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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Centropyge fisheri (Snyder 1904),
Fisher's Dwarf Angel (3), is one of the many Hawaiian
endemics. This is a "dwarf" Dwarf Angel, usually no
more than two inches in length. Closely related to Centropyge
flavicauda. Hawaii and Johnston Atoll distribution only. Kona, HI
from "Indo-West
Pacific: widespread, from the Gulf of Aden and Oman along the East
African coast to South Africa to the Tuamotu archipelago, north-eastward
to the Johnston Atoll and Hawaii, northward up to Ogasawara Island,
southward through the Coral Sea down to New South Wales, Australia." |
Centropyge fisheri (Snyder 1904),
Fisher's Dwarf Angel (3), is one of the many Hawaiian
endemics. This is a "dwarf" Dwarf Angel, usually no
more than two inches in length. Closely related to Centropyge
flavicauda. Hawaii and Johnston Atoll distribution only. Kona, HI
from "Indo-West
Pacific: widespread, from the Gulf of Aden and Oman along the East
African coast to South Africa to the Tuamotu archipelago, north-eastward
to the Johnston Atoll and Hawaii, northward up to Ogasawara Island,
southward through the Coral Sea down to New South Wales, Australia." |

potteri Jordan & Metz 1912, Potter's Dwarf Angel (3), is another
fish found only in Hawai'i. When picking one of these out for use, make
sure to acquire a well-adjusted individual; I'd wait till it was in
captivity a good two weeks. And only try this species in a very
well-established reef tank, with peaceful tankmates, AFTER you've become
an "advanced" aquarist. Kona, HI 2019. |
auriga Forsskal 1775, the Threadfin Butterflyfish. A great beauty and
hardy aquarium specimen, though it will eat coral polyps and anemones.
See other materials on this species by clicking on name. Widespread
Indo-Pacific. Kona, HI 2019.