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Pressurized CO2
System. 12/16/11 How to differentiate CO2 from O2? - 7/10/08 dear sir/madam, <Hello! Benjamin here> I have a 250 gal planted tank, and after reading and doing some DIY yeast CO2 stuff, I decided to buy the real system. The only problem is, how can you tell if the gas inside the bottle is really CO2? Is there any way to test it? <There isn't a way a hobbyist can easily assay the purity of the gasses in the cylinder, however, purchasing your cylinder from a reputable source and having it refilled properly will ensure you have CO2> thank you. <Welcome. Benjamin><<Mmm, could bubble a bit through some freshwater... Carbon dioxide is much more water soluble... and will drop the pH quickly... You won't be making other gasses here though. RMF>> Adjusting CO2, pH, dKH, the "Shift" Key on Your Computer Keyboard - 7/16/08 Dear Crew, <Hello again!> First, I would like to say thank you to Benjamin. I have confirmed the bottle was indeed filled with co2;) <Welcome, and glad to hear it. My thanks to Bob for pointing out a simple test I overlooked/was ignorant of> I have a 250gal planted aquaria, heavily planted, with 30 cardinals, 2 Corydoras, 5swordfish, 3 algae eaters, 3botias,1 black ghost. All fishes seems to be doing fine- the swordfish just bred. Plant growth, however, has been slow. I'm experiencing difficulties in achieving the correct level of water parameters (ph; kH and co2 levels) currently my tank water has ph=8.5 and kH=11 I'm using sera test kit for testing the water kH and ph. I'm using well water that has ph=7.5 ; and kH=11. unfortunately, haven't found a gH test kits from my LFS, so I assume that the water has a high level of gH, since it shows marking on dry pipelines. <11 dKH also indicates high TDS> Recently I bought a CO2 unit from my LFS and it has been running for about a week. And made adjustment of about 5 bubbles per sec. and leaving it running throughout the night. Q: How come my ph doesn't show any changes? Should I pump up the CO2 rate? <I wouldn't> Is it because of the high kH? <This is buffering it, yes. Consider an acid buffer in your water changes> I've tried using RO water (with ph=7; kH=3)changes but after a few hours the ph and kH went back to 8.5ph and 11kh. <11 dKH in a 25o gallon tank is a lot of buffering capacity. Will take many water changes...also, do you have an sources of carbonate in your aquarium? Aragonite, limestone, etc?> Also, it will come to a time when I will have to make water changes that I don't want to keep buying RO water. <With your hard water, it may be necessary for you to purchase an RO unit to make your own- at a significant savings compared to purchasing the water> What should I do to make my life easier? <Use lower alkalinity in your water changes for a while, see if this helps. To make my life easier, please read our page on "How to Ask the WWM Crew a Question and do use punctuation, capitalization so that I don't have to type edit your email. These are all archived for posterity (and Google!) and it will speed the reply and posting- or prevent our ignoring it entirely- if you follow our guidelines.> many thanks, <No problem!> Hans. <Benjamin> CO2 levels I have purchased a CO2 system and LaMotte test kit for my Freshwater Aquarium . Is there a recommended level for CO2 for a planted tank that I could use for a guide line ? Would appreciate your assistance . Dieter Cordes Leesburg , Florida <Hi Dieter, aquabotanic.com and www.thekrib.com have a lot of good information on this topic, check out the links below for more information. Best Regards, Gage http://www.aquabotanic.com/charts.htm http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/CO2/ > |
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