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Lionfish setup 10/2/17 Re: Violet goby ideas (Bob, Dwarf Lionfish at SG 1.015?)
5/14/17 Lion care and feeding. 12/31/12 Dwarf Lionfish Adoption? 5/31/09 Re: Dwarf Lionfish Adoption? 5/31/09 Poor Ruffus, I'm so Distraught. Dwarf Lionfish Minimum Tank Size 4/13/09 Fuzzy Dwarf filtration 2/16/09 Hi Bob, hope your well? <Thanks Nick... got a ding dang cold that is killing me, other misc. complaints... but still oh so grateful to be here!> I'm sorry to say I lost my Eibli angel of 3 years this morning, it was fine last night then I discovered it dead and covered in hermits this morning. I think it may be due to me disturbing a large clump of Cyano in the tank, could this have released toxins? <Yes, possible> My 2 clowns and byno goby are fine. The Eibli was my favourite fish and pretty much the reason I kept the tank going, I'm now thinking its time for a change. I'm really keen on keeping Dendrochirus brachypterus <Buy from the same tank at the same time... males will fight> and was thinking of going for 1 or 2 plus a Ctenochaetus strigosus to assist with algae / detritus removal and add some liveliness to the mix. The tanks 75gallon with roughly 40kg LR, Turboflotor 1000 multiSL skimmer and an Eheim 2217 canister used purely for mechanical filtration. I have had to remove my short lived sump due to the proximity of my flat mates bedroom to the noisy downpipe! <Do read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/pbnoisef5.htm and the linked FAQs files in the series (above)... there are some real cures to be had here> I would be removing the goby and clowns and the smaller hermits. My question is do you think the current filtration plus bi/weekly water changes would be sufficient to cope with the quantity and sporadic nature of the lions waste output? <Could be, yes> I would probably feed them 3 times a week. <Let's settle on twice> Everything I've read points to a sump or wet/dry being the way forward but unfortunately this is not an option for me. Sorry to trouble you yet again! Thanks in advance Nick <Welcome! BobF> Lazy fuzzy dwarf lionfish?? 8/29/08 I've read a ridiculous amount on your website today, but can't really seem to find the answer to my lionfish. <Understood...can be hard to divine specific scenarios from general information> I have a 30ga. cube and 58ga. plumbed together with a common sump/fuge. Total water volume~110 gallons. I am running a skimmer, have DSB in display and fuge, and Chaeto in the fuge. The lionfish is in the 30 cube <Problem> along with a fairly docile black/white damsel, and a 3" wild caught Clarkii clown (inherited from another friend). <bigger problem> I purchased the fish approximately 2 weeks ago. He had been at the LFS for approximately 2 weeks supposedly eating ghost shrimp like crazy, though when I was there he didn't like the one already in his "pen" but really liked the fresh one put in there to show me he was eating. I brought him home and put him in. I know, I know, I should have set up a QT tank for him, but figured he was healthy and eating at the store, so he should be at my house too. He ate the next day for me (more ghost shrimp) and for several days after that, but yesterday and today hasn't been interested in food. I've tried ghost shrimp, frozen shrimp, silversides, and baby SW mollies I have been breeding to feed him (even tried to dangle these in front of him with a forceps). The LFS keeps their water SG at 1.016 to keep parasites down. Mine is at 1.026. <HUGE change! This alone could kill a fish if he wasn't slowly brought up...osmotic balance of cells, lysing of tissue is a serious concern with this kind of change. Bear in mind a MAXIMUM recommended shift of .002/24hrs> My other water parameters are adequate (Alk 7dkh, ca 390, nitrates/nitrites/phosphates=0 Mag?). The lion has been coloring up nicely since coming from the store, but he hasn't eaten recently, doesn't show interest, and "lays" in the back corner of the tank with his fins to his side, almost laying on his side. Am I being overly concerned? <Is due cause for concern> Is there anything I should do for him? <Carefully move him to a MUCH larger tank. Even a dwarf lionfish should be in a 75-gallon size footprint. Your little fellow was terribly shocked by the change in osmotic pressure (Chance of organ failure in the present future), then is dealing with cramped quarters and inappropriate roommates. What is happening here is most likely analogous to curling up in the fetal position to try to escape from a bad party- while you're dealing with severe stomach flu.> Thanks in advance. <No problem. Get that little guy in an appropriate home, watch him closely, and I imagine he'll return to health, provided no major damage was done by the salinity change. Benjamin> Ryan Lionfish in a reef... 3/21/07 I plan on adding a Dwarf Fuzzy Lion to my 75 gallon reef. <Better be careful with small fish then.> The reef has 260 watts of light. <Have kept Dendrochirus under this much light before'¦ They don't do well with it. They also are not too keen on the high current that this tank will need.> I am adding SPS, and mushroom corals and maybe some polyps. <Allelopathy city. Please do research these creatures before purchase. This will be a highly incompatible mix.> I am going to add 1 Yellow Tang + Regal Tang, and 1 Copperband Butterfly. <Your tank is too small for this. The yellow tang can go into a tank this size, but something larger, say 90 gallons would be better. The Regal Tang will get WAY too big for this tank. Need a 135 or better for this fish. The Copperband Butterfly will likely sample the polyps on the SPS that you mention. Have you researched any of these fish at all?> My only question is what kind of cleaners could I add that would be safe with the lion. <Maybe snails.> I know shrimps will be eaten. <Yep.> Are crabs and snails ok? What about a starfish? <Snails should be ok. As far as crabs go, you will likely find half of it later down the road'¦ The half with claws and eyes. The Dendrochirus might decide to sample the Starfish arms too.> I have a remora skimmer, an Eheim canister and 2 Emperor 7000 hang ons. Would an anemone be safe with a pair of mated Perculas? <With what you have mentioned most likely not. Anemones should not be kept with other corals/things that they can move around and sting. These are motile invertebrates, and make no mistake, they WILL move. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. Please do revise/research your livestock list before purchasing any of these magnificent animals. You are likely going to experience a lot of deaths later down the road if you continue with the plan that you have outlined here. Brandon.> Keeping Dwarf Lion Question 12/28/06 Hi there, <Howdy!> My name is Joe, and my 36 gallon saltwater aquarium has finished its cycling process, and has sat for a week. I would like to keep a Dwarf Lion, but doing internet research hasn't given me all much needed info, or complete info for that. So I have a few questions 1. Will the dwarf lion work in a FOWLR tank? 30pounds of Live Rock <Mmm, a FOWLR tank is fine for these fishes... but your tank volume/size is border-line too small...> 2. I understand he eats most clean-up crews, but are there any I can add to the tank? Maybe conches, snails, starfish, etc. If I cannot add any, do you have a suggestion to keep the tank cleaner of algae and such, other than my own maintenance? <Best for you to be the clean-up crew... not to place anything that might be swallowed...> 3. Do you have a suggestion for a good tank mate, maybe a fish that will possibly help control algae, if no clean up crew members can be added? <Not for this sized system really... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marscavart.htm and the linked files above> Tank Info Bak Pak 2r up to 60 gallons - Protein Skimmer and Bio filter 620 SEIO powerhead 200 watt heater 3 inches of sand, play sand on bottom, Arag sand on top Soon to add 30pounds of live rock, some fake. Temp- 80 degrees Salinity - 1.022-1.023 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 10 (going to do water change before adding any fish or rock) Thanks <And here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dendrochirus.htm and the linked files at top... You have a good start going... and appear to be receptive, intelligent... A little study, prudence... and you will do fine. Bob Fenner> - Lion Lighting 8/21/06 - Howdy! Lions and Marine Bettas 7/1/06 Hi there just a
quick question. Would a marine Betta be O.K. with a zebra
lionfish in a 30 gallon tank. Many thanks. <No, both get too large
for this tank.> <Chris> Dwarf Lionfish Compatibility etc., Clownfish behavior -
01/23/2006 Dear Mr. Fenner,
I have a 29 gal.
well established eclipse tank that was recently given to me
by my neighbor. Two angelfish dwarf angels came along with
it. A Bicolor and a Coral Beauty. My neighbor had both of
these fish for over a year, and they are very healthy.
<Nevertheless, these are incompatible here> I
am planning on putting a dwarf lion in it. 6 Inch Lion Fish in a 10 Gallon Tank, I needn't say more 12/16/05 Hi Bob here, <Hi Bob. This is Adam helping you out tonight.> Your website has been a great source over the years and honestly this is the first time I've had to email but I need help. <Okay, I'll see what I can do.> (Spike) my 6" fuzzy lion has not been doing well lately. <Sorry to hear that.> I have had him in a 10 gallon <'10 gallons,' Ahem'¦is this a typo? An animals of this size and waste output should be in a tank of at least 75 gallons, well skimmed and lots of water flow. Putting an animal of this size in a 10 gallon tank is like asking you to live in your closet with no restroom.> for 2 years now and he has always done well I also feed him silversides every other day. Recently he has started breathing real fast, has white spots all over, his eyes are cloudy, and he doesn't move much. <The white spots are indicative of Cryptocaryon irritans, as for the heavy breathing and cloudy eyes this is indicative of poor water quality. I'm willing to bet all my Tridacnids (and I don't do that) , that this tank has some SERIOUS problems, concerning ammonia and various nutrients to say the least.> WHAT DO I DO? <50% water changes, several, at least 3 to 4 over the next week, and upgrade or sadly part with Spike ASAP.> all these things just happened overnight. I really want to help my little spike. Help PLS, BOB <Adam J.> Minimum tank size for a dwarf lionfish 8/6/05 I bought a 24
Gal Nano Cube that I was going to have for Saltwater. The only thing I
want in there is a fuzzy dwarf lion fish. Tank setup for lionfish Bob, I've really enjoyed reading all of your comments and I thought that you would be the person to ask about a setup for lionfish. I am wanting to purchase several larger aquariums to hold several species of lionfish. Currently I have an Oceanic 58 with a Fu Man Chu and a Radiata. I know that the Radiata will outgrow the tank and I'd like to purchase other larger species as well (Volitans, etc.). I'm thinking that a medium sized tank (75-100 gallons) as well as one large tank (around 200 gallons) will support the kinds of lions that I am looking at purchasing (I'd like to purchase all when young and be able to keep them after they're full grown). <Sounds good so far> What kind of filtration would you recommend for these big waste producers? <Big, and vigorous water movement> I see that you're a big fan of the live rock/Caulerpa in a sump but with as much waste as the lions produce (and don't worry--I don't plan on feeding very often or feeding goldfish) would the amount of live rock that I would have to purchase be cost effective? <It would help a great deal... but as you infer, much mechanical, biological and even chemical filtration is necessary as well> I plan on these being fish-only tanks holding solely lions. If you had to recommend a wet/dry what company makes a good product? <There are many... but Clear for life and Tenecor's products I like for being sturdy> If you think that a sump with rock would be better where should I purchase it? <I'd make it... think about this... not too hard to do... any water holding container that's chemically inert would do as a sump... through-hull fittings...> Currently I have a Tidepool with Chemi-pure, PolyFilters, and a U.V sterilizer on the 58 and everything works well (close to non-detectable nitrates with the water changes). I'm wanting to add a protein skimmer for the 58 and for the other future setups. I'm leaning toward the needle skimmers (I've heard really good things about the DAS) or a spray system (like the AquaC). Which of these two types of skimmers do you recommend? <The needle wheels are the best present technology> Any particular brand better than the others? (The Euro-reef knock offs are fabulous for very large (200+ systems), the Turboflotor 1000 would be fine for the smaller set-ups> Any particular brands that you would steer clear of? <Many, too many to relate here> Finally, will there be any compatibility problems of putting lions of the same species together? <Not really... just tough finding them (many of the smaller ones are reclusive) to make sure they're all getting something to eat...> I've had LFS tell me that they'll all get along well but I know for a fact that this is not always the case. The Fu Man is my favorite and I've had several through the years. However, I've noticed that if you put more than one in a tank they do tend to tear into one another. I don't believe that this is the case with the larger lions (I've never had more than one of the larger lions at any one time so I'm not positive about all species). Can I keep, for example, a group of Radiatas together? <A few of all species, with the proviso that the system(s) are big enough> Thanks for all of your help! Michael Krogman <You're welcome. Bob Fenner > Dwarf Lionfish Hi, I wrote to you yesterday about stocking a
tank and I said my tank is 20 gallons, but that is UK gallons so
it's close to 30 gallons US. Do you think this is big enough for a
dwarf lionfish and a few hermits to stir the sand? Scorpion fish in a small home <Good evening, PF with you tonight> Thank you for all your help. It is a great service you provide. I am in the process of setting up a FOWLR species tank that will house several Leaffish or other small Scorpionfish and/or a Fu Manchu Lion. I would prefer a Stonefish, but I know the 29 is too small for this fish long term. I have successfully kept large Lion's and Groupers for over six years, so I understand the potential for sting. Anyway, the tank is 29 gallons and I will use either an 18 gallon sump with a small refugium or a large spare wet/dry filter and a good protein skimmer. <Well first off, I'd say get a bigger tank, say a 40L. Even for such animals that are relatively inactive, the 29g will be awfully crowded. I'd feel even better with a 55> For these fish would the wet/dry or the sump/refugium be the better choice? I am concerned about nitrate control (from past experience) especially since it is such a small tank. Would I be better off with a DSB of 4" of sugar fine sand in the main tank or something like Carib Sea, sea floor grade at a depth of 3-4" with a small DSB refugium in the sump? Another thought would be to use less than an inch of substrate in the main tank with the in sump refugium? Which would you recommend? I plan to use about 45 lbs. of LR. <I'm always happy to recommend a refugium, and since you're skipping corals even Caulerpa (if you ever plan on putting any corals in there though, skip the Caulerpa and use Chaetomorpha). I assume you'll use the protein skimmer with either setup. In truth, I'd say use all 3, overkill can't hurt with these messy eaters. Remember though, that wet/dries need to be cleaned on a very regular basis. If you do decide on the 29, I'd say go with the 1" of substrate as it will make cleaning easier. If the 40L or the 55, go with a DSB. As I said above, a bigger tank would be #1 on my list, with maybe 10 or so more lbs. of LR, and a fair amount of long handled equipment so you don't end up a statistic. Have a good night, PF> Lions in Reefs... I've been trying to determine
everything that I would like to put in my 90 gallon tank before I even
begin the cycling process.<good idea> I've received some
mixed advise about lions and corals. Dwarf Lion Fish Set Up <Hi, Mike D here> I was
considering setting up a tank I have for a Dwarf lionfish if
possible. Dwarf Lionfish Setup #2 Hey everyone at WWM, love the site, keep up the good work and advice!!! <Thanks. Mike D here> I e-mailed last week about the possibility of setting up a lionfish tank for a dwarf lionfish. The tank is as stated, a 35 gallon tank, and the lionfish was going to be the only fish planned for the tank.<OK> The kind of dwarf lion I was looking at getting is the Zebra lionfish.<Some are actually gorgeous> I am a member of the Marine Aquarium Society of Australia (their Sydney branch) and I posted a message on their website, RTAW (Reefing the Australian Way) and no matter what I say there, everyone says to me that a single Zebra lionfish should not be kept in a 30 gallon tank... But I have read in many places that the minimum size for a Zebra is 30 gallons. I was planning on having a skimmer (its not a great skimmer, but it skims none the less) and a HOB wet/dry filter, as well as doing 5-10 gallon weekly water changes. I am a diligent person when it comes to water testing, so in that respect, it would be fine.<I agree> I was planning on having a sand bed of about 1-2 inches (crushed coral/shells) with some LR, but not too much (enough that the lion can have some hiding spaces, but would prefer for him to be able to have more swimming space).<Here's a minor problem. They don't like more swimming space and if you give him more LR he'll be more secure, less stressed and the tank will have better filtration. It won't end up "more swimming space", but rather more wasted space.> The feeding plan (if the lionfish is not accepting frozen foods) was that I have a 10 gallon tank set up with damsels in it (most of them were saved from other peoples tanks, or bought cheap from the LFS) and to feed him those, as opposed to goldfish or mollies, while slowly weaning him onto frozen foods.<That's fine, although fish aren't their preferred foods, with the bulk of their diet made up of shrimp and small cabs, With damsels you're likely to get one that's too aggressive (remember lions are predatory but NOT aggressive), whereas with mollies, you get additional food value with good marine foods, plus they'll help with some algae. Ideally, small ghost shrimp or marine shrimp would be better by far and the FW vs. SW nutrient problem isn't as extreme with crustaceans as with fish.> I wasn't going to have extremely strong lighting, I thought that 2x2 foot NO would be sufficient, as I read that strong lighting can blind a lionfish.<True, as they are also largely nocturnal.> So, yeah, that was the plan... but I have been told by many many people NOT to do it, because the tank is too small for a single lionfish, though in the previous e-mail I sent to WWM, I was told it would be possible to have a PAIR of dwarf lions in a tank that size (not that I would, I only want a single lion).<If you get them young, I'd see nothing wrong with a pair. While the Zebra DOES get larger than the Fuzzy, large sizes grown in captivity are rare.> Anyway, that is about all there is to tell about the planned set up... what do you think??<If it were me, I'd go for it. sure bigger is always better, but these aren't adventurous, active fish like wrasses.> Laney Jacobs Dwarf Lion (1-14-03) I am looking into setting up a dwarf
lionfish tank and would like to have some live rock with Featherduster
worms or Xmas tree worms. will NO lighting be enough or
should I go stronger? Lionfish setup question 1/1/04 hi! I was referred to WetWebMedia.com & I believe so far its the most helpful site iv ever com across !! thanks so much for all the info u guys have on that site !! <Glad you are finding WWM to be helpful!> anyways, for my question. I was thinking of setting up my tank with a lionfish, (iv read everything on WetWebMedia bout lionfish already :D ) & wanted to know if the "true" sized lions e.g. Volitans, have the same temperament as the dwarfs ? I read that the larger species are more owner responsive & the dwarf ones aren't at all? is this true ? <It is true that dwarf species are less interactive, but they are less active in general. Also, dwarfs are more ambush predators, so they have adapted to "lay low" waiting for prey to come close. However, they will learn to associate you with the arrival of food and become more bold and inquisitive.> coz I wasn't too sure bout which lion to get. but I know that if I got a large growing lion (Volitans), I could only have it alone in my 40G tank for a lil while & id have to upgrade the tank. <You are right, if you do get a full size lion, please do seek out a small specimen and be prepared to either significantly upgrade the tank or give up the fish within about a year.> however I might get bored with just 1 fish ! what dwarf species are owner responsive & are very active? as I think I will probably get a dwarf with a few other colorful fish that wont be able to fit in its mouth :O <I don't think there will be much difference from species to species in terms of activity level. Be aware that these fish can engulf shockingly large prey, and will attempt to eat fish as large as half their size.> thanks for your time, SHAUN <Glad to! Please write back if you have more questions. Adam> 20 gallon with Lion? I have a 20 gal. long tank that I'd like to set up fish-only tank. My wife & I really like Lionfish and are wondering if this tank would be suitable for any of the lionfish family, even when it is a full-grown adult? This tank would be the fish's final home, as my other tank contains too many pets that a lionfish would likely find to be dessert. Also, can you give me tips on what Lionfish eat in the wild, as I would prefer to continue that diet in captivity. Any other tips you could provide me in the care of lionfish would be greatly appreciated. <<A twenty will get pretty tight for the most common species of lions (Pterois) offered in the trade. So I might encourage you to seek out one of the Dwarf species (either in the same genus or Dendrochirus) and carefully not overfeed it, and select more than mouthful tankmates to go along with it. Feed lions sparingly, don't fall into the "feeder trap", that is, stay away from goldfish as a diet. They are dangerous to the lion's health and expensive. Pay close attention to frequent partial water changes as Lions produce a lot of waste. In small volumes (twenty is small), they can change the water chemistry on their own. Bob Fenner>> A Dwarf Lion And A Full Plate G'morning, <Good
morning, MikeD here> I had a pair (supposedly matched m/f) of
Dendrochirus zebra in a 125g, and they got along wonderfully for over a
year<OK>, but 3 weeks ago, the one I presumed to be the male just
up and died. He was @4" long, well rounded, no scars or marks (no
one bothered him!), and I can find no particular cause of
death.<Many possibilities here, including old age as all Lionfish
are wild caught> Everyone else in the tank (1 pr mand. gobies
[reg. breeders]; 1 pr cardinals [constant breeders]; 3 giant long
tent anemones [semi-annual breeders]; 1 each yellow goby, Sailfin
blenny, maroon clown [5"!], 4 seahorses [all females], plus an
even half-dozen polyps & Goniopora, and untold numbers of
starfishes and crabs) are all doing swimmingly fine! No fatalities for
almost two years, until this lionfish incident.<That sounds like a
full load, but if they are doing well, don't fix it> This
particular tank is just over 6 years old, with a 2-3" live sand
bottom, bioball filtration and UV sterilizer. Stopped using the red sea
protein skimmer @4 years ago and my life--and that of the tank
residents--has been much happier: the water chemistry is much more
stable without it.
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