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Pond Is For The Birds 9/11/06 Hi Bob, We have a large out door pond with filters and water falls . We have four Koi and 4 goldfish . About a month ago we added 3 fan tails . One disappeared . Two weeks ago one of the others started swimming funny . Almost like her back side is partially paralyzed . She is staying in a more shallow end of the pond because when the other fish bump into her she can not move around well and may start to roll backwards . It seems healthy and alert in all other ways .We also have noticed for the first time that we have 3 babies about an inch and 1/2 long . No idea where they came from. We live in CT and it is starting to get a little cooler . Not that that means anything . Any help you can give in regards to the fan tail would be appreciated .Thank you , Diana <You could have had a visit by a stork or egret. One fish disappeared because he didn't know where to hide and was eaten. The other fish was attacked by the bird but suffered a spinal injury by the beak and got away. Look for a scare on the back of the injured fish. Look for large white bird droppings to confirm a visit. Not many diseases cause this kind of problem.-Chuck> Tasty pondfish and great blue herons 5/3/06 How do I prevent great blue herons and other predators from eating my goldfish? <Mmm, a few possible things to try... screening over the pond, stout monofilament strung over same, shading of the water, a barrier near the edge, pets on patrol, electronic detection/activation gear with strobe lights and disco music, depredation permits and related artillery, a tray with other food items beside... Bob Fenner> Re: great blue herons 5/3/06 Thanks Bob, I'll give it a try. John <And to be a bit more complete for browsers... if this were a smaller species of waterfowl, there might be some chance that a "plastic owl" or other bird-predator facsimile might scare them off... Cheers, Bob Fenner> Pond, Koi & Ducks... actually Or, not & 5/2/06 Dear Crew, <Scott> I haven't writing in months and now tonight three times. I have a 3000gal Koi pond. It has been up and running 5 years. Never any problems. I have 12 Koi that are now quite large. It is real neat. Problem, I live in Florida, we have not had rain in 2 months where I live. All the retention ponds are dry. 3 weeks ago a mommy duck showed up with 9 babies. <Mmmm> They come in the morning and leave mid day. They swim a bit. But with that swimming comes Duck poopy. I tested my pond and My Nitrites are from 0 to toxic. My nitrate are out of range. <Yes. Common> I but a bottle of prime in it but I have no way of keeping the ducks out. I don't mind them but do not want to lose my Koi. What can I do? <Well... it's really a matter of choice... Choosing one or the other. You can have a koi pond OR a duck pond... not both. The waterfowl will be "too much" in the way of "nutrient providers" for your pond to support the koi... Up to you.> Now I will leave you all alone. Sorry for all the questions <Bob Fenner, who would scare the ducks and keep them away> Duck Pond - 11/26/05 Hello, One other thing - do white ducks with red faces eat fish? <<Muskovies, eh...yes, if they can catch them, along with crustaceans/insects, frogs, some plant material...>> Or does the duck poop kill them faster? <<If this is a large, natural pond, likely the fishes will be fine...else you will need adequate filtration to deal with the duck waste.>> Lyn and Gwen <<Regards, EricR>> Duck Pond Hello I didn't find anything related to this question. I have a duck / goose pond approximately 2000 gallons, I have two filters hooked up one a regular sand filter for an in ground swimming pool ( I filled it with pea gravel ) and connected to this is a modern media filter ( in ground pool also ). I can't and really want to figure out a way to keep it relatively clean. I have not used or know of any chemicals available for use and or and other grander filter system. I do have a small zoo and good looking enclosures is a must for me. There are no fish in the pond and it house about 20 different ducks. I have the filters set up as a waterfall at the export side of the filters. THANKS BOB PILZ <There are actual "formulae" for figuring how many water fowl one can/should have per acres and acre-feet of ponds, lakes... a two k gallon system is just going to be a real mess, no matter how much filtration you can affix to it. I encourage you (if at all possible) to instead devise a system of flushing the basin with new water, either continuously or in a pulsed fashion... draining it from a/the bottom... about all the volume... daily. Bob Fenner, who knows what a stinky mess these birds make> A duck and goose = dirty pond I initially got a 175 gallon flexible liner pond for water plants (lily's) and maybe small guppies. However in the meantime acquired a duck and a goose, both about two months old. Well guess who is in the pond everyday? <Bad visual> I have to replace the water every day or two. I want to keep duckweed in another receptacle to feed them because they'll eat it up before it can clear the pond. What other filtration system can I use on a pond this small-or do I have to build them a lake!? <More likely the latter. The 175 gallon volume is way too little to even try to filter, keep one waterfowl/foul... I would keep changing the water. Bob Fenner> St. Thomas, VI
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