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Anisotremus virginicus
Linnaeus 1758, the Atlantic Porkfish. The most commonly offered member of
the family (that lives... see the Sweetlips section below). Tropical West
Atlantic. To fifteen inches in length. Key Largo 2014.
Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum 1792), the
Great Barracuda. Circumtropical and subtropical; between 30 degrees north
and south latitudes. Usually solitary, hanging out at the surface. Feeds on
fishes and cephalopods mainly. To 200 cm., 50 kg.
Key Largo 2014. |
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Aulostomus maculatus Valenciennes 1837, the
Trumpetfish. Tropical West Atlantic; Florida to Venezuela. To a meter in
length. Occurs in many and changeable colors, markings; brown, yellow,
bluish striped. Key Largo 2014. |
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Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting
Gorgonian. Form encrusting mats that look hairy when polyps are
extended, smooth, light colored, like leather when
retracted. Key Largo 2014. |