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Wrasse Compatibility, Coris spp. - 06/05/09
Formosa Coris Wrasse with Thalassoma Lutescens Wrasse Compatibility 2/29/08 Hello - great site as usual. <Thanks and hello Jeff> Here's my question. I have a 150XH tank - fish only. I have a nice sized (6 ?") male lutescens wrasse (Thalassoma lutescens). <A Banana Wrasse.> I've also got a 5" Dragon Wrasse. One of my local stores has a beautiful 6" Formosa Wrasse that I'd like. What I'd like to do is trade in the dragon wrasse for the Formosa. I know the Formosa can get big and I'd find him a better him <home> if and when he outgrows the tank, but wondering how the Formosa and the Lutescens would get along. The lutescens and the dragon get along just fine. Curious as to your thoughts? I'd get the Formosa (tomorrow) if it would work. <Well, they are both aggressive, and there is a chance the Banana Wrasse will harass the newcomer, but in a tank your size, this should be minimal providing there are plenty of retreats. I'd give it a shot. Do read here for more info. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/Coris/index.htm> Thanks <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> J Can I Put These Two Wrasse Together? ? 02/21/08 I have a Coris Wrasse and I want to add a Sixline wrasse. Can they go together in the same aquarium? Thank you, Renee <<Mmm, there are a couple dozen or so species of ?Coris? Wrasse?but generally speaking, yes, I think these two fishes could be kept together for a time given a large enough system to begin with for the Coris?and/or until the former grows large enough to eat the latter. Regards, EricR>> Choerodon (Lienardella) fasciata mis-labeled as Coris? 4/5/07 Good morning, Crew! <Hi Aaron.> I have a quick question regarding Wrasse ID in a LFS. <Okay.> I've read through many Fishbase pages and the pages on WWM regarding Wrasses and I have yet to clear this up. <...I'll see what I can do!> My question is, is there a wrasse that looks similar to the Harlequin Tusk in adult stage? <The Harlequin Tusk; Choerodon (Lienardella) fasciata is probably the most common species of the genus imported for hobby use. Of the other species of the genus brought in (not very many or very often) none (in my view) have nearly the outward physical appearance (colorwise...not shape wise) of the harlequin tusk. So my answer in one phrase, "None that you are likely to see."> My LFS has two fish that look exactly like the Tusk and they have them labeled as "Orange Coris Wrasse". <Not even same genus...> The reason I ask is that they've been in the store a couple of weeks and I'm tempted to buy one, but I'm not sure a Coris would be a good choice in a softy reef. <Neither would the tusk likely.> Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, the pics you have for the Tusk look EXACTLY like the fish in the store, which leads me to think maybe they were sold some tusks at a low price and I've found a great buy! <I wouldn't put it past your average LFS to make a mistake now and again.> Thanks! <Of course.> Aaron <Adam J.> Wrasse/Cirrhilabrus Compatibility - 08/03/06 Dear WWM, <<Good Morning>> We have a six-line wrasse, a yellow finned female fairy wrasse, a twin-spot or clown coris wrasse, and a red head solar or clown fairy wrasse. With regards to the twin-spot we did not know what we had until we brought it home and looked it up (we typically do not buy anything without doing this first but this one time we did, so...). <<Mmm, yes...impulse buying...most all have been there/done that. You since have learned this fish will grow to be a bruiser/will eat your other fish, perhaps returning it is in order?>> The yellow finned female fairy wrasse keeps chasing the red head Solor or clown fairy wrasse. We are considering getting another clown fairy wrasse (to possibly stop getting the one we have now chased) but I read that males can be aggressive within their own species so that may not be the best thing to do. What is your opinion on this and is there a way to tell a male from a female clown fairy wrasse? <<The "fairy" or "flasher" wrasses are not "gentle" fishes as the name might imply. Keeping multiples is usually limited to keeping single specimens of interspecifics together, or keeping a male and "several" females (to "spread" the male's attentions). Even then, some bickering may occur among interspecifics until a "pecking order" is obtained. And like most all fishes, my experience with wrasses has been that the species most similar in size/color will fight the most with the larger species ignoring the smaller species...unless their big enough to eat them, of course. As for sexing Cirrhilabrus solorensis, to be honest I don't know...I'm not even sure this species is sexually dimorphic>> We are also considering getting a yellow coris wrasse and a radiant wrasse. <<By "yellow coris wrasse" do you mean Halichoeres chrysus? An excellent and relatively peaceful aquarium fish in my opinion, though I do wish folks could get away from calling this fish a "coris" wrasse. I think "canary" wrasse is more suitable/descriptive of its nature...but enough of my rant>> Do you think we will have any trouble if we add these? Our current tank is a 210 gal. and we are considering buying a 500 gal. from our local saltwater shop as he is downsizing and if so will move everyone into this tank. <<Even with the 210 I think you're fine, as far as bio-load. But I do have concerns with the six-line and the twin-spot wrasses. These may make it difficult to add future specimens. The six-line looks small/cute enough, but can be real monsters. I have seen these kill newly introduced wrasses of similar size...even in very large systems>> I would also like to say that we have struggled with Goniopora but either our tank is extremely established or squirting it with phytoplankton from a turkey baster is doing the trick. <<Mmm, a difficult species for anyone...Most don't survive their first few months, those that do rarely make it a year...probably best left in the ocean until we learn more about it/its care>> We bought a small $10 one and it is doing wonderful, puffing out all over the place since I have been squirting it. I feed it every other day. Maybe this will help someone else if they are having trouble. <<I do hope yours continues to prosper>> Thank you guys <<and gals>> so much for this website and all of your insight on the saltwater world. <<We're all happy to help>> It is extremely difficult to find people willing to help and with the experience and knowledge that you have. <<Is indeed a cumulative effort>> Best regards, Marc & Belinda Barry <<Cheers, Eric Russell>> Re: Wrasse Compatibility II - 08/03/06 Dear WWM, <<Hello...Eric here again>> Thank you so much for your quick response. <<Quite welcome>> Yes we have had trouble with our six-line in the past chasing other fish but for some reason has settled down over the past few months. <<Well and good my friend...but keep a watchful eye on any new additions. The fact the six-line wrasse has been in/acclimated to the system for several months can spell disaster for newly added fishes of similar size/habits/food preferences>> We did not realize that the twinspot would kill other fish. <<Not so much a "killer" of fish as it will "consume" fishes small enough to eat. About like most wrasse species would do...just that this one will get quite big (to 24" in the wild)>> Would this be a danger now in his juvenile (sp?) stage? <<Not with what you have listed>> We do have smaller gobies in the tank. <<Likely not a worry for now>> When we called the fish store we were told it would take 4 years before he would grow to be big enough to do any damage and then would only go after snails, ornamental shrimp, small crabs, etc. <<Mmm, can't say for sure just how long it will be before this fish becomes problematic (some factors to consider such as environmental constraints/developmental retardation, feeding/nutrition, bullying/stunting from other fishes, etc.), but I would think you will see problems before four years are up...nor do I agree with the opinion the fish will only go after invertebrates. These may be preferred food stuffs, but in the confines of an aquarium, behaviors very often become "modified">> We did talk about returning him, but not sure we can catch him. <<All the more reason to research before you buy <grin> >> We thought we would keep him until he got big and then give him to a friend who has a more aggressive tank (2 bird wrasses and not sure what else). <<Okay>> Or would it be best to try to catch him and relocate him to their tank now (referring to twinspot)? <<Is up to you mate, but I think I would try to move it out now were this me>> What is your opinion on our choices with the twinspot? <<...?>> I would feel really bad if he killed some of our fish as we have had them for a long time. <<Ah, okay (I understand now)...I think all is fine at the moment>> Is your opinion of Alveopora the same as Goniopora? <<Pretty darn close, Alveopora still requires expert/specialized care...>> "Live long and prosper" :) Thank you all, Marc and Belinda <<Is a pleasure to assist. EricR>> Wanted: Clown Wrasse, Dead or Alive 3/17/06 I just have to say what a great site this is. <Thank you.> I have a question I hope you can answer. I have a 200 gallon tank with 200lbs of live rock. As far as fish, there is a Yellow tang, blue tang, (2) sailfin Tangs, snowflake eel, dogface puffer and a dragon wrasse. I had a clown wrasse in quarantine and put him in the main system. Everything went good. So after two days I wasn't seeing the clown wrasse at all. Then a few days later it appeared out of no where. Now it has been almost 2-3 weeks and no sighting of it at all, dead or alive. Any ideas? I heard they bury themselves in the sand but is it normal to never see it? <Do bury themselves in sand if danger threatens and as sleeping quarters. Not the easiest of wrasses to keep and does not do well with a crushed coral or similar substrate bottom, coral sand much better. I'd start poking around, not normal not to see him during the daylight hours. <James (Salty Dog)> Coris venusta Compatibility - 01/05/06 I love your website, it's been very helpful. I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out with a question. <<I'll try.>> I have a male Coris venusta that is about 4" long. Here's a link to his pics: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a240/techigirl78/coris_venusta_01.jpg and http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a240/techigirl78/coris_venusta_02.jpg. Not the best pics, but I'm working on it. <<Beautiful fish...but the 2nd picture has been moved.>> I've had him for over a month. He eats well, mostly krill and Mysis, and hasn't messed with any of my Astrea snails or 2 sea serpents. Great little fish, but there's little info available. <<Most Coris are not really suitable for hobby use. You have one of the smaller species, but it seems like I've heard/read that longtime survivability is an issue.>> I noticed you identified this species in the Coris article and mentioned in the Coris FAQ. Most info on Coris wrasses is on the gaimard or formosa, but this one doesn't reach nearly the same size and the FAQ indicated it wasn't nearly as mean. <<Would seem a more suitable, if not more readily available, aquarium specimen.>> I have two questions. First, is my 90 gallon adequate for this fish? <<Depends on other tank mates but generally speaking, yes.>> Second, what would be some good tank mates for him? I have my eye on a Halichoeres melanurus. Can I keep this fish with another wrasse? <<Mmm, maybe...and I think H. melanurus, or H. chrysus would be good choices. Do be sure to have an adequate depth of soft substrate for burying/hiding.>> Would both wrasses work in a 90 together? <<Worth a try I think.>> How about a larger blenny, such as a Midas? <<Probably fine.>> Any suggestions on tank mates would be helpful or references you could point me to with more info. <<Have you looked here? http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=7826 Thanks! Jessica Herek <<Regards, Eric Russell>>
Tankmates for a red Coris wrasse Wow...thanks for the quick reply. << You're welcome. >> Now, one last question. Originally I had decided to go with a predator tank (Dog Faced Puffer, Leopard Eel, and some kind of grouper). After I had the Tang for a while, I decided to go peaceful, with color. What are some good, really colorful, active fish that I can house with my Scopas and Coris Gaimard? << Lots of them. I'd say any damselfish (including clownfish) would be great, other tangs, any wrasse, even small angels. I'm more fond of small fish with personalities, not big pretty fish. But I'm sure you can find lots of options at a local fish store. >> I always try to look for things out of the ordinary...I don't want the "common colorful tank". << Me neither. >> Thanks, again, guys! << Blundell >> Coris Wrasse and Damsel <Hi Fishboy> I recently bought a red adult Coris that is in a 55 gallon tank with a blue devil and a pearly Jawfish. My damsel, although three times less in size than my Coris, has been a little nasty to my Coris and it spends most of the time in the crushed coral and int eating. <Damsels are mean lil fish sometimes, you have two choices I think, either remove the damsel or the coris.> please help! - Coris Wrasse - Hi Guys, My Queen Coris Wrasse has bitten the crap out of my Lionfish which is about 2 or 3 inches bigger. He never acts aggressively towards the other fish. Can my Lion not stick one on him? <Lion fish aren't particularly aggressive - I wouldn't expect that it would fight back - I take it this is what you are asking.> I have taken out the Wrasse and put him in a temporary tank. I don't want to get rid of him so is there any fish I could put in beside him? (just one) <Anything that's not too small to become food for the lionfish.> I am building a 240 gallon tank for the rest of my 5 fish which are from 3 to 4 inches (lion around 6-7 inch). I do not keep corals. How big a sump should I have? <As large as you can afford.> The hobby is getting very popular in Cape Town and all the guys I speak to I tell them about WWM. Most of them already know however. Kind Regards, James <Cheers, J -- > - Bully Wrasse - Hello Again David here <Hey David, Kevin here> Last time I mailed u guys with a tang problem I was having. This time it's a wrasse problem. My specs again just in case u need it . 160 Gal + about 40 kg live rock (don't know what it is in lbs) various corals The system has been going 4 about 30 months now. My problem, the Wrasse (Coris) still a juvenile about 5 cm. This fish keeps attacking the Mandarin. Not all the time but enough 4 me to notice this happening. The Mandarin has been in the system 4 about 2 months and the wrasse 4 about 10 months. I have a lot of other fish in the system (tangs, Gobioids etc) but they don't worry about the Mandarin. I don't think I will be able to catch the wrasse without destroying the tank, is there anything else I can do? <If the wrasse is well-fed and otherwise happy, it is likely just a bully. The only thing to stop the aggression would be to remove it from the tank (obviously not an easy task, I'd try one of the commercially available clear fish traps) and either return it to the store it came from, or quarantine it away from the other fish for a while. Not an easy fix with this one! -Kevin> Thanks David Re: Sick Coris Wrasse Hi Guys, I have been successfully keeping a Lime Green Coris Wrasse for around 8 months. He was around 1 inch long when I got him and he has steadily grown to over 4 inches. He has never had problems eating and has never been harassed by other fish or had any other problems until yesterday morning when I found him belly up on the bottom of my display tank. I thought he was dead but noticed his gills still moving...and not moving fast either but breathing normally. <Yikes> I nudged him lightly with my tongs and he tried to swim away but could only wriggled around on his back. I did notice that his belly seems to be enlarged, but he has always had somewhat of a "big belly". All of my other fish are doing great and eating well and there has really not been any changes made in my system to cause such a sudden effect. <Frightening> Is there anyway to determine what caused this poor fish to get sick? <Not as far as I'm aware> Also, is this fish doomed or is there anything I can do to save him ? <Really only able to wait at this point. Hopefully your wrasse will "cure" spontaneously as it has taken ill. Bob Fenner> Regards, Chuck Spyropulos - Coris Wrasse Questions - Hi, <Hi, JasonC here...> I am fairly new to the marine aquarium hobby (8 months) and now have two tanks, a 180 with semi aggressive species and a 75 that I'm setting up as a peaceful tank. I recently (5 days ago) purchased a red coris wrasse and, after acclimating it, introduced it to my 75 gallon tank housing a potter's angel, a hippo (blue) tang and a sunburst Anthias. <You should learn to add a quarantine to your mix... keep that fish separated for four weeks or so before introducing it to the main system. More reading on that can be found here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/quaranti.htm > The wrasse immediately buried itself and, except for a brief moment on two of the last four days, I have not seen it. It has not had anything to eat since I purchased it and I'm getting a little worried that it may not fare well or that I may have wasted my money on a fish that I may never see. <Again, this is a good reason for quarantine is that it gives your fish a chance to get used to your feeding habits and also time for you to get used to the fish. That is the nature of these wrasses... they bury themselves when they feel threatened.> Is there any way to coax this fish out? <It will eat if it gets hungry enough and will likely show its face then.> Should I even try? <I would leave it be for a short while... you certainly don't want it to die and stay in the sandbed.> Would it be okay to find it and bring it to the surface then shower it with yummy food stuff? <I'd try with just the food - perhaps some meaty items like shrimp, krill, or Mysis.> Any good advice? <Read up more about the Coris wrasse here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/coris/index.htm > Bob Jones <Cheers, J -- > Wrasse Losing It's Energy? Bob <Scott F. here- sorry about the delay in response- please note that we have changed our email addy to crew@wetwebmedia.com > I have a yellowtail-coris wrasse that I can't quite figure out. I have had my tiny aquatic life setup for about 1 and a half years. The other tank mate, a snowflake eel and a volition lion fish, are doing very well. I have had this coris wrasse for about 9 months or so. Over the past few weeks I have been noticing an increasing lack of energy. He also seems to be getting thinner. I can now see the line down the center of his body. I believe this is some sort of cartilage or tiny bone structure present in all fish. (I'm not an anatomy expert). Now he spends most of his day laying down on the bottom, sometimes straight up, sometimes on his side. He will still eat but returns to his lazy ways after eating. Also during the nightly burial in the rocks/sand he doesn't dive very deep. Lately you can see almost all of his body on the surface. Before, at night, you could not find him anywhere as he was buried deep into the substrate. The fish is approximately 5" in length at this time. I have been feeding him mainly frozen Mysis shrimp. Although he does sometimes get pieces of peeled shrimp which are fed to the other tank-mates. Occasionally he will get to chase after a fresh water rosy feeder. <Freshwater fish are not really a great food for marine fish, BTW> No visible signs are present on his body indicating a parasite or other disease. He does seem to have some white markings around his eyes but they may have been there all along. (they are straight not circular) Is this something to be concerned about, or does he just have a case of the blues? Your help is always appreciated! Also, any help with keeping the temperature down in my tank? I have tried to reduce the light spectrum to about 5 or 6 hours. ..but the temp is still about 85 or so. The room temp is about 77. I do have live rock but do not have any corals or anemones. -Bryan <Well, Bryan, lethargy and lack of movement are never good signs in a fish. It could be indicative of a disease, poor water conditions, or even malnutrition. Do check on water conditions. Also, 85 degrees is really too warm for long-term health of your fishes. Take whatever measures you can to reduce this temperature gradually. The fact that he is eating is a good thing, however. Perhaps try enriching his foods with vitamins or additives, such as Selcon. Keep a close eye on him. If things start looking worse, move him to a hospital tank for more observation, directed feeding, and maybe just some plain old rest. Hopefully, he will regain his appearance and vigor with a little TLC! Good luck!> Re: Identifying Wrasse ?? > http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/index.htm <Shown, a Coris gaimard adult> It looks like this one but it has a blue tail and less fringe but the coloring is the same. I forgot to mention . <There are a few choices here... the wrasse in question is likely a Coris sp. though... Please peruse fishbase.org with the genus name, sort through the species, images to see if there's a match... Note that per the species pages, when you click on the one image provided, it opens a screen to all images of the species, and on that page a link to Google Images... very useful as these fishes often display wide geographical variation as well as striking changes as juveniles, initial (female) and terminal (male) phases. Bob Fenner> Clown Wrasse Hello WWM Crew, and good job on an excellent site. My girlfriend fell in love with a clown wrasse (also called Red Coris Wrasse) at the LFS recently, and declared 'we *will* have this fish one day'. Thankfully she understands the importance of learning before buying, so I'm being diligent and doing some homework first. <I am glad to hear it.> After doing a lot of reading, my concern rests on compatibility. Are these fish going to eat anything they can get their mouths around? Tank is a 110 FOWLR; 55 lbs live rock, 4"-6" DSB, external refugium/sump. Inhabitants are three damsels, magenta Dottyback, coral beauty angel, three stars and various Trochus/astrea snails. I know this can be the only wrasse we put in there, but I'd hate to not be able to get anything else because it'll eat anything smaller. The fish wish list includes an ocellaris pair, niger trigger, purple/yellow tang. We'll not end up with all of these; they're just on the wish list for the moment. Any insight you have will help. <Please see here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/coris/index.htm for the answers you are seeking, following on through the blue linked files on the top of the page and even perhaps the "Bibliography/Further Reading" section.> Thank you, Salvatore <Have a nice day! -Steven Pro> Yellow Coris Wrasse Hello Robert, <<Actually, it's JasonC filling in for Bob while he goes diving...>> Most of the time the FAQ's answer my questions, but this time I need some direct help! <<well, once the time comes, this too will be filed and may help the next person. We can only hope.>> My Yellow Coris Wrasse that I purchased form my LFS is missing its lips or tissue area around it's mouth (poor guy). <<Egads! poor guy indeed>> He looked fine when I bought him three days ago. <<does this mean you didn't ask to see him eat at the LFS?>> He hid the first two days and when he came out today, I noticed him thrashing his head into the substrate minus the tissue around his mouth. <<ouch>> My tank conditions are fine and all my corals and other fish are fine. I've moved him to a quarantine tank for now. <<can't imagine your other fish would be affected, except to watch a neighbor-fish bum-out, stress... alleviated when you moved the wrasse to quarantine>> Any ideas or solutions? <<not much more than you've done. try to get this fella eating well - keep an eye on the wound (shall we call it that?) and with some good fortune it will heal. The wound could be a byproduct of capture [barbless hook] and as such, you just got it a little too early. These wounds will heal but do require isolation to insure the animal isn't hassled while having other difficulties: eating, etc. Keep the water in quarantine as clean/fresh as possible and try to keep find some wrasse-food-favorites, and then load that food with vitamins, Selcon, Zoecon/Zo? etc.>> Thanks so much for this wonderful service and web site! Curvin York, PA USA <<Glad you enjoy the site. Do know that Bob will be reading and will appreciate your kind words. Good luck, J -- >> Re: Yellow Coris Wrasse Hello JasonC! Wow, how is that for prompt service! I only sent the e-mail about an hour ago! Thanks so much for the quick response! <<my pleasure>> Thanks for the advice on seeing fish eat at the fish store (I didn't do this). Only one thing to add on that note, he is eating very well! <<Good stuff - this is probably the best we can hope for at this point. Keep up the good work, and you now have something new to add to your repertoire when you next venture out for an additional fish.>> Thanks Again! Curvin <<Cheers, J -- >> Re: Photo (and book re) of Coris Gaimard... Bob: I have your photo of Coris gaimard with no message. I presume you want me to confirm the identification. The fish is this species. You really should order Indo-Pacific Fishes. Number 29, for example, is my revision of Indo-Pacific Coris with 24 species, six of which are new. There are 120 color figures. Did I sent you the price list? If not, give me an address, and I will. Aloha, Jack <Thank you for this Jack. Must have left off the description (should be on Subject line. Something like: Sub-adult Coris gaimard off of Kailua-Kona (was there last week). Please do send along price list: Bob Fenner 10251 Thanksgiving Lane San Diego, CA 92126 Mahalo, Bob> Hi Bob, unidentified goby. Hello Bob, how are you. <Fine my friend, thank you.> It would be nice if you could help me identify this marine goby. my regal tang cannot bare that fish at all, why is that, as soon as he sees the goby, he gets furious. <Yes... Regal (aka Pajama, Clown...)Tangs, Acanthurus lineatus do often get riled over "similarly striped" fishes, ones that use similar foods, parts of "their" habitat... This is likely a species of wrasse (family Labridae), but can't discern it from where I am (visiting in Hawai'i). Will take a look through references at home in the next few days. Give me a reminder/shout if I become a laggard.><<Lost the image... but if memory serves, possibly a Coris auricularius... see fishbase.org for more here> let me know, if you find the time... Stefi, London. <Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Wrasse Dilemma Yes I have a 180 FOWLR Tank with about 150 lbs. of live rock in the tank. The only occupants in the tank right now are a 12" Snowflake Eel, 5" Rainbow Wrasse and an 8" Red Sea Lunar Wrasse. Now my question is what other types of Wrasse can I add with what I have? <There are hundreds... please check over the many wrasse sections posted on the site: www.WetWebMedia.com> I know that I will be purchasing a Bluechin Trigger or a Crosshatch Trigger. My Wrasse choices have been narrowed down to a Formosa, Twinspot and a Red Coris Wrasse all about six inches in length (listed in the order of importance). I talked to a guy at The Marine Center in Texas and he has all the fish that I want in stock. I see that you have information on your site about the Red Coris but nothing really on the others. Does the Formosa or Twinspot have the same characteristics as the Red Coris? <Hmm, these other genus Coris wrasses should be listed... please see the coverage under the genus name...> I have never seen an adult Formosa for myself but just a picture and think that this would be a great addition to my tank Will all these fish get along in the tank together is my real question? <They should, yes... in a size, shape of system you describe...> Since I like them all which ones will be my better choice if they will not get along together? <Best would be the Coris gaimard... then Formosa... last the aygula... this species gets to two feet in length.> There will be no other additions to the tank unless a can find something like a Hawkfish or Hogfish that would be large enough that the other fish will mess with. Also another quick question, the guy at the Marine Center told me that shipping to the airport would be better than Fed Ex, is this true? <Of a certainty yes... the FedEx folks are fine for non-living material... but they can/do have packages delayed, placed in non-ideal temperature areas... Meet the shipment at the airport...> In addition, The Marine Center doesn?t offer any live arrival guarantee like ffexpress. Do you have any preference on anyone of these dealers for ordering fish? <Only by reputation... and order to order... the Marine Center folks are "the real thing"... know their stuff, honest, and do their best...> I live in VA and that is a long way from both Texas and CA. I'm taking a big risk for a lot of money either way I go. Help me please. <Order from Texas with confidence... no worries about the time/distance... these animals are shipped much longer space/temporally than to VA... Bob Fenner> |
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