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Scribbled Angelfish/Angelfish Feeding 8/30/10 Singapore Angel Not Eating For One Day'¦No Panicking Just yet; 3-23-2008 Hi <<Peter.>> Nice to meet you again :) <<Well I don't remember the first time . . . I hope cocktails were not involved.>> My Singapore angelfish is the newest fish I have for almost a month, he was suddenly not eating since yesterday, and now. <<A very short amount of time I would not panic just quite yet.>> Don't know what went wrong? <<A lot of variables to consider.>> He was eating very well on any foods I drop into the tank, but now he seem to ignore at the foods, and also his mouth seem not opening as usual. <<Do you see any apparent wounds or was there any trauma'¦bullying/outside forces on the tank?>> Any details I can follow to make him back to normal? <<At this point I would not worry, not eating for a day isn't cause for panic if the specimen is exhibiting otherwise normal behavior. I could give some recommendations as to the animals diet but I would like to know what you are feeding? Also can you provide other details, size of specimen, tank mates, tank set up, water parameter, did you quarantine the animal and for how long? All in all don't stress yet it's common for animals, even in the wild, to fast from time to time. In the meantime please read through WWM FAQs re marine angels.>> Thanks <<Welcome.>> Peter <<Adam J.>> Feeding gray poma -03/13/08 Hi folks, I use the site often, great resource and I have asked questions in the past. Always got good advice so now I have another. I recently acquired an adult gray poma angelfish. I did not order an adult but that is what came in. Without going into all the details, I ended up having to take him home the same day he arrived. I had a fully conditioned 55 gallon tank ready to use as a quarantine so I figured I was ok. I have had years of experience with angelfish but I am beating my head trying to get this thing to eat. I checked my water parameters, all levels were at zero, except nitrates - but that was negligible. Specific gravity is about 1.026, a bit high but not harmful. I have tried Mysis, Nori, brine shrimp, bloodworms, prime reef flake, frozen angel formula smashed on a rock - all this fish does is swim around this stuff and ignore it. It is alert, reactive, inquisitive, even harasses the damsels that are always in there but I haven't even seen him pick on the live rock. No sign of a parasite, there is algae growing on the back glass - never touches it. I have run out of tricks. Any ideas? It has been about 9 days since he's been in the tank. Ultimately he was going into a 90 gallon but not until I have him eating, he'd never compete in that system. <Try New Life Spectrum foods for marine fishes... might work.> thanks for any ideas Rob <De nada and good luck, Sara M.>
Grey Poma I recently bought a 4" Grey Poma angel. It's in my 60 gallon reef until I'm confident enough to put it in the 240. <Good idea> My water parameters are 0 ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. Temperature is 78. I have 1 marine Betta, 2 green clown gobies, 1 sailfin tang, 1 Wardley's wrasse, and 1 tomato clown. The Angel is eating, but it's getting skinny. I'm thinking intestinal parasites. <Possible> I feed a lot, but the fish is extremely shy, the tang is a pig. I was wondering if I took the tang out and put it in the 240 until the Poma is all nice and fat would make a difference. <Maybe, or...> Or I can put the Poma in the 240. the 240 has 6 true perculas, 1 blue damsel, and 2 striped. the water is 76°. It's been set up for 1.5 months. It's relatively understocked for now. I'm not sure of the water parameters. I feed flakes, frozen Mysis, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, Angel Formula. I'm trying to get it to nibble at the Angel Formula, but the other fish get to it first. It'll eat everything else. <I would move this fish... and possibly try soaking whatever it is eating in one of those new "Garlic" materials (or make your own)... I don't endorse their use for "Ich" remedying... but have seen positive results for "skinny fish" (presumed intestinal parasite) disorders (especially in Puffers)... And do try placing some new live rock (a type with a maximum amount of sponge and tunicate material on/in it. This will help on a few counts... as food, water conditioner and disrupter of current hierarchies. Bob Fenner, who would do all this for your Chaetodontoplus soon, like now> Re: your personal dealings with the Personifer/meredithi what
kinds of food would you recommend? <As wide an offering of prepared
mashes and frozen "formula" foods as you can offer, or
make...> my reef has a growing crop of macro algae, so there will be
a constant source of macro algae. I have this leather like stuff
growing on the bottom of my live rock. it has spouts on it. it has
"veins" well looks like it anyways. its also transparent in
some places, white mostly. is that a tunicate? <Maybe... more likely
a type of encrusting sponge. Bob Fenner> Vermiculated Angel Hello! I doubt you remember my, but I wrote you this past fall about xenia-eating butterflies! <I do remember> Anyway my FOWLR is doing marvelously, I now have a small Raffle's BF and a threadfin. Both are doing very well and eating like goldfish! (pigs don't swim!) <Actually, they do... admirably> So I was at the local fish store this weekend and noticed this very beautiful Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus for a very reasonable price. It was rather small. only 2-3 inches, but seemed in very good health and was picking at the rockwork in the tank. So I brought her home with me.....such beauty is irresistible. I did your recommended fresh water/Methylene Blue dip, which she did not take kindly to, but recovery came quickly. Didn't see any eating the first few days, but this is nothing unusual. Now here is the catch, she was getting noticeably thin in the belly area, and that has stopped. The belly is nice and full so she is eating something. But she ignores food I put in the tank. I have tried Formula I and II, live brine, and blackworms. She picks at the rock, but I don't see her consuming anything of visible size. I think in the short term I am o.k. here. She is feeding on the live rock and that is keeping her happy. But I am worried about the long term. I don't think it is feasible that the live rock will be enough for the years to come. <Perhaps a larger system with more live rock?> Do you have suggestions as to foods to try? Should I just be patient with the foods I am adding for the BF and hope that she comes to the table? The BF's eat so voraciously I am afraid they might scare her away? <All these are possibilities... sometime with growth, experience these animals become more generalized feeders... Maybe a sump, live rock, macro-algae, Mysid culture....> Suggestions? Thoughts? Thanks in advance for your time! Jim Coughlin <As long as the fish is full and interested don't be overly concerned. Keep offering a mix of frozen/defrosted crustaceans and worms... Bob Fenner>
Finicky Angel Dear Bob, <Hi there! Scott F. here today> I purchased a Singapore angel about a month and a half ago. After a small outbreak of Ich the fish has been pretty healthy. However the problem is he will not eat. <An all-too-common problem with these fishes, unfortunately> I have him in a 85 gallon FOWLR, however most of the live rock is covered in coralline algae. I did try to give him some fresh macroalgae, but my Yellow Tang wolfed it down (he only got a little bit). I have tried every other type of food imaginable. He is only about 3-4 inches long. The Singapore has gotten noticeably thinner. Could I put him in a 20 gallon reef that contains a lot of different macroalgae? <That may be a good idea, too help "turn the corner" on this finicky eater. I'd give it a shot for a while.> The only corals are button polyps, mushrooms, and starburst polyps. He will only be in there for about a month until I can set-up a 55 gallon FOWLR (hopefully to become a reef). Thank you. Sam Reef <The Singapore will nibble on soft corals and Zoanthids, so do be prepared for some losses. Certainly avoid LPS corals. However, if it were me- that's a risk I'd be willing to take to keep this beautiful fish alive. Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Help for a (Singapore) angel.....please... fdg. 5/27/06 Hello-I sent you a question 2 weeks ago but no one replied. <Mmm, don't recall seeing this. Thanks for re-sending> Anyway I have another question, but this time it's a matter of life and death! <Yikes! Some drama now!> I purchased a vermiculated Singapore angel and it has been in quarantine for the past 3 weeks. The problem is that I can't get it to feed. <Some don't...> It is an incredibly shy fish-I have never encountered any like it. It often picks at my rocks and I'm not certain if it's eating the hair algae or the large number of pods in the qt tank. Either way, it always has an apparent full belly! However when whatever it is eating runs out, I'm afraid that it won't eat. I have offered it sushi Nori and flake/pellet food <?> but it completely ignores them. Do you have any suggestions for how/what I can feed this unbelievably flighty fish? THANK YOU! <Is just a very shy species... best to place in the main system, keep trying to add small meaty zooplanktivorous foods, plenty of live rock, a healthy DSB et al. in a tied-in refugium. Please take a read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/chaetodonoplus/faqs.htm Bob Fenner>
Personifer (Blue Masked Angel)...Feeding 8/4/06 Hallo Mr. Bob Fenner, <James with you today.> My name is Trevor and I thank you for taking the time to answer my queries. <You're welcome.> I recently asked my supplier to get me a 4" male Personifer Angelfish. He got me a 19- 10" angel. <19-10"??? Show quality for sure.> When I protested about the size, he gave the fish to me at no cost because he said he would never sell it. <Lucky you...so far.> I must say it is a stunning fish but I need some advice in maintaining this fish as well as feeding it. It is housed at the moment in a 250 gal tank ( 6' x 2' x 30"). I do realize that a larger tank is required <Tank should be large enough.> and that will come soon but at the moment, I really need to know what foods I should be feeding it because at the moment it does not eat. <Not unusual at first, but would have been a wonderful idea to do all the research before you ordered the fish.> Also if I may, is it possible to house a male and female Personifer together in the same tank? <Would be iffy as they are semi-aggressive, and I'd try to keep this one alive first. As far as foods, I'd try Spirulina, marine algae, Ocean Nutrition Angel Preparation, Mysid and/or frozen shrimp. Do read here and related links. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/index.htm> Thanks heaps, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Trevor Goodson Gray Poma Wont Eat? 9/10/07 Hi Crew I'm at my wits end. I bought a Gray Poma 3 weeks ago today. It is still in QT and looks very healthy but will not eat anything???? <Could be the stress of collection/holding/shipping... or just the QT...> I have tried formula one and two, frozen angel formula, Mysis shrimp, krill and I even bought a red ball sponge that he doesn't seem to be eating. Ho swims about and checks everything out but will not eat and is starting to look thin. He's about 4-5 inches <A good size> and his colors are great. Anything I can try before he dies? <Yes... live rock... and if not this quickly, dipping and moving this specimen to the main display> Is this a hard fish to get to eat? <Chaetodontoplus angels can be> Any thought would be so much appreciated. Thanks Crew <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Scribbled Angelfish Finicky Angelfish... fdg.
12/1/2007 I am having trouble getting a 9" Scribbled Angel to
eat enough for his size. I have tried shrimp, scallops, mussels, Nori,
Caulerpa and frozen preparations for Angelfish. He is in a 210 tank
with only a Flame Angel, 5 damsels, Snowflake Eel, and some urchins.
Water quality is excellent. The only foods he is eating at all is a
preparation I make with shrimp, scallops, red algae, and green algae
ground up together. Any suggestions? James Wedel <Well, James,
I'd consider feeding frozen Mysis shrimp. There are several quality
brands out there, such as Hikari or Piscine Energetics, which I really
favor. They are high in protein and essential fatty acids, providing
both excellent nutrition and natural appetite stimulation for the fish.
In my experience, even rather finicky fish do eat this food. Of course,
you could always try the old standby, frozen brine shrimp, but only
after enriching with a vitamin solution, such as Vita Chem or Selcon.
Another old trick is to cut open a small, fresh clam and placing it on
a rock in the half shell. Personally, I have rarely used this
technique, as Mysis seems to work for me. The food you are preparing
seems quite good, but I agree that it is important to offer a variety
for the long-term health of your fish. Best of luck to you on your
effort! Regards, Scott F.>
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