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simple question, hopefully a simple answer?
4/22/12 Top Off Water Buffer
8/17/11 RO/DI Top Off Water 11/4/09 Maintaining dKH using buffers in ATO:
Chasing numbers. SW Alk\pH\Ca balancing 8/6/2009 Top off water and Testing for RO Water TDS
4/27/09 Re: Top off water and Testing for RO Water
4/27/09 pH of top-off water 9/23/07 Good morning all, <Kim> As always, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with all of us out here on the learning curve of this hobby. I have been struggling with maintaining the PH level of my top off water. I have attached the information that I have found on WWM below for reference/background, as this person had the exact same problem I am experiencing. <Okay> I keep about eight gallons of top off at a time right now. Recently I purchased a RO/DI unit, and at the same time I switched from using Kent Marine Buffer over to SeaChem Marine Buffer. Since then I have not been able to keep the PH up in the Top off water. After researching here, I thought that maybe the powerhead I have in the bucket is not strong enough. <Mmm, shouldn't matter> I upped it to a Maxijet 1200, and it hasn't helped at all. I aerate the water with the powerhead, and keep it heated as well. <Good> I also keep a cover on the bucket. If I buffer it to proper PH at night, the next day it is consistently back down below the PH scale. <May need to leave the top off...> Do you have any other suggestions as to what could be wrong? I'm wondering if the process works such that when you add the buffer and test an hour or so later, the test should be off the charts, but settle back the appropriate level the following day? <Usually so, yes> Presently I'm only adding enough buffer to bring it up to the 8.2ish range within an hour or so. As an aside, like the other inquirer, I live in an older home, so it is not super-well insulated. <Actually better most times for air exchange...> Thank you for your time. Regards, Kim in Boston <I would first try leaving the mixing container top ajar for a day... Next I would try adding a teaspoon or two per five gallons of simple baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) to see if this moves the pH. Please do re-contact me/us re. Bob Fenner> Fresh water top offs... SW chem. confusion, not reading... 8/2/07 Hello Bob & Co, My water PH is 8.0. 1. Is it wise to bring the PH of the fresh water I use to compensate for evaporation, to 8.0 by adding baking soda, before topping off? <Yes... but not with sodium or other bicarbonate... need carbonate, other material with higher kOH...> 2. If so, how many teaspoons per gallon of fresh water do I need to add, to raise it from 7 to 8? Cheers, Gans <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marphalk.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Re: Water change - Top Off Strategy 8/27/05 Thanks for the quick response. A follow up if I may. <Sure> I got a new pH pen today and discovered my pH is 7.7. Not 8.1 like the test kit told me! KH is 9.5 and Calcium is 300. Tank is 90 gallons, 7 weeks old with a few soft corals and 3 small tank bred clowns. <Okay> My plan is to use SeaChem Marine Buffer 8.3 (1 teaspoon for 20 gallons) and add Seachem Kalkwasser (1 teaspoon per gallon) to my change water. I will then change 10% of the water per week and hope that the pH starts to climb with the water changes. <Sounds good> Is this reasonable or do I need to take more drastic measures to the tank right away. I am trying not to shock my fish as they all seem happy. <Mmm, no... nothing drastic... not many good things "happen" quickly with marine aquariums> Does the Kalkwasser dosage seem high or do you really need to add that much! <Mmm, depends on a few factors... bio-load mainly, but experimentation is key here... add some, test later...> Do I need to be careful not to siphon of any unused Kalk in the bottom of my water change bucket? <Mmm, no... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/kalkh2ofaqs.htm and the linked files above> Sorry for all of the questions but this is very confusing. Thanks. Keith <Keep studying, contemplating... you'll be less confused... Bob Fenner> Iodine use Hi I have constructed a 500
gallon system for cryptic filter feeders. There is an algae
scrubber and a skimmer. I will be importing tunicates,
sponges, Dendronephthya, file clams... water movement is via a fast
current generated by a large water lift into the scrubber, and a
Wave2K. The system has three tanks and two refugia, so that
I can isolate and experiment. There is an
automatic top off unit for RO water. My question is- is
there any problem (other than the controversies about using iodine at
all) with putting the iodine in the freshwater top off
tank? Buffering Makeup Water WWM crew, <Hi there! Scott F. here today!> HI I'm new to your site but I have already found a wealth of helpful info. After extensive research of your RO water FAQs I still have a question about buffering fresh RO/DI water. I hadn't been buffering my raw water, well until about a week ago, anyway I tried to buffer with ESV ALK booster but the ph would go to 8.6 then slowly fall until it hit 7.2. Not likening to add more chemicals than necessary I decided to fill a filter bag with 2# of crushed coral and throw it into my makeup water holding tank. Now the ph stays at 8.0. OK now for question. Is this an acceptable way to buffer my makeup water? I also have a power head circulating and aerating the tank. THANKS FOR SUCH A GREAT SITE, AARON SCHOTT <Well, Aaron, if it is working for you, why not keep it up! As long as you are using material that is not leaching phosphates or other nasty impurities, I don't see any harm in this practice, myself!> Treating RO/DI water? 2/13/04 Anthony--I lose a quart a day, that I need to top off. Should I use buffered top off water, or just straight rodi water for a couple of days, since I added to much of SeaChem's buffer already. Thanks Charlie <its fairly risky my friend. Its a better habit/solution to dilute a chemical imbalance with a water change (as other manipulations of chemistry may have occurred) and then resume with properly aerated and buffered seawater or fresh water for top off. Under almost no circumstance should you use raw, unaerated and/or unbuffered RO/DI/Distilled water for SW aquariums. Too unstable. Anthony> Buffer Question <2/1/04) Hi Bob, <Steve Allen covering tonight.> I was wondering about the use of "buffer" additives to the RO water used to replace evaporation from my reef tank. Currently I do not add any buffer materials, but I am considering whether it would be wise to do so. My understanding is evaporation with remove 'n' number of H2O molecules (i.e., pure water evaporates); thus we have lost 2'n' hydrogen atoms. Therefore the top-up water needed to replace this should also be 2n hydrogen atoms, to ensure the effect on System pH is identical. Is my understanding correct? <Merely incomplete. You are not considering the factors that affect free H+ ions. True, pH measures these, but it is buffer that keeps them bound up so the pH stays alkaline in seawater. Otherwise, the tendency is to head to neutral (7.4), or even lower due to organic acids in animal waste. By performing RO on your tapwater, you have removed all of it's buffer capacity. Marine tanks naturally lose buffering capacity (carbonate hardness) over time, requiring replacement. There's a lot of good info available on this subject both at WWM and other web sources such as Advanced Aquarist Online.> If so, does this suggest top-up water should not contain buffer additives? <no> Or is it the case that marine tank pH tends to drift downwards due to the bio-load <yes>, and we are simply using the top-up water as a convenient mechanism to replace hydrogen lost due to the filtration of the System? <Not hydrogen lost. Buffer capacity to keep the H+ ions bound up and maintain the alkaline pH we need.> The reason I ask this question is that my reef tank starts the day at pH7.9 and ends at 8.1. <A reef ought to be kept higher. At or around 8.2 to 8.3 would be better. It would be nice to not have the pH drop below 8.0-8.1. I monitor mine electronically, and it never goes less that 8.1 or higher than 8.3> I am starting to benefit from a newly established reverse lit refugium with a DSB - hopefully my pH will continue to improve as the refugium matures. <Yes, this can help stabilize pH if you have macroalgae in it.> Besides weekly 8% water changes the only "additive" to my system is a calcium reactor. <Also great for replacing buffer.> I try to do without additives as they can prove costly over time, mistakes can be made with application (we are all only human!) and leaving the System to go on holiday becomes a larger burden for the person who looks after the tank. <For those who can afford the initial investment, this is a great way to go. Anthony is big on Kalkwasser. I use the 2-part buffer/calcium from B-Ionic, but the cost of that adds up over time. Someday I'll figure out where to fit a calcium reactor in my system.> If adding a buffer to top-up is the "done thing" in the industry then I will follow suit, but reading through the WWM pages left me uncertain if there was consensus in this area. <No absolute consensus out there.> What is your take on this subject? <IMO, the bottom line here is that you are replenishing the buffer in the tank with your calcium reactor. The reason to buffer your RO water is to replenish its own buffering capacity that was removed by the RO process. I have been very satisfied simply adding the recommended per-gallon dose to my RO water only when making new salt water for water changes. My water is so hard here that I do not seem to need to add buffer to my top-off RO (no DI), which has a pH of 8.8. I'd suggest you check the pH of your top-off. If it is in the pH range you need, then you don't need to buffer it.> As always, thank you very much for your advice. Andrew Senior <Hope this helps. I do not profess to be a chemist. Do read more if you desire a deeper understanding. Here's a start: http://advancedaquarist.com/issues/may2002/chem.htm > - DIY Dosing Question - Hey guys :) I made a DIY drip unit for my top-off water, which will be distilled water buffered to the proper KH. My question is this-Can I dose Iodine with the buffered water? <I wouldn't.> Can I add gluconate CA to it as well? <You could, but I wouldn't.> I'm no chemist, and don't claim to know anything about it, but it seems as though these could be dripped together in one unit. <They 'could', but I wouldn't - I'd stick with the standard bearers - Kalkwasser or just clean water for top off. As for the iodine - I just wouldn't add this without testing. Gluconate+calcium is not the optimum way to get calcium into your tank, and then leaves you with all those sugars... look out problem algae. So no... I wouldn't bother topping off with either of those.> Thanks guys, you rock. <Cheers, J -- > -Top-off water questions- Hey Kevin, Mike again, the leaves are starting to change color here in Edmonton so you know that "Winter is a comin". < :( One or two doing that around here too...>I am re-reading and re-reading over articles and FAQ about water changes since this is the number one thing a person can do to provide a good home for the little guys. I was rereading for about the 10th time this article http://www.wetwebmedia.com/water.htm and I am wondering. Do I need to buffer my tap water for water changes to get the pH to be the same as the tank, Target a pH of 8.2-8.6? or do I just have to be concerned about similar temperature, specific gravity and treat to remove chlorine/chloramine? <That would depend on what your test kit reads after you fully salt and aerate the water overnight. Every salt creates a slightly (sometimes not so slightly!) different batch of seawater.> If so/In addition, baking soda can be used to raise Ph. how much would I use to prepare 5 gallons of pre-mixed water for water changes? <Check the carbonate hardness and pH before toying around with any additives, the salt should contain all you need.> and would you recommend this method? Thanks again Kev. <Good luck, don't forget to break out the long underwear! -Kevin> Cheers. Mike Tol Water Treatment I have just found this site and I am grateful for the archives in Q&A type format. Thanks for all the great info. <Thank you for the kind words! We enjoy bringing it to you! Scott F. with you today!> I live in the United Arab Emirates, in an apartment, with limited space. It would be very handy for me to use bottled water (5 gal. water cooler style) from a local supplier. I have obtained a water quality report (see below). They claim that the water undergoes a RO process. Would you suggest that I buy an additional unit (something cheap and portable like the product shown here --> http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6 http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4484&pCatId=4484 and put the water through another processing for my new marine tank under construction that will house fish and possibly some corals? Would the fact that I plan on regular water changes impact this decision? Thanks. Water Product Specification * pH @ 25 degrees C = 7.8 8.2 * Conductivity @ 25 degrees C (|uS/cm) = 95 - 105 * TDS @ 25 degrees C (mg/l) = 95 - 105 * Total Hardness as CaCo3 (mg/l) = 35 - 45 * Total Alkalinity to pH 4.4 (mg/l) = 45 - 55 * Calcium (mg/l) = 15-20 * Magnesium (mg/l) = 03 - 05 * Sodium (mg/l) = 25 - 35 * Potassium (mg/l) = 0.5 - 0.7 * Bicarbonate (mg/l) = 55 - 65 * Chloride (mg/l) = 20 - 30 * Sulphate (mg/l) = 05 - 10 * Fluoride (mg/l) = 0.45 - 0.55 * Total & free Chlorine (mg/l) = Nil * Turbidity (NTU) = Nil * Taste & Odor = Acceptable/Good Carolyn Munson <Well, Carolyn- your water looks to be pretty good, however, I'd highly recommend further treatment via an RO/DI unit. This is the best way to obtain consistent, high quality water. Hope this helps! Regards, Scott F> |
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