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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Mithrodia clavigera Bali 2014, TiffB
pic |
Echinothrix calamaris (Pallas 1774), the
Hatpin Urchin. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Hawai'i. Should be kept
singly and may prey on cnidarian livestock. Need large spaces in rock to
hide amongst by day and coarse substrate. Bali 2014, TiffB pic |
.JPG) |
Pearsonthuria graeffei (Semper 1868), the Graffiti Sea Cucumber.
Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to the Society Islands. Needs large tank space
with gravel, rocks to continuously feed on. To twenty inches in length.
Bali 2014, TiffB pic |
.JPG) |
Elysia ornata (Swainson 1840), known
to science as the Ornate Sap-Sucking Slug. This genus is often sold
to aid in the control of marine aquarium algae overgrowth,
particularly Bryopsis. Much easier to control such outbreaks by
limiting nutrients, providing competitors for light, food, using
more generalized herbivores. To about an inch and a half in
length. Bali 2014, TiffB pic |