The family Labrisomidae, Labrisomid Blennies; some
of these are livebearing (Xenomedea & east pacific species
of Starksia). Several labrisomids live in close conjunction with
sea anemones and have protection from their stings. Sixteen genera with
about a hundred species; Atlantic and Pacific, mostly tropical. Genera
I've seen offered in the trade are Labrisomus, Starksia,
Neoclinus, Exerpes, Malacoctenus (M. triangulatus at right)
, Paraclinus, Dialommus, the worm-like Stathmonotus, and
Genus Labrisomus:
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Genus Malacoctenus:
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Malacoctenus ebisui, Fishgod Blenny.
To 3 inches. Here's a female in Puerto Vallarta 2015 and a male in
Costa Rica (Pacific Side) 2013.
Malacoctenus macropus (Poey 1868),
Rosy Blenny.
To 2 inches. Western Atlantic. A female here in St Thomas, USVI, 2015.

Malacoctenus gilli (Steindachner
1867), the Dusky Blenny. Tropical W. Atlantic. To three inches overall
length. Here in Bonaire in 2019.
Malacoctenus tetranemus,
Throatspotted Blenny. To 2.5 inches. Here a male and female in Puerto
Vallarta 2015
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