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my beautiful catfish 10/14/12 I have two speckled catfish from a pond
had since the were real small... whacky
3/16/12 Weird Catfish Behavior
11/16/11 Pregnant Catfish
8/25/11 fish help 4/1/11 N. Am. Catfish sys. /Molly incomp.
help! 2/11/10
Albino Channel Cat (Catfish), sel./use in ornamental ponds 12/4/08 I live in Southern New Jersey. I have the opportunity to buy a 18 inch Albino Channel Cat (Catfish - $30.00), will he survive in our outdoor pond with our goldfish ? ( the gold fish are breeding, so I know they are doing well - no heater which the Cat is use to) Thank you for you help. Bob <Ictalurus sp. generally make extremely poor pond residents. Not only do they get enormous (potentially over 130 cm, about 4 feet) they spend all their time at the bottom of the pond, hidden from view. So if you want to keep a huge fish you won't see, that will put a major strain on water quality, and will very likely eat some of the Goldfish as well as all of the interesting wildlife (frogs, dragonflies, etc.) in your pond, then go ahead. Cheers, Neale.> Re: Albino Channel Cat (Catfish) 12/10/08 Tank you. I did not get the Catfish. <Probably a wise decision! Cheers, Neale.>
New Channel Cat -- 11/13/07 My Husband brought home a foot-long Channel Cat that was up for adoption. Is it possible to over-winter him (the catfish, not my husband) in an outdoor pond? We live in Texas, in the Dallas Fort Worth area where temperatures can dip below freezing in Winter. The pond holds 600 gallons of water, it's more of a circular tank than a pond, approx. 3.5 feet deep and 4 feet across. Will I have to add a heater? If so, how big does it have to be? Thanks for the information. Regards, Laura <Laura, yes, you can keep Ictalurus spp. catfish in deep outdoor ponds. The main thing is that the water is deep enough that it doesn't freeze solid. Also, as with any other pond fish, you need to cut back food as it gets colder, and in winter you will probably not need to feed the fish at all once the (water) temperature gets below around 10-12 degrees C. In other words, follow the same basic rules as someone would for keeping koi and goldfish. Now, do remember you *cannot* mix fancy goldfish with Ictalurus. Ictalurus are predators and they're also very fast-growing. They're fun fish though, and very hardy. Cheers, Neale> Ridding pond of channel catfish -- 08/17/07 Sirs: Please excuse me for circumventing all the other paths on your web site; but, I'm really up against a problem, and have spent weeks now searching the web for an answer, to no avail. Then, by chance, I ran across your site. Three years ago, I stocked my pond with 25 channel catfish. At the time, they were fingerlings. Three of them died shortly after putting them in the pond. By the next summer, the others had grown to about 8". I should tell you that I was told by the fish farm where I bought the cats that they were all bulls...I didn't want them reproducing. Being a novice, I had no way of knowing whether they were or not. They weren't, and by the third spring, there must have been 300-500 baby cats in the pond. This summer, we fished out all the remaining original fish, and the ones from last summer will probably breed next spring. Short of draining the pond, how do I get rid of all the catfish so I can start over? There are no other species in the pond, and I don't need thousands of channel cats in a pond this size. The pond is a rounded oval shape, roughly 55 ft X 85 ft, and an average depth of 10-12 ft; very steep sides, no weeds to speak of, and very little algae. It is used primarily for swimming; and, as an emergency water source in the event of a neighborhood fire, since most home-use water in this area is trucked in. Some homeowners have wells, but the flow is very slow (avg 12 gph), and most have iron in them. Thanking you in advance for any advice you can offer. Paul F. Shagnot Ashtabula, Ohio <Unfortunately there are no specific Ictalurid poisons... though there are fish mostly types... I am hesitant to suggest their use however, due to the chance of poisoning other wildlife... and the uncertainty of the disposition of run off water here. My best advice is actually to drain AND lime AND dry this basin... and refill. Otherwise, I suggest you check with your State "fish and game" re their suggestions. Bob Fenner> Thanks! <Welcome! Please do write back re the outcome of your search, efforts. Bob Fenner> Re: Ridding pond of channel catfish 8/18/07 I will. I had been told that straight household bleach ("Clorox") would do the trick, since it dissipates rather quickly (days); but, I can only imagine how much it would take. <Many, many gallons. Swimming pool sodium hypochlorite/bleach is about the same, but much more concentrated, cheaper... but this too would take many gallons... and mal-affect the mud/overburden...> Then again, somebody else told me to stick the two ends of an electric cord in the water, stun the fish, scoop them out, and relocate them. Not sure I like either............ <Electro fishing is not safe w/o careful training or likely to be totally effective. Bob Fenner> Re: Ridding pond of channel catfish 8/28/07 Bob Fenner, <Paul> As promised.......... I contacted the Ohio State Extension Service who checked with the State Pond Specialist. He advised that a product called "Rotenone" can be used to kill off the existing fish in lieu of draining the pond; <Ah, yes... a potent general piscicide> however, in the State of Ohio, Rotenone must be applied by a licensed commercial applicator, and that it works best when the water is still warm (within the next 6 weeks). He also told me that the pond became contaminated with "bullhead catfish", and that the dealer, by saying "bulls" was less than honest. Imagine that........... That's all I've learned so far.......now to find a licensed commercial applicator! Paul Shagnot <Take a look in your local Yellow Pages/phone directory under "pest control"... the folks there are licensees. Bob Fenner> Catfish feeding issue. Ictalurids 7/22/07 I have 2 albino channel cats and 1 Red Oscar and 1 Red Tiger Oscar in a 60 gallon tank. They get along great, but my problem is this I feed my Oscars (Tom and Jerry) Pellets and small feeder fish. When I try to feed the Channel cats, the Oscars eat the sinking pellets. The Channel cats are eating but not as much as they should. Is there anything that I can get to feed them that my Oscars will not eat? Amy Wilt >>>Greetings Amy, Jim here. You do realize that your tank is much too small to keep all of those fish long term yes? As for your feeding issue, hand feed your cats, or use a feeding stick. You'll have to come up with a food item/feeding implement combination that works for you, but if the behavior continues, this is the only practical solution. Years ago, I had a channel catfish that ate pellets from the top of the water with the other fish. Yours will learn to do the same. Cheers Jim<<< Ictalurids... period 12/28/06 Hey there, I recently was given two channel cats from a friend there not very active except when the light is off is this normal? <Yep> One other question is would they appreciate any salt in their water? <None> Thank you for all your help. <With a chaw, Bob Fenner> Jabbed By a Catfish...No Need For Panic - 09/26/06 Hi, <<Hello> I was moving an extremely large (24-30") Albino Channel Catfish from one pond to another in my Grandparents yard in a Koi net (large circle, very flat) and I had someone else carry the net by the handle while I was holding it in the net with another small one. Then, it tried to jump out, so I restrained it in the net (grabbed it "Irwin Style") with my two bare hands, and after a few more steps, I felt a sharp pain in my right hand. <<Mmm...these fish have very stiff and sharp pectoral and dorsal fins. They can be handled with bare hands (have handled many a catfish in my younger days), but you need to be aware/know how to "grab">> I now have 3-4 punctures, but they are not very deep. <<Ouch!...been there...often burns like the dickens!>> It did not bite me, but rather stabbed me with something. <<Ah yes...as mentioned>> Are these catfish poisonous? If so, what do I do? Please answer ASAP!!! <<They are not "poisonous", or more accurately - venomous, in the sense that a snake is poisonous/venomous, but the "slime" that is carried in to the wound can cause pain/infection. I don't think you need be alarmed, but you might want to call your physician to see if "they" think you should come in for treatment/disinfection of the wound...at the least you will likely need a Tetanus shot if you're not current re>> Thanks, Anthony <<Regards, EricR>> Re: more canal fish (fixed) Fla Catfish ID, tiny tank/s cont. 7/30/06 Well I wouldn't worry about the beetle because the beetle could fit in the catfish's mouth. I'll take it out if it gets bigger. <Ah, good> What was the problem of the one catfish dieing in the canal water but not dieing in freshwater. <Don't know, but likely adapted to the former... different make-up than your fresh/tap water> Is a hexagon beta tank big enough for the catfish? <Not indefinitely no... Look up the species on fishbase.org... see how large it gets?> They look like a pink tadpole with whiskers, and they have a little strip of fin from their head to their tail, top and bottom. The tail is like a little fan or paddle. Do you know what kind of catfish this might be? <Look up the family Ictaluridae...> I looked in this fish field guide I have and it may be a brown bullhead. <Might be> Which is better because I thought it would be a channel catfish but they get 4' and I do not want that. <Even the Bullhead gets large...> Also the tail shape of a channel catfish is not like a paddle or fan, and they don't have as many whiskers as the brown bullhead or my baby catfish. <Good observation> There is also a bully in my tank. Now I have one sailfin molly, no gobies, 2 male Brothers, and one shrimp. I think it's my Flagfish because he is the biggest. <This species can indeed be "nippy"> So I put the Betta divider the tank came with in and put him and a Dalmatian molly that is also mean on one side and the others on the other. Some of the fish can fit through but they can swim back to the other side, the 2 fish that are supposed to be there can't. ...No dead fish today! <Maybe keep an eye on the weekend paper classifieds for a new, larger system/world for your and their use. Bob Fenner> Re: more canal fish (fixed)... Ictalurids, Cichlid comp. 8/3/06 Yes, the brown bullhead do get 18", but by the time they get that big. <?> Will they be good with full grown cichlids? <Some types, species of and about "the right" size...> My catfish are probably a week, two weeks old, and my cichlids are an inch, 1 1/2. How will this growth thing work out, will the catfish be full grown when the cichlids are full grown, or will my cichlids be full grown before my cat fish. <Is a bit of a race... depends also on the size of their world, maintenance, feeding...> I will only keep one and if it is a bullhead what size tank will it need to live in harmony with the cichlids and still be comfortable? <A hundred gallons or so> Is it OK to start feeding them regular sinking fish food? <Likely so> They eat it, and I just thought of feeding them sinking wafer bottom feeder food. If not now when can I feed them bottom feeder food? I think there is something wrong with the water in my canal fish water. The fish are still dieing and after an hour or maybe they died in the middle of the night, but whenever I take them out there's white algae-looking stuff on them, like you find on dead eggs. Why does that happen and what is it? <Poor environment... they're dying, fungussing...> I don't have to worry about my flag fish any more, it died. <Uhh... I feel compelled to state that it would be a good idea to wait on capturing, trying to keep any more life till you have the means (tank size, filtration, knowledge) to care for it. Bob Fenner> White catfish + broken Barbel 6/10/06 I have a white catfish (Cattie) in my outdoor pond that is about 7-8 years old and about 16" long. I noticed that his appetite wasn't as hearty as usual, and upon examination I realized that his right Barbel is "Broken" it appears to have a bend or crack in it about 1/4" from his face (I would estimate his Barbel at about 3" in length). I have no idea how it got injured, perhaps my visiting ducks or maybe he got it caught in one of the plants or rocks. Is there anything I can/should do to try to help? <Mmm, no... other than check your water quality, keep up your maintenance to assure this is stable. Ictalurid catfishes are tough, tolerant of a wide range of conditions, but do prefer clean, nutrient free water of steady temperature, pH...> Will this heal on its own? <Possibly... sometimes these barbels regenerate... if not gone too far back> Can he survive with it broken? <Yes> He was one of the first fish in my pond so I'd hate to see him die if I can help!!! Thank you in advance for any help, Andrea <Ahh, Andrea: "Woman of the sea". Bob Fenner> Albino Catfish in pond, winter health question 04/17/2006 We have an Albino Catfish in an outside pond, approx 500 gal pond, he has been out there all winter with our koi fish, <Mmm, likely a channel: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/ictalurids.htm> after doing our spring cleaning of the pond, cleaning leaves and such out, we noticed the catfish has this reddish color rash on the top of his body and somewhat on the sides. He is normally all white, didn't know if our water quality is still needing some fixing. <Mmm, careful here> The red rash looks like it is under his skin all the way back to his tail fins. He swims around really well, so don't know what to do for him or her. Can you advise? Should I be feeding him something different then what we feed the Koi?? <No> Thanks for anything advice you can give us. Connie McCunn <I would not "do" anything here other than allow the water to warm up, keep treating this fish as you have been. Likely the reddish coloring is due to environmental stress... the cold, perhaps a degraded water quality over the winter. Adding medicine, salt will do this fish no good. It will "cure" of its own accord. Bob Fenner> Channeling a Channel Cat in a 30 - Future Catfish Fry? 11/3/05 I have an albino channel catfish (about 8" long, I've had him for 8 months) that lives in a 30-gallon tank and is usually content to hide inside of a coliseum decoration during the day. I've noticed lately that he has become too big to stay inside the decoration and has been coming out a lot during the day. A few days ago I noticed that he had developed a fuzzy growth around his top fin, I thought maybe I was just imagining something, but he seems to be getting worse, the "fuzzy stuff" is spreading and he doesn't seem to be swimming too well. About a month ago I did a full water change and I changed the rocks and cleaned my tank entirely, I've been doing this bimonthly (the tank cleaning) since I got the tank cause it was in the directions, but this is the first time since I've moved to a new apartment. I'm new to the hobby and I'm not sure what to do, ex. what kind of water testing I should be doing etc. Is my fish getting too cramped in the tank, should I take out the decoration or is he getting a fungus/disease? I've become sort of attached to him and would really like to save him if I can. <Too cramped? You have not seen anything yet! You have a monster in your tank. This is a fish that will grow to well over 30 inches. To house him into adulthood will require a tank of a few hundred gallons! Personally I love catfish, but this is not a species that should be kept unless you are prepared to meet his needs. They also produce vast amounts of waste. The problems you are having now were probably caused by him trying to hide in too small a cave, compounded by poor water quality. Never clean the entire tank. Instead do partial water changes. 50% at a time. You should be testing for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. The first two must be kept at zero. Nitrate is less toxic. Under 20ppm is fine. But I think that will be a challenge, to say the least. I think that if you can keep his water pristine the fungus will clear on it's own. Channel cats are very hardy fish. But in doing so you will also see a large growth spurt, compounding the water quality issues even more. Don> Catfish, Cat Food? - 10/19/2005 Hi. <Good morning.> I have nine large (to two feet) channel cats in my old swimming pool. Good use for it. I love to watch them Hoover the pool surface when I feed them catfish chow, but I wonder if it would be all right to just feed them CAT chow, instead. Or any dry cat food? They certainly like it, but what about long term effects? Any thoughts? <To be quite honest, my first reaction was to think that this is not a good idea at all.... But Bob has mentioned convincingly that it's really not a bad idea - he says that in the aquaculture biz this is a common practice.... And channel cats are a catfish that is predatory, so do consume a lot of animal protein.... I think I might recommend that you try to get cat chow with primarily or only fish/aquatic meats as the meat products listed in the ingredients, and avoid poultry or land mammal ingredients.> Thanks, -Terri <A very good question - thanks for helping me learn something, too. Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Stunted albino channel cat I received a two inch albino channel cat from my mom who had it about 1 year. <Still two inches?...> I bought it a identical buddy and they live in a full whisky barrel that's spring fed. My question: why is my year old channel cat still two inches while its mate has grown another half again in three months. My mother kept it in poor water conditions; may have been malnourished, and it has a funny white bump showing through its skin slightly afore and above its stomach on one side. The poor critter won't eat much either, any suggestions? ~Dano <You list the two principal likely reasons for its stunting... keep up your efforts at feeding, and you may be rewarded with this Cat's return to growth, health. Bob Fenner> Native catfish set-up I want to set up a 30 gal FW tank with a power filter like Whisper 30 or maybe even 60, as I am planning to use it as my only chemical and mechanical filtration (no UG will be used). I want to go down to the river, catch a tiny catfish, place him (or her) in the tank, and once a week or so go back to the stream and gather crawdads, helgramites, and grass shrimp to drop in the tank for buddies and for food. I am willing to do partial water changes once a week, and to clean tank when needed, but I really want to do as little as possible. Is this realistic? safe for the fish? <Yes> any advice what kind of live plants are good for this tank and lowest maintenance (I admit, did not check archives for this subject) <I would collect whatever plants that you find in about the same place, habitat... perhaps soak them in an alum solution to remove pests... or isolate them for a week or two... (not necessarily planted) in a shallow, lighted or sunny location for the same purpose> Thanks, Steve [Thanks for your great site, as an aquarist wannabe, I appreciate the information you have amassed, which must have taken a considerable amount of time. <Yes, and you're welcome> I did check your articles and Q&A and learned a great deal about starting a new aquarium, under penalty of a right good tongue-lashing.] <Heee! Thank you, Bob Fenner> Albino channel catfish Dear WWM crew, I have a albino channel catfish, he is sweet, cute, and quite smart, but I read somewhere that they can get up to 30 in. Is this true?! <Yes> I have another problem as well, 2 days ago I got 6 new fish , now there is only 1 left in the tank, I've got a feeling that the catfish ate them. Please, can you tell me what other fish I can put in the tank along with my growing catfish without him eating them? If you can that would be a HUGE help. Sign, C.O <Other large, smart, fast fishes... mid-sized Neotropical Cichlids, other native North Americans, larger barbs, Characoids... Bob Fenner> Albino channel catfish I bought ms jaws about 2 or 3 years ago when she was about 2 to 3 inches long. now, she is about 25 inches long. on her right side of her nostril, she has a bump protruding, and it's red. I'll try to illustr trate what this bump looks like. if you look at the bottom of a ice cream cone, picture something like that about a quarter of an inch protruding from the right nostril. is this some kind of "pimple" or cyst, and how do I take care of this? thank you. ed <I had a school of 14 inch iridescent sharks and a couple had that similar condition. Not sure what the exact name of it was, but I ended up adding a mixture of small amounts of CopperSafe (just a two day dose) and then did a large water change. Let him rest for a few days then Maracide for 5 days. The Swelling should go down over time, but with this mixture it seemed to help it go away quicker. If you don't want to use medicines, the simply bumping up the water changes should allow the fishes immune system to help with the cyst.> Albino Channel catfish ms jaws, my catfish, is 25 inches long. she's in a 75 gallon tank, her readings are good, she's eating, and her filters are changed every other day or whenever they get dirty. what I am trying to do is fix this condition on her right nostril. it's red, and it protrudes about a quarter of an inch out. I tried the CopperSafe and the Maracide, but it didn't work. it almost looks like a cyst or a ingrown hair and producing a big pimple. I have never seen this on any other fish, and I am very puzzled as to what this is. I do appreciate you getting back to me on this. will check in a day or two for your reply. thanks!!!! >>Ed, hello again :) Could you please list your readings? I am especially interested in your nitrate level. How often are you doing partial water changes? Coppersafe and Maracide are helpful against parasites, but I believe your "pimple" could be an irritated, infected sore. You can try using a gentle antibacterial, like Melafix, or Pimafix. Remove any carbon from your filter, and keep track your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings whenever you add a medication to your tank. Good luck. -Gwen Albino catfish dear Gwen.....it is virtually impossible for me to keep the messages together. I am not a member of Juno, and the only thing that I have at my disposal is the reply button. I am originally with yahoo, and I can put messages better on that site. as for the info, I did use the carb bag that you mentioned, but it didn't do much good, plus it was somewhat clumsy to use. as for water changes, I've got a landlord that is somewhat testy because I use so much of his precious water to try and keep her healthy. the water I use right now is city water out of Hagerstown, Maryland. not the best stuff in the world. I have is well water out of southern Pennsylvania, and for some reason, seem to stay clearer for a longer period of time. I am looking to relocate in southern pa, and to a place that does have well water because I think she functions much better in it. thanks so much for your help on this matter, and of course, zilch on the surgeon. best wishes....ed >>Hey Ed; That's okay. I need to exercise my memory anyways :P Can you explain about the carb bag? Why do you think it didn't help? You didn't have time for it to do much...and I need to understand so I can try to help. As for your landlord, tell him that letting a fish die is animal abuse, and that you are not about to let an animal die due to such neglect. That might help! :P -Gwen Channel Catfish Dear Bob, I forgot that all caps makes it look like I'm shouting, but I'm not. I was asked to take readings of the tank from another member of your group. They are as follows: pH-7.4, Nitrate-.5PPM, Chlorine-0PPM, Water Hardness-150-300PPM, Ammonia-0PPM. Ms Jaws gets approximately 6 buckets of fresh water per week and six buckets of water is taken out. I scrub the inside of her tank at least once every week or two. She has 4 air stones in her tank powered by a 15 watt Penn Plax air pump. The filters are a Secondnature power filter, and also the 3000 Millennium. I am on the third day of giving her the medicine that your group has recommended-MelaFix. Today when I gave her the dosage, she went kinda spastic, going back and forth and hitting the glass pretty good. This is the first time she has done that. Also, her appetite has picked up. So far, no noticeable improvement on her nose. She still accepts pettings on her head as it does relax her and she does like that form of what you call "bonding". Oh yes, she is in a 75 gallon tank. talk to you soon. I hope this info is helpful. ed >>Dear Ed, thanks for getting back to us with some test results. If I may ask, did you test for ammonia and nitrIte, or nitrAte? They are very different. Please double-check that, and get back to me, since it seems to me you are using a Master Test Kit...and I know that the AqPharm master test kit does not come with nitrAte. Which would mean that you measured nitrites, and at the level you mention, it is quite toxic. But whatever the tests, please do a water change, and make sure the temperature of the new water going in is precisely the same as the water in the tank. Also, when you respond to our emails, please leave the body of the message intact, since I have a crappy memory and it helps if I can re-read the previous messages I sent to you. Thanks! -Gwen<< Channel Catfish Dear Gwen, you are very correct when you said I was measuring nitrite. But as I read the chart, there are only 2 other readings that are better, and 3 that are worse. I would keep real plants in there to help combat the nitrite, but she won't have it in there with her. she wipes them out. I took a lot of gravel out of her tank because there was a period where she would get picky and not eat. but since I started this new medicine, she's eating better. Is there something that you can recommend as far as beating down this nitrite reading. And something else, I simply cannot keep her tank clean. It always has that brown look. she only gets 2 kinds of food...the Wardley's shrimp pellets formula, and also the TetraMin tropical tablets. I also found out that there are only 20 vets who perform surgery if it comes to that, but at a cost of anywhere between 350 to 1000 bucks. Kinda high for a fish. anyway, if there is anything else you can tell me that might work, I would greatly appreciate it. This has been one real experience with her, and after all this, I would hate to lose her. thanks.....ed >>Hiya Ed; If your nitrites are that high, you can buy Bio-Chem-Zorb, it is a little pouch that you can put in your filter. You can also use a liquid product called Prime, or ask at your Local Fish Store for whichever product they sell that will help de-toxify your nitrite. Also, do as many partial water changes as you can, in order to try and lower the level. Don't worry about algae at this point, just vacuum any excess food out of the bottom. Do not overfeed. Also, forget about the fish surgery. Two things can happen, either the fish will not survive the cycling process, or it will survive and recuperate on its own (with a bit of medicinal help from you). A surgeon is NOT necessary. Your fish is sick because of the high nitrites, and once the nitrites are under control, the catfish should recuperate. Eventually nitrites will go away on their own, but for the time being, you need to keep up with the water testing, and water changes. And Ed...please keep the emails intact when you reply to us...I need to re-read what I've already told you in previous emails, thanks! -Gwen<< Channel Catfish Dear Gwen, I used the bag a long time ago, and the way it fit in the above type filter didn't seem like it was doing all that much. Very hard to know if it was at its full potential. I was, per se, a guessing game. And I did try it a couple times but it just didn't sit that well with me. ms jaws condition remains unchanged as far as the growth on the right nostril. later.....ed_b Hey Ed :) Okay then. I guess the best thing to do is to make sure your water quality stays as good as possible. Do regular partial water changes, cleaner water will help prevent secondary infections. Hopefully, your catfish will heal on his own :D -Gwen
Channel catfish I have a good size channel cat in with an albino cat and Oscar <Oh, my. I hope you have a *very* large tank...the channel cat can get up to 5 feet long and almost 60 pounds!> the channel has developed a large sack like stomach is there any way to tell sexes of cats and are they live bearers <They are egg-layers; you may be able to tell the sexes apart when they are about ready to spawn. I would check www.nativefish.org and www.planetcatfish.com for more information on your Ictalurus punctatus. --Ananda> Catfish with worms under skin hello my name is Kenny Mayer and I live down here in Texas and I have a question I have a pond about 100 ft by 100 ft and I have catfish in it that I have had all kinds of trouble with but I thought I was getting ahead and thought everything was under control till this weekend and went down and trapped some of my fish to have a look at them and I seen something I have never seen before it looked like they are getting worms or something under the skin can you give me some help to figure out what is going on I had some bass in another pond that did have actually worms in there fins and I was wondering if there is some kind of chemical that I can try to get ride of the worm problem before they kill my fish I heard some one say that iodine would help but have no idea where to get it so please give me some help thanks <Good observations. Yes, there are "worm under the skin diseases" of fishes that are real trouble. Disfiguring to actual causes of mortality. Most are either nematodes (roundworms) or trematodes (flukes)... I would do two things here. One, have a fisheries extension agent (you pay for them as part of your taxes) come out from the fish and game or college and determine the actual species involved, and Two: engage in a long term plan to eradicate them by interrupting their life cycle. Very likely an intermediate host in the way of a snail, waterfowl is involved and you can best get rid of the fish problem with eliminating a necessary "link" in the chain of life of this parasite by breaking the cycle. We can chat over all this more when you have ascertained what the actual "causative mechanism" (type of worm, cycle) you have. Bob Fenner> Re: catfish with worms under skin thanks for the info but have you heard of using iodine and where might I get something like that <What? No to using iodine for a parasitic problem... Study my friend. Read through the "Troubleshooting" and other disease sections on our site: www.WetWebMedia.com Bob Fenner> New aquarium owners (with Cats, with BIG mouths) Bob, Can you help out? Thanks, Susan <Sure> Subject: new aquarium owners we recently purchased an aquarium 2 blue canal catfish 4 Neons 2 zebras so far, one zebra has turned up missing & now, one neon is gone we are concerned that perhaps the canal fish (about 2 inches in length) may be having our little fish for dinner please tell us the compatibility of these fish & if we should make some other choices for our bottom cleaners thank you for your assistance cj McDonald <You are absolutely correct... the "Canal" is actually "Channel" Catfish... cool water native species that are much more "eater-uppers" than cleaner uppers... that will gladly inhale your other fishes in time. Do quickly trade them back into your fish store... and get some peaceful Corydoras catfishes instead. Want to see what these look like? Please see our website: www.WetWebMedia.com under the "Freshwater Index". Bob Fenner> |
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