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Re: Travis Carter’s Mega Angel Tank
1/2/20 Queen Angel bullying, TWA period 11/5/18 Clove and Green Star Polyp's with Angels
10/9/17 Question. Emperor Angel beh., hlth. 11/22/14 Stocking Question 4/28/14 Angels Anemones and select Softies, incomp.
3/19/13 Rose Anemone, sys. 1/6/12 eel bitten by angelfish
12/6/12 Angelfish Nipping
Anemone 4/7/12 Angel Compatibility
4/15/11 Saltwater Angels: More than two in a 108
gallon? 9/6/2010 Angel comparability, please need answer by
Sunday. 8/28/10 Asfur... lg. Pomacanthid comp. period
8/4/10 Angel Compatibility 6/27/10 Regarding Blueface angelfish - suddenly
stop eating... reading 6/24/10 angels... Comp. of... Aq. Svc.
Biz. 1/1/10 Angel compatibility --
11/27/09 Angel compatibility
10/27/09 Angelfish tank, stkg. mostly... comp.
f' as well 9/26/09 Angel compatibility
8/29/2009 Butterfly And Angel That Will Not Eat
Coral? 7/21/09 Reef safe marine fish... Angels and
Henis 7/2/09 Angel Compatibility 10/27/08 Can
you give me some advice. <Will try.> I have a 240L reef system
which inhabitants are, very large Malu with resident common Clown, 1
Brown Sailfin Tang, <Will need a larger tank> 2 x Blue Gold
Damsels, 1 Foxface, <May also need a larger tank depending on the
individual, you are at the "bare minimum" for keeping this
fish long term.> 1 Bi-colour Angel, 1 large boxer Shrimp and some
soft corals. I have seen a beautiful Coral Beauty Angel and am unsure
whether it would cause conflict in the tank especially with the
Bi-colour - I don't want to stress any of the fish. <I would not
attempt to combine 2 Centropyge Angels in this tank, just not enough
room for both.> There is live rock in the system with lots of
crevices and hiding places. All tank inhabitants are feed live feeder
shrimp at least once a week to hone their natural hunting instincts as
well as give the freshest food and so far I have not had any conflict
amongst any of the inhabitants. <Be aware that too much protein can
be bad for many marine fish, encourage you to consider using a quality
pellet food along with Nori sheets, especially for the tangs and
Foxface which need a good amount of vegetable matter in their diet.>
<Chris> Trigger/Angel-"safe" inverts 10/7/08 Hi, crew, I always come across questions such as "which triggers are reef-safe?" or "which angels are reef-safe?". <Neither really; while some species may work successfully in some tanks, both families evolved to eat invertebrates, so at least some of the things in your tank are at risk of becoming food.> I'll have an 8 foot x 2.5 x 2.5 foot tank, and am really interested in a Clown Trigger and an Emperor Angel. If I can't have both in this 375g tank, then at least the Imperator. <Clown Triggers are comparatively aggressive fish, and I don't really recommend any triggerfish outside one or two genera (Sufflamen, Melichthys) being kept in community settings. Does of course depend on the specimen. Emperor Angels can of course be kept in multi-species tanks, with the proviso that (as ever with Pomacanthidae) that they're "top dog".> So, my question is, what inverts/corals are most probably trigger or angel-safe? <Angels specifically go for sponges, so that's the main group to avoid; that isn't to say they won't have a go at other types of invertebrate, but provided they are well fed, and the tank is sufficiently large, any damage tends to be minimal. With triggers, shrimps, molluscs, annelids and echinoderms are all easy meat. Some triggers ignore cnidarians (corals, anemones, etc.) but many don't, and the Clown Trigger is one that will damage, likely consume, such animals given the chance.> The FOWLR does not appeal very much to me, and if I can't have inverts, then it will be a pure reef tank with reef-safe fishes only. <Would HIGHLY recommend that approach, perhaps building up experience of this aspect of the hobby generally before thinking about either a trigger or the Emperor angelfish. Do remember the Emperor angelfish has a poor survival record, in part because less experienced hobbyists are attracted to this animal without fully comprehending the demands it places on its keeper. There are many easier to maintain angels out there.> However, if I can have an Imperator as my "showcase" animal, and still have a reef, then that would be great. <Suspect it would be worth doing a bit more reading before anything else...> Thanks for any recommendations! <Cheers, Neale.> Fish Tank Question, Marine Stocking
9/22/08 Hey WWM Crew, <Hello> I have a question
regarding the following: I have a 46 gallon bow front aquarium that I
am setting up for a saltwater tank. <I have had one of these for
years.> I'm all good with that but a question has come across my
mind for fish for in this aquarium. When placing fish into a 46 gallon
bowfront is these fish that I would like to have fine together in this
size tank. I would like to have, a pair of True Percula Clownfish,
<Ok> a Raccoon Butterfly, <Gets too big.> a Coral Beauty
Angelfish, <Needs a bit larger tank.> and a Koran Angelfish.
<Also too big.> I believe that I have given enough area for the
fish to be able to separate and enough spots to hide out, so I believe
this number will be an okay amount. <I would disagree here, for
comparison in mine I have a pair of clowns and a Gramma, plus a fairly
large serpent star and I consider it fairly well stocked. The tank is
smaller than you think, especially when rock, sand, and equipment is
added in.> But if you don't think so please let me know. <See
above.> And my second question that might already be answered in the
first one is Will both a Koran angelfish and a Coral Beauty angelfish
be able to go together, I know sometimes that 2 angels cant go
together, but if I add them at same/similar times (please let me know
if that is even necessary if fish are fine together) but will those to
angels be fine together? <Not in this sized aquarium.> Thank you
so much for your help Ryan <Welcome>
Angels and Corals (It's a Feedin' Time!) - 06/26/08 Hello, <<Howdy James>> I have a 900 gallon system with fish, live rock. <<Very nice…and I think I recall that we've conspired before re this system>> I have tried various corals in the main tank to give the rocks some colour and interest. <<Mmm…and likely not too successful re, depending on your piscine choices>> Unfortunately, whatever I try my Queen Angel eats. <<And this surprises you? [grin]>> I then move the coral to another tank in the system where they are doing fine. She even started eating a carpet anemone <<Again…should be no surprise>> In the main tank I have one leather coral which she leaves for some reason as she munched on the others. <<Perhaps this one is more noxious than the others>> I also have six or seven different mushroom colonies. She ate all the red ones and left the rest. <<Differences in palatability>> So, my question is, is there any types of coral you think I could try that she will leave? I won't take her out as my fish always come first. <<Few choices I think… You might try some very noxious Gorgonians as these are often left alone…some of the Zooxanthellate species from the genus Pterogorgia maybe. And, you may find that Pachyclavularia (P. purpurea, P. violacea), also known as Green Star Polyps, taste bad enough not to be bothered either. But still…no certainties>> Thank you, James Barclay <<Happy to assist. Eric Russell>> Mixing Angelfish with Anemones, Reef Compatibility, 4/9/08 <Hello Brad, Brenda here!> I first off want to say think you for answering my last question it was very appreciated and helpful. <You're welcome!> I have a Medium Imperator Angel and medium Koran Angel that can't seem to keep their mouths off my anemones. <I'm not surprised. These fish are not reef safe. They need to be separated.> The Imperator was first to start nipping at my green carpet once my clown starting going in it so I finally gave it to a buddy of mine hoping it will live. Then when the clown started going into my rose anemone he started nipping at it. After watching the Imperator the Koran started following suit. Why are they doing it and why are they not being stung? <It is their nature. It may eventually be stung and eaten by the anemone.> Before the clown started going into any of my anemones neither even got close to them now that they see the clown inside the tentacles they want to start snacking on it? Any reasoning behind this? <More information found here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/angelcompafaq.htm > Thanks for all the help. Brad <You're welcome! Brenda> Adding Another Angel? (Stocking Considerations) 2/19/08 Hello all, <Hi there! Scott F. with you today.> Your thoughts on the following would be appreciated: I have a 180 FOWLR with a single angel at this time, a 3" Rock Beauty, which is well established for about 2 years. I would like to add a 4" subadult Annularis; other tankmates are two 9" Tangs, 3" butterflies and a half dozen damsels. I had a 12'' French in the system which has since been moved, and there were no issues, but I am concerned that the RB and annularis might be too close in size. Thoughts? Thanks. <Man, I'm sorry to be the "buzz kill" here. In my opinion, you're really taking a risk adding ANY other "large" Angelfishes to this sized aquarium. Stress and aggression may result from the addition of another one into the mix. I personally would not condone adding another full-sized Angel into any tank smaller than several hundred gallons, and at least 8 feet in length, if for no other reason than their need for lots of physical space. In fact, you've got a pretty full bioload in this system, so I'd be inclined to stop adding ANY additional fishes into the system. Two 9" Tangs is really pushing it as it is! IF you were going to add another fish, and IF an Angelfish was a "must have", at least consider a Centropyge species, as they are generally much smaller than the full sized versions. In the end, though, I'd evaluate where you intend to go with this system before entertaining any other stocking decisions. As you know, tradeoffs are always part of the game. Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
Feather Duster, marine angel compatibility -01/05/08 Dear WWM Crew, I looked on your web site and searched feather duster looking for specific compatibility with an Imperator Angelfish and Coral Beauty, didn't find what I was looking for. I have in my 125 g tank with 180lbs LR. Will they eat the feather duster I want to purchase? <It might. It might not. It will likely depend somewhat on the relative sizes of the worm and fish... and the personal inclinations of the fishes. Personally, I wouldn't risk it. The longer the two share a tank, the more likely it is that one of these fish will get curious/hungry enough to nibble at the feather duster.> Thanks Steve <Best, Sara M.> Angelfish Compatibility 6/9/07 Hello Crew, <Good evening, crew member Leslie at your service> I have a chance to purchase a 4" Majestic angel $40 (healthy, eating, store going out of business). My setup includes a 120g SPS reef with lots of swimming room/caves and a 60g refugium below, full of rock/Chaeto and a DSB. The fish currently in the tank are a 2" Bursa trigger, 10" Snowflake eel, and the fish in question...a 5" Flagfin/Three Spot angel. The Flagfin has been in the tank 6 months (eating all foods offered), fat and happy. < A very nice fish with a somewhat sketchy survival record...Glad yours is doing so well!> Can the two angels co-exist? <It is usually risky and rarely recommended to mix 2 such similar fish. I wouldn't even though passing up a great deal is a rough one for me.> Can't seem to find these two angels side by side in a compatibility chart (ha!). <If you ever find that chart please do let me know. > My concern stems from their similar body shapes and I'm assuming/ready for the initial posturing. Just not sure if it will go on indefinitely (ending in a demise). <Certainly a possibility.> Thanks as always for an opinion. <You're most welcome> I owe all/any of my success to you folks. Jeff <Thanks so much for the kind words! Leslie> Mixing Dwarf Angel with Larger Angels. 2/28/07 Hi Crew, <Hi James, Mich here.> Great website, you guys rock. <Thanks!> My question revolves around a pygmy angel that I have in 125gallon fish and live rock tank. I wanted to add another angel (Koran, French or Emperor) down the road. I know you can't mix angels of the same family, but can I get away with this or does Mr. Pygmy have to go back to LFS. <Probably not the best idea to mix these two.> Other fish include small hippo, medium yellow tang, 2 purple fire goby's and a royal Gramma. Thanks, James <Welcome! -Mich> Comments on Angel vs. Angel vs. Surgeon…. Queen A, Sohal T comp. 2/20/07 Dear Crew, <Hi Chad….AJ with you this evening.> I thought I'd send in a comment on some behavior I observed when adding a 7" Queen Angel to my tank. <Okay.> My main concern when adding the Queen was my 4" Passer Angel. < A very valid concern.> I'd been looking for a large Queen Angel for a long time and pounced when I saw it. I'd seen other smaller Queens but passed because I was sure my Passer would not tolerate the addition of a similar sized Angel. <Adult Angel's usually don't tolerate the presence of other animals/fish let alone another Angel.> Well, suffice it to say, I had my fingers crossed on one hand and a net ready in the other (I have a refugium which I could've moved the Queen to if it got ugly). I was relieved to see the Passer ignore the Queen almost completely, he showed some irritation but there were no fights. <I would compare his irritation to that of a little brother, who is just biding his time until he grows up and can "thump" big brother…..he doesn't act now because it wouldn't be smart.> I'm positive the Queen's size was THE deciding factor in this. <Likely a very important factor in establishing the "alpha-role."> But to my dismay, my 4" Sohal Tang was utterly furious! <Unfortunately this is predictable behavior for the Surgeon.> He was actively chasing down and attacking the Queen. Which actually made him quite easy to catch, I simply put a net between the two and he swam right in. I tried separating them for 24 hours, didn't work, same exact reaction. <The Sohal is notoriously territorial….if they weren't…I would have one, hehe, they are beautiful fish.> So I moved the Sohal to another tank for two weeks. The other tank is only 55 gallons, he was acting strange, looked like he felt confined, so I thought I'd give it another try. > this I surmise the display is quite large.> I added the Sohal back to my main tank today and everything went smoothly. The Passer, Queen, and Sohal are all existing peacefully in my tank, at least for now. <Operative phrase being "for now" do keep an eye out.> I thought this would benefit some readers out there. <Yes, thank you for sharing.> It just goes to show that 1. nothing is guaranteed in this hobby <Agreed.> 2. heed the advice given by our friends at WWM, If you're going to take risks in compatibility, be prepared to separate if something unforeseen happens. Have an escape plan! I was glad I did. <Thanks…and planning ahead is good…impulses can really hurt you, as far as livestock goes, in this hobby.> And 3. Sohals, and fish in general can be mean! <Very True.> I just thought it was so strange that my Sohal had completely ignored EVERY other addition, and yet took on a fish twice its size. <For some reason (likely the size a factor) the Sohal felt that this addition was a threat to his dominance.> I was just glad I was prepared. If I'd thrown the Queen in and turned off the lights, I would've woken up to a very bad situation. Thanks <Thank you.> Chad <AJ.> P.S. I appreciate the work you guys/girls do for the hobby. Your web site is addictive! <Thanks again and good luck.> Mixing Big Angels - 02/11/2007 Hi, Crew <Hi Mark, AJ with you tonight.> Thanks again for such a great site. <Welcome.> I have a slight dilemma about angelfish compatibility. <Okay.> I have a 125 gallon aquarium with a couple of black and white percula clowns (juvenile) and a 2 inch blue angel. I also have a 4 inch passer angel in a 75 gallon aquarium. Sadly, I feel that I will have to choose between them eventually as the 75 gallon <Understood.> cannot house the passer much longer and I am reluctant to mix such similar species. <I would be as well.> Is compatibility between these two angel fish totally out of the question <In this size tank the latter, even in large, public tanks 1000 gals+ it is rare that two angels of such common lineage and size can co-exist peacefully.> because of the similarity or do you feel it is possible to mix these two angel fish? <No, see above.> Also, If I can not co-habituate these two species would a small French Angel get along with one or the other of them better? <No I don't believe so, 125 gallons is in my opinion not enough for these animals at their potential size...let alone two together...not to mention aggression.> (for the 125 gallon eventually) Thanks again! <Anytime.> Best regards, Mark <To you as well AJ.> Mixing Angels of Different Genera 12/22/06 Good afternoon, <Hi there! Scott F. at your service!> Kudos for your great site. I have checked your site and others extensively and can find lots of information about combining Centropyge species, but this is about putting in a Genicanthus (not sure if it would be melanospilos, bellus or watanabei) with a Centropyge argi. It is a well-established (6 years) 150 gallon reef tank. The Pygmy Angel is a feisty little guy but the players in the tank are probably the Purple Tang (I have had him 11 years!) and I have a couple Pakistani butterfly that are piggy eaters, but not at all aggressive. I have Anthias, Cardinals, an Ornate Wrasse, Chromis, etc. The corals are mostly softies, because of the butterflies. It is a peaceful tank so I don't want a conflict. The purple tang handles newcomers well--swimming around rapidly but no outright aggression. Your advice would be much appreciated. Hope you are safe and warm--we are snowed in here!- Jeanne Boulder, CO <Well, Jeanne- I can speak from first hand experience in combining a Centropyge argi with a Genicanthus Angel. I had a G. bellus female with an argi in a 225, and there was absolutely no aggression whatsoever. Part of the reason for this success might have been that I had lots of broken up rock piles for territory, and the fact that the Bellus was considerably larger than the argi. Also, these fishes really inhabit different niches in the tank and the wild (the argi tends to stick towards the rubble/substrate areas, while the Genicanthus tend to be midwater swimmers), so there is not all that much interaction between the two. In captivity, the stresses of confinement could create problems, however. And, of course, just because it worked for me, that's no guarantee that you'll have similar results. You're describing a pretty full 150, from a fish standpoint, and I'd be a bit cautious about adding a Genicanthus at this stage. All in all, I'd enjoy your system as it is. With a larger tank and suitable aquascape/inhabitants, I would not hesitate to try this combination...Hope this helps! Regards, Scott F.> Stocking/Compatibility, Lg. SW 12/18/06 Hi Crew, I'm saving up for a 265G tank and have developed my stocking 'wish' list. I wrote a few weeks back, but my wife has reviewed and thus the list has changed. <Heeee!> It will be a FOWLR with some ornamental shrimps. My concern lies with the compatibility of the angels below (2 pairs of the same genus) and whether the overall tank size for this list is appropriate. Are there any other concerns that you see with this? Scribbled Angel Chaetodontoplus duboulayi Blue Spotted Angelfish Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus Flame Angel Centropyge loriculus Golden Pygmy Angel Centropyge aurantius Powder Blue Tang Acanthurus leucosternon Fridmani Pseudochromis (2)Pseudochromis fridmani Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens Golden Butterfly Chaetodon semilarvatus False Percula Clownfish (2)Amphiprion ocellaris Helfrichi Firefish (2)Nemateleotris helfrichi Your thoughts/inputs are greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ian <In a tank this size... starting with "mid-size" or smaller individuals, you should be okay here. Once these fishes are grown a bit, established... it may prove difficult to introduce much in the way of others in their niches. Bob Fenner> Angelfish in a reef (semi) tank 12/5/06 hi crew! <PM> Many hours reading you faq's. Great service. big fan of Fen & Calfo as well as Tullock. <Reduced to part of a surname...> I have a 180g w/55g sump/refugium. I was wondering if I could have some corals, etc. as well as some sort of big/showy angel such as a Goldflake or chrysurus. <Mmm, yes... is possible> I know I would have to be very selective w/inhabitants/if this is even feasible by any stretch of the imagination! <Have seen both these Pomacanthids in this sort of size, shape system with cnidarians...> If you have any suggestions, or if you think I am crazy, please give your opinion. Have 190-200 lb rock and a good bit of hair algae after cycling. Coralline is starting to show up pretty good. Ca 450,Kh 10, No2 0, Phos 0 N03 <5. ASM 300 skimmer. Also a Ca reactor which is turned off at this time. Oh! PH 8.2-8.3. Am in the process of starving the hair w little lights & H2O changes. Tank running for 2.5 months. I really respect you guys & your Advice would have helped a lot if I knew of you before I set up my FO with an Odonus niger. Just turned him over to the rescue shelter yesterday. It was a hard decision, but he was hammering my Harlequin Tuskfish. He looks better today. Maybe he will make it. Roger Tisdale "THE" peacemaker <Mmm, please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/reeflvst1.htm and the linked files above and in-text where you lead yourself... enjoy the process. Bob Fenner> Hong Kong saltwater FOWLR's 11/17/06 Hi Bob, <Chaidan> As I am planning on my stocking list, I got a chance to see a very overstocked aquarium from Hong Kong where as many as 10 large angelfish was crammed inside a 150 gallon aquarium which I thought was cruel and not acceptable under any circumstances yet I hear it is the norm over there. <Is not an uncommon practice...> Have you heard of this method of fish keeping in Asia? <Yes, have seen there, and some places in W. Europe and N. America... mainly amongst folks of Chinese background... and one large service company on the U.S. eastern seaboard... can be done> Are the people employing these methods having any long term success with them? <At least some of them, yes> what are you long term mental and physical damage from angelfish being crammed in an aquarium for an extended period of time and having to suffer from the locker-room effect? <Well-worded... and I don't know exactly. It seems that such an arrangement might well lead to psychological problems... but the examples I've witnessed first hand show little signs of such... and often quite vigorous, colorful specimens...> I know there is not a guideline of inch per gallon but should even 2 angels be stocked inside a 150 gallon much less 10 or am I overreacting? <Sort of the situation with semi-compatible mixes of African Great Lakes Cichlids... either under crowded, akin to natural presence, or purposely over-crowded... With commensurate filtration, circulation, aeration... and feeding...> Any information would be appreciated. Thank you, Chaidan <Mmm... I wrote a review of a book expounding, exemplifying this "technique": http://wetwebmedia.com/capmaraqbkrev.htm By Wayne Shang... You might read it... I am not a fan of this crowding... as it too often can/does lead to catastrophic loss, but it can be done. Bob Fenner> Clams and Angels 11/15/2006 Hello Crew, <<Hello>> I have a 36 gallon saltwater tank with a flame and a cherub angel and surprisingly they have not harmed one another. I also have a fire shrimp, a yellow tailed damsel, a royal Gramma, and various corals and one clam. <<You do know that your tank is overstocked, right?>> When I first purchased the 2 clams, they used to be open all the time, such beautiful specimens! Then the angels were starting to pick at them, mostly the flame angel. <<Not surprising, but unfortunate.>> The larger of the clams was more brave and used to open somewhat despite the picking from the angels. But the smaller one closed up more and more and I was beginning to worry because the clams need light to survive. I tries moving the smaller one closer to light and in different locations but the pecking continued until yesterday when I looked in my tank the clam was a darker more dull blue inside and the shrimp was eating through it's flesh! <<Sorry to hear that. Next time, removal before death is advisable.>> I took him out and threw him away.... the poor thing but is there anything I can do to stop the pecking from my angels? <<Not really, but seeing as you need a larger tank anyway, setting up another tank and introducing the angels after the clam may work, but usually once a pecker, always a pecker!>> After the other one died, I moved the larger one up to the surface of the water and now he is open almost all the time and almost all the way because the angels rarely go up so high! The one concern from me is that I don't get to see the clams beautiful colors anymore because I cannot view the inside of him. How can I prevent my angels from picking on him when he is placed on the substrate in order for me to view his colors? <<Depending on the species, it may not belong on the substrate.>> It seems they pick on him more when he is lower because they pass by him much more often. <<Another issue a larger tank may solve.>> Any advice would help! Thank you! <<Glad to help. Lisa>> FOWLR stocking question - 09/14/06 Hi WWM crew, <Chaidan> I currently have a 200 gallon Oceanic with a lone dogface puffer. In 3 weeks I will be replacing the 200 with a 600 gallon Tenecor (96Lx48Wx30H) <Neat!> that I have been planning for a few years now. What is your opinion on my stocking list: First in tank: 3 Addis butterflies. Second in tank: 6" adult red sea imperator, 4" asfur and 4" chrysurus angel. <Mmm... if started at this size, likely all these angels will be fine> Third in tank: Australian harlequin tusk. 4th in tank: 3" blue tang, 5 inch blonde Naso tang (red sea), 5th in tank: pair of crosshatch triggers. What is your opinion from a compatibility and stocking level standpoint? Thank you for your time and opinion and keep up the good work. Chaidan <This will be a spectacular display... I would quarantine the incoming livestock in order. Bob Fenner> Mixing Angels 8/28/06 I was curious what the compatibility would be of a Coral Beauty and a Sumireyakko venustus? I ask because I have been told that Angelfishes will usually be compatible if they are of different genera. However, I also saw on WWM (thanks!) that the Sumireyakko venustus used to be classified as a pygmy angel - the same as the Coral Beauty. Tank specs: 55 gal., 60+ lbs LR, Prizm Skimmer, 48" Satellite Dual lighting on timers, small sump, Lawnmower Blenny, Coral Beauty, 2 Percula Clowns. Also, if the Sumireyakko venustus is a possibility, would it be detrimental to soft corals/anemones/etc? Thanks, guys! WWM is second to none! Alex B. <I would not mix angels in this sized tank, the risk for aggression is too high. The Sumireyakko venustus is most likely reef safe given a proper diet, however they will be more prone to sample if there is a nutritional deficiency.> <Chris> Blue face angel, comp. 8/18/06 hi, Thank you very much for the wonderful support you have been giving me! <Welcome> I have a query, I am aware that the Blue face angel (Pomacanthus xanthometopon) is not reef safe, but i would like to know whether there are any corals (soft or hard) that can be housed with the blue face angel? <If the system is large enough... hundreds of gallons, can likely keep this Angel with most any/everything> If yes, will you kindly let me know which ones are those... Thank you very much, regards, Anup <Size of the system is the most important factor here. This Pomacanthid is found in intimate association with the reef, cnidarians... Bob Fenner> Bi-polar angels 8/18/06
Hello crew, I have an interesting story to share with you,
and a question to boot! I have a 90 gallon tank which is home to a 3
inch one eyed eibli angel who is an extremely territorial fish.
<Some Centropyge individuals can be so...> He even spikes my
finger when i feed them. I was keen to place my 3 inch blue ring angel
in the same tank <Not a big enough volume...> but after reading
several FAQs i thought it would be a bad idea. <Agreed> Anyway i
decided to give them a try knowing that i would probably have to remove
one or the other shortly after. On the first night they were together
old one eye was like an angel straight from hell-relentlessly attacking
the poor blue ring all around the tank. That night i tried
unsuccessfully to remove one of them, so i turned out all the lights
and covered the tank with towels to completely black it out until i had
time to have another attempt at catching one. The idea was that if they
couldn't see anything, they couldn't kill each other (and
I'm certain that if this behaviour had gone on, the blue ring would
not have lasted 2 days). So when i removed the towels and turned the
lights back on the next day, the 2 angels were reasonably
peaceful toward each other! <Interesting> As a few days have
passed now, they have become even more peaceful. They have come within
2cm of each other and hardly noticed! It's amazing; and a nice
feeling to be so lucky that these 2 angels can live together. Even
feeding time is without incident. So my question is: is this unusual
behaviour? why would these fish suddenly become friendly? Thanks!
<Perhaps they became "friends through common adversity".
Don't know... but a "hint", "bit of advice"
I'll pass on to others to try with similar situations. Bob
Fenner> Angel Compatibility With Corals 8/3/06 Hi there, WWW Crew, Greetings from Portugal <Hello Joao.> I know this is the "million dollar/Euro question" and I've been reading all the info I could find (namely in your FAQs). So, I'm not hoping to get a final answer, but the best information available prior to decide (and take my chances). That's why I'm resorting to you. I've had FO tanks (since 1990) and reef tanks over the years. The thing is... I can't choose between having corals and a large angel and decided it's time to have a really mixed tank, knowing that's a much bigger challenge. I'll naturally have to avoid meaty LPS, clams and some softies, so the tank will be a SPS dominated (my favorite corals, anyway). Furthermore, I would also like to have (not a must, though; still thinking about the cons) an Entacmaea quadricolor anemone (BTA ?), which already has an isolated "island" for it. <Would not mix anemones with corals and/or fish other than clowns. Larger angels have a tendency to nip the tips off anemones.> Bearing all this in mind, I recently (4 months ago) upgraded my 3 year 55G aquarium to an in-wall 210G with a 55G sump, 25G upper refugium (with 7inch DSB, LR and Chaetomorpha algae) and 25G quarantine tank. The system is running well with weekly (close to) 10% water changes, approx. 150 kg.s "old" Liverock, my stock from the old tank (4 fishes - including a C. loriculus - and some corals), a substantial cleaning crew and, I believe, fairly good equipment (4x150w HQI + 3x80w T5 lamps; Tunze TS24 kit with multicontroller + Red dragon 6.5m3 as a return pump, for circulation; Schuran Jetskim 200 skimmer; Deltec KM 500 kalkstirrer; Schuran Jetstream1 calcium reactor - yet to be connected; IKS Aquastar, etc). <Sounds nice.> The large angel - only one - will be added in approximately one year time to give the system some time to mature and the corals to grow. I'll try to find a 3-4 inch healthy specimen and give it a good quarantine. The thing is...which one. What I know: No angel is really reef safe; It's a hit and miss, depending a lot on the individual; Sometimes the transition from juvenile to adult causes disaster with a big change on feeding habits; What I would like to have: P. Imperator / E. Navarchus or Xanthometopon / Pygoplites diacanthus / Arusetta Asfur. I'm also considering one Chaetodontoplus (if the other are a no-no). I'm not thinking about Genicanthus, although admitting it would probably be the safest choice. (sorry for using the Latin names, but I'm not too familiar with the English ones, and I don't want to mislead you). What I would like to know: is it possible to rank these angels in a scale of less to more problematic, considering the issues mentioned above and my system? <No, angels will develop different personalities/eating habits. No two will necessarily be the same.> Should I be asked, I would, probably say: 1st - Genicanthus spp; 2nd Chaetodontoplus spp (?), but 3rd....and 4th and....5th.... (the ones I want....) <I cannot recommend which angel would be a good risk with corals due to personality differences. The choice will be yours my friend. The pygmy angels would be the only ones I'd feel relatively comfortable with. Good luck.> Your help would be very appreciated. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Best regards, Jo? Monteiro Angel Compatibility 7/1/06 I'm about to click and order a juvenile French angel and a Flame Angel. Saltwater fish (btw, any opinion on this vendor?) <As for the vendor, I suggest you place this question in our forum under "Local/Internet Fish Stores". Go here. http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/> has a rather stern warning about placing more than one angel in a tank. I have read extensively about the topic on your site, and it seems to me that combining a Pomacanthus and a Centropyge will not present a problem. They are a completely different genus, shape, size, and color. They even come from different oceans so they have likely never seen one another. I ask you, the real experts, will these two fish get along? <Believe the warning is based on two or more Pomacanthus angels. The Flame angel and French should get along fine providing living space and hideouts aren't going to be an issue. James (Salty Dog)> Mixing Genicanthus Angels 6/21/06 Hi Guys, <Hello.> I recently had a pair of Watanabei Angels die due to a power outage of 12+ hours. <Ooh, very sorry to hear that...especially with Genicanthus being my favorite genus of fish.> Since then I have added a female Genicanthus melanospilos. My question is how compatible are these angels? <With what?. Other species each other?...Need to be a little more specific> Can I still get either a single female Watanabei or another pair or is it likely that they will fight with my current Melanospilos. <I would not mix species of Genicanthus, especially in home aquaria, which I am guessing is 180 gallons or less?> When I got my Watanabei pair at the LFS, they were in the tank with the female Melanospilos (same one I bought) and didn't seam to fight, but I understand that the LFS not an ideal environment. <Bingo.> If it matters, I only like to get them small, my Melanospilos is only 3" (head - tail). <Choose one species or the other, not both.> Thanks, <Good luck.> Craig <Adam J.> Info's about big Mac and Asfur 6/12/06 Dear WetWebMedia, first of all i <I> want to thank you guys for the help giving me to solve the problem of my imperator. Now everything is solved! I have a Maculosus in my tank (around 600 ltr) <Will need more room> and i was wondering if it could be possible to purchase an Asfur too. <I would not mix these congeners in this sized system> I know it might seems weird, but i really love the little Arusetta! <These are gorgeous, intelligent marine Angels... but not compatible in any but huge systems> I've heard that the fishes from Red Sea area are downright friendly, surely less problematical than other specimens. <More so of the same species than elsewhere in their range in general... but not all by far> My question is: Can i purchase the Arusetta and store it together with the Mac without a massacre or a fish-carnage? Thank you very much! Best greetings Luke <Again, I would not do this. These animals don't associate in the wild... in fact, they are rarely seen "paired" with their own species. Bob Fenner> Losing angelfish only - 06/07/06 Hi Bob and Crew, <O & R> Thanks again for all the help you and the crew provide. Much appreciated! I've e-mailed before and you guys and gals were very helpful. I always try to find the answers to my problems first, before I take up your time. This time I've had a little trouble so thought I would drop a line. My problem has been with keeping queen and French angels. Both juvenile and adults. I have a 135g <Not large enough...> with powder blue tang, 2 perculas, black cap, bi color blenny, and mandarin goby. Have 150lbs live rock, Dual Bak Pak skimmer, and emperor 400. Aquarium is about 1 year running. Water parameters have always been excellent. All at 0. PH 8.2. Have 30g quarantine tank in place and use it wisely. I have not had any problems with my fish except for 2 queen angels and 2 French angels. Which I've read are very hardy and disease resistant. <Generally so> None of them have died right away, seems to be a couple of months down the road. No signs of disease other than minor lymphocytes here and there. <This is telling... a large stress component> One day they start breathing heavy or labored and then die a day or so later. I've read in your book about size range for each and all of them would be what you would call acceptable range. 4-5 inches. <In this small sized system, better to start with even smaller specimens... down to 2-3 overall inches> I do have corals in my tank as well and don't know if these are possibilities. <Are as well... material coming off/from these could be malaffecting these fishes> I recently pulled my bubble tip and Sebae anemones out thinking my angels may have come into contact with them and died from that. <A possibility> Is that a possibility that even a larger angel can die from an anemone sting. <Yes> Corals in my tank currently are torch coral (which my clowns hosted after losing their bubble tip), flowerpot, branching hammer, and frogspawn. Could any of these been the cause or am I missing something. <Not able to tell from here/this> All my other fish have not shown any signs of problems to date. After the fourth or fifth queen and French I'm quite frustrated. I feed them Nori seaweed red and green, formula one, angel food containing sponge (which they didn't take to very well) and Mysis. A good variety I thought. Any advice would be much welcomed. Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule. Sincerely, Royce <I would look to a smaller Pacific, Indian Ocean Pomacanthid species here. Wait till you have a tropical West Atlantic biotopic effort to try one of these Caribbean angels. Bob Fenner> More Than One Angel- A Long Term View ... Scotter's go - 06/06/2006 I have a juvenile Queen Angel about 2 inches (been in the tank a week) in a 150 gal tank. no other Angels...would it be safe to add another Angel of larger size, like a Personifer or Asfur, or would it be better to add a Flame or another Dwarf Angel? Only thing that worries about adding a Dwarf Angel now is it would be relatively the same size as the queen... any other recommendations if you disagree with this? Thank you, Alan <Well, Alan- your approach is okay if you are planning on having more than one Angel. Always try to utilize Angels from different genera. However, you really need to think of the "end game" here: Your Queen Angel can and will hit close to 18" as an adult, and it will need a tank of 200-300 gallons or more (and 8' in length) to accommodate it for anything approaching its natural life span (may be up to 15-20 years!). Adding another Angel into the mix is potentially problematic in the long run, unless you'll have housing for both of them. If anything, try the Centropyge (Flame) Angel, as it is significantly smaller, and will generally mix okay with the Queen, provided the fish is added while the Queen is still a juvenile. Again, I caution you to think about the long term, and how much room these fish truly require. To live in even a 150 gallon tank for the rest of its life would be like you spending the rest of your life in your living room...possible, but miserable. These guys need lots of space to move around in, and they can be territorial in even large tanks. Unless you've got a much bigger tank in the future, I'd stick with one Angel. Best of luck! Regards, Scott F.> Marine angels comp. RMF's annotated response... - 06/06/2006 I have a juvenile queen about 2 inches (been in the tank a week) in a 150 gal tank.. no other angels... would it be safe to add another angel of larger size like a Personifer or asfur or would it be better to add a flame or another dwarf angel... only thing that worries about adding a dwarf angel now is it would be relatively the same size as the queen... any other recommendations if you disagree with this? Thank you, Alan <The Queen itself will outgrow this sized system... and before this dominate, become the alpha specimen... I would not consider permanently adding another large angelfish species, and only a smaller one temporarily. Bob Fenner> | Chocolate Chip Angel Cookies - 04/02/2006 Hello, I have a question. <Ok.> My brother has a Chocolate Chip starfish and an angel fish that don't seem to be getting along. The angel fish is nipping at his starfish. <Mmm...tasty.> Is he just being mean or is the angel fish not getting enough to eat? <Hmm...can't say if its getting enough to eat, but likely wouldn't matter anyway, probably just has starfish on the menu. I would separate these.> The tank is about a 40 gal. Thanks <Welcome. - Josh> SW Angels/Selection 3/28/06 James, Jeromy> Thanks for the help......one more question......Any cool looking angel fish you would recommend that are reef safe and hardy. <None I know of that are reef safe. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks again, Jeromy Angel fish problems ... systems, comp. - 03/12/2006 Dear WWM Crew, I'm having problems with my reef tank and would greatly appreciate your experience and guidance. By way of background I have an Aqua One AR-850 (about 50 gal), which I set up 11 months ago. Unfortunately, I didn't discover your site until after I purchased my tank and equipment. The tank has 3 filters: (1) Built-in AR-850 top filter with sponges, porcelain tubes and wool. (2) Aqua One CF-1200 canister filter with: a. Level 1/top - bio balls; b. Level 2/middle - Porcelain tubes; and c. Level 3/bottom - 2 sponges. <These last I would likely remove> (3) Small submerged UV filter with built in air pump. I have a reasonable quantity of live rock and corals, large anemone, large clam, etc. Until yesterday, the resident fish were: * 2 Ocellaris Clownfish; * 1 Royal Dottyback; * 1 Yellow Tang; * 2 dwarf Angelfish (Coral Beauty and Singapore Angel); and <... inappropriate for this size system> * 1 Pacific Blue Tang. <Ditto ultimately> The fish entered the tank in the order shown above, with the Blue Tang entering last, about 3 weeks ago - it's doing well. The 2 Angelfish went into the tank in December (received as a gift). Although possibly not that suitable for a reef tank, both angelfish had settled in and appeared to be doing well. <Not for long...> Yesterday, I noticed the Coral Beauty was missing and the Singapore Angel (normally an active grazer) was hiding away - it had a very pinched stomach but otherwise looked healthy and didn't appear to be gasping. The Singapore Angel passed away today. <...> I have tested ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and KH. All appear fine, except the nitrate is high (40mg/litre), <Yes> although it has always tested at that level since the tank stabilized and the algae/invertebrate don't appear to be affected - also, I understand nitrate kits tend to give exaggerated readings. <Not likely... and you want to reduce this> I normally do a 15 to 20% water change each fortnight. The past few months, I have been collecting water from the ocean (which is possible a bit polluted - I don't know). I assumed it was better for the fish that prepared water. I'm at a loss as to why both Angels died so abruptly when they seemed to be doing so well. Perhaps my tank and filter set up is not good enough for angel fish - what do you think? <Not "the right" environment for these Pomacanthids... and not together> Also, I am concerned that the other fish might start to die and I would like to feel I have done everything I could to prevent that from happening. <I as well> Your thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Cameron <Mmm, what to say? Where to start? Do read re Nitrates on WWM, remove those sponges... consider other means of improving water quality... and please read re Quarantine, the Systems, Compatibility of future purchases ahead of their acquisition. Bob Fenner> Marine Compatibility, Stocking (Mixing multiple Tangs and Angels) 1/22/06 I have a 125 gallon fish only tank with a scribbled angel, majestic Foxface, gold spotted Foxface, red sea Desjardin tang, convict tang , Tomini tang, Pakistan butterfly, radiant wrasse, velvet wrasse, coral beauty angel and a few green Chromis. <Lots of fish…too many fish.> Total inches of fish is around 32". I would like to add another angel. <I wouldn't.> I love the personifers, Asfurs, emperors (juvenile). What would you recommend? <Neither, tank is already crowded and the angels will likely fight.> I can remove some fish if you think it will be too crowded. <Even if you remove fish, the angels will not be compatible in a tank of this size.> Have about 175 pounds live rock. Thanks <Welcome.> Alan Kravitz <Adam J.> Zoanthus/Angels 12/16/05 Hi Crew, <Hello Steven> Quick question: I read on Mr. Fenner's article regarding Zoanthus that most living creatures give this species wide berth with the exception of a particular snail. I bought a couple of rocks containing Zoanthus polyps on them in hope of adding some color to my FOWLR aquarium. When I put the Zoanthids in the main display I saw my Chrysurus angel take a few "nips" off of the polyps. The polyps closed immediately when they were nipped by the angel and every now and then I see him taking a nip. In the article by Mr. Fenner he mentioned the toxic nature of the Zoanthus being the reason they are given their space, so my question has two parts. First: will my prize angel get sick or poisoned? Second: will my newly purchased Zoanthids become a treat for my angel fish? <Angels are not to be trusted with corals, etc. Your new zos will more than likely be a treat. As far as poisoning, I wouldn't worry about that, very unlikely that your angel will become sick. I've seen Korans plucking the tips off anemones with no ill effects to the fish. James (Salty Dog)> Your comments are greatly appreciated. <Thank you> Best Regards, Steven Cleaner Shrimp Cocktails 12-05-05 Hello, <Hi> I am having a small problem and thought you might have an idea on how i might fix this. <I hope I can.> Presently I have a six foot long 180 gal marine tank. I am using it as a angel tank. I have approx 100# of live rock on a live sand bed about 4 inches deep. I have always had cleaner shrimp in my tank as a biological deterrent. I have a sub adult French (mid change) and a juv (2-3inch) passer. Well I found my cleaner was missing and figured that it died and was cleaned up by the snails and hermits. I went to put another in and as soon as I did it was eaten by the French. I tried again placing him in as I fed the angels from the other side but as soon as the food was gone they grabbed the shrimp as soon as it was out of the rock enough. I have had a emperor angel on order from my LFS for about six months now and we finally found one that was just the right size and healthy and eating, and some of the most beautiful patterns on it (it's also just changed.) The new angel is in quarantine and will remain for at least 4 weeks. <Glad to hear you say that. The LFS will hold bigger angels in a quarantine tank they have, if specially ordered. <That is nice of them, but make sure that tank is on its own water line and that they are not adding new fish to the tank. All of those issues would make it so your fish was never truly QT'd.> How do I get shrimp back in my tank. <Remove the offending fish.> As long as I have had cleaners I never had a problem with Ich etc, plus my angels looked a lot better and would go get cleaned every day. I've used the gobies but they never even tried to clean. Any ideas? <Gobies are very hit and miss. I have not heard of any that live long term either.> I really like using the shrimp, natural way, but know that as soon as the new angel goes in there will be stress and I don't want to have a problem to get out of hand if it pops up. Any suggestions will be appreciated. <Make sure the fish is properly QT'd and if you need the shrimp then the angel has to go.> Is the 180 enough for the French and emperor? <Sure.> I will be putting the passer in my 100 gal I have. <Good Luck, Travis> Coral trouble, Possible Angel Predation, and Their Little "i's" 12/10/05 Hi, <Hello.> I'm new to this hobby, <No worries, we all were once.> I only had my tank with live rocks but now I want most kinds of corals. <Most kinds of corals, that would require a VERY large tank, best to limit yourself to a few species in this water volume.> I have a 26g tank with I think it is a Starburst Polyp I got a few days ago, and I know that they take at least a week for them to come out of hiding, <Mmm, sometimes, though in ideal conditions I have had them open up for me within hours...this being after a 36 hour trip from the collection point.> but I see that most of its body is light red, and it has a spot or two that is darker red, I think it may be that is dying or it has a disease. <If these are star polyps we are talking about, its quite common for them have many color variations, its also common for algae to grow on top of them. Having said that they appreciate a spot with ample water flow to keep detritus and algae from settling on them.> But then again I think it is because of my Angelfish, I saw it nibble on it a couple of times. <Sounds like the culprit the coral will not extend and live with a fish using it as a food source, it will eventually die if this is the case.> Do you guys have any idea what it can be? <My guess is the angel, hard to say more since you did not list water parameters.> I will really be thankful with your answers. And is a 65 watts good enough for a 26g tank? <It is good enough for a wide array of many easy to keep photosynthetic animals, I would stay away from "shallow water"/light demanding critters, Adam J.> Large Marine Angels in the Reef Tank (Uh Oh!
I'm Tellin' Mom!) 11/30/3005 Hello Robert,
<Actually Adam J filling in this morning.> I have a question that
I have seen answered several ways and really respect your opinion so I
will ask it again. I have a 180 gallon soft coral reef that I am going
to break down and move to another part of the house. I will be keeping
my pair of true Percs and a pair of blue green Chromis and the rest of
my fish and the soft corals will be given away to friends and other
good homes. I will be upgrading the lighting (adding two 400 watt 20K
MH to my three existing 175 10K MH and PC actinics), <That's a
lot of heat be sure to keep it ventilated well.> bigger skimmer
(with ozone), and going to an automated RO/DI top off system. I will
also be adding a calcium reactor and a 55 gallon refugium to my
existing 40 gallon sump (powered by an Iwaki 70 RLT) and will be adding
two Tunze powerheads to the tank to ramp up the flow. <Those all
sound like very worthy upgrades.> This system will be a SPS only
reef and the only other invert will be a long tentacle anemone (besides
my clean up crew and cleaner shrimps). <Honestly anemones are best
left out of tank will sessile inverts, unless you already have it I
would reconsider.> <<Also, it is not unknown for
Pomacanthids to eat anemones. Marina>> I want to add a
large angel to this tank and am considering three species. My first
choice is the Chaetodontoplus meredithi or Queensland yellowtail. I
really like this fish and would love to get a pair but realize this may
not be possible. My second choice is the Flagfin angel, Apolemichthys
trimaculatus. <This second choice is notorious for succumbing to
poor chipping and not adapting to captivity in general.> the other
angel I am considering is the majestic, Pomacanthus navarchus. <This
is often a very difficult but "do-able" species care
wise.> Do you think any of these three angels might be a good choice
for an SPS reef? <I have personally seen the last in a reef tank but
have not observed the first two. One of these choices can work but it
is still a risk. Though recent first hand reports (me talking to other
people) have seen this arrangement (large angels in SPS reefs) growing
in popularity and working out. The coral itself goes ignored most of
the times, though Tridacnid clams (which are commonly kept with SPS)
are another story….these angels love to nip at their mantels.
While continuing your research in the above specimens I would also look
into Genicanthus angels, they are planktivores and in my experience
most are good reef citizens.> I have gotten mostly favorable
responses but would really like to know what you think. Also what do
you think of my choice of equipment for this tank, am I missing
anything? <You mentioned big skimmer but I didn't see a
brand….I can help you out with that if you would like.> Thank
you for your time and consideration. -Mike Hahn <You are welcome,
Adam J.> Big time fighting (with English?), and Large Angels That Bark! 11/20/05 Hi I got a problem that happened over night... I have a queen angel about 10inchs and (have had) her for five years... And six months ago I put in a emperor angel also 10 inches and they both got along great until today 6 months later the emperor is chases the queen and making barking noise and the queen is getting really stressed. <I'll bet> I love them both and they are in great shape.. They are in a 500 gallon tank with a fox face and a lion fish.... They have the best equipment and care. I don't want to loose <Or lose> them any help or suggestions would be great.. I hope this ends and is for today only.. I shut the lights off for the day.... Help please Jimmy.. I'm a big fan of the site... Thanks --jamgabby <Need to separate these fishes, pronto. Bob Fenner> Blue-in-the Face Angel - Which is Which, and Can We Be
Friends? 11/18/05 Hello, <<Hello.>> I've been
reading through your web site regarding angelfish. <<I hope
it's been informative and educational.>> They are beautiful
fish. <<They are indeed.>> I currently have a blue
face angel in a 90 Gallon reef system. <<Ok.>> Can I
put an emperor or a queen angel in the same tank with the Blue
Face? <<Nope.>> Will they get along?
<<Nope. This is not addressing the fact that the Blue-face is
about the largest fish one could safely put in a system this size,
these other angels get larger, are much more aggressive, will put your
system in the "GROSSLY OVERSTOCKED!" category.>> Also,
are they reef safe? <<Most often, no. I know there are some
who've had good luck with Pomacanthids in reef systems, but these
were incredibly large systems. Thousands of gallons, not tens of
gallons.>> I purchased the blue face from the LFS which had it in
a reef system for over two months. <<If you want to risk it, I
cannot tell you don't, but I can tell you your system is full up
with the angel you have.>> Thanks, Brent <<I would
expect one angel to try to beat the heck out of the other, whoever
thinks they'll win will continue trying till the death or removal
of the other ensues, in my experience. Again, this does not address the
fact that your system is simply far too small (I think it's pretty
tight for the fish you have in there, honestly, I wouldn't try it
in anything smaller than 180 gallons, and you're doing it in half
that volume).>> <<P.S. It would be helpful to know EXACTLY
what species you're talking about - there are two species from
different genuses (?) that are commonly called "blue face".
Pomacanthus navarchus is what I think of, but there is also Pomacanthus
xanthometopon (on FishBase called "yellowface" even though
its face is primarily blue). There's a 10cm difference in size of
these fishes, and slight personality differences (though neither could
really be called "shy" or "non-territorial"). In
short, I would not attempt to add another angel, simply because this
size system won't allow it. Marina>> Anemone Systems, Mixing Angels - 10/24/05 I currently have a 75 gallon f/o with live rock. I am considering upgrading the lighting system to two 150 watt halides and putting a bubble or Ritteri anemone or both anemones in the tank. <Well you would only be able to choose one as two anemones of different species in the same system will fight both physically and chemically. In this choice I would choose the Bubble (E. quadricolor) as the Ritteri has a dismal survival record.> The current fish are a yellow tang, a hippo tang, <Two tangs will be too much for this tank long term.> a xanthurus angel, a flame angel, and a Fourline wrasse. I also have a Potter's angel in quarantine tank for about one month and doing well , I would like to put him in this tank when I change it over , the flame will probably be taken out to avoid any conflict with the Potter's. The flame is two years old and very established. <Centropyge potteri is another fish that has a very poor survival record be sure it is healthy and eating well before addition to the display, and yes you will have to remove the flame.> Do you see any problems with the change over? <Not with your current stock, but be sure to research anemones before purchase, they are quite sensitive animals.> I would like to put host clownfish in this tank <Keep in mind there is no guarantee that the clown will take to the anemone, and also keep in mind clowns have been known to host in things other than anemones such as Sinularia and Sarcophyton Leathers.> Thanks Ron. <You are welcome Adam J.> Mixing my favorite angels 10/19/05 Hi there I visited your site for the first time and it's one of the best informative sites on the web for fish. I plan to get a 220 gal tank next month and would like to put in several Angels. I primarily like the Pomacanthus and Holacanthus genera. I would love to get a French and a Queen Angel. Someone even mentioned getting a third might be better for avoiding problems. If compatible , should I get them the same size ? Should they be mixed as in Juveniles and adults ? I different sizes is recommended , which one should be the larger fish ? French or Queen? Thanks <In a 220 you shouldn't have much problem. I'd get them all the same size if it were me. Read here also, Peter. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/ James (Salty Dog)> Peter I know mixing certain angels is risky but I absolutely love these fish and want no others in the tank. thanks <You're welcome> Maculosus angel reef safe 8/9/05 Hello, <Hi Rob, MacL here with you today.> Simple question for you - Is a tank-raised maculosus angel less likely to eat corals than a wild caught specimen? I have a couple of brain corals, star polyps, lots of mushrooms, Zoanthids, two different leathers and various inverts. I am moving the corals into a separate tank but not for a couple of months. I have the opportunity to get a tank-raised maculosus angel now. How bad would he be in my reef for a couple of months? I have raised an emperor angel in this reef tank and he barely touched anything, he recently died after 4 1/2 years and I would like to try again with a different species. <I did this myself with a tank raised maculosus and the only thing I had problems with were sponges and tunicates. He just chowed down on them. I think with most corals you would be fine.> Thanks for the advice and as always - love the website. Rob Mancabelli Regal Angel, Reef Safe? 8/7/05 In your opinion, is the Regal Angel a reef safe fish ??? I have 2 different opinions. one says it is reef safe provided that it is well fed and the other is that it is not safe in a reef setting. I have 150 gal, SPS tank with a few clams. Thank you, Ramy Banoub. <Hi Ramy - Ali here. As with any angel, the chance of finding a totally "reef safe" specimen is always hit and miss. It is impossible to say for sure whether your angel will go around systematically picking at your treasured "reef" animals or if he will act as a perfect 'angel'. From personal experience, I have had two Red Sea specimens: one which never looked twice at a coral and another which continuously picked at fleshy LPS corals and decimated the snail population. It is also not uncommon for them to suddenly change their behavior and acquire a taste for corals seemingly out of the blue. Additionally, this is also NOT an easy fish to keep. During the past year, from what I have seen at the wholesalers and retailers alike here in Southern California, is that not only is this fish is arriving with more frequency, but fortunately they appear to be more vibrant, alert and with full bellies. Perhaps better collection and shipping methods. Even with this said, I would only recommend this fish if you are an experienced reef/fishkeeper with a large aquarium with plenty of established live rock, who is able to locate a Red Sea/Indian Ocean specimen, under 3" that is eating prepared foods in advance. - Ali> Asfur and Annularis Angel Hi, I have a blue ringed angel around 4 inches and still in juvenile colours. He has been in my tank ( 350 Gallons) for 10 months. I have 2 Red Sea Asfur angels to choose from. One is the same size as my blue ringed and the other an inch or 2 bigger. They are both in adult coloration. Will these fish get on and if so, which sized one will I buy? Many Thanks, James. >>>Hello James, Always mix sizes and color patterns when mixing angels. Get the larger Asfur and you SHOULD be fine. I've kept angel communities in the past with some success, but you never know with angels. The best advice I can give you here is to quarantine the new arrival for 6 weeks or so, and move the live rock around in your main tank before introducing the new angel. This will break up the resident angel's territory and put them both on more or less the same ground. Good luck Jim<<< Pomacanthus navarchus Angel Compatibility Hey. Well, I guess this question has been asked several times, but with the fact that idea that a different angel has been in the place of this one. So, here's the question. I have a 120g aquarium that has been running for a while and never been stocked. I have a 30g anemone tank that I was planning on emptying into this. The anemone tank has a green tip E. quadricolor (7" across), a rose bubble (10" across), purple haddoni carpet (16" across. I've had this one for 2 years and it looks just as good as it did at day one.. I hear carpets don't do well in captivity).. <They don't. 2 years is but a mere fraction compared to 200+ in the wild.> As far as the fish, there are a pair of gold stripe maroons, pair of pink skunks, royal Gramma, 4-line wrasse. I was reading on the P. navarchus and I saw that it in some cases can be kept in a reef tank, with SPS but not LPS.. I know that angels are generally unpredictable, but I really would like to have one... <Everyone would like a Blue Girdled Angel> ...and I can't seem to find anything regarding this fish with anemones... <Anemones won't fare too well with this family of fish. The anemones will eventually be picked to death.> ... but at the same time my clowns are really protective with their anemones, but not aggressive outside of them. They only bother fish who come within a couple inches or so, and even then it's not in the sense that they nip fins, but more so that they just get really close and kind of "push" the fish without biting at it. Does this make sense? <Yes> Anyways.. I would like to know if the P. navarchus has any history of attacking bubble tips or carpets. <Yes> Any info would be greatly appreciated. So in the end the extra bonus question is what corals would you definitely NOT put this fish with? <I would not trust them with any corals. When the angels are juveniles they're not quite so bad, but as the grow they get worse in that regard. I also think your 120 is too new a set up to put an angel in. James (Salty Dog)> Large Angelfish Compatibility Sat, 19 Feb 2005 Greetings. I just purchased a 400 gallon acrylic aquarium, with the works, it's my dream tank:). I have gone from 30, to 55, to 125, to 200 and now the big boy:). I have a 4" queen angel fish quarantined as a new purchase in my 30 gallon hospital tank. I will introduce him into the new tank in a month or so once it is cycled. I want to add a 4" passer angel fish to the new tank as well, simultaneously. Will this be acceptable, or is there any other large angle that will work better with the queen? I appreciate your input, and enjoy reading your many informative posts. Thanks in advance. <Paul, you indeed have a dream tank. Your tank is large enough that no aggressive behavior should take place. Putting them in together is right way to go, they both start off with the same amount of marbles. Good luck with the dream system. James (Salty Dog)> Paul Reef safe angel Hi Crew, <Hi Greg, MacL here with you today.> Hopefully you can clear-up an angel fish question for me… I have always read that angel fish (except for some Centropyge) are notorious coral nippers but I have recently noticed what appears to be a Regal Angel (Pygoplites diacanthus) in reef aquariums in Eric Borneman's book on aquarium corals. <Nice fish aren't they? BUT sadly I wouldn't call a regal reef safe, the reality is that angel fish are all over the reef because that is where they feed.> Is Pygoplites diacanthus generally considered reef-safe? <Nope.> Do you have an recommendations for attractive reef-safe angels, not of the Centropyge genus? I had to remove my Centropyge argi due to it nipping my Lobophyllia. <I have heard that swallowtails are relatively reef safe, please note the word relatively. I currently have a Maculosus angel in my reef but let me stress this, as he has aged he has become less and less reef safe. It truly depends on what you keep in your reef and your individual fish. As a general rule the Genicanthus Angelfishes as a whole are considered fairly reef safe but they are also considered fairly delicate.> I would also like to keep a copper banded butterfly in my reef tank but, from reading the many postings on WetWebMedia, I still cannot draw a conclusion regarding whether or not these are reef-safe. The answer always seems to be "That depends upon your definition of reef-safe". <That is because some fish work just great and others are just terrors in the tank.>By "reef-safe". I mean is a copper banded butterfly likely to cause stress or shorten the life of soft, SPS or LPS corals or of a bubble tip anemone (and possibly snails and cleaner shrimp). <They might very well eat the anemone. Its been known to happen.> What is you opinion or experience? One other problem could be the several tangs and the maroon clown pair in my tank. Is a copper band butterfly likely to co-exist well with such fish in a 180g aquarium? <Usually that isn't a problem.> Lastly, I would like to add a few Heniochus if I could just locate any that are reef-safe <I loved my Heniochus.>(if I cannot add a copper band B/F). I can only locate Heniochus acuminatus but I have read that only Heniochus diphreutes is reef-safe. Could you suggest where I might find Heniochus diphreutes (unless you disagree that H. acuminatus is not reef-safe)? <You can try www.themarinecenter.com, but I have never had any problems with any Heniochus. Once again though, its really individual fish.> Thank you, in advance, for the "butterfly brush-up"! <You might take a look at Scott Michaels latest book on angel fish for more detail and please let me know what you decide. I could talk angel fish for days and days, they are truly amazing and gorgeous, glorious fish. Good luck Greg, MacL> --Greg Re: Chrysurus angel... in a reef? hello there crew! I had a quick question about the Goldtail angel (Pomacanthus Chrysurus). Now I know no angel is "reef safe" but I have to ask...Can a Chrysurus be kept in conjunction with reef tank inhabitants? I know that some angels can get along in a reef such as Majestics and imperators. I mean I've seen it done before and was wondering if you think a Chrysurus could fit into the somewhat reef safe angel category. The tank will have mostly SPS corals with a very healthy fauna. It's a 70g tall tank (I know waaay to small for this fish but will be upgraded to the likes of a 180-300g system by the time it grows out of its juvenile phase) with a 20g sump and 20-50g refugium. All I'm asking is "can it be done" if I take the right precautions (quarantine, healthy eating individual, small initial size, etc.)? Thanks for the help and quick response :) Chris AKA Fishtank hey bob do you think you could give me the specs on Leng's tank? I'm willing to bet he was using an ecosystem filter system, but were there any other key aspects in that tank? <Mmm, best to cc Leng here. Have done so. The specimen/s I saw in his tank... it was about five by five by two feet overall... had a BUNCH of soft and stony corals in it. Leng? Bob Fenner> Lionfish Compatibility <Hi, MikeD here> I have a five foot long, one hundred gallon, fish-only tank. It is home to a six inch Volitans Lion and an eight inch Snowflake Eel. These two have gotten along fine except occasionally at feeding time when all hell has broken loose.<Using a feeding stick or a long pair of tongs will prevent this if you "target feed" the eel in the LR.> I recently added a three and a half inch Red Sea Angel which has adapted to my aquarium very well. My only concern is that the Lionfish has made several unsuccessful attempts to make the Angel lunch.<I strongly suspect that he's merely attempting to drive it away from him, rather than making it "lunch".> Just prior to adding the Angel I fed the Lion an ample amount indicated by his bloated stomach, yet once the Angel was in he went right after him. Now I understand the Lion has a rather large mouth but after much discussion with my local fish guy we both concluded that the tall body would likely prevent the Angel from becoming an expensive snack. Now either we are mistaken or the Lion is just not too fond of his new roommate and imposing his dominance. Any thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated.<I suspect that you are correct in your assumptions, although territoriality is likely not the primary reason Many juvenile angels have body shapes similar to damselfish, notorious fin-nippers that are high on the Lion's list of fish to be kept at a distance. In addition, some angels serve as cleaners while young, which would tend to re-enforce the lionfish's keeping it at fin's length out of self preservation.> Nervous Red Sea Mac Angel Hi Everyone Firstly I got to say you guys are the absolute best and I browse the site all the time, I need your advice though, yesterday after much thought I purchased my last fish for my 125 gallon FOWLR, A gorgeous red sea maculosus Angel, he or she is approx 5 inches long and in perfect condition, after doing a freshwater dip, I slowly acclimatized him and released him into the tank, only trouble is my 7 inch Lunare seems to intimidate my Angel, Max the lunare never bites the angel but just corrals the angel into a corner, after reading that Macs are hearty eaters I tried feeding with clam, squid, cockle even octopus and also tried to feed Julian Sprung's "sea veggies", My Mac shows interest but as soon as he starts to swim towards the food Max the Lunare swims past him slowly fins flared and my Mac hides, he seems to be picking a little at the food but I really don't think its enough imp worried that he will not eat and I am unsure of what exactly to do, this Angel was very expensive ?150, and I'm concerned for his welfare, the only other inhabitant is a 12 inch snowflake moray who is completely docile and well behaved, what can I do? <just let things play out...that angelfish will soon become the king of you aquarium. Don't worry> Is this normal?<yes> Or do I need to remove my Lunare, Please help , I feel like an anxious parent! Thank you Wet Web Media Crew you're the best :-) <keep the lunare in there with the angelfish...they will be fine, IanB> <<RMF disagrees; would move one out>> Something to share I have kept a blue faced, majestic, and six striped angels in a 155 gal aquarium for over two years I just thought I would share this with you. Thanks Rob <Congratulations. I do hope for your/their continuing good health and happiness. Bob Fenner> Regal Angelfish and Majestic Angelfish Dear Mr. Bob Fenner <Shahzad> Can a Regal Angelfish and a Majestic Angelfish be kept together in a 125 gallon tank? The Majestic will be a Juv. and the Regal will be a "small"; both will be about 1.5" to 3" or so. Please let me know what you think. Thank you for your time! Shahzad <Mmm, not very long or very well... best to keep large Pacific (and Indo-Pacific) marine angel species one to a tank... unless the system is several hundreds of gallons plus. Bob Fenner> Can I have two angelfish in a 120 gal? Good evening WW. Crew, << Blundell here this morning. >> I have a question about angelfish compatibility. I have a 120G long FOWLR tank with a Tomato Clown, False Eye puffer, Purple Tang, Heniochus chrysostomus and a 4" Flag Fin Angel. I am wanting to know if I can add a Navarchus Angel. My feeling is that the tank is too small for the 2 angels but I thought I would get an expert opinion. << I actually think you are okay. >Blunderall... NO< My main concern is that I would make sure you have 150 pounds of live rock in that tank. I think the physical tank size is large enough, but they need to make homes and feel safe. >> My flag fin is not a shy fish by any means. He sparred with the purple tang for a few days and now the 2 fish get along. If you do not think the 2 angels will get along then what about adding a dwarf angel or another tang such as a powder blue or a blue hippo tang. << I actually think all those fish are fine, in terms of tank size. They aren't the easiest fish to keep, and I would probably go with the angel. >> Thanks, Larry. << Blundell >> Two large marine angels may be too much 8/2/04 First of all I just want to thank you for providing such a great time consuming site with such useful information. <Thank you. We try> My question is, Can you house 2 large angels in a 240 gallon fish only tank? <Not usually. If you were to try, my suggestion would be to ad two small ones at the same time and as unlike as possible> In my current stages of setting up <New Tank? MY suggestion is to hold off until the tank has been up and running for a full year before adding angels.> I have an Arothron reticularis puffer, yellow Hawaiian tang, 2 Percs, zebra moray and a flame Hawkfish. I am interested in adding 2 or more of these large angels to my tank, either the Maculosus angel, Chrysurus angel, passer angel, queen angel, Annularis angel, imperator angel or Koran angel. Which do you recommend if it is possible that wont cause havoc with my current fish or the other fish I plan to add which is a white cheek tang, or blue unicorn tang, and the tear drop butterfly or the saddleback butterfly. Keeping all of this in mind which angels would be best coexisting in my tank? <Type is relatively unimportant, although the smaller species would seem most logical> Thanks Marine Angels 8/2/04 <Hi, MikeD here> I have a beautiful pair of Bellus angels, they are fat and happy.... I have many other fish in a 150 gallon reef. 4 squamipinnis Anthias 2 squarebox Anthias 1 purple pseudo 3 green Chromis 1 Firefish mandarin 2 clowns in host 2 Scott's wrasse (male and female) pair of Bellus Can I add a Watanabei? <I wouldn't the new addition is likely to promote an all out war> Would the Bellus and Watanabei get along, do I have to many fish?<Sounds good as is> I have had most of my fish 8 years, I believe in regular water changes and am a stickler for clean water and happy critters. I feed only frozen quality food and most things thrive once added that is why I try to ask as many people as I can before a purchase.<Sometimes wise> Any help is greatly appreciated. <Good luck> Friends For An Angel Dear
Scott, <Hello again!> I went to the LFS on Friday and finally
bought an angel. There were a few different varieties there but the
most striking was a Grey Poma. I didn't really plan on buying this
fish but they look so much better in "person" than all the
photos I've seen and it showed so much more personality than the
other dwarf angels on offer. <I love this species! It doesn't
get too large, generally feeds well, and has fabulous colors (although
not as flashy as some other species> It is about 4.5 inches long,
very healthy-looking with bright colours. It was feeding in the shop
and it has been pecking the live rock and happily snapping up whatever
food I put in the tank (I have offered Nutrafin Spirulina flake and
marine diet as well as chopped prawns and a tiny bit of Banana) as well
as destroying a small native featherstars. <That's gonna happen
with this angel!> She is still a bit shy but is slowly starting to
come out of the rockwork and swim around the tank. <Really a great
choice. I'm sure that you'll love her!> I also bought ten
"boxing shrimp", they were 10 for $4 and the guy there said
they would be good for eating leftover food. They are between 2 and 3
inches long, transparent, light brown with burgundy spots with
elongated pincers. They readily consume any uneaten food and do not
appear to hassle the angel or each other. I will be getting a pair of
gold-banded maroon clowns next week but apart from them I am not sure
what other fish would make suitable inhabitants. I assume the Poma will
fight with other angels so what about some type of butterfly or wrasse?
<I really like Halichoeres species wrasses, myself. Check 'em
out!> The guy suggested a Bicolour Parrot but those fish grow to
90cm. <Yep...Really not a good long-term choice for most captive
systems, IMO!> Do you have any other suggestions for fish that will
cohabitate with as well as compliment these fish? <Well, there are
literally hundreds of possible choices. I really encourage you to check
out some of the many neat smaller wrasses, some of the more peaceful
Dottybacks, blennies, gobies, and many, many others! How was that for
unhelpful!> Thanks again for all your advice Yours Sincerely Adam
Harbeck <My pleasure, Adam! I love your Angel choice! Have fun
looking into the many other possibilities for companions for the angel!
Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Are Shark Eyes a Tasty Angel Treat? (5/26/04) Hello Crew <Steve Allen with you tonight.>, I recently purchased a Queen Angel and a Banded Cat Shark, both were in the same tank and the shark actually hatched in the tank with the Queen Angel. After I purchased them I noticed that the Queen Angel would try to nip at the Sharks eyes. I called the original owner and he said he had never seen this behavior before therefore I gave it some time, but now after a week I still see the same behavior, every time the shark is out and about the angel will slowly go up to it and then try to pick on his eyes which causes the shark to dart underneath a rock. <Very bad. If he gets them, your shark is a goner.> The Angel is 4" and the shark is about 10", they are currently in a 180 gallon tank until my 240 comes back from the shop. There are 4 tangs in the tank but they don't bother the shark at all. I'm afraid that the angel will end up eating his eyes therefore I've put him in my 92 gallon tank. <Yes, smart move.> Is it normal for Angels to do this or do you think the Angel will get over picking at the Shark and what fish would you recommend I keep with a banded cat shark? <Ah, just what is normal really? Sure it's normal. They pick at things that look edible. Most carnivorous animals eat eyes. Have you noticed that the first thing to go on a dead fish is its eyes? In fact, this behavior by large angels toward aquarium sharks is well-known. You should buy "Aquarium Sharks & Rays" by Scott W. Michael. There's a whole chapter about tankmates, including a warning about Queen & other large Angels.> I'm planning on putting a Golden Moray Eel with the Shark, do you think there will be problems? <Morays usually make good tankmates. Buy the book. No shark owner should be without it.> Thanks. <You're welcome. I hope this helps.> Goldflake and Flame Angel Compatibility? 4/5/04 Hi guys ! <howdy!> Anthony....can't wait to see you in Boston. I will be participating in your coral propagation workshop and hope to learn some good tips and secrets ! <excellent my friend :) > My Question: I have a 300 gallon reef tank that is currently doing extremely well. I want to add a Goldflake Angel but I currently have a Flame angel in the tank. Are these two angels compatible, keeping in mind the size of my tank ? <they will quite possibly do fine together... different sizes, feeding preferences, colors, etc. But only try if you have a stable isolation tank to pull one to if needed> Do you recommend against adding the Goldflake ? <its not an especially hardy angel. There are much better choices, although aggressive <G>> Thanks, Chuck Spyropulos. MACNA Boston !!!!! <sweet. And we can swill some beers and chat about the fascist banning of some good people from various message boards <G>> Anthony> Half Moon Angel with Cnidarians? Hello, Are there any corals and anemones I can put in my tank that my half moon angel wont eat! I saw a saltwater show tank at (the Sony store) witch had a 5 inch half moon angel and Mushrooms on the live rock together. All of my fish are reef safe in my tank but my angle. I did now this when I got him and I have NO regrets. thank you so much.... <Small, flat corals will be your best chance- such as mushrooms. Mushrooms also have amazing regenerative properties, so a bite here and there may not prove lethal. Bottom line is keep these corals cheap! They may be breakfast. Ryan> Angels In A Reef? Hey guys <Hi there! Scott F. your guy tonight!> I am sorry to keep bugging you guys but I don't have access to any other experts! And you guys are great!!!! <Well, we are hobbyists just like you are- but we are glad to be here for you!> I have an Imperator that has spots on him they look like little dots of lost pigmentation. It doesn't look like a parasite but loss of pigmentation. He is very active and eats like a pig and is the dominant one in the tank for sure. I have seen this in many imperators that lived for years but what is it? I have treated the tank lately with CopperSafe, Maracyn, and am currently treating the tank for a fungus (little white tufts on the tails and fins) with Maroxy. <Quite a "cocktail" of medications in there. In the future, I'd treat with one medication at a time, and only in a dedicated treatment tank or container for maximum control> The infected fish are getting better. The imperator never showed any signs of the fungus but does have these spots!!! <Well, without photos, all I can do is guess, but I have a feeling that what you might be observing is Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE), which is not a "disease: in the true sense, but possibly a response to less than optimal environmental conditions or diet. Theories abound on the cause and "cure" of this malady, and it often goes into a spontaneous "remission" on its own. However, the real "cure" seems to be high quality water conditions and an excellent, varied diet of both plant an animal matter. Other, more exotic theories point towards things like chemical imbalances and even stray voltage in the water. In the end, no fish has ever been hurt by good food and clean water, so why not work on that?> Also I am stocking My 80 gal reef and am wondering if you can put Pygmy Angels in a reef? Will a fish like a Bicolor or Coral Beauty bother the coral or polyps or worms? <Well- that's the million dollar question in reef-keeping! There are simply no guarantees. Almost any Centropyge angel can begin picking at and/or eating coral polyps and worms. A lot of people (myself included) feel that the Coral Beauty is the "safest" bet in a reef system- I have had one for years and it has never picked on anything- yet! However, just because it is leaving things alone today does not mean that next month, or even tomorrow, the fish won't see your reef as his or her own personal banquet! In the end, I do not recommend keeping Pygmy Angels in a reef system, unless you are willing to accept some possible coral losses. I am a fish geek first, and a coral nerd second, and have access to a lot of replacement coral frags if I need them, so I can accept that risk. You'll have to make the decision as to whether or not it's worth it for yourself!> What other family of fish besides the obvious ones would be good in a reef like a lion? Looking forward to your help on these questions. Thank you. Kirt <Well, Kirt, I am a big fan of many of the smaller wrasses, such as the Halichoeres, Cirrhilabrus, and others. They are extremely colorful, interesting, stay relatively small, and have no interest in your corals! If your tank were larger, you could consider a Genicanthus species of angelfish, as they are planktivores, and will generally not bother corals, either. Lots of other possibilities of "reef compatible" fishes. Just search through the WWM site on various families, and you'll find lots of information. Have fun researching! Regards, Scott F> Fish combinations (multiple angels) 2/24/04 Hello: I am starting a 120 gallon tank and would like to house a Flame Angel, Emperor Angel, Lemonpeel Dwarf Angel, and various damselfish (all juveniles). Do you think this combination will work initially in a 120 gallon tank? <A 120 gallon is big enough for these fish, but it would be a volatile mix. Dwarf angels are generally intolerant of each other. The emperor will quickly outgrow them both and could become quite aggressive toward them.> If so, for how long? <I really discourage making stocking combinations that are predetermined to be temporary. Often minor aggression is overlooked or removal of animals is delayed to the detriment of the fish. If you make wiser choices up front, the answer to the question "how long?" should be many, many years.> If not, could you suggest an alternative combination of angelfish that could be housed together with some damselfish in a 120 gallon tank? <Damsels can actually be beneficial since they act as "dither fish". They are a distraction from other animals that may be the target of aggression. I would limit stocking to one dwarf with the emperor. If you have other specific choices in mind, you can research them here at wetwebmedia.com or ask the crew.> I really appreciate any suggestions you can offer. <Glad to. Hope this was beneficial. Adam> Best regards, Anthony Devil in Angel's Clothing? (Pomacanthus Angel in Reef Tank) Hi Bob.....or Scott <You got me, Scott F.> Its been a long time, but I need you guys big time. <Well, I'll do my best to help you out!) No one else can give me an answer that I'm happy with. <Everyone has their own opinion, huh? Keep in mind, my answer may not be what you want to hear, either.> I'm considering a 4" to 5" P. chrysurus angel as my "alpha" fish in my 180 gallon. <A very elegant fish, however, they do get pretty large and require a lot of space...> I have almost all SPS, clams, Ricordea, some rare zoos, as well. <And...you're actually thinking about putting this angel in your tank? Oh man, I don't think that's a good idea.> I'm really concerned about the clams, 13 of them. Lots of bucks invested, but I have always wanted a P. chrysurus angel. <Well, this species, like many large angels, will certainly sample your SPS, clams, and Ricordea. It does vary from individual to individual, but I would have to say that attempting to keep this fish in a reef tank would be an ill-fated exercise.> Have you guys ever kept this fish with clams? <Honestly, I wouldn't even consider it.> I know each fish is different, but if you guys can help, that would be great. I set up the aquarium 2 years ago, and thanks to your advice, my tank rules. You guys rule. Is it going to be a $1,500.00 bowl of clam chowder, or what? Thanks a million! Scott <Well Scott, I think this is an excuse to get another aquarium, dude! How about a 500 gallon FOWLR for this fish? Now, that would be something! You could trade all your clams and corals for the tank. hah!hah! Seriously, I would pass on this species. Have you ever considered a Genicanthus species? They have no interest in invertebrates and clams. Just a thought....Regards, Scott F.> Compatibility of a juvenile emperor angel and an Indian yellow-tail angel I would like to ask about the compatibility of a juvenile emperor angel(2.5") and a 6" Indian yellow-tail angel. The yellow-tail angel has been the "king" of the tank and I wonder if I can add a 2.5" emperor angel to the tank of 180 gallons. <Best not to mix to species of angelfish, good luck, IanB> P. imperator in Reef tank 1/26/04 HI guys......got a question for ya.....currently I have a reef tank with an imperator angel in it (a deadly but awesome combination of course)<Not necessarily. I have the same and have had next to no problems (it has only bothered Zoanthids), although mine is still a juvi.> and I am wondering what kind of corals you would recommend to keep with him that he will leave alone. Currently I have a couple of small leather corals, assorted small mushroom rocks and a star polyp rock. I am going to rule out SPS altogether assuming these will be picked at, along with most LPS corals as well. <Actually, I would consider SPS to be the safest. Zoanthids and Xeniids are probably pretty risky as are non-aggressive LPS like Trachyphyllia, Lobophyllia, Blastomussa. Aggressive LPS like Catalaphyllia and Euphyllia are probably moderate risk. Most softies are probably 50/50. The fish will look for the most meat with the least work and least sting.> I want to keep the tank as stocked as possible without buying the imperator a 40 dollar meal. I bought a flower pot coral today, but I am taking him back tomorrow..........I know, kick me in the butt, impulse buys are the worst, this beauty is better of where he belongs.....in the ocean...........Thanks for the help.............Jonathan <A good choice to return the Goniopora, not only for it's lack of suitability in captivity in general, but moderate risk with your emperor. Best regards! Adam> Carpet Munching Angel >Is it normal for my juvenile Koran angelfish fish to continually nip at my new (approx 1 week old) green carpet anemone? >>The angel isn't one week old, he's been in your system one week, yes? (Oh, I do hope quarantine has been done first!). Short answer, yes, it's normal.. well, not exactly normal, but not unusual. Of course, I have honestly never kept a Koran with a carpet anemone. >How is he doing this without getting stung? >>Not all fish are as susceptible to nematocysts as others, though those of a carpet do pack a punch! I would either remove the anemone, or the angel. Do expect the fish to continue until the anemone dies. >He is nipping right at the tentacles. My Percula clown will not go near the anemone yet. Do I need to do anything to protect the anemone? Thanks, Brian F >>You really can't, short of removing one or the other. The clown WON'T go near the anemone if it's too small to have any hope of driving off the angel. A tomato, maroon, or skunk clown pair, now they might have something different to say on the matter! Marina Angels in distress <Hello! Ryan with you....Can you hear me now? ;)> I have a 75 gal. tank with live rock and sand and recently got ick from a new fish that seemed ok, even after 2 weeks. <OK> I lost two angels, but my hippo tang and Sailfin tang are fine , along with the new angel. <Surprising, generally Surgeonfish are more inclined to contract Ich> I want to get the other two angels back into my tank as soon as possible, so the new angel doesn't get too territorial. How will that affect my bio-load since all the fish were fine before this outbreak. <I'd need more info on your setup (biological, mechanical and chemical filtration regime) to give you good advice.> Since it has been several weeks and the two fish are gone, does the bio-load adjust and putting in new fish is like they were never in there? <The beneficial bacteria you're speaking of diminish with the bio-load. It's a fairly slow process, but the population is directly correlated to the food source. This is relationship that you'll see in every body of water in the world!> Or does the bacteria (good) remain in the tank , even if a fish dies? <Yes, but not for long. I would re-introduce the fish one at a time. What truly worries me is the idea of three angels in a 75 gallon box of water. Please read the FAQs concerning adult size of these fish. In a 75 gallon aquarium, one specimen from a smaller angel would be appropriate. Please be conscientious about re-stocking your tank!> Thanks for the info, Cheryl Adding a Queen? (1/4/2004) Mr. Fenner: <Steve Allen tonight.> Foremost, congrats on an awesome site. <Bob has certainly assembled a wonderful tool here.> I have never asked questions before, but constantly find myself reading different subjects here and have multiple links to this web site that I refer to frequently. Great resource. <I have learned something from it everyday for quite a while.> Now on to my question. I have a 360g tank with a 100g refugium and a 100g sump. <Sweet> The tank is 99% SPS dominated corals with multiple fish ranging from tangs to smaller fish like Firefish and such. <How many. Even this tank can get overstocked.> I have a rather large batfish (Platax tiera) that has been a model citizen in terms of not picking at any corals, fish, or invertebrates. <So far, may nip later. A beautiful fish for a large tank. Hope it continues to thrive.> I know someone that is tearing up his tank and I have the opportunity to inherit his 5.5" queen angel. He tells me he is very docile and does not bother any corals, but I want to know if this s a fish that I can trust to maintain such behavior as it matures. <No; also tends to get mean to other fish to.> Also, is he likely to get along well with my other inhabitants? Will he now or eventually pick on invertebrates (have multiple types of shrimp)? <Tasty treats.> I read the information on the website, but it did not say anything about reef environments. <Most Angels cannot be truly trusted in reefs. Sounds like you have a wonderful set-up here. In your shoes, I would be careful not to upset the balance. You'll have an awful time trying to get that angel back out if it causes problems. Think carefully about this one.> Thanks, Alberto Perez DiMaggio, MD <Hope this helps.> - New Half Moon Angel - Hello, Wonderful forum! I have a 210 gallon fish only tank. Stocked with 4 Clownfish, 1 Yellow Tank, 1 Starcki Damsel and assorted inverts. I just added a very healthy half Moon Angel. So far the angel has been picking on the Tang, nipping at her tail. Also had been picking at my Flame Scallop and basically has left the Starcki and the Clowns alone. <The flame scallop is a goner.> The Tang was the "boss" of the tank and has so far given in. Will this harassment likely continue? <No, it will likely even out in some time... the Angel needs to be the boss of the tank, and will take some time to assert this stance.> I have the option to return the fish, or should I just wait it out. <I'd keep it, if otherwise healthy... a very pretty fish.> Thanks you for your input. Best regards Kurt Cleveland, Ohio <Cheers, J -- > Emperor Angel and Half Moon Angel Would a Emperor and a Half Moon Angel be ok together in a 280 gallon tank? <I would advise against it because I am a firm believer in housing "ONE" large angelfish per aquarium, I have seen to many beautiful angelfish fight to death> selling my tank and trying to find good homes for my fish. I have a friend that has a 280 with an Emperor in it and I am wanting to give him my Half Moon. His Emperor is about 4-5" and my Half Moon is 5-6". Would they be compatible?<Again you could try it. But you would be taking a huge risk (these fish cost a pretty penny "retail"). Its ultimately up to you, But I personally would not take the chance especially if I paid a hundred dollars plus retail for either of these magnificent angelfish, Good luck, IanB> Thanks. -Tossin' in an Imperator- hello, My LFS has a
very healthy 5" adult Imperator Angel in stock
now. They have had it for 3 weeks now. I am
wondering how you think it would do in my tank. I have:
3-4" Harlequin Tusk 3-4" Naso Tang 2-3" Yellow Eye Kole
2-3" Blue Cheek Trigger They are all housed in a 180 gallon
tank. I have about 200lbs of rock in the system, about
120lbs in the tank. Any input would be great, even if you
believe it is possible by removing one of the other fish. <I think
it should work out, so long as neither the Naso or the trigger have
become too aggressive. I would suggest a month or longer quarantine and
fattening up before adding the angel. Be sure it's eating before
you buy it!!! Good luck. -Kevin> Thanks,
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