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Horn shark sick 1/24/19 Help port Jackson sick
4/17/18 Breeding colony of Eppies w/ Ich - Just moved - PLEASE HELP
Port Jackson shark not swimming well and also not eating. No
data!? 4/9/11 Heterodontus japonicus, sys. 7/25/09 juv horn sharks... Improper sys., phony "med.s" 2-4-08 Hello there! I am writing to ask the fish guru's a question. I am moving soon and have placed my 2 horn sharks in a 100 gallon tank <Much too small> where they have been for a while now with no problems. I do run a chiller and keep them well fed. Recently I have added my fish and they started getting ick so I started dosing the tank with ich attack which is 100 percent natural and reef safe. <And worthless... ineffective> Anyway I also had fun rot on my snapper so I started using melafix <Ditto> and had no problem. I noticed my female horn shark was getting some white duly material over both of her eyes and didn't know what it was. I have since then removed all the fish and placed them in other quarantine tanks and have kept using melafix for the past 2 days. Wondering what you guys and girls thought it might be. I think it might be Popeye but don't know why. I am unsure what it is and though the problem isn't serious yet I would rather it not get to be a problem. Anyway please help me. 3 do not want to move any sick or fusesrd fish as it probably would make it worse. Any advice? Thanks in advance, Andre <... your system is too small, you're wasting your time with placebos... your fishes are suffering from environmental stress... See WWM re Heterodontids period, the phony medications you list... and soon. Your animals will soon be dead unless you act... with knowledge. Bob Fenner> Port Jackson difficulties! Dis., sys. 8/1/07Hello Crew, my chiller on my 100 gallon tank recently stopped working and I had to move my 8 inch Port Jackson to my 55 Gallon <Too small...> chilled system which runs an average of 66-72 degrees Fahrenheit. I would have put him in my 400 gallon but am afraid he will become a snack in there. I just recently also acquired 2 epaulettes and now the PJ is acting a little different. <In the same tank? Way too small...> It chafes against the substrate every once in a while and does yawn a bit too. <Indicative of stress very likely> He does have a small bit of blanching on his nose <Ditto> I believe and I think he might have some parasites. <?> If startled it does swim erratically and sometimes does do rectal eversion after feeding. <Very bad signs> I do have Scott W. Michaels Aquarium Sharks and Rays and do have the formalin recommended. Im having a hard time correctly diagnosing though and am unsure if a formalin bath would do more harm than good. <Possibly...> That's why Im searching for help! What should I do? I am out of town and will perform a water change when I get home this weekend. I run a 75 Gallon wet/dry system on it, a 300 gallon capacity fluidized bed filter, and a Pacific Import Chiller. I Will receive another chiller for my 100 gallon soon but would like to treat them in the 55 <What? No! Do NOT put formalin in any biological system...> to Not spread the parasites or disease. I can upgrade the filtration a bit as I do have an extra 300 gallon capacity Wet/Dry filter. What should I do? I don't want to lose my baby. <Read: http://wetwebmedia.com/formalinart.htm and the linked files above. BobF>
Port Jackson Shark (tropical in this case... Australia) Reproduction - 4/29/07 Hello, <Hi there!> I have 3 Port Jackson sharks in a tank together. <Neat, I'm guessing/hoping that it's a very large tank!> I would like to know if they can be sexed.. <If they're mature, no problem. If they're young, it might be more difficult. Mature males have obvious "claspers" located at their pelvic region. See photo at this link: http://www.marinethemes.com/aasearchfiles/Horn%20Sharks/pages/S04A02%2054639.html > ...and if they will breed in a tank. <I have heard of these breeding in captivity, but I'm guessing it involved very, very, large systems. I'd think that it would be unlikely in a home aquarium situation. These fish take a long time to reach sexual maturity, around 8 to 10 yrs for males and 11 to 14 for females. Many, simply don't live that long. Given the right conditions and care, though, it's always a possibility!> Regards, Francis <Take care and good luck! -Lynn> PJ HELP! Shark, not the Underoos... Fritzing, but not
communicating 4/2/07 Hey guys! I just got back from a business trip
and was completely horrified as I walked in and saw my most prized
shark swimming/floating around! He is a port Jackson and was a present
to me. I love this little guy! <?> What should I do? the temp is
currently 67 and he is used to this! I was told though that the temp
was bouncing <?> because the chiller needs more Freon! What is
the best solution? He is fed <What?> regularly and also takes
vitamins? <Sort?> He does like to swallow air bubbles
<Shouldn't be allowed in the system> and I have tried to stop
him <?> but have had no success! I was just also told he missed
his wed <...> feeding? So he probably has no food in his tummy as
I feed wed. and sun.! Pls help? I was reading and am about to try
administering Epsom salt in his water! Pls help! Thanks! <Your
message makes little sense... No useful data presented... Please read
on WWM re Heterodontids, Cold-water sharks, shark systems,
Disease/health in general. Bob Fenner> Shark Eggs 3/28/07 Hey guys! I just received my first horn shark egg and was wondering how I can candle it? Its hard to see inside because of all the curves. Also Where should the baby be located inside the egg? Middle, bottom, top? My system is chilled and the egg is about 2 months old. Im expecting it to hatch in late or early September. Is this right? <Do read FAQ's here and linked files above. Should find what you are looking for here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm> <<Mmm, no, not likely... the young should be visible... toward the middle of the egg... a flashlight held behind should do. RMF>> Thanks so much. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Horn Shark Egg
3/19/07 Hey crew! I was wondering what i need to do in order to
tell if a horn shark egg had a baby inside <"Candle it"...
strong source light behind... looking> as well as what to do to
hatch it? <Suitable habitat... chilled, rock et all to hang in,
circulation/aeration> I plan on placing it in my 55 gallon <Too
small for long> until it gets a little bigger and can safely go into
a larger tank. It will eventually go into my chilled 400 gallon system.
<Much better> I know these sharks <Is this Heterodontus
francisci? There are a number of sharks with this common name, some
semi-tropical... but not the one from the Californias> prefer cooler
water so no worries (all my tanks have chillers). I have been looking
for a horn shark but this is my first encounter with anyone who has an
egg and I've hatched a few bamboo eggs but would like to ask the
experts and see what they have to say. I'm getting it from a local
guy and he doesn't know too much! Thanks for all the help!
<You've seen my survey article here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm Bob
Fenner> Zebra Horn Shark (Heterodontus zebra) - 12/12/06 The
Zebra Horn Shark (Heterodontus zebra) HAS CAUGHT MY ATTENTION AND VERY
LITTLE IS KNOWN ABOUT THEM! < http://fishbase.sinica.edu.tw/Summary/speciesSummary.php?ID=746&genusname=Heterodontus&speciesname=zebra>
I currently have a Port Jackson shark < http://fishbase.sinica.edu.tw/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=743>
and was wondering if the two were compatible? <Mmm, not very... live
in differing, though over-lapping thermal regimes> Also what other
info can you tell me about these guys? I currently have a Large chilled
system and know these guys don't swim much if any at all! But am
interested! Also i was going to get a horn shark but hear they are no
longer for sale! Why is that? <Got me... likely the "season is
all over" for the year...> my tank is kept at avg temp 0f 66
degrees Celsius and my PJ is great! I give him vitamins and also dip
his varied diet in Garlic extract once a week! I try to keep the food
different and close to what he would eat in the wild. Thanks for all
the help and also the support. You guys are like the fish Guru's!
Thanks so Much! <Mmm, thank you for your kind words... These two
Heterodontid species are compatible behavior-wise, but not
environmentally... one's cold to cool water, the other tropical to
cooler... Bob Fenner> Heterodontus on the way out, no info. 10/24/06 Hey everyone,
I have a quick question, I have a port Jackson, He has stopped eating,
and just lays on the floor with his mouth wide open. The other fish are
starting to nip at his fins and he doesn't even swim away.
What's wrong ?? please help I am very worried regards Adam <...
need useful data... like the make-up of this system, the other
species... You know this is a coldwater shark? Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/portjacksons.htm and the
linked files above. Bob Fenner> SHARK QUESTIONS!! Shark comp., Heterodontid sel. 10/1/06 Hey guys! First and foremost thank you for taking the time to read and answer my questions. I currently have a 240 gallon tank with a sandy bottom, one large piece of live rock and an 18 inch Brownbanded Bamboo shark. My questions are how should i build a cave for her and how big should it be? <Yes to the cave... big enough to easily fit/swim through and rest in... Maybe twice the diameter, plus, of the shark...> also my most important question is can it be housed with a 7 inch shark or will it bite or attack it? <Mmm, a possibility> i know keeping 2 sharks in a 240 is a problem due to the amount of waste they put out, this is a temporary thing while my other tank cycles and i am afraid the bigger shark will injure or kill the smaller less active one!! I feed them twice a week and they eat very well. am not sure if keeping them well fed (offering food no more than twice a week) would help me keep the bigger shark from biting the smaller one. <A good risk...> Can they be housed together or should i divide the tank so the little guy can be safe. <I'd separate if easy to do> Also on your page it says to avoid the California Horn sharks offered. Why is that? <Posted... mainly that the principal species offered, Heterodontus francisci is a cool/cold water species... that folks too often try to keep in tropical settings... Second that it's attempted almost always in too-small settings> please help me find an answer to my questions. This site is great i spent some serious time reading through these articles and it is very helpful. Thank you so much in advance!! <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Port Jackson and? Coldwater/shark systems 9/16/06 Hi everyone, <Adam> Great site, Just a quick question, I have a port Jackson in my tank, and i know its difficult to have coral and a shark in the same tank, but, They have been living quite well together for 6 months, what i want to know is do you think the power heads have a bad effect on the shark, if so is there any thing else i can use instead? thanks Adam <Posted... please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharksystems.htm and the linked files above. No way to tell how much you actually know from what you've posted here... Do read over the article, FAQs on Heterodontids as well. Bob Fenner> Tang and Shark Problems 9/8/06 Hi Bob, <Hi, Chris with you tonight> I was hoping you could advise me on any steps I could take to prevent or dissuade my sailfin tang from nipping the fins of my Port Jackson shark. <Not compatible species for a variety of reasons, primarily that Port Jackson sharks are not from tropical temperate.> I have tried providing Nori for the tang to nibble on, although this only provides a temporary remedy. I would very much like to keep both animals. <Not possible more that short term.> The other inhabitants are a stingray and Flagtail cod which do not seem to get picked on by the tang. <Hope it is a big tank, those are some big fish.> Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Regards, Joe. <Chris> Port Jackson with sleeping fish... Not joking? Not reading - 09/03/06 Hey everyone, <Adam> Just a quick one for you all, I have recently added a port Jackson to my tank, <A cool/cold water animal...> He is great but I'm a bit worried, He is extremely active at night and my clown fish <Not compatible> have a bad habit of falling asleep in the corner of the tank rather than in the Anenome <Ditto> I have for them, do you think I should be worried??? <Yes... these animals are all likely soon to be dead> They have been together for about 2 weeks so far with no real problems, I keep the PJ fed (by hand I might, add he is like a dog) but I don't want to overfeed/leave food in the tank for ammonia reasons, Any suggestions? Thanks Adam <Read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/portjacksons.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Port Jackson Sharks and Reef Tanks. Not 8/29/06 Hi everyone, <Hi> Just a quick question, I have a Port Jackson and I know its very difficult to have both a PJ and coral in the one tank, However I think the tank is big enough (8x3x3) <Not really for a shark that can get 4 feet long.>, what my question is the Jackson seems to dislike the anemone. I have in the tank for my clown fish he has learned to stay away from it, my question is if I have lots of anemones in my tank to keep the shark away from the coral and live rock is that ok? <No> Will it hurt the shark? <Might> Do you think it will be enough to keep him away from the rocks? <No> Thanks Adam <Port Jackson sharks are not tropical species, usually found in cooler waters, mid to upper 60s. Long term survival is doubtful if kept in a tropical environment. Please read http://www.wetwebmedia.com/portjacksons.htm for more.> <Chris> Heterodontid on the skids, no useful data 7/29/06 Hi Bob Fenner I have a juv port Jackson shark with the same problem like Victoria brims of Sydney NSW Australia posted on the 7/27/05. Am wondering if the Epson <Epsom, not the printer company> salts help or not. <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/portjacksons.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Re: PJ Shark like Victoria brims Sydney NSW ... Much
more useful info. 7/31/06 Hi I have the heterodontid on the skids,
no useful data My name's Nev I'm from highlands pets &
produce Emerald QLD Australia. I'm sorry for the lack of
information. I've had the shark two weeks tomorrow, sent to my shop
by mistake with my last order. He is 22cm in length so I've put him
in to a 6x2x2 tank, red sea coral sand, two Eheim power heads, no rock,
four Fluval 405 canisters and a red sea Prizm skimmer xl. I now know I
know very little about sharks after reading on this site. His problem
is raped in a circle to the left now on the floor, <?... this is the
position, posture this animal has taken I take it> still eats well
but when he tries to swim he rolls on to his back. <Not good... but
may be "just young"... This is a Heterodontus zebra? Is it in
a chilled system?> I'm using the Epsom salts & I've
removed all the sand & the two power heads from the tank in case it
is one of them. I've all so change all of his water today. He's
been like this from Friday. He looks to be a little better now, my
supplier thinks he may have had a stroke would this be true. <Mmm,
stress likely, but a stroke? Not> Sorry his water is good at 8.3ph,
amm 0,nitrite 0, nitrate 0,temp 19/20 deg/chiller will be here today.
<Good... this will likely put this fish aright> Food is krill
& squid once a day. If you can shine some light on my problem would
be great, will keep reading more on your site. thanks Nev <This
little shark's troubles are likely stress and cumulative effects
from a too-warm environment. Chilling the water will likely cure all
here in time. I would provide an adequate size "plastic pipe"
or such for it to get out of view, the light... Bob Fenner> Port Jackson Shark...Substrate...Lack Of Research - 07/27/06 Hi guys, <And gals.> Great site, <Thank you.> I have a 4x2x2 saltwater tank, how much reef sand (CaribSea aragonite) should I have in it? is 40lbs (1" evenly spread) enough? Keeping in mind I will be putting a Port Jackson in the tank. <Really doesn't matter how much aragonite you put in the tank as this shark isn't going to be spending much time there anyway. In my opinion, a minimum tank size of 1000 gallons is required along with an excellent filtration system. Do not believe you have researched this fish, but it does grow to a length of five feet and is recommended for expert care level only. I don't believe you fall into this category, wanting to put this fish in a 120 gallon tank. > Regards <And to you. James (Salty Dog)> Adam Port Jackson Shark, comp. sys. 7/16/06 Hey guys great site. <Thanks, but next time please use proper capitalization/grammar, makes our job much easier.> First of all I have a custom corner tank 5x4x4 I built my self at the moment it has a big blue tang an a yellow one (3"), lionfish(4"), a small clown trigger (2"), 2 big tomato clown fish(3") , and a emperor angel(3"). All is good at the moment there are a couple pieces of coral and about 20kgs of live rock but there is a fair bit of open "lay about" area. I really want to get myself a baby port Jackson, 1st of all I have heard ports don't like power heads in the tank, this true? <The electrical current will wreak havoc with their ability to move around the tank.> Will it eat the other fish (even the clowns)? <Probably, if it can catch it and fit it in its mouth it will probably eat it.> Will the clown trigger once it gets big be my biggest problem, will it hurt the shark? <Has happened before.> Can the port and the other fish all live in the same temp. water? <No> What else should I know? <Lots, too much to list here. Please read the listings on WetWeb and pick up Scott Michael's "Sharks and Rays" for more. Keeping sharks is not to be taken lightly.> Help please I really want this shark but I also want to keep my tank the way it is. <Not possible.> Thanks for your help keep up the good work. Regards Adam, Sydney Australia <Welcome> <Chris> Open Sore on Horn Shark 3/4/06 Hello I have a 1 yr old Horn
Shark and just last week i noticed an open sore on his front right fin.
I figured one of the other sharks might have bit him, but then today i
saw an it was bleeding a little bit, he's breathing normally and
swimming only when some walks by to feed him. Could you please tell me
what it is and how could i treat this. Thank You <... Mmm, depends
on the cause... if "just a bite", it will likely heal...
Given the system is fine (large enough, filtered, chilled...). If it
has progressed to an infection... See WWM re: The sections on Shark
Disease, Port Jackson and Coldwater Sharks. Bob Fenner> Port Jackson Shark... eye trouble... lack of useful info. -
1/6/06 My port Jackson seems to have some type of growth on its
eye? Any ideas as to what it is or how I can remove it? All the LFS
suggest either rubbing it of with a finger or rag, <No>
medicating the whole tank (penicillin?), <Negative> to actually
putting Neosporin on the eye? None of those seem logical or safe for my
shark/ tank mates. Any ideas would be great. <... Is this a
Heterodontus francisci? What re its system, tankmates, history of
husbandry, water quality, nutrition... Bob Fenner> Protoreastor linckii Star vs. Port Jackson Shark I have a Protoreastor linckii and my Port Jackson decided he would like to bite off the rip of his arm. Will this grow back, will it get infected, what should I do with the star fish? <Only under ideal water conditions will the arm grow back to its original shape.> Would it hurt to put it in the sump pump (which has some nice rocks in it) for a little while? <I'd get it out of harms way. Its not a good match to start with as the Port Jacksons like 60 degree water temperatures whereas the starfish comes from tropical waters.> Another quick question I have is that all of the sudden my sump pump (Rio 2100) is pumping water back into the tank faster than water drains to the sump, and ideas? Nothing appears to be blocked. <Put a gate valve on your output to allow adjustment of the output. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks, Bill <You're welcome> Port Jackson, Leopard Eel 12/14/05 Hi, <Hello> I have read quite a lot of info. from your site and have gained a great deal of knowledge. So for that I am very grateful. <Me too> I actually live in Sydney Australia where there are a large number of Port Jackson sharks swimming around all over the place. <Neat> My son actually went fishing last week and in a few hours caught (and threw back in) around 20 Port Jackson Sharks. They are pretty much everywhere here. Anyway, I have recently (about 4 months ago) got involved in marine aquariums after 20 years of keeping tropical fresh water fish) and now have a 5 x 2 x 2 (140gal) tank which houses a variety of corals and small marine fish such as a blenny, dwarf angel, small tang, cardinal, banded shrimp and a pair of clowns. I also have 3 x( 4' x 18" x 18" ) 65 gallon tanks. 1 has a 14" zebra eel, one has a 10" port Jackson and the other is a quarantine tank. I have just setup (or in the middle of doing so) a 7' long by 2.5' deep by 2' high (250 gal) tank. Which will have a substrate of crushed coral using a plenum cavity, a 42 gal trickle filter / sump with a 1100 gal pump, a 400gal per hour biological canister filter, and 2 large protein skimmers (one in the sump and one at the other end of the tank). Also connected is a 30watt UV filter and a 1/2hp chiller as well as two 500W heaters in the sump. Inside the tank will be about 60 - 80 pounds of live rock at one end the hide the overflow and setup a few small cave areas. Most of the tank will have no obstructions at all to allow maximum swimming area. Now the question. I have read that the Port Jackson shark rarely grows more than 32inches in captivity even though they can get to over 5' in the ocean. <Okay> The plan is to put the PJS and the eel in the 250gal tank and also add a rather large (about 9 inch) lion fish. I have been told that If I keep the temperature between 74 - 78 (24 - 25 Celsius) then this will be fine for both the shark and the other 2 fish. I was thinking later if all went well to add a 8 inch angel and 7 inch blue tang to add a bit of colour and movement in the tank. Does this all sound feasible. I am looking to do it in the next 2 weeks and your expertise would be invaluable. Thanks in advance Kevin Charles Sturgiss <Always a possibility of predation with the shark, possibly (depending on species... there are a few "leopard eels") with the moray, but all and all sounds like a very nice tank and workable stocking plan. Cheers, Bob Fenner> HI Dragon Eel and PJ Shark 8/7/05 Good Afternoon Mr. Bob Fenner, <Sunday late AM now...> Your articles about the marine creatures are very helpful. I have searched your site and can't find much about the beautiful Hawaiian dragon eel and the port Jackson shark. <Not that much I know re these species> I have a 300 gallon tank with live rocks (a lot) and fish only and the smallest is about 4". I have a white spotted bamboo shark 2 feet long, wrasses, large angels, tangs, large parrot fishes, Catalufa, Dwarf lion, hawk, Hogs, long nose butterfly, Tassle file, unicorn, and Moorish idol. I have all this fish for about 5 1/2 years now and they are all doing great and healthy. Yes, I am very fortunate to have Moorish Idol, Regal Angel, Parrot fishes, yellow tail coris wrasse, Tassle file which are all rated as hard to take care in Scott Michaels marine book for 5 1/2 years now. it is not easy and it requires so much time and work to maintain delicates. My white spotted bamboo is very docile. <Good> My question: Does the HDE and PJS will be compatible with my fishes? <Uhh, no... both these animals will eat your other fishes...> Do they just swallow fishes that will fit in to their mouth, and if so, what is the biggest fish that they can swallow? Do they attack large fishes and then tear them into pieces before eating it? <Both swallow and bite pieces...> Please, e-mail me ASAP. I have the opportunity to have both fishes for a very reasonable price, but even then, I want to know more about these two fishes before putting it on my system. Also, I don't want to jeopardize my fishes that's been with me for almost 5 1/2 years now. Thanks so much for your help and for your time. Please response ASAP. Your help is greatly appreciated. Mark <Again... I would not add these fishes, nor likely any more livestock to this system. Bob Fenner> Buoyancy problem with juvenile PJ shark 7/24/05 Hi Bob, Great
site! I have a fairly urgent question. I've got a number of port
Jackson juveniles (7-10 weeks old). Yesterday one of them began
floating upside down, swimming frantically in circles, and he can not
stay down. I have tried massaging his belly lightly and straightening
him out (as this has worked for PJs I have had in the past) to no
avail. I moved him to a shallow tank on his own but even this is not
helping. I recently had a crested horn shark baby die after having the
same problem for several weeks. What can you suggest and what is
causing this? <Frightening... do you know how these animals were
collected? There are some enteric problems this might be... so my
first, easiest suggestion is to administer Epsom salt to the water (a
level teaspoon per ten gallons of system> I can only assume he has
gulped air at the surface and can't expel it. <Maybe... but
doubtful. Much more likely some sort of food decomposing within the
animal... hopeful the magnesium sulfate will "move it". Bob
Fenner> Thanks Bob Victoria Brims Department of Biological Sciences
Macquarie University Sydney NSW 2109 Re: Patience With Sharks? Or not. 5/7/05 have you ever keep these sharks, are they easy to take care of. thanks <After several messages and your last reply stating your intent to hold off on getting sharks, you give me cause for concern. In answer... yes, I have kept these and several types of sharks. I presently have a 1000 gall chilled pond for a single small pair of Heterodontus. Are they easy... not especially. Not are they especially difficult either. Please resist buying any sharks unless you have the needed space for them and the money/time to support them. Anthony> - Port Jackson Shark Ill - I hope you can help My port Jackson is sick. <I will do my best.> He has not eaten in four days, Here is what happened, I can't figure it out. I have had him about three months now. On Sunday night I fed him like usual, then in the morning he was laying on his side and it has been getting worse. Now he swims or more slides in a circle on his side on the bottom of the tank. The water tests fine Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, SG 125, Temp 65, I don't know what to do. Should I force feed him today since its been four days since he last ate? <I would not bother with food at this time... sharks can go a long while without food, and at this point it's more important to deal with whatever is affecting this shark. Do make a quick check for external contaminants as well as any pumps and/or heaters that may be in the tank with the shark - these should be removed to your sump and away from the shark. For the possibility of contaminants, run a PolyFilter in your filtration path and see if it changes to any of the indicative colors... renew as necessary.> Please help oh and he is still in the 280 I was going to move him this week to the 550 too, what should I do? <I would hold off on the move until the condition is stabilized. Cheers, J -- > - Housing a Port Jackson Shark - I have asked you questions before and you are great your site is the best, I just built the tank for my port Jackson its 450 gallons I am going to run a wet dry with 10000 bio balls, fluidized bed filter and a huge venturi skimmer I am going to run to Mag 5 for the fluidized filter and the de nitrator I have a 3500gph pump to run everything else is this to much flow I am unsure so I thought I would ask also is that enough filtration also I was thinking of a refugium with mangroves what do you think? <I didn't see anything in there about a chiller - these sharks are not tropical and without a chiller will live very short lives. I'd hate to see you set all this up and not get to keep the shark for very long. Please invest in a chiller before you start worrying about mangroves. Once you've got that ironed out, a refugium with mangroves sounds very nice but probably won't produce the foods this animal needs to thrive. Refugiums are very useful for most aquaria but are more applicable on reef and fish only systems - for a shark system, they would assist in water quality, but really your wet/dry filter will be the star of the show [read as most useful].> Thanks Tony <Cheers, J -- > - Pacing Port Jackson - I purchased a port Jackson shark from my LFS yesterday and he is swimming up and down the sides of the tank pocking his nose out of the water, He lives in a 280 oceanic with skimmer wet dry and a canister filter. Water is 77f ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 8.2 sg 124 what would cause the shark to do this he just goes up and down until he gets tired then sits on the bottom please help. <This is a cool water shark, and you're keeping it at tropical temperatures. You need to invest in a chiller now or prepare to lose this animal. More reading for you here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/coolh20sharks.htm > Thanks Tony <Cheers, J -- > - Port Jackson Shark -
Bob Great web site. I'll make it short and sweet. I have a Port
Jackson Shark and I know they are more of a cool water shark. I cannot
get the temperature below 74 degrees and sometimes it gets to 76
degrees. Should I get a chiller, is this too warm for him. <I would
give a very emphatic yes and yes. Considering that I've
photographed this shark in water that was in the mid 60's... 74/76
is much too warm.> He seems to be doing quite well.
<"Seem" being the operative word... being a cold blooded
animal, what is going on behind the veil of seeming is that its
metabolism is increased by the higher water temperatures. Because
I'm in a movie line quoting mode today, I'll give you one -
"The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as
long."> I have had him for about two months and he is looking
good. <Fish are not at all like the mammals we typically encounter
[people, dogs, cats, etc.] Fish can often "seem" to be in
perfect health and be dead an hour later. Please... purchase the
chiller.> Thanks Tom <Cheers, J -- > Horn Sharks 7/16/03 Hi (whoever is on shift)! <Anthony Calfo in your service> I have been entranced and amazed by all sorts of sharks for as long as I can remember. I read whole books and facts I could get on 'em. Recently however, my aunt got a fish tank. When I saw the fish I immediately fell in love with the whole idea. So now, I want to provide a home for a horn shark. I have researched them for months and I have just found a great tank manufacturer. They sell glass tanks very cheap. Now for my first question: What type of horn shark (I've read there is 3 for home aquariums) would you suggest for me? <The H. francisci is most common an least expensive. Ships the best domestically and can be acquired small. There are some zoos even breeding these in great numbers> Will one of the species you suggest do fine in a 280 gallon with just sand and maybe a small cave or rock fixture (with dimensions of 72"x30"x30")? <for a couple of years... but know that they still reach about 3 feet in length. A 6 foot tank would not be right for the over 2 year plan> I know this is slightly less than you recommend. I know they need the water to be around 70 degrees for them to be both moving and comfortable. <70F is really the high end of their ideal range: higher metabolism and shorter life for it> I still need to find out what they eat, and how often though. <a lot of echinoderms in their natural diet. Squid and shell-on shrimp are recommended too. Ocean Nutrition makes a vitamin enriched Shark Formula... recommended> It would be great if you could give me some pointers. I would love a shark tank, but I don't want to be cruel to these wonderful creatures. Thanks a million in advance, Ryan <do look into joining the national Elasmobranch society, and read Scott Michael's Sharks and Rays if you haven't done so already... comb through his references too in the book for suppliers, information sites and more. Best of luck, Anthony> Horn sharks I wanted to know what can a horn shark live with in an aquarium. <Other cool/coldwater organisms that it can't or won't eat... Please take a read through www.WetWebMedia.com using the search term "Horn Shark", and get your hands on Scott Michael's recently redone shark book... will save you a good deal of money and grief. Bob Fenner> California Shark Dreaming Hi again! I'm still going after my crazed 900+220=shark tank + tidepool/bait tank. Due to its size, it would have to be outside, and in SoCal, during summer I don't think I could get the tank below 70, even if I bypassed a chiller to servicing only the main tank on its own separate loop, disconnected from the filter system. <Could be done... with adequate chilling, insulation... but expensive> This filter setup goes overflow-floss/pad-carbon-skimmers (built from pre-made skimmer powerheads to avoid airstones with 3' tubes) - fluidized bed filter-wet dry (to reoxygenate) - refugium-chiller-shark[s]. I was thinking of having a rotating box where the output from the wet-dry would fill it up until it dumped its water into the tidepool, where it would be slowly sucked away by the chillers and back into the tank. is this feasible? <Yes... a few design possibilities here... surge systems, spill-over cammed buckets... but I wouldn't do this. Not enough to be gained for the trouble, added gear, exposure> I am hoping it will simulate waves better, and make the tidepool animals more comfortable. <Our defunct businesses designed, fabricated and installed such systems... mainly for public aquariums and zoos... not hard to do, but require careful planning, upkeep> in the main tank for substrate I am hoping to have mostly beach sand (NOT silica) with some refugium mud and rocks at one for a small macro algae forest, also a large cave for the shark[s] to hide in, or maybe the removable-panel idea from the archives. in the tidepool, a few large rock slabs as the main substrate, with lots of rock and large gravel in the rest to best simulate the tidepool substrate. I am looking at 1-2 H. francisci, with something to stir the sand, any recommendations on what to stir with or sand bed depth would be appreciated. another option in 2 swell and a guitarfish or stingray. <The Heterodontus will keep the upper substrate moved around themselves> would either of these be sufficient for stirring the sand with the 2 horns, or is the bioload too much? <I would start with the Horned Sharks, test the water for accumulating metabolites and add other livestock in a few months> (I'm worried about the crowding, the FBF is going to be enough for 1500 with only 1150 to filter (the extra 30 from all the chillers, piping, skimmers, etc.) in the 220, I'm wide open: Nudibranchs, cucumbers, anemones, octopi, crabs, snails, I know that I really want a small school of Catalina gobies, they are just too cool! what are the regulations on Garibaldi? <Can't be collected from the U.S. coast, but of all things... can be from Baja... and are... and sold in foreign countries. Have your dealer contact the L.A. wholesalers (likely Quality Marine) and ask re their purchase> is it illegal to keep them? do you know any legal places to collect (lightly, over a period of 8-10 months) from tidepools? also, what can I keep as a janitorial crew with the sharks? I figure I would lose crabs, snails, small lobster, etc. quickly. would I just be in for a lot of manual labor? <The last> also, I would be going to college, possibly as far away as Maryland (presently) a couple years after setup of the tank, right now my #1 choice is Humboldt state, in Arcata, CA. <A very fine school, esp. for fisheries.> They have a private aquarium area with a large amount of tanks, so I'm hoping I can overnight the sharks with a battery air pump running a skimmer (about 5) if not, how can I accomplish the 8+ hour transport? <Can be shipped in large Styrofoam boxes in a large truck... with airstones, or if sharks are large (a few feet in length) with 12V fluid-moving pumps... (or if very large sharks with them anesthetized and these pumps recirculating water through their mouths...> I am terribly afraid of temperature stress. I also had problems deciphering the transporting sharks section of the site, any help would be appreciated. Right now I am thinking of using one of the transformers that turn a car outlet into 110v AC to power a chiller, air pump, and maybe the FBF. <Not worth trying to run the/a chiller in transit... you can float containers with ice/cubes if there is very warm weather> is current required for transporting large (for aquarium sharks at least) 3'-5' sharks? also, depending on location, the tank may need to be 8x5x3 instead of 10x4x3 LxWxH which would you say is preferable? <Either will do for Horn Sharks... Anthony's Brother in law has some in an eight by system... in Pittsburgh!> recommendations for supplements needed, water movement, pump styles/names, brands, etc. would be greatly appreciated. For the water coming out of the tidepool, a "wavemaker" <Not necessary. Can run unidirectionally, fine> which turns the powerheads 3 min on, 3 min off would take it out, with either a regular waterfall or the swinging box putting it in, so the water level would go up and down, hopefully simulating the waves as best I can. also, what should the stand be made of? <Either four bys tied together with carriage bolts (for ease of disassembly) and braced in all dimensions, or welded steel, powder-coated...> I am DIY most of the project, and I can't make a steel stand overlaid with wood, which I just learned after reading the site. can you get me in contact with the guy who has the H. francisci in the 800? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/coldshkfaqs.htm fourth and fifth questions from the bottom. <Will cc Anthony here> I would like to learn the specs of his setup, and what kind of plant he has in his "forest" as well as his maintenance routine, and where he obtained the shark. Sorry for the essay of Q's! Robert <No worries. DO your homework as thoroughly as you have time, patience for. Bob Fenner> An albino port Jackson shark The below link is to a short article about an leucistic "albino" shark. A funny error in one of the first lines of the article though: "As adults, they reach a maximum of just three or four feet and feed on a variety of crustaceans such as oysters, mussels and crabs." Heehee... what wrong with this sentence boys and girls? :) <Har! Am feeding Harry (shell nut friend formerly of Amgen) and Kate (a vivacious diver-employee of Big Island Divers... as other friends are out with their wives for a romantic do...) a real crustacean (local palinurid from diving last night). Bob> Ant- http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/sharks/innews/specialyellow2004.html Horn shark I have a Horn Shark that was eating very well up until 2 days ago. It seems a little sluggish and just has no interest in food .. I feed it squid and shrimp.. any ideas ? > Probably a little "indigestion". I definitely would not worry. These animals can and do go without feeding for weeks sometimes... Maybe try a bit of fish fillet in a few days. Bob Fenner Horn shark keeping Hi I am writing to you in regard to
keeping horn shark. I have been keeping horn sharks, catshark and
bamboo sharks for years. I have found keeping them is very easy to do.
I live in Chicago south suburbs. I have kept my horn shark for years
and had no problem related to temperature. My tank is kept between
77-80 at all times. <Do you know what/which species of Horn Shark
you're keeping?> I have been feeding him fresh shrimp from the
store. I house my sharks in 135 gallon tank with four different types
of wrasses. I keep tank my cool family room with oceanic reef filter
and a sea clone protein skimmer. <A small skimmer for such a large
tank, big/messy feeders> My water changes done every two to four
months depending on water test results. <This is a long
interval.> I have also kept fresh water fish in my other tanks for
long as fifteen years. I brought books on sharks and accumulated a
large library of information on them. I hope there more successful
people out there. <Me too> Yours Truly, Mel Hardwick <Thank
you for your input. Will post with the Sharks FAQs on our site, and to
an article covering the family (Heterodontidae) to be written. Be
chatting. Bob Fenner> Big Small Shark Stocking Plans Hello, I was wandering can you have an epaulette and port Jackson shark in a 500 gallon? <Likely so.> and are Portjacksons fish eaters <Like all members of their family, Heterodontidae ("different teeth"), they eat both fishes and hard-shelled invertebrates...> if so how big would the fish have to be for them to be not interested in eating? <Small, slow, unaware enough to either fit in their mouths or a good piece therein> How big would the Portjacksons get in a setup like this with the epaulette and 4 other big fish that would include a honeycomb grouper stars and stripes puffer, queen angel and other big angel? <About thirty inches> Do you see any problems in this stocking list? <Hmm, just a need for big filtration, aeration, circulation. Bob Fenner> Horn Shark Update Hey Bob welcome back! Two months after purchase the Horn Shark I put in my 800 gallon tank is doing way better than expected. The little guy is still about 1'6" still, which is a good size he looks really small in the tank so I know he's got room. How big should I expect him to grow? I figured about 3-4' at most at least that's what I have been reading. <Yes, but likely two and a half foot maximum in your care> Probably less than that though in a captive situation right? Any way he has not been to fond of the lights which are reef intensity from my previous tanks. I lowered the amounts of light considerably, however he continued to hide in the giant cave I built for him in the far left of the tank. I visually reduced the size of the tank by adding a removable panel that matches the wall. This way he can have privacy and when I need to awe some viewers I can take it off and show the entire tank. This has been a great success as he now spends most of his time fishing through the sand or swimming open water. The teeth I can see when I look close appear to be purplish. Is this from the occasional urchin I feed him? <Likely, yes> I'm guessing so, I usually feed him mostly muscles and shrimps and once a week an urchin but lately he's been getting spoiled more like 4 urchins per week. Its hard to tell just how he is getting at the soft body inside he does it so fast its mostly a cloud of sand. Any help on how he pulls this off? <Crushing in mouth, inhaling most all that is edible, blowing rest by gill slits, otherwise passing through spiral intestine...> The water temp now is about 60 which is just about right I think. He had some sort of a corrosion on his tail fin when I got him however it has disappeared and the tail is fully grown again. Any other help/ info on this guy would be appreciated. Thanks Again! <You likely know more than I... should write a husbandry article on this groups (heterodontids) captive care, your experiences, speculations. Bob Fenner> Help for the big tank guy <Heterodontus> Hello again Bob, I have written you in the past about my large systems, 800 gallon angelfish, 500 gallon reef. Now that my house has finally finished all of the cleanup and we're fully settled my tanks finally are too. <Must be a relief!> I sold the contents of my 800 gallon angelfish, most of which funded my 400 gallon office show tank filled with Fathead Anthias, about 22 and Green Chromis about 30 or so, really a spectacular tank especially on a reef setting. <Neat... and all the Sunburst/Fatheads get along?> The Boston Aquarium was generous enough to accept my 16 inch emperor. In return I was hooked up with a deal from a neighboring fish farmer with a 1 1/2 foot horn shark. I put him in the 800 in a cold water setting with very little rock work except for a large cave at one end, mostly large beds of kelp-like grasses to provide a san Francisco bay type setting. The shark seems to be thriving and what I thought would be the biggest eye sore is non existent, him laying on the bottom like in the those undersized nurse shark tanks. Obviously being a Horn Shark he still does this but he is a very active swimmer. He eats well and enjoys the occasional urchin which gets very interesting. <Hmm, yes... I have a pic of a Heterodontus francisci swimming about in Scott Michael's new Shark and Ray book... am quite familiar with this species> What kind of things should I mix into his diet to ensure a long life? <Most anything will do... the name "hetero" and "don't" point up the fact that these small temperate and tropical sharks can/do eat hard-bodied organisms... like the urchins you mentioned, clams, crustaceans... as well as fish...> He thrives in the cold water but how cold is too cold? <Below 50 F. or so. But I would keep mine at nearer 70 F. so you don't go broke chilling water, and your shark will move about more at this elevated temperature.> Its been a pleasure to do this project the right way, the fish has lots of swimming room and it really looks great. The 500 is taking on full life, it turns the corner of my living room into the hall and is longer then wider, more so than usual. I have added a lot of water flow on the branched off section that's in the hall (about 100 gallons of room there) to accommodate my final additions, 3 Jewel Tangs, (Acanthurus guttatus), thanks to the Marine Center. <Wow, have rarely seen this species kept... just not offered in the trade... congratulations> Its kinda like a surge zone with only the hardiest of my corals. Its a pretty cool effect. The Semilarvatus B'flys are growing nicely, all three are now about 6 inches. The Sohal has also maxed out at about 9 inches now. Most of the little fish have been removed except for the occasional cleaner wrasse, I think I still have two, and a group of Catalina Gobies that have really done better than expected in their own little territory near the far glass against a rock wall. What other requirements do the Jewel tangs have? <About the same as the Naso lituratus... lots of room, rock, greenery to eat, water movement> They seem to be healthy after a month of quarantine (I was extra cautious be it I never used e-fish purchasing before. They only feed really well on Nori right now though. What else do they eat? <Mostly green, brown, red algae, but will eventually take most all foods> The Majestic Angel was also removed after he suddenly went violent on my corals. Any reason for this? <Just happens at times> Thanks for all the help, you've contributed a good deal to helping my tanks get to the way they are at this point, nice and steady. Kev <Outstanding. Glad to have helped. Bob Fenner> 55 gallon shark aquarium? I was wondering if a 55 gallon aquarium would be large enough for a Hornshark or a banded shark, possibly if raised from an egg to try and keep its size down? <Only for a very small individual for a few months> Or would they really need a bigger aquarium for when they mature in size? -Evan Glisson <You are correct... a much larger system as it would grow... along with sufficient filtration/aeration/circulation. Please read through the "Shark" and "Cartilaginous Fishes" sections, FAQs posted on our website: www.WetWebMedia.com for more. Bob Fenner> Shark and ray pond/lagoon at home Hi Bob- I have a question
regarding using sharks and rays in an outdoor pond/lagoon. I have a
shady courtyard in front of my house where my wife and I would like to
put an in-ground small pond. <Good for thermal insulation> I have
enjoyed my 80 gallon reef tank for years and would love to find a way
to make an outdoor saltwater environment work (not much of a Koi fan),
but I'm having trouble gathering good information on this topic.
<Have seen a few, and built a couple of largish marine features of
this sort...> I live in Southern California - great climate (40 F -
90 F) air temperature year round and about 20 minutes from the ocean.
(so obviously pumping in ocean water won't happen!) <We live in
San Diego... more inland than you...> The size of the area is going
to be about 10' x 10' and 2-3' feet deep, so I'll have
great surface area and room for them to turn. The courtyard is also
well protected with 4 walls. So, Is it possible/difficult??
<Possible, not terribly difficult> Would I need a heater/chiller?
<Yes... a heater during the Winter, or chiller during the Summer,
depending on what species you are interested in... to keep temperatures
"about" steady> What type of pump/skimmer? <Look around
for good service factor (operating cost) and no need to be fully-rated
(can do fractional RPMs)... There are a few companies that make/use
units here... look for Baldor motors... Skimmers... either stock large
EuroReef, Sanders unit... or maybe a DIY or RK2 product... see the
WetWebMedia.com marine links here> How many/what types would do
well? Would my wife divorce me when she sees the bill? Thanks for the
help! <Livestock... either cool or tropical... some input posted on
WWM under "Shark Selection FAQs"... and references to other
sources of info... Re spouse, electrical costs... who can say?
Can/should all be calculated in advance of digging... Bob
Fenner> Little Tank of Horror (sharks?!?) What's up guys, I have a question to add to your list. I am currently upgrading from a 55 gal. tank ( 48 x 12 x 24 ) to a 125 gal. tank ( 72 x 18 x 22 ) with two prefilters drilled, a Rio 4100 pump, a 150 gal. wet/dry, a protein skimmer rated for 150 gal. ( I saw one in my LFS but can't remember the brand ) & two 72 inch VHO lamps. I plan to have 80 lbs. of live sand & a few live rocks in the center - but otherwise pretty barren so the sharks can have as much room as possible. I was contemplating on getting 2 Sleeper Gobies (Valenciennea strigata ), or 2 Yellow Head Jawfish ( Opistognathus aurifrons ) & a Reef Lobster (Enoplometopus daumi ). I want to know what's the best tankmates for sharks? I currently have 2 Leopard sharks, a Horn shark (Heterodontus francisci ), a Whitespotted Bamboo shark, & a Brownbanded Bamboo shark all about 1 foot in length. I figure the lobster would have to be 1/3 the length of my sharks. What's your opinion on worthy tankmates & some cleaner - uppers? By the way Love the site!! <Adrian...let me first say that I appreciate the fact that you made contact in search of information at all. And that any imperative tone in my reply that follows is in no way disrespectful, but rather disbelief. Indeed. When I read the query... I thought at first it was joke. But is seems that the questions and reality of the tank are quite serious. Frankly... I am horrified that someone sold you any ONE of the above mentioned sharks let alone five for 55 gallon tank (or a three hundred gallon for that matter)!!! I'm disappointed that you didn't have the slightest inclination at any point that putting five one foot sharks into your tank was not even possible let alone ethical. You do need help with your tank, my friend, and your charges that you admire so well are in very grave danger even in the soon to be upgraded 125 gallon tank. To answer your question... none of the fish or lobster will be compatible with these sharks in any sized tank short of a swimming pool. The smallest shark species you have mentioned (the bamboos) still attain a feet of 3 feet in length. The leopards are recorded at nine(!) feet in length and are sure to reach at least six. Keeping any one of these sharks in a 55 gallon tank is cruel. You need to find aquaria to donate or sell these fish to or build an extraordinary pool. Else, they will all be dead in your 125 gallon tank within a year for various reasons if not months... you can be as sure of that as the sun will rise. Please forgive me if I sound accusatory or at least critical. But I am very upset. You have been poorly advised and to some extent let yourself be so. As aquarists we must properly research an animal before we take it into our care to give the miracle of life its proper respect. You clearly need more information about shark husbandry. If we as aquarists do not manage our resources responsibly... we run the risk of having the privilege to do so legislated away from us. Your sharks suffering and dying in a cramped tank serves no purpose. Please, my friend...take heed. Anthony Calfo> Horn shark I am looking for some info on the care and species info on the horn shark, Are they compatible with small marine fish? What do they eat? How much room do they need? How big do they get ? etc... Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jeff <There are a few species of Horn Sharks, family Heterodontidae, offered from time to time in the trade... the cooler water Californian, Heterodontus francisci, and the more tropical, H. portusjacksoni mainly... though the pretty H. zebra is occasionally seen... and there are five more species in the genus... They eat invertebrates found on the bottom and small fishes... most get to about four feet long. Need aquariums in the hundreds to thousands of gallons size. Not compatible with small marine fishes... will eat them if hungry, or the opportunity arises. Bob Fenner> Subtropical Shark Selection Hello bob, Hope everything is good I just have 2 questions are the Portjackson sharks from Australia coldwater or warmer? <Cooler, sub tropical heterodontids/Horn Sharks... from Southern Australia, Heterodontus portusjacksoni... more tropical Heterodontus zebra from up north> How big of a tank do these need. <Hundreds of gallons. Lots of bottom area, darkened spots, a cave or two to hide in a good part of the time.> These are the ones they have in the collectors corner on ffexpress. <Mmm, a fabulous species. Bob Fenner> Hello AGAIN (Shark System) Hey, can't get rid of me, huh. I'm annoying like that. Anyway, my parents felt badly about the loss of my shark as do I, they say that if I get straight A's, they will let me get the shark tank of my dreams. As you know I am very passionate for them, but do not know much about. The tank is 500 hundred gallon, the popular for Bonnethead Sharks I see. I was wondering if this would be sufficient. <Good for many of the smaller popular sharks. Please see Bob's articles regarding the good and bad shark choices here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharks.htm and pick one with an adult size under 4 feet.> a Cyclone Biofilter with a protein skimmer made in it. Only about $549. (everything is made to adjust to a 500) A cyclone 1/2 HP Chiller. About $1279. 2 CAP Aqua Pumps, flow 1250 gallon per hour. <You need larger pumps and they really should be external ones. Two pumps rated at 2500 gph each would be my choice.> (you know current, they say sharks love current, I don't know.) $167.98. A UV Sterilizer, $409.99. And the Big Finale, the 96x48x30 500 gallon, Tenecor acrylic aquarium $2,385 and a Oak Stand and Canopy Set, $2517. I think I am getting ripped off with the canopy and stand being more expensive than the aquarium, don't you think? <Get several quotes.> The total Price $7309.97. That is not too bad is it? And I was wondering, what kind of sharks can I house in there, and how many. Is the filter sufficient, too much too little? I was thinking maybe a baby Bonnethead, but how much are those? What about a Port Jackson Shark? What are the price ranges on all these sharks? I am dying to know. <Answers to all of the above questions can be found at the link listed previous or in Scott Michael's book "Sharks & Rays" which should be your first purchase.> Thanks again Bob, for Everything, Alvin Chan P.S. Please tell me if I am getting cheated with anything. :) <Good luck! -Steven Pro>
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