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Fuzzy Dwarf Lion Fish, incomp. 8/1/12 Fuzzy dwarf tank mates, not
Rhinecanthus 1/9/10 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (RMF, are there
"safe" feeders for marines?)<Yes; of marine origin.>
12/10/09 Dwarf Lion Beh. -- 11/23/2009 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish long lasting feeding
strike 8/10/09 Re: Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish long lasting
feeding strike 8/10/09 Hungry, Hungry Lionfish, dwarf
7/12/09 Re: Hungry, Hungry Lionfish
7/12/09 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion Eating Habits... Unique
Situation/Not Unique At All 6/30/09 Dwarf Lionfish Adoption?
5/31/09 Re: Dwarf Lionfish Adoption?
5/31/09 Poor Ruffus, I'm so Distraught. Re: Dwarf Lionfish Health\Feeding
4/5/2009 Re: Dwarf Lionfish Health\Feeding
(4/8/2009) Update with BGA control 5/4/2009 Lionfish/Boxfish Compatibility -- 03/07/09 Hello Crew, <Kevin> First off, love the site is a huge help. <Ah, good> Currently in the process of establishing a new tank. It is a 4x2x2 and will contain two ribbon eels and two dwarf fuzzy lionfish. <Mmm... Kev... Ribbon eels are very hard to keep... and Lions are too likely to spine/sting them...> I have spent a lot of time preparing myself and my tank for these two especially the eels. I have noticed that on the compatibility chart on LiveAquaria.com *linked from a previous FAQ* (www.liveaquaria.com/general/compatibility_chart.cfm) that the boxfish is compatible with eels and lions. <Mmm, somewhat... but not really... Like all "puffers", too likely to sample/bite both groups of fishes> I suppose my question is simply, how can this tiny little fish <Which species? Some Ostraciids get feet long> be compatible when everything I have read tells me the lion will eat whatever will fit in its mouth, which would be easily be the boxfish? Thanks in advance Kevin <I'd re-think this entire stocking plan... It won't work. Bob Fenner> Poor Ruffus, I'm so Distraught. Fuzzy Dwarf filtration 2/16/09 Hi Bob, hope your well? <Thanks Nick... got a ding dang cold that is killing me, other misc. complaints... but still oh so grateful to be here!> I'm sorry to say I lost my Eibli angel of 3 years this morning, it was fine last night then I discovered it dead and covered in hermits this morning. I think it may be due to me disturbing a large clump of Cyano in the tank, could this have released toxins? <Yes, possible> My 2 clowns and byno goby are fine. The Eibli was my favourite fish and pretty much the reason I kept the tank going, I'm now thinking its time for a change. I'm really keen on keeping Dendrochirus brachypterus <Buy from the same tank at the same time... males will fight> and was thinking of going for 1 or 2 plus a Ctenochaetus strigosus to assist with algae / detritus removal and add some liveliness to the mix. The tanks 75gallon with roughly 40kg LR, Turboflotor 1000 multiSL skimmer and an Eheim 2217 canister used purely for mechanical filtration. I have had to remove my short lived sump due to the proximity of my flat mates bedroom to the noisy downpipe! <Do read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/pbnoisef5.htm and the linked FAQs files in the series (above)... there are some real cures to be had here> I would be removing the goby and clowns and the smaller hermits. My question is do you think the current filtration plus bi/weekly water changes would be sufficient to cope with the quantity and sporadic nature of the lions waste output? <Could be, yes> I would probably feed them 3 times a week. <Let's settle on twice> Everything I've read points to a sump or wet/dry being the way forward but unfortunately this is not an option for me. Sorry to trouble you yet again! Thanks in advance Nick <Welcome! BobF> Lazy fuzzy dwarf lionfish?? 8/29/08 I've read a ridiculous amount on your website today, but can't really seem to find the answer to my lionfish. <Understood...can be hard to divine specific scenarios from general information> I have a 30ga. cube and 58ga. plumbed together with a common sump/fuge. Total water volume~110 gallons. I am running a skimmer, have DSB in display and fuge, and Chaeto in the fuge. The lionfish is in the 30 cube <Problem> along with a fairly docile black/white damsel, and a 3" wild caught Clarkii clown (inherited from another friend). <bigger problem> I purchased the fish approximately 2 weeks ago. He had been at the LFS for approximately 2 weeks supposedly eating ghost shrimp like crazy, though when I was there he didn't like the one already in his "pen" but really liked the fresh one put in there to show me he was eating. I brought him home and put him in. I know, I know, I should have set up a QT tank for him, but figured he was healthy and eating at the store, so he should be at my house too. He ate the next day for me (more ghost shrimp) and for several days after that, but yesterday and today hasn't been interested in food. I've tried ghost shrimp, frozen shrimp, silversides, and baby SW mollies I have been breeding to feed him (even tried to dangle these in front of him with a forceps). The LFS keeps their water SG at 1.016 to keep parasites down. Mine is at 1.026. <HUGE change! This alone could kill a fish if he wasn't slowly brought up...osmotic balance of cells, lysing of tissue is a serious concern with this kind of change. Bear in mind a MAXIMUM recommended shift of .002/24hrs> My other water parameters are adequate (Alk 7dkh, ca 390, nitrates/nitrites/phosphates=0 mag?). The lion has been coloring up nicely since coming from the store, but he hasn't eaten recently, doesn't show interest, and "lays" in the back corner of the tank with his fins to his side, almost laying on his side. Am I being overly concerned? <Is due cause for concern> Is there anything I should do for him? <Carefully move him to a MUCH larger tank. Even a dwarf lionfish should be in a 75-gallon size footprint. Your little fellow was terribly shocked by the change in osmotic pressure (Chance of organ failure in the present future), then is dealing with cramped quarters and inappropriate roommates. What is happening here is most likely analogous to curling up in the fetal position to try to escape from a bad party- while you're dealing with severe stomach flu.> Thanks in advance. <No problem. Get that little guy in an appropriate home, watch him closely, and I imagine he'll return to health, provided no major damage was done by the salinity change. Benjamin> Ryan Dwarf lion cloudy eye not swollen 5/27/2008 Hey crew, I hope all is well at the wet web. Ok this is more of a need for confirmation. I have a dwarf lion D. brachypterus I have had him around 7 months. His right eye is cloudy not swollen. the left eye is perfectly normal. His behavior is business as usual eating to satiation. Current diet includes Enriched Krill, Mysis shrimp, and silver sides (I do give on occasion Ghost shrimp loaded with Cyclop-eeze). tank mates are a yellow tang, and a white ribbon eel. the tank is a 75 gallon mixed reef soft coral, clams , sps, LPSs, zoos, leathers, Shrooms, pectina, inverts, with a 30 gallon fuge. water needless to say is optimal. I am assuming that this is due to some type of trauma <Very likely, yes> since there are not any obvious signs of stress or going off feed, and the other eye is perfect. Am I right or am I putting him in Quarantine for antibiotics? <I would not... better to leave the fish where it is> also instead of putting him in quarantine would it be possible if necessary to put the meds into a silver side and feed him that he does hand feed after all? Thanks a lot Crew God bless Dan <And I would not "treat" the fish per se... just time going by, good water quality, nutrition will see this eye condition heal. Bob Fenner> Prospective 75g Set up... Lion comp. -- 03/07/08 Hi WWM Crew, <Chris> I am looking at purchasing a 75 gallon tank that I want to set up as a FOWLR tank. The tank that I am going to buy is already completely set up and running with water, LR and all the equipment (protein skimmer, penguin BioWheel, etc.) The guy is moving away and I am just going to take everything over. I already have a couple of 8 gallon BioCubes so I am not totally new to saltwater, but I haven't had them long either, but now I am hooked. <Join the club!> My question is, I would like to get some lionfish in there, how viable is maybe doing the tank with 1 Fuzzy dwarf, 1 Fu Manchu dwarf, and 1 zebra dwarf? <Could be done> Will they fight with each other? Second, is there a good clean-up crew that will survive these fish? <You> Other possible plans include 1 Russell's Lion and some other colorful active fish (any suggestions?). <For you to read> Can I do a Russell's Lion with a dwarf lion and maybe like one other active fish? <Really gets too big for a 75...> Any other suggestions on what other fish would be good in there, compatibility-wise? 75 gal. seems big to me, but I know it is not when talking SW. Still in the planning stages and wanted to get some input. Thanks! Chris <Keep reading... Maybe start here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm About the fifth tray down... Lionfishes, compatibility... Bob Fenner>
Please Help! Dwarf Lion rdg. 1/16/08 Hello there and thank you for your time. I have a fuzzy dwarf lionfish approx. 4 inches in length. I recently moved him from a 30 gallon tank to a 72 gallon tank.? His other occupants are a Niger Trigger, <Incompatible... likely harassing> 3 Clowns, <May eat> a few hermit crabs and about 50 lbs of liverock. I noticed today that he is perched on a piece of liverock (he does this often) with a clear almost milky film around him. <Pteroines, Scorpaenids do shed... mucus... but...> He is still rich in color and all the other occupants seem to be doing fine. I don't know if this is relevant but the day before I moved him, he did not eat. <Not generally a worry> I usually feed him ghost shrimp and he eats about 5-7 in a matter of minutes. My water temp is at 80, the PH is 8.2, Nitrates are at 0 and so is the ammonia. Please, any thoughts? <Not from what's presented here... either than the Odonus needs to be elsewhere. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/dwfliondisfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Victoria Help with whirling fuzzy dwarf lion. 10/30/07 I hope you can shed some light on a problem I've recently noticed. I have a 2.5 inch fuzzy dwarf lion. He's been with me for 10 months. Eating like a champ, varied diet of pellets, krill, squid, silversides..... if it touches the water he eats it! He shares a 65 gallon tank with a SF moray eel and a small purple tang.... and that's it. I hope to move them all to a 110 within the year. <Good.> Water quality is fine. 1.020, pH 8.3, no ammonia, nitrate is around 10, no nitrite. I do 10 gallon water changes once a week. I do not run copper. The problem I've recently noticed is when the lights come on in the morning he goes into a whirling (somersaulting) fit for about 5-8 minutes..... completely out of control. After that time he sits on his favorite "perch" which is a large sea fan and about 15 minutes. Then he is fine, starts begging for breakfast etc. Should I be concerned about this behavior? I tried duplicating it at different times of the day with turning on and off the lights, but I've only noticed it in the morning.... Am I being overly worried or is there something very wrong going on here? < Begging for breakfast and not being able to duplicate the behavior are good signs. If he is eating and otherwise acting and swimming fine throughout the day he should be fine, you just have a fun fish to watch. > Thanks for your insight, Wendy <Best Fishes, Scott V.> Dwarf lionfish... comp. 10/22/07 Dear wet web media <Heya Ben!> I have a 220 litre tank and am wondering whether it is possible to mix two dwarf fuzzy lionfish with a fu Manchu. <Absolutely!!!> Best Regards Ben <Take care and good luck -- Brian Griffin>
Troubled fuzzy dwarf lionfish -- 06/28/07 Hello, crew. <Dan> I am troubled by a sudden and severe downturn in health of my dwarf fuzzy lionfish. He is about 4" long and has been our little puppy dog for, oh, most of a year or so. He is usually playful and begs for food. The tank is an established (over two years) 120 gal FOWLR (plus a few mushrooms, mostly hitchhikers) with about 200 lbs live sand (4-6" sand bed) and perhaps 100 lbs live rock. We have a sump with a Euro-reef skimmer, a moderate-sized macroalgae/mud refugium, and a 1250 gal/hr pump. Inhabitants include a few damsels, the lion, flame angel, Christmas wrasse, longnosed Hawkfish, and orange diamond goby. Our newest inhabitant, as of a few weeks, is a gorgeous Scorpionfish sold to us as a "Rainbow Scorpionfish". <Interesting... do you have a scientific name?> It is currently less than 2" long (we were told it would get twice that), and looks like living coralline algae. Remarkable coloration. The water parameters have always been stable -- zero nitrate, nitrate, ammonia; low phosphates. Temperature is around 80, pH around 8.1. The lion has been happy and eating a varied diet (Mysis, krill, squid, shrimp, scallop) as recently as two days ago. Yesterday, I noticed that he was lethargic and breathing rapidly. This morning he was at the back of the tank, breathing very slowly, half on his side. I thought he had died, but then he sort of shuffled around a little bit. He has no outward signs of disease (shedding, wounds, spots, mucus) nor do any other of the tank inhabitants. I checked them very carefully at feeding time this morning. <Good> One note: we recently lost a sharpnosed puffer (a week or two ago). This guy was a pig and kept on eating and eating. He got massively fat (and still wouldn't stop eating -- looked constantly inflated) -- perhaps a tumor of some sort? <Mmm, not likely. Much more probable is simple gluttony due to so much good food being so available> He was fine one day, and then was dead the next. We assumed that he had either died of gluttony or the possible tumor or even a run-in with the Scorpionfish. <All possibilities... my overwhelming vote for the former> We suspected the latter because the Scorpionfish had (past tense) these little "eye fronds" that disappeared around the time of the death of the puffer -- the puffer perhaps took a nip and paid a big price. <Again... a potential...> Is it possible that the lion bumped into the Scorpionfish? <Yes> Any recommendations at this point? <Patience, observation> I am loathe to set up a hospital tank and medicate, when there is no obvious diagnosis. <We are in strong agreement here...> Plus, lions don't do copper, and I've never dabbled with formalin. Thanks, Dan <I would just wait, keep monitoring your water quality... I think the loss of the Toby is unrelated... Bob Fenner> Follow-up: Dwarf fuzzy lionfish -- 06/28/07 Unfortunately, the lion didn't make it. We are really heartbroken, he was our favorite fish. <Sorry for the loss> I took a really close look at the body, and found no signs at all of disease. No spots, mucous, sores, or wounds; no torn fins, eyes were clear; nothing. We are at a complete loss. Regards, Dan <May seem a bit unusual, but if you'd carefully (you can still be envenomized by a dead Pteroine) open up this fish's lumen (with a sharp single-edged razor blade)... There is another set of possibilities that involve this fish having swallowed something... It should be visible with gross examination if so. Bob Fenner> Lionfish in a reef... 3/21/07 I plan on adding a Dwarf Fuzzy Lion to my 75 gallon reef. <Better be careful with small fish then.> The reef has 260 watts of light. <Have kept Dendrochirus under this much light before'¦ They don't do well with it. They also are not too keen on the high current that this tank will need.> I am adding SPS, and mushroom corals and maybe some polyps. <Allelopathy city. Please do research these creatures before purchase. This will be a highly incompatible mix.> I am going to add 1 Yellow Tang + Regal Tang, and 1 Copperband Butterfly. <Your tank is too small for this. The yellow tang can go into a tank this size, but something larger, say 90 gallons would be better. The Regal Tang will get WAY too big for this tank. Need a 135 or better for this fish. The Copperband Butterfly will likely sample the polyps on the SPS that you mention. Have you researched any of these fish at all?> My only question is what kind of cleaners could I add that would be safe with the lion. <Maybe snails.> I know shrimps will be eaten. <Yep.> Are crabs and snails ok? What about a starfish? <Snails should be ok. As far as crabs go, you will likely find half of it later down the road'¦ The half with claws and eyes. The Dendrochirus might decide to sample the Starfish arms too.> I have a remora skimmer, an Eheim canister and 2 Emperor 7000 hang ons. Would an anemone be safe with a pair of mated Perculas? <With what you have mentioned most likely not. Anemones should not be kept with other corals/things that they can move around and sting. These are motile invertebrates, and make no mistake, they WILL move. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. Please do revise/research your livestock list before purchasing any of these magnificent animals. You are likely going to experience a lot of deaths later down the road if you continue with the plan that you have outlined here. Brandon.> Opinions on Compatibility of Dwarf Fuzzy Lion and QT Question 1/30/07 Greetings Crew, I have a 55g reef setup with a 20g refugium and Aqua-C Ev-240 Skimmer and a 46g QT with a small skimmer. The 55g has 3 cleaner shrimp, 1 Pair of Black Perculas, 1 Sixline Wrasse, & 1 Fairy Wrasse. My Quarantine Tank is currently housing a Yellow Tang and Flame Angel in for almost 2 weeks and I am receiving a 1.5" Dwarf Fuzzy Lion tomorrow. <Mmm, this Dendrochirus can/will inhale your shrimp, and/or clowns in time if placed with them> My first question is one that I have read varying responses too from NO WAY to will work if... I was wondering if I can keep the Dwarf Fuzzy Lion with the cleaner shrimp and small fish currently all 2-3"? <Can, temporarily... as stated, the Lion will likely ingest them in time> I have read that if the cleaner shrimp have established their role that they won't be eaten. However I have two skunk cleaners who are always pregnant and 1 scarlet cleaner who tends not to clean, will the lack of cleaning lead to his demise? <Mmm, good question... I do believe there may be something to this. See my article, further notes in the FAQs re the genus Labroides> Also can a 4" fish fit into a 6-7" Dwarf Lion Mouth? <Oh yes> I am planning on turning my qt into another permanent tank so if the Dwarf Lion will not be compatible in the reef I will turn him into the centerpiece of the 46g. My second question is about disease treatment in my qt. I treated the flame and yellow tang for black spot a few days after receiving them with a freshwater dip with a small amount(2 drop per g) of formalin (37%) which worked well to get rid of the black spot. However 3 days ago the flame had 1 white spot on his tail... I didn't want to jump the gun... <Good> but, I have this qt because of an earlier ich problem so I also wanted to catch it early. <Mmm, just one spot? Not likely Crypt> So 2 days ago I set up another freshwater dip with a higher concentration of formalin (8 drops per g) and vacuumed the qt tank. Today the single white spot is still there and the tang is showing no sign of ich... which doesn't seem possible if this actually is ich... <Agreed> I am not going to treat the QT for ich yet. Any ideas of what this possibly is? <"An owee"...> Could it be maybe damage from the tangs tail or collateral damage from the formalin dip? <Yes, perceptive> By the way the QT temp is 78F. Thanks for all your help. You guys have been a great help to me. -- Manny Vargas <Thank you for sharing, writing so well. Bob Fenner> Lionfish mucus 11/25/06 Hello: <Hi there> I just got a fuzzy dwarf lion a week ago. As I acclimate him to frozen krill and silverfish, his eating is improving. <Good> Today, I notice a white mucus coming from him. What is it? <Mmm, a natural body exudation. Pteroines/Lionfishes produce, release a good deal of body slime/mucus in good health> Do I need to treat the water with something. <Nope> My LFS said E.M. tablets. The tank parameters are good. Thanks for the help. Howard <No worries all the way around. Bob Fenner> Dwarf fuzzy lion hunger strike - 11/02/06 Hi, Crew. <Dan> I have a dwarf fuzzy lionfish, about 3-4" long, that has decided to go on a prolonged (several-week) hunger strike. I know from the FAQs that this is not uncommon, but the little guy is getting really skinny and lethargic, and we don't want to lose him. <Understood> Background: Tank is 120 gal FOWLR with about 200 lbs live sand (w/plenum) and perhaps 50 lbs of live rock. We have a small refugium, a Euro-Reef skimmer, a 1250 gal/hr pump, and a "micron bag" for mechanical filtration. Water parameters are all excellent (ammonia, nitrite zero; nitrate < 1; pH ~8.2; PO4 < 0.2). Inhabitants include a purple tang, diamond sleeper goby, the lion, a small Toby, a long-nosed Hawkfish, a Christmas wrasse, and a few damsels. <Mmmm...> The lion used to come to the top of the tank and "beg" for food. We rotated through several foodstuffs, including silversides, krill, Mysis, squid, and shrimp, feeding maybe three times per week. Now, none of these work, even offered on a gently-wiggled feeding stick. At the suggestion of the FAQs and the LFS, we tried live ghost shrimp. One literally walked in front of, and then onto, the lion's nose. Nothing, nada. There has been no signs of harassment. Everyone gets along reasonably well (the tang is the "queen" of the tank, everyone stays out of her way). There is no evidence of fin-nipping by the Toby, which was originally a concern. Any ideas? We've grown very fond of our little lion and it's heartbreaking to see this fat happy fish wasting away. <I would move this Lionfish to a smaller setting just the same... for "change of scenery", social dynamic... and try some live "ghost shrimp" here> Many thanks, Dan <Bob Fenner> Re: Dwarf Lion diet and angelfish bad behavior 8/14/06 Hi Bob and crew, <Hosh> Thank you for your reply. It is most helpful. <Ah, good> I have moved on trying to find the missing maroon clowns as I can obviously see that the fizzy dwarf lionfish is getting fat and happy. <... expensive meals> Besides his obvious flaws in social skills, he is still my favorite fish as he follows me all around whenever I approach the tank. He is definitely a puppy of the sea. He is out playing all the time even though (as you have suggested) most others of his kind are inclined to hide. This fish is unique if not special in some ways and I feel very lucky to have him around. <Very good> I want to give a follow up on his cloudy eyes condition. As I have read though your posts about how it is better to feed saltwater fish with natural ocean foods, I went out shopping. I picked up some (raw) frozen bay scallops, market shrimps, whole squids and fresh saltwater fish fillets to feed him along with the larger fish in the tank on the selection of ground up meats over the next few days. His eye trouble clears up in a matter of days with no water change. He is looking much better then when I first got him from the LFS and every fish that ate the real ocean seafood seems to be much happier including the anemones. I toast <Heee... tossed> out the LFS's krill and silversides the next week as I feel that they are what have been causing the nutritional deficiency. The only thing I am feeding the fish now are brine shrimps and bloodworms as snacks for the smaller fish on top of the real seafood. Moreover, I can't believe how much cheaper real seafood is in comparison to processed fish foods. <Yes> What I paid for a small bag of processed krill is enough to buy a whole pound of bay scallops or raw shrimps. I guess the marketing folks have gotten into my head over the years that processed foods specifically designed for whatever animal is the best choice. <Well put> Now I can actually see the result for myself in just 1 week how saltwater fish can benefit from raw food from the sea. Frankly, I'll never go back to processed foods again. I also visited the Chicago Aquarium the other day and saw a couple of small pieces of raw scallops caught between the life rocks in one of the community tanks. I knew right then that I am definitely on the right track. Even the clown sweet lips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides) seem to be during well under this diet. Ok, it was an impulse buy as he is so cute. <Not easily kept though...> Of course, there is always trouble in the making that requires your expert advise. The bi-color angel turns out to be the devil after all. It has been nice for over a month as a newbie, but now he is attacking the dwarf lion and the baby sweet lips for no particular reason except to have a piece of their fins down to the spine. What is most aggravating is that he is very much well fed everyday. I've scared the angel fish around in trying to tamed his temperament with no luck. I also put a tank divider in the tank and he resumed his bad behavior after the divider was removed in a few days. <Mmm, have to be permanently separated> Nothing seems to work out. A few days ago as I was headed out to vacation, I dropped him off to the LFS before I leave to put him in (fish jail) isolation. My goal is to introduce him back into the main tank as a new fish without his bad attitude. We'll see how that turns out. What is your opinion on this? <Likely have to be left out permanently> The next thing I am thinking of is to introduce a flame angel (which I've always wanted) into the mist and thereby keeping the bi-colored angel in check Do you think this is a fair move? <Worth trying> Frankly, I have been so frustrated with the bi-angel that I basically took the whole tank apart just to get him out. Without having resulted to anyone being flushed down the toilet, do you have any suggestion in behavioral modification for a mean spirited problem child that is no angel? -Hosh <A much bigger tank... another tank, tankmates... Bob Fenner> Night Abductions... Sick red African Star, also dwarf lionfish Scotter's go 7/27/06 Hello Bob, <Scott F. in for Bob tonight> I love your book and your wonderful website. You guys are keeping my fish alive! <Well, YOU are doing the hard part- we're just along for the ride!> Here are a few questions for you'¦ <Okay..> I have a two months old (relatively new) 55G reef setup and green and brown algae are starting to form. So I ran out and got a sea star to clean the tank. It turned out to be an (Protoreastor lincki) African or Horned Sea Star, which I don't know if it is reef safe. <Not really, IMO.. They can eat all sorts of sessile inverts.> I guess I may not have gone though the acclimation procedures long enough (30 min) when I put him in the tank. A few minutes after it went in, clear, slimy strings start to floats around it. The body goes from being totally smooth to slight sandpapery in texture. Although he changes shaped a little bit, he hasn't moved since I put him in the tank last night. I also tested the water in the bag after the fact, and it is at SG .018 and my tank water is at .023. Is it too drastic of a change for him? Although it is not moving, I can still see some wiggling tube feet coming out at the bottom of the star. Is he going to make it? <Potentially problematic...The environmental change may have been too drastic. This could be a response to extreme stress by the animal. Keeping environmental parameters stable is the best you can do right now.> My existing serpent star is doing great! Which sea star is right for cleaning algae in a reef tank? <I'd rely on snails for that job, myself.> Secondly, I have a 5' dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish (my sea puppy) which I just love. <Very endearing fish!> He is well fed (he eats anything I put in front of him) and doing very well except for a slightly clouded eye on one side. He never hides, always out in the open (day and night) playing power head surfing by zooming across the tank. Here is the problem; some of my other fish (over half its size) are disappearing one after another overnight. Two Maroon Clowns and three Damsels, along with a 3' Royal Gramma. There is no evidence that they ever get sick and died and turned into hermit crab's lunch. Yet, I can't be sure (and refuse to believe) that my cute little Lionfish could have eaten all these good sized fish. I have found nothing on the floor. Power head and filters are free of fish filets. Are we looking at a possible case of UFO fish abductions? <Before you call out Moulder and Skulley, I'd think that it is possible for this Lionfish to do some chomping on fishes that are a good percentage of his own size! You might also be looking at a Mantis Shrimp, crab, or other predatory live rock hitchhiker that comes out at night. Perhaps checking out the tank in the middle of the night could yield some evidence.> Thanks for your help! -Hosh <The truth is out there, Hosh...Keep searching! Regards, Scott F.> Sick red African Star, also dwarf lionfish tankmate meals RMF's go 7/27/06 Hello Bob, <Hosh> I love your book and your wonderful website. You guys are keeping my fish alive! <Actually you are... am glad we can/help you> Here are a few questions for you'¦ I have a two months old (relatively new) 55G reef setup and green and brown algae are starting to form. So I ran out and got a sea star to clean the tank. <Mmm... Asteroids are not really "algae eaters"> It turned out to be an (Protoreastor lincki) African or Horned Sea Star, which I don't know if it is reef safe. <... Is not... and inappropriate for this sized system> I guess I may not have gone though the acclimation procedures long enough (30 min) when I put him in the tank. A few minutes after it went in, clear, slimy strings start to floats around it. The body goes from being totally smooth to slight sandpapery in texture. Although he changes shaped a little bit, he hasn't moved since I put him in the tank last night. <Echinoderms don't "like" chemical, physical changes in their world> I also tested the water in the bag after the fact, and it is at SG .018 and my tank water is at .023. <Yeeikes> Is it too drastic of a change for him? <Oh, yes> Although it is not moving, I can still see some wiggling tube feet coming out at the bottom of the star. Is he going to make it? <Doubtful for long here> My existing serpent star is doing great! Which sea star is right for cleaning algae in a reef tank? <None> Secondly, I have a 5' dwarf fuzzy lionfish (my sea puppy) which I just love. He is well fed (he eats anything I put in front of him) and doing very well except for a slightly clouded eye on one side. He never hides, always out in the open (day and night) playing power head surfing by zooming across the tank. Here is the problem; some of my other fish (over half its size) are disappearing one after another overnight. <Inhaled likely by this Lion> Two maroon clowns and three damsels, along with a 3' royal Gramma. There is no evident that they ever get sick and died and turned into hermit crabs lunch. Yet, I can't be sure (and refuse to believe) that my cute little lionfish could have eaten all these good sized fish. <Did do so most likely> I have found nothing on the floor. Power head and filters are free of fish filets. Are we looking at a possible case of UFO fish abductions? <Heeee! Just bigger, faster tankmates. Bob Fenner> Thanks for your help! -Hosh New Marine Tank, Set-Up and Livestock ... Dwarf Lion comp.... AdamJ's go 7/6/06 Hi there, WWM crew, <Hey there Jeremy.> I've been a long time reader of the site, definitely one of, if not the best sites around, in my opinion...but on to the pressing issues. <Of course'¦'¦.of course.> I have a 55 gallon system set up, currently housing a single 1-1/2" Dendrochirus brachypterus, and a few hunks (about 7 or 8 pounds) of live rock, though I'm planning on adding more later on. <Be sure to cure and quarantine the rock in a separate receptacle since there is established livestock within the tank.> The substrate is a combination of 50 pounds of 'dead' sugar-fine sand, 20 pounds of Nature's Ocean live sand, and about a pound of sand from a friend's established reef. As far as filtration, I have both a Magnum 350 and a Fluval 404 canister filter, as well as a Coralife Super Skimmer rated for 65 gallons. <Not a fan at all of canisters'¦'¦especially on Marine Aquaria.> My questions are, 1. Is this sufficient filtration for this size system? <I would say that barring the protein skimmer'¦it is the wrong type (inappropriate filtration).> I've read that sumps and the like are better as far as nitrates are concerned, <Sump is a just a fancy term from a down-current receptacle that is used to hide away equipment. Well if you cram it sense with bio-media that traps detritus it can be just as bad as a canister, that said if configured correctly, i.e., large protein skimmer, and macro-algae refugia (things that aid in nutrient control) sumps can be quite useful, not to mention the added water volume'¦there is much posted on WWM on ways of setting them up.> but I don't think I have the room under the tank, due to the stand I have; a sump for me would have to be right around 11" wide or so. <There are a few glass tanks that fit this configuration, not to mention custom/DIY acrylic jobs.> 2. I've heard that adding live rock to an established system can make it cycle again...should I worry about this a whole lot? <If it uncured yes a lot, and even if it is cured I recommend quarantining in a separate tank for a minimum of 30 days, you don't have to use another tank, a trash can or Rubbermaid container would do just as fine.> 3. Can I add another dwarf? Possibly a D. zebra? My LFS told me they don't fare as well as D. brachypterus, so I'm slightly wary of them. <Not to mention the size'¦these dwarfs are around 7-8' full-grown, I prefer tanks of 75 gallons+ for adults.> 4. Would you happen to know of a few interesting tankmates? I'd like something active and outgoing, like a tang or an angel, but I'm not sure what will be compatible with the dwarf lion(s). <The lion will limit you, not only being predatory but with it's adult size. Other ambush predators such as larger Hawkfish would work well. Most fish that I recommend for novices are either to small (because of the lion) or too large for your system.> Hardiness would definitely be a plus, this being my first venture into marine aquariums. Thanks, <Anytime.> Jeremy in CA <Adam also in SoCal.> Few questions on D. brachypterus. Bob's try 7/6/06 Hi there, WWM crew, <Jeremy> I've been a long time reader of the site, definitely one of, if not the best sites around, in my opinion...but on to the pressing issues. <Okay!> I have a 55 gallon system set up, currently housing a single 1-1/2" Dendrochirus brachypterus, and a few hunks (about 7 or 8 pounds) of live rock, though I'm planning on adding more later on. The substrate is a combination of 50 pounds of 'dead' sugar-fine sand, 20 pounds of Nature's Ocean live sand, and about a pound of sand from a friend's established reef. As far as filtration, I have both a Magnum 350 and a Fluval 404 canister filter, as well as a Coralife Super Skimmer rated for 65 gallons. <Sounds good...> My questions are, 1. Is this sufficient filtration for this size system? <Mmm, for what you have thus far, yes. I'd be considering switching out the canister in the long/er run for something easier to maintain, with more capacity...> I've read that sumps and the like are better as far as nitrates are concerned, but I don't think I have the room under the tank, due to the stand I have; a sump for me would have to be right around 11" wide or so. <Could be done still...> 2. I've heard that adding live rock to an established system can make it cycle again... should I worry about this a whole lot? <Mmm, "thoughts w/o action are worthless"... I wouldn't worry, but I would plan, store all new LR in quarantine, to prevent such large/r recycling events> 3. Can I add another dwarf? Possibly a D. zebra? My LFS told me they don't fare as well as D. brachypterus, so I'm slightly wary of them. <Could add> 4. Would you happen to know of a few interesting tankmates? I'd like something active and outgoing, like a tang or an angel, <Mmm... perhaps one of the smaller Tang species... see WWM re "Selection" subFAQs files on the Family, Genera, species listed...), not a pomacanthid. The ones that would be small enough for this size tank would be eaten, the larger ones would pick on the Lion/s, die from psychological stress in too short a time> but I'm not sure what will be compatible with the dwarf lion(s). Hardiness would definitely be a plus, this being my first venture into marine aquariums. Thanks, Jeremy in CA <Keep reading, dreaming, compiling notes... you'll do fine. Bob Fenner> Re: Few questions on D. brachypterus 7/8/06 Hey again, <Howdy> Thanks for such a prompt response, from both Adam and Mr. Fenner. I probably will go the sump/refugium route (I've already drafted plans for one), most likely with Chaetomorpha as a nutrient export, as Caulerpa is illegal here in California, from what I'm told. <Yes... and sounds good> I did have a few further questions about additional livestock... I read up on the Longnose Butterflies, genus Forcipiger, and was wondering if one of either F. flavissimus or F. longirostris would be suitable for my system, with or without the additional dwarf. <Mmm, well, could use more space, but would likely go starting with a "medium sized" specimen initially (body length 3, 3 1/2")> Also, considering that there's not much the lion(s) won't eat, are there any interesting invertebrates that would do well in the system? <Mmm, most anything larger than mouth size that will in turn leave them alone... some examples posted on WWM... both Lion and Dwarf Lion Compatibility FAQs files> Thanks again, Jeremy (btw...that's NorCal, Adam ;) <Welcome. Bob Fenner>Dwarf Lionfish Compatibility etc., Clownfish behavior -
01/23/2006 Dear Mr. Fenner,
I have a 29 gal.
well established eclipse tank that was recently given to me
by my neighbor. Two angelfish dwarf angels came along with
it. A Bicolor and a Coral Beauty. My neighbor had both of
these fish for over a year, and they are very healthy.
<Nevertheless, these are incompatible here> I
am planning on putting a dwarf lion in it. 6 Inch Lion Fish in a 10 Gallon Tank, I needn't say more 12/16/05 Hi Bob here, <Hi Bob. This is Adam helping you out tonight.> Your website has been a great source over the years and honestly this is the first time I've had to email but I need help. <Okay, I'll see what I can do.> (Spike) my 6" fuzzy lion has not been doing well lately. <Sorry to hear that.> I have had him in a 10 gallon <'10 gallons,' Ahem'¦is this a typo? An animals of this size and waste output should be in a tank of at least 75 gallons, well skimmed and lots of water flow. Putting an animal of this size in a 10 gallon tank is like asking you to live in your closet with no restroom.> for 2 years now and he has always done well I also feed him silversides every other day. Recently he has started breathing real fast, has white spots all over, his eyes are cloudy, and he doesn't move much. <The white spots are indicative of Cryptocaryon irritans, as for the heavy breathing and cloudy eyes this is indicative of poor water quality. I'm willing to bet all my Tridacnids (and I don't do that) , that this tank has some SERIOUS problems, concerning ammonia and various nutrients to say the least.> WHAT DO I DO? <50% water changes, several, at least 3 to 4 over the next week, and upgrade or sadly part with Spike ASAP.> all these things just happened overnight. I really want to help my little spike. Help PLS, BOB <Adam J.> Mixing, matching Dwarf Lions 12/16/05 Hi Ryan here again, I have been debating now and have decided to get a fuzzy lion. I would just like to know for future tanks is it best to mix two different lions or one type ex. (fuzzy with Fu Man Chu versus 2 Fuzzies?) <Mmm, do mix pretty well, but ones of the same species do appear to associate more closely (in the wild)> I would also like to know what other Scorpionfish you would recommend to go in the tank because I have now chosen to put only them in. I am still reading all the info on WWM and am still only about a quarter the way through. <Takes a good long while> I would also like to know the best way to keep the tank clean I have a 100 gallon and 2 Millennium 3000 filters and a skimmer on the way, but any other items that would keep it as safe as possible for my little guy would be wonderful. Fish friend in need, Ryan <Keep reading. Bob Fenner> Lionfish, mixing 12/17/05 Hi, Ryan here
again, Minimum tank size for a dwarf lionfish 8/6/05 I bought a 24
Gal Nano Cube that I was going to have for Saltwater. The only thing I
want in there is a fuzzy dwarf lion fish.
Teeny Tiny Lion 06/16/03 Hey guys! <Just guy, PF here with you today> I just bought a tiny (1 1/4" at the most) Fuzzy Dwarf Lion. I was wondering what the best foodstuffs to start him on would be. and what options do I have if this little guy doesn't eat prepared foods? I checked FAQ and there was little info on this small of lion. <Well JB, have you read here? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lions&rels.htm You could start him on small feeder guppies if he's reluctant to eat something much better, such as Mysis shrimp.> Thanks JB Tank info 30 gal hex ECCO Canister 12 lbs Live rock 2 Green Chromis Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish taxonomy Dear crew: I have perused everything on this site that I can find, and Dr. Marini's articles on reefkeeper.com, and I remain baffled, hoping you can shed some light. I'm trying to identify a fish by species, and having difficulty. I am sorry that I can't forward digital pictures, and am hoping that a gross physical description might be a purposeful place to start. <Not likely> A local fish store has a variant of dwarf lion that seems not to fit with what I can find in descriptions of species. When asked, employees could only report that it had been taken in trade, and had been in the store for some time. Anecdotally, one of them thought it might have originally come from Florida, though that could just as easily have been the locus of the collector/aquarist. When queried about the species, they generalized it to be a fuzzy dwarf. <There are many scorpaenoid fishes called "dwarf lions", not all are Pteroines...> The critter in question most generally seems to be brachypterus, but not quite. The pectoral fins have the characteristic shape reminiscent of the sail on a Chinese junk, and are webbed almost to the end of the spines. Body shape [about 4"], coloration, and fin profile are generally consistent, but there are a few significant departures. It lacks the "moustache" protuberances at the corners of the mouth, and has no noticeable "horns" above the eyes. There are bumps of tissue along the lateral line, again consistent with brachypterus, but most noticeably there are no "flags" of tissue at the ends of the dorsal spines as both of my Fuzzies have. Finally, while every fuzzy I have seen has blue eyes, the eyes of this fish have a bright orange outer circle, with a center that is a deep green/black [like a Tahitian black pearl]. My best guess is that it's actually a barberi. Can you suggest any definitive characteristics that I can look for to identify it more definitively? Am I overlooking the obvious, and can you tell me what I should have figured out on my own? <Mmm, you might peruse the linked references for these species, genera on fishbase.org or make a trip to a large college library for a computer searched bibliography... There is variation in the Brachypterus mentioned... color and appendages-wise... Bob Fenner> Looking forward to your suggestions, Rick Walters - Dwarf Lion Questions - I have fuzzy dwarf lionfish who shows no interest in any food except Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and ghost shrimp. <Ghost shrimp and Mysis shrimp are fine - nothing to worry about here.> I have tried krill, goldfish, saltwater guppies and Tubifex worms but has shown no interest in them. <Would keep up with the krill but would not offer "feeder" fish - these will affect the long term survivability of your lionfish. As for the Tubifex worms - these are not marine in origin and I've seen very few marine fish, let alone lionfish that will eat them.> Well do you recommend all my levels are all where they should be. <Think you're doing fine - you might want to offer the krill on the end of a feeding stick - waggle in front of its face... but the Mysis and ghost shrimp are certainly suitable foods.> My fuzzy also turns a creamy color every once in a while, is this rare or a problem? <This is neither rare nor a problem. Cheers, J -- > When a Lionfish Does What a Lionfish Does.. >Hello all. >>Hello one. >I've Googled, and found no answer. >>At least you made the effort. >Yesterday I brought home a beautiful little fuzzy dwarf lion, who is the first occupant of my 75 gallon tank [along with 40 pounds of very crusty live rock]. >>Of all the things that should or should not be crusty, rock that is live, and bread. >After recovering from the stress of the trip, he adjusted well, and even took a ghost shrimp for an evening snack. After lights out, he cruised the tank for several hours, getting to know the neighborhood. >>Alright. >Since this morning, though, he has spent the entire day perched on one of my heaters. I have not been able to find any information relating stress or transition to a need for additional warmth. I checked the temperature of the tank, and it's 76.8 F in the center of the tank, as well as at the front wall [measured 6" under the surface]. I have read that lions tolerate temperatures between 72 and 78 well, so I think I'm in the ballpark. Should I just chalk this up to WTTFJD [weird things that fish just do]? >>Oh, no, not at all. This isn't weird in the least, either. This *is* what Lionfishes, especially dwarf lions, do. Simple as that. Marina When a Lionfish Does What a Lionfish Does - II >Marina, >>Hello Rick. >Thanks for your reassurance. I have learned some hard lessons with smaller tanks [harder for the fish than for me, I suppose]. I want so much for this tank to succeed that I might be overly fretful, and apt to turn molehills into mountains. After some further introspection, I suppose I was the same way with the first of my children. >>Better to be safe, yeah? >I came home tonight from a concert to find said little fuzzy guy cruising energetically, displaying for his reflection. I enjoyed having a nightcap and watching him being so active out in the open, illuminated by the moonlight LED's with the room otherwise dark. I'm thinking that such moments are the real reason we go to such effort to do this. >>For those who get into the hobby in the first place, absolutely. For those who are "bitten", it can go far beyond that. >Thanks again, Rick Walters >>You're most welcome, and I'm glad you can now enjoy your new fish. Marina Lionfish taxonomy Dear crew: I have perused everything on this site that I can find, and Dr. Marini's articles on reefkeeper.com, and I remain baffled, hoping you can shed some light. I'm trying to identify a fish by species, and having difficulty. I am sorry that I can't forward digital pictures, and am hoping that a gross physical description might be a purposeful place to start. <Not likely> A local fish store has a variant of dwarf lion that seems not to fit with what I can find in descriptions of species. When asked, employees could only report that it had been taken in trade, and had been in the store for some time. Anecdotally, one of them thought it might have originally come from Florida, though that could just as easily have been the locus of the collector/aquarist. When queried about the species, they generalized it to be a fuzzy dwarf. <There are many scorpaenoid fishes called "dwarf lions", not all are Pteroines...> The critter in question most generally seems to be brachypterus, but not quite. The pectoral fins have the characteristic shape reminiscent of the sail on a Chinese junk, and are webbed almost to the end of the spines. Body shape [about 4"], coloration, and fin profile are generally consistent, but there are a few significant departures. It lacks the "moustache" protuberances at the corners of the mouth, and has no noticeable "horns" above the eyes. There are bumps of tissue along the lateral line, again consistent with brachypterus, but most noticeably there are no "flags" of tissue at the ends of the dorsal spines as both of my Fuzzies have. Finally, while every fuzzy I have seen has blue eyes, the eyes of this fish have a bright orange outer circle, with a center that is a deep green/black [like a Tahitian black pearl]. My best guess is that it's actually a barberi. Can you suggest any definitive characteristics that I can look for to identify it more definitively? Am I overlooking the obvious, and can you tell me what I should have figured out on my own? <Mmm, you might peruse the linked references for these species, genera on fishbase.org or make a trip to a large college library for a computer searched bibliography... There is variation in the Brachypterus mentioned... color and appendages-wise... Bob Fenner> Looking forward to your suggestions, Rick Walters Fuzzy dwarf lion fish - cloudy eyes Hi crew! I have a fuzzy that has cloudy eyes. <Both...> I noticed it during his stay in the q-tank. Have read all I could and it seems common with lion fish. <Yes> I thought it would go away once he would be in the display. I have good water parameters . I know feeders are bad. I have never been able to feed him anything but small live freshwater fish. <A problem... at least a co-factor here> The LFS around here don't carry grass shrimp. I carefully inject the feeders with Selcon one day and the next with Vit-a-boost . <Wow!> I have tried shrimp on a stick, and he went for it once but bit into the stick and now seems to fear both. It's been about a month and I don't think it's getting all that much better. Is there anything else I could do to help? <Order other foods... through the Net... there are many companies, etailers that offer these... and cultures, populations that aren't hard... are even fun to grow yourself> What are silversides everybody mentions? <... a group of fishes... use your search tools> I could get him to eat small dead marine fish, but where would I get those? Is the Selcon and Vit-a-boost + guppies ok or? I really like my fuzzy, they are really cool. P.S. Can't wait for IMAC. <I suspect something more... bigger is at play here than just a nutritional component... Do check your water quality, and practices of using "supplements"... I am fully guessing that your fish's problem almost directly stems from environmental influence/s. Bob Fenner> Cloudy Eyed Dwarf Lion Hello.. AGAIN I have a fuzzy dwarf lionfish that has extremely cloudy eyes. He is in a 125, and I am doing about a 30-35 gallon water change. Any tips? <Keep up with the water changes and perhaps try using Epsom salt, 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons.> Should I worry? <It depends on the cause. It is usually because of some sort of physical damage and easily reversible. On the other hand, some lionfish will develop what appears similar to cataracts. This is usually associated with a poor diet. Do search www.WetWebMedia.com for cloudy eye for additional information. -Steven Pro> Sick Lion Hello, I have a fuzzy dwarf lion that I have raised
from about an inch long to maybe 4 inches over the past year. It has
always been a good eater and active. About two weeks ago it stopped
feeding and has taken up residence in one location which it seems loath
to move from. There are no other signs of a problem - color and
respirations seem normal etc. All other tank mates are in good shape
with no off behavior. Do you have any idea what could be the problem??
<yes... often, aquarists allow themselves to be trained to feed only
one or two types of food to such fishes like thawed frozen silversides
or worse(!) live freshwater feeder fish. If this is the case with yours
(as it is with so many expressing these symptoms), then your fish is
suffering from a dietary deficiency. Do research gut-loading techniques
for live prey if you feel you must use live food or simply feed a
greater variety of thawed frozen foods. Most lions fed feeder guppies,
minnows or goldfish, for example, categorically die within 12-18 months
because of it.> thanks, Steve Browne
Lionfish <Hi Doron, PF here. Wish it were happier
circumstances you were writing about.> I recently introduced a Fuzzy
Dwarf Lionfish into my 29 gallon FO tank. My saline is 1.022-1.023,
nitrate 0, amm .5, pH 8.2, water temp 78. <Good parameters.> For
the first two days he seemed fine, a week later he appears to be
lighter in color, and slightly breathing harder, he also floats up to
the top and tilts his head slightly. Hunger Strike Hey Guys! <cheers!> Just to start.. I'd like to say this is a great website and has awesome features like this one. Question: I have a 125 gallon. In it is a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, Tiny Niger Trigger, and various damsels. Recently, the lion went on a "hunger strike". It started Wednesday night. He didn't eat anything. Thursday, all he had was a little prawn head, Friday he didn't eat, and Saturday he had a small prawn head. What is that all about? I even tied a prawn to a piece of rope. He didn't even look at it. Think its just a phase? <indeed they can go quite a while without food (several weeks), but it is not acceptable of course. Depends on age in captivity, recent changes to water quality, previous diet. Do verify water quality and use live ghost shrimp if necessary to entice> Fuzzy dwarf lionfish Hello,<Hey Jon, Phil here!> I have read your FAQs and got a lot of great info. I have two fuzzy dwarf lions that love to eat M.Y.S.I.S shrimp. They are very high protein frozen food. have you heard of them?<Oh ya.. I feed them to my fish.> Is this enough for my fish to thrive. They don't seem interested in anything else.< Try silversides, I have yet to find a lionfish that won't eat silverside strips.> Thank you <No problem!!> Jon Kerr Teeny Tiny Lion 06/16/03 Hey guys! <Just guy, PF here with you today> I just bought a tiny (1 1/4" at the most) Fuzzy Dwarf Lion. I was wondering what the best foodstuffs to start him on would be. and what options do I have if this little guy doesn't eat prepared foods? I checked FAQ and there was little info on this small of lion. <Well JB, have you read here? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lions&rels.htm You could start him on small feeder guppies if he's reluctant to eat something much better, such as Mysis shrimp.> Thanks JB Tank info 30 gal hex ECCO Canister 12 lbs Live rock 2 Green Chromis Fuzzy Dwarf - Dwarf Lion on a Hunger Strike - HI Lion Practices Non-Violent Disobedience? Hello! Update on non-eating Fuzzy Dwarf Well he's eating
now, Mysis and brine shrimp. He swallowed a good sized chunk of krill
yesterday but spit it out a few minutes later so I guess he didn't
like it. He won't touch silversides which is odd. Apparently the
reason he hadn't been eating is that he was living off the three
damsels I had cycled the tank with! Reef Lionfish Questions <Hi, MikeD here> I have
two quick questions for the fantastic crew at WWM today :) Feeding Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish: How much & How often Hello Crew, <Greg> I just bought a great looking Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish named Fozzy two days ago. On the second day, I purchased six live Ghost Shrimp, Frozen Silversides, and frozen Mysis Shrimp. I'm, also, planning on buying some frozen Krill if Lionfish like them. I fed Fozzy 5 of the live Ghost Shrimp, which he ate very quickly. He, also, reluctantly took 2 small frozen Mysids soaked in garlic. Was this too much food in one day? <Yes, likely> Anyways, I'm not too sure on how much to give Fozzy in one feeding, and how many times a week I should feed him. He is in a 70 gallon FOWLR with a Coral Beauty Angelfish and a Cinnamon Clownfish. The water is usually between 80-84 degrees F. Thanks a lot crew, Greg <I would feed this specimen every other day... and look to its "fullness" as the best indication of how much it should be getting. Take care not to "feed it till it busts", looks bulging... as MANY more lionfish and their kin are killed from too much food than any other cause. Your selection of foodstuffs sounds very good. Bob Fenner> Feeding a dwarf lion Hi guys: Thanks for the advice, I have made a number of good friends at the LFS and based on the size of some of the Clowns I've seen in their tanks (as big as Shaq's hand!) I'm assuming I will have to upgrade the 36 again in the future. With that said, knowing my interest in adding a lion, the owner of the shop got me a truly incredible yellow dwarf lion. He is a beauty! However, based on your advice, I expressed my concern to him about adding him to my tank. The workers at the store being familiar with my tank and my clown thought he would work well in my set-up. Of course, there was an mutual understanding that I would "immediately" return the lion if the clown began to show any aggression. The good news is, the lion has been in the tank for a couple of weeks now and neither the clown or the hawk could care less. Indeed, he seems to have adapted perfectly. So, what's the problem? Well actually there isn't one yet, just a quick question. I've poured over your FAQs and have learned a great deal about feeding lions. In particular you always seem to say that starting out with ghost shrimp is fine, but that you should wean them frozen food as soon as possible. Living in Florida, I have pretty good access ghost shrimp. Would a constant diet of ghost shrimp supplemented with small live bait shrimp or peppermint shrimp have long-term detrimental effects on the lion? In other words, if I can maintain a steady diet of live foods, is there any real reason to shift to frozen? Thanks in advance for your advise. You guys are great! Gary >>>Hey Gary, You will be fine, but VARY the diet as much as possible. Also, freeze the live food for a time before giving to your fish. Parasite introduction is a danger otherwise. So, one way or the other, you need to stick with frozen items, whether you purchase them that way, or catch them yourself then freeze after. Jim<<< Fuzzy dwarf lion fish - cloudy eyes Hi crew! I have a fuzzy that has cloudy eyes. <Both...> I noticed it during his stay in the q-tank. Have read all I could and it seems common with lion fish. <Yes> I thought it would go away once he would be in the display. I have good water parameters . I know feeders are bad. I have never been able to feed him anything but small live freshwater fish. <A problem... at least a co-factor here> The LFS around here don't carry grass shrimp. I carefully inject the feeders with Selcon one day and the next with Vit-a-boost . <Wow!> I have tried shrimp on a stick, and he went for it once but bit into the stick and now seems to fear both. It's been about a month and I don't think it's getting all that much better. Is there anything else I could do to help? <Order other foods... through the Net... there are many companies, etailers that offer these... and cultures, populations that aren't hard... are even fun to grow yourself> What are silversides everybody mentions? <... a group of fishes... use your search tools> I could get him to eat small dead marine fish, but where would I get those? Is the Selcon and Vit-a-boost + guppies ok or? I really like my fuzzy, they are really cool. P.S. Can't wait for IMAC. <I suspect something more... bigger is at play here than just a nutritional component... Do check your water quality, and practices of using "supplements"... I am fully guessing that your fish's problem almost directly stems from environmental influence/s. Bob Fenner> Compatibility Hi there, I read over your Scorpionfish and Waspfish FAQs and websites and had a few further questions. I am setting up a new tank and was just wondering your impressions of compatibility with a Leaffish ( Taenionotus triacanthus) or a Waspfish ( Ablabys taenionotus) of the following (not necessarily all together in the same tank--just trying to find out for each individual species): Valentini Puffer ( Canthigaster valentini) Flame Angel ( Centropyge loricula) Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (Dendrochirus brachypterus) Long-nosed Butterflyfish ( Forcipiger flavissimus) Long-nosed Hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus) Are the toxins in the Leaffish and Waspfish closer to the lionfish or the stonefish in strength (I don't mind venomous animals but I don't want anything that can kill me -- just in case)? <As venomous as Scorpaeninae/Lions is what I've read> Also, what is the best way to train fish for frozen or prepared foods over live foods? <Please see here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/goldfshfd.htm and the FAQs linked beyond> Thanks for all your help, Erik Jorvig <You're welcome. Bob Fenner> Quick questions on lions hi! Dwarf Lionfish Questions Right now I have Volitans lionfish
in my 150 gallon tank...any problem if its a male Volitans and a male
dwarf? <Not usually. The dwarf Fuzzy lionfish (Dendrochirus
brachypterus) is the only one that I'm aware of in which two males
will consistently fight, with sex often being difficult to determine in
the P. Volitans.> Also Let me know what you recommend for a dwarf. A
short fin? A Fu Man Chu? etc.....tell me which one you find the best
for home aquaria. Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish Compatibility Hi, I'm Nick and I'm twelve and my dad and I have a 55 gallon salt water tank and we were thinking of adding a dwarf fuzzy lionfish. We currently have a tomato clown w/a rose anemone, a yellow tang, a scooter blenny, a lawnmower blenny (approx. 5" long), 7 or so turbo snails, 2 black neon gobies, 2 Firefish gobies, a feather duster, an arc-eyed Hawkfish, a Dottyback, a red flame scallop, 5 tiny blue leg hermit crabs, green hair algae, and about 20 lbs. of live rock, all happy and doing fine. We're planning to add another 35 lbs. of live rock before we get the lionfish. Is this a good setup to get the lion? We have many hiding places for the fish, so they won't (hopefully!) get eaten. <You say that everything is happy and doing fine. Adding a lion to the mix would almost surely change that. They are not community fishes, and will consume smaller fishes as well as invertebrates that will fit in their gape. To compound things, Lions have specialized feeding habits. All in all, I would not recommend your purchasing a Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish for inclusion in your marine reef aquarium, Mike G.> Lionfish Sting Hi Everyone! Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I have a 65 gal salt tank with a yellow bar angelfish (juvenile), a maroon clown, a fuzzy dwarf lionfish, and a yellow longnosed butterfly fish. Everything was fine until yesterday morning when I noticed that the butterfly was acting funny, he seemed to just be swimming around with the current of the tank. My husband noticed two wounds on his underside like he was poked. We are guessing that he ran into the lionfish. My lionfish is very active and friendly. Since yesterday the lion has been sitting on some live rock on the back of the tank not moving. This is very strange behavior. So I jumped on your site and tried to research lion stings to other fish. What I got out of it is that usually the fish will die within 30 minutes of the sting... if they live past that, there is a chance they will pull through. This morning the butterfly was wedged between some live rock, my husband let him free and now he is on his side on the bottom of the tank. He is still alive and moves around a little. I don't know how to help him, I am thinking I should just leave him alone. He has lived over a day now. He has not gotten worse but hasn't gotten better either. What would you do? <Heidi, it is possible that this could happen but unlikely. Has the butterfly been eating good, and what foods do you feed it? Does the angel show aggressive signs? Angels do have a very sharp spike just below their gill plate which is also used as defense. It's also possible that the angel could have done this. James (Salty Dog)> Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish Hello! Great website, very insightful!, Well here is my question. I have a 46 bow front (this is not my first tank), with 50# LR with plenty of caves and such, testing 0's on nitrates, nitrites and ammonia, 8.2 PH and 1.023 salinity. I have a brain coral, doing well, some polyps and a mushroom rock all healthy. The only fish in the tank are a leftover yellow tail damsel (doing fine) and a 3" Flame Angel. I added a Fuzzy Dwarf (approx. 3"), (my favorite fish) anyway last night all was well. This morning the Flame was dead. It had a large white swollen spot on the side of its head. It seems the Lion and the Flame had a disagreement and the Lion won. Does that sound like a lion sting? <Maybe... but the angel loss could just as well as be unrelated> The Flame was healthy and eating well. Any info would be appreciated. Also what would you suggest as another tank mate for the lion? Rob <Something bigger than its mouth, but not too likely to pick on it. Bob Fenner> Compatibility Hi, Lionfish Hi, Do fuzzy dwarf lions and Volitans lions get along good? Thanks Ben >>>Sure, just make sure the fuzzy lion has some size to begin with. You don't want him getting swallowed by the Volitans - they grow FAST. Cheers Jim<<< Small tank for small lions in a small group Hi Bob, I have recently been very interested in Lionfish. Having considered the possibilities (pro's and con's) I have decided against adding one to my main display tank. However I am still very interested in the idea of having a lionfish, so I have been discussing the idea with a fellow hobbyist over the internet, who has some 10 yrs+ experience with various lionfish species. <Good to hear of your searching, striving...> I put forward the idea of a smaller tank, 36"x18"x18", housing a group of dwarf lions, and he thought it a good idea. Something like a pair of fuzzy dwarf lions, and a pair of dwarf zebra lions (D. Zebra, D. Brachypterus)..... or maybe stick to a single species and get four.... or maybe 3 fuzzy dwarfs and a dwarf zebra. What do you think ??? I see you recommend 15 to 20 gals per adult dwarf lion ("I recommend a good 30 to 40 gallons per adult Pterois, and half that for other species" ~ The Conscientious Marine Aquarist). So I figure, 60 gals ...... 4 dwarf lions .... they will be the sole inhabitants of the tank......or am I misinterpreting you i.e. you could be referring to this volume per fish in a standard tank. <No, this is about right... maximum fish load...> If this idea is feasible, I would be very keen to go ahead with it. In terms of filtration ......... I had considered a less traditional approach ...... something a bit like the Leng Sy EcoSystem thing.....except varied. <Me too... I add more mechanical filtration, a skimmer, more circulation...> I had considered a sump beneath the tank, 24hr lighting and loads of Caulerpa, and if necessary another filter such as a canister or a fluidized bed or maybe a gallon of bioballs in the overflow to deal with the heavy feedings ..... although I would limit this to three moderate feeds a week. Also, since there would be no herbivores in the tank, I thought perhaps I would grow Caulerpa in the display tank as well as the sump ..... perhaps doing away with the need for a "filter" ...... what would your opinion be. <Sounds good> As a sort of clean up crew, I had considered some large hermits .... I shells bigger than a golf ball ..... to deal with any waste. <Yes, and some algae... and big enough to not get inhaled by the Lions... they have large mouths and can/do eat/inhale such things> Planned decor would be a simple single large overhanging cave like structure, that would be assembled and secured before them going in. Thanks for reading. Regards, Matt PS. You might think "why is he asking me, when there is a guy with 10 yrs+ advising him......." .... well I figure safe than sorry, and get a second opinion :-) <And a third, fourth... enough till you feel comfortable. Bob Fenner> Dwarf Fuzzy... Lionfish... still not
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