there are only 2
lonely Neons in the tank.
<Who ate the other 4?>
The people at the fish shop was quite clueless and never told us much
about the dwarf Gourami, he seems to be doing just fine at the moment.
We have 4 Pterygoplichthys' (see picture as example). I am quite
aware of how big they get. But we just love them to bits. They are
great fish and we will look after them properly.
<Do understand you'll need 55 gallons, minimum, for one of this
species, and 3-4 times that for 4 specimens. They also need massive
filtration, upwards of 8 times the volume of the tank per hour. Do
understand also that they are aggressive towards one another, and the
dominant fish will kill the others if they can't avoid him.>
The big one is about 6 inches (15cm) and the other 3 are about 2 to 3
inches(7cm).We are moving into a new house at the end of the month and
will be looking to get another aquarium later on. I will rehouse 2 of
the suckers to that one.
When we bought the filters, the guy at the shop gave us carbon to put
in the filters. What should we be using instead?
<More biological and mechanical media: ceramic noodles or sponges,
as you prefer.>
Thanks for the tip about the plant. I'm not sure what plants they
were, but no one told us that you can't keep them with an
underground filter.
<Most any book about aquarium plants will state this. I'd
recommend "Aquarium Plants (Mini Encyclopedia Series for Aquarium
Hobbyists)" as being cheap, easy to read, and very useful.
It's so easy to waste all kinds of money on plants, that spending
some money on a book really is good value.>
I don't have algae wafers at the moment, will try to get to the
shop as soon as possible. At the moment I am just feeding them
bloodworms. Is there anything else that I can feed them?
<Algae wafers, courgette (zucchini), sweet potato and small pieces
of seafood make good staples for Pterygoplichthys; for the midwater
fish, frozen bloodworms (wet, rather than freeze-dried are better and
better value) and other small invertebrates, augmented with quality
flake and pellets is fine.>
When we got the tank, they gave us some hardy fish(according to them).
It included the golden Gourami, some other small yellow fish, the big
sucker and a Bala shark. But the Bala shark died in the 3rd week.
<Demanding, schooling fish; Bob's written about these at length
here, do read:
When we lifted up the castle, he had died in there. Is it possible that
he couldn't get out or do you think it was something else. He
didn't have any markings on him. Then
a week later, we got 2 ghosts and 2 small Bala sharks. The ghosts were
doing fine, but then they got sucked into our monster filter along with
the 2 Balas. We were told to put some mesh in front of the filter to
avoid this. The Neons seem to be fine though, none of them got sucked
<Quite. Fish aren't sucked into filters when healthy.>
I know we introduced too many fish too quickly, but I really don't
want to return any of the fish. They are like part of the family now
and I will try my damndest to save all of them.
Thanks for the assistance. Will send the water readings tomorrow,
should give you much more of an idea of what is going on in our
<Cheers, Neale.>
Nitrate concentration in crayfish tank -- 06/28/08 Hi,= I
have a problem with the nitrate level in my crayfish tank which I
hope you can help with. It's only a small tank, just under 10
gallons, with an undergravel filter and another small internal
foam- filter. It has been set up for over three months, and my
crayfish (the only occupant) has been in it for two weeks- less
than that. Since I added her, my nitrite and nitrate readings
have always been 0. For the last couple of weeks, my nitrate
level has jumped to 25 mg/L (nitrite still 0) and I cannot get it
down. I know this is not high for fish, but am concerned that it
may be too high for her as a crustacean. I have always done 25%
water changes each week. The last couple of weeks, I did two 10%
changes the first week, and then, as the nitrate level didn't
decrease, a 50% change about 5 days ago. It doesn't seem to
have any effect. I tested the nitrates of the tap water, after
conditioning, and this was 0. I suspect its the amount of food
that she loses when feeding (miniscule bits of fish seem to
'cloud' off while she chomps) and I do have some brown
scum/algae which accumulates at the front, which I keep having to
scrub off. I can't understand why the water changes are
having no effect. I don't know whether doing any more just
yet is a good idea as I don't want to start the tank off
cycling again. Have you any suggestions? Should I be worried
about this concentration? Thanks very much for your time. I
couldn't find anyone else with this query for crayfish tanks.
Best wishes, Kathryn <Hi Kathryn. Nitrate can be difficult to
manage. The first thing is to establish the nitrate level in your
tap water, which you have done. If you're finding that the
tap water has 0 mg/l nitrate but the aquarium has 25 mg/l after
one week, you almost certainly have an overstocked or overfed
aquarium. Given that nitrite and ammonia are zero, the filter
itself is doing its job just fine. Your crayfish isn't in any
immediate danger -- the common swamp-dwelling crayfish sold as
pets have evolved to live in a variety of water conditions, and
will adapt to relatively high levels of nitrate without problems.
Given the crayfish are primarily herbivores in the wild, you
could opt to focus the diet on plant matter. There is less
protein in plant material, and while your crayfish will still
receive all the nutrition it needs, the amount of ammonia dumped
in the water, and consequently the nitrate produced by the
filter, will be far less. Across the week you might feed your pet
on 5 days with plant material, and 2 days with something meaty.
Beyond that, more frequent water changes will dilute the nitrate,
and the use of fast-growing floating plants under bright
illumination will further use up nitrate. Hope this helps,
Re: Nitrate concentration in crayfish tank -- 06/29/08
Hi, Thank you very much for your advice- I will certainly try to
shift her to a more vegetarian diet and find some floating
plants. Hopefully she won't be able to catch and destroy them
like she does everything else! Thanks for your time, Kathryn
<Glad to help. Try soft plant foods like tinned peas and
cooked rice as staples. The peas are great for protein, and the
rice provides starch. You can also offer Sushi Nori, cucumber,
courgette (zucchini), cooked carrot, blanched lettuce or pretty
much anything soft and/or green. There's no need to feed
crayfish every day. Feed in small amounts, and at night if you
want to minimise wastage (crayfish are nocturnal). Inexpensive
pond plants like Elodea will do double duty as forage for the
crayfish as well as nice decorations for the tank. Maybe once a
week offer something meaty with either shell or bones in place.
These provide the calcium required for successful moults. Frozen
krill and/or lancefish (both available in aquarium stores) will
do the trick here. Some aquarists recommend adding iodine drops
to the crayfish aquarium. You can buy this stuff (inexpensively)
at marine aquarium stores. It seems to help prevent one common
problem with crayfish, namely "bad" moults, where the
crayfish dies part-way through. Use as indicated on the bottle,
though perhaps a half-dose would be ample for just one crayfish.
Cheers, Neale.>
Excess nitrates problem, FW 11/1/07
Dear WWM, <Melissa,> I have/had a 5 gallon tank with two panda
Corys, mechanical and biological filtration. <Hmm... 5 gallons too
small for such fish, and really too small for any fish. The main
problem is a lack of stability, so even if a 5 gallon tank is fine one
day, by the next it can be a death zone. The bigger the tank, the
slower such changes, and the more time you have to fix them.
Experienced fishkeepers can usually run a 10 gallon tank safely enough,
but for beginners there is no doubt in my mind a 20 gallon is the bare
minimum for anything like a consistent chance of success.> Yesterday
when I left my house, my fish were fine. One of my Corys was displaying
some clouded eye a few days ago, but it seemed to be improving. The
other Cory was unaffected. <Cloudy eyes don't tend to go away,
and even if they do, they're really an indication of infectious
agents in the water. In other words, this should be an alarm bell.>
When I got home about seven hours later, there were these tiny worms in
my tank. They are very small, ranging from about 2 to 10 mm long,
almost translucent, and free-swimming. They resemble Planaria but are
not white. I suspect them to be nematodes. <Quite possible.
Nematodes such as these are harmless, and simply turn excess food you
are giving your fish into more nematodes. Cut back the food, clean the
tank more rigourously, and the nematode population will die back.
Again, an alarm bell.> I have not added anything new to my tank
recently. My java fern has also started yellowing suddenly for some
reason, I don't know if this has anything to do with it. <Likely
not; are you fertilising the water? Like any plant, Java fern relies on
minerals such as iron and magnesium from the water. This is used up
over time, so at least monthly you need to top up with plant
fertiliser.> Plus, there are tiny white specks crawling on the
inside of my tank walls. <Could be nematodes, planarians or even
some sort of tiny crustacean such as Ostracods.> I also lost both
Corys over the last 12 hours. <Sorry.> I suspect both the worms
and the fish loss to be due to excess buildup of nitrates in my water.
<Wrong. The nematodes and the nitrate levels (which you don't
quite) are a product of poor aquarium care. Provided you don't give
fish too much food, there should be no food for nematodes to turn into
even more nematodes. Likewise, nitrate comes from food, not thin air.
So if you have relatively high levels of nitrate compared with the
water you put into the tank, this means you are adding too much food
and/or not doing enough water changes. Bottom line, the nitrates and
the nematodes were warnings about a systemic problem with the tank;
without fixing that problem, you allowed the situation to become
critical, resulting in dead fish.> However, I don't see how this
could happen as I siphon thoroughly once a week along with 20-25% water
changes. <Not enough. The smaller the tank, the more the water
changes need to be. Minimum, 50% a week for this system.> I also
underfeed. <Apparently not, or there wouldn't be any worms.
Understand this: nematodes are animals. They eat stuff. They eat fish
food. They can't survive on just water and gravel. So if the
nematodes are multiplying, that can only mean there is
"stuff" in there for them to eat and turn into baby
nematodes.> Although I did a full siphon and water change two days
ago, yesterday I was still able to siphon out a very large amount of
dirt from my gravel. This included white and brown specks about 1 mm as
well as microscopic specks that looked more like dust than anything.
<Organic detritus. This is the stuff you need to remove with each
water changes. In a bigger tank, this really isn't a problem, but
in a small tank, organic decay can be critical, resulting in things
like rapid pH drops.> Today, I siphoned again, and even though I
siphoned yesterday and did a 40% water change, today after an hour of
siphoning I was still able to stir up a significant amount of this
dirt. <Bizarre. Let's review how the gravel should work. In a
tank with an undergravel filter, you need around 5-8 cm of gravel,
through which water is drawn. Each week you need to stir the gravel and
siphon up the solid waste that accumulates there. In tanks without
undergravel filters, you don't need a deep bed of gravel unless you
have rooted plants. In your case, if the only plants you have are Java
fern (which you NEVER stick in the gravel but attach to wood/rock) the
gravel need only be 0.5-1 cm think. Enough to cover the glass but no
more. This should be very easy to keep clean. In tanks with plants that
have roots (Vallisneria, Amazon swords, etc.) the substrate needs to be
much deeper, around 10 cm. Actively growing plants will largely keep
the gravel clean by themselves, and to a degree use the organic wastes
as a source of nutrients.> I am not sure what is causing this huge
accumulation of waste in my gravel. No amount of siphoning seems to
decrease this amount. <Put the filter in a bucket of aquarium water
and leave it running, and then take apart the tank and give it a
thorough clean. Return only so much gravel as you need to cover the
glass.> Ammonia and nitrites are both at 0. What should I do?
<Clean the tank, and review the basics of setting up and maintaining
an aquarium. Once you're happy you have them covered, go get some
more fish, but choose something more suitable for a 5 gallon tank, such
as a Betta or perhaps a few shrimps and small gobies.> -Melissa
<Cheers, Neale>
Re: Excess nitrates problem 11/1/07 Hi
again, <Greetings!> I understand that 5 gallons is difficult to
keep balanced. I'm preparing a 15 gallon now...don't have room
for anything bigger. <Good. While 15 gallons is still on the small
size, it's certainly much easier to maintain than a 5 gallon
tank.> My java fern is rooted to a piece of wood. I also have a
piece of driftwood on which I am keeping java moss. <Correct
maintenance for both these plants. If placed in the substrate, they
rot.> My gravel is about 3/4 of an inch deep. <Use less. In a
tank without plants or an undergravel filter, you really only need
enough to cover the glass. I prefer to use sand with Corydoras than
gravel; you will immediately see changes in their behaviour as these
catfish happily root about in a more natural way. Aquarium sand can be
used, but non-calcareous smooth silver sand (silica sand) costs next to
nothing and can be bought at any garden centre.> I will take the
tank apart and clean it as suggested. Should I empty out all the water
as well when I do this? <Yes. Of course, make sure the new water is
dechlorinated and at roughly the right temperature for your fish, i.e.,
not too cold and not too hot. Corydoras panda (which I think you said
you had) like water on the cool side: aim for 20-25C, but no higher and
not substantially lower. Do keep the filter running in a bucket of
aquarium water while you're cleaning the tank; otherwise, the
bacteria will start dying, which is a Bad Thing.> Thanks for the
help. -Melissa <Good luck, Neale>
Bad link on your site... and FW algae, nitrification
issue 10/15/07 Hello Crew member, FYI, you have a nasty
link on your site located at /diatomfltfaqs.htm. It is the 9th post
from the top, titled ?Re: Diatom Filtration? and the link is
<http://www/> http://www dot aquarium advice dot com/viewtopic
dot php?t=3250. (link is retyped so to prevent you from accidentally
clicking it) The link attempted to install the following 3 viruses:
Exploit-MS06-014 (Virus), Exploit-CVE2006-3730 (Virus), and VBS/Psyme
(Virus) in rapid succession. My virus software stopped the attack, but
my system was frozen for several minutes. <Yikes... I see what you
mean... Have removed this link. Thank you> While I am taking the
time to write you, I might as well ask a question. I have spent many
hours reading your site and have asked a few questions in the past as
well, and I must say that you people are the bomb. <La bomba!>
Currently, I have a green water situation that seems to go against
standard logic. In a nut shell, the problem worsens each time I vacuum
the gravel or clean the filter. Several months ago the problem was not
green water, but rather cloudy water. If I left the tank to its own (if
I neglected it), it would clear up, but nitrates would rise as well to
the point that water changes would have little impact. <Mmm, you
need/want more "filtration"... low/ hypoxic to no/ anoxic
spaces...> It is then that I clean the filter and/or the gravel to
slow down the production of and lower nitrates, but that causes the
water to turn cloudy. I try to keep the nitrates below 10ppm, but when
water changes will no longer keep the level below 20ppm is when I know
I need to clean the filter and gravel. <Yes... a common
situation> After purchasing 2 Plecos who do a wonderful job of
cleaning the glass, gravel and décor of all visible algae,
the problem of cloudy water became a problem of green water, and boy is
the water green. Visibility in the tank is about 4 inches, and it has
been that way for about 2 weeks now. I am at a loss. All water tests
are currently and stay great with the exception of phosphates, which I
have not tested because I use to use a phosphate buffer to control Ph
so I knew the reading would be high. I have since quit using the Ph
buffer and have let the Ph rise as a result. High or otherwise,
phosphate levels have no impact on the cloudy/green water. I have read
so many of your articles and FAQs that I feel like an expert on the
subject, but something is amiss. More info; I can't keep plants
because my silver dollars will eat them. My tank is 75 gallons. I have
4 silver dollars, 3 Corys, 2 bushy-nosed Plecos, and 1 blue ram. I
wonder if I do not have enough fish to support the biology in the
filter? Is that possible? When I had many more fish I didn't have
this problem. I have an EHEIM Pro 2 canister filter running about
275GPH and it is full of bio balls that I am very careful to not tamper
with. <Good> The tank has been running for about 3 years. I use
RO water treated with RO right (2dGH) and baking soda (3dKH).
Everything in the tank is plastic, or epoxy coated except 3 pieces of
Malaysian drift wood. <This, these should help> No nitrites, no
ammonia, Ph 7.6, (I prefer lower but cannot seem to keep it down
without using phosphates), nitrates 5ppm at last check. I need to get
to the root of the green water. I have had aquariums for over 30 years,
but never has issues like this. I am trying to keep this short, so will
cut it off here. If you need more info please let me know. Best
Regards, Scott <Not to make too much of a simple/simplified response
sans explanation, but the "answer" to the situation here is
more fine substrate... like another inch or so of gravel... or the
addition of ceramic ring, sintered glass media... for the bioballs.
This will shift more of nitrogen cycling to/back to denitrification...
Bob Fenner>
High Nitrates 8/27/08 Hi there Neale (?),
<Hello Lisa,> Hope you are well. <Can't complain.>
Could you please help me out? In my community tank, I've been
reading high nitrate levels for the last few weeks. This tank is a 30
gallon hex, with 5 guppies, 1 black skirt tetra, 1 giant Danio, 1 zebra
Danio, 2 Plecos, 2 bumblebee cats and 5 Corys (many bottom feeders I
know! I LOVE them - they are such happy creatures). The change has come
about in the last few weeks, as I have made an effort to feed the cats
a few shrimp pellets and an algae wafer or two on a nightly basis -
I've been doing reading on your site and I believe it was Fenner
that recommends feeding the catfish "meaty foods" twice a
day. (Oh and I did add the bumblebees to the tank about 2-3 weeks ago
(Microglanis iheringi). <Define "high" nitrates. Anything
from 50 mg/l downwards is fine, and even 100 mg/l is unlikely to cause
problems.> I realize a high nitrate level is due to excessive food
decay - correct? Nitrites and ammonia levels are 0. pH is on the high
side - 7.6 (I usually keep it neutral at 7.0 - out of the tap it's
7.2). <Nitrate comes from the end of the biological filtration
process. Ammonia (from the fish) goes to nitrite, and nitrite goes to
nitrate. Water changes are used to dilute the nitrate. Since nitrate is
(basically) non-toxic, there's no need in freshwater aquaria to
worry about it most of the time. Things are different in marine
aquaria, and to some extent in Rift Valley cichlid aquaria, but for
standard community tropicals you can usually ignore nitrate. So long as
you aren't grossly overstocked/overfeeding and you do the 50% water
changes each week, it should stay at a safe level automatically.>
I've been doing partial water changes 2-3 times per week to keep
the levels down. <OK. But how *much* water per change? Aim for 50% a
week, one way or another.> I'm running a Penn Plax canister
filter with a capacity of 65 gallons (I realize it's turnover
that's the important factor). I just ordered a large bubble wand to
provide both additional aeration and get the waste and excess food up
and into the filter intake. <Hmm. Not sure how the bubble wand will
help here, but OK. Neale's golden rule for spending money is always
buy another filter when you have spare cash. Everything else is
niceties, but a filter is always money well spent. Even a cheap little
internal box filter jammed into the corner and filled with ceramic
media or filter wool will do more good than a dozen bubble wands.> I
wanted to move one of the Plecos (5-6" in length) over to the
Mbuna tank however that nasty Chinese Algae Eater is in there and I
don't want him to latch onto him. <Hah! Plecs and CAEs usually
coexist, and I've mixed them together myself. Does depend on the
relative sizes of the fish, and how much cover the Plec has (it rough
aquaria they tend to hide during the day and feed only at night). To
some degree, CAE behaviour depends on diet: adults are more or less
omnivorous rather than herbivorous, and should be provided with a mix
of green vegetables as well as opened mussels, bits of prawn, and so
on.> What do you recommend in this situation to get the nitrate
levels down? <Tell me what the Nitrate value is first, and then
I'll comment. If it's below 50 mg/l, don't worry about it.
Also check you tap (faucet) water supply. London tap water for example
has 50 mg/l anyway, so aquaria in London will have nitrate levels above
that. Doesn't cause undue problems most of the time. Fish adapt to
even sub-optimal conditions, and provided everything else is basically
sound, nitrate is a relatively trivial issue.> As always, thank
you!! <Not a problem.> Lisa in Natick, Mass. <Neale in
Berkhamsted, Herts.> Re: High Nitrates -- 08/27/07 Thanks
again Neale. <Hello Lisa,> As you say, I did note on the FAQ that
nitrate problems refer mostly to marine aquariums. I do not want to
take advantage of your service so I will always do the research before
asking a question. I so appreciate this great service. And thank you
for your patience. I can sense a bit of humor in your responses -
I'm not sure you're rolling your eyes at my questions - but
I'd say it's definitely a possibility! :-) <More than
likely, yes...> My concern with the nitrates is the change in
readings (although the fish are not displaying stress). I usually
receive 5.0ppm ratings for all three tanks (I apologize for not
providing a reading). However, in this particular tank I AM overfeeding
hence receiving a reading in between 40-80ppm (brought down to 40 with
25% water changes a few times per week). I believe I've
sufficiently run out of real estate concerning number of fish also.
There's even waste lying on the substrate (Plecos). I will begin
doing 50% changes regularly on the weekends. <Solid waste -- faeces
-- really aren't a problem, especially not from Plecs, which are
herbivores. While unsightly, faeces contains little by way of toxins.
Fish dump their "toxic waste" across the gills and in the
urine, as ammonia. Neither of these sources is visible. This is why
biological filtration is so important. Turnover is also important. For
standard tropical fish (guppies, barbs, etc.) you need a filter
providing at least 4 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour.
For big fish, like Plecs and goldfish, 6 to 8 times turnover is in
order. That's how you decide on whether or not you have enough
filtration, though obviously nitrite test kits can be used to directly
measure your success at managing the nitrogen cycle.> I must have
sensed "Neale's Golden Rule" for subsequent to writing my
note yesterday, I installed a powerhead with a filter cartridge for
added filtration - I will add a bit of carbon and bio media too.
<Skip the carbon, and double the biological media. Carbon provides a
questionable service in a freshwater fish tank. But biological media is
ALWAYS useful.> I changed the canister's filter media too
(except for bio media). Bubble wands are for wimps - noted. :-)
<It's not so much air stones and whatnot are for wimps, it's
just they're not very good value in terms of what you get in
return. The only time I use air in aquaria is for powering box filters
or, on marine tanks, for skimmers. I just don't see much use for
them otherwise. This isn't to say you should use them, and if money
is no object, they certainly add a nice touch to the aquarium. But
there are better ways to spend your money if you want sheer improvement
in water quality.> I will stop loving my fish with food and resort
to the old feeding routine supplemented with a shrimp pellet, algae
wafer or fresh veggie once or twice a week although seeing those
bumblebee cats scoop up a pellet at the speed of light and the Cory
feeding frenzy is quite fascinating! <Indeed! You're talking to
a catfish enthusiast, so no question, they're among the most fun
fish in the hobby. Cichlids obviously win out when it comes to
intelligence, but if you want "weirdness" (as Calvin &
Hobbes might say) you gotta go with catfish.> The CAE came as
"a gift" as part of the Mbuna package. He IS fun to watch -
the Mbuna chase him around a bit but if this guy latches onto my Pleco
there going to be hell to pay! <Agreed. I kept one in 200 gallon
tank with Central American cichlids. Worked quite well. There was also
a gibbiceps catfish in there, and they all seemed to get along
fine.> The Pleco I'd like to move into the tank is about 5
inches long, the CAE is about 3 inches. <Sounds a reasonable gamble.
I'd try it out and see what happens. The CAE couldn't kill the
Plec in one day, so it should be apparent if one or other fish is being
bullied long before there were problems.> I do not have sufficient
hiding places for him as of yet in the Mbuna tank however I'm going
to decorate the tank with a great deal of rock next weekend. <Plecs
love terracotta flower pots, so providing hiding places shouldn't
be hard. Perhaps I will move the Pleco in there once the aquascaping is
complete. I'll place a bit of driftwood in there too as he really
likes it. <It's more than "liking", they eat the stuff
too. While common Plec species can't digest wood (only
"Royal" Plecs, Panaque spp. can do that) they do seem to use
wood as a source of dietary fibre, and it keeps them healthy.> Do
Plecos "feel" crowded - am I stunting his growth in the 30
hex? <Quite possibly, yes. 30 US gallons is rather less than what
I'd recommend for a common Plec. Even twice that wouldn't be
exactly generous.> Maybe I should just leave him where he is? I know
Plecos can get huge in the wild and even in captivity... <The
standard Pterygoplichthys species get to around 40-50 cm in the wild,
but there are other Plecs that get twice that size. I've seen
photos of as-yet undescribed Loricariid catfish literally the size of a
child. There's a great You Tube video of a *school* of wild Plecs
in a Mexican lake, and it's quite something to see this huge mass
of giant catfish scooting about like overgrown Corydoras. Sometimes,
aquarists don't realise how different their fish behave in the
wild.> Thank you Neale! <You're welcome, Neale>
Nitrate in freshwater Eclipse 12 system --
08/11/07 I have written off to Drs. Foster and Smith and That Fish
Place but only received the pat answers which did not help me at all.
I've seen your threads so thought I'd try you all. <OK,
Jeanine, fire away.> I have a Marineland Eclipse System 12,
freshwater, that has been up since January. I do weekly 25% water
changes and vacuum the sand bed which is about 2 inches deep. I run my
tank light about 7 hours a day. A month ago, I began noticing some of
the brownish/red colored algae growing both on tank ornaments and on
the live plants and when I checked nitrates, they were around the 40 or
more mark. <Right, you have a 12 US gallon tank, which isn't
much at all. So by any standards you need to handle this tank extremely
carefully if you want it to be stable. That said, nitrates at 40 mg/l
are fine for most freshwater fish. Local water in London is around 50
mg/l right out the tap, and people keep fish with this stuff fine.
Sure, there are some nitrate-intolerant fish, like Tanganyikan
cichlids, but the basic stuff like Neons and guppies generally
couldn't care less.> After doing reading and checking, I decided
I had too many fish - 4 Cory cats and 5 dwarf neon rainbows, so I
donated the rainbows to an LFS reducing the fish to only 4. <The 4
Corydoras would be fine, but the rainbows aren't
"overstocking" the tank, but just the wrong fish for such a
small aquarium. They're hyperactive creatures. I'd sooner go
with Glowlights, Neons, and other inactive small tetras when working
with small (lengthwise) tanks.> At the time, I had been feeding the
fish daily, so I changed to every other day feeding so I am definitely
NOT overfeeding. I feed frozen blood worms one day and also Hikari
sinking wafer for catfish the next feeding. Oh, I also checked my
phosphates and they are around 0. <Now, frozen foods are great, and
bloodworms low in proteins (something like 5%, check the package) so
far less polluting than the same quantity of flake. People often forget
that it isn't how much food you put in the tank that matters, but
how much *protein*. That's why you can stick a head of lettuce in
an catfish tank and let them graze away for a week, and yet the impact
on the nitrogenous waste levels will be minimal.> I did a massive 4
gallons at a time progressive water change sequence until I got the
nitrates down below 5. I always make sure the carbon filter pad is
clean (in tank water) and I even rinse out the BioWheel in tank water
to remove excess buildup (if there is any). <I say this twice daily,
but carbon pads are useless, or at least, don't do any of the
things aquarists think they do. Carbon doesn't remove nitrate and
carbon doesn't reduce water pollution. All carbon does is remove
dissolved organics, and if you're doing 50% water changes weekly
(as you should be) then there won't be any dissolved organics
anyway. So throw out the carbon, and replace with more biological
filter media, which *will* do something useful. Corydoras, by the way,
love big water changes, especially if the new water is slightly colder
than the old water. If you're lucky, they'll spawn!> Okay,
so I've done everything I know to do so now that I've reduced
the nitrates and am not overpopulated or overfeeding, surely the
nitrates will not start going back up quickly. Well, within 3 days of
doing the water change/vacuum, the nitrates were already back up to a
good solid 5 ppm color so they are obviously rising. <Nitrates are
good in some ways, because they show the biological filter is doing its
job. Don't worry about them. As I said, 50 mg/l is harmless in most
cases, and even 100 mg/l won't cause major problems.> I have
read that BioWheels cause higher nitrates but that is the filter on the
eclipse system and no one says much about freshwater nitrates and
BioWheels in their articles. <All sounds like rubbish. No filter can
"make" more nitrates than another. Assuming you have
biological filtration equal to the loading of the tank, each milligram
of protein the fish eat will end up as exactly the same amount of
nitrate, whether you are using a sponge filter, and undergravel filter,
or a trickle filter. The only factors that moderate this are
plant/algal growth (these use up nitrate) and denitrification in
anaerobic sediments (where nitrate is broken to nitrogen). This latter
is uncommon in freshwater tanks.> I want to keep the nitrates at a
lower level so the algae will not get a major foothold again. <Non
sequitur. You can have 100 mg/l of nitrates and no algae. You can also
have 5 mg/l nitrate and lots of algae. Algae is a problem where a tank
is "unbalanced", that is, there is an excess of light
(especially sunlight) but not enough plant growth. Algae will grow more
quickly if there's lot of nitrate, yes, but even if there
isn't, algae can grow pretty well too. Add some live plants that
grow rapidly. Vallisneria, hornwort, Cabomba, and Elodea are all good.
Make sure they have lots of light. Honestly, once established,
you'll be down to scraping algae once a month, if that. It's
pretty amazing really. The mechanism isn't clear scientifically,
but allelopathy may be a factor. Slow growing live plants, like
Cryptocorynes, Java moss, Java ferns, Anubias, etc have no effect at
all, by the way.> How can I keep the nitrates lower - I will
continue my tank maintenance and weekly 25% water changes, but I
don't want to have to continue these huge progressive water changes
every week to lower the nitrates. <Forget about it. Too much work,
not enough reward. Weekly 25% water changes aren't "huge"
by the way, they stingy. 50% weekly is widely accepted nowadays to be a
good baseline. The old idea that "old water" was somehow
better for the fish has been thoroughly discredited.> I find it hard
to believe that 4 Cory cats with live plants and no over-feeding and
regular weekly tank maintenance still generates such a quick nitrate
rise. My only thought is that it must be the BioWheel, but I'm not
sure at all and don't know what to do about it. <You're fine
with the fish you have. Add half a dozen or so small, inactive tetras
like Neons, and maybe a handful of algae-eating shrimps for fun, and
you'll have a nice little tank. Algae isn't the enemy by the
way. If your fish breed, it becomes live food, and shrimps especially
seem to eat nothing but algae and the microbes living amongst it. Algae
is part of the natural world, and the only places you don't want it
are the front glass and on the leaves of the plants. Everywhere
else...? Get over it. Let the algae do it's thing. It's
fish/shrimp food of the best sort and a valuable source of vitamins for
them. Most fish will peck away at it occasionally, like cats nibbling
on grass. But seriously, once you have rapid plant growth, the algae
becomes a trivial issue.> Thanks so much, Jeanine <You're
welcome, Neale>
Re: nitrate in freshwater Eclipse 12 system --
08/11/07 Neale, What an AWESOME response. Thank you for taking time
to respond so thoroughly. Yours is the first real answer I've
gotten from anyone. I really don't see algae as the
'enemy', but obviously didn't want it overtaking the tank
and plants and things. I will get some of the plants you recommended
and see if that takes care of things. I have about 6 plants in there
now, but don't think any of them are what you recommended. <Do
some reading on "aquarium plants", "allelopathy",
and "algae" and you'll get lots of information about how
people think the system works, what plants work best, and so on.
It's controversial, but I'm sold. When I tried it, it
worked.> If I do get a few Neons as you suggested, is there any
particular brand of flake food (which I assume they eat) that is not
too high in protein? I have the Hikari micro pellets if they would
work. <Should be fine. The secret to feeding fish is variety.
Don't buy big tubs, but small tubs of flake or pellets, so you can
regularly skip between brands. Algae-based flake foods are probably the
best diet for most small fish. Some days, don't feed your fish any
flake foods, but instead put in something like a thin slice of
cucumber, some sushi Nori, or an algae pellet. Frozen foods are always
good, but live daphnia or whatever are best of all. Raid the kitchen:
bits of raw prawn or fish meat are often enjoyed by small fish. All
sorts of greens can be pressed into service. As with anything in life,
a little of everything is better than just one thing, however good.>
Thank you again, I am really grateful, Jeanine <You're welcome,
Nitrates and Green Water 6/10/07
Hello! <<Hello, Vicki. Tom here.>> I've been reading
through your FAQs on green water, since my tank has a sudden and
terrible case of it. All of the responses stress the importance of
testing the nitrate and ammonia levels in the tank. My question is this
- is there any way to lower ammonia or nitrate levels without
increasing the number of water changes? I'm worried that if I
change the water any more frequently, I'll destroy the beneficial
bacteria and have to cycle the tank over again. <<Vicki, provided
the water changes are performed correctly, there's little chance
that these will harm your bio-colonies which are housed primarily in
the filter media. That said, you can also change your water too
frequently which might seem at odds with what your research has turned
up. We'll take this up later in your post but for the time being,
think in terms of the quantity of water changed versus the frequency of
the changes.>> Here's a little background: I have a 10 gallon
freshwater tank with 4 mollies, 2 guppies, 3 tetras, a Kuhli loach, a
horsehead loach, a Corydoras catfish, and a snail. <<Off the
subject just a bit, Vicki, but your ten-gallon tank is over-crowded
with incompatible species. For example, Mollies prefer hard, alkaline
water (consider these to be brackish water fish) while Guppies prefer
soft, acidic water. Same goes for your Loaches. As an aside here, Corys
are highly social little critters that really do best in groups, not
alone.>> The PH is stable at 6.9 and the temperature is 78.
<<This isn't too bad for any except for the Mollies.>>
Up until three weeks ago, I had a goldfish instead of the mollies. He
died, I replaced him with the mollies, and within a week, the water was
cloudy and green. <<Skip Goldfish until you're in a position
to get a much larger tank, 30 gallons or better.>> First, I tried
reducing the lighting (the lights are now on about 1 hour/day).
<<An appropriate move here, Vicki.>> Then I tried adding
about a tablespoon of aquarium salt (replacing it proportionally after
water changes). <<The correct methodology but unnecessary. The
Cory, Guppies and Loaches don't appreciate salt in their water and,
under different circumstances, the proper salt to use for Mollies is
Marine salt, not aquarium salt.>> I also added plants - I now
have four of them. <<Good move for several reasons.>> When
none of that worked, I tried taping a piece of water to the outside of
the tank on one side, to reduce the small amount of sunlight that comes
in. For the past two weeks, I have been doing 20% water changes every
two days. <<Let's pick up on this once again. The green water
you're experiencing is the result of an algae 'bloom'
likely caused by an excess of nitrates and/or ammonium in the water.
(The reason for testing for nitrates is pretty straightforward since
these are largely responsible for the nutrients needed for plants/algae
to thrive. Checking for ammonia/ammonium may be a little less obvious
but ammonia (NH3) exists as ammonium (NH4) at lower pH levels. This is
also somewhat temperature-dependent but pH is the bigger factor here.
Since ammonium is also used by plants and algae -- in some cases before
nitrates are -- this explains why this test is also important.)
You've got a lot of life going on in a small environment which
contributes to a proportionate amount of waste from the fish and,
potentially, uneaten food. In a stable tank, a 20% water change once a
week, or even two weeks, would be sufficient. In your case, however, I
would recommend a single, 'massive' water change as opposed to
multiple, smaller changes. My rationale is that a 20% change still
leaves ~80% of the suspended algae and nutrients behind. These increase
rapidly over a couple of days and you're back at 'square
one', i.e. the reason why the smaller changes aren't really
correcting the problem. One massive change on the order of 80%-90% will
dramatically reduce both the algae and nutrients and allow your other
measures to take hold and combat the algae growth.>> I've
changed the filter cartridge once, but left the plastic sponge in,
which is supposed to house some of the beneficial bacteria. <<You
haven't specified the size of your filter, Vicki, but it's
possible/probable that it's smaller than what is needed based on
your stocking levels. Good for you, however, that you left the sponge
in place. This is where the lion's share of the bacteria
reside.>> I've also thoroughly vacuumed the substrate. I used
to have a small amount of algae on the tank decorations and glass, but
this has all died while the green water problem continues to flourish.
<<Part of your plan is obviously working, Vicki. We just need to
get rid of the suspended stuff.>> I admit, I haven't
purchased a nitrate or ammonia test kit, yet. They seem fairly
expensive and I'm not sure how the nitrates or ammonia could be
high after all the water changes I've done. <<You don't
need to start with an entire test kit if it's not in the budget
right now. Individual kits for ammonia and nitrates, alone, can be
purchased from virtually any LFS in your area. It's a good bet that
you could find these even cheaper online. As for how these compounds
could still be high, simply put, you have more going in than coming
out. Algae is exceptionally prolific and you've got plenty of
sources of nutrition in your tank right now.>> If the levels do
prove to be high, should I change out even more of the water?
<<Yes, but by quantity, not frequency.>> Won't that
kill off the beneficial bacteria and cause my tank to re-cycle?
<<Not to any significant degree. Fish rid their body systems of
ammonia through specialized membranes in their gills, not through their
waste. In other words, your fish will be providing the bacteria with a
pretty steady supply of ammonia even after a large water
change.>> Thanks very much for your help! - Vicki <<Happy
to do so, Vicki. You may want to re-evaluate the size of your filter,
as I mentioned. Within the realm of common sense, of course, it would
be pretty hard to over-filter your aquarium as you currently have it
set up. Best of luck to you. Tom>>
Nitrite And Ammonia Problems In A Big
Tank 12/21/06 I adopted a 150 tall FW tank with a sand
bed, two bio-wheel filters, one canister filter, several pieces of
driftwood. Living in it our 4 grown Severums, 2 grown Jurupari, 1 2.5ft
fire eel, 3 African clawed frogs, 1 small Knifefish, 1 Pleco, and 2 3
to 4 inch eels. I have had it running for about 3 months. It
seemed to cycle the first week I had it (even though we moved it
entirely and saved all the media) - with nitrites and
ammonia levels going to 0 after numerous days of massive water changes
My problem is that about every 10 days the nitrites and ammonia test
heavy again. I repeat several days of massive water changes and it
returns to a clean state. But without fail about 10 days later it goes
off the charts. A local fish guy suggested that the sand bed is
responsible. I took about 1/2 the sand out - from 3 inches to about
1.5. but it did not stay clean. I have also put ammonia rocks into all
the filters - but they have never "turned green" which I was
told means my ammonia test kit is giving me a false positive. I am
willing to replace the sand with gravel and even install UGF is
necessary - both ideas have been suggested. I do not overfeed. There
are no dead fish. There is ample biological media in both wheels and in
added media in all filters. Any ideas? Does sand in a FW present
problems. I have 12 other tanks and everyone is cycled and stays that
way. Thanks Tim < Do a 50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean
all the filters. Chemical waste levels should be down to zero. Feed as
you normally do and test the water daily. I think you will find a
logarithmic but gradual increase in these levels over a few days before
they peak. The Bio-Wheels are great little inventions and you are
correct that they should be handling all the bioload for this tank. The
problem is in the canister filter. Food/waste gets trapped in the
canister filter and there is very little oxygen in the canister for the
bacteria to live on and break down the waste. So now the fish are
generating biological waste and so is the crap in canister filter. The
outflow of the canister filter has no measurable oxygen so bacteria
cannot live and break down the waste. I would recommend that you add a
bio wheel attachment to the canister filter outflow before it goes back
into the tank and that you vacuum the gravel every time you do a water
change. If the driftwood is not suitable for the aquarium then it could
be rotting and contributing to the problem.-Chuck> Re: nitrates
& ammonia in well water ... Ammonias Converting to Nitrates -
05/19/2006 Thanks Chuck. What I'm trying to say is...Will
putting water that has measurable ammonia levels in an established,
cycled aquarium cause a spike in nitrates? < Yes.> All I know is
that when I do a 25% water change on my 75 gal freshwater. The water
clouds up within 18 hrs. and the nitrates start shooting back up. Like
stocking a new tank too quickly. I think I should try to remove the
ammonia before using. Do you agree? < Absolutely. Ammonia is very
deadly to fish. Converting it to nitrates is a very good
idea.-Chuck> Thanks again...DR
I Have read that high nitrates can cause unwanted
algae blooms... 4/9/06 <Can> I have a 37
gallon and a 10 gallon tank. In the 37 there is A huge goldfish, 1
Gourami, 4 platys, 2 Corys, 2 angelfish. <Goldfish are not good to
keep with tropicals...> My nitrite is finally down to about 0 for
about 3 months now but the problem is my nitrates. They are so high!
<How high?> Same in my 10 gallon which has 7 zebra Danios and 6
neon tetras. I have no clue how to get my nitrates down. <... Please
read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm
and the linked files above> I do excessive water changes - about 20%
every weekend. I have been at this forever and they are still really
high! I read that plants may use nitrates for something (can't
remember what) so I added some potted plants (in little yogurt
containers with soil and rocks on top) and they are actually growing
little roots! <Good... takes a while> I added them into my 10
gallon tank so I could experiment because it is easier to take care of
the plants because the tank is small and I can easily move things
around. Also, the 10 gallon is shallow so I don't think I need
exact and strong lighting because the light is so close and so strong
for a 10 gallon tank, right? <Mmm, not necessarily> I have just
some 15 watt regular white bulbs that my LPS sold to me. These are my
first MAJOR tanks, I had little things when I was little, now I'm
15. My mom has a successful 250 gallon pond in our backyard and I
understand that algae is natural, but I have the ugly brown stuff when
she has nice green fluffy stuff. Should I add more plants because on
one of the FAQ sites of yours I read that plants use about the same
nutrients as algae. <Possibly... read> I also read the brown
stuff will go away on it's own but it has been about 4 months since
it has come... I set the 37 tank in the end of December. How long will
it take for this stuff to as you said "go away on it's
own?" <Maybe never> Will more plants reduce the time?
<Likely so> The plants also look really nice when they are alive!
I always went to PetSmart and got plants and brought them home and put
them in my like 1 gallon bowl for my fish when i was like 6 and they
always died! If you could email me back that would be great
- this is the first time i have used your site so I do not
know I you post my question and your answer and I have to go searching
for it. Thanks! - Marc <Read my young friend. Bob Fenner>
My poor harlequin is breathing from the surface!? Inherent BiOrb
limitations, problems - 03/26/2006 Dear WWM,
<Molly> I am having some trouble with my relatively young tank.
It has been up and running for about 3 months now (not including
the pre-fish cycling period). It is a BiUbe. <BiOrb? Akin... a
circular tube rather than an oval> I have 6 x harlequin Rasboras, 1
x male Betta splendens, 2 x smallish bottom feeders. I have
followed all the instructions on setting up a tank religiously and
all my readings are always perfect -except for nitrate (NO3) which
always seems quite high -have been doing water changes to bring it
down (is coming down slowly). It's in the 50-70 range which
my test kit says is bad but not toxic. Is this right? <Not
correct. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm
and the linked files above> Everyone seems happy and fine although
the tank gets dirty VERY quickly. <These units have this
trend/trait... unfortunately "kill off" much livestock and
hobbyists consequently...> I clean the top of the filter tube and
the rock I have when I do water changes but they, and my plants
(not live) become grubby very quickly -a few days tops. It is a
green sludge, sometimes brown. Is this algae? <A mix of
this and bacteria mainly> Why is it becoming so dirty so quickly?
<Inadequate filtration, circulation... the unit itself> Should
I change the filter? Or am I feeding too much (once a day a pinch
of flakes which all get eaten up)? <Both changes would likely
help> -Perhaps I should also mention that during my pre-fish
cycling period I put in some live plants but they kept
going brown and dying so I only have plastic now. Any ideas why?
<All sorts... posted on WWM> However, this evening I noticed that
one of my harlequins seems to be breathing from the surface. He
goes up for air for about 10-20 seconds, swims around for a
few seconds then goes back for more. No one else is behaving
oddly. I am very worried for him. What could it be? <Lack of oxygen,
pollution... see WWM re... real trouble once again with this
product> My temp is 78-80. Many thanks for your wonderful website,
Molly, London. <Please use/read it... and soon. Bob Fenner>
High nitrate and cloudiness... amphibian system
2/9/06 Hello I desperately need your help. <Really?> I have a
60 gallon tank with about 20 gallons in it. It has been running for 6
years. The past few months I have had cloudy water and nitrate levels
over 160. <... yikes> I have done several water and filter media
changes and lots of vacuuming and even taken some rocks out of my tank.
I added plants and even tried leaving it alone for a
while. All I have in my tank is one fire bellied newt. pond
stone. very little gravel. some plants. and two glass fixtures and two
rocks that gave always been in there. no matter what I do the water
does not clear up and the nitrates do not go down. I have a Fluval 2
plus underwater filter. I have tried all different kinds of media for
this and nothing helps. <... unusual...> I feed my
newt live Blackworms/bloodworms. I was curious if I should add an air
bubble thing. Or maybe different plants or some sort of gravel under
the pond stone. <Does need a filter of some sort...> Or take
everything out. Please help! I have been all over your web-site and
tried some of your suggestions but nothing seems to work. I have
checked the water and other than the nitrates its all right. the tap
water I use has a ph of 7.6 but the tank is
7.2 They treat the water with
chlorine and chloramine. I use Amquel. Some cycle. and some metal
remover. please let me know what I should take out or add. Also whether
I should restrict sunlight or my tank light or expose it too more.
please help. I know you guys don't specialize in newt tanks but all
the other sites have been no help. And your site is the best. Thank you
very much Jason <... First, I would check your checker...
your test kit may be off... Next, I would start changing more of the
water more frequently... at least a quarter every week, while vacuuming
the bottom. Do please give specifics re the media tried... And lastly,
if it is just the newts you have, are concerned with, I would not be
overly concerned with nitrate per se. Bob Fenner>