More FAQs about Lionfish
Related Articles: Lionfish & Their Relatives,
Lionfishes and their Scorpaeniform Kin Part 1, Part 2, by
Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner, Dwarf
Related FAQs: Lionfishes
& their Relatives, Lions 2,
Lions 3, Lions 4, Dwarf Lionfishes, Lionfish Selection, Lionfish Compatibility, Lionfish Systems, Lionfish Behavior, Lionfish Feeding, Lionfish Disease, Lionfish Reproduction, Freshwater

Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
lionfish, IDs 1/21/14
Hi there!
I have a pretty simple question, it may involve a not so simple answer
though. My quandary is this, I am looking into lion fish a bit and
I was curious if the Pterois Mombasa and the Pterois Miles were the same
<Mmm, have you checked
They have very different "max" sizes but from any picture I've seen they
look exactly the same! I've even asked a few LFS this question and some
say "yes" and some say "no". I've looked at the defying characteristics
for both and they look to be pretty much identical as best I can tell.
So is the Mombasa the same thing as a Miles or are they different? Also,
if they
are the same what is the actual size max? I've seen 6.5 most everywhere
for the Mombasa and 14 most places I look for the Miles? If they are
different how can I tell I'm looking at a Mombasa and not a Miles?
Thank you so much!
<Take a look, and click on the link for both species. Bob Fenner>
Lionfish ID 5/18/08
Good afternoon,
< Bill >
Last week I bought this Lionfish at my LFS and it was labeled
"Red Lionfish". I spoke to the kid working at the store
who told me it was a baby Volitans that happen to catch a ride
with another fish as they normally don't sell them so young.
While I've been searching the web I've been seeing
similar ones labeled as "dwarf" lionfish. I was
wondering if you could confirm if it is a Volitans or some other
kind of Lionfish. He currently is under an inch in size, very
active, and easy to feed. Thank you for such a great website and
thank so much for your time!
< Looks like a Russell's Lionfish ( Pterois russellii ) ,
also called a Red Volitans Lionfish. The Russell's Lionfish
is not a dwarf and will require a minimum of 75 gallons. GA Jenkins >
- Bill (The Joker)
Lionfish Identification Hi! I've been scanning the
site for several months now reading and learning as much
as I possibly can... I had what I thought was a
well planned out 38 gal FOWLR containing: 1 Tomato Clown
1 Yellow tail Damsel (both I've had for approx 10
years) Just added in the last 5 months: Various hermit
crabs, snails Live Sand Some live rock (don't know the
poundage, but its not a lot) 1 banded cleaner shrimp/ 1
skunk cleaner shrimp 1 (recently split to two, unidentified Anemone
probably BTA or Condy?? <Likely the former> Fish store
didn't have a clue, photo attached, it has pink tips
and kind of a fluorescent green coloration up
close). Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 25 (coming down with regular
water changes) Gravity 1.024 PH 8.4 Here's my
problem... I sent my fianc?to pick up a small coral beauty at
the LFS that I had ordered and he came home with a
rather small (approx 2") unidentified lion. Fish store lady
said it might eat the shrimp when it gets bigger
<Will eat this... and the Damsels, including the Clown...
perhaps the Hermits even> but should get along well
in my tank and that I would absolutely LOVE it!! Ahhh!! my tanks
not big enough for all of this! <No... it's not big enough
for what you currently have> But a bigger ones not
an option for at least another 6 months - 1 year.
Needless to say the Coral Beauty died in the quarantine
tank with ich but the lion seems to be quite healthy. I've
looked over all of the lionfish pictures on WWM and
cant seem to find this one... He looks like the volitans
but seems to have "peacock eyes" on his fins
which I haven't seen on the ones in the photos... Can you
help me identify him/her? <Is a Pterois volitans>
(photo attached). Id like to know how big he's going to get
<About a foot long in this system if it lives for a few
years> and if I do go out and get a tank especially for him how
big should it be? <Posted... at least eighty gallons> I
am hoping he's a dwarf of some kind? <Ah, no>
Also, the infamous pet store lady said she could not get
him to eat anything but White Cloud feeder minnows.
<Interesting... wonder where they're getting these minnows
in the wild?> She has tried but to no avail... I had
much success with getting our piranhas off of the feeders by
feeding them seafood from the deli, large
Hikari pellets, and nightcrawlers... What should I start
with on this lion? <Posted... start reading here: and the
links till you engender enlightenment...> Also, last but not
least... I had planned on adding a chunk of live rock to
my quarantine tank as it is set up at all times now... However,
I was told that if I ever treated anything with
Coppersafe that it would not EVER come out of the live
rock and would be toxic to anemones etc. Is this true? <To an
extent yes... again, more to this than simple yes/no responses...
Read on WWM...> Thanks for any information you have to offer!
<Keep reading... and return these fishes. Bob Fenner> |

Lionfish taxonomy Dear crew: I have perused everything on
this site that I can find, and Dr. Marini's articles on, and I remain baffled, hoping you can shed some
light. I'm trying to identify a fish by species, and
having difficulty. I am sorry that I can't forward digital
pictures, and am hoping that a gross physical description might be a
purposeful place to start. <Not likely> A local fish store has a
variant of dwarf lion that seems not to fit with what I can find in
descriptions of species. When asked, employees could only
report that it had been taken in trade, and had been in the store for
some time. Anecdotally, one of them thought it might have
originally come from Florida, though that could just as easily have
been the locus of the collector/aquarist. When queried about the
species, they generalized it to be a fuzzy dwarf. <There are many
scorpaenoid fishes called "dwarf lions", not all are
pteroines...> The critter in question most generally seems to be
brachypterus, but not quite. The pectoral fins have the
characteristic shape reminiscent of the sail on a Chinese junk, and are
webbed almost to the end of the spines. Body shape [about 4"],
coloration, and fin profile are generally consistent, but there are a
few significant departures. It lacks the
"moustache" protuberances at the corners of the mouth, and
has no noticeable "horns" above the eyes. There
are bumps of tissue along the lateral line, again consistent with
brachypterus, but most noticeably there are no "flags" of
tissue at the ends of the dorsal spines as both of my fuzzies
have. Finally, while every fuzzy I have seen has blue eyes,
the eyes of this fish have a bright orange outer circle, with a center
that is a deep green/black [like a Tahitian black pearl]. My best guess
is that it's actually a barberi. Can you suggest any
definitive characteristics that I can look for to identify it more
definitively? Am I overlooking the obvious, and can you tell
me what I should have figured out on my own? <Mmm, you
might peruse the linked references for these species, genera on or make a trip to a large college library for a computer
searched bibliography... There is variation in the Brachypterus
mentioned... color and appendages-wise... Bob Fenner> Looking
forward to your suggestions, Rick Walters
Lionfish ID, health This is a two part
question. First off I have what I thought was a Volitans Lion-fish
in my 125 gal tank. Some friends have seen him and think he looks
more like a Russell's lion. What exactly is the difference
other than size? <Some meristics... please see
re> I've seen pics of both and he can be either. I will
attach pics for you to see. Also, he has a major growth on his fin
that looks like a darkened swelling. You can see it slightly in the
pic included. Is this lymphocystis? <Mmm, doesn't appear so
to me... likely a growth from a "bump"... hopefully will
heal of its own accord. Bob Fenner> |
A lionfish with and w/o antenna I currently have a lionfish
that has two prominent antenna. My friend has one with no antenna.
Supposedly they are both the same species. I would like to know the
difference. I was thinking one was male and the other female?? Or
different species? <Good question. I have also seen sympatric (the
same) species of lionfishes underwater and in captivity who had
"antennae" and not. Don't know the definitive answer
here, but I suspect that sometimes the ones "missing" these
structures have suffered physical trauma (have seen other fishes bite
these off!), and other times that there is genetic diversity at play.
It's thought that Lionfish species use their fantastic array of
large pectoral, anterior dorsal and "head appendages" mainly
for prey-gathering... making a large, confusing appearance as they
charge small fishes and motile invertebrates as food... The
"antennae" seem like they would help here. Bob Fenner>
"Black" Lionfish (8/4/04) Hi Bob, <Steve Allen with
you today.> There is a lion fish that is black, can You please
confirm this for me, and tell me if they are readily available, I have
heard about them, but living in Tassie we have very limited
opportunities to purchase one of these. Would be very grateful for any
help. Regards Sue-Ellen <I suspect you are referring to the
"Black" volitans. This a color morph of the species Pterois
volitans. The stripes of this species range in color from red to brown
to black, but they are all the same species. Since individual
coloration is a factor of more than just genetics (diet plays a big
roll for instance), there is no guarantee that a black one you buy will
stay black. Many fish change shades over time.>

Mystery Lionfish identification Bob and
crew, <Howdy> I think I have
found a website that identifies your mystery Lionfish daily
background picture. It is called the Blackfin Lionfish
(Parapterois heterura). The site says it's a rare
species. The picture is from a different angle but I
believe it's the same specimen. The website is Hope
this will answer everyone's questions. <Ah, looks like it.
Thank you, Bob Fenner>
Jeremy - Pineville, LA |
Blackfin Lionfish (ID of "lion" on
WWM dailies) You can also view
for a bit more information. <Thank you! Bob Fenner> Jeremy -
Pineville, LA |

Which Scorpaenidae it Be?? >Hi
there guys..... >>Hello. >Yet another question
that I'm hoping you and your staff will be able to help me
with. I'm not entirely sure if I have purchased a leaf fish or
a wasp fish. >>What was it sold as? >I will
send a few photos, yet I can't seem to narrow it down.
>>Yes, you sent some seriously MASSIVE photos..
<giggle>, you darn near blew out our limit! I've
"grabbed" it and reduced it, though. ;) >To make
the situation worse I just bought it, and I didn't know that it
was venomous, right? >>Oh YES. But if you're ever
stung, as long as you're not allergic to insect stings the best
thing to do is pee on it (no, I'm not kidding, it really
works.. oh my, do I have a STORY about a customer hitting a leaf
fish's tank!). In any event, both leaf and wasp fishes are
indeed venomous. This is what happens when you buy first and ask
questions later. >It is? >>I'm not
lying. >Either the leaf fish or the wasp fish?!
>>Either and BOTH, I swear it. >I was hoping you
could tell me if it was venomous or not and what species it is to
be exact, your time and help and insight of course, is always more
appreciated than you guys will ever know! >>That all
depends on who you ask, but for the most part, yeah? In any event,
it's definitely venomous, do handle with care. If you are AT
ALL allergic to stings be CERTAIN to have a "crash kit"
handy. Let's take a look through my mini-marine fish bible...
Alright, because of the HUGE variability in both coloration and
external "decoration" (protuberances, frills, etc.), it
*could* be either a leaf or wasp fish, however, based upon what I
can make out of the mouth, I feel it's likely a wasp fish
(mouth is much smaller than leaf fish's, not quite as down
turned), however, I most certainly could be entirely wrong.
However, do know that you do have a venomous resident.
Marina |
Lionfishes & Much More for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |