FAQs on Callichthyid Cats
Related Articles: Callichthyid Catfishes, Summer loving: cats in the garden, kittens in
the kitchen by Neale Monks,
Related Catfish FAQs: Callichthyids 1, Callichthyid Identification, Callichthyid Behavior, Callichthyid Compatibility, Callichthyid Selection, Callichthyid Systems, Callichthyid Feeding, Callichthyid Disease, Callichthyid Reproduction, Catfish:
Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction,
FAQs on: Corydoras Catfish 1,
FAQs on: Corydoras
Catfish Identification, Corydoras
Catfish Behavior, Corydoras Catfish
Compatibility, Corydoras Catfish
Stocking/Selection, Corydoras Catfish
Systems, Corydoras Catfish
Feeding, Corydoras Catfish Health,
Corydoras Catfish Reproduction,
FAQs on: Panda
Corydoras, Pygmy Corydoras
Seeking info about Callichthys
12/14/08 Hi there! I am back with yet another question, I hope
it's not too much trouble. The LFS in my area is going out of
business, unfortunately. They are sticking around for Christmas, and
then they are calling it quits. Naturally, I was in there shopping for
deals... In with their goldfish was what I initially thought was a
porthole catfish, but after Googling around believe to be Callichthys
callichthys. (It was simply labeled "armored catfish", which
could mean anything!) It looks similar to the fish in the link below:
http://badmanstropicalfish.com/stats/stats_catfish2h.html It was a dull
olive green/grey color, so possibly a female? I believe this fish is
also known by the common name Cascadura ("hard shell" in
Spanish). Does anyone know anything about this fish, or know of a place
to find more information? I can't seem to find much about them in
my books, and the online information I have found has been spotty. Some
websites say they get to 5" long while others say 8" or even
10" - and the acceptable tank size starts as low as 15 gallons,
which I am certain can't be right. I have an unoccupied 29 gallon
tank that I was going to turn into a brackish tank for guppies and
platies, which might work out if this is indeed a brackish tolerant
species. (We're only talking about 1.003-1.005 SG.) I imagine this
catfish would keep the fry in check, which is fine by me! If I knew he
would outgrow the tank, I could take my time finding him a more
spacious home. Does this sound like an ill advised plan, or could it
work? I never rescue fish from pet stores, because I know this only
encourages them to restock. However, since the store is folding, I
thought "just this once..." since I doubt anyone around here
will appreciate a catfish like this. Thanks so much for any help! Happy
holidays to you all, Nicole <Hi Nicole. The Porthole Catfish is
typically Dianema longibarbis, a smallish (10 cm), midwater schooling
catfish closely related to Corydoras. It's named after the row of
roundish black blobs along the midline of the body, like portholes on a
ship. It's a pretty good community tank catfish. Not a brackish
water species, but otherwise adaptable. Now, Callichthys callichthys
(the Cascarudo) is quite a different beast. It's quite a bit bigger
(up to 20 cm) and unlike Dianema doesn't really swim about in
midwater and prefers to slither about on the substrate between making
mad dashes to the surface to gulp air. It's body is largely
unmarked, but the pectoral fin spines have a distinctive orangey
colour. It has tiny eyes! Callichthys callichthys is incredibly tough,
and will tolerate slightly brackish conditions (around SG 1.003)
without much bother. Hoplosternum littorale is a bit more of a brackish
water specialist, and would be my recommendation for life with guppies
and mollies. But there's not much difference between the two fish
otherwise. Both species are boisterous, semi-aggressive at feeding
time, but otherwise good community fish. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Seeking info about Callichthys 12/14/08 Hi Neale, Thank
you very much for your comments. I don't know why initially I
thought it was Dianema longibarbis, definitely no "portholes"
since the body was overall drab with no markings. I guess the barbels
looked similar, and I only had a vague memory of what a porthole
catfish looked like from a TFH article I read last year. I can't
remember seeing any orange, so maybe it was Hoplosternum littorale
instead of a Cascarudo? (Thank you for giving me the correct spelling,
that improved my hits considerably!) I'll look more closely
today... <Hoplosternum (and its sister genera Megalechis and
Lepthoplosternum, both of which contain former Hoplosternum species)
are generally quite easy to tell apart from Callichthys. If you look at
the head of Callichthys species, you'll see that the eyes are very
small. It also has a basically square tail fin. By contrast,
Hoplosternum has normal sized eyes and a deeply-forked, V-shaped tail
fin. Maintenance of all these species is very similar, except to say
that Hoplosternum littorale at least favours hard water, and quite
possibly brackish water, in the wild, and consequently does not do
especially well in soft/acid conditions. By the way, the orange
pectoral spines on Callichthys callichthys are only obvious on adults,
and I believe just the males at that.> I guess I will go ahead and
get the catfish, and plan on putting an ad in the online classifieds
next year, to see if I can't secure him a more spacious home. Right
now he/she is just under 4" or so. The only thing that troubles me
is that everything I've read says these are schooling fish, to be
kept in groups of five or so. Would a singleton be exceedingly unhappy?
(He/she is already alone in the tank.) <Singletons of all these
catfish (they're very closely related) do just fine on their own,
provided they're not combined with anything overtly aggressive.>
I could get some Brochis splendens, if that would help, and move away
from the slightly salty concept and choose different fish altogether.
<Brochis are superb catfish, and tolerant of a range of conditions,
though again, I'd not put them forward as obvious candidates for a
brackish water aquarium. Hoplosternum and Callichthys spp. catfish do
occur in brackish water, so would make better choices. Hoplosternum
littorale at least has a tolerance for up to 40% seawater salinity!
Given it's closely related to Corydoras, it might be quite a
surprise to many people that this species favours brackish water
habitats in the wild.> As you can see, I am already feeling
attached...I think it's the tiny eyes that I find so endearing!
Maybe because of being very nearsighted myself. <Sounds very much
like Callichthys! Yes, these are probably "legally blind"
catfish, but they don't seem in the least put out by that. When
settled in, they are goldfish-like in their pushy feeding time
behaviour, and become very good pets. They used to be common in the
trade, but from the 80s onwards much scarcer as people switched to
smaller or more colourful tropical fish. Callichthys are hardy, do well
at subtropical as well as tropical temperatures, and will eat just
about anything, so are really very versatile fish.> Thanks so much,
once again. Nicole <Happy to help,
Hello, I
was wondering if you could tell me what I would need to breed Corydoras
barbatus. 12/27/06 CJ <In a general sense/way yes.
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/callichthyids.htm
and the linked files above. You would do well to further look into (the
Net, libraries) books on Callichthyid Catfishes... David Sands works
are especially notable. Bob Fenner>
Questions 8/12/06 Hello WWM Crew; Thanks so much for
your great help with my marine reef questions in the past! In addition
to my 350 gallon marine reef system I also have a couple of freshwater
tanks which I have had for the last four years or so. Here's a
freshwater question you never received before! I recently obtained
seven little darling Corydoras adolphi which are now doing great in my
QT tank. I have had them for about a week and in another three weeks or
so I will be placing them in my 75 gallon "Amazon" tank. The
Corys are currently kept in water with a PH of 6.4 - 6.6, which is
approximately the same PH as in my main "Amazon" tank. My
question is this: Where can I obtain some reliable information about
these little guys. I have all the usual reference books, but not a
single one even mentions this species. Google shows only a few entries,
none of which are of any help to me. I realize there are about 140-150
different species of Corys, all of which are from various parts of
South America and living in waters from a PH of about 5 to a PH of
about 6.8-7.0. I would really like to take good care of these critters,
but how do you suggest I do that without knowing anything about them?
(Other, of course, than "all Corys are about the same" -
which is definitely not the case!) I hope you can steer me in the right
direction. Thank you very much. Tage Blytmann < For all your catfish
needs check out planetcatfish.com. Just type in the species name under
the search and read away.-Chuck>
Corydoras barbatus 2/6/06
Hello I am currently looking at buying 3 Corydoras barbatus and was
wondering if $20 seemed like a good price for them. <For all three?
Okay> I was also wondering if they would be compatible with my
current tank in a planted 55 gallon tank and the following tankmates: 2
Corydoras paleatus 1 C. aeneus 6 Columbian tetra (Hyphessobrycon sp) 2
gold tetra 1 cardinal tetra (the sole survivor of a ghost shrimp
incident) 1 flying fox 1 Pleco 1 Betta and hopefully soon: 10 blue
tetra 6 glass blood fin tetra My tank currently has a ph of 6.0, 0
nitrites,0 ammonia, and 10 nitrates. Any information regarding C.
barbatus' size and requirements will help Thank you CJ. <Should
go fine: http://www.google.com/custom?q=Corydoras+barbatus+&sitesearch=wetwebmedia.com
Bob Fenner>
Photo copyright 1/13/06 Dear Mr.
Fenner Robert <Ivan> I started to build web pages about
CALLICHTHYIDAE about 6 years ago for my personal usage. At this time I
no interested about copyright of the photos. <I see> Just now I
choose to duplicate my pages. I want ask you if I can to use your
photos on my web pages. All yours photos will be marked by your name
and will be refers to your web pages. I started with publication of my
pages. My web address is: http://www.gobyus.com/cc_sk/corycats/
These pages are in Slovak language. <Very nice appearance...> If
you will not agree with using of your photos on my web, all your photos
will by removed from these pages. I will only refer on your web pages
as a source for me. Thank you for your answer. Best regards Ivan Sokol
P.S. I'm sorry but English is not my native language. Please
justify my mistakes. <No worries. I do grant you permission for this
non-commercial use of my content. Thank you for your efforts. Bob
More Corys, Crowding Concerns? - 12/18/2005 Gage, Not
to worry. I appreciate the reply. (My reply was largely rhetorical,
anyway.) <Hi, Tom; Sabrina with you today.> Now, (refreshing your
memory here), four Serpae Tetras, six Bloodfin Tetras, six Black-skirt
Tetras and a Red Flame Gourami in the 50-gallon tank. Eight Panda Corys
enroute to the QT. Can I add another school of Corys (six Serpae Corys)
or, is this, now, overload? <I think this is
sustainable. Go for it.> My best, Tom <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Pregnant Cory? 12/18/05
First, wishing you all Happy Holidays from Michigan (where there is no
doubt of a 'White Christmas'!). <And to
all, peace on earth, good will toward all> I have six
Corydoras leopardus (Leopard Cory's) in a well-established,
50-gallon, community tank along with six Bloodfin tetras, six
Black-skirt tetras, one Red Flame Gourami and four Serpae (Red Minor)
tetras (will re-think this choice of animal in the future for a
"community" FW venture). <Okay>
The Corys are a particular favorite of mine and I spend a
lot of time - inordinate, according to my wife - observing my fish,
these especially. Tonight, one plunked himself/herself down on top of a
decoration and "refused" to be moved. No labored breathing,
parasitic "attachments", discoloration or outward
damage/injury. Just wouldn't be budged by me or its tankmates,
though some of the other Corys tried. (I've observed the occasional
"pause" before in Corys but never on a prolonged basis.)
<What characters at times!> Before
making a panicked lurch for the QT, I reached in and gave the little
fellow a shove. Off and, running, with no duplication of this behavior.
Time will tell but is it possible that this is an indication of
pregnancy? (I've never been a "grandparent" before. :) )
Thanks for your time, Tom <More likely
"just dozing" or trying to capture your mind! Bob Fenner>
Fat Cory 11/30/05 Hi! I have a 15 gallon tank with a few
goldfish and 2 albino cories. My landlord rescued the cories who were
abandoned by a previous tenant and gave them to me. They've been
living peacefully with the gold fish for many months now. I did notice
that one Cory has grown very fat now, fat all around, yet it is still a
small fish maybe 1 1/4" long. It's still been very active
swimming and eating. Is it overeating or about to lay eggs? I
haven't been able to find out what's wrong with it by
researching on the internet. Do you know? Thanks! Lea <Cories will
breed when given good conditions. If all else seems OK with them then
your fish is probably gravid. Don>
Sick Cory catfish 11/14/05
I have a 10 gallon tank with 7 tetras and 3 Cory catfish. One of my
catfish has been sick for 2 weeks. I expected him to die a while ago
but he just keeps hanging on so I was hoping someone could give me
advice on how I could help him get better. He swims around but then
rests upside down. <Yikes, bad> He also will swim straight up to
the top of the water and then float upside down back to the bottom. Its
like he's lost his sense of balance. <Yes> He doesn't
have any other symptoms except lying upside down. My water parameters
are all normal. The temp. of the tank is 80 degrees. I'm thinking
that he might have a swim bladder infection, <Likely some damage
here, yes> but have no idea on how to treat it. I want to stay away
from medication if possible. Any advice? Thanks! <I would at this
point simply observe this fish and hope for a spontaneous cure. Bob
Panda Cory with Milky Film 10/13/05 Hello,
<Good morning. Sabrina with you.> This is my first fish
tank and your website has been tremendously valuable. I keep
making mistakes, though, and lost 4 panda Corys. Just when I
think I've figured out what I'm doing wrong, another
panda gets sick. <Yikes. Starting out, most folks make
mistakes, so do not beat yourself up on this. It is how we are
prompted to learn.> I now have two pandas. One seems healthy
and active, but the other has milky white clumps on one side of
his body. They started about 2 weeks ago and are spreading.
I'm attaching two photos...I hope you can open them. I
don't know if it's a fungus or bacterial infection. <A
tough question. I, personally, think this is Columnaris or some
other (severe) bacterial infection. Good photo, BTW.> I've
been treating the tank with Maracyn for 8 days now. Initially,
there was a small red spot in the white patch that's gone
now. The Cory hides but eats actively (sinking wafers and shrimp
pellets) and his breathing seems normal. Both seem to tolerate
the Maracyn. <I don't think Maracyn (Erythromycin) will
treat Columnaris; even if this is something else bacterial, I
doubt that Erythromycin is the way to go; it only treats
gram-positive bacteria (that's bacteria that have a cell
wall); there are few gram-positive bacteria responsible for
illness in fish.> <<This is incorrect: The difference
between "gram positive" bacteria and "gram
negative" bacteria has to do with how they take up (or
don't) a type of violet stain (re: peptidoglycan w/in cell
walls) . Try Googling, or view here

My tank and mistakes: -- 7 gal, power filter with
venturi tube, sponge filter, heater, light, live plants,
driftwood. -- 1 male Betta, 2 panda Corys (at most 4). -- temp
80F, ph 7.0, total ammonia < 0.1ppm (was zero before Maracyn),
nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 5ppm, dGH 2, dKH 2. -- 30-40% water
change and gravel vac every other day, Amquel, Nutrafin Cycle
every other change. Temp change 1-2 degrees after change.
<This is too much maintenance, once the tank's cycled.>
-- mistakes: --didn't cycle properly and overfed; lost 2
Corys due to high ammonia. --problems keeping temp and pH stable;
okay now. --initially fed Betta live tube worms <Tubifex
worms, perhaps? Try to avoid these; blackworms are safer (as in,
less prone to passing along disease to your fish).> and now
some are living in the gravel. I vacuum but can't seem to get
rid of them. Maybe the substrate wasn't clean enough.
<This is okay. The worms in the substrate aren't of
significant concern unless they are very numerous.> --Two
other Corys gradually got sick. <Ammonia again? Or this
illness?> --one died after one dose of Maroxy; did quick water
change and stopped. --another died after one dose of Maracyn II,
same. I feel terrible about losing these fish. Is there anything
I can do if the Maracyn doesn't work? <I've shown this
to Bob, as well.... his recommendation is to treat with aquarium
salt and a furan compound.... might read here for more: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/furancpdfaqs.htm
.> I don't want to add another chemical or medicine that
might do more harm than good. <The Maracyn likely will not be
of help here.> I won't add new fish. Through all this, my
Betta has been very active, eating heartily, and seemingly
oblivious. <I would remove him from this system immediately,
lest he contract the illness as well. Normally I would recommend
the opposite, removing the infected fish to a separate
quarantine/hospital system, but I would be fearful for the Betta
right now.> Thanks for your expertise! --Anita <Wishing you
the best, -Sabrina>
Panda Cory with Milky Film - II -
10/21/2005 Hello Sabrina again, <Aloha.> Thank you for
your advice on treating my panda Cory with the bacterial
infection. I set up a small 2.5 gal tank with power filter,
heater, new gravel, two new live plants, and some decorations,
then moved my Betta into it. Since the tank isn't cycled (I
didn't use gravel from my main tank, due to the infection), I
am monitoring the ammonia and doing 50% water changes every other
day. He is settled and healthy, his normal self, though a bit
cramped. <All sounds good for now.> I am relieved he's
safe. In my 7 gal main tank with the two panda Corys, I added
aquarium salt (dissolved in water) and began treatment with Furan
2 (two courses for 8 days). Today is the last day. The tank
parameters are still: temp 80F, pH 7.0, total ammonia 0ppm,
nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 5ppm. I have good news and bad news, plus
more questions if you can help. <Alright! Let's get
started.> First the good: Both Corys tolerated the treatment.
The healthy one looks the same with no sign of infection. The
sick one still has energy, eats a lot, and swims around. He has
actually grown bigger in the three weeks since the white patches
appeared. <Wow.> (He is the only Cory that developed these
white patches.) Both seem to be breathing normally with no
redness around the gills. Now the bad: The white patches
don't seem to have reduced in size or thickness. It's
difficult to tell if they've spread, but there might be a new
patch on his right side. The past few days, I've noticed he
darts and jerks more when he swims and hides more often. I looked
at a close-up photo and was astonished to find that his left
pectoral fin is gone! It was definitely there 5 days ago.

<Did you start medicating with a Furan
compound yet?> I am attaching photos. Since this infection
started, his left side seemed to swell and bulge around the
pectoral fin. Since he's grown bigger, it's hard to tell
if there's still a bulge. I plan to do a partial water change
and put back the carbon filter as recommended on the Furan 2
package. <Mm, you should remove the carbon when you start
treating with the Furan 2.> Should I keep the aquarium salt in
the water or gradually remove it with water changes? <Fine to
leave the salt in, as long as it is no more than 1 tablespoon per
five or ten gallons.... less is better with Corys.> Is there
another treatment I can try? <Have you started the Furan 2
yet? I would give it a second go, if you're already done with
the first round.> Can his fin grow back? <Possibly, but
also possibly not. Not to worry, though, he can live without a
pectoral fin if it does not grow back.> Is it possible he can
make it or does this mean he will slowly get worse and suffer
more? What is the best and kindest thing I can do for him now?
<In all honesty, I don't know his chances. It's a
pretty bad infection. However, if he's still eating, I think
there's still hope. I would give it a second round with the
Furan 2, and if that still fails, I would consider going to
something "stronger", perhaps Oxytetracycline....>
Thanks for your help, --Anita <All the best to you and your
fish, -Sabrina>
Panda Cory with Milky Film - III - 10/22/2005 Hello Sabrina,
<Ahoy thar, matey!> <<Hey.. talk like a pirate day
was last week!>> Thanks so much for your quick reply!
<Sure thing.> To clarify, I ended 8 days of treatment with
Furan 2 yesterday. (The package says to use it for 4 days, then
you may repeat if necessary, which I did. <Ah, I see.> I
cut open the capsules to get the right dosage for my 7 gal tank.
I don't know if there's a better way. <Mm, probably
that was right to do.> <<Please note: this stuff can
stain clothes permanently. MH>> I washed my hands
immediately afterwards.) Three days after starting the Furan 2, I
took a photo that shows the pectoral fin. Five days after that,
another photo showed the fin was gone. (Without the photos,
it's hard to compare how he's doing since he moves so
fast.) <At least he's still acting well!> I removed the
carbon during the treatment and just put it back yesterday. Today
the water is clear again instead of greenish from the Furan 2. Is
it okay to continue the Furan for another 4 days (for 12 total
days)? <Actually, I would not.> It's hard to tell if it
made a difference (except he's still here!). Do you have a
recommendation for an Oxytetracycline product? I'll look for
some today. <Having discussed this with Bob, I wish to
recommend that you use Acriflavine in the water, instead....
Methylene Blue if you can't find Acriflavine. In addition to
this, a food medicated with Oxytetracycline is a really, really
good idea. Here is one place to purchase such a product: http://flguppiesplus.safeshopper.com/29/cat29.htm?264
. Otherwise, you can make this yourself, if you can find
Oxytetracycline.... or could use tetracycline.... or other
antibiotic.... This article contains a passage about preparing
your own medicated foods: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/holedispd.htm
.> Thank you! -Anita <Sure thing. Wishing you well,