Unknown damsel
<Mmm, your image files... are too dang big Scotter!>
Inherited this from a guy getting out of the business. Can you
tell me what type of fish it is? Assumed it was a damsel...
possibly cyanea? Just not sure. It's a deep blue in color and
about 3.5 to 4 inches long and they said they had it about 5
years. Any information would be great!!!
<Looks to be some Stegastes sp. See here:
and fishbase.org... Allen's works...
Stegastes planifrons 9/9/05 Dear Dr. Fenner, <Just Bob,
please. I have no doctorate> For our courses about the coral reef
environment, I am searching for two pictures of Stegastes planifrons:
juvenile and adult. I saw your Stegastes planifrons pictures on
wetwebfotos.com. Could you please tell me if it would be possible for
us to use your picture and what the conditions are? Thank you, Stephan
Becker <You qualify as an educational institution for free use of
this content. JasonC, will you please connect these folks so they can
download these images? Bob Fenner> < http://www.beautifuloceans.com/> Beautiful Oceans Stephan
Becker BBA, MMH, DiplEnv.
President CEO
TWA Damsel i.d. I'm not sure if your
organization offers assistance like this, but thought I'd try
anyway. I am trying to identify the fish shown in the attached
picture. I took the photo in May 2000 while diving off the coast of
Antigua . I've gone through various fish identification
references, but haven't found a match yet. I thought it might
be some sort of damselfish. Any help you could provide would be
appreciated. <It is a Damsel, likely Stegastes planifrons.
Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stegastes.htm Bob
Thanks, Jared |
