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RE: MACNA XV Hi Mr. Fenner, <Hello Lisa> Hope all is well. The new site is up and running...just a few changes need to be made to add your comments on the home page and a couple copy changes. Let me know what you think when you can. Did you show Mr. Calfo the binder? What did he think? <Don't recall at this point. Anthony had to rush back home due to a sudden death in the family> Was also wondering how it was received at the DMS? <The folks who saw it that I talked with liked it. Jason's presenting another copy at this month's Orange Country Marine Society when he gives a pitch> I spoke with John Todaro of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society who looked it over...he thinks there is a huge market for a binder like this tailored to breeders. I am considering selling my house to further my business and wonder if you see the same opportunity. <I would NOT venture this degree of risk for ANYTHING in the pet-fish industry. Better to "boot-strap" finance expansion in some other sort of way> Still would like to put out freshwater, pond, and terrarium editions. Thank you so much for your time, I do appreciate your help. Sincerely, Lisa Harwood Aquarium Journals.com <Am going to be out of the country for the next two weeks. Bob F> International Marine Aquarium Conference Call for Papers <Thanks Dennis. Will post on WetWebMedia.com for all. Bob Fenner> This is a call for papers for the International Marine Aquarium Conference, to be held in Chicago, May 2, 3 and 4, 2003. Papers may be presented by undergraduates, graduates or faculty, public aquarium or pet shop personnel or hobbyists and they MAY have been previously presented elsewhere, except if they have been published in an aquarium trade publication unless there have been significant new results. Attendees at the conference consist largely of people involved in the keeping of marine aquariums so the subject of the papers should be something of interest to them. (e.g., nothing on marine mammals or commercial fisheries). Topics involving corals and coral reefs ARE acceptable, as are topics relating to fish (and shrimp, crab, clam, etc.) species normally kept in aquariums, also topics relating to maintaining proper water parameters, effects of artificial lighting on corals, raising of larval foods, etc. Presenters will have up to 45 minutes followed by a 15-minute Q&A. Presenters will receive a complimentary full registration to the conference, including the Saturday night Banquet, and a special room rate from the hotel of $99/night. For further information, please check our website: www.theimac.org. People wishing to present a paper should send a title, their bio and abstract to: Dennis Gallagher, Conference Chairman International Marine Aquarium Conference 1455 Nottingham Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 Or reply by fax or email. Fax: 847-882-0522 Email: dennis2103@attbi.com There is no deadline but we have only a finite number of slots available and spaces will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis. Please note that there are only a few slots remaining. Dennis Gallagher, Chairman International Marine Aquarium Conference www.theimac.org MACNA XIV Bob, <Duane> Just wanted to say what a pleasure it was meeting you at MACNA XIV. I wish I had more time to spend talking with you and Anthony at your booth, but my duties of keeping the hotel in line had me rather busy. Thank you so much for your support of MACNA this year. I look forward to meeting up with you again soon! <A pleasure my friend. Thank you for your help (and friendship) with getting my name tag, smoothing things along for WetWebMedia. Sorry I was so beat "from the road" (what a drive! Am getting way too old... wait, next time arriving a day earlier... and sleeping). See you out and about, Bob Fenner> Sincerely, Duane Dennis MACNA XIV Co-Coordinator MACNA & THANKS!! Howdy! Just a quick note of appreciation to Anthony, Steve, and Bob....Anthony & Steve for all their wonderful suggestions for my tank (believe me guys, we scribbled everything down, and are working on the ideas you had!), and to Bob for signing my Conscientious Marine Aquarist book. One look at Bob, and I was immediately homesick for California! :-) <Ha!> MACNA was very...educational, but I think I learned more in talking with the three of you than in the lectures! Thank you for coming to Texas, and we enjoyed meeting you! -Cathy Hughes -Fort Worth, TX <Excelsior! Hope to meet up with you soon. Bob Fenner> Message for Anthony Calfo Hi Bob, <Howdy Kelly> Can you do me a favor and ask Anthony to check his PMAS. rg email ASAP. <Will send to him now. He's back from Lancaster/TFP today I believe> Thanks! Will you be in Texas this week? I hear Vernon will be the new banquet speaker.........just kidding. <Hopefully has had the marbles removed from his buccal cavity, become less Darwin-seque...> I packed no doze just in case there are any surprises! <Ha! Yes I'll be there> Kelly - Puffer Queen <See you soon. Bob F> MACNA Hello... Will you guys be selling your books at MACNA? <We won't ourselves (the fine folks at the DFWMAS are allowing us space/a table as WWM to chat and share in the hallway, but we won't have a "booth" of products per se. However, am very sure others will have our titles (Di will be offering all Microcosm I believe as General Aquatics) and will gladly sign, chat re wherever folks have acquired their copies. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Kim MACNA XIV Cheers! FYI - there are NO "Exhibit Hall Only" passes for the MACNA. (WAAAHHH!!!) <bummer... but no worries, Steve and I will be sitting at a table outside of the exhibition hall!> I went to my first DFWMAS meeting last night, and met with some of the Board. Nice people, and I had a nice conversation with them. <excellent... aquarium societies are one of the best places for fellowship and accurate free information> Even brought home a Red Sea Xenia (which I have wanted for ages) but it wasn't where I left it in the tank, and now I can't find it anywhere. (There wasn't a rock base, so may have "floated") <My heavens... Xenia simply must be tethered. A simple stitch with nylon thread and tie it to a rock when you find it (sew right through the base of the stalk)> ANYWAY - thought you might want to know, in case anyone else asked. P.S. - Do you think there is any hope that the Xenia survived if I can't see it in the tank? <if you find it soon... do look closer and blow some current around with a powerhead> -Cathy Hughes -Fort Worth, TX <best regards, Anthony> Re: 8/20 Daily Q/A Comment AND A NOTE TO ANTHONY/STEVEN Hello Bob! Wow, what a fast reply! Thanks! Ummm, I don't know if I can ask this, but if I don't, I will always wonder... Can I invite Anthony and/or Steven to come see my saltwater set-up, and tell me how to "tweak" it? I know they will be in the DFW area in September, and I'm only a short distance away...maybe a free dinner?!? I know their schedules are busy, but if it can be worked out....well, I thought I would ask. I promise, I have a great family, and I'm not some loony. Well, fish people are sorta loony, I suppose, but I would really appreciate their expert help! -Cathy Hughes -Fort Worth, TX <Whatever you do, don't offer them pizza and beer, or ice cream sodas for that matter. Will fwd this note to them... put a locking mechanism on your fridge! Bob Fenner> Re: 8/20 Daily Q/A Comment AND A NOTE TO ANTHONY/STEVEN Cathy, It would be a pleasure! Steve and I will be traveling together and will surely have some time to visit. <Wow! Maybe the boys can swing through southern cal. on their way back and help me with yard work!> Perhaps meeting just before the conference would be best. Else, I'm sure we can work out something. I'm going to be putting my game face on for the weekend/conference and may have some running to do Friday afternoon likely to get things locally I need to prepare our WWM table. Saturday we will all be tied up with the conference and banquet. <Do you boyz want me to haul out the laptop/s? We should have a copy or two of WWM for folks to peruse... or... what would really be fabulous is a "broadcast" version... Zo, Jas... do we have a projector and screen we could borrow?> But Steve and I will be flying in Thursday afternoon. Perhaps we could meet late Thurs afternoon or evening then? Do forward a contact number, keep this e-mail addy handy and let me ask you for a phone call (412-795-XXXX) or e-mail reminder just before the weekend to confirm plans or a meeting place. With kind regards, Anthony Calfo <Be seeing you/all. Bob F> MARINE CENTER BOB, Too bad the folks at Marine Center will be on vacation during MACNA. They are missing a chance to sell to all the high rollers who have nothing better to do with there money than fly to Texas and send it on fish stuff. <Yikes. You're right! An unfortunate mis-blending of dates> Thanks for contacting them. It would be nice to see a article on the mail order fish places and what they have to offer that the local retailer doesn't or maybe should. <Yes... have written pieces that touched on this... but nothing like actually visiting, meeting with the people, facilities involved... and making/showing pix of same... the repetition in the media does the trade and hobby good> My personal opinion is that it's still better to see the fish in person and pay more for a healthy one (for example at Rich Preuss's). But I have bought from Marine Center several times. <Not always possible... most folks don't have much in the way of good/trusted LFS near them, and even then, don't have the selection, rarities that folks like MC do... and often the local shops don't present better livestock health wise.> The next time I see something at Marine Center that I can't live without, I will ask them, can I fly down and see the fish first? Better to spend $600 on a fish that you see first ( $300 for the fish and $300 for the plane ticket) than $300 and be wondering. <Now you're talking/keying like a wealthy capitalist! I like it> Gee, do I have to much of a disposable income or what? Thanks again, John Dawe <Keep pushing those pills you pharmacy type. Bob F> Forget Elvis... heeeeeeeeeere's Gerry! MACNA Dude... What can I say... Dude! the DFS crew has just added Dr. Gerald Allen to the lineup of speakers. Oh, ya... I'm a fish nerd and stoked <G> <Dr. Allen is a fine fellow> And for anyone thinking about going to MACNA this year (more people for us to drink beer with)... the price for the full weekend pass to lectures, exhibition halls and killer banquet is only $100 for a few more days (expires 6/15/02). Do look them up at: http://www.dfwmas.com/M14_registration.html After the 15th the price will be $150.00 Hope to see you all there. Bob, Steve and Anthony! Re: MACNA table for Fenner's WWM Brad, Thank you, my friend. We are looking forward to another great MACNA! And it looks like Bob, Di, Steve Pro and I are making our way for certain... perhaps even a few other crew members. Kudos to you and your club for pulling it off. The industry needs and appreciates your efforts <G>. Also, please advise/confirm an address for me to send donated books to for the raffle. And thank you for your kind comments about my book. I know that the hobby can count on you to pass along what you've learned in kind! I'll forward this to the crew and see you soon. With kind regards, Anthony Calfo <Thank you for sending this along Antoine. A note back to you and Steve re: the SD visit... an offer to take you to our fave sushi bar, Meiki's... it is fabulous... A pledge to show you about parts of the trade. Todd.G of Custom Aquatic would like to meet you; sells lots of your book/s... and Pat.H of Aq. Whse needs to meet you re same... And a query, suggestion to you and Steve re co-writing a title on "(The Best) Marine Fishes for (Marine/Reef) Aquariums"... before BSV, TLS/F come out with some such title... I say we produce not unlike your spiral bound edition... What say you/s? Bob F> Walt Smith's mini-Bio Anthony, Walt asked me to quick write and send you a short bio. for his pitch in the upcoming MACNA XIV. Will you see that this gets into the system there? Thanks, Bob Fenner Walt Smith mini-Bio. For MACNA XIV, "Coral Farming For Our Future" Walt Smith (Walt Smith International, Pacific Aqua Farms) has been an integral part of the marine livestock trade for more than three decades. His vast experience, as a 'selection service' company owner/manager/operator, diver-collector/supplier of South Pacific live rock, fishes and invertebrates; spans the history of the industry in these fields. Since 1998, Walt Smith's Pacific Aqua Farms has been a provider of cultured corals and live rock. It is Walt's dream and ambition to provide more than half of all stony coral fragments from his facility in Fiji in the next few years from second plus generation material being cultured there now (currently culturing 50,000 pieces of stonies, 150 tons of live rock). MACNA 14 Just a reminder for anyone thinking of going, the price for MACNA goes up on June 15th. It costs $100 now for the conference with banquet and will go up to $150. The webpage is here http://www.dfwmas.com/M14.html -Steven Pro <Rats! Am still "on the fence post" here... should we spend our WWM moolah on this venue, get-together... or save towards something else? Mmm? Bob F> RE: MACNA 14 Steve and I are already going... we can hold down the fort in some WWM capacity/table even if no one else goes. If a third person or more joins us all the better... we can work out a schedule between us to see speakers and share notes while one person stays behind at the table at all times. <Good idea... looks like Di is planning on renting a booth... and Daniel Knop will be visiting... she has some ticket coupons she's trying to trade to WWM for ad space...> If you wanna, Bob... let us know and let's send word to the MACNA crew that we would like to take them up on the offer of a free table outside the exhibition hall. <Please do> Room sharing is always a possibility for those that would like to save too. $100 bucks for the conference and a shared $79/night room... heehee I certainly think those of us that would like to go can put a crowbar in our wallets and break out some of that communion money we've been saving... Ha! <Did somebody say "bar"?> Antoine <Bob F> Re: Walt Smith's mini-Bio Thank-you Bob for the info! Are you planning to attend? Thanks, AP <Planning on it. Diana (Fenner) is renting a table for her KNOP biz (Daniel will be visiting too from Germany I'm given to understand), and at least Anthony Calfo and Steven Pro (for their interests)and I will be there for WetWebMedia and fun in general. See you soon. Bob Fenner> MACNA "Good idea... looks like Di is planning on renting a booth... and Daniel Knop will be visiting... she has some ticket coupons she's trying to trade to WWM for ad space" What are the tickets coupons you are referring to? <Airfares> Does she get several MACNA admissions for buying a booth? Basically, should I pay/sign up for registration now? <She gets one... so we'll have to pay up if attending the pitches I guess> Also, saw mention of the possible two laptops. Sounds good, but might I suggest one of those PowerPoint projectors to shoot the WWM site image up real big behind our table. <Mmm, good idea... is it worth buying one? Or maybe just renting, hauling a good sized monitor? Have been looking into an LCD type so's I can slow down going blind a bit... Bob F> Talk to you later, Steven Pro WWM at MACNA XIV Hi Anthony, <Cheers, my friend> LOL! You mean Bob Parties? Never knew that about Bob...<smile> <hehe... I think the surname "Fenner" is derived from Latin meaning, "funny man who can drink and stand longer than any other"...but my grasp of Latin derivations is a bit fuzzy... I could be mistaken <smile>> Thanks for updating the site. It has been quite confusing this year for everyone I am sure. I just hope we can get MACNA back on track for the future. We appreciate your support and would like to offer WWM a table in the Lobby if you would like a non commercial presence at the conference. <very gracious, and thank you! I'll be sure that Bob and the rest of the crew get this message. Bob will get back to you more on this matter. I'll step up and be one of the first volunteers to help man the WWM table> MACNA has done it for TFH, FAMA, MAC, AMDA and the Breeders Registry in the past and we are increasing the number of organizations to the various BB's this year. It's going to be a crowded lobby<G>. <no problem as long as there is plenty of room for the kegs and a brass pole> Yes, I did receive your gracious offer for the books and I thank you profusely for it! I have heard many good things about your book and will look forward to reading it. <please do send me an street address to mail the donations too> I have been farming and selling for the last 5 years or so and it pays for my hobby. <outstanding!> Getting rich from anything associated with the pet industry is highly unlikely in my experience.<G> <indeed, we are a cottage industry for the most part.. but as passionate and empathetic admirers of the coral realm, we must work towards a self-sustaining industry by any and all means ... even if that happens only in our basements and backyards <VBG>.> It has been rather chaotic lately and I am sorry I did not respond earlier. <no trouble at all, we are all busy indeed. You have special allowances too with consideration for your administrative duties while coordinating this tremendous event> I will keep you in the loop as we get closer to the show. We still have some more announcements to make concerning the conference. <does this involve dancing girls... or at least a little hottie of a mermaid like LA did several MACNAs ago?> Thanks again, Brad Ward <with kind regards, Anthony> |
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