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This family contains some of the most readily recognized (though not universally loved) freshwater aquarium fishes; the larger Pencilfishes and Headstanders. They bear characteristically small, apical to upturned mouths that are small and non-protractile. Most have elongated bodies with a short anal and dorsal fins. Pencilfishes often orient their bodies at oblique angles... the Headstanders go over even further, often angled at more than forty five degrees, some, greater than 90 at times. A few of these species make good "medium" community additions... but many are suitable only for the very roughest company... Way too many fishes fins, bodies and eyes will be damaged today by being mis-matched with some anostomids. Two Subfamilies: the subfamily Anostominae (ten genera, about 105 species) includes the larger Pencilfishes and most of the Headstanders. The Chilodontinae, with two genera, five species, are occasionally seen as the Headstander genus Chilodus.
Bibliography/Further Reading:
ADI Staff. Undated. Headstanders for the home aquarium. ADI #54.
Anon. 1975. Cigar-shaped Characins. ADI 3:1, 75.
Donovan, Paul. 1997. The family Anostomidae. TFH 8/97.
Fehrs, Jens Peter. 1976. Community tank for Headstanders. ADI 4:1, 76.
Geisler, Rolf. 1959. Spawning Chilodus punctatus. TFH 8/59.
Walker, Braz. 1969. A real oldtimer (Anostomus anostomus). The Aquarium 6/69.
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