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The images, writing that are labeled specifically as originating from other than Robert/Bob Fenner are not the express property of said pet-fish boy. As such they may not be lifted, used, reproduced w/o the consent of their creators. The writing and image work of Bob/Robert Fenner is free to use FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES; e.g. education, hobby-bulletins, personal home pages... with this proviso: Unless for scientific purposes, what you see is what you get - the images that are currently on our web site: [www.wetwebmedia.com] are the ones we will provide at no charge. If you need images in bulk quantity, delivered on CD-ROM, re-scans at higher resolution, or duplicate slides there will be a nominal charge for our time. Feel free to contact us regarding these terms. The "acid test" of whether you're a commercial interest is simple: is the media you engage intended to make money? If so, then you are a commercial concern, and hence may NOT use my content w/o pay. Note to all: If you don't find what you want there or have need for other formats, sizes, scans, please contact me: By Bob Fenner as far in advance as you can time-wise, and I will try to accommodate you. We do appreciate "plugs". Please do acknowledge our work if/when using it for free. For commercial concerns and any other question about our image
catalog, we are actually IN the media business and have much more than what is
presented on our sites for sale. Do contact Bob Fenner:
for information Re: What is sent into us. We respond directly to all as well as
post most everything... w/ the exception of material that is Thank you, Bob Fenner Some Input re WWM Use: Demande d'autorisation d'utilisation de votre photo. Request
permission to use your photo. 9/6/19 Photo use 3/15/19 Request for publication rights 12/12/17
Can I write for your site? 11/3/17 Lifting my content; aka stealing
8/31/17 Re: Wrasses
8/25/17 Article; citing Neale on WWM
can we partner up? (WWM, actually RMF content commercial
On the ethical/legal use of other people's content; postscript;
James Fatherree, Joe Rowlett 9/16/15
Authorization to use a photo 8/24/15
Unidentified hitchhiker. About WWM
Licensing 6/1/15
help.... Copyright permission for WWM?
4/1/15 Blog; use of RMF mat.s on WWM
8/23/14 FishBase images
5/28/14 Deirdre Kylie Deep sand bed. Permission to use a graphic on
WWM that we don't own 4/29/14 Re: Permission 3/26/14 Gourami Image 1/31/14 Permission 12/23/13 Unauthorised Image Use 12/13/13 Pictures for a PowerPoint Presentation 6/24/13 Pics, WWM use 12/30/12 Photo Use Permission
Dwarf Mbuna art translation 7/26/12 A New Look At Loaches, WWM/Originators of content's
rights 11/26/11 Stealing content 7/21/11 image permission 5/18/11 introduce you to www.reefsecrets.org 12/14/10 Re PIX/ RMF 2/2 ARKive and your image of Osphronemus exodon 6/28/10 I: Publishing Photo, RMF/WWM Daily Pix use
6/3/10 Hi Bob, Victoria, B.C. presentations 6/1/10 Translation of an article Re: ARKive - Halomitra pileus 5/11/10 "General Marine Aquarium Set-up Checklist" article by Bob
Fenner 2/8/10 Good afternoon, WWM/RMF content use 12/28/09 Permission to use images 12/12/09 Image, Video, and Content Use on the AquaNerd Blog
9/29/2009 Re: Image, Video, and Content Use on the AquaNerd Blog
9/29/2009 ADF photo 9/22/09 Your photos copyright violation ?
9/20/09 Re: Your photos copyright violation ?
9/20/09 Re: Your photos copyright violation ? 9/21/09 Re: Your photos copyright violation ? 9/21/09 Article request 8/3/09 The use of photos from the site 3/30/09 Permission to translate some articles into the Dutch language 2/23/09 Dear, I send you this email to ask permission to translate some articles of Robert Fenner. We are thinking about to translate the article from The neon or cleaning Gobies from Ultra Magazine in U.K. We having a Dutch marine reef magazine for Belgium and Netherland. When this is possible we can also publish some links or some advertisements of your websites or books into our magazine off course totally free. The only problem is the resolution of the pictures, can you send us the originals because otherwise the resolution is not good for publishing. Thinks in advance for your answer Kind regards Serge www.belgianseawater.be www.dreamreef.be <Serge... is this a "for profit" venture? If so, you will have to pay for the use of my content. Bob Fenner. > Re: Permission to translate some articles into the Dutch language 2/23/09 Bob, <Serge> At this moment this project is a non profit adventure. But from January 2010 we will try this to make a profit adventure. We are looking to get some advertisement inputs for the next year. So for us it's not any problem to pay for your articles from January 2010. I hope we can use in to meantime your content for free and from January 2010 we can use your content in a pay schedule off course. What are the costs to use your content? <An even hundred dollars per article, including graphics for Net re-posting> Then I can talk with to others to arrange something for next year. I hope we can have a positive reaction from your site to this question. Kind regards Serge <Let's wait till early next year, and chat then. Bob Fenner> Question on Forum ~ 01/12/09 Good morning Crew, I have a an offbeat question for Bob. I am a member of the WWM forum, and am writing an article for the newsletter. I was wondering if I could use any of the pictures on wetwebmedia.com for the article. thanks dean < Yes Dean. All of my work is free for non-commercial uses. Content Use policy here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> A question.. WWM content use 10/13/08 I am in the process of writing a small book - a cheat sheet (if you want to call it that) - basically the process i used in setting up my tank. There is only one reference info site I want to give, and yours is it. <Okay> Can I have permission to put your website in it? <Mmm, the website in it? Am not following you here> I would even put your name & the website - if that's what you prefer! Let me know! THANK YOU! Judy Carley (if you agree add your name & website, and just give me permission so I can print it out for my records...) -- www.nunyasworld.com <p> Have a GREAT day! <You are welcome to link, cite WWM... but not copy its contents, post elsewhere. Bob Fenner> Re: A question.. 10/13/08 yes! that's what I wanted, and won't post any contents from your site! <Ah, good. Thank you for your efforts. BobF> Your site is BY FAR the BEST information resource available.. If it were printed out - can you imagine how many pages it would be? probably a minimum of 10 - 700 page volumes! <Mmm... a little more than this... by about twice, depending on the font size... Cheers, B> Using an article you have for my customers 9/6/08 The Conscientious Marine Aquarist Blue Green Algae/Cyanobacteria, Identification, Causes & Control by Bob Fenner I would like to email this article to my customers may I have permission to do so? Dave Beckett The House of Tropical fish Windsor Ontario <Ah, no... as you are a for-profit enterprise, you may not use my content for free. However you are more than welcome to simply refer any/all to our site, specific URLs. Bob Fenner> Re: Copepod Mania; CA magazine... Image/Content Use f's - 7/24/08 Hi Neale - Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I found a few errors in the article which are important to fix. I am attaching the rewrites, which are in almost every paragraph, so please read through it again. For example, males do not release their sperm into the water like corals, they impregnate the females and she releases her fertilized eggs into the water. This differs from the copepods that hold onto their fertilized eggs until they hatch. So, I made a mistake by calling them "broadcast spawners", they just broadcast fertilized eggs. I also found several other biological and grammatical errors that were not caught in your rewrite, so I have hopefully uncovered and fixed all of those. I would donate pictures, except that the copyright and photo credit information was removed from the last set I sent to the magazine for my last article. Because I am frequently ripped off by less experienced people, I would prefer to have any images with a watermark or identifying copyright information retained. I am not sure what Bob's policy on this is, but it really irks me when I see some guy on eBay using my pictures he copied from your magazine. I hope you understand. It is more difficult to prove my case when the picture has had all identifying information removed. So, Bob - what do you suggest? <Hey Adelaide... my/our content use policy is posted here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Basically I allow all non-commercial uses gratis for my content... A bit of gray area for uses that include "some" promotion/paid advertising... But to be clear, my work is free to both of you for whatever use. For all others (other than myself) we purchase/buy "one time, non-exclusive use" of work... i.e., it's not ours to sell, offer for free to anyone else... As with "taxes" in their various formats, taking other people's property w/o their express consent is thievery... Though, as you state, almost impossible to police on the Net... We've had "good luck" thus far w/ folks not lifting other peoples' works... Cheers, BobF, out in HI, where he wishes you and Neale were visiting> Thanks, Adelaide <Will these work? Have attached thumbs of the two more commonly kept Callionymids and some LR pix. Pls make it known if you want larger, in other formats. BobF>>
Permission to use article - 4/15/08 Hi! I'm Italian, sorry for my bad English, I would like to ask the permission to publish a translated version, in Italian language, of your articles at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mormyrids.htm in my free site (absolutely not commercial) http://www.vergari.com/AC.asp Of course indicating author and link of the site from which I have draw the articles. I hope that it's not a problem... Bye bye Anita Maccio' - Masone (GE) - Italywww.vergari.com/AC.asp <I do grant you permission for this use... And really like your homepage graphics re coloured fishes, bowls for goldfish, et al. Ciao, Bob Fenner> Photographs, use of WWM, RMF's part 4/13/08 First off Id like to say Im a huge fan of your work. Some friends and I are making a small educational site on fish we would like to have photos to go with some of our FAQs and some info on things we aren't knowledgeable about. Would it be ok to use some of your photos and info if we credit you properly. I see a lot of people using others pics and such but Id like permission to do so if possible it would be a huge help:) If not I understand btw this site is purely educational and will only be using acquired info or photos for that purpose, Thank you, Brendon <My work is available gratis for all non-commercial purposes, as detailed on WWM's posted Content Use Policy: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm> The site will be thefishbowl.org when it is ready. <Ahh, thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Crayfish Photo 10/2/07 Hi, my name is Daniel, I'm 14 years old and I'm doing a 4-H project on Crayfish and was wondering if I could use a photo from one of the pages. I would give credit to you. Thanks for your time, *Daniel <What are you looking for Daniel? Much of what is posted on WWM is my own, but not all... I cannot grant permission to use others work. BobF> Educational materials 9/1/07 Hi Bob, <Peggy> I own a small reef specialty shop in Stillwater, Minnesota, called All-Reef. I just opened at this location on June 1st. <Congrats!> Since we opened we've had numerous (potential) customers inquiring about our doing some classes so they can "get their feet wet" before they "dive" into the reef hobby. Sorry for the bad puns. <Have used them all before m'self...> My question for you is whether or not there are any issues with my searching WWM for educational material to print and use in a couple classes so I don't have to reinvent the wheel. We are not charging for the classes, only a nominal fee for the materials to put an educational packet together for them so they have something for future reference. We will have about 10 students if everyone who has asked for classes actually shows up for them! <Don't think there are any issues here... as long as the authors of the individual pieces are credited, though WWM does not own any more rights than one time publication itself> I look forward to your response, and either way, I appreciate the good work you do and have done in the industry. I refer people to WWM all the time and tell them they can get good information there rather than get loads of bad and inaccurate information on forums (nothing against forums--just that there are too many of them and about 85% of the participants know very little but have lots to say!) <Heeee! I'd put the percentage higher> Again, I await your response, and I wish you a very good evening. One other thing while I'm at it, would it be ok if I put a link to WWM on my website? Peggy www.all-reef.com Your Source for Premium Quality Marine Livestock! <Certainly. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Re: Educational materials 9/1/07 Many thanks Bob. <Welcome Peg> I must say you have to be one of the nicest guys around! I sell lots of your Conscientious MA books in my store. <Ah! And thank goodness and such, we're re-doing this work... it's getting very old...> I recommend it to the beginners in particular because it's in plain English so it's understandable for them. My favorite book is the inverts book by you and Calfo. It's simply splendid. Thanks again for your good work and your kind heart, and I'll be sure to mention authors of whatever I use for the educational packets from WWM. Off I go. Enjoy your weekend, and many thanks again. Peggy www.all-reef.com Your Source for Premium Quality Marine Livestock! <Thank goodness for earnest entrepreneur citizens as yourself... You restoreth my faith~! BobF> Permission to quote Mr. Fenner? 5/10/07 Dear Crew, <Mike> I run a website that posts an inspirational quote at random daily. In response to a frustrated young man, (with whom I was sharing the same frustration) Mr. Fenner said the following: "Never let the feelings of confusion and frustration cloud the drive to focus and understand." I would like to use this on my website. Thank you for your time, dedication, and understanding! Mike Price. <A pleasure to share. You are welcome to post any/all statements. Bob Fenner> Plagiarism of your work - 3/28/07 Just to inform you of the plagiarism of your articles on a commercial site: http://www.reefescape.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=3904 <Mmm, this looks like an article by Steven Pro... we only buy non-exclusive use of such content... Will cc Steven here to make sure he is aware...> They are even hot-linking directly to your images. I only inform you of this due to this moderator of their site copying our works as well. Our lawyer contacted them this morning, and our content was removed from their site. Unfortunately, yours and many other authors work is still being claimed as theirs. Sincerely, AJW <Thank you for this notice. Plagiarism, taking other people's property w/o their express consent, is thievery... Something the government, IRS, needs to learn. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia> Copyright owner 3/19/07 Dear Sir: <Takahiro-san> My name is Takahiro Nakazawa of Tohoku Pharmaceutical University in Japan. I am going to present new chemical constituents isolated in Minabea sp. in the 127th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. In this presentation, I want to show a photo of Minabea sp. appeared in the web site. Therefore, I would like to obtain the permission to use this photo. photograph: Genus Minabea <I do grant you free use of this photo. Please make it known if you need a larger scan, different format. Bob Fenner> Dear Sir: Thank you. So, please send to me the photo scanned at about 600 dpi by JPG file. <Will either of these do? Bob Fenner> Use of picture in Swedish aquarium? - 03/09/07 Hello Bob, <Martin> I work as the technical manager of the Science Center Universeum in Gothenburg, Sweden. We operate a non profit exhibition with the purpose to encourage young people to study natural and technical science by having educational exhibits in two technical departments, a South American rainforest, a Swedish landscape and five aquatic systems. On of the systems is a 1,4 million litre oceanic tank were we have Blacktip reef sharks, Nurse sharks, Sand tiger shark and an adult Zebra shark called Lina. Being this also attract a lot of tourist in the summer season and we are now producing a multimedia guide in English, French, German and Norwegian. In order to explain why the Zebra shark is spotted and not striped I would like to show a picture of a juvenile example and I found a picture on your website called StegostomaAQ2.jpg. <I see> What would it take to be allowed to use it in our guide? It will be shown four seconds in the format of a square five centimeters. We intend to hire the guide to tourists for some 6 USD to cover our production and maintenance costs. I will add a section called Underwater Photography were we show some facts about UV-photography and have pictures of the people who have contributed with pictures and information about their websites. Kind regards Martin <I do grant you free use of my work for your non-profit, educational purposes. Do you need/want a larger scan? In what format if so? Thank you for your efforts, Bob Fenner> Martin Skarhall, Teknisk Chef http://www.universeum.se Marine pictures 1/3/07 Dear Robert M. Fenner <Hans> I'm writing some articles about marine fishes in Danish to a website named www.saltvandssiden.dk <Very nice> I need some pictures, and I keep running into a lot of your beautiful pictures on the internet. Our website is a free service, and I would like to hear if its possible to use your pictures. I will of course give you all the credits by writing: ? Your name - and your website Best regards Hans Christian Witt Konge www.saltvandssiden.dk <Per my/our stated Content Use Policy: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm as a non-profit/hobbyist BB you are welcome to free use of my content. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Content question 12/29/06 I was wondering if I could use some of your articles on my website. Your articles will not be sold and subscriptions or anything like that will not be sold. Your articles will be free of charge to anyone that accesses the site. I will however have a paid classifieds sections of the site (in the future). This will not have anything to do with your articles or anything off of your website. Thanks, Rob <Mmm, no... You are welcome to link what I/we have... content posted in other places... ends up... in other places. My advice... generate your own. Bob Fenner> Pictures of Blue Regal Tang 11/30/06 Hello. I am doing a PowerPoint presentation for a project on Blue Regal Tangs and I was wondering if I could use your pictures in my project. Thank You! ~Kate Daniel~ <Ah, yes. As I see from the suffix on your email addr., you are "in education". Per our stated Content Use Policy (linked on the homepage, bottom right), you are welcome to gratis use my work. Bob Fenner> Pond articles 11/30/06 >I see some of your articles on Wet Web Media. I am interested in purchasing rights to use about 10 or 15 of them on a web site for ponds. >Is that possible and how much would it cost? It's a new site, haven't even launched it yet. >mike ><Is possible... the price in this quantity, two hundred U.S. dollars per. >Bob Fenner> Re: articles 11/30/06 Thanks for the response. Too rich for my blood. Michael <Do consider penning your own... A very useful experience. BobF> Request approval for publishing some articles 10/24/06 Hello Mr. Fenner: <Hola Alfonso!> I'm a very long time reader of your site, not much a poster because I continuously find an answer with the search tool, either within an article or the faq's. The reason for this e-mail is because I have been a part (for the last 6 months or so) of a Mexican site called All-Reefs.com www.all-reefs.com < http://www.all-reefs.com/> , it's a place for us in our country and lately in Latin America where we can search and give advice, as well as share our experiences, mistakes and success stories. Within the forum we have a project for an online magazine "Reef Place e-Magazine" www.reef-place.com < http://www.reef-place.com/> which will be issued on a bimonthly basis. And that's the reason I'm contacting you, I would like to ask your authorization to use one of your articles on every magazine, the idea is to have on each issue a chapter with one of your articles, we will be focusing on certain species depending on the overall subject of each issue, I will be doing the translation myself and will be giving, obviously, all the credits for the article and/or pictures as posted in WetWebMedia. I will also contact you prior to the e-magazine publication date to tell which article interests us on each occasion and if you like I can send you a copy of the translation for your approval. <I can only speak for my material (not that of other authors... you will need to contact them), but you are free to use my content on your site> Thanks in advance. Alfonso Garza Vasconcelos <Nos vemos and gracias por tus trabajos (I hope this roughly translates as thank you for your efforts), Bob Fenner, in Bangkok> Fishin' In The Palouse - 10/22/2006 Mr. Fenner, I am one of the founding members of an aquarium society in Pullman, WA. We would like permission to reprint the section of your book - on pages 14 and 15 of "the Conscientious Marine Aquarist" - the 317 word portion that specifically defines what a conscientious marine aquarist is. We would like to publish this section on our website, and potentially include it in our constitution and/or bylaws. Sincerely, -Jeff Williams <I do grant you this usage. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> <<Neat to hear of a new aquarium society in this area! Jeff, I've spent much time in Pullman, visiting my sister. I do miss the Palouse! -Sabrina, now in California.>> Stingrays, More Steve/Croc interest, no free pix 9/6/06 Robert, <Drew> I hope this email finds you in good health. <Good enough, thanks> We would like to use your photograph(s) of stingrays as an educational tool to show our Hilton Head Island readers what stingrays may be found of our S.C. shores. I saw your photos on Wet WebFotos.com and would like to use any of the stingray photos. If you could send a few at the largest size and best resolution would be ideal. The pass code does not work. Below is a simple freelance form that can be sent back to me for legal reasons, if we have your permission. <Mmm, no... my work is for sale to "for profit" ventures... which yours obviously is. Likely you can/will find others work for free elsewhere. Good hunting. BobF> Regards Drew Martin Visuals editor www.islandpacket.com A McClatchy Company newspaperRe: Stingrays 9/6/06 Robert, Thanks for your quick and timely response. Sincerely, Drew <Welcome. BobF> Photo Use 3/20/06 Hello! The Houston Zoo is preparing to design all new graphics for our aquarium building. I have been assigned to research photos needed for these panels and have found several of your photos on your website (www.wetwebfotos.com < http://www.wetwebfotos.com/> ) that might work well for this project. Could you please let me know your policy on licensing your photos for use by tax exempt, non-profit educational organizations? Right now we are particularly interested in the following images and would need them @ least 300 dpi @ 8x10. However, we may be adding to this list in the near future. <Mmm, my Use Policy posted here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm I do grant you use of my photographic work. Don't recall the resolution of what is stored on WWF, and am not back to their source/the mainland till 4/4... Am asking the "holders of the keys" to WWF here to grant you access. If you need more, different images, scans, please make this known. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Translation of your articles (into Polish) 1/18/06 Dear Mr. Bob Fenner, <Darek> I would like to ask you for permission to translate your articles from into polish language and to publish them on www.aqua-info.com. Aqua-Info is non-commercial, non-profit online magazine for polish aquarists. Best regards Darek Firlej Aqua-Info editor <I do grant you such use. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Permission request 1/18/06 Hi Bob - <Jeff> As always, I continue to be impressed with your site and the level of knowledge that you demonstrate. I admire how you have given so much to the hobby. I had done some thinking and I'd like to give back to the community where I have taken so much pleasure. <Good> As I'm a web developer by trade, my professional experience doesn't exactly translate in to the reef world. I thought that a good way to help the community is to facilitate some of the knowledge dissemination. It still looks like this little hobby of ours is still stuck in the dark ages in some respects. <Is, but coming forward> I wanted to make an encyclopedic site that users could look up a topic and get straight forward and thorough information. <Takes time...> I also like the site wikipedia.org. They're in the process of cataloging all of the world's knowledge. Nothing like a lofty goal, huh? <Mmm> The idea behind their site is to let anyone who has knowledge on a given subject add their two cents to the pile. In short; anyone can edit anything. The problem is, their information on reef systems is pretty rudimentary. Take a look at their protein skimmer page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_skimmer <I see. An interesting approach... hard to moderate> I've set up the same software that Wikipedia uses on my server. I've registered a domain name and I'm working on a look and feel for it. I have the pieces in place, but I need some knowledge to give it a kick start. Once people start using the site, I believe the knowledge will grow, but it needs a seed. Will you give me permission to use some articles and pictures from your site? <I would like to see some examples of this please> The site is named XXXX It will be non-profit. Any information taken from your site will be referenced. I might, in the future, ask for donations for server and bandwidth costs. I'm sure you know that enough traffic can cause those costs to grow quite a bit. <Yes. Reasonable thus far... it's the time that is "the killer"> Any money gathered in the name of the site will be put back to paying off costs. Like I said, it is a designated non-profit site (as evidenced by the .org) Thanks for your help, Jeff <Again, please send along a few examples of how you would do this once it is up. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Fish breeding and wetwebmedia content 1/11/06 First I'm starting my own website and wonder if I can link to you articles or if possible reformat you articles to go along with the look for my site? I don't have half the knowledge about marine wildlife as I'm sure you do and I'm trying to make a more centralized site to find info and reviews for new reefers as I found myself running around the internet for info rather then learning when I first started. I'd really like some informative content to provide. <... As far as I'm aware you're open to link whatever you'd like on the Net... but not copy...> Second I'm also interesting in captive breeding, being as 10 fish die for everyone in the LFS I thought it was an admirable challenge to take on. Fish I have considered would are Clowns, Pygmy Angels, Fridmani Pseudo's, Banggai Cardinals, and Longnose Hawk Fish. I'm wondering if there might be a medium size fish or a trigger. I could perhaps breed however I would need to know that its popular enough to find homes for. <... okay> I then wanted to donate some of the proceeds to some sort of marine conservation organization. Having marine fish is great but the part about where it all comes from bothers me and like I said would like to make an effort to not only enjoy breeding but make a positive impact on the trade. Thanks for any info you maybe able to provide Sincerely Brandon LaGrange <One... step... at... a... time. Bob Fenner> Fish photos - 12/11/2005 I am in the process of building a free Reef Inhabitants Web site and I am in dire need of good high quality photos I can use royalty free, I happen to notice your photos on a Google search and I wanted to see if I could get your permission to use them? Thank you in advanced Joe http://www.reefinhabitants.com/ The Site is still in beta but you are welcome to check it out and give the link to anyone you want I hope to go live by 1-1-06 P.S. Nice Books I think I have them all now. <Mmm, thank you. Our pix are for sale to commercial interests... Our Use Policy posted here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> Image use permission - 12/11/2005 Hi, <Hello there> I am seeking permission to use the image of Millipore located in the upper right corner at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/millepor.htm. This is for a school project only, and will not be reproduced in any other fashion. Thank you for your time, Scott Walsh <I gladly grant you such. Our policy stated here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> Photo permission 11/3/05 Hello I would like your permission for using this photo : http://www.wetwebmedia.com/MonoPIX/Monodactyleus_sebaeAQJuv.jpg in my site www.israquarium.co.il Sincerely Yakov Oksman <If you're non-commercial... Our Content Use info. here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> Beth is Really Alec - High School Project 10/13/05 Mr. Fenner, <Beth> I am doing research for a freshman honors biology class. I read your article and found some of the information very useful for my research. Unfortunately I cannot find a publication date for this information which is required for literature citation. Would you be able to provide the date for me? <Which article? Did you find this online? Where? Bob Fenner> Thank you, Alec Bangs http://www.wetwebmedia.com/algaeconMar.htm - Algae and Their Control in Marine Systems <<Ah, sorry... did not see this (till today)... am away from ref.s, but would list this, any other unknown content as "Undated". RMF>> Hello I would like to ask permission 9/24/05 hello my name is Kelly. I have started a new forum and would love if you would give me permission to put some of your articles in my information section. <Mmm, no...> I would be more then happy to link back to you within my forum and give your website and author info at the end of each article. You can tell me how you would like it presented and I am happy to comply. Thank you and have a nice day. Kelly <The trouble with hobby sites use of text is that they in turn get "lifted from"... Please just link to our content, write your own, solicit folks visiting to share. Bob Fenner> Referencing content/WWM 8/26/05 Hi, Thank you for your permission. Please let me know how you would like the article referenced. Do you want your webpage listed and email address? Some people do and some don't. <Mmm, by the author, URL: Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com> I have attached our most recent newsletter FYI. This will give you an idea of how your article will be presented. <Thank you> Thank you again. Marleen <Cheers, BobF> Pictures on your website 7/29/05 Hello Bob, <Erwin> I have found your website http://www.wetwebmedia.com via Google.com. First of all, very, very nice pictures you have on your website and a lot! It is really great! <Thank you> I am currently creating a website about marine fish and -tanks called ' < http://reefsecrets.be/> reefsecrets' (e.g.: http://www.reefsecrets.be/). It is a non-profit website and organization with a forum and a marine animal database. Our audience is based in some smaller regions of Europe, mainly in Belgium and in The Netherlands. The main goal of our website/forum is providing information to owners of a marine tank to help them in their hobby. We are planning to be online around fall of this year. <Congratulations> I am already searching some time for good and useful pictures. I am not willing to copy or steal pictures without permission of the (real) owner(s) (-it is by the way a real shame people that are doing this-). <Immoral, and illegal> As we are a non-profit website that is just starting we are unable to pay for pictures. Now I found you, and I hope you can help me out! What do we want? Simply add pictures to our animal database and website. All pictures will have a reference (like: (c) by http://www.wetwebmedia.com ) that we will automatically add and we will use them on this site only. Of course, you will stay the owner. It would be great if you could help us! Of course I am willing to discuss this subject in more detail if needed. If you say "no", which I am sure you will not do! :-), no harm done. Thank you for your answer. Erwin van Agtmael erwin@reefsecrets.be <You have seen our "Content Use Policy": http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm As long as you are non-profit, you are welcome to the use of my (not all WWM is mine however...) content use. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Translation Permission 7/19/05 Dear Fenner, <Oguz> I'm a 37 year old aquarium hobbyist from Turkey and especially interested in puffers. We have a nationally well known Hobby Club, i.e. "?AK" means Istanbul Aquarium Club. http://www.akvaryumkulubu.org/ In addition, we try to moderate the most active forum (in the scale of Turkey). http://www.akvaryumkulubu.org/phpbb2/index.php If you give permission, I want to translate the highly qualified articles on the http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsciindex.htm page (with your name under the article for sure :) ) Thank you. Kind regards Oguz SAGLAM Ankara TURKEY <I do grant you requested permission. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Aquascaping article used Hi Bob, ...Just to let you know that Schuyler Sloane has posted your Aquascaping article on the website of the NE Philadelphia AS, at: http://www.phillyfishclub.com/ (articles) Regards, Howard Articles in the Public Domain - A Discussion Bob, <Scotter, Adam... this is a "opaque" area to me, the net as yet... the content belongs to the originators, not us... I suggest we refer people who would use their works to them. BobF> <Agreed 100%. This is how we finally replied to Anthony's Italian friends and what we have adopted as policy. Based on your (as usual) sage advice, it seemed folly to try to act as an agent on behalf of our authors. Most, if not all of them provide an e-mail address and can be contacted directly. That said, what about the content on WWM, especially for use by local aquarium clubs? IMO, allowing clubs to re-print material from WWM, but requiring them to boldly insert the URL is a great way to spread the word about the site. I am not necessarily trying to sell you on this idea, and I do understand that there are some logistical issues (especially paid CA content linked from other WWM pages), but it might be a nice service to offer. Adam Cesnales> <<<It is my longstanding policy, and the stated policy on WWM that my content (pix and writing) is free for use by any non-commercial interest. Others are certainly welcome to formulate their own stance with their property. BobF>>> Articles in the Public Domain? Adam/Scott, Does WWM or CA have a 'public domain' area where local fish clubs can download articles to be included in their club news letters? Let me know if you do and if so how it works as there are many interesting articles we'd like to include. Thanks. Scott VP NVR http://www.nvreefers.org - a non-profit organization <Hi Scott! Thanks for your interest in WWM and CA! We do compensate our others in the magazine for their work, and they retain the rights to their articles. It would be best to contact the author of the piece(s) that your club is looking to run directly to obtain their permission. In regards to WWM content, I am cc'ing Bob here; he would be the one to ask about utilizing WWM material in your club newsletter. Once again, than you for your interest! Regards, Scott Fellman Co-Editor, Conscientious Aquarist On Line Magazine> <<Scotter, Adam... this is a "opaque" area to me, the net as yet... the content belongs to the originators, not us... I suggest we refer people who would use their works to them. BobF>> Permission for Use of Photo I would like to use the photo of the Petroscirtes breviceps (Valenciennes 1836), the Shorthead Sabretooth Blenny or Striped Poison-Fang Blenny Mimic that appears on your site's http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sabertoothblens.htm page for a short article on blennies in my next issue. May I have your permission? Credit and a link will be given as usual. Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Lukan Fish 'N' Chips - www.marinefiends.com <I do grant you use of this image. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Cleaner Shrimp article, Wikipedia, WWM Hi Bob - I'm working on an article on cleaner shrimp for Wikipedia and would greatly benefit from being able to use your text from WetWebMedia as a basis but I don't want to do that without your permission. Please let me know if its OK to use and cite your work (I'll be paraphrasing, not plagiarizing) and also feel free to contribute if you have the time and inclination! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleaner_Shrimp Thanks -Eric Skiff Glitch010101 on Wikipedia <Is Wikipedia a non-commercial concern? It appears to be. Please see our Content Use Policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm. If you are not-for-profit, please go ahead. Bob Fenner> Article in Pets Quarterly Hi Bob, Please send me your mailing address so I can send you a contributor's copy of the Winter issue of Pets Quarterly. Thanks and regards <Uh, you're not non-commercial. Please stop stealing our content. Bob Fenner> Re: Article in pets Quarterly Bob, I do apologize if you feel we have been stealing your content. I had previously contacted you regards publishing your articles and you had told me it was not a problem as long as we published a credit and a link to your website. <You must've added your advert's since then. Please read our Content Use Policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm> We will no longer use your articles. Regards, Kelly <Thank you. Bob Fenner> Re: Asking for permission using one photo - Thankful in Spanish Apreciado Robert: <Pronto> Que alivio para mi que hables espa?l, no sabes lo mucho que me cuesta expresarme en ingles, ya que no lo he utilizado mucho desde mis tiempos del colegio. Aprovechando tu dominio del idioma, me gustaria invitarte a que nos visites alguna vez y participes en nuestro foro, ya que conozco tus conocimientos y la altisima calidad de tu web. Aqui es Espa? la acuariofilia marina esta empezando y no creo que seamos ni un 1% de los acuariofilos los que nos metemos con el agua salada. Casi no tenemos tiendas, y los precios, especialmente de peces e invertebrados son el triple que lo que he visto en las tiendas online en USA. Es por esto que desde webs como la nuestra intentamos fomentar la afici?. Si me gustaria utilizar alguna foto tuya mas, por eso te pido permiso, por supuesto poniendo tu nombre y web. Un saludo y espero saludarte por el foro. Pablo Palomo Moderador Infopez www.infopez.com Area: peces marinos <Si, gracias usted. Roberto Fenner> Using WWM Hi Bob, <Adam> My friend owns a small marine/tropical shop here in Cambridgeshire, UK, I am designing his website and have long since been an avid marine keeper and also fan and user of your website, we are wondering if you will mind if, from time to time, we use material from your website, with credit to yourself of course on ours, such small articles as those on the tang maybe featuring as "fish of the month" for example? Would you have any objections to this, as I said we will of course credit the writing of said article and include a link to your site. Regards, Adam <Actually, we do mind. Though we make our content available gratis to non-profit interests, yours is for-profit. You are welcome of course, to refer people (link) to our content, but NOT (copy, paste) lift it. Bob Fenner> Re: usage of website information Ok, gotcha. I'll have to write my own. Thanks anyway, Adam <The process will "do you good"... Cheers. Bob Fenner> Photos from your Site ? Hello Bob :-) <Hi there Robert> Dear all, First let me introduce myself. My name is Robert Baur I created and host the encyclopedia of reef fish and corals. Link: : www.meerwasser-lexikon.de <Very nice indeed> The main topic is to report the experience of hobbyists, who can add their personal observations. The goal is to create, update and maintain a knowledge pool about all fish, corals and invertebrates we keep in our tanks. The encyclopedia was already know in German and recently we also started the English version. The database consist of about 1200 fish, corals and invertebrates. Unfortunately we are lacking pictures of fish and corals which are uncommon in Europe. That's why I kindly ask you if we can use some of your pictures. Of course all pictures will show that the copyright is on your name. We would highly appreciate if you could support this non commercial project and contribute your pictures. Please note that my English is limited and these lines have been translated by a friend. Kind Regards from Germany an a merry Christmas :-) Robert Baur www.meerwasser-lexikon.de <Thank you. I note that yours is a commercial site (you have sponsors links at the top of your homepage). Some others whose work is posted on our sites may grant you free use, but my work is only free to non-commercial interests (education, research principally). If you would like to purchase internet use rights to a good number of images, you are welcome to visit our image site: WetWebFotos.com and identify what you're interested in there and contact Jason Chodakowski re costs. Bob Fenner> Re: Photos from your Site ? Hello Bob :-) <Hi there again Robert> Thank you for the Mail. I hope you understand what I mean, my English is not the best. (Only School English) I translate the German words in a English Translator. <Understanzee mein freund> I hope you understand me ? Here is the Translation Words: I think that you our banners wrongly understood. This side is not commercial! We do not have a banner customers paid however we to get times the expenditures in here. The remainder are friends who we help. One of it is a German aquarium magazine for it the advertisement for us in the magazine makes. <Ohh> We in all other respects know ourselves, from the Interzoo 2002. Together with Ralf Schmidt and Daniel Knop were we in the evening in the hotel Lohner proximity only mountain and also the fair Interzoo at the Birgit Schmettkamp conditions. <Ah yes> We are normal Aquarianer the some homepage about sea water in the net placed. we began approx.. in 1999 with the Domain www.korallenriff.de we have at present to the 90,000 visitors in the month, which causes some at costs. The side serves not for it money to earn separates only around the costs the enstehen to cover. <Yes> Thanks nevertheless for their offer, available photos can we unfortunately not pay. Yours sincerely Robert Baur Kruppas <Real good/gut Robert. Jason, will you help Robert to download the images he is looking for? Bob Fenner> Re: Photos from your Site ? Hello Bob <Robert> I find very nice to thanks for the assistance. Now I have already a photo of C. fisheri. Which me now still is missing would be a picture of C. nahackyi and to C. narcosis and C. shepardi. <You are welcome to any/all of my image work. Have you checked on WetWebFotos.com for these?> I thank in any case ones for the trouble of the renewed Mail: -) I did not want to stand that with the commercial in such a way remain. That is not the case. I wish you a beautiful year 2005. Greetings Robert PS. sorry for the bad English...... <No worries. Mein Deutschen is worse. BobF> Re: Photos from your Site ? Hello Bob :-) <Robert> I would show these two photos gladly in the sea water encyclopedia, naturally with your name and your copyright. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/AngelsPIX/Centropyge/Centropyge_nahackyi__8cm_fro m_Johnston_Island http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/images/Centropyge _shepahrdiAQM.jpg Would be okay? <Yes. Do you want/require better, larger scans?> Thank you for the nice Mail exchange. Thanks Greeting Robert <And happy holidays to you and yours. Bob Fenner> Re: Photos from your Site ? ==> Thank you :-) I hope I see you on the next Interzoo to N?nberg, Germany :-) I must spend you one order two order three Germany Beer :-) Robert <We will be there mein freund... if the dollar does not lose too much to the Euro! Be seeing you, Bob Fenner> A request for photo use Marie-Fran?ise CHOLOT Hello, <Bonjour> I'm getting in touch with you because I'm working on a website about the Cousin Island (Seychelles). Cousin is a National reserve, a protected site whose main vocation is to preserve environment, to protect seabirds ( seven species of water birds reproduce there, they are more than 350 000, five species of endemic ground birds) * I've worked quite far on this project. This website won't be for business or tourism, but mainly to educate and inform. I have found 1 image (Platax) on your website and I would like to know if it will be possible for me to use it. Could you please let me know You can send me your answer (positive or negative) to the following address : I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your help. All the best. (I will give you the address of the website as soon as it will be on-line) MF. CHOLOT Ps : The address of your site will naturally be named in reference *Main Conservation Achievements ? Restoration of the entire native lowland forest as well as other indigenous vegetation. ? Rescue of the Seychelles warbler population from extinction, and translocation to two other islands. ? One of only four islands where a viable population of 1000 Seychelles fody is maintained ? One of only three islands where a breeding population of 100 of the critically endangered Seychelles magpie-robin (since 1995) has been established. Restoration of the hawksbill turtle breeding population to make the site a globally important one. ? Restoration of breeding seabird populations to make it one of the most important seabird rookeries in the W. Indian Ocean. ? Restoration of endemic and indigenous invertebrates and reptile populations. ? Maintenance of the highest coral reef fish biomass in the granitic islands ? Maintenance of the site as one of only four islands in Seychelles free from alien vertebrate predators such as rats and cats. ? Reduction in poaching of endangered species to almost zero, and maintenance of good community relations. ? Reserve management and decision-making by locals. ) <I grant you free use of any of my content. Merci for your work. Please make it known if you need scans in other formats, sizes. Robare Fenner> Sacramento Aquarium Society FINDIG Request Hi Bob, My name is Martha Volkoff and we met briefly last year at the Sacramento Aquarium Society's FINDIG. <Oh yes, hello Martha (my first wife's name and a fave gastropelecid... Carnegiella marthae> I am the club's newsletter editor, as well. We are in full swing again putting the event together again and I have been tasked with designing and getting the t-shirts made. This year I am planning to go with a full-color design that includes fishes that represent each of our speaker's topics. I am hoping you can help me acquire some such photographs. I read the use disclaimer on your website, and am a little unsure whether this use would be permissible (as we will be selling the shirts, but we are a non-profit organization). Please let me know. <All non-commercial uses are permitted, indeed encouraged. You are welcome to use any of my content> As a little more detail of the types of fishes I am seeking, I need a couple of reef fishes, a couple of cichlids, a seahorse or seadragon, two North American natives, and maybe a Goodeid. While browsing your sites I saw some, but not all of these categories. Attached is a low resolution draft of my design I presented to the FINDIG committee for their approval (most of the pictures I used were pulled off of the web without permission). <Do please take a look on WetWebFotos.com re scans that are already "done"... I will cc JasonC here, who helps send along passwords for larger downloads. If there is something in particular you'd like to see that is not presently placed, please send along your requests and I'll try to get to ASAP (am out in HI presently and will be out to the tenth or so of Sept> I also requested that our speakers be solicited for photographs of their own, but I don't know what type of response I will get (at this point I am counting on none, and I'm running out of time quickly). Thanks for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon, Martha Volkoff <Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Found some of your material on another web-page, with no credit given Hi, Love your site and have learned a great deal from it. Ran across this page that's using Bob Fenner's article about ozone: http://www.barrierreef.co.uk/pages/ozone.htm With no mention of the article's source! Just keeping an eye out for your IPRs! Best Regards Craig Borowski <Thank you for this. We do allow re-use of our content for non-commercial sites, institutions. Have cc'ed the contact here though, as credit should always be posted along with the lifted content. Bob Fenner> Use of WWM content Hello Mr. Robert M . Fenner, <Hi there Mr. Van Der Hope> I will be as brief as possible because I understand how busy you may be . . . <We all have about the same amount of time...> First, I would like to say your book - The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, is 'hands-down' - the best book I've read in the field of Saltwaterfish/Reefkeeping! :-) <Ah, glad you've find the work of use, interest> I am contacting you as a result of finding your website! I could not believe you had a site up and running. What a wonderful place to learn more about this hobby . . . I was truly excited to discover this which leads me to ask a few questions . . . But first, let me in- troduce myself! :-) My name is Eric V. Van Der Hope and am the Publisher and Editor of "The Reef & Saltwater Fish Keeping Cheat Sheet" - A Newsletter For The Serious Reef Keeping and Saltwater Fish Hobbyist. <Hee hee, love the name> My website is at the following address: http://www.saltwaterfishpets.com Since I'm trying to keep this letter short, I've also provided a URL for you to learn who I am . . . http://www.saltwaterfishpets.com/aboutus.htm The primary purpose of this letter is to ask permission from you to publish one of your articles on my website/newsletter. Of course proper credit would be given. <If your interest/site is non-commercial, you are welcome to utilize my content> I have provided a URL of one of your many articles - Frequent Partial Water Changes on my website. It is not yet 'live' as I wished to get your comments first before I actually tell my readers . . . http://www.saltwaterfishpets.com/article071704.htm I would appreciate any comments you have, most importantly, if the signature box is acceptable for you as it is now. If you care to modify it I have no problem with that. I just want to make sure that the proper credit is given! My website is new, however it's in a constant growing stage. I've got a great Forum started as well and hope you could jump in as 'my special invited guest'! But no pressure! Just a suggestion . . . <Thank you for the offer...> I am an avid saltwater fish enthusiast and am encouraging as many like minded individuals to think about starting their own mini-ocean and become part of a growing and enthusiastic community of fish pet owners! I know you must be extremely busy, so I would like to express my appreciation for your time and any comments you can provide and thank you in advance. I await your reply at your convenience. Sincerely, Eric V. Van Der Hope <Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Re: Use of WWM content Hello Mr. Fenner, <Eric> I'm happy you responded to my email so quickly! Thank you so very much! <Welcome> I'd thought my newsletter name was kind of catchy! The article will be used in a non-commercial manner. My site at this time is for informational purposes only. However, I am currently working on a project that will be sales oriented. I will make sure that I do not use your article in any way that could be associated with this project. I just wanted to provide the URL of where your article is now being used. Again - I thank you advance and know my readers could bene- fit from this article. http://www.saltwaterfishpets.com/articles.htm <Took a look, nicely laid out> If I may ask ahead of time . . . you have a tremendous archive of useful articles on your site. When there comes a time that I feel one of your articles could help my readers, could I ask ahead of time for your permission to use, obviously without commercial intent? I just don't want to keep bothering you by asking each time I would like to recommend your articles . . . ! :-) <Actually, no. You are welcome to link to my/our content though. Myself and quite a few of our "Crew" are content providers (for pay) in the hobby and business of ornamental aquatics, so we do not give carte-blanche to anyone to post, re-post our work.> If you would like any changes to your resource box that I've provided at the end of your article - please let me know. I will make any needed modifications you request. I would like to take the time to express my appreciation for your response you've given up to this point. I know all of us are busy - but when I get the privilege of 'talking' to a distinguished person as your- self - it makes it worthwhile to spend a little extra time to go the extra mile! Thank you in advance for everything. I look forward to hearing from you and learning more of this wonderful hobby through the constant reading of your work (books you've published) as well as your website. Sincerely, Your friend, Eric <My real advice is to encourage you to write, provide your own articles, image work... perhaps to sell this as well as retain the universal rights to same... a very good way (the best in my estimation) to learn, present uniform material, make a few dollars and promote yourself and site/s going forward. Bob Fenner> Borrowed text? While I realize that your writings are often quoted elsewhere, ( as I'm guilty of doing on some of the forums) I suspect that a business doing it, at least without giving the proper credit, would qualify as theft...Of course, you MAY have some arrangement with MDL, and them I'm sitting here with egg on my face... Anyway, just in case it's not appropriately used, I wanted to pass on this: http://www.marinedepotlive.com/1123714.html "Flowers of the sea? Hardly. " From that line on, it's a direct plagiarism of this pages openings: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm Isn't it funny how sometimes, you recognize something you've read before? As soon as I saw this, I knew where it had come from. Best wishes to you, Neil <Thank you for this Neil. I did sell pix and am friends with the owner, Ken Wong... and grant/ed him use of the content. Deja vu of a sort eh? Bob Fenner> Pix sharing with educational institutions Gr? Gott Herr Fenner! Eine kurze Frage an Sie: Sind Sie einverstanden wenn wir (Studenten der Uni Salzburg) einige Ihre Fotos (Pomacendridae) aus der fishbase in unserem Exkursionsbericht Rotes Meer verwenden? Ich hoffe, auf eine Antwort , mit freundlichen Gr?en, Julia Auer <Yes my friend. It is fine that the University of Salzburg uses my image work, on Fishbase.org or www.WetWebMedia.com or wwwWetWebFotos.com. Bob Fenner> Permission to reprint articles I'm newsletter editor for the Piedmont Koi & Watergarden Society in Charlotte, NC and I'm always looking for articles for our newsletter. I was wondering if I could have permission to reprint Watergarden and koi articles from your website. Credits will be listed along with the website information at the end of the articles. You can check out our website at: www.pkwsonline.com <A very nice site> Thanks in advance, Elaine Mauldin Charlotte, N. C. <You are welcome to utilize my content, as are all non-commercial interests. Bob Fenner> Requesting the use of images. Dear Mr Fenner, I am writing to request the use of some of your photos of Opisthobranchia to insert into an essay that I am writing in my first year of university. The title is : 'Discuss the origins and significance of diversity within and between species of a named taxonomic group' and for my group I have chosen the gastropods. Your website has been of great use to me, and your photos clearly show some of the differences that I am demonstrating. Yours, Julia Luther <As you will find by reviewing our content use policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm you are welcome to non-commercial use (and academics is still not money-making as far as I'm aware!). Please make it known if the size, type of images you seek are on WWM or WetWebFotos.com. If not, please send along your request for larger size, types. Bob Fenner> Re: requesting the use of images. Dear Mr Fenner, Thank you so much for your prompt reply. The photos on the website are just right to put into my essay. Thank you for your help, <Ah, good> Yours, Julia Luther <Glad to be of assistance. Bob Fenner> Permission for use of photos Hi Mr. Fenner, I work for a non-profit coral reef program called Reef Check. We have teams of volunteer divers worldwide conducting surveys on reefs to monitor their health. Reef Check is currently developing a new version of our training manual to be published and distributed among our teams next year. <I see> We are planning to include a section of pictures of our indicator organisms for each of our 5 survey regions. I am requesting your permission to use your photos of the West Indian sea egg and the collector urchin, as found on your website. Please note that they will be used strictly for non-profit use. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. I appreciate your time. Thank you, Jenny Jenny Mihaly Data Manager Reef Check rcdata@ucla.edu www.ReefCheck.org <Your organization is welcome to my content use. Am sending your message to our cohort Jason Chodakowski for follow-up. Bob Fenner> - Using Images - Hey and thanks for the help. I would like to use some of the pictures on your website which I am working on but the website is going to be www.xtremeleeaquatic.com. I am not done with it yet, so its not up yet. The pictures I want to use are going to be used for a background for my website. I am not going to use them for selling my live stock. <The fact that you will be selling anything at all via your web site means the images would be for commercial use.> I will take my own pictures when I have my own livestock to advertise on my website. I just need some pictures on your website for a background and it is going to be like a mask image or ghost image. If I have to pay that is fine I am just interested in your pictures I seen. <Excellent - the price for web use is $10 per image. Please send along a list of the images you would like and payment for same to Wet Web Media, 8586 Menkar Rd., San Diego, CA 92126 and we'll be happy to expedite your request.> My website is going to be for a store so I can advertise my livestock, but like I said livestock pictures are going to be my own from my store. I can send you a list of pictures I would like to use. Hope to hear from you soon. Lee <Cheers, J -- > Pictures Dear Mr. Fenner, <Hello.> I am a 22 year old budding entrepreneur. I have been a life long aquarist and have been running an aquarium installation and service business on a part time basis for the past 7 years while in high school and while attending university to help pay the bills. <Sounds familiar... this is what I did as well> I have now decided to peruse my life long passion as a full time business. I am in the process of putting together some pamphlets for marketing purposes. You hands down have a magnificent collection of photos. I have read your image use agreement with respect to commercial businesses using your images and was wondering if you would be able to make an exception and allow me to use your images. I am seeking some high resolution pictures which would be able to be used for print material. Please advise. Thank you. <Mmm, no can or will do my friend. Our pricing for such use is in a word, "cheap". A part of doing business... like rent or gasoline. Might well be a/the time to add photography to your skill repertoire. Good luck, life. Bob Fenner> - Images Wanted - Hi Robert, Thank you for the prompt reply. I am in need of some high quality photographs. Can you please provide me with your "cheap" prices/fees for obtaining your high resolution images for print material. <For web use, we charge $10 per image. Depending on the use, the rate may change so you need to specify just exactly what and where you intend to use these images. As for specific images, please browse our companion site, http://www.wetwebfotos.com where you will be able to browse roughly 80% of our catalog. If you find some images you like, let us know the ID number of the image and we'll be happy to make arrangements to get the images to you. If there is something that you can't find, please let us know roughly what you're looking for and we can check the other 20% of our catalog to see if we can suit your needs.> Look forward to hearing from you. <Cheers, J -- > Commercial print pix charge I want to use the images for print material. I am creating a color pamphlet for distribution. <The price for this is $20 per image. Cheers, J -- > You've been misquoted! Hello guys... specifically Bob. Are you in any way affiliated with marine depot live? <The owner, Ken Wong, his girlfriend/fianc?Amy and others there (esp. Alvin) are friends, associates in the trade> The reason I ask is that several of their fish descriptions are copied literally word for word from the pages of your website. Many of the photographs are the same as well. Of particular concern to me is the fact that they have misquoted your description of the powder blue tang. Below is your description of the fish, and in caps is the part they chose to include on their site: ACANTHURUS LEUCOSTERNON (BENNETT 1833), THE POWDER BLUE TANG; besides being notorious carriers of parasitic diseases, most specimens don't even make it through the capture and shipping stages. But'?some of you are screaming, "this isn't a difficult fish! a'?I'VE KNOWN PEOPLE TO KEEP THE POWDER BLUE FOR YEARS! THOSE HEALTHY FEW THAT ARE WELL RECEIVED AND CARED FOR - WITH LOTS OF LIVE ROCK AND ALGAE IN LARGE, WELL-ESTABLISHED REEFS - DO occasionally LIVE FOR EXTENDED PERIODS. Needless to say, the omission of the first section, along with their cleverly leaving out the word "occasionally," completely changes the meaning of your words. You would think if they were going to lie about the ease of caring for this fish, they could at least write it themselves and not take your words and mess them up. Also, you are not cited anywhere on the site that I could see, so I guess they are guilty of plagiarism as well (is that spelled right?) In conclusion... sue the pants off these guys. They must be loaded, right? Well, maybe I'm going a bit far, but it upset me to see them repeatedly copying you word for word and in this one instance (and maybe others) completely altering the context and meaning of your advice. You've been a big help to me and my tank in the past, and I thank you all. keep up the good work! -Mario <The company did buy a bunch of images from us for internet use, but not our "spiels"... will bring this to Ken's attention. Thank you for the head's up. Bob Fenner> Authorization Hi Mr. Bob I disturb your time because I want to know if you can approve me translate some of your articles on WetWebMedia.com for offer information on my web page to other peoples about reef/marine aquariums. I put on the article that I translate the sourcing corresponding "WetWebMedia.com" I really appreciate your help in order to keep this great articles on my webpage... Thanks in advanced.. Daniel Castillo Venezuela <Yes my friend. Nos vemos. Bob Fenner> Photographs of colored fishes Dear Robert: <Hi there> I am a researcher who works in the Public University of Santiago de Compostela, in Spain. At this moment I am preparing a manuscript which talks about the way that colored fishes get its nice colored skins. Sincerely, I think that it is a interesting job and I will try to send it to "Nature" or "Science" for publishing. My problem is that I need some photos (3) of different fishes, and checking the web I found your nice photographs, and I thought "O. K. this three pictures are exactly what I need". Exactly, I need: One picture of a fish with the stripes ordered in Horizontal configuration ( as pomacanthus imperator). One picture of a fish with the stripes ordered in vertical configuration (as a young pomacanthus semicirculatus, or maybe you know one better) One picture of a fish with the stripes ordered in two set of parallel stripes (as Genicanthus melanospilus, or another better, if you know) Can I have your permission to put them in my manuscript???. <Yes, Si, Seguro, for sure. Our "Use Policy" is posted on our homepage. All non-commercial uses are permitted> Of course, if you want I will give thanks to you in the published paper. Please, consider my petition, because your photos are a important part in my research, in the sense that presents a validation in nature of my results. Thank you very much in advance. Please, mail me as soon as you possible, because I have to be fast to publish this results. Best wishes from Spain. -------------------------------------------- David G?ez M?uez Grupo de F?ica Non lineal Dep. F?ica da Materia Condensada. Facultade de F?ica. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela E-15782 Santiago de Compostela (A Coru?). Spain Tel: (+34) 981 594488 x 13958 Fax: (+34) 981 522089 e-mail: david@fmares.usc.es -------------------------------------------- <Do you need larger, different scans? Please make this known. Bob Fenner> - Using Pictures - I need to find out how I can use the images on your website (WetWebFotos). Such as picture ID: 2029 the owner is Robert Fenner. I emailed him about it and he replied please contact crew@WetWebMedia.Com . I want to use this picture and a few others for my background on my website. Please let me know if I can and what I need to do to get permission. Hope you can help. <Yes, we can help you with this. We typically sell our images to commercial interests. If you are an individual, non-profit, or educational institution, we will make the images available at no cost. If you would please reply with your intentions, web site address, etc. it is possible that you can just have the image, although we will only make the medium resolution version available for web use.> Thank You Lee (user name xtremeleeaquatic) <Cheers, J -- > - More on Using Images - On your website wetwebfotos.com when you click on download hi res a box comes up and ask for a password. Where do I get the passwords from? <We generate them on the fly, per use. Please respond to my last email regarding this subject and we'll see what we can work out.> Thanks for the help Lee xtremeleeaquatic <Cheers, J -- > Re: May I have your table? Hi Bob, can I use some picture in your website to be publish in my article of AQUA magazine in Thailand? Please let me know Thank you, pavaphon <Mmm, now you've "crossed-over" into the commercial arena. Strictly speaking we allow free use of our content in non-commercial applications. Please see here re our use policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm How to put this... is this article "paying much"? If so, we will sell you one time rights for ten dollars (U.S.) per... if the writing doesn't pay enough to cover this, please make this known. Bob Fenner> Picture use Dear Sir, <Hello> Would you kindly permit me to use a picture on the Web? I guess I should introduce myself and our plan. My name is Kohei Ohta. I am working in Kyushu University (Japan) as a lecturer (Staff Researcher of Core Research Institute). Now, we have an poster exhibition to introduce the study about the marine biology to the children. This exhibition is planed by the juvenile's culture hall of Fukuoka city <Our sister city in San Diego, California!> and the museum of Kyushu university, and this will be held at the juvenile's culture hall during the next summer vacation (Aug.14-Sep. 9). Theme of this exhibition is "The life in the river and the sea". Total 30 posters will be showed. I am in charge of one section entitled "sex change in fish". This section consists of four posters. Now, I would like to introduce the several hermaphrodite species in one of these posters. To introduce the fish to the children, the pictures of fish are desirable. <Yes, essential> Therefore I am looking for the pictures of the hermaphrodite species. Now, I should be pleased if you would permit my using a picture on a web (WetWebFotos.com). This picture is "Basses -Serraninae, Hypoplectrus nigricans (BAH)" <ID: 2169 in WetWebFotos.com>. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Kohei Ohta, Ph. D. Lecturer (Staff Researcher of Core Research Institute) Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan <You are welcome to the use of this image and any others for your worthwhile project. Jason, please send along instructions on how to download this image. Bob Fenner> Your fishbase pictures Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 14:05:31 +0200 Dear Sirs, Dear Madames, we are a wholesale for aquarium fishes and want to establish a information system about fishes for our German customers on our website. We bought fishbase CD and searched for beautiful pictures to illustrate the different fishes. We found your pictures the most beautiful ones. We contacted Aque Atanacio from the fish base project and he told us that we do have to ask you kindly for permission to show Your pictures on our site. For sure below all pictures the source fishbase and the name of the author will be displayed. We clearly not want to use Your pictures as ours, we want to educate our customers because many wrong or local names appear and we like to support our customers using right names for each species. Herewith we would like to ask your for this permission and/or the rules/regulations we do have to follow if we want to use your pictures. Many thanks in advance Your sincerely Thomas Jung <We don't allow commercial (for profit) use of our image work without compensation. Please see here re our policy on such use: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner>
A. vaigensis photo Dear colleague, As member of the "Unione Zoologica Italiana" I am involved in the preparation of an article on the fish fauna of the Italian Seas. In this article I think to insert the pictures of some fish species. Because Abudefduf vaigensis was found in two localities of Italian coastline I think that this species may be a good example of lessepsian fish. I noted the good photo of the species that is available in the Fishbase archive. So I very appreciate if it could be possible use your photo also in my article. Waiting your kindly reply I send you my best regards Marino <You are welcome to this usage, and any other assistance I may render you. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com> Dr. Marino Vacchi ICRAM present address c/o Museo Nazionale dell'Antartide, Universit?di Genova Corso Europa, 26 16132 - Genova, Italy Phone ++39 0103538328 Fax ++39 0103538102 email (home): vacchi.marino@libero.it email (Institute): m.vacchi@unige.it Aquascaping article used Dear Bob, I just thought I'd let you know that your "Rock and Wood in Aquascaping" article has been reproduced in the June 2003 "Fishmonger" - the on-line newsletter of the Vancouver Aquatic Hobbyist Club. This is a popular article - as you will know, it has already been used by the Bermuda and Kitchener-Waterloo aquarium societies. Thank you again for letting me enter your articles on Aquarticles. Sincerely, Howard Norfolk. Aquarticles.com Visit http://www.aquarticles.com for articles about fish and aquaria <Thanks for the heads-up. Bob Fenner> Clarion Angel pix for sale Thanks for the speedy reply. I didn't make myself clear in my email- sorry. Do you charge for reproduction of your images in other publications an if so how much? <Oh, yes. Depends on use, application, but about twenty dollars per for "for sale" periodical usage (if such money is available). Bob Fenner> Steve Wrasse Photos Hi Bob, I'm a grad student at the MBL in Woods Hole, MA. My doctoral dissertation is on body color and pattern evolution in the labrids, and how these species use visual cues in species recognition. Although I will be collecting my own data in the field, I need to try out some of imaging programs and image analysis techniques on high quality photos first. I would like permission to download all your high-quality wrasse photos for this purpose. Look forward to hearing from you, Beth <You are welcome to their use. Please make it known if I can be of assistance... perhaps send you the originals (tiffs) at higher resolution, size. Bob Fenner> Elizabeth Flynn Neeley Loeb 101 Boston University Marine Program Woods Hole, MA 02540 Thank you & Web address I would like to thank you for your contribution of a photo(s)/image(s) to the University of Rhode Island's, Office of Marine Programs, new Discovery of Sound in the Sea web site. I am happy to report that our web site received over 17,000 hits the first day it was up and running!!! <Wow! Congratulations> The following is the URL for the site where your images have been posted: <http://omp.gso.uri.edu/dosits.htm> The images/photos have been credited appropriately, if your image has been wrongly credited, please let me know. <Will do> I would also appreciate any feedback you may have about our new web site. <Will solicit our readership (WetWebMedia.com) for input> Thank you again, your contribution is greatly appreciated. <Here's to your ongoing success. Bob Fenner> Andrea Kecskes Office of Marine Programs University of Rhode Island Heniochus (WWM Content use) Hi, my name is Josh. I have a large website that has lots of information on fresh and saltwater fish. I couldn't really find any pictures of the black and white Heniochus, until I came across I site with one of your pictures. Can I use this picture as long as underneath it I will give a credit at the bottom with your e-mail address. Or if you would prefer me not to put your e-mail address down that would be okay too. The site is mostly for elementary and junior high school students that are doing their reports on fish, and my site is one of their main sources. Do you have a web page where I can find more of your pictures? <Oh, yes: WetWebFotos.com> If you would like you can check out my site before making any decisions at www.geocities.com/petz_n_2002/ thank you very much <Very colorful! Josh, please read here re our content use policies: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm I think your site qualifies as non-commercial; hence you are welcome to use my images w/o charge... giving credit to me and the WWM site. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Josh Morales articles (commercial) I see you have some good articles you wrote concerning fish and such. I am contacting you to see if I can host them on my website. They will be free of charge. Anyway great job. <Umm, not for free (to you)... I/we make our living from selling the use of our content. If you're interested in using same, or sponsoring/advertising on our sites, please contact us. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com> Sincerely Marcus Thalassoma quinquevittatum picture Dear Mr. Fenner, I saw your Thalassoma quinquevittatum picture posted on the wetwebfotos.com website. It is posted that your picture is available for download. I am participating in a project where we create species profiles and post them on the University of Michigan's Animal Diversity Web (http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu), which is a species database widely used by many students. I am writing the species profile of Thalassoma quinquevittatum and was wondering if you would permit us to post your picture on the site? At the moment the only picture we have of this wrasse is copyright restricted and can only be viewed from a University of Michigan computer. It would be wonderful to have an unrestricted picture that other people accessing this site could see. If you could let me know if it is possible to use your picture in this manner that would be great. Sincerely, Rachel Appelblatt <You are welcome to any, all non-commercial use of my content. Please see our "content use policy": http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm should you have questions... and thank you for your work on alls behalf. Bob Fenner> Hippocampus erectus Image Hi Robert, I am emailing you in regards to your image on the web of Hippocampus erectus, the lined seahorse. On behalf of the Hudson River Museum, and as the project manager for the Hudson River exhibit that we are designing, I would like to ask your permission to use this image in the newsletter publicizing the exhibit. <If this is a non-profit venture, please go ahead... if you need another, better, larger scan, pls make this known> Unfortunately, I need to respond to our PR department within the next few days, so if you could get back to me as soon as possible, that would be great. The Museum will credit your photo in all publications related to the exhibit. I hope this will work for you and let me know if you can give us a nonprofit rate <Gratis, with my regards. Our policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm> on the usage fee (that would help a lot since we are not getting the support we had prior to last year). Thanks, <Hope to run into you sometime/place. Bob Fenner> Steve Ruff Riverama Project Manager Hudson River Museum 511 Warburton Avenue Yonkers, NY 10701 WWF Password Greetings from Slovenia Bob, <<Hi it's JasonC here... I help out with the WetWebFotos.>> I'm sorry to bother you, it's just that I can't find anywhere on your wwm page information about aquiring the password to view hi-res images (JavaScript prompt). Maybe I'm just blind as a chicken, but I really looked for it... Can you help me with this one? <<I can. The password for the high resolution images is not provided unless the images have been purchased. This is done to protect the copy right of the photo publisher/creator. You're more than welcome to go through any of the lower resolution images, but the high resolution images are for sale and no passwords will be set or released until such purchases are completed. Let us know if there are some images you would like.>> p.s.: I love WWM & WWF pages... Keep up the brilliant work. <<Glad you enjoy.>> Thanks, Bine Lebenichnik <<Cheers, J -- >> Referencing your site Hi Bob, I sent this back in April and never heard from you. I have lost several outgoing as well as incoming emails to the great void in cyberspace......sometimes I despise computers :). <They are only tools> You have always answered everything I have ever sent, so I am figuring you either never received it, I never received your reply or you didn't reply for any # of reasons. <We answer all> So I am sending it again........in hopes that you never got it and not that you either didn't respond to discourage me from continuing to write to you with my incessant questions or that you responded and I never received it. <I will never abandon you> Hi Bob, Leslie Leddo here. You recently helped me quite a bit with a reoccurring Amyloodinium problem and some Jawfish questions. The email subject was title was "Will micro waving or boiling kill the cyst stage of Amyloodinium?". <I recall> I am sure you get tons of email questions and it must be hard to remember who is who...... <Yes> I am a Director/Moderator for Seahorse.org and I consider your site my first line staple resource. I frequently refer to your very informative site for my own information as well as when the info required to answer a post does not live within the boundaries of my gray matter or it is inaccessible at the time needed......LOL....ya know the memory thing. I was wondering how you feel about using links to your site or quotes from your site, in replies to questions asked by our members, on our Bulletin Board? <These are fine... if useful> If this is something that is acceptable to you is there a particular way you would like us to reference the information used? <Acceptable> As long as I am asking would you be amenable to allowing us to reprint some of your articles in our library, with of course reference to you and your site. <Mmm, these should only be linked to what is placed on our site. We do sell content, but what is on our site is non-commercial public domain> Thank you very much, Leslie Leddo Oh PS I have been re reading through some of my FAMA issues and there are so many of your articles. I love reading them. I find your writing style very appealing. I always learn tons. Thanks for all you share. <A pleasure and honor my friend. I do remember the gist of this message. Strange you did not receive my first response. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Thank you again so much, Leslie Re: Fw: Your photographs of fish Bob, are you telling me to give Constance a password for full access to download any/all of the high-res images on WWF? <No Zo. I hope to be clear/er... no one other than our crew should have access even to my crummy scan efforts... of size... Was her concern that she couldn't work from smaller sizes? I thought we were "just" talking being able to download the few kilobyte size images> This is not current practice - a user's normal password (the one she's already got) just authenticates them to their settings, forum, etc. I thought I already replied to Constance, along these same lines - ? Whatever you want me to do, kein Probleme, mein Freund, just say the word! ANYBODY can access the previews, and easily save them to local disk, like any other image on the WWW. <Sounds like you're on it> OT - Jason - Bob said to Constance that you and I will "likely be diving in St. Thomas" what the hell is he talking about? Do you guys know something I don't? <The trip in November... please see the... yikes, unlinked, unsearchable admin subweb for crew travel plans (suggest perusing the Nav. View). It's a done deal in terms of Di and I... hotel already pd. for... hope you can make it. Bob> -Zo Permission... Hi Mr. Fenner, I'm preparing a non-personal web-site. It
will be in Turkish and give brief information on marine fish, inverts and
cichlid species. While surfing on the net, I saw your marvelous UW photos at
fishbase.org. I was going to ask permission for the use of your Pseudochromis
photos on the site. <If the sites interests are non-commercial (non-profit), you
are welcome to my content. Please see our websites (starting here:
http://www.WetWebMedia.com for more... on the pseudochromids and make it known
if I may be of service. Bob Fenner> Best Regards, Yildirim Picture Use Hallo there !!I have a Danish aquarium homepage on the web. www.aquafisken.dk I want to ask you about if I may borrow your picture of the Rasbora heteromorpha ? I have seen the picture on your homepage: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/And it is this picture I want to borrow: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/CypriniiformPIX/Rasboras/Rasbora_heteromorpha.jpg I remember to write ? and your name with the picture. Regards Michael <You are welcome to this image's use per our policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> fish pics (Marinebio.com) Hi Bob, <Hello> Just stumbled onto your awesome website. I don't own an aquarium, but I am very interested in marine biology and work on a website called marinebio.com which is devoted to identifying all marine species for access by scientists and students. We envision a more detailed "fishbase.org" type site with other marine related information. <Wowzah! A lofty goal indeed! Am sure you've seen their "staff" section... wish we had so much good help.> I am currently adding the dusky parrotfish to the species database which is how I came across your site. Would you permit me to use your photo for marinebio.com? <Yes, and will post your note, link on our sites. Kudos to you> I will of course retain the copyright/photo credit that appears on the photo. Please check out marinebio, and again, your site is excellent! <Both of these efforts are a salute to the human spirit and "life business". Kia orana my friend. Bob Fenner> Joni Lawrence Pictures May I borrow a few brackish pics from your site, I need photos for my gallery. You and your site would of course be credited. <For non-commercial purposes you are welcome. Please see here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> Lynn Picture Permission Dear Bob, My name is Bradley and I'm going to Punahou Summer School, taking the class webmasters. I am trying to make a web page of moray eels. I am e-mailing you today to ask for your consent that I may use some pictures from your website. I would like to use the pictures Gymnomuraena zebra.jpg, Gymnothorax javanicusRS.jpg, Gymnothorax lentiginosaAQJuv.jp,and Gymnothorax meleagrisHIHoriz. Please e-mail me back. These pictures will be used for educational purposes only. Bradley <Bradley, you are very welcome to use the pictures with our best wishes for such non-profit endeavors. Please cite Bob Fenner/ Wet Web Media as the source and please accept our well wish to continue to share learn and teach others about the wondrous beauty and importance of aquatic science. Kindly, Anthony Calfo pictures dear bob, may I have permission to use the two pictures of butterflyfishes: Forcipiger_flavissimusMAL.jpg & Forcipiger_longirostrisBUN.jpg. it will be used for educational purpose only. and you will be able to find it at and your website will be given credit. I go to punahou school and would like to use it for our Hawaiian marine life page. <You're welcome to their use. Please make it known if we may be of further assistance. BTW, have you seen this area of our site: http://wetwebmedia.com/hifwgv1.htm on the fishes of Hawai'i? Aloha, Bob Fenner> Serranus annularis (orangeback bass) photo Dear Bob, Hello--I am an intern working for Dr. Caroly Shumway at the New England Aquarium in Boston, MA. The Aquarium is a non-profit organization, and I am specifically working on the new exhibit called "Living Links," which teaches people about conservation (http://www.neaq.org/livinglinks/index.html). I am in search of photos that can be used as species identifications for fish in the exhibit tanks, and I came across your photo of the Serranus annularis (orangeback bass) online (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/serranus.htm). We are very interested in the possibility of using your photo in the "Living Links" exhibit. Each photo in the exhibit will have a source credit. If you would be willing to give us permission to use the image, could you email me specifications on this photo in terms of resolution, size, as well as any other information you may have. Also, if you require a fee, how much would the photo cost the Aquarium? We are also looking for photos of the following fish: Liopropoma eukrines (wrasse basse) Chromis enchrysurus (yellowtail reeffish) Chaetodon aya (bank butterflyfish) Equetus iwamotoi (blackbar drum) Halichoeres bathyphilus (greenband wrasse) Anthias tenuis (threadnose bass) Hemanthias vivanus (red barbier) Holanthias martinicensis (roughtongue bass) Epinephelus drummondhay (speckled hind) Gymnothorax miliaris (goldentail moray) Lysmata grabhami (cleaner shrimp) Thanks in advance for your time and help! best wishes, Laura Dichtel <Mmm, as a non-profit you are welcome to the use of our content gratis. W/o doing a look-about, don't know if I either have postings or even originals of the above. You might want to use the Google Search tool on our WetWebMedia.com site under the common and/or scientific names... and the same on our image site: WetWebFotos.com Lastly, considering what you've stated, I would take a look-see on fishbase.org re these images... and contact the photographers there (as you've done here) re their use. Bob Fenner> Photo (use from Fishbase.org) Mr. Fenner, I'm working in my web site, and I want to create a monthly column about biologist. My first "case" is the Sergeant Major, and, if possible, I want to use your photo, published in Fishbase.org. <You are welcome to its use my friend. Please see our site, WetWebMedia.com for many more. Bob Fenner> Best regards, Paulo Pictures (use of WWM) Nicolas Cennac Sir, I am a French student in journalism from Ecole Sup?ieure de Journalisme de Lille, France. We are realizing a magazine about sand. I want to write an article about "Valenciennea strigata" and I would like to know if I could use pictures of this species found in your website. Tank you for your answer. Sincerely, Nicolas Cennac <Yes, Oui, you are welcome to their use. Good luck in your studies. Robare Fenner> copyright permission Bob, I am think about using two of your photos
(both of Atrosalarias fucus, the black and tan morph) for an upcoming article
about Chromatophores, and am requesting your permission to use them with full
accreditation given to you/WetWebMedia. Let me know. Thanks! <Where will these
be published? Are you a "for profit" user? Please read here re our Use Policy:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> Leonard Re: copyright permission Yes, they serve my purposes just fine. Thanks again. I will let you know if I use them and will send you an email when the article is written. <Real good. Thank you. Bob Fenner> Len Photos (Use of WWM/WWF content) Please excuse my ignorance, but this is my first assignment to find photos, and here are my questions. I found 2 of your images on the WetWebFotos web site that we may be interested in using for a 1 year temporary exhibit (ray touch pool) that opens in June, 2002, at our non-profit aquarium www.oceanjourney.org <http://www.oceanjourney.org> . The photos we would be interested in are: ID: 2387 of the Ray stingray and ED: 2360, of the Turbot Flounder. This would be for a 1 time use, on a graphic, and we could receive the image digital delivery via CD or the Internet. Are these photos available? What would the cost be? Thank you for your help and dealing with someone green in this area! <Thank you for your note. Our work is free to non-profits. Our Use Policy stated here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt. Are the images of size, format posted on WWF suitable as they are? If not, please re-contact me or Lorenzo (cc'ed above). Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Teri Allen Administrative Assistant Ocean Journey Life Sciences 303-561-4496 Re: Photos Teri, You may download the digital TIFF files directly from WetWebFotos using the following links: http://wetwebfotos.com/Home? actionRequest=downloadHiRes&ID=2387&pwd=xxxxxxx http://wetwebfotos.com/Home? actionRequest=downloadHiRes&ID=2360&pwd=xxxxxxx These special addresses include YOUR new password to these two files, and should not be shared with anybody else! You may also browse to the photos on the site, and select "download hi-res" you will be prompted for your password (xxxxxxx), and the download will begin. You should save the files to your computer (they are TIFF files saved in a ZIP file) then pass them to your graphics department via disk or email, as you see fit. You will need Adobe Photoshop or similar, to view the TIFF files. Please remember to include photo credit (Robert M. Fenner) wherever practical in your layout/print (it is not embedded in these TIFF files). Do feel free to email me with any further questions! Best Regards, Lorenzo Gonzalez <Thank you Zo. Bob F> WetWebFotos download links Woops! I see that the addresses I sent are broken into two halves by the various email software between! They should either be copy/pasted into the address window of your browser (as one line!), or you can follow the more manual procedure, i.e: go to the Media database in WetWebFotos, enter the Photo ID in the special search box there, then use your password to download the hi-resolution scan. <Yeeikes, makes sense. Bob> Cheers! Lorenzo Subject: Fwd: Re: Aquaticinfo: fishphoto websites >Hi Joe, >You might try wetwebmedia.com. It's Bob Fenner's web site. He's got a ton of photos. You can reach Bob at fennerrobert@hotmail.com to find out if there's a fee or not. >Good luck, >Fernando >>Hello, >>Does anyone have any website addresses that provide fish photos that can be used for public use such as educational graphic boards, etc. I am hoping to get some that only ask for photo credit. Thanks >>Joe Yaiullo >>Atlantis Marine World, NY! USA Fernando Nosratpour Senior Aquarist Birch Aquarium at Scripps <Thanks for this Fernando. Our graphics are free for public use per policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Bob Fenner> Referencing your site Hi Bob, <Hello> Leslie Leddo here. You recently helped me quite a bit with a reoccurring Amyloodinium problem and some Jawfish questions. The email subject was title was "Will microwaving or boiling kill the cyst stage of Amyloodinium?". <I recall. Lucid> I am sure you get tons of email questions and it must be hard to remember who is who...... <Not really... am "focused" here> I am a Director/Moderator for Seahorse.org and I consider your site my first line staple resource. I frequently refer to your very informative site for my own information as well as when the info required to answer a post does not live within the boundaries of my gray matter or it is inaccessible at the time needed......LOL....ya know the memory thing. <I seem... to... recall...> I was wondering how you feel about using links to your site or quotes from your site, in replies to questions asked by our members, on our Bulletin Board? If this is something that is acceptable to you is there a particular way you would like us to reference the information used? <All content on our sites is deemed, desired to be for public exposure. Please read our policy here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm> As long as I am asking would you be amenable to allowing us to reprint some of your articles in our library, with of course reference to you and your site. <Yes my friend, and pet-fish associate. Be seeing you, Bob Fenner> Thank you very much, Leslie Leddo top smelt photo I'm trying to track down a print quality/high
resolution photo of a top smelt (Atherinops affinis). Do you know how I could
contact the photographer who took the picture that is posted on your website? It
would be for non-commercial use. <I am that person. You are welcome to the
images non-commercial use. Is the size, scan on the WWM site suitable for your
use? Bob Fenner> Thank you! Melissa Studer President, Project Pacific Use of WWM Images Hi, My name is Stacey Shaffner. I am a Design Engineering student at Michigan State University. I am working on a group project with 2 other students. We are designing a roller coaster to be entered in a design contest for a calendar page. We were wondering if we might be able to receive you permission to use some of your aquarium photos as background for our roller coaster design. We would cite your aquarium as our source for the photos. we don't have too much time to work on this project so if you could give us a response at you earliest convenience it would be greatly appreciated. <You are welcome to use our content. Bob Fenner> Thank you for your time, Stacey Shaffner Could you help us? Hello, My name is Dale Anderson and I founded a
wild animal park for cats called the Sierra Endangered Cat Haven in Dunlap,
California. We are producing a educational TV show on cats and need some photos
of fish and eels that have leopard in their name. We do not have a station to
run the show as of this time but we are hopeful when the show is complete that
someone will be interested. Could we use some of the fish and eel photos you
have on your web site for reference on our show? They will be on the screen for
about 2 seconds. We will acknowledge you in the credits. Thank you for your
time, Dale Anderson www.cathaven.com <Yes, you are welcome to our contents use.
Good luck, life in your endeavors. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com > |
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