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Black Mollies, White Gills - 11/14/2005 Hi
y'all, <Howdy.> I'm sure you get this a lot - but...
THANKS! So many times - you all have kept me from giving my fish away
and turning my tank into a terrarium! <Excellent! Thank you for
these kind words.> I've got an issue with two of my black lyre
tailed mollies. They have what looks like white growths on their gills.
The growths are not fluffy, or worm like, or little specks or anything
I can find information on. It actually looks like they have these thin,
tissue like white flaps that are the same shape as the gill slit - and
the flap runs the full length of the gill. They really look like thin,
white extensions of the gill. Otherwise, neither seems to be in any
distress or unhealthy in any way. Both are swimming and eating with no
problems. <Hmm.... I suspect that this is "normal".... You
might want to start taking a look at the mollies in stores as well, and
even photos online, to see if this seems "universal".> My
tank is 35 gal, with seven black mollies (1 adult and 6 young'uns -
I know the adult is female, not sure about the others yet) two black
neon tetras (the remains of early aquarium problems) and one pleco
(he's about 5 inches now...time to trade him in soon, I think)
<Sounds quite alright.> My water qualities are good (early
problems taught me that lesson) and I keep the temp and salinity up
where the mollies seem to like it. (the pleco and the tetras seem not
to mind, either) <Hopefully no more than a tablespoon per ten
gallons or so - more could be irritating to the Plec and tetras, which
hail from saltless, soft water.> Any clue what these little flaps
can be? And how do I treat them? <I suspect just a normal part of
the operculum. I would observe, for now, and see if you can look at
others as well.> Thanks! -Rochelle <Wishing you well,
-Sabrina> Molly Questions Hello, <Hi there> I have 2
black male mollies and one white one. I also have about 10 other baby
mollies ranging in various sizes. A couple of weeks ago my black molly
showed signs of ick. I treated the tank with RidIch and it cured the
fish in a couple of days, A few days later, the 2 black mollies top fin
has a white line of them so I thought it might be tail rot. I treated
the tank with Melafix for 4 days, then changed 25% of the water, added
more salt and dechlorinator and put the carbon back in the filter. Now
a few days later, one of my black mollies is shaking badly (like having
a seizure) and stays on the bottom of the tank. He comes out to eat,
but still shakes bad. Now my white female is also shaking badly and
stays bear the heater and filter inlet. I'm going to try a 50%
water change today. I tested the water and my nitrites are way high.
<How high is high?> I'm hoping the 50% water change will
reduce this number. I also bought some Amquel plus to reduce the
nitrites. What can I do? Is there something I'm doing that causing
this? Is their behavior due to water problems or a disease? Please
Help!!!! Mark <You're suffering from "too much buying and
treating" disease... Really, I would be careful here re these
"medicines"... and revert back to just maintaining good water
quality and having some salt in your water. Very likely your fish have
been poisoned by the med.s... They have killed much of your biological
filter obviously. I would leave off with their further use at this
time. Bob Fenner> Vertical swimming mollies Hello, I hope you can help, I have read everything I can find and just don't know what is wrong. I have a 55 gal tank with 1 swordtail, 2 platies, 2 Plecos, 2 Cory cats, 1 Bala shark, 1 painted glass, 2 balloon bellied mollies, 2 black mollies, 2 silver mollies. I do a 25% water change approx every 2-3 weeks. The problem begins with the fish body becoming curved, they swim around shaped like a comma, tail pointing down, like they are dragging their tail end around. <Not good> Within days they are swimming straight but vertically, head up. Then they die within a matter of days. I have had this problem for the last 2 months approx, and have treated with PimaFix numerous times <Worthless> ...and changed water numerous times. I have had my water tested and ammonia, nitrates, ph, everything shows good and safe. Is this a bacteria or a parasite? I have lost many fish to this and have 2 that are swimming this way now. Please help!!!! <Actually very likely a microsporidean endoparasite... You might be able to cure this with the use of Flagyl/Metronidazole. Please see your LFS re this material and administer per directions on the box, inserts. Bob Fenner> MOLLY QUESTION Hi, <Hello> I have molly trouble and can't seem to find the right diagnosis anywhere, but I am sure you can help me . . . <Will try> My Dalmatian Molly started swimming very awkwardly and unbalanced one day, so I removed her from my aquarium and transferred her to a bowl I use as a hospital. I was sure she was going to die. However, instead she gave birth to about 80 fry (it was very exciting to watch!!!). Afterwards, of course she was exhausted, but now (5 days later) she is still not in good shape. I added some revitalizer tonic to the water, and at least she is eating now. But her body, seen from the top, looks as if it has a 'kink'. Seen from the side, the bottom part seems to hang down. <Good description... this happens at times... in aging...> She is OK in the bowl, but when I put her back in the aquarium (with a slight flow of water) she had a hard time maintaining her balance. She does not top over or so, but her back part seems paralyzed or so. The water quality (nitrite & ammonia) is fine. My female has been bothered my male molly lately, and my new addition, a female swordtail, has been pretty aggressive too. <Do you have more than one female? The sex ratios in livebearers are sometimes very important...> I hope you can give me a clue as to what is happening. Thanks so much! Paula <I would provide more plant (live or fake) cover, other female/s... and separate these fishes if they seem to be causing damage. Bob Fenner>
Re: Urgent Molly Question Bob, There have been a few more developments since I last wrote. My fish is doing worse. She swims on her side with her spine all curved. Her eyes are popping out and there seems to be some blood in them and a visible patch of red on the top of her head. Is there anything else I can do at this point?? <Mmm, no. Nothing I would do at least. You may be at the point of considering euthanizing this animal... as it is very unlikely to recover from the bent spine...> I stopped treating her with the fungus clear 3 days ago and started to use Maracyn II. I thought it might be an internal infection that the fungus clear could not cure. She initially seemed to get better with the fungus clear, but then took a turn for the worse for about 2 weeks. That's when I decided to try the Maracyn II and discontinue use of the fungus clear. All the patchy cottony white fungus is not nowhere on her body. Is this the right course of action? She hasn't eaten in 10 days. The spine curvature seems to be permanent. What is causing her spine to bend?? Maybe she has a swim bladder problem?? <A myriad of problems my friend... from what cause/s? Perhaps an internal infection... maybe a genetic "time bomb" anomaly...> She swam with her head down when she first had the fungus, but then started to swim normally. Of course, things have changed and she swims kind of on her side with her body twisted. She now just lays on the bottom of the tank with only her side fins moving. I hate to see the fish suffer. Should I put her down?? Is there something I'm doing wrong?? Is there another medication I should be using?? Should I stop the Maracyn II treatment and go back to fungus clear? Any help to cure this fish would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark Stack <Mark... I would freeze this fish... in a plastic bag in a bit of water... this is painless, the most humane route to end the animals suffering. Bob Fenner> Deceased Dalmatian Molly Hello! It's me, Walt again. I am really sorry to bother you for the hundredth time. My wife and I woke up this morning to find one of our Dalmatian mollies deceased and stuck to the filter intake. (Actually, we did not notice it right away and then all of a sudden I looked up and saw it on the intake... Don't know what to make of that.) <Me neither> As you may remember, I have had my 44 gallon pentagon up and running for about nine weeks now. I started changing five gallons of water weekly two weeks ago, as recommended. I test my water regularly, and since I added Turbostart 700 the first week, my parameters have remained stable: pH 7.8; Ammonia 0; Nitrite 0; Nitrate 20ppm; Hardness 160ppm CaCO3. I tested this morning after finding the dead fish and found the same results. I cannot figure out what happened, as she was fine last night. I have some possibilities... I started with 16 fish after adding the TurboStart. (2 Diamond tetras, 2 Beacon tetras, 2 platies, 3 pairs of differing mollies, 2 kissers, and 2 red velvet swordtails). During the first six weeks, I lost one kisser due to his aggressive brother, after which I returned the offender. Other than that, I let them be until I was sure the tank was stable. After six weeks I started adding more fish. First, I added the two Dalmatian mollies, two platies, and two Botia darios to help with the occasional snail. I noticed some very aggressive behavior following this change and I returned one of my platies and one of my mollies (both males). The next week I added two Serpae tetras and two female platies. Then last week I added two more female platies and two female swordtails to help prevent further aggression. This brings my current total to 26 small fish. I hope I do not sound ignorant by asking this, but is all this commotion the likely culprit in the death of the my molly? My tank is 24 inches deep with 480 square inches of surface area. I have a Whisper 30-60 external power filter and I use a four inch air-stone in the back corner for increased aeration. Also, the tank is well planted. I am quite comfortable with my current population, and do not intend on adding any more, but do I have too many fish already? <You're near there> Also, I noticed that some of my new fish got their tail fins nipped, I am guessing by my Serpae tetras. I believe, however, that the fin nipping has stopped now that the tetras have grown accustomed to their new mates. Will the fins repair themselves, or, should I quarantine and medicate. I should add that the victims appear very happy and healthy. As always, thanks for putting up with my neurotic letters and thank you for all your advice. Sincerely, Walt <I wish we could "go back" and chat re your stocking plan... Know that the mix of fishes you list have quite different water quality desires, limitations... the mollies like some salt in their water... the tetras don't... and they like soft, acidic, warmer water than the platies, swords, mollies... IF all were in initially good health, the system kept stable, optimized there would not likely be problems.... but it being so new... some of them are sure to be "challenged"... even "cranky"... You obviously have a good mind and care a great deal... and all will work out fine... but do take a read on WWM, fishbase.org re specific (as in species) requirements, water chemistry... before any further purchases. Bob Fenner> Black molly care Hi I hope you can help me. I inherited a fish tank with black mollies in it only 5 days ago. In the process of getting the fish tank cleaned I lost 3 of the fish. Not bad for a beginner! They all seemed to be doing well until the biggest one in the tank started to hang out the bottom and hide under one of the rocks. I believe it's a female by the shape of her anal fin. I feed them twice a day; in the beginning she came up for the food now she doesn't even do that. I wonder if she is pregnant. These poor fish were abandoned in an apartment and left to die so I took them in. I know absolutely nothing about taking care of fish but, I'm learning quickly. THANK YOU BARBARA <Please take a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm regarding proper biological filtration... and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollyfaqs.htm re Mollies... I suspect your new tank is simply not "cycled", and possibly that the mollies water is not to their suiting... Bob Fenner> Sick Dalmatian molly I looked through the other questions, but didn't see anything quite like this. I was changing the water in my tank today (7 gallon) and had put my 2 Dalmatian mollies (1m, 1f) in a "goldfish bowl" while I did a partial water change in the tank. (The water in the bowl was straight from the tank.) In the bowl, I noticed the male was starting to spaz out. He would be swimming normally and then just jerk as if he was being electrocuted. I assumed it was due to the pH of the water being off (which is why I was doing the water change.) I have since returned him to the main tank and he is now lying on the bottom of the tank, barely moving. His side fins are constantly flapping at about the same speed as if he were stationary in the tank. One of my other fish was acting this way a few weeks ago, but once I neutralized the pH, he was better. My real concern is that it appears as though the molly has a broken bottom lip. His bottom lip is bent completely down and away from his face so that his mouth is stuck open. <Yikes... sounds like it got whacked on the bowl's edge while it was zooming about> He did not eat when I fed them and it didn't look like he even attempted. I was going to pull him from the tank and see if I could bend his lip back up but I was afraid of injuring him further. Can you tell me what is happening to my poor fish? Thanks in advance! <Thank you for your clear writing... I think you are correct in that your Molly did just "flip out" with the moving, injured itself. I do hope it will self-cure... there is naught else that I would do. Bob Fenner> Sick Mollies Ok... I just noticed the spots on two Mollies in my fish tank today. I introduced a new Molly six days ago. That one was a birthday gift for my four year old. I can't kill these fish they are his babies. I tested the ammonia, pH, and nitrates about a week ago and everything checked out ok. I checked them today and the ammonia and pH spiked bad and the nitrates are perfect. I just did a 25% water change and put Wardley WaterCare Ick Away in my tank with a half dose of ammonia eliminator as per the pet store. I didn't realize till after I put in the ick away that it says don't use with tetras and I have two of those too. AM I GOING TO KILL THEM? <These medications that are based with malachite green are very toxic to tetras, catfish and some loaches. You probably have introduced ich into your tank with the new molly.> The tetra's don't have spots but cant they still be affected by the Ich if the other fish have it in the same tank? < They will get it too . They are just not showing any symptoms yet.> I do have a fish bowl I could move them to but I am new to this and I just don't know... could someone please hurry and tell me what I am doing wrong, or right for that matter, to my poor fish? < You could add some carbon to the filter and that would remove it too. Do a 30% water change, vacuum the gravel and change the filter. Once the medication is gone I would get some rid-ich II by Kordon that is especially formulated for sensitive fish. Follow the directions on the package. After treating I would add carbon to remove the medication and then add some BioSpira to get the bacteria going for the nitrification process. Go to Marineland.com and see Dr. Tim's Library for an article titled " The First Thirty Days" for info on the ammonia problems.> The infected ones also lay a lot on the bottom of the tank and only get up to say hi when I open the lid cause they are such cute friendly fish... I'd really hate to lose them :(. Please help me with any ideas. It's a ten gallon tank been running about two or three months. Total of three little mollies two little tetras and a little algae eater. Plants, rocks, etc. It has a bio filter wheel thing, do I need to do anything to that since I don't believe it has charcoal? <Remove the BioWheel when medicating so it does not kill the good bacteria on the wheel. Store it in a damp wheel in a container with aquarium water. You can also get rid of the ich by increasing the water temp to 82 degrees for awhile. It sometimes stresses the fish so you need very good aeration.-Chuck> Mollie w/ pinecone area on tail... Hi guys, <cheers,
dear!> In one of my molly tanks, one of my big males has a spot on
his tail that's pinecone shaped. It's on the underside of the
tail, right next to the caudal fin. Other than that, he looks okay and
is acting normally. I'm going to put him into the QT, but what else
do I do for him? <hmmm... is the pine cone on the soft rays or at
the base but on the skin? Either way, I'm thinking a swab stain
with straight iodine or Merthiolate. I suspect this needs a topical
address> Thanks, Ananda <kindly, Anthony> Bilateral Popeye/Color Change in Mollies I have a tank of marble mollies...some are babies of the originals. A couple of days ago I noticed that one of the younger mollies had both eyes popped out similar to a telescope goldfish. She seemed alright otherwise, but since has taken to hanging out at the top of the tank and seems to be blind, can't seem to see food too well. Also looks thin. I'm wondering if I have a case of mycobacteriosis. This is scary because I read that humans can contract it from fish. What should I do for her? <This conditions sounds like it could have been brought on by poor water quality or stress. Is your water hard, alkaline, and slightly salty, about 1.004 on a hydrometer. Have your water tested to be sure everything in in line. If you are not adding salt already, frequent water changes and the addition of salt should help her. I doubt it is mycobacterium marinum... AKA Fish TB (tuberculosis), but be cautious just the same. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Wound.htm > My other problem is that a black/gold molly I have which was more black than gold has changed color so that now she is almost completely gold. She is almost one year old. Do mollies change color or is this some disease? <It is perfectly normal for them to change color. Best Regards, Gage> Thank you for you help. Molly troubles This really isn't a question, but I'd like your comments anyway (please. lol) Ok, a couple of months ago I bought a black molly and was told she was pregnant. I took her home and within a week or so, noticed that she had a large (pea size) swelling on the left side of her tail. It was so swollen that the scales were sticking out. So, I called the pet store near were that the man there said that she had dropsy, there wasn't anything to do and the best thing would be to put her out of her misery, <that would have been correct at best if she actually had dropsy... but she didn't. Dropsy is a swelling of the abdominal cavity that forcibly distends the body of the fish such that scales protrude like a pine cone. It is symmetrical symptomatically... no left side tail action here. Your fish had a large parasite, or a growth of some kind> which I did by euthanizing her with a table spoon of baking soda in a glass of water. (weird, I know, but that was what I was told to do). <WOW! the LFS is giving out some scary advice. Ahhh... the quick humane method of euthanasia they meant to tell you was to use seltzer water (it can be used briefly as an anesthetic or longer for euthanasia). Baking soda simply shocked the fish to death... took some minutes I suspect? Seltzer water takes seconds> I was just wondering if there had been anything I could have done about her. Thanks! <definitely... get a second opinion before heeding this LFS store's advice <G>. In all seriousness though, the affliction was likely a growth... incurable, although not necessarily malignant. Best regards> Dying Mollies Hi, All of our Mollies are dying and we are
unsure why - they seem to get a hunchback in the area up near their
head and they actually look sick. We have a small tank and
live in North Queensland Australia (perfect water temp without heater
etc), we have 2 different types of large leafed plants in the tank (one
I think is called "aluminium plant"), small filter, gravel, a
large rock and an ornament. Firstly they attacked our
"peppered catfish" until it died (more than a week ago) now
the mollies are dying - they have these sick characteristics for at
least a day or 2 before they die - any ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you, Sharon <It's hard to say without having
more info. Have you checked your water quality (ammonia/nitrites/etc)
and is this a fresh or brackish system? You say 'perfect
temperature' but what is that temperature? What size tank? What
filtration? How many fish? What other species? Ronni> Ich and Black Mollies (04/03/03) Hi, <Hi! Ananda here tonight; the mollies are in the other room...> I recently got 6 black mollies. In a few days one female had gotten a spot near its top fin. It became more pronounced and I even noticed its gills became shiny. I decided to "cull" the ill fish as to protect the others. <That probably wasn't necessary... it is very easy to treat mollies with ich. Just add salt to their water: - siphon off about a gallon or so of tank water, depending on the size of the tank - add the salt -- maybe 1/4-1/2 cup of marine salt, depending on the size of the tank - mix well - slowly pour salty water into tank The reason this works is that parasites are much less tolerant of changes in salinity than your mollies.> I want to transfer the rest to my main tank but worry they may bring the illness with them. Is it contagious? <It is. But it is easily eradicated from a quarantine tank.> I have been putting in half the recommended dose of Formalin at night and the rest of the fish show no signs (yet). How long should I leave them there to make sure it will not infect the main tank? <Ich has a life cycle of about a month. I would wait a minimum of two or three weeks after the last signs of ich are gone.> I have Platy fry in the main tank in a nursery and would like to transfer them to the smaller tank where the mollies are. The fry are about a week old. Will they be affected by the trace Formalin or the traces of Ick that may be in the smaller tank? <Quite possibly. But if you can salt the smaller tank, you can avoid the problem. Platies are also amenable to salt, though I don't believe they can tolerate as much salt as the black mollies, who can even be kept in full marine tanks.> Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your prompt response. Kevin <You're welcome. --Ananda> Paralyzed Molly My molly fish (looks like a Dalmatian...black and white spots) is having trouble swimming. It looks like his tail is paralyzed, so he only moves his "front fins" to swim. Is this a sickness? Is there anything I can do? Thank you -Julie <This could be the result of a disease (such as swim bladder disease) or an injury, it's hard to say for sure. Isolate the fish and try treating it with Epsom salts. Ronni> FW environmental disease >Hi my names Cora I've been
doing tanks for years and until recently I've never had any
trouble. >>Hello Cora, Marina here. >A lady
contacted me because I take in unwanted fish. Due to her
moving from Ohio to Maryland she needed a home for her fish (black
mollies). She told me to come get tank and all so I
did. Needless to say when I got there the water was black!
>>Ack! (And uh oh.) >I felt bad for the fish caught
them drained the tank and loaded it all up into my car and brought it
home. I gave that tank a good cleaning no chemicals used of
course and used water from my 55 gallon tank that had just had a
partial water change the night before. >>Personal experience:
mistake #1. (Groaning, because I learned my mistake with a
customer's fish.) >I let the fish float for 15 minutes and then
released them. Needless to say a little while later I notice
the fish were starting to act really funny. I checked the
temperature it was a little high so I lowered it the water then started
to get a milky white. >>Free floating bacteria found plenty of
nutrients--new tank syndrome. >And the fish were still acting funny
and 2 died. I pulled the fish from that tank and floated
them in my 55 gallon released them and they did fine. >>I
wouldn't have done that, but you saved the rest. My
concern is the very real risk to your well-established tank by
introducing the new fishes with no quarantine whatsoever, coming out of
a foul-looking (but apparently healthy) tank. >I left them in the 55
over night and by morning the other tank had turned clear (no chemicals
were used at any point of my set up ) so I put in 2 clown loaches and a
few mollies needless to say they started to fly through the tank and
act as though they were going to die I immediately put them back into
my 55 and now they are fine but the other tank is milky white
again. Can you give me any ideas as to what might be going
on? I've worked in pet shops and have had tanks for
years and never experienced anything to this effect. Any
information would be greatly appreciated! Totally
Confused, Cora
>>Again, this sounds like new tank syndrome, though it usually
takes a few hours for the bacteria to get a good
foothold. You never mentioned the size of this new tank, and
I cannot recommend adding so many fish so quickly unless we're
talking about a 75 gallon or larger set up. At this point
you MUST remove everything from the tank and fill it with water, then
add bleach at a ratio of 1Cup/5 gallons. Let it sit like
this a few hours, then drain and allow to dry. I would do
this with everything that was associated with that tank as
well. If you're very worried about the tank, do this
procedure twice, and then when ready to set it up again start with
feeder gups first. Beyond that it's difficult to say
what to do, I'm assuming you know to match temperature and pH when
transferring fishes, and to never introduce water from one system into
another. I hope this has helped answer your
questions. Best of luck with your new wards,
Marina Sick molly's Hi! One of my black mollies seems to be
dying. 2 days ago she was lying on her side trying to swim and gasping
for breath.<would check your water parameters ASAP...many diseases
are caused by deteriorating water quality> Yesterday she was
swimming upright. I have isolated her. Today she is flopping again. I
did have an ich problem about 3 weeks ago and thought it started again
as she and another black molly were rubbing themselves against
rocks.<If the fish are constantly rubbing against rocks then there
is a good possibility they have parasites> I am treating them again
for ich. By the way, this molly that is flopping around I received on
May 09. Is she dying? Please help!!!! Thank you.<well from your
email I can't really tell if she is dying or not, I would just keep
excellent water quality and hopefully your treatments that you are
using work against ICH. I will enclose some links that should help you
out http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
good luck with your molly's IanB> Mollies W/Ich 11/04/03 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> First, let me say WOW! what a great web-site. I have learned so much since finding your site. Thank you! <Thanks for the compliment!> My question is, how old do baby mollies need to be before you can treat them for ich? The fry are about 1 week and 3 days. There are 13 of them in a 5 gallon tank. I removed them from the main tank because I noticed ich on the mother and 1 guppy. In the main tank are 1 molly (used to be 2, another female lost her after birth), 3 guppies (1 male, 2 female). So far my method in the fry tank has been to keep the water temp at 80 F. Keep the tank lights off and put in 1 Tablespoon of salt. That seemed to help, most of the white spots are gone, but a couple of the fry still have 1 or 2 spots. <I personally don't use any meds for the treatment of ich. I would think newborn fish would not fair well w/any kind of meds. Here is the info I have printed on ich at my puffer website. The same goes for any fish. If some morning you get up and it looks like someone has salted the body, fins, and gills of your fish, you are looking at "Ich", sometimes called ick, or white spot disease. "Ich" is a protozoan parasite with the scientific name of Ichthyophthirius multifilius. It is the largest of the ciliated protozoans. It is easily introduced into your tank by new fish or equipment or plants that have been moved from one tank to another. A quarantine tank is the best way to prevent introducing this parasite into your display tank. If you see ich on your fish they should be treated immediately. In heavily stocked tanks it can cause massive death rates within a very short period of time. Some symptoms before white spots appear may include flashing, clamped fins, weakness, loss of appetite, and decreased activity. In the case of heavy gill infestations, you may not see evidence of white spots, but may find your fish breathing heavily at the surface of your tank. Secondary bacterial and respiration difficulties may result, so keep an eye out for complications in addition to the ich infection. The best way to prevent ich, as I stated above, is to quarantine all incoming fish. A minimum of three weeks in quarantine (in my opinion) is the best way to go. When kept at 76 to 83 degrees, incoming fish that have been exposed to ich may show symptoms within the first 3 days. However, at cooler temperatures, ich outbreaks may take longer to show up because of its lengthened life cycle. Water temperature has a tremendous effect on how fast the life cycle of ich is completed. At water temperatures of 75 to 79 degrees F, the life cycle is completed in about 48 to 72 hours. In water temperatures below 75, it takes much longer for the parasite to complete its life cycle. LIFE CYCLE: There are three phases to the life cycle of this protozoan. Ich is susceptible to treatment at only one stage of its life cycle, so knowing the life cycle is important. ADULT PHASE: the parasite attaches itself under the mucus layer of the skin or gills, causing irritation and the appearance of small white spots. As the parasite matures, it feeds on blood and skin cells. After some time, the parasite breaks through the mucus layer and falls to the bottom of the aquarium. CYST PHASE: after falling to the bottom of the aquarium, the adult cyst bursts and divides into numerous daughter cells called tomites. FREE SWIMMING PHASE: after the cyst phase, the free swimming tomites search for a host. If a host fish is not found within 2 to 3 days, the parasite dies. Once a host is found the whole cycle begins again. These three phases take about 28 days at 70 degrees F but only 3 days at 80 degrees F. For this reason it is recommended that the aquarium water be raised to between 80-86 degrees F. for the duration of the treatment. If the fish can stand it, raise the temperature to 86 degrees. Raising the aquarium temperature in this manner will shorten the length of time between the cyst phase and the free swimming tomite stage. It is during the free swimming tomite stage that chemical treatment is effective in killing the parasite. During this time, whatever you use for treatment should be supplemented with daily or every other day water changes and gravel vacuuming to remove as many adult cysts and free swimming tomites as possible. TREATMENTS: Before starting treatment you should do at least a 25% to 30% water change and vacuuming of your tank. I do not like to use meds w/my puffers, except in a heavy infestation. One tablespoon of salt per 5 gals. of aquarium water, gradually raising the temperature to 86 degrees F. This is good if you have to treat BW fish who actually like salt as part of their aquarium habitat. Continue with this for a period of 21 days. Adding back 1 Tablespoon of salt for every 5 gals of aquarium water that you remove during water changes. One thing to remember with high temperatures is that you should run an additional air stone to oxygenate the water. There is less dissolved oxygen available in warm water than there is in water at cooler temperatures.> Thank you so much for your time, Jen <You're welcome & good luck. It sounds like your mollies are on their way to being healthy, well cared for little fishies! -- Pufferpunk> Upside-down Molly I have a Molly which has been with the tank
since it was cycled 15 months ago. Nothing has changed recently with
tank parameters. <What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite,
nitrate, and pH?> (120lts, live plants and ferns, around 30 mostly
small fish. External filtration and a powerhead on gravel
filter) Recently she has struggled to submerge herself, and
has spent quite some time inverted. <Sounds like she's
constipated/gassy, or has sustained damage to her swimbladder.> As
my two male guppies have been pestering her, I've removed her to a
small (3ltr) tank, keeping it shaded and aerated. (not
ideal) <Perhaps not ideal, but certainly far better to
keep her separate than to have the other fish pestering
her. Definitely keep her separate until she recovers.> I
suspect it's likely just air in abdomen, as I have no other mollies
in tank (no males for at least 8mths.) <I'd
recommend adding Epsom salt at a rate o f one tablespoon per ten
gallons (uh, that comes down to about one-third of a teaspoon for her 3
liter [0.79 gallon] tank) and try feeding her foods of high roughage
content, like a bit of frozen (thawed) pea (remove the shell) or
daphnia, to help her pass any blockage.> I have had a problem with
excess algae (the black hairy stuff) which is now being controlled by a
"Cleanwater" pouch in the filter. Could she be eating the
algae? <It's possible, but that shouldn't be a
problem, algae is a good fish food.> She looks just as she normally
does. (too darn fat!) <Hopefully she's just blocked
up.> Would appreciate any insight. Dave <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina> Molly twisting in the water? (12/01/03) I have just bought a female molly and she is now twisting in the water. Can you explain why? <Hmmm. We've just had a discussion on this on the forums. Please read here: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/thread.jsp?forum=31&thread=14537 ...If the behavior described there does not match what you're seeing, please do post or write back and we'll do some more research. --Ananda> Spiraling Mollies (12/18/03) <Hi! Ananda here, with more mollies than I can count upstairs...(fry, anyone?)> About a month ago one of our white Sailfin mollies began spiraling in the tank. <Uh-oh. Sounds like whirling disease.> This particular one was about 3 months old, and had no obvious indication of injury or diseases. The water chemistry was all within proper ranges (Ammonia 0; Nitrite 0; Nitrate <20), and the only subject in the 29 gal. tank to act this way, out of about a dozen tankmates, all mollies. I tried a quarantine tank treatment with Nitrofurazone, but after two days of endless spiraling, I euthanized the poor thing. This evening, another molly started the same behavior; this time it's out of my 55 gal. tank, and it's a black/gold hybrid, again about 3 months old. I haven't found these symptoms listed in a search of your site, and don't know quite what to think. Could this be some sort of parasite problem? <It's caused by a myxosporidian parasite (Myxosoma cerebralis). It's more of a problem with trout and salmon in the western states, but it does hit livebearers on occasion. I've had two mollies get this. Unfortunately, it's not treatable; there's a fair bit of research being done on this disease, but as yet, it's always fatal. Sorry. Do read up on euthanizing fish with clove oil if you are using another euthanization method. Check both the WWM site and the forums at http://wetwebfotos.com/talk for more info.> I've had a couple swords and platys that had swim bladder trouble in the past, but they didn't act this way; constantly corkscrewing through the water, stopping only if they get wedged somewhere. <Yep, that's whirling disease.> I've got about a dozen month old babies that I was going to move from their quarantine tank, but don't want to release them into an environment that may be unhealthy. <The mollies that I had did not transmit the disease to the other fish in the tank, but I am not certain how this parasite spreads. You might want to tear down the tank and disinfect stuff to be on the safe side.> Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Jess <Wish I had better news for you. --Ananda> "Big lip" on mollies (12/24/03) <Hi! Ananda here tonight...> I just started up an aquarium and two of the mollies that I started with have gotten a "big" upper lip that stops them from eating. One has died and I am trying to save the other. The upper lip looks really thick and turned up. Thanks for any help. <This is not something I've seen before, but there are a couple of things I suspect. One, if the tank was not cycled before the mollies were added, the ammonia and nitrite from the cycle probably hastened the fish's demise. The other possibility is some sort of infection or parasite that the mollies had before you got them. You might try Kanacyn or Spectrogram, but without more information about this, it's difficult to diagnose. --Ananda> Sick mollies (1/5/04) Hi Gang, I am hoping to reach Ananda.
<I'm here... just happened to be online and saw the email in the
box.> I recently posted a question on the web chat and now I cannot
get to that page for some reason. <Likely a forum error...those
happen occasionally. Do let me know if you can't access it now; I
have it open in another window: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/thread.jsp?forum=3&thread=15355
> Ananda, the name I used was ilovesailfins. I do have salt added to
my 55 gallon. I use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water, but I am using
salt for freshwater should I change to marine salt, if so what kind?
<Hmmm. That's not much salt at all... I think whether you should
switch to marine salt depends on what your water hardness is, and what
other fish you have in the tank.> If I do need to change to marine
salt, how do I do this with freshwater salt already added
in? <I would do it slowly, via water changes. Just add
salted water in when you take water out during a water change.> I do
not have anything to correctly measure the salt content, what do I need
to get? <The easiest thing to use is an Aquarium Systems or
Marineland hydrometer. They are the only plastic hydrometers that read
low levels of salt.> My one older sail fine is not doing so good.
She is not eating and is having problems swimming. She is
also loosing weight. She was really a robust fish, not she
is starting to appear hollow bellied. She also seems to be breathing a
little faster than normal now. I also noticed that her fish droppings
appear to be clear mucus. I really am in the dark with this
problem. My other molly is still eating, but she also appears to be
loosing weight. <Sounds like an internal parasite. You want to look
for a food laced with Metronidazole, or make your own. You can mix
Metronidazole powder with frozen/thawed food and re-freeze it for use
later. There are a couple of companies that sell Metronidazole;
Aquatronics has Hex-a-Mit in capsules, and Seachem sells the powder in
a vial. The Metronidazole can be added to the water in a hospital tank,
but is *far* more effective for this problem if it's added to
food.> I tested the water again today and the only change was the
nitrates. They are around 10. <Shouldn't
be a problem. I've had mollies in water with more nitrates than
that.> I think they went up because I added Paragon II to the water
thinking the mollies may have wasting away disease or maybe some kind
of internal parasite. <Oh, wunderbar, that's got
Metronidazole in it already, and Furazolidone and neomycin sulfate to
deal with bacteria in case that's what it is.... Keep using the
stuff.> I am going to do another water change tonight, how much do
you think I should change. I normally do about 20 percent.
<Follow the directions on the Paragon II package.> The only
change made to this tank is adding some real plants. I added
some java fern plants and some anacharis. I did go over the
plants to make sure no snails were attached and also rinsed them really
well. Do you think this is the problem? Did the plants bring in
something? <It's possible. I try to quarantine all new plants if
I get them from a fish store.> Here are the water test results
ammonia 0 ph 7.4 nitrites 0 nitrates 10 KH 71.6 (I think I did the math
right) GH 100-200 ppm <Hokay, I don't think you need to switch
to marine salt...what else is in the tank?> Thank you all for the
help. I am addicted to your site. I have to read
it every day. Cindy <Goodness knows, there are worse addictions. :)
Thanks! And do check the forums, too... --Ananda> Sailfin Molly Illness (02/27/04) Please, help me determine a
possible cause of illness in my Sailfin mollies. <Ananda here to
help try, with Sabrina helping out...> I have a 55 gallon tank that
is brackish. The contents of the tank are 2 Gourami, 2
red-eye tetra, 4 black Neons, 3 black-skirt tetra, 3 lemon tetra, 2
adult red velvet Platies, 1 Plecostomus, 1 rainbow shark, 4 adult
silver mollies, 1 adult Dalmatian molly (lyre-tail) and approx. 15
molly fry. <Uh... the only fish in that whole list that are brackish
are the mollies. Platies can tolerate some salt. But the rest of them
should not have any salt at all, except perhaps a "tonic"
dosage of about 1 tbsp of salt per 10 gallons of tank water. (Which
doesn't qualify regarding making the tank brackish.) What's
your specific gravity?> All parameters of the tank are stable, all
other fish are healthy....except the adult Dalmatian
molly. I have had a total of 4 (including this one)
Dalmatian mollies in the past 6 months and at least 2 of them have
suffered similar fates. It starts with patchy loss of
scales/color, fins become translucent and there is progressive weight
loss. They still eat and swim normally. The first
one that developed this illness had me so concerned about
cross-contamination and looked so pitiful, that I euthanized
him. The first time I've had to do that! Then
the other adult Dalmatian started developing the same
symptoms. None of the other fish in the tank show any signs
of illness, and are breeding well. I'm concerned about
fish T.B. <Sabrina and I agree that it does sound like
mycobacteriosis.> That is why I didn't want the first sick fish
to die in the tank. I read the other fish ingesting the dead sick fish
is sometimes the way it is transmitted. <I have read the same thing.
You were wise to remove the affected fish from the tank.> This is a
very slowly progressing process. It takes weeks or months
before they reach the full extent of the illness. What is
the lifespan of a molly? <About four years.> Could
these fish just be old? <Most mollies I've seen at stores are
6-10 months old.> Why don't any of the other fish display
symptoms of illness? <Mycobacteriosis, aka fish TB, is a
funky thing. You can have fish that are infected that display *no*
symptoms. Meanwhile, other fish exhibit slowly degenerating health.
Sometimes, things progress fairly quickly. And the list of possible
symptoms is staggering.> I have treated the tank in the past with
antibiotics, Methylene blue or malachite green, and
MelaFix. I can't figure out if it is a parasite or other
disease, why it takes so long for it to affect the fish and why other
fish aren't simultaneously ill. What should I do? Debbie
Bronson <The best thing to do is try to prevent any more fish from
becoming sick. The way to do that is to maintain impeccable water
quality; a UV sterilizer *may* help. For you, always wear long-sleeved
aquatic gloves while working in the tank and see your physician if you
develop any funky bumps on your hands/arms (and do mention the
possibility of TB to the physician). The one possibility Sabrina's
read about that may possibly cure the disease is Kanamycin,
administered in food. However, this does not always work, and can be
expensive to boot. If you have fish that exhibit symptoms, it is best
to remove them from the main tank. Then, you can either keep them in
isolation (possibly attempting to treat them), or euthanize them (I use
clove oil; do a search both on the WWM site and at http://wetwebfotos.com/talk for more
info). I wish I had better news for you. Fortunately, even though your
mollies may be affected, the rest of your fish seem healthy, and you
could raise the fry in a different tank. --Ananda> Molly Growth I have an orange molly fish that developed
what looks like a 'growth' coming out of her face, below her
eye - like a big orangey bubble - is it a hematoma from a cut or bite?
She seems to eat and swim okay but the growth is getting bigger. What
is it and does it need treatment? Thanks. ><<Hello; is
the bubble clear? or whitish? If it's whitish, it may simply be
lymphocystis, a non-curable disease that usually clears up on its own.
If it's clear, like a blister, then it could be an air bubble, due
to oversaturation of oxygen and/or other gases in your tank water.
I'm sorry I cannot be more specific, since it's impossible to
know if this particular bubble is due to your current water, or
previous water that the fish was exposed to. Previous exposure should
not be an ongoing problem, like I said, unless the bubble ruptures. But
if this bubble has recently occurred while the fish was in your tank,
you must make sure your water is not oversaturated, because exposure to
such water can kill fish, as the gasses will pass into the fishes
bloodstream. Make sure your water-change water is well circulated to
remove excess gasses before you use it for water changes. You can
try putting it into a bucket and using a simple airstone to aerate the
water for a few hours before you use it. The bubble on its face is not
a problem unless it ruptures, since it could then become infected with
fungus if your water quality isn't good. Also, make sure your tank
has enough circulation. The surface of the water should move, but
without being a Jacuzzi..:) If need be, you can add a powerhead for
more water movement. -Gwen>> Spinning balloon molly <Hi! Ananda the molly nut here today..> I've had this particular balloon molly for close to 7 months. She has mated w. a platy male. <*sigh* Those livebearers....> She had 4 babies <Unusual, but not totally unheard-of.> and after this birth she started swimming with her head toward the bottom of the tank and her tail up. Now she's starting to spin some at the bottom of the tank. <Check your water quality... sometimes, this is a symptom of poor water conditions, such as high nitrite levels.> I put her in a 3gal tank by herself. <Good plan.> Is there anything that can be done for her? <If she's spinning like a top, spinning to exhaustion, it may well be whirling disease. In that case, there is not much that can be done. Do check the WetWebMedia site for more information about this disease and its symptoms, so you can get a better idea if that's what it is.> Thank you! Patty <Wish I had better news for you. --Ananda> Mystery molly deaths (03/31/04) <Hi! Ananda here today...> I'm hoping you can help me figure out what is killing my mollies. They are slowly dying out one or two at a time. Here are the symptoms: the fish spend several days or longer on the bottom of the tank, they do not seem to be able to make it to the top to even eat after a few days, they display a shimmying behavior, some of them appear swollen in the abdomen but not like with dropsy, sometimes they will lie on their side for awhile before returning to sitting on their belly at the bottom, a few have displayed a few white growths but some have not. <I sometimes see mollies shimmy when their water isn't good. Regarding the white growths -- where do they appear on the fish? Can you be more specific in describing them? My nitrites and ammonia are zero. I have trouble controlling my nitrates because my tap water has them as well but I maintain them around 40. <Ouch. I would suggest looking into a different water source.> I put a tablespoon of salt for every 10 gallons of water. My pH is around 7.5 and the water is hard. My temperature is around 77F. My water is clear and does not stink. It is a 29 gallon tank that is well planted and has 2 platys, 4 guppies, 7 adult mollies and several babies, and 2 dwarf Pufferfish. <That's a bit overstocked... any chance you could get a second tank?> I have an undergravel filter. <I bet you've got something decaying underneath there. I'd pull the thing and switch to a different type of filtration. Undergravel filters work best if there are *no* dead spots, and the plants are probably creating dead spots galore.> I've had the tank set up with fish for six months. Thanks for your help Amber <Get the undergravel filter out of there, vacuum the gunk out of your gravel, switch filtration methods, and see if your nitrates drop... that will help every fish in the tank. I'm still concerned about the white stuff on the mollies; it's possible that's something else entirely. --Ananda> More Molly Troubles I'm hoping you can help me figure out what is killing my mollies. They are slowly dying out one or two at a time. Here are the symptoms: the fish spend several days or longer on the bottom of the tank, they do not seem to be able to make it to the top to even eat after a few days, they display a shimmying behavior, some of them appear swollen in the abdomen but not like with dropsy, sometimes they will lie on their side for awhile before returning to sitting on their belly at the bottom, a few have displayed a few white growths but some have not. My nitrites and ammonia are zero. I have trouble controlling my nitrates because my tap water has them as well but I maintain them around 40. I put a tablespoon of salt for every 10 gallons of water. My pH is around 7.5 and the water is hard. My temperature is around 77F. My water is clear and does not stink. It is a 29 gallon tank that is well planted and has 2 platys, 4 guppies, 7 adult mollies and several babies, and 2 dwarf pufferfish. I have an undergravel filter. I've had the tank set up with fish for six months. Thanks for your help, Amber <<Hey Amber; what are you feeding them? Is there a lot of algae in the tank for them to feed on? It sounds like internal bacterial infection, but whether or not it is being caused by their diet is hard for me to tell. You need to make sure they get a good quality algae based food. Best if provided with actual algae. You can cultivate it quite easily by setting up a small lamp with a Gro-bulb over a bucket with a few inches of old tank water and some smooth, round rocks. They will have algae on them in no time. You can keep rotating the rocks into your molly tank on a regular basis, and the fish will always have fresh algae without you have to worry about your glass getting dirty :) The algae will help to prevent the intestinal blockage that leads to infection. Also, temperature...try raising your temperature to 80F. Keep it stable, of course. And you may raise the salinity, but do so gradually. Go for one tablespoon per 5 gallons of water. I would prefer to advise one tablespoon per gallon, but your live plants might begin to rebel at that level.. :) One last thing, for the mollies that are already ill, you can treat by feeding medicated food, and hope that their internal infections are not too far advanced. -Gwen>> Sick Molly My molly has something funny happening to its eyes and mouth. The eyes look like they are about five sizes bigger and are white and the mouth looks like I guess it has cold sore. What is it and what can I do. Shannon <<Shannon, you need to treat your fish with an antibacterial medication. It sounds like advanced Popeye and mouth rot. Chances are, this fish will die before you can treat him properly, though. Sorry. If the fish was new, like a few days in your tank, maybe you can get the store to replace him for you. If not, you need to test your water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and do water changes accordingly. -Gwen>> Mystery molly deaths (03/31/04) <Hi! Ananda here
today...> I'm hoping you can help me figure out what is killing
my mollies. They are slowly dying out one or two at a time.
Here are the symptoms: the fish spend several days or longer on the
bottom of the tank, they do not seem to be able to make it to the top
to even eat after a few days, they display a shimmying behavior, some
of them appear swollen in the abdomen but not like with dropsy,
sometimes they will lie on their side for awhile before returning to
sitting on their belly at the bottom, a few have displayed a few white
growths but some have not. <I sometimes see mollies shimmy
when their water isn't good. Regarding the white growths -- where
do they appear on the fish? Can you be more specific in describing
them?> My nitrites and ammonia are zero. I have trouble controlling
my nitrates because my tap water has them as well but I maintain them
around 40. <Ouch. I would suggest looking into a different water
source.> I put a tablespoon of salt for every 10 gallons of water.
My pH is around 7.5 and the water is hard. My temperature is
around 77F. My water is clear and does not stink. It is a 29
gallon tank that is well planted and has 2 platys, 4 guppies, 7 adult
mollies and several babies, and 2 dwarf pufferfish. <That's a
bit overstocked... any chance you could get a second tank?> I have
an undergravel filter. <I bet you've got something
decaying underneath there. I'd pull the thing and switch to a
different type of filtration. Undergravel filters work best if there
are *no* dead spots, and the plants are probably creating dead spots
galore.> I've had the tank set up with fish for six
months. Thanks for your help Amber <Get the undergravel
filter out of there, vacuum the gunk out of your gravel, switch
filtration methods, and see if your nitrates drop... that will help
every fish in the tank. I'm still concerned about the white stuff
on the mollies; it's possible that's something else entirely.
Odd Balloon MollyI don't know what's wrong with my balloon molly! I'm a complete and utter novice, as new to fish-keeping as you can get. <Well, we are here to help!> We bought 5 bm's about 2 weeks ago; one of them was considerably fatter than the rest, and always had a tendency to hide really tight in a corner behind the filter and the heater. We thought she was just a bit odd. <most balloon mollies can be referred to as "odd". But, that does seem unlike the normally outgoing fish.> But this morning, we found her jammed upside down between the filter and the glass of the tank; now she's pottering around the tank looking really disoriented (although "confused" seems to be normal for these beasts) but her belly is so distended that her scales are all sticking out. <That is not a good thing. When the scales are sticking out it means that their body is stretched beyond what it should be. This condition is often referred to as Dropsy, which occurs when the fish itself has swelling of the internal organs. Either by parasites or water parameters not being correct. most likely when you purchased this fish it already was on it's way towards developing dropsy.> What's wrong with her? What can I do to make her happier? <Sadly there isn't much to do with dropsy. 1 out of maybe 20 cases can be cured with anti-biotics if caught early. Sadly it's something that most fish never recover from. I myself recently lost a 10 year old goldfish from this, and I did everything I could to help it.> I'm equally as concerned for my other fish (six black Neons and a blue widow). <The best course of action would be to set up another tank so that you can separate the fish and attempt to medicate it. Check your local fish shop to see what medications they have that will help with Dropsy. But I definitely would suggest you remove this fish from the others! The only other course of action would be to euthanize the fish.> Regards, Melinda < I do hope the fish gets better. -Magnus.> Sailfin molly disease? Please, help me determine a possible cause of illness in my Sailfin mollies. <Ananda here to try...> I have a 55 gallon tank that is brackish. The contents of the tank are 2 Gourami, 2 red-eye tetra, 4 black Neons, 3 black-skirt tetra, 3 lemon tetra, 2 adult red velvet platies, 1 plecostomus, 1 rainbow shark, 4 adult silver mollies, 1 adult Dalmatian molly (lyre-tail) and approx. 15 molly fry. <Uh... aside from the mollies, none of those fish are brackish. The Neons and tetras, especially, will not survive in a brackish tank. The fact that they're still healthy tells me that you may be adding some salt to the tank, but it doesn't yet qualify as brackish. What's the specific gravity in the tank?? All parameters of the tank are stable, all other fish are healthy....except the adult Dalmatian molly. I have had a total of 4 (including this one) Dalmatian mollies in the past 6 months and at least 2 of them have suffered similar fates. It starts with patchy loss of scales/color and progresses to weight loss until their ultimate demise. They still eat and swim normally. The first one that developed this illness had me so concerned about cross-contamination and looked so pitiful, that I euthanized him. The first time I've had to do that! <My condolences... not an easy task.> Then the other adult Dalmatian started developing the same symptoms. None of the other fish in the tank show any signs of illness, and are breeding well. I'm concerned about fish T.B. <Yup, me too.> That is why I didn't want the first sick fish to die in the tank. I read the other fish ingesting the dead sick fish is sometimes the way it is transmitted. <That is one way, yes.> This is a very slowly progressing process. It takes weeks or months before they reach the full extent of the illness. What is the lifespan of a molly? <About four years.> Could these fish just be old? Why don't any of the other fish display symptoms of illness? <If it is mycobacteriosis, know that some individuals may show symptoms while others appear completely healthy. You can help keep the disease at bay by keeping the water parameters pristine: no ammonia or nitrites, and nitrates very low (10 or less).> I have treated the tank in the past with antibiotics, Methylene blue or malachite green, and MelaFix. <None of the ones you mention are known to help with mycobacteriosis. The one thing that may help is Kanamycin. However, the treatment course is long and expensive.> I can't figure out if it is a parasite or other disease, why it takes so long for it to affect the fish and why other fish aren't simultaneously ill. What should I do? <Keep the water quality excellent. You might consider setting up a truly brackish tank for the mollies. I find they do better in brackish conditions (i.e., with a measurable specific gravity), or at least in very hard, alkaline water -- the opposite of the more acidic, soft water conditions that your tetras will prefer. --Ananda> BW Tank? 6/5/04 <Hi Eric, Pufferpunk here. Sorry I took so long to get back to you.> Please, help me determine a possible cause of illness in my Sailfin mollies. I have a 55 gallon tank that is brackish. The contents of the tank are 2 Gourami, 2 red-eye tetra, 4 black Neons, 3 black-skirt tetra, 3 lemon tetra, 2 adult red velvet platies, 1 plecostomus, 1 rainbow shark, 4 adult silver mollies, 1 adult Dalmatian molly (lyre-tail) and approx. 15 molly fry. <Oh my goodness! The only fish in your tank that would appreciate any salt, will be the mollies. All your other fish come from soft water, which is the opposite of BW. How much salt is in there? Just adding some salt to your tank, does not make it a brackish tank. Read about BW here: http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/management/Pearce_Brackish.2.html & http://badmanstropicalfish.com/brackish/brackish.html .> All parameters of the tank are stable, all other fish are healthy....except the adult Dalmatian molly. I have had a total of 4 (including this one) Dalmatian mollies in the past 6 months and at least 2 of them have suffered similar fates. It starts with patchy loss of scales/color and progresses to weight loss until their ultimate demise. They still eat and swim normally. The first one that developed this illness had me so concerned about cross-contamination and looked so pitiful, that I euthanized him. The first time I've had to do that! Then the other adult Dalmatian started developing the same symptoms. None of the other fish in the tank show any signs of illness, and are breeding well. I'm concerned about fish T.B. That is why I didn't want the first sick fish to die in the tank. I read the other fish ingesting the dead sick fish is sometimes the way it is transmitted. This is a very slowly progressing process. It takes weeks or months before they reach the full extent of the illness. What is the lifespan of a molly? Could these fish just be old? Why don't any of the other fish display symptoms of illness? I have treated the tank in the past with antibiotics, Methylene blue or malachite green, and MelaFix. I can't figure out if it is a parasite or other disease, why it takes so long for it to affect the fish and why other fish aren't simultaneously ill. What should I do? <This does not resemble the symptoms of TB. Generally, with TB their spine would be bent. It could be a bacterial infection. The stock you have, may have a congenital problem with their immune systems if none of your other mollies are getting it. As far as eating normally & loosing weight, this is a symptom of internal parasites, which isn't very common in tank-bred fish. You can read up on diseases here: http://www.fishdoc.co.uk/disease/clinicalsigns.htm & http://www.fishyfarmacy.com/ . Always quarantine your sick fish, so you don't have to treat the whole tank, disturbing the biological filtration in the main tank. Also, this prevents spreading diseases further to the rest of the tank. You need to consider if you want BW fish or FW fish & only keep one kind. Keeping either in less than optimum conditions, can compromise their immune systems. ~PP>> Molly Troubles Dear WetWebMedia crew, Please help!!! I have some funky disease in my tank that MelaFix didn't help, and am unsure what to do, here are the facts about my tank.... freshwater tank, community tropical fish tank size- 85 gallons filtration system- emperor 400 water quality- just tested a few minutes ago and have been testing throughout the sickness and the water quality has been and is perfect, the ph has been and is between a 7.4 and a 7.8. tank temperature -hovers around 80 degrees Also, I have been putting the proper amount of salt in the tank, and continue to add more according to my water changes. For instance I just did a partial change [about 10 gallons] and added the amount of salt for 10 gallons so as to keep the salt level where it belongs, since my fish are somewhat brackish. types of fish- mollies [who are what my question is about] about 25, none fully grown but about 7 old enough to be sexually active, some medium sized babies and some tiny babies. platys- seem to be doing fine,7 adults about 5? babies [sooo cute]. 1 ghost catfish- gone, but I think my red clawed crab ate him. 1 red clawed crab- seems to be doing fine. 1 Pleco- probably about 7 or 8 inches long, seems to be doing just fine. 7 silver hatchet fish -all doing fine. 4 female guppies -doing fine. I had a gorgeous fan tail male guppy but he died. One morning I looked and he was missing about the back 1/4 of his tail, I came and looked again around lunch time and his tail was almost completely gone and by evening I couldn't find him, it took me several days to find his remains. He was with me for almost a month when this happened so I think he is part of my question of what is wrong with my tank. I had two female guppy's die, one from shimmy [but she was new from the pet store, so I think that was something from their tank] and one seemed to die for no apparent reason after she had her babies, maybe she died from birthing? There are currently around 10, heck maybe even 15 guppy babies in my tank, the little boogers are hard to count, and sometimes when really small hard to see. 2 live plants -anacharis, thriving and doing well. java fern -kind of a weird plant [due to our crab liking to eat at the roots???] but seems to be doing well, many daughter ferns growing on the originals from the store. I have had this tank running for about 3 months now. I started with a TON of mollies given to me by my Aunt. I gave a BUNCH of them to a local fish store and kept about 30. Now my mollies are dying like flies from a strange ailment that I have been unable to diagnose even after my Aunt and I extensively read your website. Since I was unable to diagnose I tried MelaFix. I used the recommended amount for the medicine to water ratio in my tank, and removed my carbons before using the medicine. I treated every other day [due to concern about the babies, I did not treat every day] for a total of four? treatments. I then gave a partial tank change [about 10-12] gallons yesterday. Oh, and on an unrelated note, we found the tiniest snail in our tank [I have NO idea how it got there]. I do not want snails so I got rid of it. So, my problems seem to be strictly with the molly fish and the strange quick death of my male guppy. I had some molly fish die the way he did as well. I do not think that the red clawed crab has caused this much carnage, I think he has only eaten maybe 3 fish total in the month he has been in our tank. The mollies are getting a very strange white spot on them and depending on where it starts it turns into a rot and their bodies literally rot slowly away. But that is only some of them, others are getting the white spot and then it grows and then it turns pink? Maybe like their color leaves and now I can see part of their body with no pigment? I am not sure. Still others just up and die and others lose their tail fin and then swim around seemingly fine just with no back fin. Since there are so many of similar size I am having a very difficult time seeing if any specific ones are getting well. This seems like so many different things and I guess I got it from PetSmart somehow b/c the molly fish have been with me from the beginning and they were fine. I have not been using a tank to put my new fish before introducing them into my tank, but I plan on doing that in the future, I am sure that would have prevented this craziness. I look at my fish tank a lot, I am a stay at home mom and like to sit in there by it and read and watch the fish so they are fairly closely monitored. Basically my molly fish are very sick, they get a white spot and then it grows and has several different results. Please help!!!! < You may have a couple of things going on. Sounds like your tank is in good shape so the problem is with the fish. Two things could be going on. The first is a protozoan infection. Treat the tank with rid -ich as per the directions on the bottle. Take the carbon out of the filter and put the BioWheels in a wet container for a few days while you are medicating. If after three days there is still a problem then it may be bacterial and I would treat with Furanace as per the directions on the package. Both of these medications will turn your water green so your live plants may not make it through the medicating process. These medications are affected by organics in the water so a 30% water change before medicating is recommended. To be perfectly accurate you would need to do a slide smear of the side of your fish and look at them under a microscope for a proper and precise diagnoses. I know for many aquarists it is not practical so I recommend these "shotgun" techniques based on the symptoms described. When adding any medication to an established tank you need to watch for ammonia spikes because the "good" bacteria that break down the fish waste will be affected. Your question brings out the importance of a quarantine tank. -Chuck> Sincerely, Sarah Hall Black Molly Hello, I have a black molly, just recently purchased, and it has one big white and yellowish spot on the top of its head. It also stays in a back bottom corner of the tank and doesn't eat. I looked at many of the articles, but they described tiny white spots called ick. Is this the same thing? < Could be. Treat with rid-ich. If it clears up in three days then it was a protozoa infection. If there is no improvement then I would treat with Furanace for bacterial infections. Follow the directions on the bottle/package. Watch for ammonia spikes because these medications may affect the bacteria that break down fish wastes.-Chuck> Molly care Gwen, I asked a few questions about a week ago
about my catfish with Ick. They ended up dying. But instead, I went and
brought 4 Mollies. For some reason, two days after I purchased them,
there are little baby fish running around (basically just hatched). How
do I keep my tank clean and how do I save them? Do I need to leave the
tank alone for a while? Should I but the fish into another tank? I am
new at this. The full grown Mollies are just running crazy all over the
top of the water. Are they trying to get fresh air? Because they are
not hungry. Respond as soon as possible to let me know how to save
these cute little creatures. Thank you, Debbie
<<Hello Debbie; I hope you did a 100% water change before you
added these new fish to an ich-infested tank? If not, I recommend doing
a 50% water change now that the fish are in the tank, and adding some
aquarium salt, approximately one teaspoon per gallon. You can buy
aquarium salt at your Local Fish Store. Also, you need to get your
water tested at your LFS, or buy yourself some test kits. Your mollies
are going crazy probably due to either high ammonia or nitrite
readings. PLEASE get some test kits! In the meantime, try to do regular
water changes, start with a 50% change today. You can use a siphon to
clean the gravel, again, find this at your LFS. Mollies prefer hard,
alkaline water and a high pH. If your tapwater pH is low, you can add
crushed coral sand to your gravel to make the pH higher. Again, found
at your LFS. Feed your mollies a basic diet of Spirulina flake (you can
crush the flake for the fry to eat) interspersed with some frozen brine
shrimp and/or bloodworms every now and then, and make sure you do those
water changes! -Gwen>> |
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