Genus Chironephthya: Similar to sea fans, but lack central
axis... and to Siphonogorgia, but polyps are able to retract to their
own calyx.
Chironephthya sp. Fiji
pic. |
Chironephthya sp. N. Sulawesi pix. |
Genus Siphonogorgia: Superficially resemble Gorgonians.
Polyps clustered toward ends of branches, absent from lower trunk,
branches. No internal "axis" like sea fans. Can be completely
withdrawn. Western Pacific; Philippines, Belau, Solomon Islands. Common
on reef slopes, overhangs at times.
Siphonogorgia sp. Red Sea, Indo-Pacific.
Plankton feeders like the true Sea Fans. Have erect two-dimensional
branched colonies. Main stem and principal branches bear few
polyps. Polyps vary in color per individual. To two feet in height.
This one in the Red Sea. |
