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Polyfilter 2/18/14 Poly Filter/Chemical Media 6/4/12 R7: Green Hair Algae Problem (Ready to quit!), &
Polyfilter/Chem Filt. media f' -- 09/07/09
Poly-Filter Over Carbon...Too Aggressive? -- 09/17/07 Dear Crew, <<Alan>> Been thinking of using only Poly-Filter instead of activated carbon because of cost concern. <<Is a great product...use it myself>> Can Poly-Filter do the "duty" of activated carbon? <<Yep>> Read that Poly-Filter will also absorb ammonia and nitrate but by doing so, won't it affect the biological filtration by means of starving the beneficial bacteria? <<Mmm, you pose an interesting question...but one of little concern I think. It is true the bacteria populations will adjust to the available nutrient load, but most hobbyists' systems can use a little help re. The benefits of using the Poly-Filter product will outweigh your fears here...in my opinion>> Thanks in advance. Regards, Alan <<Happy to assist. EricR>> PolyFilters 12/8/05 Hey crew, <Sam> Just wanted to know whether you thought it was a good idea to keep PolyFilters in my Fluval 304 at all times as opposed to sponge filters. I have a 90 gallon with p and tusk, so they produce quite a lot of waste. I also have a wet/dry, aqua wheel filter, and two powerheads. I usually keep two sponge filters in two spaces and two poly's in the other two spaces in my Fluval. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea to keep the PolyFilters in 24/7. I thought that it would filter out any medication, or additive that I would put into my tank, such as purple up, a coralline algae growth enhancer. Thanks for everything. <Don't see a problem using it 24/7. Shouldn't affect your enhancer enough to matter. Sam, in future queries, please do a spelling/grammar check and cap all your "i's". It just takes extra time for us to answer these queries when we also have to edit them for posting. Thanks, James (Salty Dog)> Polyfilter follow-up, Cut to Fit - 11/30/05 Thanks John (Crew!), Two quick follow-ups... I considered the Emperor for placement of the Poly-Fiber but on the label they recommend that water can not get around it but rather forced through. Given the shape/size of the Poly I can't enforce that recommendation. So do you think it would still be pretty effective if it isn't a tailored fit? <I can't think of any better place to put it. You can cut it to fit.> Secondly, you mentioned nitrates and the bio-wheel. Even with very little bio-load...nothing but LR, LS, a small Colt coral (I think) and some snails and crabs I continue to register nitrates. Not a lot (~5 ppm). Can the bio-wheels (especially with all the other living filtration) associated with nitrates? <Absolutely... Let the live rock do the work for you!> This bio-wheel is carried over from my freshwater setup. Thanks again! <You're welcome! Best regards, John> Polyfilter Placement Hello crew, <Hi there! Scott F. your Crew member today!> I have a wet/dry filter and I want to use a Poly filter. Can I put activated carbon on top the Poly filter or is there a different way to do this? < I suppose that you could, but I would place the Poly Filter somewhere in your system where it receives a good water flow through the pad. No need to "sandwich" it between carbon or other media.> I would also like to replace my bio balls a little at a time with live rock. Do you have to use a light to keep the rock alive? Thanks Terry <Well, Terry, lighting live rock when it's cycling is debatable; some people feel that it's important to help keep the resident photosynthetic fauna alive as long as possible during the process. On the other hand, a lot of the life will die off and come back at some point once the rock is in the display tank. Lighting the rock in the display is, of course, recommended if you want to have light-loving animals in residence. Hope this helps. Regards, Scott F.> Cleaning a poly filter - 1/28/04 Aloha WWM Crew, <Aloha> Thank you very much for the wonderful service you provide. <Thank you for being part of it> I have a quick question regarding poly filters. <As in the product made by Poly Bio Marine Inc???> I have been using poly filters to help control phosphate in my 120 FOWLR. <OK> How often should I be cleaning the poly filters and how should I clean them? <This is right off their site: "How does an Aquarium Hobbyist regenerate Poly-Filter? for reuse in an aquarium?" "Poly-Filter? is not an ion-exchange resin, therefore it does not exchange ions or anything else back into freshwater, saline, natural or synthetic seawater aquaria. Due to the complex nature of the metabolic waste products ad/absorbed into poly-Filter? ----- there is no safe method of cleaning a Poly-Filter?. You may rinse Poly-Filter? in Distilled Water (USP Grade) to help remove organic particulate matter. Never rinse Poly-Filter? with bleach or chlorinated water - chlorine reacts with ad/absorbed organic matter producing toxic volatile organic chemicals." See here: http://www.poly-bio-marine.com/polyfaq.htm > I was going to bleach them, but someone told me that it can cause chemicals to leach into the tank. <Yep> I would just purchase new ones, but they are pretty expensive here in Hawaii. <They are pretty expensive everywhere, but a great and safe product. Purchase away!!!! ~Paul> Mahalo Nui Loa, Jeff - PolyFilter - How long do Polyfilters last? <Depending on the system they are used on, the bioload etc... probably not useful for more than two weeks, perhaps less.> How many times can they be washed and reused? <They can be washed and reused as often as you like, but after the first use, it is just a normal filtration pad - the PolyFilter magic is gone and cannot be practically recharged.> Ana <Cheers, J -- > Polyfilter help The book is great! <Yes, a wonderful read and resource. Those involved did a great job eh?> So glad I pre-ordered as it was well worth the wait. I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to incorporate Polyfilter into my tank. I have a 55 gallon with live rock, live sand and a small H.O.T. refugium that used to be a H.O.T. wet/dry. The only skimmer box feeds the refugium which then empties back into the tank by means of a power head. I also have H.O.T. Remora Pro and a H.O.T. Ultraviolet light. I can't figure out how to incorporate either carbon or PolyFilter just to add a little extra clarity to the water and pick up anything my live rock and sand might miss. I have four powerheads that add circulation and seem to have good water movement. I would appreciate any ideas you could come up with. <All you need is a location that has good water movement. Do you have the skimmer box that is available for the Remora Pro? If so, you can put the carbon/poly filter in the outflow side. In addition the skimmer box is really worth the money and increases the output/quality of the Remora IME. Or, you could get a small HOT power filter (re: used/cheap? like the AquaClear 300 and use the carbon bag and power filter instead of the foam. Take care, Don> Copper in tapwater, removal with Polyfilter hi you answered me about copper the water plant i get it from says they don't add copper it sometimes leaks in from copper tubing from the faucet what is a PolyFilter ill buy one ASAP if it get out copper thanks JM <A poly filter is just a white pad that will absorb pollutants, metals, etc. When they absorb copper they will turn blue. If your local fish store doesn't have them check our sponsors. Cody> Polyfilter Use can you put the PolyFilter in an already established reef tank? i could put it in my emperor filter<Yes and yes, Cody> thanks JM Using Polyfilters 3/30/03 Anthony what is the best way to put a poly filter in my 180 gal reef tank. <its best to force water though it (not used passively). You can rig something like a large diameter PVC tube with poly-filter disks to catch effluent skimmed water or from a flow elsewhere (like a teed bleeder off the return pump). Else, packed into a cheap hang on power filter will be fine and give extra flow> The only filter i use is a protein skimmer. <all good <G>> RGibson ps take time to breathe so you will get that book <heehee... yes, indeed... we are back to a crazy schedule. Fun but daunting at times. Kind regards, Anthony> PolyFilter Rocks! Dear Anyone, <Scott F. your "Anyone" today> How long, on average, does a Poly Filter pad last in a trickle filter type sump? <Depending upon organic load in your system, these can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks, in my experience. I like to change them every two weeks. It's an expensive habit, but healthier than smoking or something!> I mean...I'm using it to detoxify an ammonia spike and potential heavy metal Detox, and so far it's been in here for two days and has basically turned a light tan color. <That's fairly normal...It means that it's removing organics...I'd dump it when it starts to take on a darker brown color...or- like I do- every two weeks... You should see how blue they get when you're removing copper from the water. very efficient at this> Are these pads good for days, weeks, months? I'm uncertain to how they even work. <It's a very special manufacturing process, involving multiple steps and extraction...the end product is amazing. Visit Poly-Bio Marine's site for more information on these products> I'm assuming the padding is impregnated with several chemicals that absorb toxins. but wont the pad leach these toxins back into the sump water if the pad is moved around every so often while performing routine maintenance. <PolyFilters do not release absorbed organics back into the water. Does one need to clean this pad every few days with fresh water rinse, then put it back in? <Well, I'd rinse off any particulate matter that accumulated, but you will not be able to "rinse" out the absorbed products> Can one regenerate the pad somehow by leaving it out in the sun like I do my phos-Sorb? <Don't even think about it!> The directions on the label are scant at best, and don't really get into detail on proper maintenance, re-use of the pad. <"Cause there is no "reusing" these babies! Just put them in the water where they'll get decent flow, and through 'em away when they're used up.> Thanks, Steve <No problem, Steve> Keeping It Green Hello Crew: <Scott F. today> I have added Greenex to my quarantine tank for one of my fish. I have added Greenex to the tank with PolyFilters in filtering system. Can I leave the poly filters in, or do I need to take them out while adding the Greenex. <I would remove PolyFilters during disease treatment with medication. Among other things, these pads excel at removing medications from the water!> Company indicates one drop per net water amount, if I add few drops too much, what are consequences? <This medication can be very powerful, and create disastrous consequences if over- dosed. I've heard some really bad results from using it incorrectly...Not a big fan of this product, myself> Too little, not effective? Lastly, company indicates three treatments every other day, then no treatment for three days later? Is that standard protocol? <I'd follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter, when using this, or any other medication.> Thanks for the assistance and have a nice day. Regards, Mendy1220 <Glad to be of service! Good luck! Scott> Polyfilters, Turboflotors, and Dark Skimmate! Dear Crew. <Scott F. here this evening> A quick question: Can PolyFilter be cleaned and recycled? With Clorox as Bob's filter cleaning advice prescribes? Will it retain it's almost magical ability to catch Cyano and other undesirable stuff? <Believe me, if there was a reliable way to regenerate PolyFilter, I'd be a happy man! I love them! But, unfortunately, I'd have to say that there is no way to regenerate them> Just starting my third year in this hobby, I'm no one to give advice but a bunch of folks having trouble with their Turboflotors should be aware that the needle wheel was significantly improved a year or so ago but many units in inventory and retail stocks have been/are being sold with the older wheel. Custom Aquatics has the improved wheels in stock - a couple of bucks. My unit sits in the sump 8 inches deep, is fed by a pump which is controlled by a bypass valve (using a bypass reduces load on the pump and gives finer adjustment). It puts out lots of dark brown garbage. Bob suggested putting a nipple in the cup so it can drain through a hose into a milk jug. I have left it for two weeks or more and (while it gets really nasty dirty and there is about 2 - 3 quarts of goo in the jug) it continues to put out dry foam. Howard in Wisconsin <Thanks for sharing the information, Howard. I think that a lot of our readers will find that of great value! Keep learning and sharing! Scott F.> Diatom Algae and PolyFilters Dear Craig: Thank you very much for your Bio-Marine Polyfilter suggestion. <Alright Mimie! I'm glad it's working for you! It is something in your water!> Looks like it is working. I placed it in my hang-on-back filter and there seem to be no diatoms on the walls of my tank this morning, which looks like brown dusting. And the PolyFilter is gradually turning to black! <Excellent! You will notice the diatoms will be worse with light and disappear in the dark, they need light to grow.> Just wonder if I can rinse and re-use it. Thanks again! hugs and kisses, Mimie <Unfortunately they need to be replaced. They work by electro-chemically attracting the positive and negative ions of certain pollutants. Once they are full, they are done. A little spendy but they work great for this type of problem. I would still look at testing for phosphates and silicates in your source water, I still suspect that is the source. Have fun!!! Craig> Tank problems since place tented for termites hi bob (or one
of bob's minions). <<Minion JasonC here...>> You are
truly the hobby's best friend. My place was tented for termites 2
weeks ago. I removed all fish and L. rock (leaving sand and water) and
shut system down. Oh, and for the record a minion recommended taking
tank out. Then I let tank run for 3 days before restocking. Added rock
and small guys first, then big fish 3 days later. I've got UV, P.
skimmer and carbon all in sump. Bioballs in the overflow. Some problems
since, but I think they're more the result of the place that kept
my fish than anything termite related. <<Or both...>> Oh,
and like an idiot I didn't fresh dip any fish upon return,
something I ALWAYS did after every purchase (after reading TCMA). The
problems were as follows. RS Sailfin scuffed around snout (net
related?) Sohal scuffed even worse (same area) and had what looked like
a small pinkish pimple on right fin (could it have been lymphsomething
or other) Happy to report that those guys now seem healed. <<Oh
good.>> My tank has 2 cleaner shrimp and a cleaner wrasse (all
over a year old) and they've just put in for overtime. May even
form union! Now for the first time ever in my tank a fish, my blue
tang, is showing ich, and my Queen angel seems lethargic, less
colorful, with some faint blotches. Both spend a lot of time over by
shrimp. Tank temp is around 80, which I'll raise a few degrees.
Salinity around 1.023, which I'll start to lower today. How much
fresh water in and salt water out to get a 125 gal from .023 to .018
and over how many days should I take to reach it. Also how do I get it
back up, and when. <<By adding extra-salty [1.025-1.030] water
slowly, over many days. When is hard to say.>> I might also throw
in a neon goby (I've had 2 in past but they only lasted ~ six
months) before taking more drastic measures. I'd sure appreciate
your thoughts on all this. Thanks. KEITH <<Keith, my thinking is
thus - many times problems that present themselves as parasitic are
actually induced by stress. Treating the problem as parasitic would
only increase the stress, and eventually there is no battle to win -
the fish give out. I would really consider the possibility that there
are chemical contagions [can we call them that? - nasty
organophosphates and the like] which are terribly bad for people let
alone fish, remaining in your tank. This is one of the reasons they
tent the house. I would pick up a Poly-Filter [name brand] or two and
run these in the circulation path of your system. Make sure there's
nothing in the water that will foil all other efforts to bring about a
cure. Then you can work at whatever parasitic problems remain with the
typical therapies. Cheers, J -- >> Amazing Poly Filters and Coppered Live rock! Anthony, thanks for the help. Is PolyFilter a brand name or product name? <it is an amazing product "Poly Filter" from Poly-Bio Marine. I swear that I am not a spokesperson or have ever even received a free sample! Its just a great product. It is a pad that acts as a chemical adsorptive media (replaces or compliments carbon). The cool thing is that it changes colors to indicate the contaminants that it picks up: blue for copper, yellow for ammonia, orange for rust, or simply brown for general organics> Some of the live rock had been in the tank during a copper treatment but even directly after that I didn't have any problems with snails and such. <whoa, bud! That's because the carbonate material did not immediately dissolve and liberate copper. There IS local copper contamination in you water that may not show up on a test kit but will kill invertebrates in the microclimate. All carbonate live rock and sand dissolves slowly in time. 100 lbs of live rock put in a reef tank weighs say 80 lbs 5 years later when the tank is torn down. Carbonate bound copper is slowly being liberated. If you didn't know it before, NO medication should ever be dosed in a display tank. Quarantine tanks and fallow periods take care of sick fish and infected systems> In replacing live rock can over-nighted rock be added directly to the tank? <absolutely not, my friend. Air-shipped live rock needs to be cured. 7-10 days despite shameful claims by many of "cured" live rock. When the rock arrives in the same narrow cardboard boxes that it was shipped out of Fiji in... rest assured, that rock hasn't seen water for over a week> I am thinking about changing it out anyways for much larger pieces. I have a copper test kit and will give it a go and get back to you. <no worries... and don't expect to see much copper free in the water... this is a matter of chemical adsorption... not free ions> Thanks again. <best regards, Anthony> Polyfilter Dear Sir, We are a small wholesale company and are
looking for the manufacturer of a so called "Polyfilter".
This is a white pad and (as we heard) is used in the dialyses technique
with patients having kidney problems. This filter is also used for
aquarium purposes for cleaning the water. I have no idea whether this
is used elsewhere for aquarium use. Would you have any idea where this
could be purchased? many thanks, John van Lune AquaHolland Holland
<The manufacturer is Poly-Bio-Marine. Their URL:
http://www.poly-bio-marine.com/ Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com>
www.aquaholland.com < http://www.aquaholland.com/> Polyfilter bob, Yesterday I put 3 pads of PolyFilter on the chemical tray part of my trickle filter. In one day all the pads are blue. From pulling out the copper in my 240. Now since the pads are blue, does that mean that the pads are 100% exhausted? should I throw them away right now? Thanks <Read the directions that came with this product. Bob Fenner> Linstun Re: copper Bob, I've been unable to find PolyFilter at any of the LFS's. I have one more to try and then I'll let you know what's going on. Thanks again for the help. <Mmm, great product... do try the etailers listed on our Links Pages if all else fails: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/links.htm Bob Fenner> Jeff Polyfilter Mr. Fenner, I am trying to limit algae growth by placing PolyFilter to my Fluval 404 canister filter. My question is by using PolyFilter, will my skimmer still work along with the PolyFilter? Thanks! <Yes, fine. Bob Fenner> Re: Polyfilter Mr. Fenner, I forgot to ask you one other
important question concerning the use of Poly-Filters. Can Poly-Filters
be use along with activated carbon? <Yes... a great product
(really) that can be used with most anything other than dye and
metal-salt based medications. Bob Fenner> |
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