Blue whale catfish... hlth., sel., FW ray fdg.... dwarf
Orcinus...? 3/14/10
My husband and I bought two blue whale catfish,
<Interesting fish. Cetopsis coecutiens, one of a group of Amazonian
catfishes known as the Cetopsidae. Rarely kept by aquarists because of
their strange appearance, lethargy and strictly nocturnal habits. But
apparently not difficult to maintain under aquarium conditions.>
which we have had for a little over two weeks. Yesterday we changed the
water and today we noticed some white spots on their body, from what I
read on your site, it could be Ich.
<Very likely. All catfish lack scales, and the Cetopsidae also lack
the heavy scutes (hardened skin) typical of things like Corydoras and
Plecs. So they're very vulnerable to Ick and other external
parasites. Treat using the heat/salt method rather than copper.>
We also have a fresh water stingray,
<I hope you won't be keeping these catfish with the Stingray!
The Cetopsidae are "flesh biters", ranging from simply biting
chunks out of bigger fish in the case of Cetopsis coecutiens through to
swimming inside their gill chambers and feeding on blood, as in the
case of the infamous Candiru. Without exception, Cetopsis are either
kept singly (they're not happy that way) or in groups of their own
kind (much better). But never, ever with other fish, except possibly
larger, armoured catfish like big Doradidae. Make sure you feed these
catfish a healthy diet, i.e., not goldfish or minnows. Earthworms are a
favourite food, and you can augment these with fresh and wet-frozen
foods of all sorts: tilapia fillet, squid, mussels, prawns, etc. The
usual warning about minimising foods that contain thiaminase apply
here, so while mussels and prawns are good in some ways, they
shouldn't be used too often. Be sure to read Marco's excellent
piece of thiaminase and aquarium fish for more on this topic.
Settled specimens may take carnivore pellets.>
and I want to make sure that I know what to feed him, he is about an
inch in diameter.
<Feeding what, the Stingray? At an inch in diameter Stingrays are
VERY easy to kill, and I'm surprised you were sold one this small.
It's very unusual for (good) retailers to sell them that small. In
any case, at that size they mostly feed on live insect larvae including
bloodworms and mosquito larvae; wet-frozen may be take as well, but
I'd start off with live food until the little chap has put on some
Also, this may sound strange, but is there such thing as freshwater or
saltwater mini killer whales?
<Yes and no. Obviously no, there are no "mini" killer
whales as such. But there are some small, pack-hunting fish. Of the
species in the trade, Exodon paradoxus is the one most often kept by
aquarists. If kept in large groups (like 20!) the pack works properly
and they're great fun to watch when you throw a bit of fish fillet
or seafood into the tank.
Unfortunately, too many people try to keep this species in smaller
groups, and even in groups of 10 they have a tendency to turn on one
another, and you end up with just one specimen.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: re: Blue whale catfish 3/14/10
Where I bought them from, they were in the same tank together and the
catfish don't seem to be bothering the little stingray.
<So far. But what these catfish do in the wild, apparently, is swim
about at night and bite chunks from anything too big to be swallowed
whole. See how they lack long whiskers? That's so there's
nothing to get in the way of that big mouth when it's pressed
against its target. These aren't "scavengers" that use
their whiskers to find worms and such in the mud!
Your species is a large (25 cm/10 inch) predator that cannot be kept in
multi-species tanks.>
I also looked up the "mini killer whale", and I didn't
find much on them.
Do they have blow holes and or use them?
<I have no idea what you're asking here. There are no mini
killer whales.
You're talking about the big black-and-white dolphins, right? As
for freshwater fish species, there are things called Baby Whales, and
this is a nickname used in the trade for small, schooling Mormyrids, in
particular Pollimyrus isidori. Mormyrids are difficult fish to keep,
and I'd strongly recommend you read up on their very specific needs
before buying any. They are difficult to mix with other fish, and
because they are sociable electric fish, you have to keep a certain
number or else their communication goes haywire and they bully each
other. Six is a good number
to start with.>
Or do the catfish? We were waiting for a mini killer whale, that the
pet store said that they could get and have had one before, and she
also said that they used there blow holes.
<She's talking nonsense. There are no cetaceans sold as pets via
aquarium shops. Whatever she's talking about, it's not a
"killer whale". I haven't a clue what she actually means.
If you can get a Latin name, then I can help.
But otherwise...>
Any way, when the catfish came in, she told us that the whales were in,
and she said that they use their blow holes, I know I asked above, but
is that true?
<No fish has a blowhole. A blowhole is a nostril used to pass air to
the lungs. Since fish don't have lungs and breather via their gills
anyway, they don't need a blowhole.>
I feel like this pet store has done nothing but lie us.
<"Lie" is a strong word, but ignorance is VERY common in
some parts of the hobby. The solution is simple. Find out about the
fish first, then get some information from a trustworthy aquarium book.
Failing that, e-mail us here,
since we write books and magazine articles, and we're about as
reliable a source of information as you're going to get. If you
don't have the Latin name for the fish, and the common name the
store clerk offers doesn't match
anything you can find in a book, then take a photo and send that. But
whatever you do, read before you buy.>
I also bought what I was told to be a freshwater dragon fish.
<A brackish water goby, Gobioides broussonnetii. Actually very easy
to keep in a brackish water system. But yes, its lifespan in freshwater
is minimal, and it does need a good, varied diet based on stuff other
than mere flake.>
Unfortunately it died three or four days later. I believe that this pet
store doesn't care about their animals, but more about the money. I
can't believe that any person couldn't give a care about the
animals that they are selling.
<Caveat emptor, I'm afraid. If a store really does go out of its
way to be disingenuous, you might want to ask to speak to the manager
and explain your concerns. If that doesn't help, write to your city
or county retail licensing office. Pet shops are regulated to some
degree, and they have to provide a certain degree of care to their
animals. If they're failing in that regard, then the city or county
will inspect them, talk with them about how to improve, and if
necessary remove their license.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Trichomycterid pix 4/12/06 Jean
Naturalist 7 rue BERGHEAUD 7 31000 TOULOUSE
Robert FENNER, Please tell me if exist a figure of these
exist please send me a copy. Thank you in advance. Sincerely. <Mmm,
have you checked on Google images? Likely a
visit/bibliographic search at a large college library will show whether
there are graphics for these (possibly just line drawings or such). I
do not have photos of these. Robare Fenner> Candiru
requirements in captivity 8/30/05 I was wondering what the
requirements are for the requirements are for keeping Candiru
(Vandellia cirrhosa or Ochmacanthus orinoco) in captivity successfully.
what would you feed them, compatibility, husbandry, and can more than
more Candiru be kept in the same tank? I would like to possibly keep a
couple of them in captivity. CJ <Mmm, for scientific purposes these
fishes have been kept for study... thus far (as far as I'm aware
natch), trying to feed them "parts" of other fish life has
failed... and thus they have been kept with fishes that they feed upon
live... Not compatible with other fishes, not able to be kept in
mix-species settings. There may be more... by "doing" a
search of scientific literature. Bob Fenner>
You should never pee in the Amazon River... (OUCH!!) Dear
Cecil: In the past I have heard tell that you should never pee in the
Amazon River lest a certain fish swim upstream into your penis and lock
its fins in place in your urethra. Of course I always dismissed this as
a tall tale spread by the natives to scare tourists. However, I read
recently in the newspaper about the Candiru fish, which allegedly does
just this. Please gimme the straight poop. --Chase Kimball, via the
Internet <Tis so. Bob Fenner> Dear Chase: Can't blame you for
your skepticism--this is one of those stories you want desperately not
to believe. Here's a description from a 1973 article in Urology by
John Herman: One of the strangest [stories from the Amazon concerned] a
fish that was urinophilic and could swim up the urethra or into the
vagina of the unwary native who urinated while bathing in the Amazon.
It was said that this fish, known as Candiru [in Brazil; as carnero in
Spanish-speaking countries], was long, thin, and capable of forcing its
way into the body's passageways following the trail of urine. Once
inside it would eat away the mucous membranes and tissues until
hemorrhage would kill it or the host. It was also said that even if one
caught the fish by the tail, once in the urethra it could not be pulled
out because it would spread itself like an umbrella. Indeed, rumors had
it that penectomy was preferred to the misery and pain associated with
leaving the fish in the urethra! Yeah, I know. I crossed my legs too.
Herman's article is titled, "Candiru: Urinophilic Catfish, Its
Gift to Urology," which doesn't seem like the world's most
sensitive take on the subject. However, the author refers not to the
financial opportunities for urologists but to an anti-Candiru folk
remedy useful in treating bladder and kidney problems. More on this
below. Are stories about the Candiru true? Although many mentions of
the Candiru can be found on-line and in popular books and magazines,
scientific accounts of the fish and its unfortunate habits are old and
suspiciously few. Most of what we know comes from the 1930 book The
Candiru by Dr. Eugene W. Gudger of the American Museum of Natural
History, plus a couple additional articles published in the '40s.
All sources insist that the incredible story is true, but for evidence
they rely mostly on vague second- or third hand reports from
missionaries, doctors, natives, and the like. Even the doctors'
accounts tend to lack persuasive detail, although one article (Lins,
Journal of Urology, 1945) claims a U.S. navy surgeon named Charles
Ammerman operated on three Candiru victims, in one case slicing into
the bladder to extract the fish. Whatever the truth may be, there's
little doubt that the Candiru, formally known as Vandellia cirrhosa, is
capable of attacking humans in the manner described. A type of catfish,
the Candiru is known to lodge in the gill cavities of larger fish,
where it subsists by sucking the blood of its host. Specimens average
three inches in length and a quarter inch in diameter. A fast, powerful
swimmer, the fish is smooth and slimy, with sharp teeth and
backward-pointing spines on its gill covers that make it virtually
impossible to remove. Still, it's difficult to imagine how even the
most agile of fishes could squirm into someone's penis during a
brief dip in the water, and in fact one account says women are much
more likely to be Candiru victims due to the greater dimensions of the
female aperture. One suggestive bit of evidence is a folk remedy used
by Amazon natives, namely the green fruit of the jaguar tree, Genipa
americana L. The juice of this fruit is brewed into a tea and drunk
hot, supposedly causing the skeleton of the fish to dissolve and
resulting in its expulsion from the victim within a couple hours. Early
observers scoffed at the effectiveness of this concoction, but in 1945
urologist Eugenio Lins reported that a synthetic version of the brew
had dissolved bladder "incrustations" in a dozen patients and
suggested that it might do the same for kidney stones. Some elements of
the Candiru legend are clearly exaggerated. There are no confirmed
reports of deaths or penectomies--several cases of the latter are
thought to have run afoul of piranha. It's uncertain whether the
Candiru is actually "urinophilic," and as far as I know, no
one seriously maintains that it can swim out of the water and up a
urine stream. Just the same, next time my yacht cruises down the
Amazon, I ain't peeing over the side. One last thing. Lest you
think the Candiru is all bad news, one visionary has proposed them,
apparently seriously, as a key prong in a "fish-based security
system" for the South Pacific--see You dig a moat
around your house, see, and stock it with Candiru, piranha, and
electric eels. "Should the housebreaker fortuitously not be
attacked by the electric eels or the piranha then there is a good
chance that he will suffer the invasive penetration of the Candiru into
the urethra." Is that brilliant or what? OK, you might lose a few
pets or small children, too, but at least your silverware will be
Cetopsid whale catfish Hey, Bob <Hello Antoine>
Look what I peeped at the LFS... the little
bastard came charging at me when it saw that I had a hangnail.
(three pics attached... I think <G>... got bumped from your
Hotmail) <What a neat fish> A ferocity
the likes of which I have not seen since the furry white bunny
rabbit of Death. Yep... I had to bust out the holy hand grenade
to stop it <G>. <Run away! Run away!>
In truth... the poor bugger seemed to be under
considerable duress... paced faster than an ADDH child on a sugar
rush. <No Ritalin for him, please!> Crop or
delete as you see fit :) <Hotay, thanks. Bob F>