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natural feeding FW, /Neale
8/11/12 Thanks for the vast array of information here …. <Most welcome.> I have a small freshwater tank, everything seems to be fine. Just came across some live bloodworms (which I see are now on your 'not-recommended' list along with Tubifex. Sigh.) <Hmm… yes. Live Tubifex certainly risky, known parasite-carriers. Bloodworms less risky, but some concerns among fishkeepers that they may be unhealthy, e.g., high heavy metal concentration thanks to the places where they're found. I use frozen bloodworms, but sparingly. On the other hand, bloodworms from my own pond I use without worries.> Anyway, I threw a few in and everyone in the tank was very happy. <Yes.> But I noticed that all the worms did not get caught. <Not worms; insect (midge) larvae.> Some escaped into the substrate and I assume matured into bugs and flew away. <Not bugs but flies; Hemiptera vs. Diptera.> Or perhaps they were caught later by the fish, who were having a great time hunting them. <For sure.> It occurred to me that you could put a tight-fitting fine mesh screen over the tank and dump in a reasonable quantity of bloodworms and perhaps other potential live foods. There are already tiny bugs living on the floating plants that I am sure top-feeders would enjoy. <Except they don't. These very small insects (collembolans and suchlike) walk on the water surface and are effectively immune to predation because the fish can't get at them; fish can only eat insects that sink into the water surface. Remember, at this scale, water behaves like syrup, and pulling food through the water's surface can be difficult for small animals.> (Is this an excuse to buy more fish ? :) Do you think it would be possible to get a fish-food cycle running in the tank itself, so that the captives could have a more realistic (and I would think healthier) environment ? <Yes, has been done; do borrow or buy "Dynamic Aquaria" where the whole idea of a balanced aquarium with light, plants, insects and a few fish is described and explained. Not really practical in home aquaria because we're talking something like a 100-gallon aquarium with 5 guppies in it, but the basic idea works, and of course for many (neglected) ponds this is pretty much exactly what happens.> Thanks again for your site, it is a big help and always interesting. Jon b <Cheers, Neale.> natural feeding, /RMF 8/11/12 hi WetWeb, <Jon> Thanks for the vast array of information here .... <Welcome> I have a small freshwater tank, everything seems to be fine. Just came across some live bloodworms (which I see are now on your 'not-recommended' list along with Tubifex. Sigh.) <Yes... nowayears implicated in health issues> Anyway, I threw a few in and everyone in the tank was very happy. But I noticed that all the worms did not get caught. Some escaped into the substrate and I assume matured into bugs and flew away. Or perhaps they were caught later by the fish, who were having a great time hunting them. <More likely this latter> It occurred to me that you could put a tight-fitting fine mesh screen over the tank and dump in a reasonable quantity of bloodworms and perhaps other potential live foods. There are already tiny bugs living on the floating plants that I am sure top-feeders would enjoy. (Is this an excuse to buy more fish ? :) <Heeeeee! A good one> Do you think it would be possible to get a fish-food cycle running in the tank itself, so that the captives could have a more realistic (and I would think healthier) environment ? <Mmm, only in a really huge system... but culture of many useful freshwater food organisms can be done... and fun!, in containers elsewhere> Thanks again for your site, it is a big help and always interesting. Jon b <Thank you, Bob Fenner> Pond <insect> larvae as foods
6/7/12 <BobF here in his stead> I have a good number of what appear to be mosquito or midge larvae in my garden pond (wildlife pond, no fish). Are these safe to give as a treat to my tropicals? <Most likely yes... as long as they eat these sooner than hatching out to possible pests these are great foods> Cheers Gord <And you, B> Re: Pond larvae 6/7/12 Cheers, Bob. I didn't want to go ahead without asking someone with more experience first. They love them! No danger of the larvae hatching - gone in 30 seconds! <Ahh! There has been a great discussion of Mozzies as food, their collection, culture if you will, on the AHHS L serv... You can join and read the archives if you so desire> Thanks again Gordon <Cheers, BobF> Juglone, Live foods, and Aquarium
plants 10/21/11 Hello! Life food, culture for Betta
12/11/10 Guppy fry, feeding... as in food for others
2/2/2010 Daphnia (sourcing, AUS.) 12/02/08 To the Wet Web Media crew. The thing I would like to say is I'm very impressed by the information provided on your website. I would also like to apologize as I know I'm in the wrong place but I'm going to ask anyway. I have had the internet since October 12th and its now 2nd December and every night I search in vain for someone who can supply me with a live daphnia culture. Magna , Pulex , Moina any type will do! I live near Townsville Qld. I will be more than happy to pay and pick-up or wait for delivery. I would take any days off work. I'm getting frustrated (I guess you get frustrated about dumb Qs like mine but I don't know and can't seem to find a supplier in Australia). I would consider any price as my alternative is flying to a creek in NSW I know. Again sorry to bother you. ANY info would be appreciated! Thanks Leigh <Hell Leigh. I'm not really familiar with the fishkeeping industry in Australia, and would encourage you to get in touch with, for example, the excellent 'Australian Aquarium' magazine if you're after information on suppliers and retailers. You could also consult the members of ANGFA, one of the better Australian fish clubs. Although interested in native fish faunas, many of its members are expert fishkeepers, and I've been lucky enough to work with several of them over the years. In any case, culturing daphnia shouldn't be difficult; here in England at least most any ditch or pond sooner or later seems to develop a thriving population. Bags of live daphnia sold in pet stores are common here, and I can't think why you could just add these to a barrel of water seeded with some decaying vegetation and left somewhere sunny for algae to grow. Frozen daphnia may be an option for your fish, though I have to admit none of mine ever seem to eat them! Cheers, Neale.> Re: Daphnia (sourcing, AUS.) 12/02/08 thanks for the reply. <No problems.> I live in a major banana growing area here and there is twice daily aerial spraying of insecticides to control mites. the waters here are crystal clear and nearly lifeless. we also have huge numbers of cane toads (a very hardy introduced poisonous pest) it, and the occasional Gambusia (mosquito fish) are the only creatures I've found. no dragonfly larvae, few mosquitoes, but vast swarms of saltwater sandflys. <Sounds pretty grim! Almost an object lesson in the impact of intense single-crop agriculture on the local environment.> thanks again for trying. I guess im going to have to travel to NSW (3-4 days hitch) Ill try the organizations you have mentioned. wish me luck!(Im not giving up yet!) <Good luck! Neale.> Infusoria Question 9/23/08 Infusoria, guppy loss of color and Moscow guppy purchase? - 4-11-08 Can you please answer a few questions for me; I did not find any answers to them in my extensive research on various web sites re specific aquarium fish. (1 A) I was told that infusoria for Betta fry should be placed in a warm, D A R K, place and elsewhere in a warm, S U N N Y, place so micro organism could grow. <The latter is correct> (1 B) How long does it take before it's ready to feed? <A few weeks> I started one with organic lettuce and another with local straw from the river. I am using both now and the fry survived the first ten days, but I also feed some dry fry food and-after they were one week old-frozen daphnia. (3C) When do I add the box/sponge filter for the fry? <Mmm... if run gently from the get go... Immediately> (2) My guppies have lost some of their colors along the back. I was told to add salt to the water but the color is still missing. What do you think? <Something amiss... Nutritionally, water quality-wise... perhaps an infectious agent at play... Hopefully not the last... Columnaris...> (3) Do you sell and ship Moscow guppies? <Nope> And do you sell micro worms or other live food for Betta fry? <Nicht!> Thank you for any help. I am somewhat new at this and have already lost two sets of Betta fry and will try not to lose this one. Mirjana in Alamosa, Colorado. <Mmm, do look on the international Betta sites re... there is a wealth of info. and help to be had. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Vinegar + Water + Oxygen =??? FW microbial culture 11/07/07 Hi; I bought a 70 gallon tank a while ago, used. Scrubbed all the hard stains off it with white vinegar, then did my best to rinse it out with water. Must not have done a good enough job. <Mmm... doubtful... Vinegar, the simplest organic acid... Acetic, solubilizes, rinses freely with water> I filled the tank half full with water, ended up letting it sit because I realized I didn't know how to use the oldest looking Fluval canister filter I've ever seen in my life (had a leak too, so I bought a new 305). Well some white slimy growth started appearing free floating in my water. Rather puzzling since none of my Internet searches gave me much of anything other than fungus that grows on fish and food, neither of which are in my tank. I took out 90% of the water, replaced it, still had this stuff in there. So I hooked up two filters and let them have at it. Couple of days and hardly anything was left in the water. Did a chemical check, things looked fine (aside from horrendously hard water and a pH of 8.x.... tap water) Got a little curious, put my flying fox in there (all prepared to take him out if things looked funny) to my surprise he nibbled on a bit of the white stuff, thought about it, then raced around gobbling up as much of it as he could find. Nothing was left in the span of 20 minutes. He had no change in behaviour after that. color was fine, alert and happy my RB shark wasn't chasing him. Couple of days went by, he still looked good. Eating, swimming, and staking out territory (which was quickly lost to the RB shark later) So that was that. I never learned what it was, but I guess it tasted awfully good. <Seems so> Now, recently, I've been playing with vinegar again in a small 5 gallon tank with a DIY sponge filter and peat moss bag. 6 tablespoons of white vinegar to 5 gallons water, let sit for two days, then feel the thick slime on the walls. Kinda "ew". I still want to know what this stuff is. pH is sitting around 6.8 . I don't know if its the same since its not free floating. Nor do I want to test it with any of my fish. Wonder if it will grow on an agar solution (got some laying around). <Interesting speculation...> I did manage to come across something called "Mother of vinegar". appearance isn't the same, but its a Bacteria that turns alcohol into vinegar and is supposedly harmless if eaten. (can think of a few people I might want to do that to) however it doesn't "look" quite the same. Well that's about all I can think of. Side note; the tank has been up and running for 1.5 months, everyone is healthy and happy, in crystal clear "tea" colored waters (from the peat moss which has boosted my plant growth by double!). Bottled water (pre aged with peat, etc) will be added gradually to lower ph in the near future. Also hoping that my tetras will stop flirting and finally produce something before the males get a complex. Thank you for your time! Cera <CH3COOH is a good feeder stock in some situations... for decomposers... likely bacteria and/or fungi here... in dilute solution... not an avid, "strong" proton donor... Thanks for sending this along. Bob Fenner> Alternative to apple cider vinegar - 11/07/06 Hi crew, what can be used as an alternative to apple cider vinegar for culturing vinegar eels. can u <Grrrr> please tell me a method for culturing vinegar eels other than using apple cider vinegar. thanking you <Mmm, well, other sources/types of Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) will do best/better here... basically any brand/make of vinegar... but other organic acids (diluted strength) could be used... Not inorganic acids though. Bob Fenner> Preparing infusoria 9/30/06 Hi crew I wanted to know that while preparing infusoria should i keep the jar in sunlight and should i keep the jar air tight. Thanking you <In sunlight is best. Never in a completely sealed jar. Bob Fenner> Chemicals, Breeding Green Terrors, Fungus on RES's Neck - 05/29/06 Hi crew. I am happy to be back after a long break to my fish hobby. Now I have many questions for you. 1)There is a lake near my house which was polluted by chemicals nearly 8-10yrs back. Now I find a lot of daphnia and mosquito fish in the lake. Can I feed this to my fish? < Chemicals is a very broad term. Depending on the contamination levels and the chemicals the threat could be gone by now. Other chemicals can last for years in very low concentrations. These invertebrates could each contain a very minute level of the chemicals. As you fish eats these invertebrates the concentration of the chemicals may build up in the fish's body and cause health problems for your fish. In general I do not use any water for my fish that I would not drink myself. This way I know the water is safe.> I also fear that there are hook worms (Argulus) present along with the daphnia. Can I feed this to my fishes? < Fish generally will not eat Argulus.> Is there any way I can remove the Argulus? Medications used to kill the Argulus will kill the daphnia too.> 2) My green terrors breed very often but the problem is that the male is not helpful in guarding the spawn and the female keeps eating the fry. How can I hatch the eggs away from the parents? <Give the parents something to lay the eggs on that can be removed from the tank. If they lay the eggs on the side of the glass then there is not too much you can do. Get a 5 gallon tank and set it up with a heater and an airstone. When the fish lay the eggs you can remove 5 gallons from the main tank and put it in the 5 gallon tank. Place the rock with the eggs in the 5 gallon tank and set the heater for 80 F. Place the airstone next to the eggs to keep a current going. Add some methylene blue to the water to prevent fungus. After three days the eggs should hatch and the fry will fall to the bottom of the tank. Remove the rock. Three days later the fry should be free swimming and will need to be fed baby brine shrimp, microworms and finely crushed flake food.> 3)My RES turtle appears to be growing fungus around its neck and on its shell. How can I treat this? <Fungus generally feeds on dead tissue. I assume that the turtle is shedding his skin and the fungus is simply attached to the skin that is sloughing off. Do a big water change, try to rinse off the dead skin and add a Dr. Turtle Sulfa Block by Zoo Med to inhibit the fungus growth.> I will be very thankful if you help me out. thanking you in advance. < Next time you need to rewrite your questions to include proper punctuation or you questions will not be answered. These questions/replies are posted to help other aquarists/hobbyists and we need to be very clear so not to mislead others trying to save their animals.-Chuck> Looking Into Live Fish Food Cultures I have a 2 month old now and my fish raising habit is sort of suffering from too many things to do at once. It's times like these when laziness and ingenuity often come to the rescue. I've been trying to think of ways to feed fry without doing the twice daily baby brine shrimp dance. Change water, foul water with food that dies, leave alone all day while at work, come home, foul water with food that dies, etc. I am also assuming that fry constant graze or hunt for food items in a natural environment instead of trying to glut themselves and then starve. That would seem to promote lazy and weaker fry. Not to mention sitting in the nitrate build up which is probably the number 1 growth inhibitor for fish. So I started thinking a freshwater refugium might be helpful by supporting a constantly available, living food source. Googling turned up this in your FW filtration FAQ's. "The sad thing is that only since the internet has really taken off in the past 5-10 years has these issues been asked. And there isn't that many definitive answers. Years back I had thought of the exact same thing and being the scientific mind that I was attempted to set up a freshwater tank that mimicked my marine tanks. (seeing if I could set a tank up first, then move onto a refugium sort of idea. A sand or mud based substrate worked best in a planted aquarium (rather than any sort of gravel). It offered a better medium for the plant roots and for microfauna to build up some colonies. I created mine by actually hiking into the middle of my parents woods to the stream they owned and scooped a bucket full of the sand/mud from the riverbed. I made sure that the area wasn't near any roads or field run offs so there shouldn't be that many chemicals in there. I then brought it home to add it to a tank I had set up with a bag of "Southdown Children's play sand" as substrate. I added the contents of the bucket to the tank (after looking through it for pieces of glass and things I wouldn't want in my tank). I thought that I could see if some things would colonize the remainder of the sandbed just like if you were to seed a reef tank sand bed. I found that it did work. Lots of little bugs were in the river bed that quickly started working away on the sand. The down side... many of the bugs found on land in freshwater are the larval stage of some sort of flying insect... (keep a lid on your tank!)" I am a stream quality monitor and have a very basic idea of what I would get from my local stream, at least on the macroscopic level anyway. Lots of gnarly things like hellgrammites and dragonfly larvae to mention a few. The microfauna would be a good first food for many fishes, but what would they eat next to transition to adult fish food? There are smaller aquatic midges and worms, etc, but those don't seem to be as populous, at least to my naked eye. So as of now, I'm thinking that fry would not have a good chance of making it too adulthood. (Not that fish in the natural environment would) And I would like to better the wild survival rate and at least make enough fish to sell or trade. I am mostly interested in Angels, Corys and Bettas, but also barbs, danios, and other American cichlids. Is there a good source for what the fry of these fish eat in the wild? How can I produce that in the aquarium? More rambling...So while I wrote this e mail, I started wondering about vernal pools, which I don't know very much about, but I do know that these pools are teeming with small insect larvae, etc. Would it be possible to recreate a still water pool in the home, without hatching tons of mosquitoes and other uglies, and produce some sort of food animal for fry that would not die and foul the water? I read something once about blue gourami breeders seeding grow out tanks with green water, then dumping a daphnia culture in, and letting the fry raise themselves, is this possible? I'm hoping this e mail provides others with some ideas about raising fry, serious breeders really should always be looking for ways to produce better fry, in a more efficient manner. Thanks for any insights you may have, and the 12 hours it will probably take just to read all this. Peace, Zach < Feeding fry has always been a challenge for breeders since they started to breed fish. There are many ways to hatch baby brine shrimp. I suggest that you research the fish you are trying to breed and see what the breeders are feeding them. For instance if the betta breeders are feeding infusoria, then start to research infusoria. You will find many different methods and many suppliers online.-Chuck> |
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