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Re: platy foods and plants 9/7/14 Question about Mickey Mouse Platy; no data
6/24/14 Transportation 4/17/12 Mickey Mouse Platy
5/29/11 Mickey Mouse Fish Worry - 7/27/10 "Messy Platies"
7/1/10 Platy help 5/23/10 blue platy fry's 10/1/08 What to do with one platy? 6/25/08 This year I set up a 10 gallon aquarium in my classroom with a few red wag platys.? <?> This was my first experience with an aquarium and definitely a learning experience.? For most of the year I had three (what appeared to be) healthy platys, but something changed a couple weeks before school let out.? The platys started hiding and I noticed the big female had a large white spot on her side and was getting skinny.? <Something amiss here environmentally, nutritionally> She died and? then the male died about a week or so? later.? The last platy looks ok but is still hiding.? She doesn't even come out when I put food in the aquarium, although I think she may eat something when I'm not there because she's not skinny.? I had planned to give my platys to another teacher at the end of the school year who has an aquarium at her house; however, I did not want to give her a sick platy so I still have the lone platy at school.? I'm not sure what to do with her.? I'm moving to another school for next year so I had to tear down the 10 gallon aquarium (it is the property of the current school and the room has to be cleared out for summer cleaning).? I had a 3 gallon Eclipse tank running at school (that I used to raise this platy from a fry) so I moved? her to that tank today.? It's a pretty bare tank? - only two small plastic plants and a small crate ornament inside which the platy can hide.? So I have one platy that I'm not sure is sick or not or if she is just scared and? lonely.? What should I do?? <Learn what is going on with the ??? and omit it?> I cannot get into my new school until July 28 so, assuming she lives, it is going to be quite a while before she can get into a bigger tank and have some new friends.? I cannot set up a larger tank at my house because I have well water that is really bad (sulfur, etc.).? I can keep her at my current school for the time being in the 3 gallon Eclipse tank and come in a couple times a week to feed her and check on her.? However, I know platys like to be in groups so I don't know if I'm just inducing more stress by keeping her by herself for so long.? Should I go get one more platy to keep her company??? I'm not sure what is best to do here.? Some people are telling me to just put her down the toilet drain, but I can't? make myself do that.? ? Thanks for your help! Carolyn <Take the fish and the 3 gal. sys. home, return it in the Fall. Oh, and read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platysysfaqs.htm and the linked files above.> Bob Fenner?>
Mickey mouse fish sick!!!!, 3/22/08 I have two Mickey mouse fish. One just had babies. I never owned fish before and the babies were born just days after I bought them. I have no idea which one gave birth but four survived and I moved them into a breeder separator. All fish seemed to be doing well and about a week and a half has passed. Today I decided to switch the adults to a bigger tank and let the babies have the 1.5 gallon tank to grow faster and moved the adults to a ten gallon. While doing so I noticed my white adult now has a reddish mouth (before it had just a pinkish white hue) and reddish gills and it seems the face is bloated. She (or he) is now barely swimming at the bottom of the tank. I just noticed this change today. It seemed fine yesterday! I don't see it eating but I usually don't anyway. <Mmm, such reddening can be evidence of microbial infection... Search here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm "Platy, infection, reddening"... the cached views. Bob Fenner> Is my fishy pregnant? Platies -- 09/29/07 I've only had my tank a few months and I've just added 3 little sunset coral platies to my lil fishy family. Two of them look similar, darker orange at the face and the tail and a lighter orange in the middle and their dorsal fins are further up on their bodies that the third one. The third is light orange with yellow in the middle. The lighter one is getting very plump and I've just recently noticed a few lil black spots in its belly near its back fins. Is it pregnant or is it something else? Thank you Meg <Likely is pregnant... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platyreprofaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> There's something wrong with my platy... No data 7/17/07 My platy has something coming out of it, I don't think its a baby fish but I don't know. the thing coming out of it is puffy and white with an orange (the same color as the platy) center. What is it? <Not enough information, nor photo... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Platies, repro., mind-reading -- 03/15/07 Hey Rob, <?> I suspect that my female sunburst platys are pregnant, but I'm not sure I do not see the black spots between the fins and not quite sure when to separate them. Need Help. <With what? See WWM re Platy Reproduction. BobF> My Platy, no data - 03/26/2006 Hello, I bought my red wag platy in early December.(1 male and 2 females) Sadly one female has died. My other female was doing fine until she became really bloated and fat. It also seems that her fins seemed to fad. Then she got a white circle mark on her head and is hanging out under the rocks at the bottom of her tank. Fearing for her I put her in my plastic breeder contraption, and she just went nuts. She cannot stop swimming. I have done everything that I have found, raise the temperature, put a little aquarium salt in, and even mixed her diet a little bit. How long should she stay in the breeder, is she pregnant and what is the white mark on her head. <Likely some sort of infection, secondary... from? Poor water quality, inadequate nutrition... you haven't provided useful data re these. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Platy question 2/9/06 I recently bought a 5 gallon aquarium (I've had aquariums most of my life, but I had to move and had to leave my old one behind.) I have 2 platies to start with, and as it turns out they are both males. One is a Mickey mouse platy and the other is red tail sunset platy. The red tail sunset has taken to picking on the Mickey mouse platy. The Mickey mouse platy doesn't seem to care, he just swims off, and he gets plenty of food. I'd like to stop the red tail sunset from chasing him, so I'm going to buy more platies...however, I don't want babies. If I buy a few more males, will that disperse the territorial behavior that I think I'm witnessing? <Quite possibly, yes> Will they all decided to just live peacefully or will they all pick on one another? <At some point in crowding, the tension should be diffuse> I'm willing to buy a few females, but I really don't want a bunch of fry to deal with. I know that the platies are cannibalistic and will eat their fry, so I guess I could just let "nature take its course," but obviously that seems rough. What would you recommend, that I buy more males or some females? <Up to you> Also, should I be using an air pump for a 5 gallon tank? They seem to be doing okay without one, but I do have one I could use. Thank you so much, Lindsey <Well, do need aeration, circulation from some source... Bob Fenner> Mother Platies dies - 2/4/2006 My fish is a platy. She recently had her first fry. she stay close to the breeder net because that is were I put her babies. Now tabo has died. When tabo was born her mother also died. Is it common for platys to die after giving birth? Sylvia <Mmm, no... unless very old... Perhaps coincidence here, but please read on WWM re platy systems, health... Bob Fenner> Can platies have swords on their tails? 10/2/05 <Yes. Please... go to the library... BobF> Animal lover/nerd Mickey Mouse Platy Hi there <Hello> I've been reading lots of stuff on Mickey Mouse Platys but I still don't think I know what is wrong with my fish, only that its sick. It is hiding in one of the plants at the bottom of the tank and hasn't been eating since yesterday. It has been swimming around but at times almost seems like it cannot move forward and moves backward. I've been watching it today and its developing a white "stain" around its gills, its not raised and it doesn't look like Ick either. <Could just be "bummed out"> We have a 55 gallon tank which has been running around a week. We have 2 blue dwarf Gouramis, 2 red fire Gouramis, 2 Mickey Mouse platys, 2 phantom tetras and a 7 inch Pleco. They all came from two separate 10 gallon tanks which we have been running for about 2 months. We transferred all the ornaments, some gravel and have one of the filters running in the new tank because I thought that the bio filter might help the tank cycle quicker. <Good thinking> We have a large filter running that also came with the tank. The water temp is 80 degrees. Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks. Alison <I would still use your test kits to check water quality... Bob Fenner> Sick Platy in new aquarium... actually platies in a poisonous non-cycled system I have, well had, a red wag Platy that showed definite signs that something was wrong. He was fine in the morning before I went to work, seemed to eat well, and was almost dead when I got home about 12 hrs later. He couldn't seem to tell which direction was up, and seemed to be tossed around in the tank by the currents from the power filter and the bubbles from the lift tubes from the undergravel filter. He also seemed to have a white powdery substance around his head and his eyes were glazed over. There are 2 females in the tank also, plus 1 week old baby in a breeder net. All are platies. I know the tank is still cycling, it is a 10 gal, and the ammonia is running a bit high, about 1.5 ppm... <Yikes... dangerously high> ...nitrites at about .3 ppm, nitrates at about 20 ppm, pH running about 7.4-7.6. Tank temp is at 80 deg. There is charcoal in the power filter, and the lift tubes. I have added a " C-100 Aquarium Water Purifier" pillow a week or so ago hoping to help keep the ammonia down while the tank cycles. I did a 10% water change last Saturday, then added some Stress-Zyme and some Stress-Coat per the instructions on the bottles. The fish were fed twice daily a mixture of flake food, and sometimes some crushed baby shrimp, and some bloodworms, all commercially packed foods. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Steve Wickham Wytheville Va <Really? Putting fish in/through a non-cycled system... The one/male platy might have had some serious problem before you got it... but, please, no more livestock, and no feeding period unless the ammonia is under 1.0 ppm. Bob Fenner> Platy concerns I have a problem. I have a 30 litre tank (BiOrb) and started off with 4 white cloud minnows, which lived very happily. I then decided to invest in a couple of platies and the people at the pet centre said I should get a pair so I got one male Mickey-mouse platy and one female sunshine platy. About a week and a half after introducing them to my tank, I noticed that the female had given birth to lots of fry. I know that in the end I will need to remove some of them because my tank is nowhere near big enough for all of the fish to live happily. The thing is, my adult platies are now not looking too good. The male is definitely the livelier of the two and moves around a little under the amount I would expect them to. The female barely moves at all, she floats at the top, her mouth almost reaching the surface, sloping at about 45 degrees to the surface. I know she is still alive because she moves quite a lot sometimes but I noticed that one of my biggest fry keeps going over to her (this may be completely normal but it is the only fry that does it) and trying to touch just in front of her anal fin. Does this mean the baby is just being affectionate or is he/she trying to eat my platy? I also don't know how to catch fish with a net. Thank you very much if you can help me. <There are a few things you might try here... checking, modifying water quality, perhaps adding a modicum of salt. Please read over our Related FAQs re Platies here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlivestkindex.htm Scroll down to... Bob Fenner> Platy fry not eating Hello everyone, I had some platy fry born yesterday and followed the advise to crush up the food into a fine powder and put a tiny bit in tank but I have yet to see any of them take any interest in the food. They are in their own 5 gallon tank and I have a square of artificial breeding grass at the top that they pretty much stay in all the time. Should I worry about them not eating or give it some time? <Do keep trying the finely divided food... I would invest in some pre-made for this purpose as well... frequent (a few times daily) offerings per day is best> Also, I can't go out and buy anything to cover the filter tube so they don't get sucked up in it so I was wondering if I could use a piece of stocking/pantyhose to cover it or if that would prevent it from filtering properly. Thank you for your time, Crystal <The screening is a good idea... just keep your eye on this so that it doesn't get too clogged. Bob Fenner> SICK PLATIES? Since I sent this I now have the 2 original Platies and the little one all just lying at the bottom of the tank. They all eat and look fine, should I be worried? < "Lying on the bottom" does not sound good. If he is struggling to swim then there is a problem. If he is just hiding but can swim fine when he has to, then there shouldn't be a problem.-Chuck> Platy Breeding Hello, I have a deep 44 gallon with an angelfish, 3 tetras, 3 platys, 1 Redtail shark, and a guppy. Two of my platies are pregnant and I do not want any of the fry to be eaten. I moved the two together to a 10 gallon tank. Was it ok to move them and is it ok to have them together in the tank? I have breeding grass floating at the top of the tank for the fry to hide in and will move the mothers back into the big tank after birth. Getting them out of the big tank was very stressful as I had to chase them around quite a bit to do it. As I am writing this, they are swimming around happily but for the most part, since last night when I put them in there, have been hiding in the breeding grass. Should I provide more plants at the bottom of the tank as well? Thank you very much. Crystal <Better to have each female alone, but better this way than in the big tank. The angels would surely have taken the fry. They may still take each others fry. But if you add plenty of plants they should be fine. Remove each female after she gives birth. Feed the fry crushed flake food. You could also hatch some baby brine shrimp for them. Don> Pregnant Platies follow-up Thanks Don. I have them in the 10 gallon and one of them gave birth today to about 12 fry but both mothers still look very fat. One is staying at the top of the tank and in one place so I am assuming she is the one that gave birth but my questions is (and I searched on the site for the answer) How long can the actual birth process take? It has been many hours and I can not notice any decrease in stomach size. Thanks in advance and have a great night. Crystal <Sorry about the delay getting back. The entire brood may take an hour or it may take a day or more. One of those things you just have to ride out. Don> FUNNY PLATIES - FUNNY "HAHA", OR FUNNY.. "EWW.."? Hi, I have a question that I can't find the answer to. I have a tank that started with 2 Platies, I was told they were both boys until November when I had a baby fish. I have since figured out which is which. The baby is 6 months old and a boy I believe. I clean the tank every 3 weeks to put replacement water in etc. About 1 1/2 about the mother fish went nuts and was very stressed and sick for days. Part of the problem was that the other 2 fish were male and constantly going after her. Once she was doing better I added 2 more female fish. She is doing great now. The "baby" fish every since the other 2 new ones have been added now hides a lot, he is actually back to the place he was born, wedged underneath a castle and rocks. He comes out just to eat. The father fish is now acting funny, he is usually very active and has been just at the bottom of the tank or he swims and then lets himself fall vertically to the bottom, then swims to the top and repeats. They all eat and get along fine, no signs of infection or illness. I just have the baby fish (6 months old and over a inch long) hiding and the father acting funny. There is plenty of places to hide so there's no reason he's wedging himself between the rocks and under the castle.. What's going on in my tank? Also, my ammonia is fine, nitrites is fine, nitrates a little high but consistent, ph is acidic but always has been. I use Epsom salt when I do a water change.. Please help. Kristin < The male platy with the swimming problem probably has or had an internal bacterial infection that has affected his swim bladder. You might try treating him with Metronidazole but it might be too late for him to recover. Move the ornaments and rocks around so the fish can set up new territories. This might be all that is needed to get the little guy out and about.-Chuck> Platies - sick or pregnant? We have 3 platys - a
catfish, 2 Neons, 2 mollies, 2 danios and a 29 gallon aquarium that is
just over a month old. So we are extremely new at this. We started with
2 platys and 4 Neons. We lost 2 Neons almost immediately. We found out
later they are not very hardy for a new tank. <Yes> We added 2
additional platys. They were fine. We then added the mollies and
danios. Everything was fine for a couple of weeks then 1 of the platys
just died. We did not notice any change in behavior. Now all 3
remaining platys behavior have changed. A few days ago we noticed that
the first platy had a swollen belly, the following day she had a
swollen anus with a red string like material hanging (approx 1").
The red string is gone, but the belly remains swollen - whitish in
color and the anus remains swollen. All 3 of the platys now hide in low
ground cover, separately. The other 2 do not show any other physical
signs. They do eat but they are not as active as they once where
when they controlled the tank. I moved the swollen one to the
quarantine tank last night and treated for an hour with an antibiotic.
It was easy to catch, but once in the quarantine tank it swam around
fighting the bubbles from the air stone. I then tried to remove the
other 2 but they were impossible to catch. This morning the swollen
platy was with the mollies at the top of the tank, near the heater and
the other 2 were in the ground cover. We have vacuumed and made water
changes every week since starting the aquarium. We feed the fish twice
a day. Water quality is good. Water temperature is 78. Please
advise. <Regarding? I would elevate the temperature (to the
low 80's F), and wonder what sort of antibiotic you're using...
and why? You do not list any aspect of water quality... do you have
test kits? Bob Fenner> Meaty Foods for Platys - A Follow-up? Crew, Thank you for your suggestions. The morning after I sent the email, he was back to normal size. I think he was just over-fed. My platies' diet consists mostly of fresh greens (algae and live plants in the tank) and flake food. What would you suggest as a meaty food that isn't dried? <Hello...Jorie here this time. I like to alternate between frozen (then thawed in a cup of tank water) bloodworms and Mysid shrimp...my platys love both (as do all of my other fish!) Stay away from brine shrimp, as there is basically no nutritional value there.> Fat "he" platy Hello, I've got a 10 gallon tank with 5 platy residents. Two are male and three are female. I noticed yesterday that one of the male platy's belly is getting swollen. The other fish all appear to be healthy and normal. His color, appetite, and behavior haven't changed. In fact, he appears to be healthy and normal as well, with the exception of the gut he's got. Could this be the onset of something bad, or is he just eating more than the other fish? Thank you, -Concerned <I am concerned as well... I do hope your diet for your platies consists of some fresh greenery and meaty foods (not just all dried/prepared)... If the swelling continues or shows on your other fish, I would encourage you to add a level teaspoon of Epsom Salt to the tank. Bob Fenner> Overactive Male Platy We have one male platy in our 30 gallon tank with 4 females, along with 4 female barbs and 1 male barb. The male barb became very aggressive towards the females last week so we removed him for a couple of days, then returned him to the tank and he's pretty cool now. <Good> The male platy has now become very aggressive towards the other platies, and now all the other female fish. Should we remove him for a while or is he just being amorous? <I would try the periodic "time out" again... for a few days> We removed him for a bit but he seems more aggressive then ever. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Nel <All sounds like you're doing things right... Your system is large enough, you have good sex ratios for your fish species... Likely you're right... they're just overly frisky. Bob Fenner> Re: Overactive Male Platy, Quick Cure, I returned my male to the tank and he was ok for all of 10 minutes then started again. He's chasing the girls around non-stop with the only respite being when they hide for a moment until he finds them. Will there be an end to this or will I have to move him permanently to another tank? <Could go either way> I also have a sick female red wag who just hangs around with the tail moving, not moving around much with her upper and lower fins folded in to her body. I moved her into quarantine with Quick Cure she looks a bit better but at times seems to be breathing rapidly and looks as though she has a whitish cast to her. She's been in quarantine since yesterday. Do I need to remove the filter pack during treatment (I've read different opinions)? <Quick Cure is a blend of formalin and Malachite Green... very dangerous... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/malachitegreen.htm and see the link above to the Formalin article? I do hope you're testing for ammonia, nitrite... and have removed the carbon from your filter...> Should I add a little salt also? She's in a 10 gallon. <I would> All advice gratefully accepted. Nel <Study my friend. Bob Fenner> Flashing Platies Hello again! I have four platies (two males and two females) that are among 18 fish in a 44 gallon, well planted, community tank. I started the tank a month ago, used Turbostart 700 to cycle it, and I monitor the water parameters regularly. My ammonia and nitrites have been at zero since the first week, and nitrates have held at about 20ppm. My pH has stayed within 7.5-7.7 and my total hardness is 170ppm CaCO3. I bought the two male platies first and quickly noticed that they both were flashing against my plants (and occasionally my rocks) quite often. <Good info.> I was concerned and I thought it was either gill flukes or Ich and I have watched them very closely since I noticed the behavior. They have remained extremely healthy looking in all other aspects of their behavior. No white spots, no flukes, no clamped fins, voracious appetite, etc... It really bothers me that they keep doing it. I must stress that none of my other fish EVER flash and my plants are thriving even in only 30 watts of fluorescent light. Here is the kicker. I added the females two days ago because I figured that maybe the males needed some company and I noticed them flashing as well! Again no other signs of illness. What could this be? <Tough to say... sounds like your system is stable (biological filtration established), the hardness, pH okay... might be that the fish are just "settling in"... becoming acclimated to your captive conditions (many livebearers are imported from soft, acidic... filthy water from Asian fish farms...), but they may well be harboring some sort of "platy specific" biological disease...> Do platies just like to scratch? <Some, but not much... more than "one scratch a minute" or so is too much> Should I quarantine them just to be safe? It is really confounding. As always, any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Walt <I share your concern... but would not likely quarantine these fish, unless/till they show worse symptoms... like clamped fins, sitting on the bottom... and then would maybe treat them with a Jungle Brands product called a "Shimmy Block" (or in the old days just a copper scrubby...). Let's hope your fish's spontaneously cure in your otherwise good care. Bob Fenner> My daughter's Mickey mouse tail platies Hello, My daughter has a Mickey mouse tailed platy that has just within the last day or two developed a white spot on his side. Can this be ICK? If not, then what could it be and how do we treat it? thanks, Kelly St. Clair <Could be ich... but not necessarily. I would not panic unless/till other fish show symptoms. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm and the Related FAQs linked above. Bob Fenner> Sexing baby platies Hi just wondering if you have any idea how to sex baby platies? I have about 25 2-3 week old babies and they all look female. (none have a gonopodium sp?) They are all growing really well. Do platies "change sex when they get older or am I stuck with 25 female platies? Thank you. <Does take a while to be able to see the development of their anal fins... There are some "all female" batches... ways to manipulate the sex ratios, but I suspect your fish are just young. Bob Fenner> Sick Platy Hi, <Hello...Jorie here.> I had a red platy with black fins in a small tank by himself until he died last night. <Sorry to hear that.> The temperature in the tank was fairly stable around 73 degrees, which I know is a little cool, but it's not a tank that I can add a heater to. <You are correct - that is indeed a bit cool for a tropical fish. How small was this tank? I've been able to add a 25 watt heater successfully to both of my 3 gal. Betta tanks, so I'm guessing this tank was pretty small?> I did water changes regularly as well, in addition to adding aquarium salt, which the tropical fish store recommended. <Great job on the water changes. I'm curious as to how often you did these changes, and how much water you were changing at one time? If you were using tap water (which I'm going to guess you were), did you remember to either add some type of dechlorinator, or age the water for a day or so, in order to remove the chlorine? Also, did you ever test the water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates, just to be sure you were in fact doing enough water changes? With regards to the salt, how much did you add? Since salt doesn't evaporate, were you sure to only add the necessary amount of salt to the *new* water when you did water changes, and not to "re-salt" the entire tank?> For several weeks after I brought him home, he was doing fine. He was responsive, ate well, and moved around the tank actively. Then, suddenly, he stopped eating and became very lethargic, hanging out at the top of his tank. When he would move, his movement was very erratic and often backwards. He continued to deteriorate for a week or so, refusing to eat and staying very still. Finally, it got to the point where I could see his little ribs and he was more or less "hanging" in the water, his spine bent and laying on his side. He could still swim, but when he did, it looked as though he was having a seizure or something (very jerky movement). <Two things come to mind: when you talk about a bent spine, it is possible this fish had some sort of genetic deformity, and he just wasn't a health guy. Secondly, though, when you talk about swimming problems, I'm inclined to think of swim-bladder disorder, which can be caused by either viral or bacterial causes. It's hard to tell after the fact for sure (and many times it is hard to tell exactly even when the situation is presently occurring). Ideally, though, whenever a health problem presents itself, the best place to start checking is with environmental causes (e.g., poor water quality - test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, as mentioned above), rule those out, then narrow things down to specific diseases, etc. Many times, environmental issues are the culprits, but of course, not always.> Also, I'm inclined to think that he had a fever or something, because for the past two or three days, when I'd look in on him, I could see heat waves radiating out from his body into the water (you know that wavy look that water and air get when it's hotter than the surrounding liquid??). <I can picture what you are talking about, though I've never seen it present itself on a fish. Perhaps the water was really cold for the little guy? That certainly could have had an adverse effect on his immune system, lowered his resistance, and caused him to become sick. Definitely look into the 25watt heater, if at all possible...I think you could get away with putting it into a 2 gal. tank, even. If your tank is smaller than that, I'd strongly recommend upgrading, as you want to be able to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for your fish, which includes keeping the water temperature stable at the appropriate level.> Do you have any idea what could have happened to my platy? I say he died last night, but I euthanized him because I couldn't stand to see him suffer anymore. <I hope I've given you some ideas and potential causes. Don't be afraid to try again - it's a learning experience, and you've definitely come to the right place to get good answers! Hope I've helped, and again, sorry you lost your little friend.> Thanks, Alicia <Jorie> Amount of gravel needed in platy tank Hi crew, I have a question for you. I haven't kept fish in years and when I did it was as a kid and Mom and Dad took care of them so I don't know if this is right or not any info is appreciated. I have about two to three inches of gravel in my 10 gal. with 3 adult platy's in it 2 females and 1 male. I also have 5 fry in it that are about 1 month old and growing fast. Is that amount of gravel alright or should I have less the entire tank has plastic plants in it as I can't seem to get real ones to stay alive. Thank you, Becky <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubstrates.htm and the FAQs (linked, in blue, above). Bob Fenner> Stressed Platies and Aquarium Size I should say up
front I am a complete novice and so looking for some guidance.
<Okay, then I'll admit that I need more coffee and time to be
fully awake... yawnnnn!> A week and a half ago I got two Platies (1
make/1female) that are about an inch in size and they are in a 6 gallon
Eclipse system. I have noticed that the male has started to poke or ram
the side of the female over and over until the female reacts to fend
off the male. As I'm new at this I'm not really sure if
this is a mating thing or if they are both just stressed. <This is
indeed mating behavior... and even though your tank is small, all would
be better if you had one more female... for your one male> I know
this is after the fact but I'm concerned that my 6 gallon tank
might be too small for them as I have read on some net articles that 10
gallon is a minimum for these types of fish. <Bigger is better
here> I was hoping to get more Platies but now I'm hesitating.
Would maybe getting another female reduce the stress level as I have
read on your FAQ site? <Oh! Yes> Another question, I think the
female is pregnant and I'm not equipped or intending to breed, if
and when the female releases the fry is it OK to just let the fry swim
with the other two or will it cause problems for the overall condition
of the aquarium? <Do place a bit of live or faux "grass"
in this system... and not worry> Thanks for your help. Andy
<Welcome to our wonderful, instructive hobby. Bob
Fenner> Platies on the bottom Hello. I have three platys in a 2.5 gallon tank with a whisper carbon filter. I am new at this. My two and three year old wanted fish for Christmas. Anyway, they were doing fine for the first four days. I dechlorinated with AquaSafe and let the tank sit for a day before adding them. One of them has fin rot now, so I am treating him MelaFix. I also added a fourth a tsp of fish salt and some stuff called CYCLE, essential bacteria. I notice that they are all staying at the bottom a lot. They come up to eat and swim around a little. But most of the time they just rest on their bottom fins at the bottom of the tank or in the grass. Could the water be too cold or are they just resting? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks, LittleTank in Louisiana < For setting up a new tank I would recommend that you go to Marineland.com and look at header called Dr. Tim's library and search for an article titles the first 30 days . This will give you an idea on what is going on in your tank. The tank should be around 80 degrees. If it is much below 75 your fish will not thrive. The resting behavior is not normal.-Chuck> Fin Decay in New Tank Hello. One of my new platy fish has fin rot, which I am currently treating with MelaFix. I was told to remove the carbon filter while treating (one week) and replace the filter with carbonless polyester fiber. I have done that, but am wondering if I can put the same carbon filter back in once treatment is completed or do I have to buy a new one? The tank is currently cycling (two weeks old). Thanks in advance for your help, LittleTank in Louisiana <Hi LT in L, Don here. Nope, you'll need fresh carbon. Activated carbon "fills up" and becomes inactive carbon very quickly. Within a day or two. I'm just wondering if you have a bacterial fin rot or poor water conditions since the tank is so new. I would discontinue the Melafix and just do large daily water changes. Ammonia can build up in a new tank causing the fins to "burn". Testing for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate would reveal the answer. If you do not have a test kit, I strongly suggest you pick one up. Your LFS could also do a test for you> Platy problems Thanks for the timely reply. I guess I should have given some more info when I emailed you the first time. After all the fish had died, here is what I did: 1. I emptied the tank and cleaned everything including the gravel at the bottom. 2. I bought a new filter system and removed the underwater filter I initially had. The current one is not an underwater filter. It's above water and circulates the water with activated carbon cartridge. 3. Then, I installed everything and have added water. I treated the water with PRIME (which is a dechlorinator and it also removes nitrites, nitrates etc.,). I also added some aquarium salt. The I added the pH reducer since my tap water had a pH of 7.7 Please note that I have a water softener in my home that uses Potassium pellets. 4.Finally it has been two days since I installed everything and my filter keeps on running. I tested the water everyday and here is my results from today: Nitrates - around 20 mg/L Nitrite - around 0.1 mg/L GH - between 25-75 ppm KH - between 180-300 ppm pH - between 7.8-8.4 I don't have any fish yet. We want to have some black and gold platies. But they keep dying in this environment. What should I do now? Your help is very much appreciated. You have given the only reasonable advice so far. Thanks again for your time in this regard. < Use water from the garden hose before it goes to the water softener. This water is probably closer to the water that is being used by your local fish store. Go to Marineland.com and go to Dr Tim's Library and look at the article called The First 30 days for properly starting a new aquarium.-Chuck> "I", platies 09/13/2005 Guys, thanks for your help. sorry about time to respond. Though I bet you often don't get some replies at all. I contacted a reputable aquarist who took my remaining goldfish. My white clouds have all passed on. They seemed to get very thin and weak and eventually succumbed. I have now added a heater and 3 platies (2f 1m). Along with the 3 danios all is going well and has done so since July. I really love the platys (corals, though male has some white). They are so much like a goldfish but without the mess. I actually got some fry (3 that I saw) but I didn't have another space for them so they've been eaten. I have received a 24x12x12 tank and will try get it ready for the next time. I am a bit unsure how to filter this. I was thinking a Fluval 2 filter internal which you can turn down flow or a pump with maybe 2 sponge filters. what would you recommend. should I move a pregnant female in or move fry once born. what is the best way to pick up fry out of a tank. I've also dumped half my plastic plants and put in 6 bunches of water sprite, 4 in gravel and 2 floating. Best thing I ever did. The fish love it. They pick a little but not more than they grow. And the fry can hide in it later on. Thanks for all your help. <... what is it with the non-capitalized "i's"? Please see WWM re your platies. Bob Fenner> |
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