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Looking for: Lynx Nudibranch’ A.K.A Phidiana lynceus
1/13/14 Compatibility of fishes: Adding Cukes or
Nudi's to an established system. 4/16/2009 Sea Slug Feeding: Sponge-Eating Nudibranch
Gift -- Say It Isn't So! 4/4/10 Phyllodesmium to rid Xenia? 6/26/08 Crew - Phyllodesmium is a common Nudibranch predator on a variety of soft corals, and often mimic their preferred prey. From my research, the Nudi that resembles Xenia will eat it exclusively. My friend has one to eradicate the Xenia in his tank... which it's doing a good job of. As soon as it's completed the task he suggested I use it for the same to get rid of my Xenia - which I want to do. Your thoughts are very much appreciated on this tactic to rid my tank of Xenia. <Worth trying... I have seen this genus of Nudi on other than pulsing soft coral species in the wild. Bob Fenner> Berghia Nudibranchs...Where To Find Them? -- 10/17/07 Hello Crew. <<Howdy Paul>> I live in the UK and am wondering where on earth I can get these Berghia Nudibranchs? <<Several e-tailers have them available>> I have spoken to my LFS and he just looked at me blankly. <<Mmm...would hope/expect a fish store to be more 'up' on things...>> Do you know of any online retailers? <<Here's one: http://coralsandbar.com/index.php?productID=144>> Are they effective against the pest glass Anemones? <<If you mean Aiptasia, yes...but within reason. I would not expect a 'miracle' overnight>> I have bought a Copperband Butterfly but he is not showing much interest in them at the moment. <<Indeed...some go right after them, but tend to prefer the very new/small specimens. And most all learn to wait for/like the supplemental feedings we do more>> Have loads of the dam things and (foolishly) tried to squish them and now there's more. <<Ooooh...bad move...>> Or am I better just giving up on the natural method and start nuking them with 'Joe's Juice' as my LFS calls it. <<Actually, you will likely find that a combination of the methods works best>> Many thanks again, sorry for asking a question you have probably been asked a thousand times before. <<Much 'is' covered here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudiaipfaqs.htm >> Paul <<Regards, EricR>> Berghia Nudibranchs: Do They Work? YES! 5/13/07 Hello, <Hi Ryan!> just an FYI for your readers. I purchased 4 Berghia nudibranchs a while back, maybe 4-5 months ago, raised in a 10-gallon tank and introduced into my main system (92 gallon reef). I would guess that I had 100 Aiptasia at minimum, a lot of small ones and constant reproduction (I could see the babies floating daily). I raised the small nudibranchs in a 10-gallon tank, introducing Aiptasia covered rocks as the others became clean. I did notice some eggs, and at the time I introduced into the main system could only find 2 nudibranchs, but had eggs at the same time. <Yes, they do reproduce well in captivity.> One night while feeding my corals, with a flashlight, noticed something odd that I thought was a strange anemone, it took me a few minutes but to my surprise (after weeks of not seeing any) it was a absolutely huge Berghia Nudibranch, my guess 3 inches, way beyond max. growth. I have not seen any since that night sadly, which was at least a month ago. I hadn't been paying attention to the Aiptasia population but the other day looked around a bit, I found 4, out of 100 minimum and they are all small. Well to say the least I was amazed, and a bit sad, I know the Berghia more than likely perished before I could catch them in time. <Berghia are obligate Aiptasia eaters and will starve in the absence of Aiptasia.> I will be "nuking" the remaining Aiptasia when I do a water change, but I am still in amazement at what happened in a short period of time! I also have a fish that is on the no Berghia list, a Sunrise Pseudochromis (Pseudochromis flavivertex), which apparently did not cause an issue. Anyway I just thought I would share something positive, and hopefully this problem is over, if not, I know how to fix it. Your site is truly a great resource that I try to read daily. <Glad you like it!> Thanks, Ryan. <Thank you for sharing and contributing to the site! Mich> Stinging Hydroids HELP w/ pred. control - 4/7/07 Once again I'm back for expert advice.. <Okay> I've done some extensive reading on stinging hydroids on your site. In fact, I've found my pests picture here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoanidfaq.htm Article: Bad boyz- hydroids 12/30/03 You've mentioned in other articles that these have few reef safe predators. <Yes... though these are often quite "species specific"> What would the predators be of the "tube like coiled at the base" string hydroids ? Nudibranch is one critter that keeps coming up. <Some species... definitely not many/all> I have sooo many at this point, scraping them off would take forever. Thanks, Chris <Well... the path may be long here... and not one I would take... experimenting blindly... If you want to go this predator route, FIRST (dang, that's bright), you should determine as closely as practical, which species of Hydroid you have... will require the use of reference works, a microscope likely... I'd try writing some folks on the Net who work in the field of taxonomy, biology of the Hydrozoans for suggestions here... Bob Fenner> Hi Crew :) ... Nudibranchs? 12/30/2005 Hi Everybody, <C.B.> I have to thank you for the beautiful website... I've been keeping fish over 20 years and keeping'em alive :) I am new to the saltwater just about 3 years now. Dropped out before the second year of marine biology and kinda sad about it. BUT! I found your beautiful website and got addicted !!!! THANK YOU. (yeah literally I make my coffee, sit down and read for hours) Anyway let's get down to business , LOL. <Heee!> I've been reading about nudibranchs (because I figured yesterday I got one about a year) " http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudispt3.htm " right here. At the "Collecting" section, the statement duplicates as, "Can be done worldwide (check re local permits) in shallow cool to tropical seas. You have to look closely. Some are only a few millimeters long; big ones are only inches. Often they are cryptically colored and patterned, blending in with the habitat; generally their preferred food. Which brings us to eating again. Collect or buy their food with them. Make sure you're getting what they're feeding on. You can tell by observing carefully. Look for a "chew trail" (Okay, I just made up that last term). !!!!! <A good one> Million thanks for the work guys!!! BoraBora <The operative term might be "can" here... Nudibranchs can be collected... and hopefully returned if they don't fare well. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Pteraeolidia ianthina availability... Hydroid control 11/13/05 Need to purchase Pteraeolidia ianthina to control nuisance hydroid in my 125 gal reef tank. Can you advise? Thank you. Pat Boss Breezy Point Resort http://www.breezypointresortozarks.com/ <Mmm, take the last "i" out of the species name and send your request to the seaslugforum.net and to wholesalers (via your LFS and online marine livestock wholesalers like Fosters & Smith, Marine Depot... and hope. Common in the P.I., not in the trade. I'd be looking for other control possibilities. Bob Fenner> Re: Hydroid eating Nudibranch 11/14/05 Mr. Fenner, I apologize for any misspellings, but I got my information from the Julian Sprung Invertebrates book and I doubled checked the spelling and it is correct per his book on page 98. <Mmm, no worries... just thought you might want to know of the other spelling... for checking purposes> For my lack of knowledge and really wanting to correct this problem, please help me find another solution. I live at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri in a remote area and would really appreciate your expertise. Please respond. Deb Brayton, a wanna be great aquarist. <Mmm, have you read much re hydroids? Know the species or genus you believe to be dealing with? BobF> Spanish Dancer sin Castanetas, Ay - 11/12/2005 Hello. I just got a Spanish dancer for my 75 gallon saltwater tank. I was wondering if you know anything about them? Also what do they eat? <Really should address these issues prior to purchase. Some info. located here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudibran.htm . - Josh> Buying Berghia Nudibranchs 1/4/05 Hi crew my 60 gal reef tank is over run with rock anemones. I'm tried injecting them with boiling water, and have some luck killing them. I've looked all over the web, and have hade no luck finding Berghia Nudibranchs for sale. Do you know were to buy them. I've heard you can not get them in the U. S. Thanks for time Skyler Allingham <cheers, Skyler... no worries, you can indeed buy these useful nudibranchs here in the US. I have cultured them for years as others have, and seeded more than a few friends with them. Do look at the info we have here on them at wetwebmedia.com with a keyword google search from our home page... also an article of mine in January 2004 reefkeeping.com, as I recall. Be sure to run down the bibliographic references in all such articles for even more information. For a source to buy them from... do try www.inlandaquatics.com and tell Morgan that Bob and Anthony said Hi! :) He's a great chap and compliment to our industry. If Morg does not have any available, please feel welcome to write back and I will call around to friends for you for a source. Kindly, Anthony Calfo> New Nudi hi <Hello there> I recently made a Nudibranch the latest addition to my tank..... the guy at my LFS said it was very sturdy and that it ate algae <Uh, no> ...well... by checking your website I fear that its a H. bullocki or some thing very similar...I don't have pics but ill describe the best I can....its a deep purple...a white band going around it (more solid than in most pics of bullockis I've seen) orange "feelers" and orange "gills " surrounding the anal gland.....ok...my problem...obviously not knowing what type the little guy is I don't know how to care for it...I've had it for 24 hrs and now it wont stick to anything...its secreting from its anal gland but if it is touched then it retracts all that is orange....so I have some faith that it is alive .....I just don't know how to keep it alive...and now I'm afraid of the secretions being toxic.....what should I do? <Take it back> thanks Danielle <Please, DON'T buy livestock w/o knowing what it is, its care requirements. Bob Fenner> Nudibranchs Dear Bob, Are there any of the above subject that do well in a closed marine system. I have heard rumors that some are strictly algae eaters. Thank you, James Gasta <There are some folks who purport/report that some Nudibranchs are much more aquarium-hardy than others. I personally have never had any that did well though. My further "Nudi" input: http://www.WetWebMedia.com/nudibran.htm and do read through the WWM site re other/better algae eaters, better schemes overall to manage algae. Bob Fenner> Aiptasia Hello Robert, <Claude... Anthony Calfo here in your service while Bob is on holiday in Australia> It has been a long time since we had a talk...I hope you're well and healthy. So do I, I hope so at least. <indeed, and the same to your my friend. We will in fact be traveling to your part of the world soon. A trip to Nuremberg, Germany in May. At least... it is a lot closer than America is to Belgium <smile>> Well, I write you today to ask a question about Berghia verrucornis. You see, my retailer in fishes who is also a friend can't afford this Nudibranch. I told him I'll ask you and see what your answer will be. So, I have set the question, be so kind to read it and to answer when it past. In the mean time I send you my best and most friendly regards. Claude with a salute from Belgium. <and a kind salute from the USA to you. Please tell me if your question is how to care for Berghia or where to get them? With kind regards, Anthony Calfo> Claude Declercq, Belgium Berghia and Belgium Hello Anthony, <Greetings, my friend!> Well, please do accept my apologizes if I didn't explain myself good. <no worries at all> Indeed it goes over how to get them in quantities for sale as retailer). I thank you for the rapidity you have yet answered me and you may say to Bob from me "he is a lucky man to have holidays now". I wish him all the best a man can wish and to you all who come to Europe in a while, a good trip and a nice stay here. <I will do so and thank you!> I see (no offense) that as a lot of Americans, you are not a great geographer, ah, ah, ah. because Belgium must be two or three hundred kilometers nearer of America than Nurnberg is. At the other side, Belgium is a little country, more little of Germany but it is good to live here. <alas... it is true that many Americans are not at all well schooled on world geography> With all friendship. Claude. <In answer to your question, my friend. I am not aware of many places that wholesale the Berghia Nudibranchs. Their production is still so low with a demand so high that most if not all are sold at retail prices. One such place is on the web at http://www.inlandaquatics.com/ you might look them up to see how their availability is. There is a very nice fellow there named Morgan Lidster who perhaps can advise you if they cannot serve you. Otherwise, I will post this request on the WWM board and perhaps some daily readers might write in with knowledge of a farmer with a large supply of these Nudibranchs for sale> By the way what do you think of the WWM in French? It begin to take scope, is it not? <very exciting indeed! With kind regards, Anthony> Claude Declercq Nudibranch I want to get some Nudibranchs or other sea slugs. <Please see here, http://www.WetWebMedia.com/nudibran.htm, regarding their extremely poor track record in captivity. There are a few that are suitable, but the vast majority starve to death.> My Tank is 200+ Gallons and is fish/invertebrate (No Coral). Invertebrates: I have various hermit and other crabs (Anemone, Porcelain, Red/Blue leg hermits, etc.), Flame Scallops, Cucumbers, Condy Anemones, Starfish, snails (Cowries, Tulip and Flamingo Tongues) and several species of Urchins. Fish are a mixed bag of Damsels, Gobies, Wrasses, a Lion, etc. My question is, can I introduce sea slugs/Nudibranchs into this environment and if, so, what types would you recommend and what are possible conflicts I might encounter. I realize this is a pretty broad question and I very much appreciate your thoughts. Thanks, Don Tope <Good luck to you in your endeavor. -Steven Pro> Nudibranch Where can I find a Berghia verrucornis? I have looked every where from Knoxville, TN to Atlanta, GA. Any ideas? <I know at times Inland Aquatics http://www.inlandaquatics.com/ has some for sale. Otherwise, when I typed "Berghia" into Yahoo, I got 284 hits. I am sure one of those is for sale. -Steven Pro> Lettuce Nudibranch in Refugium 2/16/03 Dear Crew, Looking for interesting livestock for my refugium whose main purpose is to grow raise "pods", peppermint shrimp, <FWIW... I would leave the shrimp (all shrimp/crabs) out. They eat more than they contribute (larvae). I feel that biodiversity will be slightly better without them> and red Gracilaria algae <good choice... give high light and high water flow for best results> I came across the Lettuce Nudibranch advertised as a good micro algae eater. ($6.50). <agreed: Elysia crispata = Tridachia crispata), the Lettuce Sea slug: hails from the Tropical West Atlantic. This highly variable species is feeds on various species of macroalgae. They grow 2-4 " (5-10cm) and their colors vary considerably including a remarkable teal-blue variety. The frilly convolutions of the body become exaggerated with light exposure. This sea slug is photosynthetic, using the chloroplasts of ingested algae for photosynthesis. [caption from new image with species in new book]> WWM has wonderful info on Nudis but not this species. Most covered are carnivores.. Is this one vegetarian and would it be good and interesting addition to the large refugium which is rich in green micro algae? <Elysia are very good grazers... but more on nuisance algae like Bryopsis. I realize that you are not trying to encourage this sort of algae and I hope that your success growing Gracilaria limits nutrients and prevents any such algae from growing. In turn... a lettuce sea slug may starve. I would wait on buying this little bugger> (2 years in the hobby and bought nothing which is not WWM recommended Howard in Wisconsin <best regards, my fried. Anthony> Re: Aiptasia pests (Nudi predators) and WWM Search help Hey Gang, how ya doin'? Here's a link for the Berghia Nudi's that eat them unwanted Aiptasia Anemones. htm://www.seaslugs.com/. As I hear they are hard to come by, (not the Aiptasia !) , I thought I'd throw this link your way. Thanks for all the help the WWM crew has been to me in the past. Scott in Denver PS. If folks flooding y'all with questions would simply type, in the search engine, the key word they are asking about, then hit the "cached" under the FAQs the search pulled up, they could get to the answers they're looking for without asking the question thru a emailed question, (if that made any sense!), maybe lighten the load on the crew!. <Thanks much for both these inputs. Bob Fenner> -Sources for Berghia Nudibranchs- Does anyone know where these might be available? I am very much in need of a few and nobody seems to have them (Inland, Customaquatic, seaslugs.com, nobody!). <Oooh, I was just going to suggest Inland Aquatics. You may want to start up a thread on ReefCentral or Reefs.org, there are many hobbyists growing these guys.> If anyone has ideas or knows breeders somewhere, I'd be much obliged. Sailfin tang destroyed a CBS in 2 days, peppermint shrimp are doing nothing, and the syringe method will have me going nutso every week or two if it comes to that. <It never hurts to syringe a few here and there!> Thanks, Joel <I wish you luck on your search! -Kevin> Berghia Nudibranchs Hi Bob, <Rob> Do you know of any good sources that currently have Berghia Nudibranchs in stock? I was breeding them, but I failed to fill my tank with water prior to vacation (my attention was focused on my new show tanks) my Rio burned out and my Berghia population crashed with my Aiptasia tank. <Mmm, don't "get out and about" (as often as I'd like) in the circles that might familiarize me with who's culturing these... I encourage you to post your request on the various hobbyist BB's like Reefs.org, http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/, ReefCentral...> I have a huge demand for them (as you can imagine). <Oh yes. You might try breeding, raising them yourself... can be quite profitable, and takes little space, time.> Thank you for your time. Best regards, Rob Ferguson <Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Seeking Berghia Nudibranchs 8/2/03 I've checked all the sources on Berghia on the site and haven't had any luck finding any. Inland may have some next week. <Inland aquatics is my first choice for seeking/referring folks for Berghia> Aquatic wildlife (formerly captivebredcorals ?) is in the process of moving and disconnected their phones. I was in contact with Les (guy that runs the Berghia, etc.) trying to wholesale 60 Berghia from him but they were disconnected prior to him getting back to me. Do you have their new contact info? their new web address is here: http://captivebredcorals.shopbt.com/WS4D_Cookie=8.2.03_14,06,00_219654/index.ws4d > Thank you, Rob Ferguson <you might also try networking the big message boards that have club forums. I have been to many aquarium clubs that have small-scale production of these Opistos among club members. Best regards, Anthony> Hypselodoris Hi! I recently purchased a Hypselodoris bullockii -(pink/purple slug thingy) the salesman had assured me it ate algae and is low maintenance. after I got home I looked it up on the internet (which I should of done before I bought it)... and found little information... but apparently they are impossible to keep alive... since Mr. pink is already in my aquarium... I don't want to give up on him so soon... do you have any information on these guys? I read they have a picky diet of Dysidea and Aplyilla sponges... I am also concerned about if he tragically does die, would he infect my take with toxins and what-nots. any information would be appreciated. Thanks! Angie <You learned a valuable lesson today, let the buyer beware. You are correct, they eat sponges. Nothing you can really do at this point. You are also correct, there is a potential for release of toxins into your tank water upon its death. I would try to return him and get your money back. -Steven Pro> A Bornella from the Bahamas Dear Bob, I saw your post on Bill Rudman's forum. Can you tell me where you found the Bornella in the Bahamas. I would love to photograph it. Thank you, Anne DuPont <If memory serves... on the north side of Providence. You're welcome to scans of my images of the species if you can't find it. Bob Fenner> Where to buy Berghia Nudibranchs 11/19/04 Where can I purchase some Berghia Nudibranchs. I would like to breed them in my 35 gal refugium to eat the Aiptasia in my 100 gal reef tank. Georgie <do try: inlandaquatics.com or coralsandbar.com if these do not pan out, write back to me and I will find other sources for you. Kindly, Anthony> |
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