FAQs about Acroporid Coral Trauma
FAQs on Acroporid Disease:
Acroporid Disease 1, Acroporid Disease 2, Acroporid Disease 3, Acroporid Disease/Pests/Predators
4, Acroporid Health
5, Acroporid Health
6, Acroporid Health
7, Acroporid Hlth.
8, Acroporid
Hlth. 9, Acroporid Hlth. 10,
FAQs on Acroporid Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
(see below), Treatments
FAQs on Pests of Acroporids:
Montipora Munching Nudibranchs,
Red/Black "Bugs"
Acropora Munching Copepods,
Related Articles: Coral Pests and Disease; pests, predators,
diseases and conditions by Sara Mavinkurve, Acroporids, SPS
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Type: Brown Jelly Disease, RTN,
Need your help with new Montipora
Folks, I am hopeful, but scared.
I bought a small Montipora frag online - the coral came on time,
about 16 hours after being mailed, packed very well in Styrofoam
box, with heater pack, etc. It looked great in the bag (see
picture Monti 1).
I acclimated it the best way I know how - floated the bag in the
tank and poured tank water into the bag at regular intervals over
approximately 45 minutes.
<Umm, wait... Did you measure the pH of the shipping/bag water
and adjust the acclimation water to it/this? Mistake
The tank water I put in the bag was dosed with Coral dip at the
usual dosage. The coral seemed to tolerate the acclimation in the
bag just fine.
What I did not do is check the pH or salinity of the water in the
bag before putting my tank water in.
<A problem>
At the end of the 30-45 minute acclimation process I took the
coral out of the bag and placed it gently at the bottom of the
tank. It bleached immediately, and has not a bit of color since
(see photo Monti 2).
<Is dead>
Is it dead? What could I have done differently? Is there any way
to save it? Its' been almost 24 hours since I put it into the
tank and it remains completely white.
Here is my setup: 6 gallon Nano tank - 11 inches deep with 36
watts of 50/50 PC bulbs.
Water parameters at the time I put the coral in yesterday:
Salinity: 35 ppt
pH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Alkalinity 3 mEq/L
Calcium 460
Magnesium 1395
Phosphate 0
As you can see, I put the Montipora at the very bottom of the
tank, thinking I would move it up to the very top rock (which is
about 3-4 inches away from the lights) over a couple of days.
Should I move it to the top now? Again, it bleached immediately
after being put in the tank (seconds).
All of my other corals are OK, including the Birdsnest you see in
the top right corner. The tank has been up and running for 2
months and has been very stable. The other inhabitants are:
A few snails and a red-legged hermit as CUC
Acan lord (1) head
Candy cane (1 head)
(Moseleya (1 head)
Birdsnest (3 inch piece)
One 1.5 inch purple Dottyback
All the other tank inhabitants have been in there for one week or
longer (tank stocked in stages).
Please help - I really like the little Monti... BTW, I am new to
the hobby, in case you can't tell.
<Small volumes/systems are hard to keep viable... Please read
here re acclimating:
in particular, the second piece on "Guerilla
Acclimation" (or acclimating for the business, and organisms
that have been "bagged" for long durations.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Need your help with new Montipora
Thanks for the response and the link, Mr. Fenner. Lesson(s)
learned about correct acclimating.
<Ah good>
The coral certainly appears dead, doesn't it. I did not see
any flesh floating away, but it is a very small frag. I am hoping
against hope, so I will leave it in the tank for a month or
<Good idea... no harm otherwise at this point, and one never
knows... if even just a bit of tissue is alive, it might well
In case there are any live cells left in the rock that may decide
to replicate, would it be better to move the piece close to the
lights now, or will that just introduce more stress (to the
otherwise dead) animal?
<No worries. BobF>
Help for the reef on the
rocks 7/1/06 Dear crew: <Brad> I am
writing because I find myself once again in uncharted waters, and
my keel is grating along the rocks of ignorance as we
speak. <Heeee! Always a pleasure> My family
adopted our first two corals on father's day - a Pachyseris
rugosa and a small Montipora capricornis. These small
polyp stonies were chosen because our live rock came with many
other stony corals (Porites porites, Cladocora cf. arbuscula,
Phyllangia americana, for example), and these have all been
thriving for nine months now. So, based on reading
FAQs I wanted to avoid allelopathy, and avoided soft coral
choices for now. <Good> When these two corals arrived home,
the Pachyseris rugosa showed signs of bleaching, but quickly
recovered. The Montipora capricornis has looked
wonderful and has had fully extended polyps. A few
days ago though, I noticed what I thought was detritus settled
down inside. To my horror, I found
disease. Would you mind looking at these two
photographs (both less than 200 kilobytes each) to see if you can
identify the malady and possibly recommend a solution? <Mmm,
my computer won't open these... something about an
unsupported format or variant... Tried changing the suffix...
Can/will you try making them "more generic" type files
and re-sending?> Also, I have had three e-mails go unanswered
in the last six months. <... Bunk! We continue to have problems with our
email server. Thank you for this notice. When/where in doubt,
please do send your corr. to my personal addy:
fennerrobert@hotmail.com> So, if you can tell me what I am
doing wrong, I would appreciate the honest feedback. I
will send this plea for help first without photographs, and then
with in hopes that one will get through. Many thanks for all you
do, Brad in Basalt
<Please do send those pix again. Bob Fenner> |
Picture of sick Monti from afar in
JPEG 7/1/06 Dear Bob, Thank you for the kind and
speedy reply. I am resending the photographs of this diseased
Montipora capricornis separately in case your server has limits
on file size... Here is photograph #1. Please let me know if you
would like a higher resolution, as I have reduced the file size
on these. Thanks again, Brad in Basalt <Nice pic, nice
specimen. This looks like a "bad spot" from someone
handling the affected area. You could "snap it off",
but I'd very likely leave it as is... if indeed dead, this
part of the non-living matrix will likely become easily
re-populated. Cheers, BobF> |

Resend of diseased Montipora capricornis
close-up 7/2/06 Dear Bob, <Brad> Thank you for
the kind and speedy reply. I am resending the
photographs of this diseased Montipora capricornis separately in
case your server has limits on file size... Here is
photograph #2. Please let me know if you would like a
higher resolution, as I have reduced the file size on
these. Also, I changed the JPEG format from
"progressive scan" to
"baseline-standard". If this doesn't
help, perhaps you could please let me know (one word would
suffice) what other format your computer likes. Thanks again,
Brad in Basalt <A few hundred kilobytes... these are fine
though... pix of the day as a matter... This looks like a
physical injury incident as well to me... Same diagnosis, same
lack of specific treatment. BobF> P.S. Special
thanks to DianaF, N. Sulawesi for the continuous string of
stunning photographs for us all to enjoy. Do you know
if these are taken with an underwater camera in a tank, in the
wild, or if they are simply taken "through the glass"?
<Oh! These are from our more recent sojourn to this large
island of Indonesia (going back a few months hence)... Made with
an (Ikelite) housed (digital SLR Nikon) camera. Have told her of
your note... and "the huntress" is pleased.
BobF> |

New SPS Frags... Long Shipping... What To Expect? - 12/31/05
Hi all... <<Hello>> as has been stated by many, you have an
awesome site, no fluff all info. <<Thank you>> I have read
much, but not all of the site, haven't been able to find an answer.
<<ok>> I just acquired some Acro frags 1 yongei
and 2 tortuosa (sp.?). <<Correct>> Thanks to shipping
problems they were in transit about 40hrs. <<Uh oh!>> They
arrived white, little or no apparent color, no polyps yet.
<<Expelled their Zooxanthellae...or worse...have complete tissue
loss.>> My fears about ammonia in bags and alkalinity of tank
water led me to introduce them to the QT tank after temp adjustment.
<<Smart>> I'm acclimating lighting using vinyl screen
layers. <<Smart again>> On intro to QT tank frags had
filaments of slime but no other indications of life. <<Not
unexpected...>> Don't expect a miracle here but what if
anything should I expect from these frags if water parameters, lighting
and flow are optimal, which I think they are. At what point
should I give up on them in your opinion. <<Mmm...both species of
coral have quite visible polyps, if you don't see any evidence of
these after 48 hrs. I think you can assume the worst. You
might also try viewing the frags under some magnification
(jeweler's loop/magnifying glass) to see if you can determine if
there is any flesh on the skeleton.>> This is my first of many
cracks at SPS so would like to not overreact. <<You're not
overreacting...40 hours in transit/bleached condition is cause for
concern.>> Steve <<Regards, EricR>>
Acropora injury Hi! I have 440watts of PC lighting
and a beautiful piece of purple >Acropora (5x4 inches in
size) which is from my local fish store Purchased 2 months ago)- It has
about 8 different large branches coming off it. It did fine
for the first 6 weeks. It still is doing fine but 2 weeks ago one of
the branches started to turn white at the very tip of the branch. This
particular branch is about two inches tall. For about a week, the
whiteness worked its way down the branch. I became very worried the
whole coral was going to di. But now it looks like the whiteness/it
stopped progressing>down the branch. For over a week it
hasn't become worse. It only worked its way down about 1/4 inch of
the 2 inch branch. The whiteness has now turned brown. <it is
difficult to diagnose without seeing it or a photo, but it sounds like
tissue became infected and denuded. The white corallum (skeleton) was
exposed and has now been attacked by diatoms. The coral may reclaim or
lose tissue. Hard to say. Do you really have the tank for SPS corals?
Very stable Alk, Magnesium and Calcium? You test for these things
regularly and dose daily? What have your parameters been
specifically?> Are my worries over? <I suspect this
is a mixed garden tank too... mushroom anemones, LPS corals, soft
corals. Going to be challenging to keep the SPS more than 1 year
here> If not, What can I do to help this coral? I do have other
Acroporas for over 4 months that had no problems- Should I consider
cutting this tip off and allow the branch to grow back? <Definitely
break this branch off... if is easier to regrow a branch than reclaim
one with diatom algae> Please let me know.- Thanks Ron <you may
want/need some more information before proceeding too much further with
delicate SPS corals. I get the vibe that you are very new to at least
this aspect of reefkeeping. Live animals here... not stereos or
widgets. Perhaps you should get (or read) a good book too before buying
another coral my friend. Let me suggest Eric Borneman's
"Aquarium Corals". Covers corals diseases at great length
too. Best regards, Anthony>