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greetings! Sci. lit. searches
3/8/11 Re Coral Macro And Micro Nutrient -- 03/24/10 To Send research Article to relate my topic, Mmm, searching ref. f' 11/20/2008 hi I am M.Phil/PhD student of Karachi university and research topic is " Study on Tumorous Growth in Fishes and Trematodes of Karachi Cost , if you have an any research papers o r articles related to my topic so please send me of my E mail address , for this act I will ever thankful to you. <Hello Shahzada. As someone who's done their PhD, and then gone on to be a researcher (albeit not in fish biology!) let me share some advice. If you're going to write to scientists, write e-mails to each one personally -- "Dear Dr. Smith..." or whatever. In your e-mail make it clear you are familiar with their research -- "I have recently read your book on the parasites of whale sharks...". Then you can ask them for specific papers. Be realistic: scientists do not get many free copies of their papers, and it costs money to mail them. So scientists prefer to send papers to people who will send them papers in return. Some scientists keep archives of their research online. Review their personal web sites yourself, and see what's available before asking. When you do get around to writing back to a scientist, keep your messages brief, polite, and make a point to always check the grammar and spelling. First impressions count! If English isn't your first language, have someone else check your message before you press the 'Send' button. Most scientists get annoyed by graduate students who ask them to "send along any paper on topic X". But most scientists like talking to people who already know about the subject and have an interest in a particular field of research. Good luck, Neale.> Zebrafish Development, lit. searches, scientific 7/17/2008Hello, I am currently working in a Cell biology lab that is using zebrafish as a model system. What is the minimum temperature that a zebrafish embryo can develop? I have read that adult zebrafish can tolerate a wide range of temperatures (from 64-80F). I have also read that spawning is temperature induced. Is it possible for zebrafish embryos to develop normally in temperatures as low as 64F (since reproduction is stimulated by warmer temperatures?)? If not, what is the lowest temperature that normal development can occur? Thank you very much for you time! <Greetings. I'm assuming from your e-mail you're an undergraduate who's been assigned a project at a research lab someplace. That's great. Now, I do vaguely know the answer to this, but I'm pretty sure that putting into your project a factoid gleaned from "some guy on the web", even one with a PhD like me, isn't what your professors are after. What they want from you is to do a literature research. Trust me on this: being a some-time university professor myself, I know precisely and exactly what I expect from my undergraduates. So, what I suggest you do is first find out the scientific name of the Zebra Danio, and then use the bioscience/biomed literature search tools (e.g., SilverPlatter) at your academic library to access the scientific literature. Warning: the scientific name of the Zebra Danio has changed at least once in the recent past, so you will need to use both names to get the full overview. The developmental biology of the Zebra Danio has been done to death, and it was something being studied decades ago. So the answer to your question is certainly out there. Confused? Ask the librarian; librarians are happy to help with focused questions like this and will know precisely what tools are available to help you. In short: Good students use the scientific literature; Weak students use Google and Wikipedia. It's as simple as that. Good luck with your project! Neale> Commerson's Frogfish or similar 5/1/08 Dear WWM, <Hail and well met.> Hi. I am Diego a first grader. I am from Los Angeles. In my class I am doing research on Commerson's frogfish. Can you answer any of these questions? <Yes, I can answer all of them. But can you?> Hi. I am Diego's mom. If you don't know these answers for Commerson's Frogfish, but you know the answers for similar fish, would you please let us know about those fish? Thank you in advance.. <Hello Diego's mom. I'm a science teacher some of the time, and when I set tasks just like these, I expect a bit more from my students than that they simply e-mail someone the found via Google. So, while I can easily answer these questions, I'm not going to tell you any of the answers. But I *will* tell you where to find the answers yourself.> How big can it get? <First find the Latin (or "scientific") name of Commerson's Frogfish. Then do a search at Fishbase for that species. From there, you will find a page that gives maximum scientifically recorded size for the species.> How long can it live? <Again, Fishbase may help. The age of fish species (other than widely kept fish farming or aquarium species) is often vague. Rather, we have a better idea of a species "doubling time", a value that essentially describes how long it takes for a fish to double in size. Though this isn't accurate by any means, if you keep halving the maximum size until you get a length of around 5-10 mm, you should have something like the lifespan of a fish.> How does it move? <Look at pictures of the fish. Observe especially the relative shapes of its paired fins compared with its unpaired fins. Also consider how streamlined or not the fish may be. Does it look like a fast swimmer? Does it move about in a specific habitat?> What does it eat? <Fishbase will definitely help here, but failing that, click on the Fishbase page for its "Family" (that's the name ending in -idae). That should give you some more clues to its diet.> How does it breathe or get air? <Only some fish breathe air. Most get their oxygen straight from the water. The air-breathing fish are almost all freshwater fish. Is your fish a freshwater fish? That will tell you if it breathes air. As for regular fish breathing, i.e., taking oxygen from the water, any book on fish or even animal biology will tell you that.> Which oceans does it live in? <Again, Fishbase is your friend. If Fishbase isn't your cup of tea, take your son to the Public Library. Go ask the Librarian for some books on Fish and the fish faunas of the place that Commerson's Frogfish live. Let your son do the legwork -- there's absolutely no point to education if all you do is grab the answers off the Internet. I'm saying this as a teacher and someone who feels strongly about education. Get your son off the computer and into a library. Books are where the information is presented best and most reliably to young minds. Sincerely, Neale.> <<Well done Neale! RMF>> Information articles - Marine Aquarist Magazine 9/2/05 Dear, Library of the Technology Center and Geociencia of University Federal of Pernambuco of Brazil. I am librarian and I did not obtain to find in the libraries of Brazil. How I make to get articles of the magazine Marine Aquarist? <Perhaps an inter-library loan? This magazine is long out of publication...> Our researcher is needing 3 articles of 1977: Goldstein, Robert J. Angels and butterflies- introduction. Marine Aquarist, v.7, n. 9, p. 54-58, 1977. Moe, M.A Jr. Rearing Atlantic angelfishes. Marine Aquarist, v.7, n. 7, p. 17-26, 1977 . Moe, M.A Jr. Inside the egg of an angelfishes. Marine Aquarist, v.8, n. 3, p. 5-12, 1977 . <That or writing the authors... I will cc them here in the hope that they will respond. Bob Fenner> Thank the attention. Edilene Silva Biblioteca do CTG/UFPE Setor de Comuta?o bibliogr?ica Fone/fax: 81- 2126.8703 Av. Acad?ico H?io Ramos, s/n CDU-Recife/PE 50730-540 http://www.ctg.ufpe.br/ Re: Information article - Marine 9/2/05 I no longer have that article. - Robert Goldstein <Mmm, I will gladly mail you a copy... and off to Brazil with your permission Bob. Bob Fenner> Hey Bob. If you can scan and send that to the Brazilian person, that's fine with me. Or you can send me the copy, and I'll scan it for him. That stuff was done on old software, probably TRS-DOS, that I can't any longer read. Where are you going in Brazil? - Bob Goldstein <Ah, will send a copy to your NC address... Am not going to Brazil... this was a request in today's email... Your note reminds me of the trials, tribulations I had with New Word, WordStar... in the early eighties, trying to get into other code... no fun! Cheers, Bob Fenner> Aquarium sales in the U.S. 7/23/05 I am interested to know approximately how may freshwater and saltwater aquariums are sold each year in the U.S. Where can I find basic information regarding the size of the aquarium industry? Barry S. Johnson <Mmm, some of the industry 'zines produce such data... I'd try contacting Pet Age, Pet Business... they have websites. Bob Fenner> Finding references I apologize. I overlooked putting that information on this email. The document in question is as follows: Balon, E.K. 1975. A golden Lates mariae, an endemic perch of Lake Tanganyika. TFH 12/75. I believe the original concept was about fish reproduction but I am actually researching Centropomids. I came across the "Golden Lates mariae" in a magazine and am trying to locate the aforementioned document. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. <Your best course of action here is to visit a large (college or very large public) library, seek out the help of a Reference Librarian and have them help you search their (and others) holdings to see if they have Tropical Fish Hobbyist (TFH) magazines back this far in their stacks, or can order same from another site. Bob Fenner> Reference material Hi Robert <Ben> I enjoyed your web site about freshwater "sharks" Epalzeorhynchos species. Could you suggest where I could get a copies of the reference material ? I think some of that stuff would be hard to find. Cheers Ben <Not so hard... they're mainly pet-fish references... that can be found in larger libraries... that have pet-fish references in their stacks. Bob Fenner> Been There, Done That, Already Graduated >Hi, My name's Kelly, I am doing a project about seahorses and I need information about it... >>Ah, thank goodness for the world wide web, it's the biggest virtual encyclopedia on earth! Marina today. >The information's I need are: The seahorses habitat >>Google, after you've determined what species or group of species you'd like to highlight. >the survival techniques of the seahorses (which includes it's reproduction, how it cares for it's young, any predators and the techniques/features the seahorse uses to survive.) >>Ahem, still Google. >And ... Can you please describe the impact of human and natural factors on the long term of seahorses... >>Not in this case, I refuse to do anyone's homework for them, including my own son. >And ... sorry to annoy you and give you such hard task ... if you have any information then please contact me on... >>You can do what I would do, use the information that's out there. Libraries, the internet, a basic encyclopedia are your tools. >Thank you!!!! Thank you for your time reading and Thank you again!!!! >>Kelly, don't be so quick to thank me. All of this information is easily and readily available through Google alone. This is a volunteer *service* we provide to people so they can care for their animals, NOT do someone's homework for them. You can start at http://www.fishbase.org after you've gone through Google's results. Do have fun, and do your own work! Marina Reference material Hi Robert <Ben> I enjoyed your web site about freshwater "sharks" Epalzeorhynchos species. Could you suggest where I could get a copies of the reference material ? I think some of that stuff would be hard to find. Cheers Ben <Not so hard... they're mainly pet-fish references... that can be found in larger libraries... that have pet-fish references in their stacks. Bob Fenner> Note to Paul-search engine tips Paul: I think I love you. <Whoa! I always like a message that starts with those special and precious words...... "I think"> Will you come to work in our office? <Uh.....> You are the first person that's been able to explain concisely (key word) the best ways to use the search engine. <In one of my responses I assume??> As I am a child of the 60's, I was not raised to be computer-savvy, and have had to learn as I've gone along. <Actually, me too! Life is funny like that.> I haven't been able to find this information anywhere on the webs, and our tech guys always get too technical. <Unfortunately some tech guys are learned to be very technical. They forget how to talk and interact on a non technical level. Happens to all of us at some point.> Thank you, thank you, thank you! <Well, my pleasure I guess. Aim to please and all that. Glad my explanation was of some help, even though I am not sure specifically what I helped you with. Thanks for the follow up, Cyndy. ~Paul> Cyndy Note to Paul-search engine tips The e-mail was entitled "using the search engine to your advantage". <Oh> I've always just used MSN as I can just type my question in and it usually gives me the hit within the first 5 or 6 responses to exactly what I need. Your tips have enabled me to use Google as well. <Great.> Maybe you can solve this mystery, what does "cached" mean? <Cached means that the information (website pictures, text, basically everything) is being held in a space designated on your hard drive for quick access (look at it as temporary storage) It will either automatically be flushed by the program or process or if we are talking web browser cache then you can manually clear it through the options of the web browser, usually.> Many thanks, Cyndy <Have fun ~Paul> Where to find these Bibliography/Further reading books/articles? Hi I have tried to find the articles that you put at the bottom of most pages without any luck. Can you please tell where I can find them? Cheers, Filip Kemp <Most are pet-fish articles from magazines, some are books, others are scientific citations... Likely your best use of search time is a large college library, with some introduction on finding things by a reference librarian. Please see here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm Bob Fenner> Literature Dear Robert, I'm currently writing an article about death-feigning in a cichlid species. I just found the quotation of an article by Howe in one of your articles: Howe, Jeffrey C. 1991. Field observations of death feigning in the convict tang, /Acanthurus triostegus (Linnaeus)/, with comments on the nocturnal color pattern in juvenile specimens. J. of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences VI(4):13-15 Unfortunately, this journal is not available in our library. I therefore wanted to ask you, if you can provide me a copy of this article. With best wishes, yours Michi Tobler <Actually, not legally. Do write John Farrell Kuhns c/o the journal and ask them for a copy... or have your library order one for you. Bob Fenner> Researching a School Report (4/22/04) Bob Fenner, <Steve Allen this AM.> Hello, my name is Christine. <Greetings.> I have always been interested in marine life, ever since I was a little kid. And I have always wanted to become a Marine Biologist....however, I am afraid that I do not have the greatest brain when it comes to science. <Don't sell yourself short. With the right effort, I'm sure you can accomplish your dream.> Still, the marine life fascinates me. <I hear you.> Right know (for school) I am doing a report on the Black Tip Shark and the Blue Tang fish for my biology class. However, I am having a difficult time finding all of the information that I can about the blue tang. <Sharks are easy. There's so much out there about them. Tangs are much less interesting to the popular press.> All I seem to be finding is how to transport, feed, find, and pictures...not really any hard-core information. And I was wondering if you had any advice or tips that could help me in my search.? <Start at www.fishbase.org for some good info about this specific fish. Check at your local library. In your searches, you may need to be less species specific and research tangs or surgeonfish more generally.> I am sorry to bother you...but thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Christine Houghton <Not a bother. Hope this helps.> Aquarium History 3/9/04 www.finleyaquaticbooks.com phone 401-568-0371 Anthony, As always, thanks for your help. Warm Regards, Joe <Always welcome Joe... and please do consider sharing your paper with us when you are finished. It would be fascinating to read! We can publish it too on the website or the pending e-zine if you like. Anthony> Fishbase Anthony: Fishbase.org does seem to intermittently be demanding a username and pass word for access. Steve Allen <thanks for sharing this Steve... yes, indeed intermittent... but just refresh the screen a few times or open a new screen and it comes up/back every time... so far <G>. Likely a glitch on their end that will be resolved soon as there has been no mention of a reason/need for the login (commercial or otherwise). Anthony> - Time to Hit the Books - Hi. <Hi.> I'm just wondering about the Goniobasis. What ate them? In what era, period, and epoch did they live? What is their depositional environment? What makes them unique? What did they look like entirely? if u could email these answers back I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much! <Wait, let me guess... this paper is due tomorrow, isn't it? I hate to say it, but we specialize in helping folks with live fish, from this epoch and era. When it comes to helping with folks homework, I suggest that you head to the library. Good luck. Cheers, J -- > - Time to hit the Books, Follow-up - Ugh! I don't have time to go to the library. <Then Google is your friend.> We got assigned this Friday and it's due tomorrow. <I'm sympathetic, but only slightly... this is one of those lessons of life that has a hard downside. Perhaps you should write your paper on how bogus this assignment is. Were you supposed to learn about gastropods or how to use reference material? Though really... did you think we had those answers lying around? I'd have to look it all up, same as you. I'm sure it seems a raw deal to you... but you still shouldn't have waited to start ;-) > Thanks anyways. <Best of luck to you. Cheers, J -- > Sea Urchins Dear Sir, I am a graduate student working on the taxonomy of sea urchins in my locality. I have been looking for materials written about Philippine Sea Urchins but I have been unfortunate in finding them. On this regard, I am seeking for your help in terms of sharing me some of your literatures on sea urchins or a guide for me on where to obtain them. Sincerely yours, Geraldine Andas, Libron <You need to develop a search strategy (for scientific literature on the topic)... and visit a library (or computer hook-up) that can get you to Biological Abstracts, The Zoological Record. Please see here re literature searches: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm Bob Fenner> Good Books (8-29-03) Hello, I'm a newcomer to saltwater aquariums (I just acquired an 80 gallon tank) and I was wondering if there was a definitive book you might recommend I read prior to attempting to build my own reef system. <A very good all around book is The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Bob Fenner. The Book of Coral Propagations is a awesome reef book by Anthony Calfo. Fenner and Calfo have a new series called the Natural Marine Aquarium which is excellent so far. There are many others but these are some of my favorites. Check around on the forums and get other peoples opinions, try the one at www.wetwebmedia.com or www.reefcentral.com. Cody> Thanks, Ben Re: Research Journals Hi there guys and gals... I was wondering if you could help point me in the right direction. Do you know of any research journals or science journals that cater specifically to marine biology/oceanography?? I am trying to start my research paper and my school mostly caters to pre-med biology topics. Thanks, Kim <Do we? I spend a good deal of time perusing these... Please see here: http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/seajrnls.html Bob Fenner> Re: European French speaking magazines Hello Bob, <Bonjour Claude> I remember you did ask me about some magazines to contact for eventual business. I've sent some. Now I found another one but it has something special, it writes only about outdoor aquatic gardens as you can see with the attach. Only about pools and not about aquariums, it is a very interesting magazine. See hereafter the addresses: site and mail. http://www.jardinaquatique.com (site) technique@jardinaquatique.com (email) Friendly yours. Claude <Thank you for this Claude. Robare> Claude Declercq Visitez, bezoek, visit http://users.skynet.be/glot http://users.compaqnet.be/allaboutfishes Another Web Site I've begun reading your site and have found it to be terribly instructive. As I read it I glean new things. Earlier I was reading about Wrasses and you mentioned another website in those articles. Being myself I didn't stop to write it down and now that I'm done reading the various articles I was interested in I can't find the web site name again. It was something like bfish.org although that's not right since I obviously tried it. <fishbase.org likely, a fabulous resource> I've heard of this site from other places as a site that has good info on specific fish species. Any idea what I'm talking about? David Rencher <Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Research project This e-mail is about the Science Talent Search project. I like the idea of the ocean ?mining? topic. However, I would like to ask a few more questions: Do you think that the above topic would be feasible also considering the fact that I have no access to the ocean? <What is the nature of the "project" guidelines? Is this to be original research of some sort? If so, then maybe you can secure materials that have been mined from a school that is involved in such (e.g. Wood's Hole, Scripps Inst.)> Do you think that there are plenty of original research and experimentation that I could do with the above topic? If yes, what are some general ideas (I would like to get an idea about what work I will be doing)? <Yes, and you will have to search the literature, read over other peoples works... gain insight into their questions, consider what "angles you might investigate". Here's some ideas to consider: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm> Do you have any references for scientists that might be able to provide me additional help in the topic area.? <You will find these in your journeying through the scientific literature. Have a reference librarian at a college help you with your search> If the above project is not feasible, do you have any ideas? <Many lifetimes worth. But how would I know what interests you? Bob Fenner> Thank you again, Kevin Re: Research project According to the rule booklet the "project need not be entirely original . however, your project should contain at least some original or novel elements." Since you believe the topic are of ocean mining for commercial purposes is feasible (correct me if I am wrong), I will continue with this topic are. Any ideas or information on this area would be helpful. <What do you mean "any ideas..."?> How would I go about securing research materials from various research institutes (considering the fact that I live in Idaho Falls, ID)? <Write, e-mail them, people whose names you glean who are working in the respective fields (learned by your literature search) through the departments, schools, institutions where they work. Have your instructor/s help put the message together.> Can you think of any scientists that are interested in this topic area and that might be willing to help (I will come across more in my research)? <Which area? Ocean mining? No, I would have to do what I'm suggesting you do. Get thee to a large/college library, and ask a reference librarian to help you put together a search strategy... and use the computers/hook-ups there to investigate what is known, what is being researched, by whom, where... that interests you. Bob Fenner> Thank you, Kevin Re: I am looking for assistance for a project that I am completing. Thank you for all of the helpful suggestions, I will do them in my experiment. Now, I have another problem. I am not actually allowed to do this experiment at my school. I was supposed to do it with my mentor, but he suddenly backed out. Do you have any idea where else I could go because it has to be in a lab? <Sorry to state, I don't recall specifics here, or perhaps you didn't mention: what is the nature of this experiment? Where are you located (which State, town?). Are you near a college/university where lab space may be available? Bob Fenner> If you have any suggestions, it would be appreciated. Thank you. Tiffany Wagner Thresher Book Search Dear sir, I am very interested on the next book: Thresher, Ronald E. 1984. Reproduction in Reef Fishes. TFH Publ., NJ. but I have not been able to find it until now. Do you know where and how I could find it? Thank you very much. Looking forward to hearing your news, Victoria Bengoa Sistemas Acuarol?icos Marinos Maidagan 5 48990 Getxo, Vizcaya Spain Tel 944 319 080 Fax 944 319 149 victoria@samsl.euskalnet.net <Hope we can find a copy in print for sale... Have you tried contacting Tropical Fish Hobbyist Publications (in New Jersey, USA), the publisher? I encourage you to contact the company CPR (www.CPRusa.com) for their help in locating a copy (they're a major distributor). Otherwise, please do re-contact me re this issue. Bob Fenner.> Finding Out of Print Books in our interest: <Hope we can find a copy in print for sale... Have you tried contacting Tropical Fish Hobbyist Publications (in New Jersey, USA), the publisher? I encourage you to contact the company CPR (www.CPRusa.com) for their help in locating a copy (they're a major distributor). Otherwise, please do re-contact me re this issue. Bob Fenner.> Dear Mr. Fenner, I have contacted both, the company CPR and TFH Publ. and they have not the book. It is out of print and no longer available through them. So if you can help me in locating it, it will be great. Thank you very much Victoria Bengoa victoria@samsl.euskalnet.net <Hmm, will post your request to folks who run down out of print works and on our www.WetWebMedia.com site, should a browser have a copy they might part with... But I would have to do what I suggest you do: contact book searching services with the Title, Author... and hope they can come across a copy... I search "used book stores" and service bureaus continuously... Oh, and one other suggestion: contact the folks at "The Natural History Book Store"... www.nhbs.com (have just done so... they currently have another title by Ron Thresher, but not the one you're looking for... but do contact them, and place your request. Bob Fenner> Your New Book I heard you gonna publish another book. What topics are you going to discuss about? <Perhaps the new Microcosm/TFH publisher will run one of the manuscripts they've been holding on to... The Conscientious Reef Aquarist, Water Gardens, Design, Construction, Maintenance... Or maybe one of the "Best Livestock for Your... series...> Since the majority of species collections came out of Southeast Asia. Have you ever heard of any particular species (fish, corals, etc.) that come from Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand? <Indeed I have... many fabulous choices from these locations> Are there any interesting form of coral reefs around the Gulf Of Thailand? I ask because I can wandering those areas of my country. <Yes... do a "by country" search on www.FishBase.org and resort by family... many great fishes, non-fishes from the area. Bob Fenner, who uses this important resource almost daily> Re: FishBase Dr. Randall/Jack, can you help me? Neglected to send in for a CD vers. of FishBase, relying on using the Internet version... and been accumulating images to send them... and now, not coming up? Their URL is listed for sale? Is there some where that you're aware of that I may buy/copy a set? Do/did use this valuable resource daily... Bob Fenner Bob: FishBase has used nearly 11,000 of my fish photographs, so they have sent me the CD, but I cannot view it on my Mac. The person in charge of Fish Base in the Philippines now (since Rainer Froese just went back to Germany, though he is still involved) is Boris Fabvres. His e-mail address is: bfabres@cgiar.org Aloha, Jack <Thanks much Jack. Have sent off a note to Boris... and am hoping to find a later/greater CD set... at least! Be seeing you. Bob Fenner> <<Is FishBase gone? I hope not... Am a long time user... and never signed up for the CD version... And desperately want to now! Dr. John Randall was kind to give me your email address. I have thousands of images to send you for FishBase, and a desire to use the resource. Can you direct me to where I might be able to receive/order a set of CD's? Thank you, Bob Fenner>> Re: FishBase and Images Dear Bob, No, FishBase is very much alive and kicking. As a matter of fact there is now established a "FishBase Consortium" of institutions (Museums,Universities,ICLARM,FAO)to continue its work more intensively. There have been some problems recently on the Internet Version as we switched Servers. <Thank goodness! And outstanding. FishBase is an indispensable tool for my work, even though this is ornamental aquatics, not ichthyology, fisheries sciences....> The FishBase 2000 CD Set (plus Book) should be out in February 2001. We can send you the FB'99 CD Set if you wish or hold on for the FB 2000 in February? Just send us your full postal address. <Yes! Bob Fenner, 10251 Thanksgiving Lane, San Diego, California, USA, 92126... have the computer space for it already set aside!> As a collaborator through your offer to send the fish images there is no charge for FishBase CD Set. <Have been collecting several hundreds of these to send... delaying through laziness of not putting effort into labeling as to location, size, depth... natural history information... But will step up efforts to send by February> Have a look at our FishWatchers page on the Web Site where images can be shared. I will pass on your message to Aque Atanacio our artist who manages the incorporation of fish images into FishBase, and will let you know the mechanics of it. <Very good, and I will place our correspondence on my site: www.wetwebmedia.com to attract other likely collaborators> Very good to hear from you, and of course we gratefully accept your offer of the images which will carry your name as the provider and source. Aque can provide details. Best Wishes Boris Fabres <Yes again, and thank you (mabute). Look forward to the exercise and meeting with Aque. Bob Fenner, salamat> Re: FishBase and Images Dear Bob, There are several ways to send the files to us. You may send them to me as attachments to emails, a few at a time, or you may copy them all to a CD and send it to this address: Rachel Atanacio ICLARM - FishBase Project IRRI Collaborators Center College, Los Ba?s, Laguna Philippines Thank you very much. Regards, Aque <Mabute, Aque, Will burn a few CD's and send them along... with our company name, logo: www.WetWebMedia.com... do you folks still require depth, size, very specific location et al. information? Bob Fenner> Re: FishBase and Images Dear Bob, Yes, if possible, please include the size, date and locality. It would be nice if you could send us a list of your available photographs first so we can tell you the ones we could use. That way, you don't have to think about providing these information on all of them but for only the ones that we need. Do you understand and speak Tagalog? Just wondering. Best regards, Aque <Just a little Tagalog and Cebuano from my neighbors here in southern California and travels to dive, photograph in the Philippines... And will try to get you the preliminary list (many thousands more to still scan...) of what I have scanned that I can/will send... though on second thought, it isn't difficult to just label a list for the above data along with the file name (which is the scientific name) and send all along to you on CD's. Salamat, Bob Fenner> Hi and question about pet-fish publishing Hello again Mr. Fenner, I hope you had a pleasant trip. <Oh, yes, thank you> I have decided that in between articles, that I would slowly work up a manuscript for a book on Triggers, Boxfish, and Puffers in Aquaria. I don't have any idea if and when I would have a publisher accept such a manuscript, but I thought it a good idea to get a head start in case things do work out. <A good idea is to work up a couple of chapters and an introduction and try this out on a friendly, considerate editor... and I know just the person in James Lawrence of Microcosm. Will send your msg. here to introduce you> I expect to include general information on tank setup, but plan to focus on care of the species. I imagine that I would include 3 or 4 Triggers found commonly in the aquarium trade, the 2 most commonly encountered boxfish, the 2 or 3 available cowfish, and some about freshwater/brackish/ marine puffers and porcupine/balloon fish found in the trade. <Sounds good> I figured that would give me a broad enough spectrum without going crazy trying to be comprehensive. The book will be geared more toward beginning/intermediate hobbyists. <Though pictorial completeness would be a very big plus...> I wanted to get your opinion about the documentation format, though. I don't have a publisher agreement of any sort yet, but I notice that very few aquarium related books include in text documentation. Resources are merely listed as References or Bibliography. Do you think that I should go ahead and include the in text documentation and let the prospective publisher address how to deal with it? Should I just include a list of references instead? <Do list the references in a bibliography... I would not footnote the body of the text unless necessary (i.e. direct quotes... or to make a point). Mr. Giwojna suggested including the formal documentation, but I wanted a second opinion. Good luck catching up on your files of works. Best regards, Theresa Ulrich geocities.com/cowfish_andmore <I need it. Be chatting. Bob Fenner, who asks James to kindly lend what assistance you have time for to this upcoming pet-fish writer... you can see her work at the above URL as well as in the most recent issues of FAMA.> Thank you (writing in the pet-fish interest!) Hello again Mr. Fenner, Thank you for taking the time to offer a quick and helpful response. I will check out some of the software you referred me to. However, should I master it well enough to pull together a publication, what do I do from there? Do I "advertise" the book/pamphlet on my site? <Good question. Hmm, how to render a response here that is accurate, significant and meaningful? There are "Writer's Guides"... fat paperback books that purport to grant the buyer insights as to how to "get published"... but these are sort of like "education classes"... simple to the point that if you aren't aware of their contents, you should be doing something else than trying to be a writer. Basically, if you are aware of your intended audience, the subject material, and have the capacity (talent, materials, time, money...) to put together a work of commercial possibility, AFTER a portion/example has been completed, AND a go at the Introduction (which per force explains your intent, purpose for writing... i.e. what you're going to do for the intended Reader and how you intend to do it...)AND something in the way of a cover letter (best practiced on knowing (or in my case, semi-knowing) friends/associates in "the life", and sent out (serially, best choices, chances first) to prospective publishers... Or the pre-mentioned self-publishing route...> I'm chuckling a bit at your comment about making ourselves useful. Actually, I am a full time public school teacher, so I do consider myself useful in other capacities as well. I never dreamed my passion for my fish would turn into writing. <You might not be surprised at all to find how many of "us" used to be (and a few still are) public school teachers... myself (yes taught H.S. Chemistry, Physics, Bio.), Charles Delbeek, Alex Kerstitch...> Anyway, with my job, it will be hard to find time to seek out course work or a comrade in publishing/layout. So I will definitely look into the software suggestions. <And I will be here to help... introduce you to the very few prospective contacts that exist... but more appear on the horizon from time to time> I appreciate your passing my name along. Your letter and efforts to help are very kind. I have heard many good things about you, and I now I can see why. :) In any case, if the book idea doesn't pan out for now, the whole process has forced me to aggressively seek out and locate some sources I've been meaning to acquire. I am set-up for a number of good future articles at least. <Ah, excellent> I would be delighted to have my web site link added to your site. Here is the URL for the Cowfish page: http://www.geocities.com/cowfish_andmore <Done, and thank you> This is the e-mail discussion list, if you are interested: http://www.egroups.com/group/cowfish_andmore I am happy to add your site to my links page as well. Is there any particular description that you would like to accompany the link back to your site? <Hmm, "aquatics information and images"? Something more specific? I also appreciate the offer to use some of your image work. I may take you up on that if this book idea develops into an official project. Best regards, Theresa <I fully suspect and hope it, and others will. Bob Fenner> Bob, glad you like the article, but (please humor me, I'm new to this game and I know nothing about publication procedure) If I submit what I showed you, and it is published, can I still include it appropriately in the booklet (which I plan to, not exactly word for word, but close enough)? Or will that bring about a copyright infringement, or something of the like? Still waiting on Marc's input on whether I submit it or not. Thanks for the advice, Chris >> No worries, and no problems... you retain "copyright" to original content... some mag.s make the stipulation on submission, that the work be novel... and that they be the first to present it... but after it runs... it's still yours.... to do, verbatim, if you wish, whatever you'd like. Bob Fenner |
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