FAQs on Establishing Cycling Products in
Freshwater Systems
Related Articles: Establishing Cycling, Freshwater Filtration, Setting up a Freshwater Aquarium, Tips for Beginners, Water Quality and Freshwater
Related FAQs: Establishing Cycling 1, Establishing Cycling 2,
Establishing Cycling 3,
Cycling Trouble-Fixing, &
Filtration, Freshwater
Filtration, Freshwater
Environmental Disease, Nitrates in Freshwater Aquariums,
Ammonia, FW Nitrites, FW
Nitrates, Chemical Filtrants,
Marineland's BioSpira, (out of biz),
Now Dr. Tim's One and Only
Hagen's Cycle
Ammonia readings after fishless cycle. Using exogenous
ammonia... not too much! 2/9/13
Hello WWM,
I'm setting up new planted tank. It is a 12g nano cube. I'm on the
second week of my fishless cycle. It seem to have cycled in just 9 days.
On day 1 I added pure ammonia to 5ppm. Ammonia dropped to 0 on day
3 and nitrite spiked to 3ppm on that day so I lowered my dose to 3ppm of
ammonia. Then on day 6 nitrites dropped and nitrates raised just a
little from 20 to 40.
<Interesting... what else had you done...?>
I kept adding ammonia up to 3ppm and on day 9 the ammonia was down to 0
within 24 hours so I thought the tank was cycled then. I kept adding
ammonia everyday to 3ppm as I did not get a chance to get my fish yet.
On day 12 I noticed ammonia didn't drop to 0 but it stayed at 1ppm.
I'm on day 14 now and I have not added any more ammonia but it is still
reading 1ppm.
<Something is decomposing, deaminating here>
All my other parameters are still the same (ph 6.8, nitrite 0, nitrates
40) but ammonia is just hanging at 1ppm. I didn't do a water change yet
<I would... and add a bit of baking soda... a level teaspoon; will help>
because I was waiting till a day before I get the fish to do a 50% water
change. My question is, does this mean the nitrogen cycle is not done
yet or is there something else I need to do like a pwc to get the tank
back on track?
<Is not done... if there is measurable NH3/NH4OH present>
Btw when I started the tank I put eco complete substrate, a piece of
Malaysian driftwood,
<This could be a source of the forestalling... but will cycle in time>
3 river rocks for decor, 2 plants, and aqua chargers for biological
<These too>
Also the tank has sponge filter and activated carbon which I plan to
remove once the nitrogen cycle is complete. Any ideas and advice will be
Thank you,
<Time in a bottle. Just patience required here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Ammonia readings after fishless cycle. 2/9/13
Hello Bob Fenner, thank you for the prompt response!
<Welcome Fremi!>
I just have a few questions. 1 what will the baking soda do to the
nitrogen cycle, and do I add it to the main tank or the filter area?
<It (sodium bicarbonate) will speed on the cycle... help w/ resisting
the reductive events...>
2 what do you mean by the
forestalling with the driftwood and the aqua chargers?
<These are very likely acting to lengthen the time of establishing
See WWM re FW biofiltration>
3 should I add more
ammonia to bring it up to 3ppm or just wait until it drops to 0? Thanks
again, Fremi
<I would not raise the level more than 1.0 ppm now... too much ammonia
poisons all life, including nitrifying microbes. BobF>
Easy Balance and cycling questions 10/16/12
Hi folks
Right, I'll ask the quick one first. I recently bought a new 70 litre
tank and it came with whatever Tetra's version of tap safe is, a small
tub of food and some mystery product called "Easy Balance" that claims I
only need to do water changes once every six months if I use it. It also
seems to "stabilise pH and KH". Is this stuff snake-oil, consignable
only to the bin or is it worth using it until the bottle is empty? I'm
always hesitant to believe extraordinary claims and anything that mucks
with my water chemistry makes me uneasy.
<Personally, I'd probably donate it to a local fish club for the next
auction. Nothing can replace water changes in my opinion.>
I won't buy any more of it, anyway, since I'm not paying for something
that elbow grease can accomplish just as easily, just curious.
<Set up another small tank and play with it if you are curious.>
The purpose of the tank was to set up the Betta Splendens "Sorority"
scenario as per this thread (amongst others):
I know it's a risk but I am keeping a really close eye on them and have
backup nanos to use as hospital tanks or outright isolation tanks. So
far, I've not seen any real open aggression, just a few nips, chases and
a bit of flaring. No worse than Danios, so far. Fingers crossed! I've
got some lovely specimens too, with some of them really similar in
colouration to wild betas.
<Females can often live in a sorority tank. Depends on the individuals.>
Into this new tank went a mature bubbler filter and a new All Pond
Solutions 600 litres per hour internal filter. I rubbed the wetted
media from the 600lph over mature filter media from my other tanks. The
media from each mature filter was also rinsed in the new aquarium's
water with the "pumps running". I want to go with the 600lph since the
trick to this setup seems to be slight overstocking to disperse
aggression. I thought over filtering might not be a bad plan in this
<Just watch your water currents. Bettas are still water fish.>
I didn't expect the bubbler to keep up with 8 female betas in a 70 litre
tank, but I didn't expect it too be too harsh on them either, especially
with frequent partial water changes (plan was 10% per day, depending on
analysis) and light feeding. Sort of an "assisted" fish in cycle. Well,
it seems like the bubbler is keeping up after all, two weeks in and not
a jot of ammonia in my daily tests. I'm now feeding normal amounts and
doing my standard 20% weekly water change. The issue I have is that I'm
not sure how long to leave the bubbler running in parallel with the new
filter. Normally I'd set up a tank with a new filter, go fishless and be
able to monitor the cycle but this isn't really an option here.
<I have a sponge filter going in all my tanks in tandem with HOB
filters, unless I don't want currents, then it's only sponge filters.
I think you can just use common sense here. Just turn it off for a few
days and leave it in the tank so you don't lose the bacteria. If trouble
starts, turn it back on.>
Just as an aside, so far I really like these internal filters from All
Pond Solutions for Betta setups. They come with an optional spray bar
that you can adjust the angle of egress on. The spray bar really reduces
the force of water and with the outlet holes angled toward the back of
the tank it does so even further. I have another smaller one cycling in
another tank to use with my male Betta. I can get rid of the ugly
home-made baffle on the outside of his internal filter soon. Still, they
are dirt cheap, so I'll be interested to see how much life I get out of
<Have not used them myself.>
Anyroad, thanks for any advice you can give, both on the new filter
cycle issue, the Easy Balance and anything else you might spot that I've
overlooked. Also, thanks again for all the help you've given me in the
<I think you are right on track.>
Re: Easy Balance and cycling questions 10/16/12
Hi Rick
Thanks for your input. I always like an experiment, so I might just do
I'll stick the bubbler in it's final destination (a soon-to-be cherry
shrimp nano) and once I'm sure the Bettas are fine then go ahead with
Thanks again, your advice and reassurance is very much appreciated.
<Let us know how it turns out.>
Re: Floaty fish... est. bio-cycling FW
Ok I have been reading till my eyes hurt, still cant get exact answers
and cannot navigate through the forum , never did this before but I did
try, I have a question about using Dr. Tim's one and only for moving one
of my goldfish about 7 inches 12 yrs old to a tank of his own,
<Best to move media et al. as well. Read here:
one to allow the others more room and he fights with them, I feel I
should do this, I will move one of the BioWheels from old tank and add
his new whisper 60 to new tank, also will take half the stones from old
tank, now with this and adding one and only WILL I have any problems in
old and new tank, as the old will still have fish in it with less
stones and one less filter, each will have fresh water added
<Not likely>
Does Dr Tims one and only work, Does anyone know this for sure??
<I do; yes. I know Tim Hovanec personally.>>
How will I know it is working?? I have ordered 70 dollars worth of that
, and have my new tank and filters ready to set up, JUST SO NERVOUS!!
Please let me know if anyone thinks with my plan I will have any
problems?? And if anyone knows for sure if dr Tims one and only really
works?? Is it as good as the once available BioSpira
Thanks I am sorry to have to mail again but I cant read or find what I
need anymore, MY EYES are burning!!
Cathy Hart
Re: Floaty fish... Dr. Tim/'s 1/26/12
wow you know dr Tim personally!!
<Yes; we were both life science majors at San Diego State
So one and only really works,
<... it does>
even if I didn't use old media will it work as well??
Will I have ammonia problems, What can you tell me about this one and
only?? How does it work where others don't at all!!
<Please... learn to/use the search tool, indices on WWM.
Your repeated questions re what is already archived there are
tiring. B>
Re: Floaty fish
I do try, I am sorry for all the
questions, thanks for the help
Re: Floaty fish 1/26/12
I do try to search, never can find what I am looking for, I just typed
in the search, one and only nitrifying bacteria and got something like
River type setup (Crayfish with Hillstream fish, snails) 10/26/10
then I typed in the search switching tanks, got the same thing
I will not bother, I will try this on my own, I hope I already have
enough info from you so far to switch tanks safely for the fish (sorry
for bold letters, don't know how that happened!)
Question about my new cycling Platy tank, FW, cycling
products 12/29/10
<Hi there>
I recently purchased a 14 gallon tank. I have 4 platies in the tank and
as of tomorrow they will have been there for 3 weeks. Before I added
any fish to the tank I added Nutrafin Cycle
<Mmm, have found this product to be... unreliable. Sometimes works,
other times...>
and let the tank run for about 3 or 4 days. Prior to adding any fish
the levels for ammonia, nitrites and
nitrates were 0 and the pH was about 7.6. The tap water is about 7.4
and the guy at the fish store told me that Platies like water with a
little bit of salt in it so I added a little over 1 tablespoon of salt
to the water,
thus raising the pH to 7.6.
<So... something other than table salt, NaCl>
The fish all seemed to adjust well. They spent the first day or two
hiding in different corners of the tank. Because one spent a lot of
time at the surface, I was concerned there wasn't proper aeration
so I installed a power head to further oxygenate the tank. The fish all
get along well, all 4 are males and occasionally they chase each other,
but that is infrequent.
My concern is the ammonia level and whether the tank is cycling
Starting about 3 days into having fish in the tank I noticed that the
ammonia levels were rising (as I knew they would).
<... Not really. IF the "Cycle" worked... and this
exposure is very hard on your fish>
I used a test kit on a daily basis. I did frequent water changes
(perhaps 30% at a time) every day or every other day. If the water was
unchanged for a day then the ammonia would easily rise to 1.0.
<Deadly toxic at high pHs>
I kept doing 30-40% water changes daily to try and bring the levels
down to .25 or .5. When it seemed as though the ammonia was rising
closer to 2.0, the guy at the fish store told me to buy Ammo Lock
because it would detoxify the ammonia (converting it to ammonium),
<Only temporarily...>
which would be less stressful for the fish, but which would still
provide the beneficial bacteria with the food they need for the
colonies to grow.
I continued doing 1-2 water changes per day and added about 5mL of Ammo
Lock to the tank for 3 days. The ammonia levels continued registering
at about 1.0. For the first two weeks, the pH held steady around 7.4 or
7.6 and I still have 0 nitrites or nitrates.
But last night I noticed that the ammonia was about .5 and the pH
seemed to have suddenly decreased to 6.
The fish were acting normal, but I immediately did a 30% water change.
The pH rose to about 6.4. This morning I tested the water again and the
pH was back down to 6. I did another water change this afternoon
bringing the pH up to about 6.4-6.6. The temperature has been holding
steady at 80 degrees.
<Really too high for Platies>
I am concerned that the ammonia levels are still high after 3 weeks and
that the pH seems to be suddenly erratic. The guy at the fish store
told me NOT to add any salt to the tank at this point so I have not
been able to increase the pH of the tank other than through water
changes, which I'm doing at least once a day, sometimes twice.
<Do take care to not elevate pH in the presence of ammonia, nitrite.
The two together make the water very toxic>
I feel as though I shouldn't be doing this many water changes, but
I am concerned about leaving the fish
in water at such a low pH and with the ammonia levels as they are.
What should I do to help the tank cycle properly and to keep the fish
<... read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and the linked files above>
Is the fact that I still have zero nitrites after 3 weeks a sign that
the tank is not cycling properly?
<No... these events may not be related>
Am I doing the right thing by doing so many water changes?
<Not really... Let us cut to the proverbial chase: there should be
no livestock present cycling a system as you're doing>
During the day when the lights are on, the platies swim around, up and
down the tank, swim in and out of the fake plants and hide in the
Sometimes they all seem to be very tired and retire to separate corners
of the tank for what appear to be short naps. Then they swim around
again, sometime hanging out hear the surface (but not gasping for air)
just drifting in the current. Is this all normal platy behavior?
<No... they're being poisoned>
Any help would be appreciated. I just want to make sure that the fish
are happy and healthy and that the tank is on its way to cycling.
<Read where you've been referred; and do write back if you have
further questions, concerns. Bob Fenner>
Re: Question about my new cycling Platy tank
I did actually read the article that you referred me to. I guess I have
two follow up questions. The first is, what exactly is happening in my
tank as far as the cycle goes?
<It is "cycling" irrespective of the Hagen product, but
you have likely forestalled the process via the use of the
Ammo-products and periodic water changes. The old maxim of "it
used to take seven days to cure a cold, but nowadays w/ modern medicine
it only takes a week" comes to mind>
Are the bacterial colonies just not developed enough yet?
Is there anything that I can do to help them along?
<? All covered where you were referred to read>
Second, what steps can I take to make sure the fish are as comfortable
and healthy as possible?
<This as well. They should be moved to a cycled system... Or if left
where they are fed VERY minimally, and not at all if NH3 levels
approach 1 ppm>
Is it ok if the pH remains as low as 6.4 and if I continue to do 2
water changes per day?
<Not really... please peruse the linked files... BobF>
Re: Question about my new cycling Platy tank
Oh, sorry...I guess I had a total of three follow up questions. The
third is, can you describe what typical platy behavior is? Should they
never be resting at a particular level in the tank (either at the
bottom or top)
but constantly be moving at all times?
<Yes to moving throughout the tank, constantly during daylight
hours. B>
Fish Question... cycling issue? FW
hlth. 11/23/10
Hello Crew,
I have a 10 inch freshwater Plecostomus in a 55 gallon
To make a long process into a short story, I bought the entire
setup piece by piece (with the help of an aquarium shop owner)
and achieved pristine and balanced water, all in preparation for
a fish to come live with me. He was a 10 inch African Cichlid who
had been living healthfully for years in a friends tank and this
friend offered the fish so he could change his scenery a bit (the
friend's). He arrived here on a Friday night
in a large cooler of his own very well-kept aquarium water, and
by Saturday night he had died. Although his
color returned to full strength an instant after being placed in
the new tank, as time wore on he rapidly deteriorated. His
symptoms included a white wispy film flowing from his fins,
clouding his eyes, and disintegrating the tips of his fins. He
was lethargic at first, being less active than usual, and then he
began resting his belly on the bottom of the tank, and gradually
he seemed to have difficulty holding his body perpendicular to
the tank floor. When I began noticing this white film forming
10-12 hours after his arrival I called the Aquarium-owner friend
and he recommended I check his water temp and bring it up from 68
degrees F to 75-80 to help him heal, and to go purchase some
anti-fungal medication.
I did this approx. 6 hours before he went belly-up. Now my
Plecostomus has the same white film, lethargy, difficulty
breathing, a slight reddening of his scaled regions and is unable
to hold himself up on the glass (there are some bubbles at the
top of the tank now but I was told that is probably from the
medication). I've put "Lifeguard" tablets in the
tank (an antibacterial and antiparasitic) as well as added 4
rounded tablespoons aquarium salt. This tank has a 50-60 gallon
dbl-headed water filter, a 200 watt heater and a complete
undergravel filtration system. Oh and the Pleco had been doing
beautifully the 3 weeks he was in the tank by himself before the
cichlid got introduced (we did that so that the cichlid
wouldn't beat up the Pleco, or if he did the Pleco would
defend "his" territory and not let himself get injured
too badly, since the cichlid wasn't very friendly with other
I understand that my Pleco may die from whatever this bacteria
(I'm guessing it's a bacteria) is if the medications are
too late, but what puzzles me is that I can't seem to find a
disease with this appearance
online to compare or get advice. This is my first attempt at
having an aquarium ever, and I am really bummed about this first
experience... I've put a lot into trying to make the most
comfortable environment possible for a couple of fish. Any advice
would be greatly appreciated. I've attached pictures of how
he looks right now, and a couple of how the tank looked before
introducing the cichlid. Thank you for your time guys I really
appreciate it...
-Laurie, Klamath Falls, OR
<Laurie... is this system cycled? Do you have the means to
test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate? The pic of the set-up appears
very sterile...
Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwcyctrbfix.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>

Re: Fish Question; as suspected 11/23/10
I did the new aquarium process dictated by Aquarium
Pharmaceuticals and used their product "Stress Zyme+"
that had me let the water run through the filter for 2 weeks
before putting in fish,
<... too soon. Takes longer to become established, cycled.
Read where you were referred or any general freshwater aquarium
husbandry book>
adding 10mL per 10 gallons on the first, seventh, and fourteenth
This was to remove chlorines and chloramines and develops
biological filter (by adding beneficial bacteria).
<... it, the API product, does not do this last>
Unfortunately the Pleco "Leonardo" died last night not
long after I sent you those pictures. It looks like I would
benefit from some "How to clean your aquarium after fish
death to prevent it happening again" advice, if you
<No need; not advised. Instead leave all as is to cycle and
read in the meanwhile>
Thanks again.
I'm going to study the white film on Leo's fins and see
if it is a fungal or bacterial growth.
<... decomposers period...>
I'm a medical student rather used to culturing gross stuff,
and I had some sterile swabs and specimen tubes handy. I'll
let you know how they test.
<I have an advanced degree in fisheries pathology... Read on.
Re: Fish Question 11/23/10
The Stress Zyme says "Contains Live Bacteria".
<... not nitrifiers of use. Please, this/WWM is NOT a bb...
search them on the Net re this product. It alone will NOT
establish bio. cycling>
And two weeks wasn't long enough?
<... no>
Leo was doing fine for the 2 week he was in there alone: water
was clear, he was active and a healthy color. That is a very cool
degree, and I'm glad you have a site like this to help us
beginners. I am not adverse to further reading on aquarium
preparation, but please understand I invested in an aquarium to
have a pleasant living room de-stressor (Finals are in two
weeks). I will do as you suggest and let the filters run for now.
I thought I was taking every precaution possible with this
attempt, and the water was perfect until something in/on the
cichlid came into the tank. Well anyway thank you for the advice;
I'll read some freshwater aquarium husbandry books over
Christmas break.
<And you. B>
Re: Fish Question 11/24/10
Here, let me read you the label on this API Stress Zyme+ since we
seem to have a bit of confusing interaction on the subject. Maybe
this will help
"The Complete Starting Kit for Achieving Ideal Water
Benefits: Contains millions of live bacteria that speed up the
development of the biological filter to eliminate ammonia and
When to use: Whenever setting up a new aquarium, and use weekly
to maintain fresh water aquariums.
Shake well
New Aquariums first use: use Stress Coat (the other bottle in
this kit) to remove chlorines and chloramines. Next, on the
1st,7h, and 14th days, add 10mL of Stress Zyme per gallon of
aquarium water to establish biological filter.
Thereafter and existing aquariums: to maintain good water quality
and healthy biological filtration, add 5 ml.s of Stress Zyme per 10
gallons aquarium water weekly.
I understand that this site is not a bb. I really didn't mean
to be obnoxious by expressing confusion. I was very careful to do
everything just so for the sake of two fish, and both have died
on my watch. Both had very interesting personalities were and
were very healthy before the cichlid was moved here. My water
tested just right, even with the slightly higher pH the cichlid
would prefer. I had suspected some fungal or bacterial agent
introduced by the cichlid, maybe the cooler he was moved it, or a
microorganism who found the new tank a more productive
environment than a previous one, but I don't know that sort
of thing, especially not about fish. And as I've said,
I've looked all over online for what these symptoms
could have been caused by. Please let me know if you have any
more ideas on what may have gone wrong.
<Hello Laurene. The problem with these "instant
cycling" potions like Stress Zyme is they're not
terribly reliable. They're like stain removers that promise
to clean your clothes from ink stains and such: sometimes they
work, but sometimes they don't. So most of us who've been
in the hobby for a while don't recommend them. At best, if
you use one -- don't rely on it.
Add the instant cycling potion, and then add an ammonia source
like a small pinch of flake. Add further pinches over the next
week, and if you find ammonia and nitrite levels stay at zero,
then all well and good. Add some fish! But if the ammonia and
nitrite levels aren't zero, then the potion hasn't
"taken" and the bacterial will need a bit more time.
Carry on adding the pinches of flake and doing water changes. In
all likelihood you'll speed up the cycling process because
the potion will get things started, but you probably won't
entirely eliminate the cycling process. By the way, once a filter
is cycled, there's no need to add further Stress Zyme on a
weekly or whatever basis. The manufacturers would obviously love
you to, but the reality is that the filter contains a
self-maintaining population of bacteria that will be optimised
simply through proper maintenance.
Nothing needs to be added. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fish Question 11/24/10
Alright, thank you for the advice Neale.
<Always glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Fritz Zyme #7 01/10/10
Good morning, hope you are doing well today. I have one quick
My 55 gal freshwater tank has been set up for about 2 weeks now with no
livestock. I just purchased a bottle of Fritz Zyme #7 to aid in cycling
the tank. I asked the LFS if I should dump this in the water and let it
wait a week or two anyway before I add any fish and they told me I
should add it at the same exact time as my fish. Something does not
sound correct to me about this. Could you please help me out with the
correct answer here?
Thanks for your help,
<Hello Matt. In theory, Fritz Zyme #7 contains the bacteria of the
sort in biological filters. Unfortunately, these bacteria
"potions" have a very mixed track record. I'd not
recommend using any of them without a back-up plan. If this was me,
I'd use the potion, and then add a pinch of flake twice a day, just
as if there were fish in the tank. Do this daily for a couple of weeks,
using your nitrite test kit every 2-3 days. If the nitrite level stays
at zero, then lo and behold, the bacteria have "taken" and
your filter may well be matured. Your retailer is indeed correct that
if there isn't an ammonia source, these bacteria will die back. But
while you *could* add fish, that wouldn't be my preference, because
of the bacteria don't "take", your fish will be exposed
to high levels of ammonia and nitrite. Better to add fish food, the
same amount you'd need to feed the fish in an aquarium this size,
and see how things pan out across a couple of weeks. Hope this helps.
Cheers, Neale.>
Using Ammonium hydroxide to cycle tank 7/19/10
Good afternoon:
<Good morrow Ms. de Almeida. Now AM here>
I am moving in a 6 weeks and wish to set up and cycle a new 55 gallon
prior to transferring my goldfish.
<I see>
I have heard that one can use ammonium hydroxide to help establish the
nitrogen cycle but I am not sure how much I should add to the tank.
<Mmm, I would not do/use this... there are other exogenous sources
of ammonia (NH4Cl, dilute liquid cleaning ammonia...) that folks do
use, but better to move some existing source of microbes and feed with
a bit of flake food. Please read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
I will be seeding the tank with some cycled material so all I will need
to do is add enough ammonia to establish the bacterial colony and keep
it fed until I can add my fish. I have purchased a bottle of ammonia
(ingredients read: water and ammonium hydroxide) but no molarity is
<Mmm, if you're determined to do/try this, you'll need to
experiment... with a given volume of water and a measured amount (an
eye dropper will do) of the NH4OH... Start with a gallon, add a drop,
swirl around and test... you want no more than 1.0 or so ppm>
I have tested the tap water where I am moving and it is very favourable
for goldies- pH is 8.0 and KH and GH are high. I can't find any
information as to how much ammonia I should add to the tank to help
build and establish
<"Just enough"... in other words there is no real minimum
as long as it's measurable, but there is a maximum... a few ppm
will actually subtend to kill nitrifiers/nitrification>
Should my goal be to add ammonia until I reach a certain number on my
test kit or should I add ammonia based on the amount of water in the
<The latter>
Also, should I be monitoring ionized ammonia, free ammonia or just
total ammonia with my test kit?
Thanks for your help.
Gina de Almeida
<Do take care my friend. Bob Fenner>
Fishless cycling, Freshwater 7/8/09
Hi crew, the following is an Email I attempted to send Chris Cow
Ph D.
author of http://www.tropicalfishcentre.co.uk/Fishlesscycle.htm
Apparently his email is not working.
Does anyone at WWM have experience with fishless cycling?
<Yes, it quite popular with the crew.>
Greetings , I read with great interest the Fishless Cycling
article and wanted to share my diary with you and possibly get
some feedback. My wife is the fish person while my involvement is
setup and cycling.
I have a broad mechanical/fabrication background and am enjoying
learning about aquarium plumbing and function.
We already have a 10 gallon setup that we will use as a hospital
tank that currently contains 2 Cichlids.
It turns out our well water is a natural for them ( Non
chlorinated, high hardness/high pH).
We recently acquired a 2' x 2' x 8' 200+ gallon
aquarium free(should have been my first clue) from our
<Wow, nice.>
It was up and running until I moved it to our home on 6/1. After
2 weeks of work refinishing the base, building a new canopy,
beefing up foundation, polishing scratches in acrylic tank, re
plumbing pump and filters and overhauling the under gravel filter
it was time to fill and cycle.
<Lots of work.>
Added 2 1/2" fine gravel over filter(filter covers the
entire bottom with 3 evenly spaced 3/4"suctions in bottom of
<While under-gravel filters work just fine they are sort of
out of favor currently, they do have some pitfalls to be aware
of. See here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfiltration.htm and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfiltrmedart.htm for
Added 15- 6" x 8" x 4" rocks along with 2 dozen
fake plants and a 48" air wand.
<The rocks may cause filtration issues with the UGF as
detailed in the above articles.>
Twin cartridge filters (plumbed in Parallel) with a tested pass
thru rate in excess of 600 GPH
This aquarium will be an all Cichlid No live plant setup.
<Can't offer much on the Cichlids as I have never kept
them, but we have many dedicated cichlid keepers on the
Lighting is 3- 24" Dual compact fluorescent (3- 10,000K 65
Watt white and 3-Actinic Blue 65 watt for a total of 390
<Overkill here if you do not plan on keeping plants, but
should work fine,
although it might encourage algae growth.>
All test kits are by API and ammonia is 10%. Tank temp set AT 80
Due to time constraints all tests performed once daily at 7
Tap water : 0 Amm(ammonia) , 0 Ni(nitrite) , 0 Na(nitrate) , 200
ppm KH(carbonate hardness) , 200 ppm GH(general Hardness) , pH
KH , GH , pH did not vary from beginning to end so I have omitted
them from the daily readings.
6/12 filled tank added 4 tsp(Teaspoons) Amm to achieve 5 ppm
6/13 Amm 4.0 , Ni 0 , Na 0 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/14 Amm 5.0 , Ni 0 , Na 0 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/15 Amm 5.0 , Ni 0 , Na 0 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/16 Amm 10+ , Ni .25 , Na 8 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/17 Amm 10 , Ni 1 , Na 10 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/18 Amm 8 , Ni 5 , Na 10 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/19 Amm 2 , Ni 1 , Na 8 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/20 Amm 0 , Ni 5 , Na 7 , added 4 tsp Amm
6/21 Amm 0 , Ni 5 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/22 Amm 0 , Ni 5 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/23 Amm 0 , Ni 5 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/24 Amm 0 , Ni 5 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/25 Amm 0 , Ni 2 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/26 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/27 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 7 , added 2 tsp Amm Cartridges changed
6/28 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/29 Amm 0 , Ni .5 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
6/30 Amm 0 , Ni .5 , Na 8 , 50 % water change & added 2 tsp
(thought we were done, my mistake) Green algae and brown algae
(Diatoms ?)appear
<Common in new tanks, water changes to keep it in
7/1 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
7/2 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
7/3 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 8 , added 2 tsp Amm
7/4 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 20 , added 2 tsp Amm
7/5 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 10 , added 2 tsp Amm
7/6 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 15 , added 2 tsp Amm
7/7 Amm 0 , Ni 1 , Na 10 , added 2 tsp Amm
Green algae and brown algae(?) multiplying to cover all large
<More water changes will help, 10-15% weekly ideally in my
opinion, biweekly at least.>
Sooo I'm a little confused.
Hardness and pH haven't changed, Ammonia has crashed, Nitrite
seems to beholding at 1 ppm, and Nitrate seems to be wallowing
around 10 to 20 ppm.
<Nitrates are the end product, and need to be removed by water
changes, more filter material may be necessary to get the nitrite
down to 0.>
Am I missing something or is this on track and just not done
cycling ?
<Is not done, although hopefully will be soon, usually takes
less than a month but with this sized tank and it may take a
little longer.>
Will the brown algae(Diatom?)die off or do I need to take
<Nutrient control should keep it in check, pretty hard to
eliminate completely especially without live plants to compete
for resources.>
Still having fun just want to make sure I'm not spinning my
<You seem to be on track here. Enjoy, you have a nice start
here and a tank that gives you lots of options.>
Thanks, Chris
<Chris> <<Stop pouring in the ammonia. You're
forestalling establishment of nitrification... RMF>>
Re: Fishless cycling 7/9/09
Hi Chris
Thanks for the input. Your site and forum are far and away the best
resource on the web.
It has been in the back of my mind for a while that the amount of
Ammonia I add every day could be overwhelming the biological filer, so
unless you have reason to object, I think it is time to shift gears.
The article says to do a 80% water change before adding fish so I'm
thinking I could do this and at the same time reduce the ammonia added
daily to 1 tsp.
I will continue to test daily and also take your recommendation of 15%
water changes weekly.
If the Nitrite drops to Zero that should support the idea that the
biological filter is either to small or not completely developed ( I
lean toward the latter).
My wife ordered (on hold) 60 juvenile - 1" Mbuna Cichlid : 12
Demasoni, 12 Electric Yellow, 12 Red faced Mac, 12 Rusty and 12
Obliquidens Zebra's from www.livefishdirect.com. According to the
article the amount of ammonia we have been adding is well in excess of
what a fully stocked tank will produce.
<Probably, but I would still not try to introduce all these fish at
once, small groups least to most aggressive.>
If this is true 60 juveniles should be a small percentage of what the
biological filter will eventually need to support.
<Most likely.>
Assuming I do all the above how long should I wait to stock the tank
<Once nitrite hits 0 and stays there you should be ok.>
I knew when I built the canopy that the lighting was overkill but I
didn't want to build it twice and I wanted to allow for future
<Good idea.>
I will continue to research the under-gravel filter (thanks for the
Assuming that the UGF stays what would your recommendations be for
possible live plants to combat the Diatoms/Nitrate ?
<Live plants are often problematic with UGF, could try some floating
plants, or set up a sump/refugium to grow plants in.>
We have a standing order on hold for
<Stock slowly, patience is key here.>
Re: Fishless cycling 7/12/09
Hi Chris Saw my previous post(with your inputs) on WWM website.
At the end of the post "RMF" added a comment to the effect
that I should stop adding ammonia altogether.
<Yes... adding ammonia at this juncture is very likely poisoning
your beneficial microbes>
If I interpreted this correctly then I either have to add fish
immediately or the biological filter will die for lack of
<Neither my friend. I would simply add a "pinch" of some
dried food at this point... the protein therein is sufficient to supply
nitrifying microbes>
A brief update : After an 80% water change and reducing daily added
ammonia to 1/2 Tsp ammonia,
Tests on 7/10 thru 7/12 show 0 ppm Nitrite and 5 ppm Nitrate. If this
continues it is my intention to stock the tank on 7/17.
My question for you or any crew member with Cichlid experience is about
the manner in which I stock.
My wife and I have researched this extensively and the consensus seems
to be that if we are going to have an all Cichlid tank, then the proper
method is to Purchase "All juveniles" of varieties known
coexist successfully and to introduce them all at once.
<This is the best approach>
From what we read this leads to less aggression and attrition. What are
we missing in this equation?
<Perhaps to start with all individuals of about the same
Once again I thank you for your patience and help.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner/RMF>
Re: Fishless cycling 7/13/09
Thanks so much! Will go with adding flakes starting tomorrow. And yes,
the plan is to stock all 1"/1.5" juvenile fish.
Once again, we think that you have one of the greatest sites around for
We spent many hours reading WWM prior to doing anything to setup this
tank and I am certain that the information we have gleaned will keep us
out of trouble.
Thank you again and have a great day!
Dawn & Chris
<Thank you D & C. BobF>
Question about filters, FW, seeding/bacteria
-08/27/08 Hello crew, How are you going today? <Just fine,
thanks for asking.> My question is: I am in the process of upgrading
to a 40 gallon tank from a 5 gallon (big change, so excited) and was
wondering can the cycling process be sped up by putting the 5
gallon's filter on the bigger tank, thereby transferring the good
bacteria? <Well, the bacterial won't actively "swim"
from one filter to the other so while adding the old filter to the tank
will help, it won't help by much. So for a few weeks you will need
to feed the fish carefully and not add any more fish until such time as
the new filter has become matured. The best approach is to take some
media from the old filter and put it in the new filter. This will
"seed" the new filter, and get it off to a much faster start.
You can take 50% of the media from the old filter without substantially
lowering its filtration efficacy.> Then removing it once the
bacteria has had a chance to grow in the new tank. The 40 gallon would
obviously have its own bigger filter as well. How long do you think it
would take? I plan to put guppies in there. <I'd recommend
leaving the two filters together for at least 4 weeks if you plan to do
things this way. If you remove 50% of the media from the old filter,
you can leave the old filter on the 5 gallon tank. That tank could now
be used to rear fry. The "seeded" new filter will be
instantly mature enough to handle half a dozen Guppies, and if you feed
them carefully and use a nitrite test kit to keep an eye on things,
this new filter should be fully matured within a month.> Thank you
very much for your time, I love your site. Sam <Cheers,
Freshwater parameters during cycling 8/12/08 Hello and sorry
to bother with questions again. <Hello!> I am cycling my 40
gallon Freshwater aquarium. I got it on August 1st. I used Bio Spira
and put 2 fish in right afterwards. I didn't have a test kit until
August 7th. The kit that I got was a Red Sea liquid kit that tests
ammonia, nitrites and ph. <OK; all sounds good to go.> The kit I
was using and still am for Nitrate is liquid API. So between August 1st
to August 6th I don't know if the Bio Spira worked my very first
reading were ammonia .25,nitrite .2 and nitrate 5. <Pretty normal
for an cycling tank. Keep the NH3 and NO2- that low and you should be
fine.> All stayed this way no change. I tested tap water in a bucket
with Prime additive still showing .25. <Ah, now: can be one of two
things. You could have ammonia in the water. This can happen in certain
places, especially agricultural areas where NH3 runs off the land into
the water supply. More probably though is that you have chloramine in
the water. It's used as a disinfectant. When you use standard
dechlorinator in, the chloramine is split into chlorine and ammonia.
The chlorine is neutralised, but the ammonia is left behind. If you
have ammonia in the water, wherever it comes from, you need to add
ammonia remover to the water before adding it to the tank. Products
such as "Ammo Lock" do this. Some dechlorinators will remove
chloramine, and if you use them and the source is chloramine you should
be fine. The test kit can give an erroneous reading though; if in
doubt, look on your water supplier's web site and find out if they
use chloramine.> I then tested water straight from tap that was .25
so I got suspicious. I took all three types of samples to LFS tank
water, treated bucket water and plain tap water. He tested all three
with his API test kit and 0 ammonia in all three (makes me wonder if
the Bio Spira did do its job). <Bio Spira is no longer manufactured,
and some of the "old stock" may well be past its best by
date. I've never used the stuff personally, but have to admit to
hearing mixed reports. Some people swear by the stuff, others swear at
it.> That in itself makes things difficult for a beginner such as
myself. <Yes and no. If it's chloramine, add dechlorinator that
treats chloramine, and ignore the ammonia reading in the water. In fact
after the first week or so you can forget about the ammonia part of the
cycling process and concentrate on the nitrite level. Why? Because
within 1-2 weeks the ammonia peak will have passed, and you'll now
be waiting for the nitrite peak, which usually comes about 3-4 weeks
after setting up the tank. Don't be afraid to set the tank
temperature slightly higher than normal, i.e., instead of the usual 25
C/77 F, go anything up to 30 C/86 F (assuming your fish will tolerate
this). Adding extra aeration will help, too. Oxygen and temperature are
both limiting factors, and the more you add, the faster the bacteria
will grow.> Anyway I bought a API liquid test kit have been doing
tests everyday (oh and I do have some gravel and plants and rocks and
stuff from my established tank.) My reading since the 9th have been a
consistent ammonia 0, nitrite 1.0 and nitrate 10 oh and ph is been 7.8
to 8.0 through out. <See, absolutely what I'd expect. Your
ammonia-eating bacteria have done their thing and they're happy.
You're now waiting for the nitrite-eating bacteria to come
online.> Do I just need patients for that nitrite and nitrates to
fluctuate any and considering I had put those poor 2 fish in (Kribensis
and Opaline Gourami) which looks like they are ok to my novice eyes
should I stay away from water changes till cycle completes or do I need
to do a water change and how much? <These fish are in there?
Gouramis are usually okay through the cycling process, but Cichlids are
not happy about it (except maybe really tough species like Mozambique
Mouthbrooders). In any case, they're through the worst of it now.
In any case: do water changes. Water changes are good. Water changes
are free. Water changes will save the lives of your fish! The more, the
better. But certainly 25% every couple of days wouldn't be out of
line.> I also have 3 julii Cory's waiting in the wings in my
established tank. <Hold off for now... these are delicate fish and
you're likely to lose some or all of them if you add them to an
immature tank. Give at least 6-8 weeks before adding them. Once the
nitrite is zero and stays zero, you can start adding new fish but
don't go bananas.> I speculate that I should wait till all is
well in new tank before I add them? <Correct. You're learning
real fast!> I know Neale is for cloning the tank (which I am doing
as stated above) and not using Bio Spira since he answered my last
email. <Indeed. I'm old school about cycling tanks, and
"cloning" is just so darned easy once you know about it.>
But since I had used it originally and found that my test kit
wasn't screwed up and I have fish in there. Otherwise I probably
wouldn't even been writing in today. <You're doing fine.
Just watch your fish for sings of stress (e.g. laboured breathing,
damage to the fins) and keep doing the water changes and water tests
for the next couple weeks at least. After that, you'll be done.
Keep reading, learning, being patient and you'll have a lovely tank
that's easy on the eye and fun to look after. The problems occur
when people go tearing into things without thinking. Fishkeeping *is*
easy, if you go by the numbers.> Thanks Joe <Cheers,
A few questions in setting up new tank. FW BioSpira, 8/5/08
Hello, I have a few questions I am hoping you can help me out with, and
if you see anything along the way that you think needs my attention to
change I would appreciate any suggestions. <OK.> One of my
questions I have is regarding Bio Spira. I was reading a similar
question on your site from back in '05 that a link was given to
read _www.marinelandlabs.com_ (http://www.marinelandlabs.com) or
something like that. When I clicked on link it never connected, so I
figured I would write in. I have a new 40 gallon FW tank I set up on
Friday the 1st of this month. I used some about 3 gallons from an
established tank and the rest from the tap after adding stuff for
chlorine and chloramines. I then put in the Bio Spira packet. <Water
from mature aquaria contains virtually no filter bacteria. So adding
"old" water is a waste of time. To instantly mature a new
aquarium you can take up to 50% of the filter media from a mature
aquarium and then put it into a the filter in the new tank. Then just
add fish! This method works completely reliably assuming the water
chemistry between the two tanks is the same, and the mature aquarium
won't be harmed (provided you don't go nuts and add a bunch
more new fish or drastically overfeed during the next few days). In
fact many filter manufacturers recommend half the filter media (sponge,
filter floss, ceramic noodles) be replaced every year or two. You need
to add new fish to the new tank so the filter has some ammonia to
'eat'. This process is called "cloning a filter" and
is the best way to mature new tanks.> I don't know if their
supplier refrigerates it, I can speculate the LFS refrigerates it
because package was cold. When I got home I put it in the refrigerator
till I set up the tank. Then as per what my LFS told me I put my
Kribensis in the tank right after adding Bio Spira. Kribensis seems to
be doing fine. I tested the water today Monday the 4th (so its been
four days since I set the tank up and put in the Bio Spira). The water
tested at 0.1 for ammonia .25 for nitrites,5.0 for nitrates and 7.8.
for ph. Are these pretty normal for using Bio Spira four days prior?
<Not normal, no. The idea with Bio Spira is you get instant
maturation of the filter. This means zero ammonia, zero nitrite. But
Bio Spira appears to be a temperamental product. I have never used it
(I prefer cloning) but my impression from other fishkeepers is that
while it _can_ work, it doesn't _always_ work.> Or how long till
I should suspect if I got a bad packet. If so, would you recommend I
try another packet from a different place or no? <Clone the filter
as outlined above and be done with it.> I will keep an eye on test
readings. What should I EXPECT to see if Bio Spira is not working?
<Zero ammonia/nitrite if it does work; anything else if it isn't
working.> Another Question I have is in regards to Emperor 400
filter. I read on here that using the carbon filters that are supplied
with the Emperor 400 in the persons opinion was not good and to get
something like Aqua Clear media foam sponges or bio balls (the sponges
I have seen). I was hoping for a little expansion info on this set up.
So I shouldn't be using carbon filtration at all? <I consider
carbon a waste of time/space/money in most freshwater tanks. By all
means use it if you want, but understand that to do its job it needs
replacing every 4 weeks. If you don't do that, it's doing
nothing. Moreover, if you do big water changes, 25-50% weekly, the
carbon is redundant, because you're removing the dissolved organic
chemicals the carbon would otherwise adsorb. Hence my recommendation
that you remove carbon from the filter and replace with whatever
additional media you like... sponges, filter floss, ceramic
noodles.> and. How many slots of the 4 should the sponges be used in
? Just two, or all four? <All four would be fine for plain vanilla
biological filtration.> Last Question. I have a pair of Opaline
gourami's that I bought to put into the 40 gallon tank. Right now I
have them in a 5 gallon quarantine tank. The male seems to be
aggressively chasing the female constantly. Is this most likely because
of the type of fish, or the small tank? <Absolutely normal for
Trichogaster trichopterus, which is why I don't recommend this
species as a community tank resident. Males are aggressive, period.>
I am wondering if they should be better when I move them to the 40
gallon tank or if I should return the male and try for a less
aggressive male (if there such a thing? <Just keep females (shorter
dorsal fins, so easy to tell). Alternatively keep a less aggressive
species like Colisa fasciata or Trichogaster leeri.> Thank You very
much <Cheers, Neale.>
Bio-Spira... not following directions... 2/26/08
I wrote to you on 2/21/08 concerning Amon. & No2 & No3 levels.
In brief: 55gal., aqua-clear filtration system, artificial plants &
décors Started tank without fish 12/31/07 Amon ? O.5 No2 &3 - O.
Added 6 Danios 1/9/08- Amon. O.5 No2 & 3 ?O. PH-7. <Ammonia is
toxic> 1/24/08 Added 3 swordtails & 1 Gourami 2/10/08 Added 6
Australian rainbows Up to this time all levels stayed the same ? Amon.
O.5 No2 & 3 ? O. All of this was recommended by LFS and knew of my
concerns <... still deadly toxic> about the ammonia levels and no
reading for No2 &3. (Told me that the tank probably already cycled)
(Can you tell I'm new to this hobby)? <Yep> On 2/17/08 Amon.
now 1.0 and still no readings for No2 & 3 PH-7.2 . Had been doing
15 ? 25% water changes weekly with no changes. <No use changing
water... forestalling the establishment of cycling> Was told by Bob
to use ?Bio-Spira?, no water changes, feed tiny amts. (feed every other
day) and no new fish until cycled. <Good advice!> I bought the
?Bio-Spira? and was told by LFS to use only ½ of the pkg.
<... a full dose?> I did this on Sat. 1/23 and tested water today
and all levels are still the same as on 2/17/08. Should I use the rest
of the ?Bio-Spira? --- or wait it out and test daily? <Use the full
dose... as labeled> All fish are fine, water crystal clear and no
odors. <And check your test kit... against another, and/or make a
standard (with household ammonia, and water known to have no
ammonia...) Thank you for any help <Read:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Species of Nitrifiers in SW and Fresh 11/25/2007
Dear Crew, Just wondering whether the good bacteria in freshwater
systems is the same bacteria in saltwater systems. <That's a far
more complicated question that you might think. In one sense, yes,
they're the same bacteria. However, they have different relative
roles/importance in different environments. There's really no
"light reading" on this, but you can try this if you're
feeling ambitious:
Cheers, Andrew <Best, Sara M.>
55 Gallon freshwater water quality problems
11/8/07 Hello Crew, I am somewhat new to the freshwater hobby and
am having problems with the water quality in my freshly established 55
gal tank. I set it up and began Cycling on October 14th, 2007. I used a
product called Stability from Sea-Chem. <Ah, one of these
"instant bacteria" products. They can work well, but approach
with caution. To paraphrase Euclid, "There is no Royal Road to a
mature aquarium". All these products do is help things along. You
still need to do all the usual water quality tests and stock the
aquarium carefully checking for problems.> I provided the proper
doses for 7 days as the directions said and completed my cycling on
October 21. Nitrites, Nitrates, and Ammonia all came back 0ppm with a
Ph of 7.0-7.5. <Very good.> 2 Days after cycling I added a
5" Common Pleco. 2 days after that I installed a new Aqua Clear 70
filter to go along with the Aqua-Tech 30-60 That I cycled the tank
with. <OK.> That same day I also added a 2" long Horse Face
Loach. 2 days after that on Saturday I transferred my 4" long Bala
shark from my 29 Gal tank into the 55 Gal. Everyone was doing fine. I
continued monitoring my chemical levels every other day for a week.
after that week I decided to add two 3" Spotted Pictus Cats. Later
that night I tested my water to find out that the Nitrites, Nitrates,
and Ammonia have spiked. <Yes, this happens sometimes. An immature
aquarium is an unstable aquarium, regardless of whether you do a
with-fish or a fish-less cycle.> I did a 10 gal water change with a
gravel vac (probably not a good idea) <No, water changes are good.
The more the better. In this case, 50% per day would be the minimum. To
stop fish dying you need to be re-setting the ammonia down to zero at
every opportunity.> and added another dose of the stability per
advice from my LFS who is very knowledgeable. <OK.> The next day
the levels came down just a tiny bit so I added some more Stability and
waited to see what the next day would bring. Well Tuesday came along
and my levels were still high so I did a 15 gal water change, added
some more Stability trying to get the bacteria up and added Ammo chips
to help reduce the Ammonia. <Never mind the Stability. The bacteria
are *already* in the filter, so adding more of them doesn't really
make any difference. The bacteria just haven't settled down. That
takes time. Water changes, my friend, are what you need here.> My
last test was yesterday, Wednesday the 5th of November and my levels
were as follows: Nitrites 0.25ppm, Nitrates around 10ppm, and Ammonia a
whopping 1.0ppm. <Ugh. The nitrates are fine, but the ammonia
especially is a killer. Water change! Water change!> My fish all
appear healthy and are all very active. I feed them every other day
(except for the Pleco, I give him an algae wafer and cucumber every
night). <Cut back the food. Don't give them anything on
alternate days. The less protein in the system, the less ammonia.> I
am at a loss of what to do next. <This is easy: water changes!>
I'm thinking of just letting it go and seeing if it balances on its
own. <Yes, it will. Two, three weeks, tops. The fact you have
nitrite and nitrate implies that the bacteria are doing their thing.
They're just messing about a bit, figuring out the right population
size of this mini-ecosystem. Let them settle down. In the meantime...
water changes!> Any help you could offer would be wonderful. Thank
you, Derrick <Good luck, Neale>
Re: 55 Gallon freshwater water quality problems
11/8/07 Thank you very much. I will do a water change as soon as I
get home today. So as for the feeding. If am feeding them every other
night right now (feeding one night then skipping the next) how often
should I be feeding them if you say to cut back? <As infrequently as
possible. No more than 3-4 times per week. Fish can go weeks without
food, but ammonia kills in days. Cheers, Neale>
FW Bio-Spira Cycling Questions 11/1/07
Hello. <Hi there> I apologize if this question is going to
be lengthy, but I need to make sure I'm doing the right thing
so my fish suffer as little as possible. <Take your time>
My name is John and I just recently purchased and set up a 75
gallon freshwater tank after having a 20 gallon for a few years.
I have basic Comet goldfish (2) and one Pleco. The goldfish are
about 6-8" big, and the Pleco is around 4-5" and
hasn't grown much in the past year. Not sure what kind he is,
but I've heard that they get pretty big. Not sure if mine
will, though, since I can't find any pictures that even look
like him on the internet. But I digress from my problem.
Here's the beginning of the story. In late September I was
having issues with water quality in my tank. Previously I had
rinsed the power filter, and changed the media (I had a
Marineland Penguin 350). I figured that the bacteria would be ok
on the BioWheels, but I rinsed them since they were dirty, just
like I had done with the tank many times before. In fact, after
cleaning the filter, I tested for a week or so and everything was
ok, so I figured the wheels were still working just fine.
<Rinsed them in tap water I take it> Then my fish started
to lose their scales. Just coming off. I checked frantically all
over the internet for diseases and did water changes, but nothing
was "wrong". All readings were ok, like ammonia and
nitrites. Nitrates had always been high in the tank. I had a hard
time keeping them under 80-160 ppm just because the tank was so
small. <Yes... and trouble> Overfeeding was not happening
since my fish would eat within 30 seconds, and as soon as the
fish started to not eat the food I'd cease feeding. I usually
fed them about once or twice a day. Because of the scale loss, I
decided to completely clean the tank. <Yikes> I filled it
with untreated, HOT tap water, thinking it would kill anything in
the tank, including any diseases that may be in there. I did NOT
do anything to the filter or BioWheels. I figured that the
majority of the biological filter would be contained in the
wheels (since that's what they were for) and I would retain
enough bacteria to be alright. <Mmm, with the complete water
change, change in chemistry, loss of nutrition, am quite sure you
killed off most all your biological filtration> In fact, I
figured that there wasn't even any bacteria anywhere else in
the tank since they would "prefer" the wheels. I was
wrong. <Yes> All of a sudden my ammonia and nitrites went
through the roof. So after one week of my fish flashing, and then
one night suddenly twitching, I immediately drained the whole
tank. Ever since then it has been in constant biological bloom
and extreme readings on the ammonia/nitrite readings. I pretty
much figured that the week of cleaning my filter killed my
wheels, and then the hot water killed the bacteria in the rocks.
<Yes> In early October, I decided to finally upgrade the
tank (the fish needed it - even if they are only feeder comets, I
have a hard time watching anything living suffer). I now have a
Rena XP4 with three bags of Bio-Stars, two Bio-Chem Zorbs, and
the standard mechanical filtration. I have also added two Seachem
Purigen packs to the final basket before the MicroFiltration in
order to remove nitrates, since I had so much in my previous
tank. After two weeks of having this tank (and using Cycle, which
I thought would work like Bio-Spira <Uh, no> - the one time
I don't research I get burned, go figure), I'm starting
to see extreme nitrite readings (2-5 ppm), and when I cleaned out
the filter this weekend (I do NOT clean the stars. learned my
lesson from the previous tank) I got a small .5 - 1.00 ammonia
spike. <Not small. Deadly toxic at this concentration and
elevated pH> I have been doing water changes once a week
rather large, between 25 and 50%, and it was helping with the
ammonia, but not the nitrites. Because of this, I dosed with 5
times the dosage of Prime in order to "detoxify" the
nitrites like it says on the bottle. I did this sometime last
week, around Wednesday. <...> I then decided last weekend
to get some Bio-Spira to help cycle the tank, <Yay!> after
reading the FAQ's here and everywhere else. It was shipped
Monday, and I put it in the tank Tuesday night after I received
it. The pack was cold, and remained cold in my fridge until after
work. <Good> I added the pack straight to my filter
(actually took out some of the filter packs and dumped the
Bio-Spira right on the stars). It is now Wednesday night and
I'm not seeing any effect of the bacteria. Did I kill them
with the nitrites being too high? <No> Is that possible? I
thought that the bacteria "ate" that stuff, so that it
would flourish with higher levels? <Just takes a bit of
time...> I've read all the FAQ's online and I've
tried to search for conditions that will kill Bio-Spira, but I
cannot find anything for the life of me. All I see is that if it
is not refrigerated, it will kill the product. <This is about
it> Is my tank going to cycle, or have I wasted my money on
the bacteria by having the nitrites too high? <Will cycle...
patience> Or, worse yet, did I get a bad batch of Bio-Spira,
and how do I prove it to the company I purchased it from so I can
get another batch? <No need> I'm afraid to do a water
change this weekend because I have found in my searches that it
could take 5 days for Bio-Spira to cycle a tank, and that water
changes could "remove" the bacteria that I spent so
much money on and that are so helpful to the tank. I thought it
only took a day, thus the purchase and expense of getting it
overnight shipped. <I would NOT change the water and NOT feed
the fish if there is more than 0.5 ppm of NH3 or NO2
present...> HELP! I don't want to fry (or kill) my fish!
They may be originally 12 cent feeder fish, but I've
strangely become attached to them. They do seem perfectly normal
and even happy to be in a bigger tank, but I know I can (and
should) do better for them. Thanks a ton, John Lindsay <Ten
deep breaths John... All will be fine in time... Wait. Bob
Re: Bio-Spira Cycling Questions 11/1/07
Bob, <John> Thank you for the help. <Welcome> I have
a few more follow up questions when you get a chance.
<Okay> You were correct about me rinsing my filter in tap
water. I had no idea it would cause a problem. I know now thanks
to your site. Also, I'm curious what could cause a fish to
start losing scales. Could it be the water quality causing this?
<Yes my friend. Exactly> I do not notice any parasites or
illness in them, so I am thinking that water quality in the
previous tank when it crashed caused most of this. I am, however,
starting to suspect maybe some fin rot - very little, but not
sure entirely what it looks like, so I will do more research. Is
this caused by ammonia and nitrite burning? <There are many
"dis-eases"... my working definition is: any deviation
from a normal or healthy state... Can be classed by causative
mechanism/s... e.g. genetic, nutritional, ... in this case:
environmental. Disease is not limited to pathogens: infectious,
parasitic...> When you say that an ammonia spike of .5-1.00 is
deadly (my PH is around 7.6-8.2 depending on when I take the
readings) at high PH, I'm curious as to why it does not seem
to be affecting my fish. <Classical habituation... you will
understand if you take the time to peruse WWM> They seem to be
as happy as ever, with good looking gills, and always respond to
me walking over to the tank wanting food. On your advice, I will
cease to feed them, but I'm not sure for how long. Until the
readings go down? <Yes> Goldfish I know can go up to three
days without food, but I don't know about my Pleco.
Doesn't he need food every night? <Better no food than
being toxified by its effects> I assume that decay, regardless
where it's from, will cause additional ammonia and nitrites.
So, decaying algae wafers will do the same thing, right?
<Yes> Another question I have is nitrates. There are a lot
of differing opinions (even on your site) as to the level that
they should be at for a FW tank. How high is too high, <Mmm...
the token standard this time... 20 ppm> and what can too high
of nitrates cause in terms of negative impacts to water quality
and life, <Many... let's say one bit one this time...
retards the RBCs (yes fishes have them too... with the same
hemoglobin molecule...) capacity to take up oxygen... very
important)...> other than algae blooms? I wouldn't
actually mind algae blooms, as I think that would help to keep
nitrates in control, plus give my Pleco a more natural source of
food. <Mmm, not all forms of algae are palatable... some are
toxic in their own right> Just an update - I just tested my
readings and it looks like the ammonia has dropped between 0 and
.25 ppm and still way too high on the nitrites with a reading
between 2 and 5 ppm. I have the API FW test kit so at higher
readings it's a bit more difficult to discern the colors.
<See my prev. stmt.s re...> Thank you so much for the help.
I really appreciate everything and am awed at the response time
that I received! I will surely donate to the site as I had
planned on it anyway, but if there is anything else I can do to
thank you please let me know. John <Thank you for your
participation; showing your caring in doing your best for your
aquatic charges. Life to you my friend. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bio-Spira Cycling Questions... using WWM
11/1/07 Bob, <John> I did a search on WWM for
"Classical habituation" and got my answer. I was using
different search terms that weren't returning anything.
<Shades of B.F. Skinner! Heeeee> I also think that the fin
rot that I suspected may actually be the result of almost a month
in continuously changing and poor water quality. <Almost
assuredly so> I think it is a sign of ammonia poisoning, and
not fin rot, starting to rear its head, so I'm glad I decided
to finally do something proactive about it instead of waiting for
the cycle to finish. <Good idea...> Hopefully my tank
cycles soon, and then it will be much easier to take care of my
fish. That was the whole plan of a 75 gallon, anyway, compared to
the 20 gallon. :) I will continue waiting on the water changes
and feeding as you suggested, and will also attempt to maintain
20 ppm of nitrates in my aquarium. I think my tap water is at
5-10 ppm out of the tap, so I might have to find some way to fix
this. RO is not really an option since I am in an apartment and I
have no room to store it. <Please see WWM re ameliorative
processes for limiting NO3...> Do you have any ideas on this?
I read that Prime will remove some, but I don't think
it's testable due to how Prime works. <... Please... learn
to/use the search tool, indices...> I also have Purigen in my
canister to try to remove this, but I'm not sure of its
ability or effectiveness. Any thoughts? I'll try searching
some more on nitrates on WWM, but all I see is water changes
fixing this. Is there anything else that can do this? I've
seen that skimmers and sumps help in this regard, but those
I've read are for saltwater systems. Again, thank you very
much for your help. It's hard to find these days when
everyone is just concerned about making a buck and moving to the
next victim... I mean customer. :) John <Perhaps here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm and the
linked files above. BobF> Re: Bio-Spira Cycling Questions
11/1/07 Bob, <John> I know how irritating it must be
for someone to ask questions that have already been answered, and
I do apologize, but I promise you, I *have* used the search tool
and read through the FAQ's on this stuff for at least a month
before even thinking about e-mailing... that's how I learned
that I killed my tank bacteria and that Cycle was worthless
compared to Bio-Spira. <I see> I am not afraid of reading
the material, I just don't think I know where to look, or
*how* to look for it. My search terms are apparently not working,
since you obviously think that the answers to my questions are on
the site. <Well... I do "apologize" by way of
compassion (from the Latin meaning "to bear pain with")
for the lack of intuitive capacity of the site... EricR has just
sent a new guide to using the site that I'm posting today...
And I am greatly appreciative of your input here... re the
search- use-ability of the content here, its arrangement...>
I'm relatively new to most of this and I think I'm
getting wires crossed with the boatload of information I've
read the past week to a month. I have literally sat down and read
one FAQ or more per night as well as reading the
"guides" on this stuff, and perhaps I'm missing the
information that is relevant to me. <Again, I sense your
frustration, and am indeed eager to assist you> Perhaps what
may be helpful is listing common search terms and then their
correct scientific or "inside" terms so that people who
are new like me know how to search. Just a suggestion since I
hate asking questions that are already answered, wasting your
time and irritating you. <An excellent idea... and no
irritation from earnest folk who have tried to find what there
is...> For example, ameliorative processes would not be
something I would ever know to search for, especially related to
nitrates. <Sorry re my apparent obtuse- and contriteness... am
given to mind wandering too often...> Also, searching on Prime
and nitrates/nitrites or even reading the FAQ's/guides on
dechlorinating water (what Prime does) and cycling (where Prime
keeps down the toxicity) doesn't seem to give me any
information which you have obviously pointed me towards. <Ahh,
nothing, or not enough of anything of apparent, ready, applicable
use...> At least in my mind. All I need usually is a pointer
and I will gladly do the rest, especially if it is out there
already! The last thing I want to do is waste your time, so again
I apologize. :) Thanks, John <Again, it is not a failing on
your part, nor particularly of ours... That our language, the
development/growth of the Net, our small part, has not gone
sufficiently to aid quickly, completely. Let us begin anew John,
with particular questions. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bio-Spira Cycling Questions 11/07/07
Bob, <John> Sorry this took so long to send back; my e-mail
server was down for the weekend. <No worries> I wanted to
mainly ask how Prime works. I know it says it detoxifies ammonia
and nitrites, as well as removes nitrates, but how exactly does
it to this? <You mean chemically? Do look up the terms sodium
thiosulfate (hyposulfite) and Polyvinyl pyrolidone (PVP)... I am
not at liberty to state the proprietary formulations of
peoples'/companies' products...> More of a broad
overview than a detailed chemistry equation is ok with me! I just
don't understand how it can leave it in the water but at the
same time detoxify it. <Okay> As you recall, my nitrites
were in the 5ppm range for over a week, and then last Friday were
amazingly down to 0.5ppm. Not sure if the Prime was hindering, or
helping with this. <Likely helping... but could be "just
time going by", microbial activity mostly> As an update,
my tank was fully cycled on Saturday. It has held at 0 ammonia, 0
nitrites, and the nitrates are now high at around 80 ppm.
<Yikes!> I will be doing a water change this weekend (I
want to make sure the cycle is "stable" and complete
before changing the environment). <Good; well-stated> I
wanted to also ask you what your view is on bio-media for
canister filters. <I use it> In specific, I'm looking
to replace the bio-chem stars from Rena with Seachem's
Matrix. I was reading some testimonials about this product, and
have noticed that it actually supports the growth of bacteria
that will remove nitrates. Do these types of products work as
claimed, or am I wasting more money? <They can work... have
seen sintered glass (e.g. the commercial product Siporax) used in
HUGE applications for anaerobic denitrification> I have read
on WWM only that spending more on quality bio-media will not
allow more fish and only support higher colonies in labs, but
nothing on the effectiveness or ability to do as Matrix claims.
Bio-chem stars do not claim to remove nitrates at all, so that
was the eye-catcher for me. <This is a good product of a
worthy company. I only find a few of SeaChem's products more
show than go> I am keenly aware that water changes are
necessary, and am happy to do them, but I am looking for
something to assist me with the removal of nitrates. <As you
should> To keep them in the range of 20 ppm like you suggested
would require almost daily 50% water changes. In fact, my tap
water is around 10ppm. With daily water changes at 50% for a 75
gallon, that amounts to a large volume of water every week, on
top of amounts of money spent on Prime. I'm fearful of this
much water usage, since currently my water bill is free, but if I
go over some arbitrary amount (the landlord states
"unusual" amounts of usage) I will be billed for it.
<Heeee! Oh yes> I would like to get this down to the
average 25-33% weekly changes, or even bi-weekly 50% changes. Do
you think this is possible using a relatively easy method, such
as Matrix or de*nitrate? <Yes... though there are other means.
You have re the use of DSBs, live plants... on WWM?> Again I
fear using RO, because I literally have nowhere to store it in my
apartment. <Mmm, doesn't take much space... containers of
not-too large size in the closet for instance. I am more
concerned with the water/use for yourself... drinking and
cooking> Thank you so much, John Lindsay <Welcome in kind.
Bob Fenner>
Grr....pet store people! ... salt use/FW... cycling prod.s...
Using WWM 9/12/07 Good evening to you all! I hope this finds you
well. Thanks again for all of your help. I've searched your site
for the last few days, reading everything that even remotely applied to
my tank/fish in hopes that I can learn new things to watch for so I can
head off any problems. I've even read things that didn't apply
sometimes because it was just plain interesting. Since our last email,
I've added 1 more ADF. The original one spent a lot of time hiding
and now comes out to play. I guess he/she was lonely. (I also feel like
I should name them.) <Go ahead> I know I'm pushing the limits
on what is "too much", but they all seem healthy/happy with
no trouble maintaining proper levels. I have been doing a 25-30% water
changes with gravel vacuuming twice a week. I'm wondering if
I'm doing too much? <Mmm, no, not likely> Also, PetSmart
suggested that I add conditioning salt <No...> to my tank because
their breeders us it so the fish are accustomed to it. <...>
Well, everything I bought from them died. I've asked the nice
people at SuperPet and they said that it wouldn't hurt, but they
don't use salts. I also use Jungle "Start Right" when
doing water changes to treat for chlorine/chloramine. It has Allantoin
added to it to "promote slime coat". Isn't that a bit
redundant? <Can be> Should I continue with the salt and find
another treatment for the chlorine/chloramine? <... Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/saltusefaqs.htm> Or
stop with the salt? Can I just stop using it? Or should I slowly taper
the level off? AGH! I promise you (and my fish) that I will never visit
PetSmart again! One more thing...Though my water looks clear from a
distance, when you get right up on the tank, you can see a hazy kind of
something floating all around in the water. I have no idea what this is
and can't find any mention of it anywhere on your site. I know this
is kind of vague, but any ideas? <Likely a matter of microbial
population, lack of established biofiltration... best to not feed...
overfeed...> OK, so this is the last thing...lol. Another pet store
recommended using Cycle (which I can only assume is comparable to what
you all call Bio-Spira <Ah, no... this Hagen product is inferior>
(I can't find it anywhere here). It says to use when setting up new
aquarium to establish beneficial bacteria, during water changes, and
when introducing new fish. Is this a product that you are familiar with
and is it needed since I did cycle my tank in the beginning? <Please
learn to/use the search tool on WWM:
Again, thank you so much for all your time and effort. I am so thankful
that I stumbled upon your site (and found it interesting enough to
spend the last few days here). You all are a blessing. By the way, I
referred to the nice people at SuperPet to your site when I asked them
a question that they couldn't answer (but at least they TOLD me
they didn't know instead of guessing!). Brandi <Happy to
share... Bob Fenner>
Bio-Spira Replacement 5/7/07 Hi guys, Thank you for providing
such a fantastic web resource - it's a treasure trove of
information! Here is my question: I'm based in Cape Town, South
Africa, and can't find Bio Spira _anywhere_ !Could you recommend an
alternative? There seem to be hundreds. Thanks again, hope you're
all having a smiley day :)- Anusha < You can get Bio-Spira online
from Drsfostersmith.com. I am not sure if it would survive the trip
from the US. The best alternative would be to get some sand from an
established tank at a local fish store. The needed bacteria live on the
surface of the sand. Start stocking the tank slowly at first and watch
the ammonia and nitrate levels. Aquarists were doing this for a long
time before Bio-Spira. I have not heard any good feed back for any
other aquarium starter culture.-Chuck>
Cycling Question--Cycle Product is Bunk! 5/4/07 Hello guys,
<Hi, Jeni/Pufferpunk here> you might recall I contacted you about
an Oranda that got it's eye ripped out with a syphon...He is still
alive and seemingly doing well. <Awww... I hope he doesn't get
picked on by the others.> I was hoping you guys could help me out
again. I have a 45 gal tall tank with 4 gold fish, 2 Orandas, a
telescope and a decent size black moor. I think it is cycled but can no
longer tell. For a couple of weeks my nitrites were out of control and
my nitrates were low, present but low. <When there is 0 ammonia, 0
nitrites & nitrates below 20, you have a healthy, cycled tank.>
I went to a fish store that was deemed trustworthy by a friend that has
been in the hobby for about 2 years. The OWNER recommended I use
"Cycle" in my tank. He said it only has bacteria to work
against ammonia and nitrite. <He is completely mistaken. Cycle
contains dead bacteria (more waste) & can hinder your cycle. The
ONLY product that contains LIVE bacteria is Bio-Spira & can
instantly cycle your tank. It MUST be kept refrigerated.> I knew I
was towards the end of my cycle and had been testing daily and doing
50-70% water changes daily or every other day. <Good> I added the
"Cycle" to my tank and it seemingly did nothing. A week or so
goes by and nothing is really changing, maybe a minor drop in Nitrites.
I go to a different 'trusted' fish store and the girl there
says "you are doing too many water changes, the cycle is in
limbo". <Since the nitrifying bacteria lives on surfaces,
removing water as often as possible to prevent the fish from being
poisoned by ammonia/nitrites is fine & necessary.> She says my
options at this point are to stop water changes and either A) over feed
to produce waste OR B) use refrigerated 'live' bacteria. <A)
Will kill all your fish & should be done as a fishless cycle. B) Is
Bio-Spira.> She also goes on to tell me that "Cycle" only
masks the test kits (I use aqua pharmaceuticals <Aquarium
Pharmaceuticals> liquid drop tests) and that "Cycle" does
nothing to progress the real cycling of the tank. <That, she is
absolutely correct about.> I chose to over feed, (I was feeding
sparingly prior to her advice, a small amount every other day). <Bad
move.> Well, after following her advice 2 weeks go by and sure
enough slowly my Nitrites are going down BUT my low levels (10-15ppm)
of nitrAtes are going down too. So 2 weeks later here I am, with the
following test results: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0. I don't
buy those results for the life of me. <I would be hard-pressed to
believe a goldfish tank has no nitrates. Try taking the water into your
LFS to test with their kits.> ALSO my water started getting white
cloudy, which I am told is a 'bacteria bloom' so if that's
the case, what the heck is going on in my tank? I fear I have rendered
my test kits useless. <Did you add Bio-Spira?> To further make
matters worse, my black Oranda has now started gasping for air at the
surface, I did a 10% change tonight and lowered the water level to let
the filters (Whisper 4 and a Bio-Wheel) pour into the tank to agitate
the surface more, plus I took my airstones out of the gravel to make
the bubbles finer. <Good moves. The bacterial bloom is reducing
O2.> I don't think I asked any direct question but I could
really use some advice, We JUST bought a 75 gallon tank for the
goldfish because we thought the tank was cycled but now with the weird
tests we are weary of transferring them, so any help would be great.
<Start up the 75g ASAP. Get enough Bio-Spira to cycle that sized
tank. Add it to the filter & add the fish immediately afterwards.
Whala! Instantly cycled tank! Easy, huh? I suggest multiple filtration,
as your fish grow. I'd say, the largest Aquaclear filter they make
& a canister filter, like the Eheim. Until then, do 80-90% water
changes daily on the present tank. Use Prime for dechlorinating &
detoxifying ammonia/nitrite/nitrate. Most goldfish keepers do 90% water
changes weekly, as these fish are extremely messy fish & produce a
lot of waste.> Thanks guys keep up the good work. <Good luck! For
future letters to us, please be sure your i's are capitalized, when
used as a pronoun, as well as the letters in the beginning of
sentences. I have corrected all that here, for posting in our FAQs.
Bio-Spira + Amquel = Uncycled Tank 3/9/07 <Hi,
Pufferpunk here> I started a new tank using Bio-Spira (75 gallon
tank). I got a little crazy with the Amquel, which resulted in a lower
pH and now I'm wondering what else its resulted in. <Amquel
shouldn't lower your pH. If you read the directions on the
Bio-Spira package though, it says not to use any ammonia-removing
products with it. The bacteria in Bio-Spira needs ammonia to live.>
My ammonium <ammonia?> went up and went down. My nitrites started
down, went up, then up again, then up again and now I have no idea
where the reading should be but it's a real pretty shade of purple.
The nitrates stayed low until recently, now it's on the rise but
the nitrites are holding steady. My fish are eating, swimming, seem
relaxed but I'm extremely worried and willing to do anything in my
power to keep those beautiful dollar bills swimming. I'm mainly
writing to find out if Amquel is skewing my test on the nitrites.
Please let me know. About the only thing left to buy is snake oil and
the only thing stopping me is finding the salesman. <Now why would
you want to go and do that? Using anything other than Bio-Spira to
cycle your tank, will only hinder the cycle. Get another package of
Bio-Spira and add to your filter, after doing an 80% water change to
remove the nitrites & Amquel. You tank should be fine within 24-48
hours. Next time, please be sure to correct your capitalization &
punctuation, before sending out your email to us. I have to correct
them before they are posted in our FAQs. Very time consuming. Another
Crewmember might have returned this email unanswered, for correction.
Thanks, PP>
Fishless Cycle Mistake 2/12/07 Good Day, <And to you>
I'll make this short and sweet. I was attempting to fishless cycle
my 29 gallon tank which contains Ecco-Complete Cichlid Sand for
substrate and an Eheim 2215 filter. I purchased "clear
ammonia" from Shaw's and added 8ml to my tank; <Yikes...
this is a BUNCH... too much ammonia presence actually kills all life...
including nitrifying bacteria... I imagine (though barely) that too
many pizzas would kill even me!> however, I neglected to give the
ammonia the "shake test" before I added it to my tank. (I
know, big mistake) Of course I shook the bottle and it foamed
indicating that the ammonia contains surfactants, and now I don't
know what to do. Please help? <Oh!...> The tank is empty besides
the 40 lbs of Ecco-Complete Cichlid Sand.. and of course 29 gallons of
water. I have carbon in the filter that is only a week old. Could that
help take care of the surfactants? <Mmm, yes> I realize that I
may have to empty my tank and rinse everything, which, of course is
very frustrating. If this is what you recommend, Is there a way that I
can keep some of my bacteria alive through out the process. Many
thanks! Dan <I would likely dump, rinse and re-fill this tank... If
you have the patience... you could try waiting a few weeks, testing
(for free ammonia) and trying a test fish or two... Bob Fenner>
Re: Fishless Cycle Mistake 2/13/07 Good Morning:
<Daniel> I just wanted to clarify a point with regards to my
fishless cycle question. Yes, 8ml is a lot of ammonia; however, I did
some research on the ammonia that I used and found that it only
contains 2% ammonia. 8ml of this product brought my ammonia to 3ppm,
2ppm shy of the recommended 5ppm. <I recommend no more than 1 ppm,
but good point... this is quite a dilute solution commercially> I
ended up draining the tank and cleaning everything with water that I
treated with prime in an attempt to save as much bacteria as I could. I
went out and bought a product called "Austin's Clear
Ammonia", and after checking with the manufacturer to make sure
the product is pure I'm starting the entire process again.
<Better by far to "start" with an organic source of
ammonia (protein)... food... that will provide a steady supply...>
With the help of a nasty filter cartridge from a locally owned trusted
LFS <Ah, good> I'm hoping to put some fish in it soon. Thank
you so much for your help! Your site is simply awesome! <Thank you
for this follow-up, clarification. Bob Fenner>
Bio-Spira Confusion 1/24/07 Dear WWM Crew, <Hi
Katie, Pufferpunk here with you tonight.> My first tank, which I
cycled 2 years ago, was cycled with fish (I now know better). <Glad
to hear it.> That cycle progressed in a straightforward, linear
fashion, which made sense as I tested my water each day. I now have an
7-day-old freshwater 26-gallon bowfront. I used Bio-Spira to cycle the
tank and I am confused on the progression of cycling. The LFS said to
put fish in, wait a day to get some ammonia going, then shake and empty
the refrigerated product into the tank. <I always suggest pouring
directly into the filter, then immediately stock the tank with fish. I
would think if you let the ammonia be produced by the fish 1st, not
only are the fish suffering ammonia poisoning, the B-S will have to
deal with more ammonia than if added at the same time as the fish. This
is how it's meant to work.> I wanted to start with 6 white
clouds and 4 Rasbora but they said that might not generate enough
ammonia, so I added to that 4 Cory cats. <Although B-S is made to be
able to instantly cycle a fully stocked tank, a smaller amount of
bioload will suffice.> I brought them home, put them in the tank
that had been filled and running for a day (after floating the bag).
The next day I fed them in the morning and put the Bio-Spira in at
night. I was testing the water daily and for the first few days,
nothing--no ammonia, nitrites, nitrates; the water was cloudy, which I
read on the Marineland website was normal. Then I started getting
ammonia readings around day 4, still no nitrites, then by day 6
(yesterday), my ammonia appeared to be a "2" on my color
chart. I was alarmed and performed a 50% water change. <Should be
fine after 48 hours of adding B-S. You can add Prime to dechlorinate
& detoxify ammonia to a non-toxic form of ammonia that can still be
eaten by the bacteria.> I then went to the LFS to buy another pouch
of Bio-Spira, thinking that perhaps my bacteria died while waiting for
enough ammonia to be produced. But the LFS said I shouldn't have
done the water change, that the ammonia is rendered harmless by the
Bio-Spira and that now I may have diluted the Bio-Spira too much to
work. <The B-S should have been attached to the surfaces of your
tank by the 4 days & wouldn't be free-floating in your
tank.> I was under the impression, having read it frequently, that
Bio-Spira cycles "overnight". Even if that's
exaggerating, I can't seem to find information regarding what type
of cycling progression to expect (i.e. will I ever even see nitrites in
my testing?) I bought another pouch, which is currently in my fridge.
Ammonia is .5 today but I am now getting a trace reading of nitrates!
The store said that my cycling would proceed normally (i.e., I'll
get ammonia readings, then nitrites, then nitrates) but it will just
not take as long as cycling without the Bio Spira--that it should take
3-4 weeks. Why do I see trace nitrates when I have not gotten any
nitrites? <Totally incorrect. If the B-S has been kept properly
refrigerated the whole time, you will see no ammonia or nitrites &
trace nitrates, after a few days of adding the product & stocking
the tank.> Is it true that ammonia is rendered harmless by the
Bio-Spira? <Yes> Does Bio-Spira work overnight or take 4 weeks?
<Overnight> Should I add the second pouch? <Couldn't hurt.
Or you could try the Prime & water changes & see how it
goes.> I'm so confused. Thank you for helping me with this. By
the way, all the other water parameters are normal and temp is within
tropical range. <There's good info explaining B-S at this
website & these folks know a lot about the product, if you're
having problems with it. http://fishstoretn.com/bio_spira.html A lot of research has
gone into this product. If you're really into scientific jargon,
read this: http://www.marineland.com/science/nspira.asp I think
the biggest problem folks have with B-S is that if it hasn't been
kept refrigerated, from Marineland to the tank, it will starve,
rendering it useless or at the very least, not enough live bacteria to
fully cycle a tank properly. I hope this helps. ~PP> Katie
Start Up Cycling Products Hi, I set up my new 46
gallon tank just 2 days ago and used a product called Cycle by Hagen.
The product has been in the tank for around 36 hours and the water
looks cloudy (I realize this is normal). I do not know how quickly this
product can cycle the tank completely, but I heard Marineland's Bio
Spira can completely cycle a tank within 24 hours. Do you know how much
the product by Hagen speeds up the process? Do you think ammonia and
nitrites would be at 0 in a week or so, or should I get some of the Bio
Spira if I want results that quickly? If I do get the Bio Spira, would
it be ok to add it to the tank since the Hagen product is already in
there? Thanks <I have all of my tanks for many years. I usually give
someone and old used sponge filter and tell them to "ring it
out" into their tank to get the bacteria started. If you have a
Marineland filter with a Bio-Wheel then I would just swap wheels. Trade
a new one for a used cycled one. I have many friends with aquarium
maintenance businesses and they have tried all the cycling products.
They all use Bio-Spira. It works when it says it does. I would
recommend the Bio-Spira and get your tank up and going the
Re: Adding Bio-Spira To A Maybe Established
Tank Thank you very much. I will use the Bio Spira, will it matter
that it will be going in the tank after a different cycling product was
already used? <No, go ahead and use it. Medications may affect the
biological filtration.-Chuck>
Re: Adding Fish To A New Tank, FW Cycling 1/14/07 One
more question: should I put fish food in the tank as a source of
ammonia so that the Bio Spira bacteria has something to feed on until
the fish are put in the tank? < The bacteria need something to eat
or they will go dormant. Put in the Bio-Spira as per the directions on
the package. It will last until you add the fish, as long as you do not
wait too long.-Chuck.>
Hagen "Cycle", Bogus? 11/9/06 <Hi Cody,
Pufferpunk here> I have a question that I could not find but a few
topics on. That is the product Hagen Cycle. I have set up a 55 gallon
freshwater tank, with gravel and a tetra whisper hang on filter, rated
for 60 gallons. The filter has 2 bio filters on them. No fish have been
added, nor will any until the tank completely cycles. Anyway, my
question was I purchased the Hagen Cycle before I read any reviews, and
they all say its bogus! <Absolutely, the stuff is total bunk!
It's nothing but dead bacteria in a bottle. > I did come across
a few reviews that said it was good to pour the whole bottle in to get
a few bacteria going but that it lacked necessary ingredients to get it
fully cycled. My question is would adding the entire bottle, which I
bought the smallest one, be a major set back to getting my tank cycled?
Also, I plan to add live plants, should I plant them before or after
the cycle completes? <Return that junk. The only product that
contains LIVE nitrifying bacteria to "instant cycle" your
tank is Bio-Spira. Nothing else will work. You can also do a fishless
cycle (just do a search) but that will take a few weeks. If you do
decide to go the Bio-spire route, you should pour it into your filter
then you can fully stock your tank the same day. You must add fish or
you'll have to feed the bacteria with ammonia. You can plant the
tank before cycling it. Might even help it along. ~PP> Great
website! Thanks, Cody