FAQs about Xanthichthys Triggerfishes,
Related FAQs: Xanthichthys
Triggers 1, Xanthichthys Triggers
2, & FAQs on Xanthichthys
Identification, Xanthichthys
Behavior, Xanthichthys
Compatibility, Xanthichthys
Selection, Xanthichthys
Feeding, Xanthichthys
Disease, Xanthichthys
Reproduction, & Triggerfishes
in General, Triggerfish: Identification,
Selection, Selection 2,
Behavior, Systems,
Triggerfish Health
2, Reproduction,
Related Articles: Xanthichthys
Triggers, Triggerfish, Red Sea
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Sargassum trigger, beh., sys.
I have a Redtail triggerfish a 57 gallon tank.
<Mmm, needs more room than this>
I know he's supposed to be in a bigger tank but he is a small fish at 3
inches. I know I can house him in this tank for a year before he gets
big enough to transport into a bigger tank or donate into my lfs.
My question is that he likes to swim in circles around my MP 40 during
random parts of the day. Is this a normal thing for a triggerfish to do
or do you have any knowledge that triggerfish like doing this in
Thank you.
<Is normal to be active... swim in patterns; but this can likewise be
symptomatic of neurotic behavior; being bored...
Bob Fenner>
My Blue Jaw Trigger Jumped :(
Well, I have to share this with someone -- and I think you guys/gals
might really care.
<We do>
My blue-jaw trigger decided to jump today after being in my 125g
(6') for about 2 years. I had a pair of them (supposed to be a
mated pair -- not!).
I took one out to my LFS to keep the other one happy. He's had the
run of the tank for 6 months or more. Today, he decided to carpet surf
-- for what reason I don't know! I found him too late to revive. I
did revive a 6-line wrasse once -- he's never jumped again!
Anyway -- I'm pretty bummed about it -- just thought I cry on
someone's shoulder :(
<The only group I've yet to witness that can't/don't
leap are some of the Gasterosteiforms (Seahorses, Pipes)...! Cheers,
Bob Fenner>
Re: My Blue Jaw Trigger Jumped :(
Thanks for the note, Bob. Funny how things happen. I was thinking of
selling the trigger to someone with a larger tank. As you know,
triggers really love to swim. This guy was on the move constantly. I
was a bit concerned that he didn't have the room he wanted even in
my 6' tank. Of course, this is not how I wanted to part with him.
I'm left with a Naso, Yellow Tang, 6-line, blenny, copper banded
butterfly, and flame angel.
Everyone gets along fine -- and frankly, things seem much calmer.
Are you going to Des Moines?
<I am not. I only attend such venues as a presenter, and none of the
vendors (in the trade) nor the current club have asked for my help. Am
off to Fiji for a couple months instead. BobF>
Re: My Blue Jaw Trigger Jumped :( 6-10-11
Hey Hey Hey -- Fiji beats Des Moines (or most any place) day in day
Have a wonderful trip -- post some pics when you return.
<Will do so assuredly Gene. Cheers, BobF>
Xanthichthys auromarginatus (blue throat trigger)
Sys. 1/13/11
Hey crew
After extensive research over the forums on the WWM site, I can't
find the survivability rating for the Xanthichthys auromarginatus (blue
throat trigger). Bob states that these triggers languish in aquariums
any smaller than 1000 gallons
<Mmm, no. Where have you seen this?>
yet I have read some of the crew members having success keeping them in
tanks much smaller. The headline above this genus says "Not mean
but not necessarily hardy.....". I purchased a 4" male who is
a little shy but is eating and swimming most of the time. What are my
chances of keeping this guy alive and well in a 90gal FOWLR with great
filtration and a protein skimmer with plenty of hiding
<Pretty good...>
I don't believe in keeping fish that have a better chance of
perishing than surviving so I will take him back to the store and get a
credit if there is a bigger chance he won't make it. What do you
think? Would love
to hear from Bob on this one.
Thanks, Jay
<This is an exemplary species of Balistid... Relatively hardy and
outgoing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Hey crew. & comp. Bodianus diana
Bob, this is what I found under "Triggerfishes of the Cook
Islands" on WWM under Xanthichthys Balistids:
"There are two species of the genus Xanthichthys here as well, but
these shy, oceanic species should really only be displayed in huge
public aquarium systems. They languish in small (less than thousands of
gallons) tanks.
Much the same can be said for the circum-tropical Spotted Oceanic
Triggerfish found here. It rarely survives long in captivity."
<Oh... yes Jason... this is Xanthichthys mento...
Not sure if I am misreading this or if it was worded incorrectly. Well,
I am glad to hear there is a good chance they he will thrive.
<Oh yes>
I also just purchased a 4" Diana's Hogfish and I am kind of
concerned he is going to be too aggressive with my clarkii clown and
3" Heniochus. You state under the "Hogfish" page that
you have never observed any agonistic behavior from any species of the
genus. Yet in the Bio next to this particular fish, you state that
beyond it's 10" size that it can become down right
<I have never encountered a specimen in captivity more than about
half this length.>
What are your thoughts on this fish's aggression level in a 90gal
if put in last?
<Likely no worries>
He is actually my favorite so far. His swimming pattern is very
majestic similar to a larger marine angel. I just have to let you know
that I base my whole regime on your advice and opinions. I can't
tell you one time that you led me the wrong way. I have been following
your book and website since 2003. Thanks so much for your time and
dedication to helping us "aquarists".....it is greatly
Thank you!
<Welcome my friend. BobF>
Xanthichthys mento temperature needs
Greetings Crew,
The best LFS in the Phoenix area has 2 pair of Crosshatch Triggers in
QT and on the way to the floor in about 10 days.
<Nice! But a bit pricey for me'¦ I do understand why some
people will pay extraordinary amounts for beautiful fishes, but are
these bought and paid for what reason? As status symbols? Because there
are plenty of other species that are just as enjoyable to keep, just as
beautiful and a fraction of the cost in most all cases..>
Aqua Touch has an excellent reputation for providing outstanding rare
fish. The price is quite good and this has always been a favourite of
<It's a very nice fish.. don't buy it under 4 inches body
My tank is a 240 gallon Aggressive Reef, (just some soft corals) with
the Alpha fish being an 8 inch A. Sohal,
<then don't get this fish too large either or there will be
he is the boss, but rarely needs to show it. My question would be about
the temperature needs of the Crosshatch, as I know they are caught in
fairly deep water. My tank runs between 78 and 81.5 during the Summer.
Would this be acceptable for these rather pricey pets.
<I should say so. This article points to the lower temp's being
better, but I would think that the range you quote would be just about
right http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/oct2002/Fish.htm>
I know they are "big swimmers" (like the Sohal), I do have an
upgrade coming in about 2 years to 10 x 4 feet.
<Should be fine here, as long as the fish is the right size>
Thank you for your advice.
<No problem Kirk. Good luck with your prize fishes!! Simon>
Questionable Aquarium Service...Trying To Do What's
Needed - 09/22/06 Dear Wet Web Crew, <<Hello>> My
employer has a beautiful 200-gallon salt-water tank, and has a tank
service that comes in and cares for this tank. <<Ok>> I
have a serious lack of confidence in this company because I did a
little research on your site and they have made many really bad
mistakes. <<Some do yes, but doesn't mean this one is
"bad". Have you been able to talk to
other/previous customers of this company? Have they done
anything to make you feel uncomfortable with their level of
service?>> First, they got the chemicals wrong in the tank,
which killed most of the fish. <<Ahh...I see...sounds like
you may have good reason for your concerns...>> Then, when
they replaced the fish, they brought us 5 crabs, a blue-throat
Triggerfish, 3 assorted angelfish <<Mmm...>> (in
separate bags. NOT introduced at the same time), and a pair of
ocellaris (among others). Of course, the Trigger ate the
crabs immediately. I am an administrative assistant with
little/no knowledge of fish, and have been tasked with taking care
of their diet, and making sure they get what they need.
<<Sounds like you need to start doing some
reading/researching my friend. Google searches on our
site and the NET re the species names will yield much
information>> So I need a little advice from professionals
that actually care about the fish. After the initial
eating of the crabs, and the disappearance of one of the smaller
Angelfish (which after reading on your site I found out why
<<...?>>), the blue-throat trigger has started
exhibiting odd behavior. He lies down at the bottom of
the tank on his right side, and just lays very still for long
periods on time. <<Maybe not all that "odd" after
all. Is there live rock in this tank? (should be if
there isn't)...Does this tank have any type of decor/rock
work? These triggers will very often "rest" in
a hole or crevice in the reef during the day, and definitely at
night. If the tank is not suitably aquascaped the
trigger may be merely "resting" on the bottom of the
tank>> He is still eating well (They get frozen shrimp, the
cubed kind once a day, and Formula 2 the blue-green algae variety
flakes twice daily). <<Do look in to obtaining some New Life
Spectrum Marine pellets and a frozen "Angel" food
formulated specifically for their care. Feed these AND
the frozen shrimp, with the flakes, twice daily>> His color
has faded a bit, but he doesn't have any spot or slime on him,
and he hasn't rearranged the tank in a while- he used to do
that all the time. I read one of your entries about one
having similar behavior in a 20 gallon tank, and you said the tank
was too small but I don't think that is the case here- the tank
is 200 gallons. <<Agreed...but that doesn't mean there
aren't more/other environmental factors at play here...such as
water chemistry or the "design" of the tank
itself>> Could he be malnourished or ill? <<Maybe...the
trigger needs several small feedings of meaty foods
daily. The Spectrum pelleted food and the frozen shrimp
fed at least twice a day will help. For even better
nourishment of ALL the fish, consider getting/soaking the food in
Selcon and/or Vita-Chem a couple times a week>> And is there
some product or variety of food I should tell my boss to get for
him? <<Ah yes!...as explained>> Cordially, Jane
<<I want to help Jane, do write back if you need further
clarification on anything...and try to give me as much information
about the system as you can (filtration/maintenance/aquascaping (or
lack of), etc.). Regards, Eric Russell>> Re:
Questionable Aquarium Service...Trying To Do What's Needed --
10/11/06 Dear Eric, <<Hello Jane>> I just wanted to
thank you for your excellent advice. <<Was my pleasure to
provide>> It has been about two weeks since you emailed me
with the suggestions. We invested in New Life Spectrum
Marine Pellets, and we also purchased a lot more coral decorations
to go on the live rock. <<This pelleted food is an excellent
staple for your fish>> We hired a company to change out the
coral and clean the tank/maintain the filtration system every two
weeks. <<Excellent...but I do hope you/someone
'monitors' the tank on a daily basis>> They have been
instructed to bring in lots of smaller shells and other such toys
for the occupants. <<Mmm...do be careful not to create
detritus traps>> Our Bluethroat Triggerfish has perked up
considerably; I think he may have been suffering from boredom.
<<Indeed...these are intelligent and personable fish...and
somewhat 'shy' at times. It's never good to
place fish in a 'plain glass box' devoid of proper
structure/hiding places...is very stressful>> All the fish
seem to be a little brighter and a lot more active. <<Good
signs>> Thanks again for your excellent advice and support.
<<I'm glad it proved useful...thank you for the
follow-up>> Peace and Blessings, Jane
<<Regards, EricR>> |
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner