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Goldfish and dojo loaches; fdg. and sys.
Spiny eel questions..can't find answers; incomp. w/ GF... gen.
Mastacembelids 2/11/16
Fighting goldfish 11/24/15
2 Goldfish, New One Is Getting Pushed Into Corners/Tight Spaces By Older
One 4/21/15 Helpful Information on keeping goldfish and platies together
12/1/14 Goldfish Belly Turning Yellow
Lionhead goldfish
3/29/14 Goldfish and loaches, comp. 11/29/12 Smaller Goldfish Bullying Larger Goldfish
9/23/12 freshwater aquarium. GF tankmates,
comp. 3/17/12 Goldfish fry & dominance or bullying
issue... repro. f' 3/15/12 My Chinese Algae Eater, mis-stocked w/ goldfish in too small
a world 12/1/11 Black moor Goldfish Peeling
11/27/11 My Julii Cory catfish and new fancy
goldfish. 10/1/11 Goldfish and Fancy Guppies? Sys., other incompatibilities,
lack of understandings 8/30/11 Looking for kumbaya? GF/Env.; too low pH... GF
Comp. 8/23/11 My 4in Black Moor is being chased around frantically by my
two baby goldfish 5/13/11 Aggressive Fish (the perils of mixing standard and fancy
goldfish!) 4/11/11 Help?, Crabs and Goldfish 3/2/11 Ready to Stock my 55 gal, GF sel., comp., sys.
2/10/11 Hello Crew (RMF, second opinion?), GF, Cory
incomp. -- 02/02/11
Goldfish and Glofish, comp. 6/7/10 Introducing large fancy goldfish to small
4/2/10 Goldfish compatible fish -- 2/23/10 Why is it so horrible to put a school of zebra Danios and a
common goldfish together? 2/1/2010
Celestial goldfish lost an eye.... incomp.,
env. 1/18/10 My question is concerning the compatibility of freshwater
shrimp and goldfish 12/15/09 Damaged fins on Goldfish 12/2/09 Adopted sucker fish and funny eyed goldfish, comp.,
sys. f's 11/21/09 Are Common Fantail (American type) Goldfish and Red Neon
Moon fish (a platy relative) Compatible? 8/13/2009 Goldfish - Puffer Compatibility 4/12/09 Questions about goldfish (Shubunkins, growth; Brachydanio,
compatibility) 4/11/09 Do goldfishes eat snails 1/11/09 Hi, I have a quick question we had a tiny snail hitch a ride on the live plant that we bought for the aquarium and yesterday it disappeared, he had taken refuge on the top of the canister filter half in water and half outside from the goldfishes who were continuously nudging him. We have one red cap Oranda named Luna (1 inch w/o tail) and one red Oranda named Goldie (1.5 inches w/o tail) in a 20 gallon tank with a decoration rock, and a live plant. Could they have eaten him, my son is really worried about his see-see the snail. We have searched the whole tank even opened the filter and looked inside. If the goldfishes have eaten him will they be alright and should we be worried about them getting sick. Thank you very much ..... your website is amazing and thank you for helping me out again and again and again. Best Regards, Midhat. <Goldfish don't normally eat snails, but they will eat anything they can swallow, so if the snail was unlucky, then yes, it might get eaten. This won't do the Goldfish any harm (they have powerful teeth in their throat for grinding up food). If you want a pet snail to add to a Goldfish tank, then the best bet is something like a Ramshorn snail (Planorbis spp.). These are often sold in garden centres, at least they are here in the UK, usually for people to put in their ponds. For various reasons I don't recommend Apple snails (Pomacea spp.) even though they are often sold as "scavengers" for aquaria of all types. The reality is they don't do all that well in fish tanks, and when they die, they cause major pollution. Cheers, Neale.> Re: Tank mates prob. (Oh no, not Pangasius
hypophthalmus!) 12/25/08 Hello dear Neale, I hope you
will be fine there. Neale I want your help that I have 2 iridescent
sharks and 2 giant gouramis in 90 gallon right now. <Hello Ali.
I'd be a lot more "fine" if my time wasn't being
wasted. I don't mind offering advice, but when it's ignored,
and you come back for more advice, that isn't really very good for
my ego! Let me be 100% crystal clear on this. You have NO BUSINESS at
all keeping Iridescent Shark catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus).
Firstly, they are SCHOOLING fish. Two specimens is not a school; you
need groups of 5 or more. Next, they get to 130 cm (over 4 feet) long
and can weigh over 40 kilos (100 lb). There is NO WAY you have the
space to keep such large fish. Most specimens damage themselves in
aquaria because they cannot handle things like glass walls. They become
blind for example, because they bump their eyes into things. Giant
Gouramis (Osphronemus spp.) are not much smaller, typically around 60
cm in length and a weight of 9 kg (about 20 lb). Individuals can be
very territorial towards others of their species, and I suspect the two
specimens you have will not get along once mature.> But Neale I am
very interested to keep 2 black ghost knife and 2 parrot fish with
them. <Get rid of the Pangasius hypophthalmus first. Then worry
about maintaining good water quality for six months. Understand
Apteronotus albifrons will die at the first sniff of ammonia and
nitrite, and will not tolerate pH changes. So keep testing water
quality and chemistry in your tank, and if it is ABSOLUTELY perfect
every single week from here to June, then maybe think about a
Knifefish. Otherwise, leave them alone!> Can they live happy and
calm with each other in one 90gallon tank? <No.> Thank you, Ali
<Ali, please understand the best I can do is to prevent you making
mistakes. In this case, I've said repeatedly that Pangasius
hypophthalmus is NOT a fish you (or ANYONE ELSE) should keep as a pet.
It is a food fish, not an aquarium fish! Merry Christmas,
Neale.> Goldfish (maintenance; compatibility) -09/02/08 Hello all, <Hello,> Firstly a quick thank you to you all for your patience and dedication to answering all the questions put to you - having fairly recently become best friends with a Black Moor I have spent several hours scouring your site for all the info I can. However, I wondered if you would mind giving me some advice? <Do our best...> I have a little moor in a 10 gallon tank, he's only an inch or so big at the moment but the rate at which he eats his veggies it can't be long before he grows. <Indeed. These fish grow rapidly, and Black Moors routinely reach about 20 cm/8" within 2-4 years. He'll need something that 30 gallons quite soon, and with a decent filter.> It's just little old him on his own - maybe he likes it (he seems happy enough) but I'd like to get some friends for him. <Friends are precisely what he wants. These are schooling fish, and much as Goldfish enjoy human company, your specimen will want at least one other pal of its own kind. Preferably another fancy Goldfish rather than something faster like a Comet or Standard. A Fantail Goldfish for example would get along great with a Black Moor.> Before doing so I know we need more space so I shall be upgrading to a 32 gallon tank in the next month or so and keeping the smaller tank as a spare for quarantine/hospital duties. My question is what else can I add to the new tank that's interesting but won't overload it? <Depends a lot of the temperature and water quality. By default, keep fancy Goldfish together in their own system to avoid problems with losing out at feeding time. Comets and Standards often eat all the food before the poor Fancies get a chance! If the tank is maintained at a fixed 18-22 degrees C, which is fine for Goldfish, you can add certain subtropical species, such as Corydoras paleatus. But the water quality needs to be good, and Goldfish being big and messy tend to put a heavier load on filters than the average community tropical fish. So by all means consider tankmates of other species, but review filtration carefully, and check that the nitrite concentration in the tank is zero. I'd recommend a decent external canister filter offering 6 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour. So for a 30 gallon tank, buy a filter rated at 6 x 30 = 180 gallons per hour. A little more won't do any harm, but don't go under.> I had thought about a small school of White Cloud but don't want Fat Tony (as the moor has been named) to eat them! Is there anything else with a bit of character? <Minnows can work, provided the water doesn't get colder than 18 C, and generally Goldfish aren't predatory. But there's always a risk. Much better choices in unheated tanks are Rosy Red Minnows (Pimephales promelas) and Weather Loaches (Misgurnus spp.). If the tank is heated to 18-24 C, then your range of possible tankmates can include various subtropical fish like Peppered Catfish, as mentioned above. Very small catfish might be at risk of being eaten, but adults should be fine.> Finally, Fat Tony has a small hole on his dorsal fin - 1-2 mm long between the first and second ray (is the right term?). It has been there since I got him and doesn't seem to get any bigger. There are no signs of any infection (no redness, no white fluffy spots) and he swims around merrily and playfully so I think he's fine, but like an over-anxious parent I just wanted to check what you thought? <Likely mechanical damage, and should heal over time. Do keep an eye out for secondary infections, in which case treatment with something like Maracyn or eSHa 2000 will be required. Otherwise nothing to worry about.> Thank you so much!! J <Cheers, Neale.> Tail biting, goldfish incomp. borne of crowding likely 6/5/08 Hi, Can you help? I have recently adopted 2 young comet goldfish but the smaller one of the two seems to constantly bite the other ones tail leaving it ragged and sore looking. Why is it doing this and how can I get it to stop??? Thanks Debbie <Hi Debbie. Assuming your aquarium is at least the minimum recommended size for Goldfish -- i.e., 125 litres/30 US gallons -- adding a third Goldfish should help this situation. Goldfish are schooling fish and need company, but sometimes when we keep too-few schooling fish their hierarchy goes wrong and the fish become aggressive. Cheers, Neale.>
My Butterfly Tail, GF hlth., CAE incomp. 5/17/08 Hello! I have 4 goldfish, 1 (Bertha) who is quite large, the size of a baseball without the tail and then a calico looking goldfish Gecko), an orange fan tail (captain Golden Eye) and then MiBello my black googly eyed guy. My mother in law bought us an algae eater (the smaller cat fish looking ones) he has been in the tank for over 6 months now, but I recently noticed him attaching himself to my googly eyed guy. <Is a Chinese Algae Eater, Gyrinocheilus... needs to be removed immediately. Not compatible> And then today I noticed that MiBello is slow with a filmy look to him and gold spots showing through his normally BLACK scales...I instantly started to research and so far he doesn't have any of the symptoms of ICH or VELVET. I saw that you had a similar question on the website, I read that and went to the site suggested but still found no answers. Please help! I love my Googly MiBello and want to make him better. Thank you! Marilyn Rosa <Translate this "love" into action... Read re the use of CAEs on WWM... Remove it and all will likely be fine. Bob Fenner> New company? or impossibility? Goldfish comp., using WWM -- 04/21/08 I bought two small gold fantails today and put them in with a large gold fantail. <... in what size, sort of system?> When I put the small fantails in with the large fantail it started chasing and what looked like biting the small fantails. Is it just that the large fantail has been alone and it was new company? or is it not possible for small fantails to live in the same tank as large fantails? Alicia <Should be compatible (in time) if there is sufficient room. Read on WWM: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Tank Troubles, Mixed tropical and Goldfish sys. 4/9/08 I am an experienced saltwater fishkeeper and I have set up a freshwater tank at my place of employment. It is a 55 Gallon with an oversized BioWheel filter and carbon media, it is only about two months old. I sped the cycling process along with "used gravel and filter media" from my LFS. <Very good.> The water tests at 0ppm for ammonia, nitrite, chlorine, about 15ppm for nitrates. I have an African Clawed Frog that I hand feed ReptoMin pellets and a dojo loach that eats a sinking shrimp pellet everyday. <Fine, but do vary the diet and use (wet) frozen foods like bloodworms as well, or even live foods or chopped seafood. Plain dried food seems to cause problems with constipation, and in any case most animals get bored with it.> Finally I have 3 fantail goldfish approx 3" each, I feed fresh blanched spinach and zucchini as well as sinking goldfish pellets every other day. I feed sparingly, I am a big fan of fit fish. <Great!> Anyway the crux of my issue, I have had a few fish deaths which I find strange. I had one goldfish pass, he grew weak and unresponsive until his death. My boss added two guppies and three platies ( against my better advice) and one of the guppies and two of the platies have passed away. They acclimate fine they seem healthy and active, and eating. Then I will find them dead within the next couple of days. <When a random selection of fish die within a short period, it's almost always an environmental issue. So check temperature, pH, nitrite at once. Fish have varying demands in terms of temperature, and outside their preferred range quickly develop immune system, dietary problems. The pH will give you a quick handle on whether water chemistry is stable, and the nitrite will tell you about the filtration system.> No apparent disease is at work, there is no outward sign of it anyway, the goldfish and the guppy and platies all appear healthy. Is there some water parameter that I am not taking into account? <Not sure. Which parameters have you considered thus far?> I realize that guppies and platies are tropical fish but can't they also acclimate to subtropical temperatures? <Not as such, no. While it is true that one Platy species, the Variatus Platy fish Xiphophorus variatus is a subtropical fish, the fancy Platies sold are hybrids that require completely tropical conditions. Guppies are tropical fish, period.> The temperature of the tank is a steady 67 degrees F. <Too low.> Please let me know if there is something I am missing or if a certain number of fish deaths is normal...I haven't lost any of my SW fish in many months, and years. So I am a bit perplexed. Thanks so much in advance. <Cheers, Neale.> Molly attacking Goldfish 4/7/08 Hi WWM! <Hello> I have a 10 gallon tank with one butterfly goldfish, one creamsicle Molly and 2 Mickey Mouse Mollies. <Too much and incompatible life in this tank.> I didn't know until now that mollies are not supposed to be in the same tank as goldfish because I've never owned fish before. <Read before you purchase livestock next time.> They seemed to be getting along for a couple of months, however, for the past month or so, the creamsicle Molly has been attacking the goldfish by constantly "biting" or "nipping" its back fins causing them to become frayed. <Common behavior for a molly.> The goldfish seems very upset and unhappy and tries to hide from the Molly but can't escape it. Can the goldfish die from this? <Can contribute to its demise.> What should I do? <Separate the fish, provide a more appropriate habitat for them.> Thanks, Antoinette <Welcome> <Chris> Re: sickly goldfish 4/1/08 too late its dead <Well, please learn from this. You can't keep Goldfish in a small aquarium, and you can't mix them with Algae Eaters (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) -- Algae Eaters attack the goldfish and rasp away at their skin. Do have a read of the basics of Goldfish keeping here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/goldfish101art.htm Cheers, Neale.> Sick goldfish, CAEs - 3/5/08 Hi, I have a question and wondering if you can help. I have a big goldfish that is 4+ years old. We got him at a carnival. He lives in a 20 gallon tank with two mollies and an algae eater. He has been sick for over a week. Usually I can get him better, but this time looks bad. He has been swimming upside down and sideways, and now his eye is bloody and clouded. He is also missing scales. I'm thinking maybe the other fish "picked on him" when he was sick? Now he is laying on his side at the bottom of his "sick tank". He is barely moving. Is there anything I can do? thanks Rachel <Hello Rachel. First, tell me what the "Algae Eater" is. The common or Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) is a fish that becomes increasingly aggressive with age. Adults often attack their tankmates, and many specimens have been observed to scrape the scales and skin from slow moving fish. They are simply not acceptable tankmates for community fish. I'm concerned because the missing scales could easily be caused by this. In any case, whatever you do, you will need to do the following: - Check water quality (a 20 gallon tank is too small for Goldfish once they get above about 8 cm/3", so I'm guessing that's at least one factor). - Use a combination Finrot/Fungus medication such as Maracyn or eSHa 2000. When you use medications, be sure and remove carbon from the filter if you've been suckered into using this stuff. Do read the article linked below for more Goldfish basics; if you're not doing everything outlined therein, that's probably where you're going wrong. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm Cheers, Neale.>
My Oranda fish lost it's eyes -02/20/08 Hi guys, I searched the site but couldn't find my answer. My Oranda fish is the only Oranda in a 55 gallon tank along with 3 goldfish and a Koi. Three weeks ago I noticed one of my Orandas eyes missing and now today another one. I have seen all the fish at one point or another pick at his fins but, HIS EYES? Why do they do this and can he survive like this? Will the others continue to pick at him? So concerned! Thanks Concerned new fish mommy! Have a wonderful day! Jessica <Hello Jessica. Eyes are -- after fins -- the bits on a fish easily damaged by fighting. So the best thing a "concerned fish mom" would do at the first signs of aggression between fish is to separate them so this couldn't happen. It is unusual for goldfish and/or Koi to be aggressive towards one another, but they can be boisterous, and it is ALWAYS recommended that fancy (double-tail) goldfish are kept in different tanks to single-tail goldfish and Koi. In other words: Orandas, moors, Ryukin, etc. should all be kept in different to tanks to plain goldfish, comets, and Shubunkin's. I'm guessing that you didn't do this. If you didn't, you know now! As for therapy: treat with an anti-Finrot/anti-fungus medication first, to prevent a secondary infection. Do also check the water quality, specifically nitrite, to see that there isn't a problem there. It is entirely possible that minor damage (that could have healed) quickly turned bad because of poor water quality. There should be zero ammonia and nitrite in the system. In addition, check water chemistry for the same reasons. Goldfish need hard (10+ degrees dH) and basic (pH 7.5) water conditions. Will the eyes grow back? Obviously not. Can he live without them? Yes, provided he is kept alone. He will navigate using his lateral line and forage for food by touch and olfaction, but the goldfish with eyes will be able to out-compete him at feeding time. The result will be a lot like dinner time at the home of Phineas. Cheers, Neale.> Starting from scratch! As in w/ no knowledge... Betta, Goldfish incomp. 2/6/07 Question: Good day, My birthday treat is to start all over again since my fish died after Christmas. <...> Please give me a list of EVERYTHING I need to purchase for a 10 gallon tank and how many fish should I have in it (I had 2 goldfish & 1 beta fish prior). I would like to get 1 beta fish and 3 gold fish (very small ones). Plus, what should I do for feeding of the fish when I take a week's vacation which happens twice a year!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL ASSISTANCE!! Your blessings from heaven comes in 2007! Elfrieda <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubwebindex.htm and the linked files as you peruse the index... on FW set-up, Bettas, Goldfish... Bob Fenner> Sick Molly... env., mis-mixed with goldfish 12/07/2007 First I would like to thank all of you. Any time I have a question some one always answers me. So thanks. Now onward. I have a 10 gallon tank. I have 3 mollies and 4 goldfish. Now I know they like different water situations and found this out after the fish were bought and put together (need to do my homework, I know). However, every fish was doing fine but now ALL my mollies have what appears to be fluffy white spots on them. Not sure if it's a bacteria or a growth...what can I do? Also is the water contaminated now to, so if something does end up happening to my molly's will it contaminate the next fish? Thanks so much. Laura <Hello Laura. The Mollies have Finrot and/or fungus and need to be treated with a combination Finrot/fungus medication. This is extremely common when Mollies are kept in freshwater. In addition, Mollies are acutely sensitive to Nitrate, and Goldfish are veritable Nitrate factories! So you WILL need to separate them. Please do read our article on Mollies and act accordingly: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm Hope this helps, Neale.>
Ryukin Goldfish Guidelines 11/4/07 Hello! Can I ask questions about this goldfish? <Yes.> What plants can be compatible with this fish? <Anything tolerant of cold to subtropical conditions, but with the caution that Goldfish will view most plants as potential food. So while Elodea and Egeria enjoy the same cool, hard, alkaline water conditions as Goldfish, Goldfish are apt to simply eat those plants. This isn't a bad thing though: Goldfish are herbivores in the wild and at least half their diet should be plant material of some sort. The fact people don't do this all the time explains the sick, constipated Goldfish you keep seeing and we keep being asked about. So you can simply add new bunches of Elodea or Egeria as you go along. If you want something permanent, there are so options. Under good lighting, subtropical Vallisneria and Sagittaria do well with Goldfish. Java moss and Java fern will be OK at 18 C or more; both of these are inedible. Anubias is another inedible plant, but it needs at least 20 C to do well. Most Goldfish keepers opt for silk or plastic plants.> What are the preparations and basic/advance care for this fish? <Learn to review this web site before asking "tell me everything" questions, my friend. Start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish.htm > Tnx..! <Cheers, Neale>
Algae fish sucking on goldfish 10/3/07 We have 2 goldfish and an algae fish. They have been in the same tank for about 6 months. Today the algae fish was attached to one of the goldfish and now the fish is floating on his side at the top of the tank. It seems like you can see through him and his fins look flat and torn. My question is do you think he was sick or did the algae fish kill him? Also, should we worry for the other goldfish? Thanks, Denice <Hello Denice. What you describe is actually very common. Under no circumstances should "algae fish" -- by which I assume you mean Gyrinocheilus aymonieri -- be kept with goldfish or any other large, slow moving species. Apart from eat the mucous from the skins of large fish, as they get bigger they become increasingly hostile, to the point where they can, do batter tankmates to death. Despite their widespread sale in aquarium shops, these ARE NOT GOOD AQUARIUM FISH. Most aquarium books say as much, so please let me remind you of the importance of researching a fish BEFORE buying it. The guys in the pet store often have no clue, and ultimately only care about making a sale. If you can, return the fish to the store. They are, of course, tropical fish, and unless your goldfish aquarium is heated to around 22-24 C, your specimen of Gyrinocheilus aymonieri will not last for very long. Cheers, Neale> Goldfish Capability, actually comp. with Platies 9/5/07 Hi there, <Sweet Melissa> I've had two plain goldfish for the last three years. They've always been very healthy (no diseases ever). Recently though, we had an earthquake and a log (fake) moved and pinned one of the fish. Sadly, it died before we found it. So we now have one plain "feeder" goldfish in a 12 gallon Eclipse tank. The tank's temperature is usually between 75 to 78 degrees and the pH is usually 7.2. She's been doing fine on her own so far, but I'd like to add another fish or two. <Will need more room...> I don't really like fancy goldfish, and the "feeder" goldfish I find in stores always seem to be in grotesque conditions and unhealthy. <Yes... too often the case> I have considered getting one and just keeping it under a longer quarantine, but I also wonder what other options I have. I've found conflicting research about fish compatibility. What do you think about adding two female platies? <Mmm, a possibility... these livebearers do "like" similar water conditions... In fact, many folks use platies in warmish outdoor ponds to nip at string algae...> I know these are tropical fish, but they seem like they could be compatible with a goldfish. My current fish is about 2 in. and is pretty docile (she's been with some guppies before and did fine). Basically, I want to add some variety to my tank, but I don't want to jeopardize my current fish's health. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Melissa <I do think the platies might be just the ticket here... And a good introduction to more "tropical" systems... Bob Fenner> Aggressive goldfish, sys., comp. 9/5/07 Hi, I have 2 goldfish called Slippery Benson and Hedges. Benson is your average goldfish - orange in colour with a short tail and fins, Hedges is a pinky silver colour with a red splotch on his head (and one red eye-he's so cool!). Their bodies are almost exactly the same size, although Hedges' slightly fancier tail and fins make him slightly larger. They have lived together in their 20 litre tank (which is about 4.5 UK gallons and 5.5 US) <Need much more room than this...> which has plenty on interesting stuff in it for about 3 weeks but recently Hedges has started chasing and nipping Benson. Sometimes they're totally fine, sometimes not. Why is this? <Natural behavior somewhat... but can be trouble here due to crowding, no where to get away> Slippery Benson was given to me as a present in a bowl but i felt sorry for him so spent a ridiculous amount of money on his cool new home and bought him Hedges for a bit of company. I can't afford anything bigger (and have no more room for a bigger tank) but couldn't bear to part with them now - what should I do? <Determine your priorities apart from your emotions... What is more important, the health of the livestock, or?> Could Hedges do Benson any real harm? <Yes. Bob Fenner> Faithfully, Antonia Mystus leucophasis question 8/3/07 hi all. just to forewarn you this is my first fish tank since childhood, the other day I got the notion that I wanted a fish tank. I went to the store and purchased 3. two Ryukin and a Mystus leucophasis only about and inch long). the worker at the store had told me that they were fine to be together, so I took them home and gave them names. this morning I noticed that my Mystus leucophasis wasn't swimming upside down, so I thought it good to research this species...one to find out if it is in fact compatible with the Ryukin, and two just to know more about it. I did discover that they are aggressive and, for me, going to be a bit more maintenance than the goldfish. I think I'm asking for some basic info for a beginner on the catfish and if the 2 are in fact going to live together peacefully. and I am using spring water (at the stores suggestion) and my water is reading at 83-85 plus degrees most of the time. is it ok if at night I put the air conditioner on and the temp goes down to 78. if this is a problem how can I fix it. perhaps ice cubes? :o) I haven't done any ph readings but after reading some of your letters to others I am going to get some tools for that tonight. thanks for any help faith <Hello Faith. Okay, there are a bunch of issues here. To start with, impulse buying of fishes is never a good idea. Fish are animals, not shoes, and when you make a mistake it's the animal that suffers, not just your wallet. But to your credit, I'm pleased you've done some research now and are looking for help. Anyway, yes, Mystus leucophasis is completely and utterly incompatible with your fancy goldfish. Even assuming it doesn't eat them (by no means impossible, given Mystus leucophasis can get to 30 cm in length) it could still hassle them at feeding time or damage them when acting territorially. Mystus leucophasis is also a tropical fish, whereas goldfish are not. At 24, 25 degrees C you might be able to keep them together, but that's really a bit too warm for goldfish to be happy in the long term. Water chemistry, to be fair, isn't a big deal for either fish. Mystus leucophasis is very adaptable and inhabits a variety of waters. Anything between pH 6 and 8, and running from "soft" to "hard" on whatever hardness scale you're using will be acceptable. Goldfish prefer alkaline pH (around 7.5 is ideal) and "moderately hard" to "hard" on the hardness scale. I have no idea why you're using spring water. Sounds insanely expensive. Both these fish will adapt to most kinds of tap water. Avoid water from a domestic water softener though. Always add dechlorinator to the tap water before adding it to the aquarium. Do not add salt. Check the pH and hardness of the water from your tap before using it, so that you have some idea what your local water conditions are like. More than likely it will be fine, but if you happen to live in a soft water area, you may need to harden the water. See here for more: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwh2oquality.htm . As well as a pH test kit and a 'General Hardness' test kit (which measures in degrees dH usually though sometimes milligrams per litre calcium oxide or calcium carbonate) you should also own a nitrite test kit. Ideally, you'd have an ammonia test kit and a nitrate test kit too, but the nitrite test kit is a good starting point. This tells you something about the quality (as opposed to the chemistry) of the water. You want a nitrite value of zero. Anything else is bad, and the higher the number, the worse the conditions, and the more likely your fish will get sick. Beyond this, I think you want to spend a little time browsing the beginners' articles over here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsetupindex.htm . Hope this helps, Neale> Re: Mystus leucophasis question Attn: Neale 8/3/07 Neale, Thank you so much for you very helpful response. I have decide to return the Mystus leucophasis for now, until I am better equipped at handling one. Also I will be switching to tap like you suggested and buying all the testing equipment necessary and doing more beginners research. I do agree that impulse buying animals is cruel and unusual punishment to them and shouldn't be done. I've learned my lesson, hopefully not too much at their expense. Thanks again Faith <Happy to help. I think you did the wise thing. Big catfish are amazing animals and truly wonderful pets; I've had one for 15-plus years and we've both become rather fond of each other. But catfish should be researched first because you're buying an animal that will place certain demands on you. In the meantime, enjoy your goldfish, read around about other aspects of the hobby, and I dare say before long you'll have the experience and interest necessary for keeping catfish, angels, seahorses, or whatever! Cheers, Neale> Goldfish... comp. - 7/23/07 Hi- I have 2 fancy goldfish in one large aquarium. I also have a small Comet goldfish in a separate, smaller aquarium. I want to put the Comet in with the fancies but I know this could be a problem, as the Comet might get all the food since they're faster than fancy goldfish. To complicate things, my 2 fancy goldfish each have only one eye. I want to move a Betta fish into the aquarium currently holding the comet. what should I do? -Molly <Hello Molly. Comets do indeed swim faster than most fancy goldfish. It depends on the fancy goldfish about how bad this will be. If the fancy goldfish are black moors or plain veil-tail goldfish, then it could be fine, assuming the tank is nice and big and you take care to make sure everyone gets a meal. Adding lots of veggies (which you should be doing anyway) helps, because then goldfish can graze slowly through the day. If the fancy goldfish are the really deformed sort like celestials or bubble-eyes, then no, don't mix them. Goldfish and Bettas can't really be kept together. Goldfish like water that is not so warm as Bettas. Goldfish like around 18C, a subtropical temperature, while Bettas want 25-28C, which is very definitely on the warm side. Some folks mix goldfish and tropical fish fine, but I wouldn't recommend it. (Though goldfish can mix well with *subtropical* fish like weather loaches and sunfish, but that's another issue.) Whenever you force a fish to live at a temperature above or below its preferred range, you end up shortening its life and/or making it more sensitive to disease. One last thing. Why do two of your fish lack their full complement of eyes? That's pretty unusual, and would seem to indicate some sort of problem. Cheers, Neale> Re: Goldfish 8/1/07 Thanks for your reply! I'm not moving the Comet in with a Betta- I meant I was moving the Comet out and a Betta in. I moved the Comet in with the fancies and all is well so far. I found the two fancies at local pet stores the way they are-each with only one eye. The sales girl said they would "just pitch them" so I figured it was my duty to step in and rescue them. Thanks again! -Molly <Sounds cool. Just keep an eye on them all, and make sure the fancy goldfish get some food. It's easy for them to lose out at feeding time even with both eyes working, but for fancy goldfish with just the one eye...! Good luck, Neale> Deceased goldfish's brother-- 7/10/07 Hiya, One of our goldfish died over the weekend and his brother has been behaving rather strangely since, swimming around in a very hectic way. I've looked at the sites and know that goldfish aren't schooling fish so he shouldn't be lonely but they were living together for nearly two years. Do you think he will adapt to living on his own or should we get him a companion? Thanks for your help! Laura. <Hello Laura. I have no idea why web sites are saying goldfish aren't schooling fish. They are. Almost all Cyprinidae are, and goldfish prefer to be in as big a group as possible. So yes, your lonely survivor wants a pal. I'd personally consider 3 specimens a good baseline. Ideally, pick goldfish of similar build so they can compete with one another at feeding time. In other words, if you have a plain goldfish, then don't get fancy goldfish, or vice versa. Please check your aquarium conditions though and try to establish why one fish die. Goldfish can live for decades, and any fish that dies in 2 years died too soon. So review tank size, diet, water quality, water chemistry, etc. There are some useful FAQs and articles here all about goldfish that you'll certainly find interesting. Cheers, Neale>
ACF, Pleco and small goldfish (feeders) 5/22/07 I have had 3 small goldfish in a nice 10 gallon tank for 2 years. I have a top fin 10 filter. <To start with, a 10 gallon tank is too small for adult goldfish, and at some point the pollution they produce will start degrading their health.> Algae started to grow in the tank, so we were told to buy a pleco. <Algae is not eliminated by adding any animals. The reverse in fact: more fish = more nitrate in the water = faster rate of algae growth. The "add a catfish" idea is a myth and cannot scientifically work unless the catfish ate the algae in the aquarium and then went out the tank and into the outhouse to excrete all the ammonia there instead.> We went to PetLand discounts, got the pleco (about 1 ½') and next to that tank were the cutest frogs. I never realized there were under water frogs, or knew anything about them, but my daughter wanted one, so we bought one. <No offense, but buying animals you know nothing about is hardly sensible and sets a poor example to children, i.e., that animals are toys not responsibilities.> Now we realize it is an African Clawed Frog. We bought these 5 days ago. We feed the fish blood worms, so we figured the frog would eat this too. Anyway, we woke up today, and all 3 of our fish are dead. <Oh dear. Dare one ask if you'd done any water tests recently? Usually when fish die "all of a sudden" the issue is water quality, not disease. Besides, your 10 gallon tank is WAAAYYYYY overstocked and the little filter overwhelmed. A Plec can reach 30-45 cm depending on the species, and needs a tank at least 30 gallons and preferably 55 gallons in size. Your goldfish potentially reach 30 cm and the record is 60 cm, so again, BIG fish.> The frog and the pleco seem to be doing fine. <Probably because the loading in the tank has "crashed" down to a safe level where the aquarium and filter can cope.> Do you think by introducing the frog and the pleco to the tank this killed our fish? <Most likely, yes.> I feel so bad. <Don't feel bad, but do try and learn. Fish and frogs are animals, just like cats and dogs, and you wouldn't impulse purchase a dog, would you? So, look over the site and read the articles on goldfish and Plecs: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/loricariids.htm .> I am going to go out and buy 2 more frogs, and just keep the frogs and pleco in the tank, and not add fish. Is this what I should do? <Sounds about right. There are two kinds of aquatic frog in the hobby, a dwarf species that gets around 5 cm long and the regular species that gets to around 15 cm long. Both are interesting, hardy animals, but do research their needs.> Thank you, Laura <No problems. Good luck! Neale> Re: ACF, Pleco and small goldfish (feeders) 5/22/07 Thank you for your quick response. This morning when I woke up, the pleco was also dead! <Oh dear. I'm afraid to say that this isn't uncommon. It sounds as if your aquarium was simply overloaded with livestock, and adding the catfish and frog crashed the system, rendering it inhospitable to life. Please stop are read some basic fishkeeping stuff on this web site or in a book. The importance of maintaining a healthy filter cannot be overstated. Many newcomers to the hobby do things like clean the filter media under the tap/faucet, wiping out the "good" bacteria that clean the water. Also, there are things like dechlorinating the water before using it that matter a great deal. So before you buy anything else, read a little more so you feel comfortable. The basics of fishkeeping are extremely easy to master, but if you ignore them... disaster!> So now I only have the little frog :(. I am afraid the frog is going to die too. <I hope note. Please do a big water change now (50%) and another tomorrow (also 50%) to flush out all the "bad" water. Make sure you use dechlorinator. Add tiny amounts of food (don't feed at all for the next 48 hours). Leave things to stabilise after this, for a week or two, checking the water quality with your handy new nitrIte (not nitrAte) test kit. Better yet, buy some of those little dip-sticks that have pH, hardness, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate measurements built into them. Once you're happy the tank is stable, then you can start adding more critters.> I am so upset that we introduced these to the tank. Should I still get a few more frogs, because I read that they are social and like to be in groups. <Indeed so, but hold off buying more frogs until you are safe the tank is stable. You want perfect water quality for at least 2 weeks.> I will also buy a water test kit. <Very good! Frogs are fun in themselves, and mix well with "oddball" critters like apple snails and shrimps. You don't even need fish, and in a tank of 10 gallons, dwarf frogs, snails, and shrimps would be practical and easy to maintain.> Thanks again for your response. <No problems, and good luck. Neale> Goldfish and crayfish -- 05/16/07 I have two goldfish in with my crayfish. The goldfish are much larger then the crayfish. The question will he still try to eat them? <While crayfish are primarily plant eaters and scavengers in the wild, given the chance, they will eat any fish they can catch. In aquaria they can and do trap fishes in the corner of the tank. In a sufficiently large (deep) aquarium regular goldfish might be speedy enough to avoid problems, especially when fully grown, but fancy goldfish are much more vulnerable because they can't swim well. On balance, I'd suggest keeping them separately. Cheers, Neale> Re: Three goldfish ~ all have diminishing tails & fins, and snail sel., algae eaters for goldfish sys., the cached view search tool on WWM 4/5/07 Mr. Fenner, <Krista> Today I learned something important about my situation and hope this will shed some light for you. Although my test kits were inline with the LFS water test, the LFS guy showed me that the pH was very acidic (6.4-6.6). (It's probably been this way for months. <Mmm, and goldfish like...?> I distinctly remember that square on the test strip always being the same color. Perhaps I wasn't reading the results correctly or just didn't know what it should be.) According to the LFS, goldfish prefer a level closer to 7.6. Do you agree? <Yes> Could this have something to do with the diminishing tails & fins? <Of a certainty, yes> (Side note: All other levels were great: no ammonia, no nitrates or nitrites.) In addition to more frequent water changes, should I utilize an adjuster? <Yes, I would... Is your tap/source water deficient in alkalinity as well as low in pH?> I purchased API's pH UP, and I understand that I should use this sparingly to adjust the pH very gradually. <Mmm, yes... best to use "outside" the system... In new/change-out water... adjust it... and store, use, mix in when you do water changes... Please read on WWM re pH, alkalinity... all of this and more related/necessary information is archived there...> Another question: My fear of perpetuating the algae growth (more on this below) has kept me from having the hood light on more than 10-15 minutes every other day. Could this be affecting the pH? <Yes...> (The LFS suggested this, but I wanted a more reliable source to confirm it, please.) Also, I've switched food to Ocean Nutrition Formula Two (per Sabrina's recommendation in her article). Amazing ~ the food I was previously feeding them was yellow and red. This is green, like plant matter. (Duh!) <Much better> As for the algae situation, I have three questions. First, the algae (if that's what it is) is a reddish-brown color. That doesn't seem to fit the description of BGA. Could the color of this growth be related to the color of the previous food source? <... please read: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwbgafaqs.htm and elsewhere on WWM re Cyanobacteria... the color is not indicative...> Second, I read your article and learned about inputs and their controls. If I understand correctly, there are minimal inputs in my system. I feed the fish sparingly (every other day), and severely limit any light sources. What could I be doing wrong? <... many possibilities... all posted...> Third, would you recommend an algae-eating organism to assist with this problem? <Perhaps a snail... not a fish... again... this is...> I'm a little wary of introducing other species into my aquarium, especially when those I have seem so content with one another. However, if a snail or something would eat up all of this algae . . . 1) Can I keep a snail in an aquarium without live plants? <Yes> 2) If I only purchase one snail, they won't reproduce, correct? <Mmm, depends on the species... Some are ... where might you read?> 3) Would a brackish snail simply die (if it was improperly labeled at the LFS) or could it cause other problems? <A truly brackish snail is not a good choice> 4) Does the potential of bringing in a dangerous bacteria (with the snail) outweigh the current inconvenience of the algae? <Not IMO/E, no... though, where/when in doubt, a good idea to keep isolated... in quarantine for a few weeks... in a simple glass jar... with water from the tank...> 5) Are shrimp another acceptable option? Sabrina seems to like them, but are they compatible with goldfish and coldwater? (I had difficulty finding articles relating goldfish and shrimp that didn't refer to goldfish diets. grin) <Mmm, there are coldwater shrimp, but these are not readily available> 6) Loaches and goldfish are not compatible. <Some are... like the Dojo/Misgurnis...> 7) Plecos and goldies ~ a very messy combination. <Not advised> 8) Your recommendation, please, if indeed you think it would be helpful? <Pomacea/Ampullaria... as posted....> Thank you again for your time and attention. I've found the articles and FAQs to be very educating. <Good> I'm learning so much! (Side note: It would be helpful when doing searches if the links took one directly to the reference rather than to a huge page through which one must search for the reference. Am I doing something wrong or is this just the way the site is set-up? My only criticism so far!) Krista Goodin <Thank you for this. Only the search tool/copy on our specific: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm page will present the cached versions... highlighting search terms... Or using Google outside WWM... a deficiency in G's adsense software. Bob Fenner>
Fish help! Goldfish comp., beh. 1/30/07 Hi WetWebMedia crew member, <Jennifer> First of all, thank you for your information on pet fishes. I was learning <Was? No longer?> a lot, and it helped me to take care of my two Black Moors. But now I have some issues I'm not able to find much answers on. The two Black Moors' names are Chocolate and Pudding (together, they're chocolate pudding). <Clever> The first problem, Chocolate is a much thinner goldfish with very long full fins. It seems like no matter what he eats, all the nutrition goes straight to his fins. <Heee!> I've had the two Black Moors for about a year now, but Chocolate has not grown a bit unless you're measuring the fins (2.5 inches in length, but its 30% body, 70% fin, and 1.5cm in width). On the other hand Pudding has grown nearly 1.5 times as big (now he is about 3 inches in length, and 1 inch in width). <Perhaps in retrospect these Goldfish might have been named Laurel and Hardy...> Chocolate has such a small body, with long fins. I mean the volume of both of his eyes is as big as the body. I'm just wondering is that normal? Is there anything I can do to enhance Chocolate's growth? <Is likely normal... All goldfish "breeds" are resultant from a cross... are the same species... some with longer finnage, some of the fins split/doubled, some with bulbous eyes, some with more roundish bodies... differing color...> The second problem, during December, I went on a family trip. I left Chocolate and Pudding with my boyfriend. Now that I have gotten them back, Pudding seems really violent towards Chocolate. <Not good... happens at times when "not so fancy" varieties are mixed with fancier (rounder) ones> At first there was just one split fin, I just thought it was an accident. But just last night I discovered that Chocolate has many split fins (total of 5). Then just today I saw Pudding bumping into Chocolate. It wasn't like swim into each other bump. it was more of tackling. Chocolate panicked so badly, he spent the rest of the day wedged behind the filter (where pudding can't reach him). Chocolate only comes out to eat, then he hurries back behind the filter afterwards. I don't know how long that's been happening, but it's making me nervous. I was going to separate them, but I don't have a spare tank. Is there an explanation for this? Sincerely, Jennifer <Mmm, I do hope this is only a temporary, likely breeding behavior-related incident... Otherwise and just the same, I would separate these two for a week or two... a bit of rigid screen (perhaps a piece of louver (see Home Depot, Lowe's) broken into a partition in the tank> PS: Thank you for helping me! <Welcome my friend. Bob Fenner> Goldfish and Algae eaters - 1/20/07 Hello
Bob, <Hey Susan, JustinN with you today.> Here are a few
questions I hope you can answer re: 30 gal indoor aquarium w/1 fantail,
1 Oranda, 2 Corys (just lost one beautiful Oranda w/dropsy :(
<I'm very sorry for your losses.> 1. Are there any
cold-water algae eaters that would not outgrow a 30 gallon
tank? If not, any suggestions aside from snails? <Sorry
to be the bearer of bad news here, my friend, but really there are not.
I hear suggestions for Olive Nerite snails (Neritina reclivata) fairly
often, but the problem here is the temperate issue, as you have pointed
out. Assuming your Corys are Corydoras catfish, they too will likely
eventually succumb to the subtropic conditions. Have a read through
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm
and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm
and the files linked in blue above.> 2. How long should I
wait before I introduce another fish to the tank after losing one to
dropsy a week ago? <In my opinion, you are already full my friend.
Your goldfish will likely grow larger than their current girth as is.
Most serious goldfish keepers provide a minimum of 20 gallons per
specimen, sometimes up to 30 gallons. Reason being, goldfish are very
messy eaters, and high waste producers, beyond their large adult size.
It is much harder to keep the environment stable and clean when you
have more than this.> 3. Is it wise to put smaller
fantails (3-4") in with larger fantails - my fantails are larger
(5-6") and non-aggressive toward the Corys. <No, I do not think
any further additions of fishes would be wise here. See above for my
rationale.> 4. Could my apple snail have introduced
bacteria into the water which could have killed my
Oranda? The snail smelled and I found it necessary to
euthanize it, thinking it could have been the culprit. It
had been dormant for a while but was still barely alive. It
was over a year old and had passed maturity for quite a while,
gradually slowing down to what seemed to be a hibernating state.
<The dying of your snail likely was releasing a good amount of
ammonia into the water column, polluting your tank even further, but
likely the large size of your fishes and quantity in a smaller volume
played a role here as well.> 5. What type of fish would
you suggest I add to my tank - preferably hearty fish that will not out
grow a 30 gal tank. <Only what you already have, sorry.> Thanks
much! Susan Tervo <Have a read through the links provided above, and
good luck! -JustinN> Red tailed sharks and Goldfish tog. Dear Sir, <<Hello, Lara. Tom with you.>> I read your article about red-tailed sharks online. It was very interesting and informative! <<Wish I could take credit for that one, Lara. Glad you liked it, though.>> I used to have a red-tailed shark in a regular aquarium years ago. <<A very nice fish, to be sure. A little tricky to get appropriate tank mates, however.>> I was wondering if I could keep one in a tank with goldfish? <<The problem here, Lara, is that it might work and it might not. Seems a bit noncommittal, I'm sure, but I'm from the 'school' that doesn't believe in mixing other species with Goldfish. The 'safe' answer would be, 'No', but sometimes one can be too conservative. Red-Tails are territorial and can be a bit nasty with small fish. Goldfish don't pose this problem, size-wise. Red-Tails aren't 'fin-nippers', per se, though their behavior can leave you with this impression. You don't mention what type of Goldfish you have (and, I assume you already have these) so I would advise the following. If you have a 'fancy' variety of any sort, don't go with the Shark. These Goldfish would be slow swimmers and, perhaps, the subjects of aggression from the Shark. If you have Commons or Comets, it might be worth a try. These will grow large and Red-Tailed Sharks do better, behavior-wise, with larger fish. A lot of this will depend greatly on the size of your tank, the number of fish in it, the water temperatures (should be mid-70's F. if this is to be successful) and, ultimately, what you're prepared to do if things 'go South'.>> I heard that goldfish need to be in aquariums full of goldfish only. <<By and large, Goldfish have different requirements than other fish do. They're adaptable to much colder temperatures than tropical fish are, for one. They require much larger tanks than the majority of hobbyists think they do. For example, I wouldn't place a single Goldfish of any variety into a tank of less than 30 gallons. They're 'messy' and place a very sizeable bio-load on a tank which is a big reason for large quarters. Small tanks simply don't provide enough 'stability' where water conditions are concerned. Diet is another factor. Goldfish don't process proteins well. A huge reason for problems like Swim Bladder Disorder and constipation. Red-Tailed Sharks, though scavengers by nature, are omnivorous where Goldfish are largely herbivorous. Something to keep in mind if you go through with your plan.>> Thank you for answering! Lara <<I think I've given you enough to go on, Lara. If you have anything specific to ask, I'll be here. Best regards. Tom>> My swordtails have been harassing my goldfish! Well, the two aren't compatible species, in many senses... 1/10/07 I have a 15 gallon tank with two 2 inch long female fantails, three swordtails, and an albino Pleco. <The Pleco will soon outgrow that tank, as it can reach over a foot in length! Perhaps more problematic is that swordtails are tropical fish and goldfish are cooler water fish...the two aren't compatible. You need to have two separate environments; one cool for the goldfish, and one warm for the tropicals. Do read here for basic info. on the two very different types of fish you've got: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile27.html http://www.geocities.com/shtinkythefish/qgold.htm > I have a male swordtail which is about two inches long (underdeveloped tail included) and two females which barely make an inch and a half, and lately I've been noticing the swordtails will nip and sometimes chase my goldfish. <This is yet another problem of housing the two species together...> I read on the internet that swordtails and goldfish don't tend to generally mix well... <Mostly because each has very different environmental requirements!> ...but I was wondering if this will maybe lead to a fatality on the goldfishes part. <It could. And, depending upon what conditions this tank is kept at (pH, temp., etc.), the swords could also become fatalities. Bottom line: you need to research any fish purchase prior to buying it. Had you done so, you would have quickly seen these two types of fish do not belong together. Here's a very nice by Bob Fenner on setting up a proper goldfish tank - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm - and I highly recommend a book entitled "A Simple Guide to the Freshwater Aquarium" by David E. Boruchowitz for basic info. on all sorts of tropical fish, including swordtails. Also, do read here for livebearer species info: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/poeciliids.htm > The nips have never (that I've seen) punctured through the scales and their tails are practically intact but I was wondering if this was maybe psychologically harmful to my goldfish, as silly as it sounds. <It doesn't sound silly at all...in fact, constant harassment can lead to a compromised immune system, along with physiological damage, etc. You need to separate the goldfish from the swordtails for a variety of reasons, as cited above. Best regards, Jorie> Glolight tetras not compatible with goldfish; need to read
before keeping any fish 1/9/07 I am sorry about the last
E-mail. <Not sure what the problem/issue was, but let me try to help
you with this one.> I have 2 Glowlight Tetras in a tank with 2 small
goldfish, it has no heater. <That's not good. What's the
temperature of that tank? The tetras you refer to are indeed tropical
fish and require a steady tank temperature of 72-82 degrees F.
Goldfish, in contrast, are a cooler water fish and thrive in conditions
anywhere from 50 - 68 degrees F, again, provided that the temperature
is kept stable.> I was wondering if Glowlight Tetras normally live
in coldwater. <They do not. Keeping them in
non-appropriate conditions will only weaken their immune systems,
rendering them more susceptible to disease, thus shortening the
lifespan...need to research and provide a proper environment for these,
and all fish you are keeping. Do read here for some basic
info. on the fish: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile62.html I
moved them over because some of my tropical fish were eating them.
<I'm afraid to ask, but what were you housing them with? And, in
how large of a tank? Please do your fish a favor and read up
on the proper conditions and requirements of any and all livestock
prior to purchasing... Here's a great place to start: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubwebindex.htm
Regards, Jorie> Dylan I'm a little curious. Fading goldfish color, comp. with Mollies 12/25/06 I have a beautiful fish tank filled with aquatic plants and gravel plus along with it is my wonderful fan tail, common goldfish, black moor, Oranda, and finally Ryukins. They all get along fine!! But my question is that one of my Oranda is very healthy but its red cap is starting to fade and turn to a yellowish color and I don't know what to do to help it!!!! <Does happen to some goldfish... genetic, developmental... Good water quality, nutrition, are the roads to maintaining, retrieving color... if possible at all> and my second question is that I really love balloon mollies and I did a research on them and found out that they are really peaceful fish just like the goldfish so I was wondering if pot belly mollies and other mollies can be in the same tank as the goldfish???? <Mmm, can... have similar likes in the way of water quality, agreeable temperaments... Though I still like the "looks" of all-goldfish set-ups. Bob Fenner>
Bala Sharks and Goldfish 10/16/06 <<Hi, Missy. Tom>> I have a tricolor shark. And I used to have a goldfish in with it. <<Not the best idea to mix tropical fish with Goldfish, Missy.>> Well today when I walked past the tank I heard a loud sound like one of the fish jumped. When I looked over the goldfish was dead and part of his skin was off. Do you think my tricolor shark did it? <<Tri-colored (Bala) sharks are almost legendary for their non-aggressive behavior toward other species although, if kept in an aquarium that's too small - anything under 75-gallons is probably too small - their behavior might become questionable. These fish are "high-strung", for lack of a better way to put it. They actually do better in groups which really starts to force the required size of an aquarium upward, probably larger than most hobbyists would have room for or care to maintain. So, to answer your question, I'd say that it's possible that your shark was responsible for your Goldfish's demise.>> I noticed a few times that the tricolor shark and goldfish were chasing each other. I was just wondering because my son wants another goldfish and I don't know if I should. <<I wouldn't put another Goldfish in with the shark, Missy. Once again, if your aquarium isn't large, your shark may very likely injure itself by smashing into the sides and anything else in the tank. And for what it's worth, no Goldfish should be kept in a tank smaller than 20 gallons and, preferably, 30 gallons or bigger.>> Thank you Missy <<You're welcome and good luck. Tom>> Goldfish and Suckerfish 8/7/06 Hi! <<Hey, there. Tom this afternoon.>> I currently have 3 small goldfish, and lately there has been some algae growth. Is this due to the cycle of the tank, because it has recently matured? <<One of the signs of a cycled tank is algae growth so I would say this is more than likely the case.>> I was wondering if there was any types of algae-cleaners that I could buy to put in my tank. I have read that the common Pleco will suck on the goldfish. Are there any other types of suckerfish that would get along with goldfish? <<Your information on the Common Plecostomus is correct. Unfortunately, there aren't any of the so-called Algae Eaters that will do well in a Goldfish tank. Very few fish will, which is why it's recommended that Goldfish stay segregated with their own kind. What you might look into, provided it's aesthetically pleasing to you, is the Olive Nerite snail (Neritina reclivata). I'm not a "snail guy" myself but these critters are used by many aquarists to control algae (something they do very, very well by all accounts).>> Thanks! <<You're welcome. Tom>> <http://yatfs.com/new_page_11.htm> Black Moors Killing Other Fish... Can happen 8/3/06 <<Tom>> I have had black moors in the past, and have had no problems with them. But a couple of weeks ago I got a new one and it has now killed 2 of my other fish by chewing on them until they can't survive anymore. What do you suggest I do? <<You've got a rogue on your hands so you can keep it in a tank by itself or get rid of it. You're not going to "rehabilitate" a non-predator species that kills simply because it can and/or wants to. Sorry. Tom>> Sick black moor... eaten by a CAE, poisoned with "medicines"... 8/2/06 We have a black moor and an orange and white fan-tail. They were both doing fine then one morning we looked and they had ick. <What might have "brought this on?"> I have treated them for the ick <With?> and the gold and white fan-tail seems to be doing ok. He was gasping at the top of the tank some and scratching against the thermometer, but that stopped, <Could be the protozoan, the medication, both, neither...> from what I can tell, after doing water treatments and adjusting the ph. <How?> Unfortunately, the black moor, after the ick treatment got this white film all over. <Poisoning... likely the treatment> This was yesterday, today his pretty little fan-tail is about gone, and he is no longer all black, most of him is silver. We have a algae eater <Not compatible. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm> and he was chasing the black moor yesterday trying to clean him. <No. Eating the goldfish... needs to be separated. Immediately> Today, not only is he without a tail and mostly silver he is staying on the bottom of the tank on his side, and really doesn't want to eat. <... would you? Poisoned, placed with a fish that is riding you, sucking off your body mucus, means for maintaining ionic/osmotic integrity...> He gets lodged under plants sometimes, and when we remove the plant he floats to the top only to turn around and sink again to where he is laying on his side. I have treated for ick as I said <Again, how? Realize that you are not relating facts, but opinions...> and followed with the fungus treatment <Of what make-up?> like I was told to do and he seemed to be getting better, until last night. Is it possible that the algae eater has done something to make him worse <Ah, yes> or is there something else going on that I don't know? Please help, my children are very upset that their fish is sick. JULIE COOPER GEORGIA <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above. And do remove the CAE... Bob Fenner> Platy Aggression Help: Not covered. Goldfish incomp. 7/29/06 Hello! I have a question that I couldn't find answered on this page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platybehfaqs.htm --and if it's else where, I feel out of luck, I haven't been able to find anything at all about this (Maybe I'm using the wrong search words? *laughs*) I would greatly appreciate some input. (In other words, I would really, really, really love help) Forgive me if I over explain below, I figured more info might help obtain a better answer... <Hotay> I have 2 female platies, and 2 males. They don't fight with each other- luckily; 1 male sticks with 1 female. This is my first time having platies, I realize now the ratio is messed up, (thanks for that go to the store that sold them to me) but that's not the problem. The 4 of them really are fine with each other, hardly any chasing, the males just always tag along with their chosen girl, and in a month I had already seen fry- The problem is that the females, and the females alone, have recently started aggressively harassing my very fat bellied, round, fancy goldfish. <... these fishes shouldn't be mixed together> I'm, sadly, unsure of the type but, they're very slow moving and I have 2 in the tank. I doubt it matters much, but one of them is fully white and the other one is orange and white- these goldfish are about 3 times the size of the platies (and growing) and don't bother any of the other fish (I've always had great luck keeping gold fish with other community tropicals. <Please read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm> They always just seem like the silly stupid dogs of the group, happily looking for food in the gravel) The only problem I've ever had with fish, besides the occasional human error accident, is that I've never had much luck keeping guppies alive for more than a few months, I think my water has always been too soft or something. I digress: Why on earth are my female platies being "evil"? <Hard to say, state... want the goldfish to move out of the way? It's too tasty to resist?> They're really plowing into my goldfish- even from the other side of the tank. They don't let up, even when my goldfish are on their fastest slow little run. This isn't just a, "Move out of my way! I want that algae tablet," kind of thing. (Because the girls do that too, but I don't blame 'em there.) I know most people don't keep goldfish with other fish- so this might be a hard one for me to find good advice on. The tank I have now is a 20 gallon long, it has a UVB florescent reptile light that the plants love, <Neat> moderately filled with leafy and fluffy live plants, it has these plastic mangrove roots that offer large hiding areas under them, pea sized gravel, some larger rocks, massive amounts of circulation/filtration (under gravel filter, a very small bubble screen, a Fluval 1, and a out of tank turtle filter that uses several levels of carbon and other filtration- the fish and plants seem to love it all) The ammonia is always at 0ppm, the Ph is normally around 6.4 (it fluxed some in the beginning, but always between 6.4 and 7.2), no nitrites or nitrates. I just added some coral and sea salt today that took the ph up to 7 (where I think I wanted it.) It's soft water and the temp in the house is 78 (hot here) with no heating in the tank (don't know the tank temp. is, hoping you have some magical mathematical way of figuring this out if it might matter.) But it feels sort of cool, nice, to the touch. It has the 2 goldfish, 3 ghost catfish (glass fish? also new to me), 1 Cory cat, 2 danio's, 5 neon's, 4 platies, and 1 guppy that's been 1/2 dead for a month- (the others got tail rot, or something, from the store I think -which is lovely- but this one survived it.) This is a newer tank, I've only had it set up for 2-3 months, but everything has been peachy -Until- I went out of town for a week, my boyfriend fed the fish a lot more than I do (but the ammonia stayed at 0 is seems) and I can't figure out anything else that would have changed. They get flake food, about 2 pinches a day, and algae tablets here and there (for the Cory, the others just get to it before him usually)- I make sure I see everyone eat but I don't believe they are over or under fed. The more gravid one is much more aggressive than the less gravid one, but they both still bite and chase often. This did not happen when one was very gravid before. Everything was fine, it had babies, then got pregnant again. (and yes, I'm 100% on which are girls and which are boys ;) The platies are now in a temp. cage. I don't want to put them back in with the others yet, I want to try to understand what's going on before I decide on doing anything else. I've always had tanks with goldfish, danios, neon tetras, angelfish (weirdly enough, they got along) Cory cats, and even sometimes guppies in them -all together, & in tanks some might consider crowded- (I had that whole list in just a 10 gallon when I was growing up- they all live forever too -the two angel fish even bred. It had those 2 angels, 5 Neons, 2 goldfish, 2 danios, 5 guppies, and 1 Cory- *laughs*) I don't consider this new tank crowded by my previous standards. They seem to have plenty of room and even their own areas if they've wanted to claim one. They're just the kind of fish I like and it's seem to have worked well enough for me before. But, like I said- this is my first time with platies, and my first community problem. -Just wanted to give an idea of my background with fish. Very few of mine, except guppies, and even ones bought sickly, ever die on me- even after years and years. (it's always their new caretakers when I have to move, *chuckles*) Thanks again, especially for your time. ~Monica <The goldfish really has to be moved into other quarters... Platies like about the same water chemistry, but can tolerate much warmer water longer... goldfish are "dirty" to a large degree... Not compatible with tropicals. Bob Fenner> CAE help 7/27/06 Hello, <<Hi, Caitlan. Tom>> I recently purchased a Chinese algae eater as the pet shop people told me that they live well with goldfish. <<I'd take that with a very big grain of salt.>> I have 4 very hungry fantails. As opposed to the usual case, my fantails are ATTACKING the CAE? Is this normal? <<If you expected the situation to be reversed, give the CAE some time to mature and it may very well be the case. I don't have any specific knowledge of the CAE's behavior with Goldfish but I do know that they become territorial, aggressive and, potentially, killers as adults around other types of fish. One of their particularly distasteful habits as adults is to attach themselves to slower moving fish and feed on the skin of the hapless victim. These creatures shouldn't even be sold to hobbyists, in my opinion.>> I was hoping you could give me some advice as to what's an appropriate step to take in this case? <<In your case, Caitlan, I'd take the animal back to the pet shop and get your money back. This fish won't "change its spots" and will turn out as Mother Nature decreed. I certainly wouldn't put your Goldfish in jeopardy - odd as that sounds from what you've described - over this fish. Personally, I'd think hard about accepting the recommendations from the folks at this pet shop, as well. A shop that stocks a fish with the reputation that this one has may not be the best place to do business.>> Thanks for your help! <<Don't know that I'd call it "help" in this case, Caitlan, but I don't think you'd get a different opinion from any of my fellow Crew members on this one.>> With regards, Caitlan Otocinclus and Comet DON'T MIX! EMERGENCY 07/21/06 Hi, love your website, thanks for it, but I have a huge problem!! <<Hi, back. You're welcome. Let's see what we can do. (Tom here, by the way.)>> I woke up today to find my Comet munching on my Otocinclus! Actually, what I mean by that is that the Oto was lodged in his mouth with about 25% of it sticking out. He doesn't appear to be choking because he is still breathing. <<I assume you're referring to the Comet because the Oto doesn't sound to be in good shape.>> I got two new Oto's a couple days ago and since then they've both been lethargic with clamped fins, each was tiny, 1 inched guys and my Comet (Harry, don't ask) is about 4 inches long excluding his tail. He's always been greedy and I think what happened is the Oto died and the Comet finally could catch him and did. <<Not unusual for Goldfish to do this. They tend to be "opportunistic" feeders and your Oto gave Harry the chance he was waiting for...unfortunately.>> No search engines helped me at all! <<In fairness, it's not the typical inquiry.>> At this point, Harry is moving slowly and keeps sucking or blowing his mouth, I can't tell which. This is a major problem and one way or another might solve itself before you answer back, but right now my main concern is lack of ability to eat or transfer air in the swim bladder, and of course lodging it in more and choking! <<As long as he's moving water over his gills, he's not "choking". He may not be very comfortable but he won't suffocate.>> Just in case he lives and for future references please help! I tried using metal tongs and I grabbed the protruding tail but I couldn't get it out, I'm sort of nervous of pulling too hard. How do I dislodge it, or can he digest the head soon enough and eventually pass it through?? (I seriously doubt it though.) <<I seriously doubt it, too. Goldfish are primarily "vegetarians". Their systems aren't developed for dining on other fish. Likely the dorsal rays are getting caught in Harry's mouth as you try to pull the demised Oto out. You might try twisting the Oto one way, or another, to get the rays to "release".>> And should I remove my other Otocinclus and my (very lively and quick) Algae eater? <<First, if by "Algae Eater", you're referring to a common Plecostomus, I wouldn't worry about this. Harry isn't likely to be interested in a "lively and quick" tankmate. My concern here, without getting on a soapbox, is that many Otos are "captured" in the wild by the use of cyanide. I have no direct knowledge of these fish being bred in farms, though it's entirely possible that they are. In any event, the fact that both of yours showed signs of lethargy and clamped fins indicates, to me, that it's possible that they were taken with cyanide, a chemical that will, unfortunately, stay in their systems. Otos, regretfully, show an inordinate amount of "infant mortality", meaning that they often die within hours, or days, of being introduced into the tank. Fish that feed on the dead fish are going to be ingesting cyanide if the deceased fish contain this in their bodies. My recommendation is to get the Oto out of Harry's mouth regardless of what it takes and remove the other Oto from the tank. Easier said than done, I know, but you must do this.>> Thank you for your time, and sorry my email is so long. This is my first major goldfish problem and I'm very anxious. <<Not to worry. You're more than welcome and I completely understand. Tom>> FW community tank... goldfish comp. 7/20/06 hello could someone tell me if fantails or red caps eat other fish like tetras or guppies. <Yes... someone could> I seen to be missing several fish. I have a 29 gallon tank. Should I move my goldfish to the outside pond on my porch.????? Who is doing the cannibalism??? <Mmm, goldfish and tropicals are best kept separately... for a few good reasons (stated on WWM: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm Don't generally pursue, eat small/er tankmates though, but may inadvertently "suck them in" while eating if they're very small... Bob Fenner> <Oh, and do you have a Chinese Algae Eater? This is my number one guess: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/algaeeatersart.htm Read here and the linked files at top. RMF> Butterfly aka hillstream loaches 6/28/06 Dear Crew, I've just found your site and love it! After doing lots of research online for my fish it's so nice to have so much information in one place. <Ah, yes> I do have some questions about the hillstream loaches since I can't seem to find much information anywhere on them. I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 very small fancy goldfish (1 black moor, Narvey, about two inches with its tail, (are you supposed to measure with or without the tail?), <For science, w/o, for petfish, w/ most of the time> and 1 calico telescope, Penelope, fantail about 1.5"). Sex unknown on both. They both seem to be healthy and happy. I'm considering either getting a small school of white cloud (5 or 6) or one more goldfish (I'd love to find a fantail panda). I have a bio-filter for a 20-40 gallon and a bubble curtain (mostly for aesthetic value). To get to the point what I want to know is are hillstream loaches compatible with goldfish, from what I've read they are temperature wise, but I've heard them compared to Plecos since they eat algae and kind of look like them, and since I've heard Plecos and other algae eaters are iffy I'm not sure if I want to add one to the tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Cynthia <I have seen these fishes housed together with good success. As you state, do enjoy similar water qualities, and Homalopterids are not "mean" like loricariids, Gyrinocheilus toward goldfishes. Bob Fenner> Goldfish and swordtail compatibility? 6/20/06 Hi again Jorie <Lise> Sorry for bothering you a lot. <It's OK - I'm here to help.> My girlfriend's grandmother has gold fish and I asked her she wanted sword tails after they got big she ask if swordtails go with gold fish but I didn't know so I told her I'd ask the girl that helps with my fish. <These two fish are not compatible - goldfish are cold water fish, whereas swordtails are tropical species. I would strongly suggest that you do some more reading at this point, as many of your questions are very basic and fundamental. I don't recall if I suggested it to you already, but if not, I would highly recommend you either purchase or check out from your local library David E. Boruchowitz's Simple Guide to Freshwater Aquariums ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0793821010/sr=8-1/qid=1150753336/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-4720261-3501636?%5Fencoding=UTF8) This book discusses the nitrogen cycle in a very easy way to understand, as well as different species of fish and which are compatible with which others. The only qualm I have about suggesting this book is the author tends to advocate overstocking tanks, in my opinion. Aside from that, the book is an invaluable resource. I don't at all mind answering questions, but you must also take the initiative to research the basics on your own. Good luck, Jorie> Black Moor Questions ... incomp. 6/14/06 Howdy. I have looked through your site and haven't found exactly my question, so here goes. I have a black moor (Lowly) who has been rubbing against my in-tank thermometer, and I've noticed he's also lost a few scales. He doesn't rub against things all the time, but often enough that I've checked him over a few times in the last week to see if there are any visual changes. There are no spots, no bugs, no lumps, nothing that would indicate the need for scratching. (in my opinion). He's only lost 2 or 3 scales on each side, and they seem to be roughly the same location on each side. <Mmm, could be an "environmental" "itch"... or still some sort of pathogen...> There is no pink or red under the lost scales to indicate an infection or problem otherwise. I do have Lowly in a 75 gallon community tank (I found out from reading your site that it might not be the best thing, but what to do now? <Move it, trade this fish in...> no room for another tank) with 5 Congo tetras, 8 long finned danios, 2 dwarf gouramis and 2 Plecos (one about 4 inches long, the other about 7 inches). <... This is the problem... doesn't live well with these fishes water conditions> Oh yes, I also have "Copper", another black moor, in a breeding net in the tank. He's less than 2 inches long, because the Congo's ate his tail -- ergo, the breeding net. <...> I've been watching the other fish, and none of them seem to be having the problems that Lowly exhibits. I have an AquaClear filter for 60 - 110 gallons, two 3 inch bubble disks and also a 15 inch bubble wand. I've tested my water twice in the last 5 days to ensure it wasn't water issues, and everything seems normal. <That you can/do test for...> (i.e. no ammonia, and all but nitrates within parameters on the test strips with 5 tests. The nitrates are between the highest "safe" and the lowest "unsafe" color, so I'm keeping an eye on them.) I called around to our LFS and one suggested adding aquarium salt <The Congo's and Plecos have little tolerance for salts> a little at a time for a week, and so far I've added 2 tablespoons a day for the last 3 days. (according to the directions on the box, that should be the amount for 30 gallons, so I don't think that should be hurting anything yet) Lowly is *still* rubbing occasionally. What else am I missing? Do I need to give it more time? Finish out the salt treatment to the full 75 gallon amount? Get actual medicine? <Mmm, no... need to re-move this fish, treat elsewhere> I'm getting a little worried, because I don't want to wait too long and have this turn into a problem. (I'm more worried over the scale loss than the rubbing) Thank you for any advice you can give. Alicia <Move this fish. Keep it with other coldwater, goldfish in cool, hard, alkaline water... Bob Fenner> Re: Black Moor Question, part 2 6/14/06 Hello again. I forgot to tell you that we've had Lowly for about 7 months, and his body is about the size of a golf ball, so he's a decent sized black moor. (maybe 5-7 inches or so) Sorry about that, and thank you for your time. Alicia <Not compatible with tropical fish, this setting... BobF> Pleco and Goldfish, good idea?... generally not 6/13/06 I am owner of a 55 gallon tank, which uses two Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel Filtration systems. These are a necessity, due to the 13 inch long-finned goldfish <A whopper!> I have, whose superior filthiness remains over my tank. Recently, about a month ago, I purchased a Plecostomus to help deal with the filtration of algae. This worked wonders for the tank environment, the walls clearly transparent, and the gravel much cleaner, however, the Plecostomus started to push around my goldfish. <Yes> Now, the Plecostomus is no more than 5 inches, and is no where near the size of my goldfish, and yet my goldfish does not show any aggression, and he does not even move away from his hostile attacker. The Plecostomus swims under the goldfish, and chases him around, I fear this simple aggression could lead to the serious injury of my prized goldfish. <You are correct> I have read a variety of things to do, such as remove the Plecostomus right away, leave it be, monitor it, feed it algae disks, and the only one I have yet to try is to remove it. <This is what I would do> I am scared, that the Plecostomus will be overly stressed, and die from our lack of proper temporary tanks in which to house our little beast. Our last resort, it to have the Plecostomus spend the night in a 4 gallon bucket with no filtration. I really do not want to subject my Plecostomus to conditions like these, but I Will if I have to. I will most likely return him to the Petco where I bought him, but I don't want him to be killed either. I would much appreciate some tips and/or guidance. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Thank you, Chelsea R. <Unfortunately, most Plecostomus/Loricariid species sold in the trade are incompatible with Goldfish... too often "suck" on their bodies... dangerously removing body slime, sometimes more. Better to use large, non-asexual species of snails as cleaner-uppers with most goldfish systems. Bob Fenner> Goldfish Rubbing Tummies ... comp., systems 6/12/06 Hi, sorry if you've already answered this question, but I did try to scan your site extensively... I have a 10 gallon tank and in it I have 1 sucker fish, 4 guppies, 2 ghost shrimp and 2 comet goldfish <Incompatible... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm> (one about an inch and the other about two and a half inches.) A little crowded, I know. <And would continue to become more so... but these animals will be dead w/o your changing...> What tank size do you recommend? <Posted... for the goldfish alone, forty gallons> My main issue is this: I recently purchased the larger goldfish (today, actually) and the smaller one keeps chasing it and rubbing itself on it. Mostly on it's tummy, but other parts of the body too. It's not biting, just rubbing. I thought it was strange and decided to look it up...I'd greatly appreciate your help. Thank you so much, Jessica. PS- I live in Arizona and even during the winter my tank won't seem to stay below 75. Right now, it is at 80. Any advice? Thanks again! <Goldfish can tolerate such high temperatures seasonally... Bob Fenner> Re: Goldfish and Bettas - 6/11/6 Hi,
<<Hi.>> I recently emailed you about goldfish and bettas.
If the temperature was about 24 degrees Celsius, could they go in the
same tank? <<No. Mixing a tropical fish like a betta
with cool-water species is very poor fish keeping, and detrimental to
the health of your fishes.>> Is the temperature the only reason?
<<They are entirely incompatible species. They require
entirely different conditions.>> Or will the betta nip at the
goldfish's fins? <<Certainly a possibility, but only one of
many factors.>> Is there a food available that they will both
eat? <<I'm sure they 'will' both eat the same food,
but the have very different nutritional needs. Goldfish need
lots of roughage and plant matter in their diet, while bettas need more
meaty food.>> I have heard that bettas will eat
flakes. Also, I have a red cap Oranda (very small only about
1 1/2 inches) that just seems to have a red spot on his head, no wen!
Will a wen grow? Is this because he is young? <<Possibly.>>
Thanks for all the information you've given me you've been
sooooo helpful! (By the way, not ALL people can afford tanks that you
tell them to buy!) <<Then those people should not keep the
animals they cannot properly care for! Lisa.>> Orandas in Ponds 6/5/06 Hi, Great site! I have two questions: 1. Can Orandas be kept in ponds with koi, catfish, and single finned goldfish? The Orandas are 5-8", the koi are 8-24", the single tailed goldfish are 8", and the catfish are 10", 14", 18". Right now the three Orandas are in a 55 gallon tank, and are beginning to outgrow it. <Mmm, not a good risk... the chubbier varieties of fancy goldfish take a beating when mixed with these likes. Can't compete/move for food...> 2. Also, can these be kept in the pond during the winter? I live in New Jersey. Thanks, Anthony <Mmm, again, not worth trying IMO. Bob Fenner> Goldfish with tropical fish 6/5/06 Hi! <<Hello, again. Tom here.>> I have 3 goldfish in one tank, (quite small only 10 litres) and 12 tropical fish in another (this one is a lot bigger-90 litres). I was wondering if I lowered the temperature in the 90 litre tank to about 22 degrees Celsius, could I put the goldfish in with them? <<A worthy idea? Yes. A viable one? No. I say this because it would give you some "breathing room" by putting the Goldfish into the larger tank, which would be a very good start. Unfortunately, it would be ill-advised to submit your tropical fish to 22C water temperatures, for one. Second, as you and I "discussed", given the messy nature of Goldfish, you'd very likely be subjecting the large tank to a bio-load that it may not, at present, handle well. That is, you could end up with an ammonia/nitrite "spike" that would be harmful to all. Third, Goldfish don't process (digest) proteins well so there may be issues with feeding the whole group together. (While Goldfish subsist almost exclusively on vegetation in "the wild", they'll stuff anything into their mouths that will fit...including small fish if the opportunity presents itself.) The "upshot" here is that it simply is never a good idea to mix Goldfish with tropical fish. Someone, perhaps everyone, is likely to suffer.>> The goldfish types are a bubble eye, a fantail (I think) and a red cap Oranda. In the big tank there is 5 guppies, 4 gold Neons, 2 suckerfish (the common type) and one tetra. I really want my goldfish to go in a bigger tank but I am not ready to purchase another tank. I really hope that I can. <<I understand the situation, which must feel quite discouraging but I feel it would be irresponsible of me to give you the "go ahead" on this. It might work over a short term but it certainly won't work over the long term.>> Thanks! <<Sorry I couldn't be more "upbeat" regarding this. Tom>> Mixing goldfish types, reading - 05/29/06 Hello, Do you know which types of goldfish are compatible with common feeder goldfish. I have one feeder goldfish and a gold apple snail. I am sticking with these common goldfish because I have poor luck with the fancy goldfish -all seem to die. <Is best really not to mix Comets with other fancier varieties... though Shubunkins are near enough in size, temperament, feeding ability to go with them in a large enough setting> This one is doing very well-growing and swims a lot and it's been 2 weeks! Hooray! I was told they are the easiest to keep. I have it in 8 gal. and may be getting a 30 gal. <This will ultimately be too small...> tank from a friend, so would like to add more fish.... how many can I add, what type? Thanks for your advice. Lori <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> No one has a answer... I do: Read... on WWM re goldfish sys., CAEs 5/15/06 I have asked a lot of people about these fish and the condition they have. I had a Fantail, a common Goldfish. For a few days my Fantail wasn't very energetic, but when I purchased 8 new babies <?> including two algae eaters she perked up. <... Chinese Algae Eaters? This species is incompatible... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/algaeeatersart.htm and the related FAQs file linked at top> Anyways just few days one of the babies started to get black spots on it fins and then it moved to its side and with in a few days it died. Then my Fantail died, the one other baby fantail had black fins when I purchased it the it went to almost a solid black before dying. It has spread to another fish and I know that it does not have much longer to live. I have changed water and moved the bigger one out and into a big fish bowl. <... what re water chemistry?> No one seems to have an answer. <You don't provide sufficient information...> I have put a fungus treatment in the water and everything else is fine. They eat very well right up till the end and they swim all the time. If anyone has any idea why this is happening then please let me know <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above. Your goldfish are likely suffering from an improper, vacillating environment. Bob Fenner> Re... goldfish dis., CAE, incomp. - 05/16/2006 <I didn't catch your first E-Mail, but I'll take a crack at this one.> Everything with the water is just fine. I just cleaned everything and took out the younger goldfish. The algae eaters are not exactly trying to suck on the other fish at least yet. But I believe that you are right they are the CAE. I will be removing them ASAP. <If they are CAE, they will try to munch on your Goldfish, just a matter of time.> But I still don't understand why they got black blotches on them ( young goldfish). <Water quality! Likely you have high levels of Ammonia in your tank. If you don't know about cycling, read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm > And now my big goldfish has fin rot but I found a good remedy to cure that up with a peroxide dip. <I don't know if this will hurt your fish, but I don't think it will help. I wouldn't do it.> A fish farmer I know told me about this dip and he says that it works. Exactly what causes fin rot? <Almost always water quality. The only real "cure" is to start doing big water changes (30 to 40 percent) every day, maybe even twice a day. I believe that your tank is cycling. Please read the article linked above.> And is it common for a black moor to have one small fin on the side? I was thinking that she/he was in a crowded tank at one time and could not develop properly. Thanks for your reply. <Probably a genetic abnormality, nothing to worry about. As for your tank, you really need to read about Cycling, get your hands on a test kit and keep your Ammonia and Nitrite levels below 1.0 PPM! In the future, please give a little "back-story" in your E-Mails -- you may not get the same crew member responding to each E-Mail. Jason N.> NTS, FW compatibility - 5/3/2006 Bob, <<Lisa this time :).>> About three weeks ago, I bought a used 55 gallon fish tank to exchange out with my 15 gallon. The guy I got it from said it was used as a fresh water tank and sat empty for 2 years. <<Ok.>> I washed it up and filled it with city tap water, treated the water with aqua safe and left it filter for 2 days before I put any fish in. <<How did you cycle the tank?>> I had my 15 gallon for 5 years with no trouble at all. I am having a lot of trouble with the new tank. In the last 3 weeks I have managed to loose 10 fish and 2 algae eaters. The tank is set up for fresh water for my gold fish, but in the last round of fish that I bought, I have already managed to lose all of them in the matter of days. <<Goldfish are a cool-water fish, and do not fare well mixed with tropicals.>> They seem to huddle together in one corner of the bottom of the tank. They rarely even come up to eat. I have emptied the tank twice and treated it each time I fill it up. I have also treated it with clear water for the smell (it smells fishy). <<Your tank is simply not cycled. Please read about fishless cycling on WWM, and look into purchasing some Bio-Spira.>> In this last time that the fish died I noticed that they had some sort of film or slim on their body. I also noticed that the ones still alive are showing signs of the same film. Would you know what it is and what causes it? <<This is an environmental/water quality issue.>> Also, any recommendations on what to do not to lose any more fish? <<Get your tank cycled.>> Also, would it be safe to put the fish with the film in another tank that I have had set up for 2 years with no problems, or would that harm the fish in that tank as well? <<I wouldn't. Get on the Bio-Spira ASAP, and research the compatibility of your fish before stocking.>> Thank you, Kelley <<Glad to help. Lisa.>> Question about goldfish with catfish 4/8/06 Hiya! <Jason N. here.> I love your site - so much info! <Thank you!> I'm a new goldfish keeper - I've been keeping tropical fish (mostly tetras and danios, as well as barbs recently) for quite sometime but just got a pair of common goldfish. They're currently in a very small tank (the aunt who gave it to me used to keep goldfish in there, so I figured it was okay to get a couple for it) - once I learned it was WAY too small I set about getting a bigger tank. I have a ten gallon I will be setting up to cycle this weekend for them, and when they're too big for that I will probably give them to my parents, who have a large pond with a happy colony of goldfish. Anyway, on to my question! I saw some pictus catfish at the pet store yesterday and am smitten. They're beautiful! My friend who works at the pet store said that catfish and goldfish go well together, but after reading a few horror stories with algae eaters and catfish attacking the goldfish I am now not so sure. Can you tell me whether it would be okay to have a pair of young common goldfish (they're about 1.5" each) in with a pictus catfish(1.5-2" long)? I know both species can grow quite large - would they be all right in a 10 gallon tank for a year or two or will they outgrow that too quickly? My thought was to have them in the 10 gallon tank here at my office for a year or two, then move them to a bigger tank either here (if the office is ok with a bigger tank) or at home when they get bigger. I've been a pretty laid-back fishkeeper to date - no water testing, once-or-twice-a-month partial water changes, etc, but I would like to get serious about it. I have ordered a test kit and am doing a lot of reading. <That's good. Reading and research really is a aquarist's best friend.> Many thanks for your very helpful and interesting site, and thanks in advance for any info you can give me. <I would recommend against keeping a Pictus w/Goldfish. I have found that keeping lower stratum fish w/Goldfish is a recipe for disaster. Goldfish take every opportunity to eat, and getting a finicky catfish to eat before the Goldfish come around will prove to be a nightmare for you. Further, 2 Goldies and a Pictus will be a fantastic squeeze -- in fact, you may want to make the extra investment for a tank that is 20 gallons or more; your Goldies will outgrow that 10 gallon in less than a year, and you are left with MUCH less room for error with so little water. You may find yourself spending more money as you buy equipment for a 10 gallon, and then equipment for a 20+ gallon in not too long a timeframe. Some folks have reported great success keeping Dojo loaches with Goldfish, although in my experience there are still feeding problems as I mentioned above. The tank you are suggesting is much too small to keep Dojos, anyway. Best of luck!> Cheers, Ealasaid <Jason N.> Great Growing Goldfish - 04/05/2006 Hi Bob, I was reading the forum, awesome stuff. I purchased a fantail with black but as he/she got older all the black is gone, now 5 months. Later he/she is all Gold, but too big for the 1 gallon tank I purchased. So I bought a 2 gallon tank and a small 1" Calico, but I had the Calico in there for 1 day and thought my Gold fantail needed all the room so I put the Calico in the 1 gallon tank till he/she gets bigger. My question is, is it OK for them to be alone? Do they need company? My Gold fantail has been OK for the last 5 months. But I feel bad! Thanks. Rodney <Your Goldfish will be fine alone. No reason to feel bad about that. But be aware that you will need a much larger tank to properly care for your pets. Goldfish get big and are messy eaters. You will need at least 20 gallons per fish to keep them for life. There are fish you can keep in a two gallon tank, but Goldfish are not on the list. If the tank is heated a Betta would be great. If it is unheated, a few White Clouds would thrive. But not while the goldies are in there. Don> Goldfish and "shark" uncertainty 3/15/06 Greetings I am the proud owner of one 4in Lionhead FG, one 2in Fancy G, one celestial eye FG, one 1 1/2 in unknown GF (it has no dorsal fin, humped tail, small pom poms on its face, red and white. can u tell me the common name?) <Not from the proffered info.> and one 1in black moor. I also have added a 1 1/2 in rainbow shark, yes this is probably bad. My question is this: I have been having terrible issues with bacterial bloom since I have added the celestial eye and rainbow shark. <This minnow is too "mean" to keep with fancy goldfish. Remove it.> It is obvious that this tank has become quite overpopulated (29 gal) <Is too over-populated with just two of the goldfish> and must be the culprit. All chemical levels are in check. What can I do to rid the bacterial blooms? <Less fish, feeding, more filtration, circulation, more frequent partial water changes, live plants...> I have tried 2 different types of coagulating agents and this hasn't helped at all. <These "clarifying agents" are not a good idea> No progress here. Do I need a stronger filter? It is for a 20-40gal. I am reluctant to separate these fish because they are currently rather small for now, with the exception of the lionhead, and I don't have the sufficient funds to get another tank right now. What is my best option? <To read... on WWM re goldfish systems: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above> Also, I was fooled into getting my rainbow shark. Why do all pet store employees give stupid advice? <Mmm, not all... a counter... Why is it that folks are so eager to blindly accept such input? There is no "certifying" agency for such workers...> My fault for relying on them anyway. So this fish is supposedly very aggressive, yet I have had him for 2 weeks and he/she swims with the other fish in a friendly manner and causes no problems thus far. Should I separate him anyway under suspicion? <Yes. Will eventually become abusive> I realize now that I really need research more BEFORE I buy fish, if I had, I wouldn't be bothering you, I'm sorry. <Ahhh!> Thanks for listening Christy Bowen <Thank you for writing, sharing. Bob Fenner> Goldfish, Koi, Aggression And Their Environment - 03/13/2006 Dear Wet Web Media Crew, <Sabrina with you, today> Thank you for the excellent site! I have been browsing through your FAQs for a few weeks now, and they have been a useful resource of information. <Glad to be of service!> Hadn't been expecting to write in myself, but an unexpected problem has developed in my aquarium and I was hoping you might be able to offer some advice on it. <I'll sure try.> I have searched through the FAQs, but I haven't yet found anything specific to what I noticed with my fish - my apologies if this has already been covered. I am currently keeping three goldfish (a Ryukin, a demekin, and a black moor, all roughly 2" long including tail) and one small koi (2.5" - 3" including tail) in a 20 gallon tank. <Holy carp! This is far, far too small for these animals.... The koi will absolutely require a MUCH larger space, and soon. He's a baby right now, and will grow impressively fast if fed well. I have seen koi that were larger than 20 gallon tanks - seriously! The largest I've seen were *easily* five feet long. For real. This fellah will reach a foot in a year or two; a 20g tank really isn't a good space for him. Some potential space problems brewing....> The black moor, Othello, was added three weeks ago and all four fish have been living together peacefully until this morning. <Uh-oh....> They were fine around midnight last night, but when I checked around 11 a.m. this morning, Othello's tail had been almost completely shredded, and all of his fins except the pectorals were also badly nipped. (I have attached a photo, in case it is of any use.) I noticed the koi trying to suck at Othello's fins, and I was later informed by one of my family members that the Ryukin and the demekin had also been chasing and nipping at him as early as 7:00 a.m. <I'm not terribly surprised. The koi may very well have "started" it, or it is also possible that the moor was ill to begin with.> I have since moved Othello into a "baby net" that I hung on the inside of the tank to keep him from getting abused by the other fish. <I would advise you to remove him to another system entirely. For one, being in such a tiny space will stress him further in his damaged state. For another, that baby net is seriously cutting into the available space in the tank.... I would place the moor in a separate system to allow him time and space to heal.> Besides the ripped fins, he seems to be fine - he has a good appetite and he holds his fins (or what's left of them) open and erect. <A good sign to be sure.> My questions to you are: 1.) Do you know of anything that could account for this sudden aggression, and is there any way to rectify it? (I read that females can be chased and nipped by males, but I am fairly certain that Othello is male - he has small white tubercles along the first ray of his pectoral fins and on his gill covers - while the sex of the other three fish is unknown.) <Mm, at that small size, I find it unlikely that the fish are able to show their gender yet - let alone start flirting.> 2.) Is there anything I can do to help his fins and tails heal? <Pristine water quality, possibly Nitrofurazone or Kanamycin in a hospital tank *if* he shows signs of bacterial infection.> 3.) Can/should I keep him separated in the "baby net" until he's completely healed, or are there any downsides to keeping him in the net (e.g., should I place a divider into my tank instead and keep him separated that way?)? <No divider, no net.... really, this fish needs a quarantine tank to provide space and time away from his pals to heal.> 4.) Can/should I reintroduce him to the other fish again later, after he has recovered? <Not in the 20g. Really, ideally, these animals need a much bigger space. For the three goldfish, I'd like to recommend a 30 gallon tank. They can get by in the 20 for a while, though. The koi, however, really deserves to be in a pond. Koi are not small animals, and don't really do well in aquariums.> (This may not be relevant, but in case it is, here are the water conditions of the tank: pH = 7.8, [ammonia] = 0 mg/L, [nitrate] = 10 mg/L, [nitrite] = 0 mg/L. I change about 30% of the water weekly, and condition the water with NovAqua and Aquari-Sol.) <All very relevant, thanks for adding. I heartily recommend that you discontinue the regular use of Aquari-Sol; this is a copper based medication. In too great an amount, or improperly use, can become toxic to the fish. I know it includes instructions for regular use, but really should not be used except as an anti-parasitic medication.> Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, -KT <All the best to you KT. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Fish Attack? Apparent Goldfish, Pleco disharmony - 03/12/2006 Hi there.... as always, im <No such word> so thankful for your advice and knowledge! Here's the situation: I have a fairly big tank that houses one fancy goldfish and one bubble eye (the kind with the water sacs) and as a bottom feeder a fairly small Pleco. At some point during the day the bubble eye's fish became frayed and its left gill and surrounding area bloody! It also seems to have this weird pointy chin and its sacs are full, but seem less full, if that makes any sense. they look somewhat deflated. It seems like when he breathes that side isn't moving at all when he is at the bottom of the tank! As far as his behavior, he's dwelling on the bottom of the tank and in the ornamental caves......but as soon as I walk close he perks up and is swimming great! He is also eating fine. To top it all off, when I came home today, the Pleco was dead. Is it possible these two got in some sort of fight? <Yes... too likely so> The other goldfish is doing beautifully. The water levels all tested to be normal and im continuing the cycling as you have recommended to me in the past. I would imagine it painful for the bubble eye to swim around with that injury, but im hoping that he is healing and will recover from this.....is there ANY advice you can offer me as far as whether this is from a fish attack or something else? And what can I do to help him heal??? Thanks for all your advice :) Michelle <I would treat your system with Epsom Salt as detailed for Goldfish on WWM. Bob Fenner> Plants With Goldfish 3/10/06 Hi, <Hello> I am starting a new small tank ( 20 Gallons) and I would like to have it with live plants. I will be putting 2-3 goldfish in it ( depending on the species). <All are the same species... eat most of the types of plants that are sold in the aquarium interest...> I want to know what type of plants are compatible with goldfish. <Some of the "grasses", Anacharis/Elodea/Egeria, Myriophyllum, Ceratophyllum...> I would like to know if Java Moss and Java ferns have a chance or if the goldfish will just destroy them. <Too likely, yes... and these plants "like" soft, acidic, tropical water... exactly the opposite of goldfish...> I've heard that Onion plants are supposed to be good but I don't know if they will be ok in cooler water. <Ahhh!> And I don't want an aquarium with just driftwood and onion plants because it wont be very visually appealing. An other thing, is it ok to put shrimp in with gold fish or will they just eat them? <Depends on the species, but most of those offered in the trade are tropicals> I want to put something in with them for algae control and don't know what is compatible. <Large ampullarid snails are best> I asked before and I didn't get an answer to my question. And if that doesn't work would Mystery Snails be ok? <Yes> ( I don't really want to use them because I don't know if they will eat all my plants.) <Hopefully not all> Thank you for your time!, C.S. <Bob Fenner> Aggressive new goldfish... not-mixing fancy and non-fancy goldfish varieties - 2/11/2006 I just purchased 2 new shubunkins yesterday (aprox 2 1/2 in. long) They have been added to a 55 gal. tank with 5 other mixed sized same goldfish. One of the new fish is VERY aggressive. <Individual variation... does happen> When all are eating he/she gets in behind and in the fantail prodding and possibly biting. He doesn't seem to be interested in the food. There is a little show of wear on them. He is not real picky who he picks on. It just makes for a very uneasy tank. It seems that in time they will turn to shreds. Is this a case of returning or can I do something? It is a very pretty fish... Thank you, Debbi <Best to remove the shubunkins here. They should not be mixed with fancier (roundish) varieties of goldfish. Bob Fenner. Goldfish being eaten by CAE, crowded in a system that's likely uncycled and mis-fed dry food only. Now, what's the problem? - 2/4/2006 Hi, Great site that you have. I have 3 fish in a 10-gallon tank. 2 goldfish and 1 algae eater. I don't exactly know that how big they are, sorry. There names are, Charmander, Tiger, and Stripeback. <Keep your eye on that algae eater...> I have just noticed today that Tiger( biggest and oldest in the tank) is acting funny. He rarely goes up to the surface when food comes( I feed them flake food) <Not good alone> and has a long, brownish/reddish big streak on his tail. And he is swimming very slowly. I don't know what to do. I changed the tank completely <Also a bad idea> just recently and he seemed to be doing fine. Also, we just got the algae fish a couple of weeks ago. Does that have something to do with it? <Not likely> And today, I saw the algae eater on Tiger's tail, sucking on it, like trying to clean it. <Not! Is damaging your goldfish. Should be removed immediately> Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading. <See the subject title above? Read on WWM re Goldfish Feeding, Systems, Algae Eaters... Bob Fenner> Calico telescope being killed by other goldfish, owner - 2/4/2006 I have had my first tank for about 2 months now. It is gallons. <?> I bought a small (about 2 in.) black moor and calico telescope, who is a little smaller. The black moor seemed to "bully" the telescope almost constantly. <Can happen. Much more so in crowded conditions> The telescope stays at the top corner and does not venture down or around but has always and still does eat well. After the first couple weeks, the calico began to lose her "color", it would peel off.. I guess it is her scales. Now the calico has large white spots where most of her color is gone. Her head still has color, some black, some orange like its body had originally. Its fins seem fine and it still eats well but doesn't have much color left??? Water tests fine. <...? These fish need to be separated. Bob Fenner> Compatibility of fancy and non-fancy goldfish - 2/4/2006 Hi, I had three slim goldfish (common, comet and shubunkin) in a tank with an Oranda and black moor. I found out after getting the fish that you shouldn't mix the fancy ones with the slim, fast ones. Anyway, after about 7 months of harmony, I found the three slim goldfish attacking the Oranda one morning. He sustained some pretty bad fin damage. I put him in his own tank. It's been a week and he appears to be doing better however the tips of the fins have turned black. I have been using Melafix x 5 days. Is the black a normal part of healing as some internet sources suggest? <Is normal... from the damage, move... will cure on its own. I would discontinue the "fix"> Secondly, when the Oranda is healed and the "black fin" problem is resolved, should I move the black moor in with him? <Could. I would> The moor is bigger but seems docile. I am afraid he might fall victim to the other fish if I leave him with them. Partly, I am waiting because I had to move the Oranda into the new tank quickly and so I don't want to overload the new tank. Thanks, Jennifer <When all is ready, cycled, I would separate the fancies. Bob Fenner> Goldfish mixed with tropicals, disease... 11/20/05 Dear Wet Web Media, I have a problem. I have two angel fish and a gold fish which have lived in the same tank for over a year, <Mis-mix> and there haven't been any problems. Two weeks ago I added another gold fish to my aquarium. A few days ago bubbles started to form on the new gold fish, and I knew this was not good so I put that gold fish into a different tank where it was by itself. It got better and I put it back into the big tank, but now my older gold fish has those bubbles too, and much more severely than the younger fish which got the bubbles again. I took them out for two days, but the bubbles are not "disappearing," can I save my fish and how, and what are the bubbles? P.S. the angel fish never got the bubbles <... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Re: Angelfish Don't Go With Goldfish 1/7/06 Here's an update... at each red sore site there are anchor worms. We have pulled off as many as we could and dabbed the sores with a hydrogen peroxide q-tip. We are now treating with Jungle Lab's parasite medication (which is specifically for anchor worms) as well as MelaFix. The nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia levels are within range. We will be doing a 25% water change in 48hrs as the meds suggest. The "kids" are all swimming around normally now - which makes us super happy. We are also feeding medicated food. We went to our local fish farm (where we purchased our fishies) and they suggested putting a few angel fish in with the goldfish - they say that the angel fish eat the anchor worms --- is this a good idea? Thanks, Susii & Erik < Goldfish and angelfish have different water requirements. I would treat with Fluke-Tabs and skip the angelfish.-Chuck> Goldfish, Systems, Compatibility - 11/16/2005 Hello, my
husband is in the military and we are stationed in Japan. About a week
ago a colleague gave us his 20+ gallon tank (Japanese manufacturer so
can't read any of the writing on the tank) <You can figure
gallonage by taking (in inches) Length x width x height divided by
231.> and fish with a couple of filter systems (one very large
covering the entire top rear portion of the tank and one smaller one
attached to the side). There are also a couple of bubble contraptions.
I'm sorry I don't know the names, but I have never owned fish
before! <You'll get there, no worries!> The following
fish came with the tank: 1 Moor - 2 years old 2 Orandas (1 is fairly
small - maybe the length of my pinkie - purchased recently I believe
and the other 2 years old) 1 Spotted goldfish - don't know the name
- purchased recently I believe <Possibly a
"shubunkin"....> 3 Corys (albino) - 2 years old <Not
compatible with the cooler water desired by the goldfish.> 5 Zebra
danios - again purchased recently I believe <Will do okay in cool
water, like the goldies.> Is this too many fish? <Yes, by
far - goldfish are tremendously "messy" - heavy waste
producers. We tend to recommend ten to twenty gallons per goldfish to
allow them to survive to adulthood.> The Moor and larger Oranda have
bodies about the size of my 2 year old's fist. <They will
grow, and fast.> It is difficult to ask questions here because the
Japanese pet store owners don't speak much English and I don't
speak much Japanese in regards to fish :-). <Much/most of your
questions can be answered online - here, and elsewhere. Uhh, that is
not to discourage you from getting out and learning to communicate with
the folks around you!> The guy at the fish store said 50 fish can go
in our tank which I find outrageous. <He's smoking crack.
Or something. That's quite impossible. Sure, 50 fish can go in the
tank - 50 *dead* fish, that is. Maybe the salted/dried kind - you could
probably get a hundred in there if you squished 'em down. The
fellow probably just wants to sell you fifty fish.> I just want to
be sure that there is sufficient room for the fish we have now. Again
we are clueless since we've never owned fish before, but don't
want to do anything harmful to the little buggers. <I'd like you
to read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm
. This should help you get a handle on the things you need to know.>
Thanks for your help, -Christy <Any time. Wishing you well,
-Sabrina> Mixing Goldfish With Tropical Fish 11/12/2005 Is it ok to have 2 goldfish and one blue gourami fish in same tank? They are doing ok now. They don't seem to bother each other. My son wants to get another blue gourami so this one won't be lonely, but I'm afraid it will cause problems when it comes to a newcomer. Need advice Thank You < Tropical fish require warmer water than goldfish. Some people try to balance the two by keeping the water in the low 70's. The problem is sooner or later one or both will become ill and then you will need to choose which way to go.-Chuck> Mixing Goldfish Sizes 11/3/05 Hi, can you please help me? I have a tank with two fantails and two normal gold fish. I just bought a baby goldfish and added it to the tank. But the problem is the other two goldfish are quite large. I was wondering if they would be aggressive in any way with the baby. Please help. Thank you. <Goldfish are not overly aggressive, but if the size difference is too great there is always the possibility of him being picked on. Be prepared to move or return him. Don> Moving Fish Around 10/20/05 I have two tanks with too many fish in them. In one, the fish just got way too big, and the other way too friendly. I have two more tanks...a ten (well 2-10s actually--but parts for one.) and a 30 X 12" tank (long) I would like to shuffle my fish, and get two of the black tipped shark/minnows. The "sharks would go in the 30 X 12 tank, and I would like to move out several female cichlids to the ten gallon tank. I would like to move one of the goldfish (they are so pretty-fantails) to the longer tank too--with the sharks (and maybe a few Neons?) Can or should I take water from the old tanks to set up the new tanks to keep from shocking the fish. They all seem really healthy and happy--but crowded at the moment, and I'd just like to alleviate the crowded part. Thanks <It is more important that you use some of the old gravel from the established tank to be used in the new tank. It contains bacteria that will be needed to convert fish waste into less toxic compounds. Try not mixing goldfish with tropical fish. Goldfish like cooler temps than the tropicals. Somebody will get sick over time.-Chuck> Please help my wounded goldfish 10/7/05 I've had a little turtle (the tiny ones you can get in China town about the size of your palm) for 3 years and a goldfish I got in July. The turtle has grown some, not huge but of comparable size to the fish. I was reading online and heard you can put them together in a tank. I just built a 30 gallon tank and put the turtle and fish in together. I monitored their behavior for hours and days and they were just fine. All of a sudden about an hour ago the turtle decided to attack the fish!! <What they do usually> It bit part of it's tail off and by its upper body. It was bleeding and I took the fish out quick, put some 10% povidone-iodine on his back and fin with a cotton swab. He kind of swims but mostly has his head down in the corner of the new tank. Is there any way he can heal??? What do I need to buy to help him? Please help me save my fish... <Mmm, only you can do this. Please read on WWM re goldfish disease. Bob Fenner> Plecos and Goldfish 9/26/05 Hiya. I've recently started a coldwater aquarium with a two fantail goldfish and a four danios (they have been in there for a couple of weeks). I love plecs and would like to have one. Will a Plec get along with my other fish? Also, can he be put in now or do I have to wait longer to let the tank build up good bacteria? Many thanks. Rach <Not a good mix in most cases. It's not a matter of aggression, but of water conditions and temperature. Goldfish like cool water, 65 to 70 degrees. They produce a lot of ammonia in their waste. Plecos are tropical and need a temperature near 80 to thrive. They also produce a lot of ammonia. So the tank would have to be fairly large to dilute the waste. But even then, their is no good way around the temperature problem. 73 to 74 may work for both, but is perfect for neither. Don> Aggressive white clouds 9/16/05 Hi Great website! <Thanks!> I need some help. I have two gold fish (one fantail and one normal) and 5 (two were bought 5-6 months ago) These have all been living together peacefully in their now upgraded tank for about 6-7 months. I have recently noticed the older of the white clouds are biting at the tails of my goldfish, who are getting very stressed as I have noticed red streaks in their tails. I now divided the tank in half by a sheet of glass, but of course I don't understand why they were all happy one minute and aggressive the next, please can you help? Thanks Sue <White clouds are known to show aggression during breeding, do you know the sex of the fish in your tank? If you have more then one male your poor goldfish may just be caught in the crossfire or could be a target if there is a male who is ready to breed with females in the tank. I would make sure the white clouds are all female and the aggression should be solved. I hope this helps and good luck! ~Heather aka LinearChaos>
Shubunkin the Culprit! Eaten or Sick? 8/15/05 Hey there!! I'm Meagan and I have recently been appointed the position of "Fish Caretaker" of my mothers goldfish. She loves the Goldfish as they are for her two grandchildren, my son and my sisters son. Here is the problem. In one 30 gallon tank we have a Shubunkin, a Moor, (until recently) 2 fantails, and one algae eater. The newest addition was the Shubunkin. Until this new addition the goldfish and the algae eater were quite compatible, playful and very healthy. <Mmmm... fantails can't "compete" with the more streamlined Shubunkin>> After the "Newb" was added I noticed Goldfish 2's (one of the fantails as named by one of the children) tail fin had simply split. It was flowing through the water like hair, like the skin between the slender threads had just disappeared. I was extremely worried, but decided to wait it out. The next day it's tail looked as if it had been nibbled at or eaten, all in all, it was definitely not as flowing or long! I waited another day and when I woke, it's tail was gone!! All that was left was a poor stump where it's beautiful flowing tail had been! I took the poor fish out immediately and placed it in my "Hospital tank" (a 5 gallon bowl). It seems to be doing better. I change the water twice a day (but leave at least 1/4 of the original water in the bottom) and I put Cycle in with it. I want to know if it was the Shubunkin that "ate" it or a sickness or was it that we haven't enough room for all these fish? <Mmm, because of the rapidity, that only one fish is/was malaffected, I am mostly convinced this was aggression, not a biological disease> We supplement their diet with living plants and clean their tank about every 3 weeks. They were thriving until this Shubunkin came to live with us, but it is so cute I don't want to get rid of it, and I don't want Goldfish 2 to die!! Please help me, and in doing so you will help two very adorable children!! Sincerely, Meagan <I would remove the newest fish (the shubunkin)... and keep only "roundish" goldfish types here with the others. Bob Fenner> Ah!! Details!! Meagan here again!! Sorry, I'm really upset, and when I am upset I forget details!! Goldfish 2 also seemed to have some chunks of scales on it's side ripped off. I mean it really looks ripped off, like it narrowly escaped being eaten! I do have a filter in the larger tank (of course). Before I took him out of the tank he was hovering near the top, very easy to catch and seemed to almost flip upside down at times, before righting himself again. I thought this may be the lack of a back tail fin, but after reading your FAQ's on proper tank care I'm not so sure anymore. I'm sorry, I'll go out right away and buy a water testing kit and more little plants for my precious' to nibble on! Meagan <Mmm, no Chinese Algae Eater/s here? I would definitely isolate, remove the Shubunkin. BobF> My poor goldfish... CAE incompatibility 7/27/05 I have a 10gal tank with 2 small fantailed goldfish, and an algae eater. None of them are more than 3". <This system is too small...> My problem is that I thought the algae eater would eat the algae and goldfish poop, I have since done the research I should have and know this is not the case. Unfortunately the algae eater has started attacking the goldfish. <Likely a Chinese Algae Eater, Gyrinocheilus... are frequently trouble, particularly with goldfish> How do I condition it to eat the pellets and algae? Is that even possible? <Highly unlikely. Take it out> I was thinking of using my hospital tank. Please let me know. I don't have the space or budget for 2 tanks, but really don't want to give up Coco (he's the only fish who's coloring looks right to my red-green color blind son). Also would adding an apple snail to this tank be okay or would that just create more problems? Thanks for your time. Phil <The snail is an excellent substitution. Bob Fenner> Puffers & goldfish? 7/13/05 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I just purchased a FW puffer from Wal-Mart (yes I know, not a reliable source) all it said for care was to feed it flake food and tank mates was goldfish. Well, brought the cute little guy I am assuming is a green spotted puffer by the pics I have seen on your site. He is spotted with a little yellowish/greenish glowing area on his head. I put him in my 44 gallon tank, which is kept very clean (almost like there is no glass there). I also purchased six very small goldfish for my sons baby water snake. I keep them in the tank and just take out two at a time for him to feed to the snake. My problem is, shortly after putting the fish into my tank which already had three fancy fan tailed gold fish, small, medium and extra large, two loaches and two small suckerfishes, the tank became cloudy. The tank is more than adequate to keep him in, he look like a tiny fish in comparison <There are many things wrong here. 1st of all, how "clean" are you keeping that tank? Are you cleaning it out totally, every time you clean it? Goldfish are messy fish & produce high amounts of ammonia & other waste, it is recommended to do 90% weekly water changes on their tank, not completely cleaning out everything every time. They also need heavy filtration. The other problem I see is GF are freshwater coldwater fish & the GSP is a brackish tropical fish. The puffer will not be able to handle the ammonia & other toxins produced by the GF. The fact that the tank became cloudy, makes me believe it is overloaded & not cycled properly. That tank is probably only able to support the fish that are already in there. Read the info on goldfish & also about cycling at WWM.> So it wasn't a room issue and I feed twice a day. I added only him and not the water he was in in the bag from the store. Well, he just went belly up when I thought he was fine. I am upset, he was a cute little guy and I was interested in getting more. The other fishes are fine but one of my goldfish, the medium one, has a bloody scale on his side, could this be form the puffer? <Bloody scales are from bacterial infection, due to poor water quality. The tank may look clean, but could be high in toxins like: ammonia, nitrItes & even nitrAtes at high levels can be dangerous. Large water changes, good filtration & test the water often for the above parameters. Try adding Melafix to the water for the bloody fin.> He never had that problem before and there are no other aggressive fish in the tank. What made the tank go cloudy? It was crystal clear for a long time up to the point the puffer was put into the tank. <Cloudy water is a bacteria bloom, usually do to an uncycled tank or by adding too many fish at one time, it can cause the system to "crash".> I am really interested in getting another puffer but only if I can get some advice on what happened and what I can do in the future to keep these fascinating fish. <Puffers are difficult fish to keep (especially BW ones) and are not for novice fishkeepers. Read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm ~PP> Thanks again for your time and consideration, Michele Pleco suddenly died of unknown causes... incompatibility with goldfish 7/11/05 Dear Crew: <Hi there> We have a ten gallon fresh water tank. We have two fancy goldfish, (a moor and an Oranda) and we had one small brown pleco, about an inch to an inch and a half long. <... a tropical fish... that gets way too large for a ten gallon world> Today, our Pleco, Jonathan Swift, died. He was badly discolored. He was blanched, and his fins were mutilated. This morning, he was completely fine, and his fins appeared to be in good condition. Swift was always very active and happy, but shortly before he died he started to sit in a corner. He refused to eat any wafers or algae in the tank. He did not have any sores, but when we lifted him from the tank, he had green slime on his undercarriage. <Good descriptions> We think our other two fish, Huckleberry Finn and George Orwell, might have nibbled on Jonathan Swift post-mortem, causing the fin damage, but we cannot be entirely sure. <Plecos are "armored cats"... hard to see damage> We tested the waters for Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Alkaline, and hard water. All levels were normal except our hard water. We are currently working on fixing that problem, though it has never been a problem before. This is our first tank, and we are still in college. We hope this is not a result of dorm living. We take very, very good care of our fish. We do 30-50 percent water changes weekly and change the filter every two weeks. <A bit too much... I'd limit changes to 25% maximum> We have live plants in our aquariums, and they are doing very well. <Good... and good use> Concerned about the loss of our Pleco, Hilary and Paul University of Dayton <Maybe just a weak specimen... I would go with something more suitable for a cleaner-upper with your goldfish though... Perhaps a large species of snail... Bob Fenner> Mixing Plecos and Goldfish Hi WWM, Hope you can give me some advice as I'm fairly new to keeping plecs although I have kept fancy goldfish for quite a few years. I read a question from someone else who seemed to be losing plecs after a very short time. I've also had this problem. After they have seemed healthy I suddenly find they have died with no apparent symptoms. I also had heard that when using treatments for coldwater fish that dosages have to be altered if you have plecs in the tank. I also have 2 tiny Ramshorn snails & wondered if you could advise me of any precautions I should take when using treatments. Many thanks in advance. Lisa <Very generally speaking dosages should be cut in half when dealing with most types of catfish. IMO most plecs are starved to death. They must be target fed at night or they will not get their share of the food. Rubber band a piece of zucchini or shrimp to a rock and add it just before you go to bed. But I'm more concerned that you are keeping goldfish and plecs together. Goldfish do best in cool water. They thrive between 65 and 70 degrees. Plecs are tropical and require much warmer temps. I keep all my pleco tanks between 82 and 86 degrees. I'm afraid you are in for many problems with this mix. Don> Bristlenose vs. goldies? Hi, guys! I've read up on the various opinions on mixing fancy goldfish with Plecos. The general consensus with regards to the 'regular' store bought Plecos is simply don't mix. From personal experience, I can also attest to this. <Often they start to "ride" the goldfish... not good> However, I've read there is one particular exception with the Bristlenose Pleco. Apparently, this whiskered-barbed wonders don't really have a tendency chase and munch on the goldfish slime. <I do agree this is so> What are your thoughts on this mix? FYI, I have a 60 gallon with 2 weather/dojo loaches and 4 four-inch fancy goldfish (calico, lionhead calico, black moor and redcap Oranda). Thanks! Ted <Worth trying. Bob Fenner> Angelfish with Goldfish? I have had two young angelfish in a 20-gallon tank (with plans to upgrade soon to a 29-gal.) for about a month now. They've grown quite a bit. Day before yesterday, the apparent female (belly swollen) began to pick on the apparent male. I found him sort of cowering in the corner, fins torn in several places, so I reluctantly moved him to my 50-gallon tank which houses two goldfish and three Rainbowfish and three Siamese Algae Eaters (I know, but it has worked beautifully for two years now). I am not interested at all in breeding the angels, but most of all I don't plan to subject the more docile male to this harassment from the female again. After almost two days, he seems quite happy in my 50-gal. My questions are, 1) do you think there is a hope of compatibility between the angel and my goldies long term ? So far, they seem to be ignoring each other and things are fine, and also 2) are angels OK, kept singly, with other fish like rainbows? Thanks for any advice you can give! <The angelfish comes from warm soft acidic waters in South America. Your goldfish come from cool more temperate waters. I think eventually one or the other will have a problem and you will need to separate them into their own tank. Eventually the angelfish will get big and may start picking on the goldfish too. Rainbow fish are very fast and active. They may outcompete the slower angelfish but in general they should be ok.-Chuck> Mixing tropicals with goldfish - A cocktail for doom? >Ah, one of the most basic of rules when dealing with fish. You do not mix goldfish with tropical fish. >>A "rule" often broken with nary a death. Some rule, huh? >Yet time and again, I am explaining why not? Please listen my spiel and see you can help me. >>Alright. 1. Goldfish get big, like a softball, so if you put one in a, say ten gallon tank {cycled} with livebearers or what have you, the gold fish will live and the livebearers will die. In time, when the goldfish gets to just the right size. This can be shushed if one has a big tank, i.e. 55 gallon. >>Indeed. 2. Goldfish frequently have disease. >>Goldfish frequently have disease because of the environs people create for them. They are NOT, however, "inherently" disease prone (outside of the problems fancies have - bowel obstructions/intestinal problems stemming from the shortening of their little bodies, injuries due to their inability to navigate "damned castles" - see Albert & Marcellino - injuries to eyes, poor husbandry, etc.). >They just ship poorly or respond to the change in environment poorly, or from being so inbred have a compromised immune system. >>They do not "ship poorly" if properly shipped. This is true of all fish, my friend. As for being inbred, this certainly cannot be ruled out, though I've not found the same issues with goldies as with, say, feeder mice (a.k.a. psycho mice, depending on your source). >This is usually shushed off. 3. Gold fish are cold water and tropical fish are tropical. >>No, goldfish are generally temperate, NOT coldwater (parameters for these designations are quite specific). Goldfish can and do perform well in a WIDE variety of circumstances. Know that plenty of goldies are bred in Florida, for instance. >This is also shushed off, as gold fish will live in temperature extremes, even in tropical water, although it's not the right thing to do. >>The issue with warmer waters has more to do with oxygen saturation and ammonia production. The fish are plenty comfortable in warm water given enough O2 saturation, not being poisoned by nitrogenous waste. 4. Relating to the first reason of size. Gold fish also produce a lot of ammonia which if the filter can handle, still results in nitrate problems. >>No more so than an excessive bioload, an all too common problem with many aquarists. Nitrate is the natural end result of the oxidation of ammonia via organismal action. This will happen no matter what, it is, again, the aquarist who ultimately decides upon environs/husbandry to deal with such, no matter what type of fish is kept. >But 1 simple power filter can usually only barely support fish, and residual ammonia can still knock the small weak fish down. >>Yes, assuming it is not oxidized/consumed. >So what happens when someone with a 55 gallon tank is hell bent on putting Goldie the gold fish with Mr. angel fish and neon tetras? >>That actually all depends on how that someone handles husbandry. Obviously, it is done - sometimes with success, oft times without. >The smaller tetras and sensitives usually die, for no apparent reason, of course. >>Eh, no "apparent" to those unobservant/ignorant of the life processes occurring here. >Although less than perfect, Jungle strip ammonia test kit reveals no real detectable ammonia. >>I never have, never will rely on such. >Frequent water changes with a gravel vac and good pH and nitrate levels (no nitrite either) seems to vindicate the person with the odd couple. >>Too many folks fiddle too much with pH, drives me UP THE WALL! Most folks only pay attention to where these tropicals originally hail from, pay NO attention to the fact that most are bred domestically (also internationally), pay no attention to what the dealer has been using. Ever wonder how LFSs handle alleged pH issues? They don't - they acclimate the fish and don't fiddle with pH because they know if they do they'll A: spend a lot of money in the long and short term, and B: KILL THE FISHES. pH shock kills, and kills quickly. >Temperature is 78 tropical. Despite all my reasons I'm left with a seemingly voodoo-like answer. If gold fish are put with tropical fish, some of the more smaller sensitive tropical fish die for no apparent reason. I suspect the reason to be a long term exposure to a low level of ammonia that my test kit can't really show, but the fish die in response to. >>This makes no sense - if the biological filter is working well/properly, the end result is nitrate, there should be NO ammonia present. If there is doubt, spend the money on a quality test kit and put your mind at ease. However, it certainly DOES happen that tropical fishes simply do not fare well when housed with goldfishes, unfortunately, I don't have any research or anything very substantial to present (hard scientific evidence) or cite that can help you in your endeavor. Have you searched our site on the goldfish articles/FAQs? >Or something in the water produced by goldfish that I can't test for, but kills none the less. Dissolved organics, or slime coat or something. >>DOCs are a problem, thusly, we perform regular water changes and/or utilize plants. I'm sure you know how fond of plants goldies are, problematic indeed. Ask yourself, what happens in nature? Neon tetras, angelfishes do not naturally come from nutrient poor waters, quite the contrary. I don't know when we last saw wild-caught Neons (though wild angels still have a market), regular maintenance is what they undergo where they're bred, but that's going to be about it. >Lastly disease is always usually blamed, but it's like blaming the air, and an apparently healthy or say a non-obviously diseased specimen usually gets a clean bill of health from the owner. >>Many, if not most owners are incredibly UNobservant in my experience. Also, "in the air" can hit closer to the mark than you realize, especially when it comes to goldfish diseases like Furunculosis. Many people will have fish isolated in their ponds, but come spring an outbreak of this awful disease. How did it get there? >Am I missing anything? There's no way a one can put a goldfish in with tropical fish and still claim to have good care, the second someone tries, it becomes bad care. >>While I generally agree with the principal of not housing goldies with tropicals, clearly, it CAN be done. It is not automatically bad care, either. >Bad care results in disease and death. Anyway you can help me polish my arsenal against the mixing? >>Not really, because I have said some of the same things only to find that I was plain wrong. Accept it, my friend (I had to!). >[please tell me if I ask too many questions. I try to make them good ones, not the ones I get, well, except for this one] >>I/we don't have a problem with "too many questions", we have a problem with folks who make us retype their queries for ignoring the fact that all is archived and must be "useable" for all audiences, including those who don't speak English. Oh, and netspeak, I hate that. ;) >Thank you again for your time, Jon >>I wish I could have supported your arguments better, I do suggest Googling for goldfish sites, see what you find on those dedicated sites. Marina Battling Goldfish Hi, I have two goldfish, one is a fantail the other is a black moor, they are both the same size. Just recently the fantail had a little split on his tail and it tore away and came off. There does not seem to be any sharp objects in the tank. I have checked the pH and ammonia levels and they are good. The fish seems OK now (except with a bit missing at the end of his tail). What would have caused the problem? And will this happen again? I have been using a water conditioner with aloe vera in it to replace the fishes slime coating and help repair damaged fins and scales as suggested by the fish shop. Is this sufficient? Or is there something else I can do? When there isn't a lot of plants in the tank my black moor gets slightly aggressive with the fantail (don't ask me why) so I have been buying lots of plants for him to keep him occupied (ripping them to shreds - he likes this). Just recently I was unable to replenish the plants and it seems the black moor may have headbutted the fantail, because it looks like he has a white bruise on head and the fantail has a whitish looking bruise on his body/scales, the size of the black moor's head!!! This may sound funny but I do observe my fish a lot and I have a feeling this is the cause. If is not then, is there a condition or disease that would cause the appearance of large white bruise or marks on their bodies? I have since replenished the plant supply, they are seeming happier. Thanks Laura <For the tail I would just add a little salt to help prevent infection. One tbls for each 2 to 3 gallons. Keep the water pristine. Ammonia and nitrite at zero, nitrates below 20ppm. The white patches could be a couple of things, including a sign of a fight as you describe. Fits with the tail damage, so I think that's the cause. But it could also be from a swing in pH. The exact pH you keep goldfish is not important, within reason. It's a swing that can cause the patches you see. If this happened after a water change, check the pH of the tap vs. the tank. Do smaller water changes more often if they differ by more than a very few tenths. Also, some conditioners increase a fish's slime coat by including a skin irritant. There are also a few protozoan and bacterial infections that can show as a white patch. For right now keep the water pristine and watch for any increase in size or number. but I really think the fish were in a fight. Don> Corydoras, aquarium salt and goofy goldfish G'day, mates! <Good morrow Ted> I've got a 60 gallon freshwater with a relatively stable 75 degrees F (24 degrees Celsius) temperature throughout the year and approximate 7.7 pH readings. At the moment, there are five 2-3 inch fancy goldfish. Rather peaceful characters they are. <Yes, and comical> I've seen and heard of many people keeping goldies and some tropicals together successfully. <Mmm, not a good idea in general... as you are surely familiar... Goldfish are very eager eaters, and messy!> Seeing as that my temp is pretty stable and goldies are very happy, I thought I might try adding a few Corys in the mix. Yes, I know it's a bit of a risk, but isn't everything? I'm aware of the possibility of mixing two types of fish like this (foreign diseases possible), but I would definitely be taking steps to quarantine any new comers. Clown loaches would have been my second choice, but I haven't done too much research on them yet. <Corydoras are a much better choice... undemanding and can span a range of water qualities, overlapping goldfish's> My question is two-fold: 1) Here we have two very peaceful fish types; do you foresee any major obstacles of this arrangement? 2) I add aquarium salt to the water as a preventative measure (approx. 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of new water); are Corys sensitive to aquarium salt? <They are, but this is not too much for most all species. Bob Fenner> Thank you so much for your assistance! Ted <Welcome> Mixing Goldfish and Tropicals together... Hi there, <Hello to you> I am a novice fish owner (Xmas gift) but I am very committed to learning. I received a parrot fish for Christmas and then I got some tetras, tiger barbs, and several silver dollars. They reside in a 20 gallon tank for now and all are well. <Wowzah! I do hope your system is "cycled"... that is, that biological filtration is fully established. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm> In the meantime, we decided to get just two more and we got goldfish. <Umm, not a good idea to mix the cool/coldwater goldfish in with your tropicals> I got one because I am a sucker and she was missing an eye and was puffy and slightly bloated. I immediately deduced that she did not belong in our tank as she got stuck in some of our caves and the other fish were upset.. <Yikes> My friend, who as a very large tank, offered to take her. I was gone two hours and upon my return, I was horrified to see that her tail and many of her scales has been eaten off by an aggressive fish. I took her back and I have her on her own in a small two gallon tank for now. <Wish you had studied before mixing all together...> I really want to help her and I will never make this mistake again. She is barely eating but she can stay upright and she is hanging at the bottom. This happened about four hours ago. Please help! Also, there is a smaller goldfish in with my others and they all seem fine. Is that ok? Lynne <No... best to separate/remove the goldfish ASAP... and to treat the damaged goldfish per here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisease.htm and the many Related FAQs (linked, in blue, above). Bob Fenner> Mixing Goldfish and Tropicals I will be obliged, if you could please enlighten me on the following points: What should be optimum range of temperature of aquarium water for the following fishes during winters (day & night) in North India (Delhi) where the temperature is ranging between Low 11oC to High 27oC :- a) Black Moor b) Gold Fish c) Angel Fish d) Redcap Oranda Waiting for an early reply. With regards. Bhushan <The three goldfish would like a cool temp. Around 20 degrees C. The Angelfish is tropical and needs to be kept around 26 degrees C. Not a good mix in a single tank. Temp should be kept steady, day and night. If your are trying to keep them together I suggest a temp around 24 degrees C. Add an airstone for the goldfish. If you are not using a heater, go with the goldfish and find a new home for the Angel. Don> Goldfish and angelfish Hi, I have had my goldfish for over two years now, I change their water every month and feed them every other day, and they were in a 2 gallon tank. <Hi there...Jorie here. A 2 gallon tank is an extremely small space for even one goldfish...how many did you have living in there? While I congratulate you on not over-feeding (something that leads to poor water quality very quickly), the reality is that goldfish are quite messy and produce a lot of waste, and you probably should have been changing this water at least twice per week.> About two weeks ago, I got a 10 gallon tank, and my fish are fine. <Great to hear...I'm sure they appreciate the additional space! Do keep up on the water changes, though...50% twice per week at a minimum, in my opinion.> But now I wanted some more fish in the tank, <Well, I think you were pretty full to capacity already...> I went to a fish store and I got 2 angelfish and two snails. I asked a man about adding angelfish to my goldfish, he said that I shouldn't mix the two, but he said that they both might be ok. <Definitely should not be living together, as you are dealing with cold water vs. tropical fish. Totally incompatible.> I know that goldfish are to have 65-70 degree water and angelfish 75-82, but my goldfish are spoiled and they are always in 74 degree water (they have been for the two years, and they are doing fine) I would like to know is it ok for me to add the angelfish since I have the two snails (which will clean the tank) and since my goldfish like warmer temp.? <I would absolutely recommend against adding the angels. Perhaps you can enjoy watching your goldfish relish in their additional swimming room in their new tank? They will lively behave much more actively now. Maybe change the decor if you are dying to try something new? Plants, if you don't have any, would look nice...something like Cabomba, which are tough enough for goldies and provide them some munching food? Also, I want to point out that the snails will pick up *some* leftover food in the tank, they do not actually "clean the tank", per se, and you still need to do regular water changes.> And please tell me what I can to do so. <I don't mean to sound harsh, Mel, but in reality, a 2 gal. tank really wasn't appropriate for your goldfish. They are likely very happy in their new digs and, in my opinion, you are now full to capacity. You could always start another tank...!> Mel <Regards, Jorie> Goldfish, newts and mosquito larvae control I was wondering if goldfish and newts can be housed together, because I have a mosquito larvae problem? And I read that goldfish can eat the larvae. < Sure. Fish do eat aquatic insect larva. Both goldfish and newts have similar water requirements too.-Chuck> Goldfish and Algae Eaters I have a 10-gal tank with one Bubble-eyed Goldfish, one Black Moor and two Algae Eaters. They have lived together for the past two months with no problems, until recently. I noticed that my Goldfish had some white spots on his tail. He also had a white spot on his back where he was missing some scales. After much research, I thought that this was Ick, so I dropped Ick Clear into the tank. His back developed a fungus, or something on it that looked like cotton. Also, the Algae Eaters have taken to attacking him and trying to feed on his back and tail (they never did this before). After a couple of days of the Ick Clear, the cotton-like stuff was gone, his tail looked a little better and he seemed more lively, but his scales have not grown back and the Algae Eaters still attack him. One more thing you should know. Originally, I thought that the Algae Eaters ate the algae in the tank, so for two months I never fed them anything else. After reading more, I purchased some algae wafers for them. My problem now is that every time I drop the wafers, my Goldfish and Moor think it's feeding time and they eat them, so the Algae Eaters can't get them. I really want to keep the Algae Eaters to help keep the tank clean, what suggestions do you have? < Chinese algae eaters are really poor at eating algae. As you have found out they sometimes prefer to eat the slime off the sides of slower moving fishes. Unfortunately many of the algae eaters common in the aquarium trade require warm water and your goldfish prefer cooler water. If you can find them, try an get some fish from the genus Garra. They are sold as stone lapping fish or algae eating shark. They do a great job of eating algae and can handle all types of water. Some encouraging news from my friend Oliver Lucanus of belowwater.com, soon there will be cool water plecos coming from the extreme end of South America that can be housed with cool water fish and maybe even koi in outside ponds in warmer weather climates.-Chuck> ~Brian Plecos and Goldfish Hi, I was just given a 12" Pleco that had outgrown it's tank. After three days I noticed it was trailing long ropelike poop. Is this normal? If not what is the cause and what should I do? < This is normal for large algae eating Plecos and requires no attention> Also, I have several large goldfish. Are there any problems keeping them together? < Your pleco comes from South America were the water is soft , acidic and warm (80+). Your gold fish like cooler water below 70. So if you try and keep it around 75 they will survive but may not thrive. If either becomes ill then you may have to place them in their own tanks with either warmer or cooler water depending on the species.-Chuck> Thank you for your help. Doug Fat cheeked, fantailed, bubble eyed, goldfish it's in a small aquarium where I work. I know nothing about fish. This one is chasing 3 smaller fish all the time, nibbling on the head of a large bottom (sucker mouthed) fish, and being aggressive. Should it be isolated? < If the more aggressive fish is doing actual damage to the others then it should be removed. The others will be stressed and the damage will cause diseases that will really make the entire tank a pain.-Chuck> Thanks. I will work better knowing that murder is not being committed in the tank in the next room. White clouds and goldfish Hi <Hi there.> I have a friend who is about to flush her white cloud mountain minnows down the toilet because she needs the space, <sad idea that she would rather kill the fish then find them a good home.> I have a forty gallon tank in which I have 2 goldfish, 2 plecs, and 2 stone loaches which all get on great :) if I were to add the minnows would they be ok? <yes, these will be okay. White clouds and goldfish are often found in the same ponds. The only real concern is that as the goldfish get older, they have been known to eat the minnows.> All fish are currently in cold water, I'm worried that they wouldn't get on and would hate it if they all started to attack each other :( <These minnows aren't aggressive, they are rather timid.> I really just need to know if they are compatible? I cant bear to see these little fish meet such a bad end :'( hope you can help? <Sorry, I didn't get back to you sooner. But, these minnows will go fine with your goldfish.> thanks Lou. <good luck. -Magnus> Snailicidal Goldfish; Reader's Experience - 03/27/2004 Hi, <Hello, Sabrina here, today!> I'm writing to respond to a conversation between Candace and Sabrina on 2/22/04. I think it was Sabrina that said she didn't think Goldfish would be ambitious enough to eat live snails. <I did, indeed.> Just to set the record straight, we have large goldfish, and about a week or so after purchasing large snails, I witnessed one of the goldfish thrashing something that resembled white flesh. Then I realized that it was a snail! It still had the plate(?) attached to it. The goldfish had ripped it right out of its' shell! <Holy goldfish! Er, Mackeral, that is. But WOW!> A few days later, our entire family witnessed the same scene while eating dinner. Absolutely amazing! <Agreed!> We still have 2 large snails remaining, but it's probably just a matter of time. :( Margie <I must honestly say, I've never, ever experienced this, nor expected it to be a likely scenario! Thank you so much for writing in with your experience, Margie, and I will definitely keep an eye or two out for any signs of other snail-eatin' goldies! Thanks again, -Sabrina> Old goldfish, new goldfish Hi, <Hi there> I have had fantail goldfish and shubunkins for quite a few years. Do to my error over the last 6 months I now only have 2 fantails left. <ouch... not good.> But that's not the problem. I have 2 healthy fantails in my tank, approx 3 years old and I had decided to buy some new fish. I bought 2 young Orandas. one is a the same size as the fantails and the other a little bit smaller. I love them and they are quite entertaining. <I agree with you, I love my goldfish.> Anyway a few days ago I noticed that one of my fantails was exceptionally skinny and his tail had been shredded. I feed them every morning but hadn't noticed the problem before. <I have left the house for a couple of hours and came back to find a goldfish with his tail shredded. Once a fish becomes sick, I find that other goldfish almost immediately start pecking at the body. they are quick to destroy a tail, which in turn makes the fish that much worse.> I immediately did a water change, added some salt tonic and checked my PH incase he was sick. My worse fears were confirmed when he died the next morning. <sorry to hear of your loss.> I now have noticed that the larger of the Orandas is constantly chasing my last fantail fish. He has definitely turned into a bully. <Not a bully... more of a lover. Goldfish chasing another fish is the starting signs of breeding behavior. The male goldfish will chase after the female goldfish. Probably the reason why the larger one is suddenly "in the mood" is that you did a large water change when worrying about the other fish. Goldfish breed in the spring after the spring rains come and the snows melt off. the freshwater and higher protein foods coming in spurs their spawning behaviors. So, chances are that the goldfish didn't bully the other one to death... The water change after you found the fish just got him feeling it's time to spawn.> I've read your articles advising to separate the fish, the only problem is I only have one tank and long term separation isn't a good solution. <You can simply purchase a tank divider. they make them for almost every size tank, and you can always purchase a larger one and cut it down to fit your tank. This is a cheap way to go, and once they are separated he can't pester the female. Give it 1-3 weeks and then try to remove the divider again. they should be back to normal and not "in the mood for love".> If I purchased another medium sized fantail would this discourage this behaviour? <No, it might simply give him another female to chance after.> Is it some kind of dominant schooling behaviour? <No, you have a lover on your hands, not a fighter.> I'd hate to lose another of my precious fantails. But I love the new fish too. <Once he gets out of the mood, he will no longer bother the female.> Any help with this would be awesome. I'm getting quite desperate and I can see my poor fantail getting very stressed being constantly chased and nipped at. <There are great sites online discussing the breeding habits of goldfish. I suggest you look some of them over, starting with www.goldfishinfo.com> Thanks in advance, Stacey <Best of luck with the fish Stacey. -Magnus> Chocolate Orandas Hi there, <Hi> I was wondering if
someone could give me some advice on my 2 Orandas. They were bought
from the same tank at the same time, put into their new home at the
same time and have been getting on just fine. However, the past day or
so, the slightly bigger one has been chasing the smaller one round the
tank. It doesn't nibble, but seems to want to rub
against the smaller one. It seems a shame as the wee one just wants to
be left alone. <That actually sounds like you have a male chasing
after a female! This is only seen when they are ready to
breed! Goldfish breeding tends to happen when the fish are
introduced to freshwater, cleaner waters. Also, when their
food is of a higher protein quality. Most likely your water
is way better than the pet shop, and it spurred the feeling of
"love".> I have separated them but when I reintroduced the
bigger one, the chasing started again. <The male will
continue to chase the female until the desire to breed
subsides. Which can take one-two weeks, up to a month
depending on some individuals.> When the smaller one was in the tank
itself, it swam up and down one side of the tank and looked
stressed...Any advice? <You can seperate them until the male no
longer is in the "mood". This is the only way to not have him
harassing the smaller female. After he's no longer interested in
breeding he shouldn't be a bother. You will be able to tell this by
looking at the male's gill plate. On there you will
notice small "pimples". These appear on the male
fish only when they are ready to breed. You can try breeding them,
it's not extremely difficult, but can be very time
consuming. You can gain more information from checking out
sites like www.goldfishinfo.com, or looking at goldfish books at your
local library/bookstore. Good luck with your
fish. I have breed goldfish in the past with some degree of
success and enjoyed it. But, it's best if you are
prepared and ready long before the fish start breeding. take
care! -Magnus> Oranda Under Attack? - 03/21/2004 I have had an Oranda in my tank for one week now, with 4 other standard goldfish and 4 guppies. At first the guppies were picking on the Oranda so I removed the guppies and after a while returned them and everything was alright. To my horror, I turned on the light this morning to feed them when I noticed that the oranda's back was red raw with a small chunk missing from his back, I assumed the other fish had been picking on him and removed him and isolated him into another tank. <I am not convinced that guppies, or even other goldfish, are capable of this kind of violence.> I am unsure as to whether he has a disease or whether the other fish have been picking on him. <I am thinking disease is the likelier of the two.> What do I do? And how can I help him, it looks so painful?!! <First off, I need more information to go off - how big is the tank? are the five goldfish and four guppies the only fish, or are there other animals in the tank? What are your readings for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/pH (if you don't have test kits, your local fish store should test these if you bring a water sample - write down the results and let us know)? If ammonia and/or nitrite are above zero, do water changes to correct them. For the meantime, I would remove the Oranda to a seperate tank for observation, and possibly treatment (if it turns out he's sick). > Please HELP ASAP!!! Sam <I do hope we'll be able to. Please get back to us. Wishing you and your Oranda well, -Sabrina> Mean fish I messed up. I put an algae eater in the bowl for my goldfish. Everything was fine until I started to notice that the Algae eater was "picking at" the goldfish. I removed the algae eater, but the goldfish is missing scales and is silver on top and near the anus. Will the goldfish recover and grow back new scales? My some is rather attached to the fish. Thanks, Steve Greulich, Evansville, IN <<Dear Steve; not to worry, as long as you do regular water changes, your goldfish should survive. He will grow back any missing scales. The water quality must be good in order to prevent any wounded areas from becoming infected with fungus. Putting an algae eater, or any other algae eating fish with goldfish is NOT a good idea unless you understand that these fish need to be fed! Sinking algae wafers usually do the trick. Starving algae eaters will see the goldfish as food, and chase them accordingly. -Gwen>> Killer Goldfish? I have searched your site and others on the internet for an answer to my question, but I have been unable to find out what I'm looking for. We had an orange Oranda goldfish (Homer) for about a year, who was healthy as far as we knew. About 2 weeks ago we bought him a friend - a red top Oranda (Marge) Last week, Homer was lying dead at the bottom of the bowl. We told our 2 year old that Homer was sick, and went out and bought an almost-identical Homer II. Tonight, 5 days later, Homer II was found floating at the top of the bowl - dead! I have 2 questions: 1. Did Marge somehow kill the 2 Homers? If so, how? or..... 2. Did the 2 Homers have an extreme case of Swim Bladder, and I flushed them down the toilet thinking they were dead when in fact they were not. I mean, they certainly looked dead, and didn't react when nudged with the net. I need to know whether or not to go and buy Homer 3, or just accept that I have a killer goldfish in my kitchen. Please help! we look forward to hearing from you, Craig, Anne and Erin McAllister <<Hello; While goldfish can be aggressive and annoying to each other, they are not killers. It sounds to me like an ammonia problem. Chances are, your bowl is too small for the amount of ammonia being produced by two goldfish. You can try either 1)buying an ammonia test kit, and testing the water to see how often to change it, or 2)buying a much bigger bowl, and doing the normal water changes you already do now. Well, I would also recommend testing that, too. :) Test kits are easy to use, cheap, and fast. Make sure your ammonia level does not exceed 2.0ppm (follow the instructions in the test kit). If it does, do a water change. You will know exactly what is going on in your fishes water if you test it regularly. -Gwen>> Bobbing for Bettas Hi there. <Hello.> First of all I just want to say what an excellent site you folks have! I love it, so MUCH information! Keep up the great work! <Thank you for the kind words!> Ok, now for my problem. <Ah, I KNEW there was a catch!> I have a goldfish (Bob) and a Beta (Bob Jr. no relation) <heh> in a 10 gallon tank and they have been getting along just fine (even though my goldfish was a total jerk to the black moor that I have). <Woah. Um, so how many fish are there in there, and what? A goldfish, a moor, and a Betta? For starters, goldfish are super messy (they poop a lot), and really do need very large aquariums or ponds to thrive.> However, for the last couple days Bob Jr. seems to just be sitting on the bottom of the tank. At first I thought he was just sleeping but now I'm getting concerned. I know he's alive, he occasionally moves to a different part of the tank and he is still breathing. Is there something I can do for him? Like I said he's in a 10g tank and it has a filter mounted on the back and proper lighting etc. <Well, some questions, first - what are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature)? How often do you do water changes, and how much do you change? Do you vacuum the gravel when you do water changes? What do you feed them? Do you see anything physically wrong with the Betta, e.g.., pale coloration, clamped fins, labored breathing, clouded eyes, or anything else amiss? This information will help us figure out what might be wrong with your little anabantoid. It would be a good idea to do a hefty water change, being sure to match temperature and pH with the water in the tank, as I suspect this might be a water quality issue. I'd also like to mention that bettas and goldfish do not make the best of tankmates. The goldfish tend to be very messy, and foul the water very quickly. Also, bettas are tropical fish, and really should be kept with other compatible tropical fish, rather than with coldwater goldfish. You might want to consider a larger tank for your goldfishes, and perhaps get a few tropical tankmates for your Betta, once he's back to his old self.> Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. <Sure thing. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Drew Goldfish playmates? (10/28/03) Hullo fabulous crew! <I'm looking around, but all I see is me....Ananda here today...> It's me, Elspeth "Elf", again! I am sorry to report that Monty the Betta is no longer with us. (Moment of silence, please.) <...> However, there is now George the comet goldfish. May I point out that George was not my idea. After hearing about Monty, my friend "Cheeze", went out and won me a pair of goldfish at the fair. <Argh...training your friends to never surprise you with fish as presents may be a worthwhile endeavor....> We did an emergency set-up - a 10Gallon tank w/ under gravel filtration - carbon filters... (10 Gal was all I could afford... or I would have made it at least 20 Gal for two goldfish)... Anywho. While my sister's died within days, mine stayed in rude health. And she is still very healthy indeed! (I named George, then sexed her... ). <Just don't hug her or squeeze her... ;-) > My sister really wants to get herself a goldfish, preferably a fancy one (not always a good mix, I hear). <Fancy goldfish are so inbred that many of them have trouble swimming. This can lead to the comet, who has a much easier time swimming, getting most of the food.> Should I get George a tankmate? <Yes, but only if you can get her a much bigger tank... or a pond.> Or get my sister a tank of her own? I know you recommend 10-15 Gal / goldfish... (btw: I intend to have her moved to a pond or a larger tank when she gets bigger). She is currently about 3-4in long (haven't taken her out to measure - that could be just a bit stressful). <She's already too big for that 10 gallon tank, I think.> Should I just have her stay all alone in her 10Gal tank, due to the fact that dirtying water is what goldfish do best? Can I add another goldfish? Can I add smaller fish? It looks so lonely in her tank... <Chatting with Sabrina, we think the best thing would be for you to get this fish into a pond or larger tank ASAP. You could even use a great big Rubbermaid-type container to make a temporary indoor pond for the winter. Then you can put some heavy-duty filtration on the tank to keep up with them. If the filters you are looking at are rated for tank sizes, get one that's rated for at least double the tank volume you have.> Then again, being a twin, I have always had my sister, so maybe I just can't picture not having someone around at all times! Heh heh. <Yup, a view on life most of us don't have.> I'm also considering an African dwarf frog. Would George attack it (which some sites have said goldfish do)? Would she pester it? <Hmmm. One thing to remember about frogs: if something is small enough to fit into the frog's mouth, that something will eventually end up in the frog. And frogs generally have bigger mouths than people realize.> Is it a bad idea? Would she really not care one way or the other? She's very boisterous, and I'm concerned she might bug it and stress it out. Mum thinks that George seems happy the way she is, and says "If it ain't broke..." (allows me to finish the sentence). <Goldfish really like to have company, preferably in the form of other goldfish. If you can get a mucho larger tank (or pond, or Rubbermaid container), your sister might consider shubunkin goldfish: the ones that have the orange & black & white calico patterns.> Thanks for any advice! Thanks for running such a wonderful site! And thanks for answering reader questions! ~Elspeth "Elf" Spencer <You're welcome! --Ananda> PS: A final note to the readers: I really don't think giving goldfish as prizes at fairs is a good idea - they are often riddled with parasites, are swimming in their own filth, and many don't go to well suited homes. I was very lucky that George was in good shape. <Agreed.>Gold fish attacking other Please help I have a black moor and two fan tails (I am 90% sure that is what they are), one of my fan tails has recently become very aggressive and will not leave the other two, especially the black moor, alone.<You need to separate the two or the one that is being picked on will eventually die> I am not sure what to do. They are in a twenty galloon hexagon tank and have seem very happy till now. Please let me thank you in advance for any help you can offer.<Separate the two...permanently, that is the only way to insure that they both survive, IanB> Goldfish Behavior Good Morning, I was wanting to ask your help on my Goldfish. I have had one for over a year now, and he is quite healthy, but some months ago the other fish with him died and he had been alone, so just a couple of days ago, I bought 4 smaller goldfish (I have a huge tank) And they are nipping at his tail, is there anyway to stop this? Or will they eventually realize he isn't food? I was thinking of taking them out, but I thought he might have been lonely that is why I added them in the first place. Thanks so much, Anastasia <Hi Anastasia, the fin nipping is pretty normal behavior for goldfish, as long as the damage is not bad, I would not worry about it. If it gets too bad you should separate the fish. Maybe try giving them some plants to nibble on, like Anacharis. Best Regards, Gage> Cannibalistic goldfish, take two (!) Thanks so much for your reply! <Sure thing!> The red cap is the problem! he's a bully! pure and simple! we monitored his behaviour and he continued to 'eat' the others! one he stripped its fins so it couldn't swim at all!! I have the evidence! I watched him! so he's now on his own in the 'old tank' well fed but isolated! I have moved everything around in the new tank so the existing fish are busy stating their territory! I shall try to reintroduce the fish with the chip on his shoulder in a week or so, so he is the ' newcomer' once again! <If this really is a problem fish, I'd probably keep him seperate - or at least wait to re-introduce until all the other fish have healed up, and be prepared to remove right away at signs of aggression.> the other redcap is just fine and mixing in well!!! The black moor with no tail ... well, his white spot has cleared and his tail is looking like it is healing ...... thanks to the absence of the cannibal! yes I guess there are exceptions to the rules! and I have him!!!!!!!! <Stranger things have happened.> the tank size .... I cant calculate ... but its big! 7 buckets load of water! <In inches, for a rectangular tank, length x width x height divided by 231 gives you US gallons. Probably would be good for you to know your tank's capacity, especially if ever you have to medicate or anything.> they have lots and lots of room and I shall not put any more in there so the existing fish can spread out and have fun! they already come to the tank edge and are starting to feed from my fingers that hold the food above the water!!!! I shall purchase the water testing kit as you recommend .... but for now it would appear that 'Hannibal' is the problem!!! with thanks Cathy <Great, then. Hope everything works out okay. -Sabrina> Goldfish Harassment Hi, I have an algae eater and 2 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. One of the goldfish is a regular goldfish and the other is a goldfish with what looks like a brain on the top of the head. <Maybe an Oranda.> I've had them now for a few months but just within the last few days I have noticed my algae eater trying to suck on the brainy one. <Depends on the type of algae eater, some do tend to try to suck on your fish, if I had to guess you have a Plecostomus of some sort, but would need a picture to say for sure. The most common Plecos get way too big for a 10gal tank. As long as there are no wounds on brainy I would not worry too much.> And when I turn the lights out I notice the gold one is chasing it and picking at it. The one they are going after is pretty large, larger then the one going after it. But it hasn't looked sick or acted sick. Would you happen to know why they are going after it? <Most likely just other fish being bullies.> Do I give the brainy one medicine even though it doesn't appear sick? Please help. <I would not add any meds, just watch them and if it gets too serious or someone starts to get hurt, move the brainy one to another tank. Just look at his big brain, he is far to intellectual to be hanging out with common goldfish. Just kidding; but seriously the fancy varieties of Goldfish are best kept with other fancy Goldfish, they have a hard time competing for food with other more streamlined fish. Best Regards, Gage > Thanks. Angela Fun with your goldfish Hi, I have an 8 gallon aquarium with 2 veil tailed goldfish, 2 shubunkins, a Plecostomus and a female platy. (They all get on with each other very well). <Holy woah - zoinks, and zowie! Far too much bioload going on in there. Goldfish are large, messy eaters that quickly foul the water. Granted, they are a durable fish, but they have limits. General rule of thumb is about 10-15 US gallons per goldfish. Another yikes - the generic Plecostomus can very easily reach over a foot in length; I've even seen a couple in an enormous tank that were 2 feet in length! Platies, on the other hand, are a good fish for an 8 gallon tank. But platies are tropical fish, and need warmer water than the goldfish should be made to live in; the Plecostomus ought to be in warm water as well, but can tolerate the cooler water of the goldfish. I'm thinking a major upgrade is necessary, here; keep the platy in the 8g, and get a couple more platy friends (1 male per every 2-3 females). Perhaps a gorgeous, flashy Betta?> I was wondering if there were any fun things I could do with the goldfish? I made a hoop for them to swim through but they were too scared to go anywhere near it, and a put a ping-pong ball in the tank but they ignored it. Do you have any suggestions or advice?! <Mostly, things that will make them happy are live aquarium plants that they can nibble on (anacharis/elodea is a good choice), and plenty of hiding spaces so they can feel secure enough to be out in the open. As far as entertainment, well, goldfish really aren't too bright, but they'll quickly learn that you are a source of food, and will get to the point where they will 'beg' at the front of the tank for food, and may be taught to follow your fingers, and even eat out of your hand.> Also, one of my veil-tails sometimes swims very quickly to the surface, breathes in, swims back down and blows out bubbles of air! Is this normal? Should I be worried? Is there a reason for it?! <Could be a problem, but may be normal. Is the tank filtered/aerated? Do you treat your water for chlorine/chloramine? Do you test the water for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/pH? Any of these values being out of whack will cause problems. I'd very, very strongly recommend looking into a much larger tank for your fellahs. They'd love you for it, and be able to grow happy and healthy. Please take a look at other goldfish system FAQs - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfishsysfaqs.htm > Thank you very much for your help and sorry for taking up your time, Eitan Mirvis, London. <No sorry about it! That's what we're here for :) I wish you and your goldfish well. -Sabrina> Goldfish & Angelfish Hi. I am a beginner at this, and I just purchased a 55 gallon tank. <Well, welcome to this beautiful hobby! May you have much success and enjoyment.> I have 7 goldfish, 1 pleco, and 2 Angelfish. I was wondering if its okay to have angelfish and goldfish together? <Not really a good idea; goldfish like colder water temperatures, and can contract illnesses more easily in higher temps that the angelfish would need. Also, keep in mind that goldfish get rather large over time, and are very messy fish; your tank is really at its limit with seven goldfish. Goldfish and tropicals together can be done, but one or the other will suffer for it.> the temperature in my tank is 78 right now. <This is fine for the angelfish (though a touch warmer would be better), but not for the goldfishes. Goldfish should be kept closer to 68-70F or thereabouts.> I got my fish at Wal-Mart and they couldn't answer my question. I have a 10 gallon tank also and if The angelfish cant live with the goldfish then I plan on putting them in there. <Well, unfortunately, angelfishes get quite large, too, and a 10 gallon is too small for them. They'll be alright in there for a while, but will definitely need a larger tank in the long run. Basically, you're set with a few options: move the angels into the 10g and plan to upgrade to a 29g or larger; skip the angelfish altogether, and keep the 55g as a coldwater tank (the plec should be okay down to 70F, I'd think), or skip the goldfish and do a tropical tank with the angels, the plec, and some other tropicals. If you're feeling adventurous, you might even want to do a small pond for the goldies, then turn the 55 tropical. Lots of options, but all costing, unless you're willing to give up one or the other.> Thank You. <You're quite welcome. -Sabrina> Missing Algae Eater Is it normal for a Gold fish to eat an algae eating fish? <Nope. If the Gold fish could fit the other fish in his mouth, maybe. Or if the Algae eater died the Gold fish might pick at what is left of him, but I doubt the Gold fish would eat the other fish. Are you missing a fish, or did you see your Gold fish munch a tank mate? -Gage> Better Safe Than Sorry <Hi! Ryan with you!> I was just wondering if goldfish and Plecostomus could live peacefully together. I have seen websites that say yes, and others that say no they can't. I just have 2 regular goldfish, who are extremely active and very healthy, so I didn't think it would be a problem, I just wanted an expert opinion. Thanks:) <When I first started with goldfish I kept them with a pleco- and eventually suffered considerable losses. It's Russian roulette, but because of disease. Goldfish carry SO many diseases that tropical fish will eventually contract. It may work for some time, but I would avoid this. Much better tankmates for a pleco or a goldfish, in my opinion. Hope this helps> Territorial Oranda Dear Sir, I have a goldfish who is 10 years old. I recently got 10 Orandas to go in the 240 litre tank with him. The 10 year old is constantly chasing one of the Orandas around the tank and if he looses sight of it he will search him out until her finds him and go for him again. I don't think he is nibbling him but constantly chasing and wont give up! Can you help. My e mail is XXXX@iol.ie <I have noticed that fish become more belligerent as they age. (marine angelfish especially) If your older Oranda keeps chasing one of them constantly I would remove the one that is being chased from the tank. The stress that the older Oranda is causing the smaller one may lead to disease, death, etc. IanB> Thank you, Lorna Attacking Goldfish I have 5 fancy goldfish in a 55 gallon (double filtered, lots of water changes). They have all lived together for about 8 months. Today 4 were chasing one. I figured must be a female. When I left home about 6:30 and came home a couple of hours later, I went to check on the fish. I found the one being chased hiding in a corner (behind some plants). It looked liked the fins were nipped and to my horror I found that they had sucked both eyes out!!! I quickly put the hurt fancy in a net breeding mesh (same tank) and medicated. What happened and why. Will the fish live and be ok without its eyes? Please help. I'm horrified; I thought fancy goldfish were peaceful? Thanks Eugene <Although Goldfish are usually peaceful towards each other once in a while things like this happen. Most commonly, when this happens is when the fish is sick or dying so odds are, this one won't make it. You had the right general idea in isolating it and medicating it but what you really need to do is move that fish into a completely separate quarantine tank and medicate it in there. This prevents medicating the other fish that don't need it. If this fish lives, it will most likely always have to be kept in a separate tank with no decorations for it to run into and keep in mind that it may be harder to take care of because it won't be able to see food. Ronni> Re: Bully goldfish Hi, just came across your excellent website and wondered if you could help. <<Will certainly try...>> I have three goldfish in a 16 litre tank with a filter, and for the past month they seem to have been getting on fine (that's how long I've had them). <<Please be aware that these guys are going to rapidly outgrow this tank and will have to be moved.>> They are fed dried flakes except for once a week when they have a treat of some bloodworms, which they gobble up very happily. Today I've noticed that one of the goldfish is bullying another one, chasing him around the tank and nibbling at his vent and fins. I've also noticed that two of the goldfish seem to have faeces stuck to their vents, which is what the bully goldfish seems to be trying to nibble at. Any ideas what is going on? Many thanks. <<Goldfish are very messy fish and a faeces trail isn't uncommon. Sometimes it is a sign of overfeeding but not always. My guess is that this is exactly what the "bully" is after. Watch them for a couple of days and see if he stops, if not, you may need to isolate him. Ronni>> Worried about my Black Moor Dear WetWebCrew, Can you please help me with my sick Black Moor? My family inherited a 20 gallon aquarium, complete with fish, when our neighbors moved two months ago. Our new fish family consists of 5 tetras, a Hatchetfish, a large sucker catfish, and a big (4" body) Black Moor. <Ugh, the Black Moor needs his own tank. Different water quality needs> It is a strange assortment of fish but they have all lived together, in 72 degree water, for years. All of the fish adjusted fine to the move except for the Moor. The first few days he swam around but since then he just sits on the bottom of the tank in the corner. His fins droop down and he has no energy. Yesterday I was horrified to find the catfish attached to his back, sucking. The Black Moor didn't even move. His eyes look like they are coated with black algae. The only time he moves is during feedings and then he swims along the bottom looking for flakes that have fallen, taking pieces of gravel into his mouth and then spitting them out. He has a hard time finding the flakes; sometimes I wonder if he is blind. <they do not have the best eye site.> I don't know if he's getting enough to eat or not but since he won't go to the top of the water (where the other fish eat) I don't know how to get more food to him. <his own tank.> Do you know what could be wrong and how I can help him? <yup> I can't figure out what is wrong. I do frequent water changes and all of the other fish seem to be thriving. He doesn't have any growths on his body or white patches or any other noticeable skin or fin problems. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Wendy <Hi Wendy, a gold fish does not belong in the above mix, that is the reason that the others are thriving and he is not. Tetras, hatchet fish, and Plecostomus prefer warm water, mid to upper seventies, while the gold fish prefers cooler water. The fancy goldfish varieties are not built to compete for food (slow moving poor eye site), while tetras are streamlined. So I would recommend you pick up at least a 10gal tank for the goldfish (bigger if you want more than one). Set it up with some filtration, depending upon your location room temp should be fine, a touch of salt, and he should come around. Please read the links below. Best Regards, Gage> http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfishfaqs.htm http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshfdgfaqs.htm http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisfaqs.htm Bettas and Goldfish Hi, I have a pet Betta at home. He lives in a one gallon tank. This is because the lady who gave it to me said that the biggest tank that they needed was a half gallon. She also said that they are very aggressive. <that part was at least somewhat true... they are very aggressive towards each other> Then I asked her if a gold fish could go with it. She said of course. <mistaken... they are not at all compatible. Goldfish are coldwater and bettas are tropical for starters... many other reasons> At three different times I put a goldfish in but every morning it was dead. Was the lady at the store not shore or is there something wrong with the Betta or tank size? <the two fish are incompatible my friend. Goldfish are best not mixed with any tropicals. Please look through the articles on our web site describing each of these fish and see which you prefer and how to care for them best. Good luck, Anthony> Goldfish with other? Hi Thank you for your response.. <Anthony Calfo with the follow up> I seem to have other clarifications. Please help. <will do> As per your letter you don't seem to recommend other varieties with Goldfishes. Specifically, why? <Exactly as Steven replied to you, my friend, "They have specific requirements that are different from most other tropical fish: water temperature, foods, aggression, etc". Goldfish are temperate species that prefer water temperatures well under 76F while tropicals need temps well over 76F. ON temperature alone they are incompatible> But when I went through your articles Gouramis and Bala Sharks need same kind of Ph value. So what other things are missing? <temperature and aggression are huge here. The goldfish can get picked to death when small even if the temperatures were compatible> Maybe I want to keep 2-3 small other varieties and gradually change the type of fishes in the tank. What will happen if I keep both??. Can I go for such experiment. My tank is fully cycled with the fishes in it for 2-3 month. I add stress coat about once a week when I do 20% H20 change.. <I would never recommend goldfish with tropicals... one of the fishes is going to suffer with temp in time> The guy from my pet shop has a mix of goldfish, Bala sharks. not Gouramis. <all unnatural mixes> He said if the water is old you can keep other varieties. What does that mean? does the water chemistry change as the days go?? <its an old-fashioned argument about having aged water with a lower pH> I know I have too many why's above but I am just curious.. <yes... on temp alone it is not recommended> Have a nice day. <and you as well> Waiting for your reply. Bye, Sujatha <with kind regards, Anthony> Goldfish with others? Greeting. For some time I have been
browsing through net to catch on fishy articles. I found your site and
its articles very interesting. Keep it up. I have a question that is I
have a 50 gallon tank with pH 6.5 and stocked with 8-10 (3-4")
gold fish and its fancy verities. <You will have to eventually
remove some of these fish. You tank will become too crowded as they
grow older/larger. About 5 fish sounds right.> They are doing great.
But of late I realized I don't fancy only Goldfishes and want to
add some other varieties. <I generally do not recommend other fish
with Goldfish. They have specific requirements that are different from
most other tropical fish; water temperature, foods, aggression,
etc.> Can you please suggest if I can go for Gouramis or Bala Sharks
etc? Any other varieties which are ok with my gold fishes. I am not
fond of Suckermouth (Pleco) if that's correct. Also if any plants
required for the other variety as for now I have put some artificial
plants for Goldfishes. They seem to eat any live plants! <Yes they
do.> Thanking you in advance for your valuable reply. Sujatha Ravi
<Have a nice day. -Steven Pro>
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