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Queen Triggerfish behavior and compatibility
5/18/12 Queen Triggerfish 5/14/12 Re: Japanese Dragon eel, incomp. 11/14/10 Keeping a clown and a queen trigger
together 9/6/2010 Queen Trigger... sys., not releasing TWA life, any life where it is or not indigenous 3/12/2009 Hello Bob, <Ferdinand> I have a 4 feet long, 20 inches tall and 20 inches wide aquarium with a 20 gallon sump underneath. Is this size aquarium suitable for me to put 6.5 inches queen trigger for one year and half? <Mmm, by itself? Likely so...> Afterwards, I plan to let it go to the sea <No my friend... Really NO! An exceedingly poor idea. Please not only should you never release non-indigenous species to the wild, you should be on the forefront of educating others in NOT doing this> since I live in Jakarta, Indonesia close to the beach. Hope to hear from you soon, thank you. Regards, Ferdinand. <Have been there, Bali, Lombok, Sulawesi... to many other wonderful islands of Indo... Please, help keep them natural. Bob Fenner> Re: Queen Trigger 3/12/2009 Hi Bob, <Ferdinand> Thanks for the quick reply. Out of my curiosity, is it possible that you could explain to me why is it such a poor idea for the queen trigger (imported from Brazil) as the non-indigenous species to be released into the wild since Indonesian marine life also have many habitat of aggressive types of trigger fish such as undulated or titan trigger? <I certainly will... There exists, even though remote, some chance of this fish, Balistes vetula, finding, mating with either another released member of its species, or perhaps cross-breeding with a close-enough related species... This event might well be catastrophic to existing stocks of wildlife... displacing other species, occupying habitat, consuming other desired species (as in any)... Another possible source of trouble might be pathogenic and parasitic disease that might be introduced, spread through your action here... I encourage you to take a look at the current troubles with the introduction of Indo-Pacific life... The Volitans Lion particularly as a case study... Perhaps starting here: http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/aquatics/lionfish.shtml and the links therein... sobering> Moreover, if I cannot release the queen trigger into the wild, how long is the maximum time for me to keep this particular fish by itself in a happy mood in my aquarium size before they outgrow the tank? <Perhaps a few years... with scant feeding, a bit longer> I appreciate your time and information. Thank you. <Thank you for this chance/discourse. BobF> Query - Queen Triggerfish Nesting in the Wild?
8/1/07 Hi, <Hello there> I'm doing some research for a
species profile of the Queen Triggerfish and I'm finding it very
difficult to locate information about their breeding strategy in the
wild, for this specific species. <Mmm, I have a scar on my right
wrist from a Balistes vetula incident...> I have Googled from here
until kingdom come but come up only with breeding habits of other
triggerfish such as Titans! I am of the opinion that it's not safe
to assume one member of a genus behaves exactly like the others, so I
was wondering if I could get your input... are Queen Triggers demersal
substrate spawners that use sand nests like most other triggerfish?
<This is correct> Or is the subject of their breeding habits
completely unknown? <Not unknown...> On this page of your FAQs
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/queentrigfaqs.htm), "Bob F"
mentions having come across a Queen Trigger nesting area while diving,
resulting in a nasty bite, can he kindly describe for me in a little
more detail whether he actually saw a nest? <I did and have on other
occasions> Was it a depression in the sand? <Yes> Does he or
anyone else at WWM have any other personal accounts of what looks like
breeding behaviour of these fish in the wild? <Apparent males
guard... attract more than one female... depressions are about a half
meter in diameter (larger with larger spawners)... territories at least
ten meters in diameter...> This is the only snippet of information I
have come across on he web of a person actually seeing a QUEEN Trigger
(and not some other trigger) defending a nest, so I really appreciate
your valuable input! All the best, Natascia Tamburello <There are
some "book" accounts of this species reproductive behavior...
A computer search bibliography ought to turn up the authors, works...
Bob Fenner, out, away from his library. See the names Ron Thresher
(Reproduction in Reef Fishes) and Robert P.L. Straughan> Triggerfish Growth Rate - 04/16/07 Hey Crew. <<Hey "Drowning in Dover">> I got myself into a bit of trouble this evening. <<Ruh-roh>> Thanks to Mother Nature and the Nor'easter we are currently experiencing my build plans for a large trigger tank has been put on hold...probably indefinitely. <<Yeeikes! Not a flooding victim I hope...>> A damaged basement is only part of the problem. <<Mmm...doesn't sound pretty>> The other part of the problem is that I currently have a juvenile (4") Queen Trigger (B. vetula) enjoying a 72g bowfront holding tank...or what was supposed to be a holding tank! <<Indeed...though small now, this fish has the potential for getting LARGE>> How fast do these fish grow? <<Though variable, triggerfishes as a whole seem to be fairly slow growers>> I took a leap of faith when I saw this fish appear in my LFS a few weeks ago...the 365g tank she was supposed to go in was already underway...so I thought my empty 72g bow would be a great temporary house. <<I see>> Any advice? <<This size tank is not suitable for the long-term...as you seem aware of. And though the fish could likely be housed in such for a time, I'm not a fan of trying to "grow" large fishes in small environments as I believe this leads to behavioral and health issues>> If I need to give up the fish I will. <<I guess that depends on what the future holds for you re a larger tank>> I don't see any plans to get the larger tank going in the near future. It looks like this tank is going to be the only tank I will have going for a long time. <<Hmmm...then maybe the question of "what to do" has just been answered>> If I do give her up, any suggestions for a suitable trigger for my 72g bow? <<I'm a bit hesitant but...if this fish is going to be the "centerpiece" and tankmates are kept small/to a minimum, I think you could try one of the smaller Rhinecanthus species like R. verrucosus...maybe even R. assasi or R. rectangulus. Do be sure to allow plenty of swimming space...>> Thanks! "Drowning in Dover" <<Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Regards, EricR>> To Trigger or Not to Trigger 11/12/06 Hi, and thanks for the great website. <Welcome> I current have a 125 gallon saltwater tank that has been up and running for 6 months. Current residents are: 2 yellow tang (and they get along great), 2 clownies, 1 coral beauty, 1 Toby puffer, and 1 dog face puffer. My LFS recently obtained a vampire trigger (queen trigger?). <Balistes vetula?> I am in love with this fish. Will this be a good addition to the neighborhood? <Uh, no> I think I know the answer, but if I see it in writing will abide by your answer. Thanks for the great info. <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/triggers/balistes/index.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Moving X-LARGE Queen Trigger 11/5/06 Hello! <Hi there> I am going to be moving our store's mascot tomorrow and would like your opinion on some of the methods we are thinking of using. And, if you have any recommendations, please give me some! :) <Hotay!> Our mascot is a 17 inch Queen Triggerfish. She is going to be moved into a 180 gallon tank - she's in a 55 gallon right now. The tank isn't even a full two feet away from her current tank. We are going to move her tomorrow, and we will be filmed for our local news station, so we want this to look good! :) She will be fully acclimated by a drip method before the move happens. As for the methods we have thought about... 1. "bucketing" her. This would involve scooping her up into a bucket and then gently submersing the bucket into the 180. <This is best... do watch your hands/fingers... and back while lifting> 2. "toweling" her. This would involve placing a wet bath towel into the tank and scooping her up. Then clutching the top so that she cannot escape. Then submersing the towel and the trigger into the new tank. 3. "bagging" her. This would involve taking a large plastic bag (12 x 20), filling it with aquarium water from her current tank, and having that set aside. Then take two other of the bags, make slits in the center of the bag, and then scoop her up with that, placing that into the bag of water, and then gently submersing her into the tank. <Will likely chew right through most any thickness, multiple bags> Unfortunately, this fish will not deal with a net, she is too strong, which is why I am not going to "bag" her as most would do. Float the bag, etc. If you have any recommendations for me, I would love to hear them! :) Thanks so much! Wendy Legeret Wendy's Blue Lagoon <A suitably large, semi-flexible bucket is best here. Good moving! Bob Fenner> Queen Trigger, Trigger In/Comp. 8/8/06 Hello all, I'm interested to know your thoughts on the following scenarios. If it's not too much of a problem). My mum said that I would be able to get a 180 gallon tank, and I plan to set it up with triggers. Would it be possible to house a queen trigger and an undulated trigger together in this size tank? <Possibly... but not likely... the Queen will be after the other, likely all other fish livestock...> Do these two fish grow at the same rate, and do they get to the same size as adults? <Good question... and no. The Queen grows much more quickly, gets much larger> I currently have the undulated in a 55gallon (he's about 3 inches) and want to move him to a bigger home, I haven't bought the queen yet. I have fallen in love with the queen triggers, they are beautiful. <I would not try a Balistes vetula with this fish> If you don't think it's big enough what size tank would be suitable? <Bedroom size... really. This TWA species has a large "territory"> They would be the only two inhabitants. If not these two triggers then what two do you suggest I might have more luck with in this size environment?? <Perhaps a Rhinecanthus species> I am open to any and all your suggestions, you guys truly are a great team to ask advice of!! Thanks for your time, Jarryd <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/triggers/index.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Filtration for Queen Trigger 07/21/06 Hello! < Howdy! > I just love your site - great information and such a great service you offer! < Bob and the crew do an excellent job! > As for my question, I guess I really don't have one but more of asking your opinion sort of thing. < I have plenty of them! > In my store, I have a 16" Queen Trigger who is going to be placed in a 180 gallon aquarium by herself. < That sounds like a great idea! > I am going to be building the stand out of cinder blocks and 2 x 4's for a few reasons. First of all, my store is VERY SMALL. Not a whole lot of room - my store is not even 800 square feet. The perimeter is full of tanks and the middle is full of supplies and display tanks for sale - just wanted to give you an idea of why I am placing here on cinder blocks! LOL < Be very careful when stacking the blocks. The holes should be up/down, NOT left/right! I am speaking from experience, having been peppered by the shrapnel of one turned the wrong way! This may alter your shelving idea a little. Sorry if it does. > Anyway, I am planning on using the under section of her tank for other products - the cinder's are going to be 5 high and staggered for placement of 2 x 4's for shelves. The opinion I am looking for is this - The tank is going to out in the open where she can be seen on all four sides. Because of this, I am hesitant to add a sump, wet/dry, or canister because of little ones, adults, and kids could possibly put something in the system. Currently, she is in a 55 gallon on her own with 2 Penguin 350's, two 12" airstones that are hooked up to a 250 horse blower, and 2 large Chemi pure. I am thinking about adding maybe an extra shelf for a canister and then put a bio-wheel filter as an extra. What do you think? < I like the idea of having the filtration inaccessible. Have you considered internal filtration? If you have enough live rock, an internal canister filter (whether manufactured or fabricated) may be more than adequate enough. Investigate the pond section of this site for ideas on internal filters. > Thanks so much! Sincerely, Wendy Legeret Wendy's Blue Lagoon Triggerfish Project - Using Fishbase 4.3.05 Hello. Thank you for reading my email. <Hi, no problem! Ryan helping you today.> I have a couple of questions about Queen Triggerfish: 1. What eats the Queen Triggerfish? 2. What is the Queen Triggerfish's life cycle? 3. About how long does the Queen Triggerfish live? 4. How is the Queen Triggerfish's reproduction? <What kind of teacher just gives up the info? I'll make you a deal. I'll give you the Latin name for the fish. With this, you can sound really smart AND you can look all this stuff up quickly. I'll even point you in the right direction. Go here: http://fishbase.org/search.cfm - Under scientific name, you need to use two names. The first, is the Genus. The second is the species. Here's the info for your fish: Genus: Balistes Species: vetula >>> Thank you again. I hope that you can answer these important questions. I am doing a class project, and I need these questions answered. <And now, you'll be able to find the answer. Keep up the good work. Ryan> - Trigger Help - I just put my queen trigger in yesterday and I fed him some gold fish and he ate them pretty quickly after they went in his tank... <Would suggest you find a different source of food... live food, feeders are a bad choice. Any meaty seafood will do [squid, shrimp, etc.].> but today he's going crazy swimming really fast one side of the tank to the other and he's not eating his food... he swims really fast and sometime knocks the heater off the glass and the filters too... and then he calms down... and then does it again... is he ok? <Yes, is likely fine. Many fish, especially those new to captivity obsess over their reflection in the surfaces of the tank... typically want to kill that fish on the other side. Not a bad thing, but you may want to find another place for that heater. Cheers, J -- > Sexing Queen Triggerfishes? 2/17/05 How can you determine the sex of a Queen Trigger? Thank You <I'm not aware of any reliable dimorphism, although we can tell you that these fishes are not hermaphrodites. Perhaps do some searches in the academic archives at: http://scholar.google.com/ kindly, Anthony> Queen Trigger Question Hi, I just bought a BEAUTIFUL queen trigger today.. and I have it quarantined at the moment, he's about 9 inches long, the guy at the store said he was probably about 2 years old.... my question is what is the average Life-span for one of these guys?? thank you <Several years... have lived at least a decade in captivity.... MEAN though. Bob Fenner> Queen trigger WWM <Robert> I have this beautiful Queen Trigger (Balistes vetula) which I purchased at a LFS. I placed it in a 20 gal quarantine tank that has live sand and a small amount of live rock, to which it adapted rapidly. A couple of days after this purchase, I noticed some subtle off-white bumps (that really look like little spikes, or raised scales) that are definitely raised, about 0.5-1 mm. They are only noticeable when looking at the fish from the head or tail ends. At first I just observed for about two weeks, during which time the spots did not increase in number or size. Also, whether related or not, the fish's coloring is blotchy, not solid green with blue stripes as pictured in The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Bob Fenner, on page 313. The fish is active, a voracious eater and generally healthy. I have had this fish in isolation over 2 months. I have tried fresh water dips with Methylene blue, transferred to a treatment tank with copper for 3 weeks and, most recently, have even tried Maracyn-Two. To this day, the spots/spikes persist with no change. It is difficult to tell if the spots have always been in the same location. I have also attempted photographing the spots to send with this email, but did not get good results. I am tempted to place this fish in my 300 gallon show tank with the other fish but have this nagging feeling that there is still something going on here that I don't understand. <Perhaps... but...> The fish remains in the treatment tank for ~2 weeks of no treatment. I have place carbon in the filter to clean up the water after the treatments. Again, no change. This fish seems very healthy despite these spots. Any suggestion? Thanks Rob Peters Palmer, Alaska <The coloration difference may well be simply resultant from collection, holding stress... or even just a color variation. The bumps I would not be overly concerned re... they might be parasitic (maybe a type of worm), but very unlikely to spread to other species of fishes. I would go ahead with your plans of placing this specimen in your main system at this point. Bob Fenner> Queen trigger in a 240 Hi, <Hello!> I have a 240 gallon FO system. I have 12" Sohal Tang and a 15'' maculosus angel. They are the only 2 fish in my system. I love queen triggers, I know that they are the MOST aggressive fish in marine. If I buy a little one, and let it grow to an full adult, will it still kill my 2 other fish?? <My friend...all fish are individuals. If the tank is lightly stocked with lots of rocks and other things for cover, you should be alright. But no guarantees. David Dowless> Queen trigger question I have a 100 gallon tank and am thinking about getting a small queen trigger, I was wondering what I could keep with it. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Samit <<Hi Samit, These WWM links will tell you what you need to know. Can you say "alpha", dominant, aggressive??? Go to: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/triggers/balistoides/ and start here for stocking questions: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stocking1.htm Hope this helps you, Craig>> Re: That Balistes vetula in your face! Bob, Help me out here...my son Roberto has been bugging me for months to ask you the circumstances of your Queen Trigger scar. <It was back in Korea in '53... Actually off of Central America circa '73 with an old timey Nikonos rig and a rushing Queen that I tried to ward off with the point and shoot... I thought I had done so completely, but when caught my breath, the TWA balistid had nipped me but good on the wrist.> I tried explaining that the story behind the scar is you wouldn't share the last cold one in the waist cooler you wear while diving and the Trigger got justifiably ticked off! <Just wasn't looking/seeing what was going on... waded/floated into the "nest area" (no other sizable fishes present)... was "escorted out" hence. Bob F> Worried about my Queen Trigger Hello: <Howdy> I hope you may have heard or seen what my Queen Trigger is experiencing. I've noticed for about 1 week some blotches on his body. These blotches are not white and are not in any pattern. These blotches kind of look like blisters (no color) and can only be seen in good light. There are no marks or blotches on his fins. He is eating well and does not seem to have any breathing problems. If this is a disease, I want to start treatment ASAP. <Not a disease. Normal to stress-related markings> I've become very attached to him. He is about 2-1/2 years old and in a 75 gallon tank by himself. I keep the water temp around 78-80 and salinity around 1.023 or 024. I was wondering if you have ever heard of a trigger fish shedding? <Yes> He is not itching on rocks. I've read books on diseases and this does not seem to fit into any category. If you have any suggestions or have ever seen this type of problem, please let me know so I can help him ASAP. Thanks for any help. Leigh <I am a big fan of the balistids (intend/ed to work on their systematics for my doctorate)... and have always followed their husbandry and popular writing (have a scar from a Balistes vetula from years back in the Bahamas... anyhow, don't be overly-concerned here. All likely fine. This species does "shed" and does display the markings you so well note. Bob Fenner> Re: Grouper (actually Queen Trigger) I had a 6" grouper and a 4" queen trigger really nasty. The grouper was not eating the way a grouper eats and I thought it was because of the trigger. When I got home in the evening the groupers fins were all gone and one side of his body looked like someone scaled him. I knew he would not survive so I put him in a pitcher to freeze and die peacefully. Could the queen trigger have done this to him or was this some type of disease? <Unfortunately this damage was very likely due to the Trigger. A very territorial species> The night before he was fine and every night I check my fish with a magnifying glass. Can a disease attack a fish so rapidly? In the tank I also have a volitans lion and a dog face puffer both are eating when the trigger allows them two. <I encourage you to trade this Queen Trigger in. There are some "rapid onset" infectious diseases of fishes... but they would have been manifest on your other fishes... Bob Fenner>
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