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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Centropyge multispinis (Playfair &
Gunther 1867) , the Multi-Spined Dwarf Angel (2), reminds me of a yellowish
bodied coral beauty. Coastal Indian Ocean into the Red Sea. Mauritius 2016 |
Pseudanthias evansi (Smith
1954), Evan's Anthias, Yellowback or Yellowtail Anthias. Indian
Ocean, eastern Africa coast over to the Maldives. To five inches in
length. A difficult aquarium species. Similar to the hardier
Pseudanthias bartlettorum, which has a
yellow dorsal fin. A group of juveniles becoming females in Mauritius
2016 |
.JPG) |
Pseudanthias evansi (Smith
1954), Evan's Anthias, Yellowback or Yellowtail Anthias. Indian
Ocean, eastern Africa coast over to the Maldives. To five inches in
length. A difficult aquarium species. Similar to the hardier
Pseudanthias bartlettorum, which has a
yellow dorsal fin. A couple of juveniles becoming females in Mauritius
2016 |
Pseudanthias cooperi, Silverstreak or Re-bar
Anthias. Males with reddish to orangish heads, tail and dorsal fins;
females reddish-brown. Both have grey stripe below the eyes. Males with
reddish blotch when excited. To 14 cm. Indo-West Pacific. Females here in
Mauritius 2016. |