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Compatibility between Ropefish and spiny eels
9/20/17 Spiny Eel Compatibility
3/21/17 Fresh water eels 12/5/14
Fire eel compatibility 2/3/11 Peacock Eel compatibility 2/8/10 Mastacembelus erythrotaenia question, comp.
9/21/09 Re: Mastacembelus erythrotaenia question
9/21/09 Re: Mastacembelus erythrotaenia question
9/21/09 Stingrays and eels, FW comp. 05/03/09 Peacock Eel Companions 3/9/09 Hello All! <Ave,> I have read that loaches are not good companions for spiny eels because they will bully the eel and keep him from eating. Can you please be more specific? I have 4 Black Kuhlii Loaches in the same tank as my peacock eel along with four mystery snails. Assuming the tank is big enough, I have a sandy substrate and the food is plentiful, do I have anything to worry about? <Kuhli loaches (Pangio spp.) would be exceptions, and assuming the Macrognathus species you have was reasonably large, I'd expect it to compete well. The problem loaches are the fast-swimming, semi-aggressive, often territorial species, i.e., the majority of loaches! Dojo loaches, Skunk loaches, Red-fin loaches and so on.> I have another question. I bought another peacock eel about a week ago because I heard that it is better to have more than one. Is this true? <For Macrognathus spp., yes, they are sociable. Mastacembelus spp. eels by contrast are territorial. Peacock eels are usually Macrognathus siamensis, though of course your retailer might stick the name on who-knows-what!> Anyway, I put him in the tank and I have never seen him again. I have a hood covering my tank and the only hole is the space around the filter and I took a fine netting and velcroed it all around the filter and the hood so they can't get out and I have fixed it so that the door that I open to feed them does not open easily. Also, because I know things happen I looked all around my tanks and basically the whole room and cannot find him. <Hmm... notorious jumpers, escape artists. If he jumped out, he may have been eaten by a cat or dog? If he couldn't escape, he's probably still in there somewhere.> The reason I know he is absolutely gone is because I had both eels in a tank with a handful of dwarf gouramis, 3 snails, and 4 black Kuhlii loaches, and since I never got to see the eels and the loaches because they hid all the time, I took them out of the community tank and put them in another tank; I scooped out all of the sand from one tank and put in in the other tank and only came up with one eel. Actually, it's pretty funny (not really funny) because I thought I only had 3 loaches and found out I had four, but now am missing one eel. Any ideas? <Well, he's either jumped out (likely); still in there and hiding; or died, was eaten, and now just bones. Nothing it could otherwise be.> Also, is it normal for spiny eels to rub themselves against plants and the heater and the snails (I have even caught one of the snails on top of him!) <They do like being in contact with solid objects or the substrate, yes. They also like being tangled up in floating plants. If they "rub" themselves as if itching, that's something else, and possibly a sign of Ick.> This can't be normal, is it? And he really buddies up with the loaches. Is this normal? <Likely less about friendship and more about Spiny Eels and Kuhli loaches both appreciating the same things in life: burrows, shade, hiding places.> I know that when fish start rubbing against things it could signify problems, it this also true with eels? <Can be, yes.> Lana <Cheers, Neale.> Fiddler crabs versus peacock eel 10/21/08 Hi <Hello,> I have a freshwater tank with three gold fiddler crabs, one male and two female. <Uca spp. are brackish water animals... don't last long in freshwater conditions... On the plus side, at least some Spiny Eels tolerate brackish water well, and may even be healthier in it than freshwater.> Well I got a peacock spiny eel, who was about 5 inches, and the next morning he was being eaten by the female crabs. <The eel died; the crabs ate the corpse. Spiny Eels die very easily, frequently from bacterial infections. For example, they can't be kept in tanks with gravel. Must be sand. Gravel scratches the skin, allows bacteria to get past the mucous layer, and within days they die. This happens SO OFTEN that it is depressing. Brackish water around SG 1.003 (as opposed to "teaspoon tonic salt per gallon" nonsense) may be beneficial to Spiny Eels because it minimises the risk of bacterial infections.> I don't understand what happened. He was perfectly fine all day long... and I know that my tank is in great condition. <Do you have sand or gravel in the tank? If gravel, that's likely part of the issue. Spiny Eels are also easily starved. You can't keep them with things like loaches and catfish because they don't compete for food. If you stick one in a community with loaches and catfish, it will get steadily weaker with time. They obviously don't eat flake or pellets, and need a meaty diet of things like earthworms or frozen (not freeze dried) bloodworms. Just getting food into them is hard enough without keeping them with other nocturnal fish that steal the food first.> Is it possible that the crabs could have killed the eel? <No. Uca spp. are primarily detritivores, though they will eat carrion.> The eel was somewhat slow moving and was still very young. I am very upset about the eel, it was very beautiful and I would really enjoy having an eel in my community tank. <Sadly, these aren't "easy fish" and I'd encourage you to read my thoughts here before doing anything else: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/spinyeelsmonk.htm > Ashley <Cheers, Neale.> Re: Fiddler crabs versus peacock eel 10/21/08 Thank you so much for the fast response! <Most welcome.> Well I do have a sand/gravel substrate, however the aquarium store had large gravel. <Hmm... in my opinion, plain smooth silica sand is the way to go, particularly with small (sub-20 cm) specimens.> And the eel was buried in there when I got it. Do you think it is possible that the eel got the infection at the store? <Quite possible.> I watched the eel quite intently and he never buried himself. <Possibly prefers the hiding places available above the substrate. In any case, they feed by pushing the rostrum (the "trunk" on the nose) into the sand to uproot insect larvae and worms. So even at that level, sand helps.> He actually spent most of his time swimming near the top of the water. <They do indeed like swimming among the roots of floating plants. They're great escape artists though, so be warned that they're also apt to jump out, if they can.> Also do you have any suggestions on what I could do to get my tank better prepared for a peacock eel? <Do read my article; that's everything I know about them!> I have three small Cory cats, will they be a problem for the eel? <Does rather depend on the size of the tank and how much food you put in. Assuming you were generous with the food, these fish might get along just fine. The real problems come with "bullies" like loaches and Plecs that will keep the Spiny Eel away from its dinner. Earthworms are the secret to success with the Mastacembelidae, and they will thrive on these tasty morsels.> I guess I should let you know that I have a 55 gallon tank with a mostly sand substrate. There is some small white gravel mixed in with the sand. <Hmm...> I have got platies, swords, mollies, tiger barbs, 2 rainbow fish, paradise fish, the Cory cats, and the crabs. Everybody lives perfectly fine together. I usually put a small amount of aquarium salt in the water. Would this be recommended for an eel? <I suspect the Fiddlers are on borrowed time. They're amphibious and will spend all their time trying to get out. The vast majority of specimens in freshwater aquaria last but a few months. It's a shame they're sold at all, to be honest. Adding "small amounts of salt" won't really have much effect either way. They won't make any of these animals healthier, but if you want to waste your money on boxes of salt, then go ahead, you aren't doing any harm either.> Ashley <Cheers, Neale.> Re: Fiddler crabs versus peacock eel 10/21/08 Well thanks again...I know the crabs need air every now and then. <No, it's not "air now and again" for these crabs. They're land crabs. They live, feed, socialize on land. They only go into the water to moisten their gills and to breed. That's it. Otherwise they're as much land animals as, say, frogs. When kept properly they spend 95% of the time on land. The males are very cute, standing about waving their giant claws to scare rivals and flirt with females. This is why they're always trying to escape: it's like trying to stop a bird from flying away.> I have an external power filter and the crabs climb up the tubes. But i have built a plastic mesh enclosure so that the crabs can get to the air but not fully escape. <Sooner or later, crabs escape. I say this as someone who had to get his parents to take apart their kitchen units to rescue a Cardisoma crab when I was a teenager! The thing was the size of a softball and yet managed to escape...> I read your article and it definitely gave a lot more knowledge about the eels. I do believe that if I try eels again I will get the gravel out and get some live worms... You've been most helpful! Ashley <Happy to help. Enjoy your fish. Cheers, Neale.> Fire Eel and Discus 05/19/08 Heya For the last 6 months I've had my Fire Eel happily living alone in a 90 gallon tank. it is planted (there's java fern growing on the bogwood). I want to add 4-6 discus to the tank, I double checked PH and temp and it is in a discus range (the Eel seems much happier in a warmer environment). In your experience would discus be compatible with the fire eel? and what number do you recommend, 4 or 6? when they get big I plan on setting up a 150 wide for the discus if they do outgrow the 90 gallon. Jessep <In theory Spiny Eels could work with Discus. There shouldn't be much competition over food, and the Discus are far too large to be eaten by a hungry Spiny Eel. But Fire Eels are VERY big fish once mature (expect 75-90 cm/2.5-3 feet) and that alone may terrify the Discus. So a lot will depend on how big the Discus are relative to the Spiny Eel. My gut feeling is that this wouldn't be a long term plan, but a juvenile Spiny Eel with some full grown Discus might work out for a few months. As for keeping Discus, six seems to be the magic number as far as avoiding aggression and ensuring you get a breeding pair. Cheers, Neale.>Fire eel compatibility 5/16/08 Hello all, I have just one question. I have a 65g tank. At this time I have 4 paradise Gouramis, 1 gold Gourami, 3 Rainbow fish, 1 African Brown Knife, 1 red fin shark, 1 rainbow shark, 1 Pleco and 1 blood parrot. I was wondering if I could safely add a fire eel? <No; quite a busy tank already, and too many of these fish will compete for food and space. Fire eels are very sensitive to poor water conditions, and you really need a 100+ gallon to give these fish even a chance of thriving in captivity. Most specimens die within months of import. Should the fish survive to adulthood, at least some of these fish would be eaten. Have made the mistake of combining a Tire Track Eel with Swordtails, which you'd assume would be safe. Nope: quickly eaten without any difficulty! Do read my article on Spiny Eels, here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/spinyeelsmonk.htm> I am planning on replacing the gravel with sand if I add the eel. <If you want an "eel", better off with, for example, Polypterus senegalus, one of the toughest and most easy-going Bichirs.> Thanks for all of the great info. you all provide. Wet web media is by far the best sight I have found for info. on the great hobby of fish keeping. Keep up the great work. Thanks, Virginia <Thanks for the kind words. Cheers, Neale.> Spiny eel comp. - 1/24/08 Hello there, I hope its ok to e-mail you directly. I have had smaller tanks in the past. 2 weeks ago I got a gently used 55 gal. tank. It came with a stand, 200 watt heater, and a EHEIM 2213 canister filter. I have made up my mind that I would build the tank around the three things that I have always wanted to have in a tank. First was that I have always wanted to have a spiny eel, the second was sand in the tank and the third where things like snails and an upside down cat. <In theory a good idea, but I'd make the point that Spiny Eels are difficult to feed, and it's best to settle them in and get them tame enough to eat readily before adding catfish or loaches.> I have visited several forums, scientific info sites, and I am a little overwhelmed because I seem have lots of info but none of the answers I am really looking for (this could be because I haven't figured out the right questions yet.) So thus I turn to you ... I would like to hear your opinions, hear what you have observed, and just talk to people that have actually owned eels. <We have a stack of articles on Spiny Eels, do start with these: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/spinyeelsmonk.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_4/V4I3/Spiny_Eels/Spiny%20Eels.htm > Question 1 Which eel(s) would be most appropriate for a 55 gal. tank? <Almost any of them, though I'd suggest the Tyre-track Eel (Mastacembelus armatus and M. favus) and Fire eel (M. erythrotaenia) would do better in larger tanks.> Question 2 What type of plants are best to be added to the tank (what plants make the eels most comfortable, do eels do best around, and do well around eels?) <Because Spiny Eels burrow, the best plants are epiphytes (Java fern, Anubias, etc.) and floating plants (Ceratopteris, Hornwort, etc.). Spiny Eels particularly like floating plants that make a big mass of leaves and roots at the top of the tank. If nothing else, floating plants seem to encourage them not to go leaping out the tank. If you want rooted plants in the substrate, I'd go with robust, shade-tolerant things that won't mind all these floating plants. Hardy Cryptocorynes like C. wendtii would be ideal.> Question 3 What type of decor and ornamentation is best (for providing hiding spots and would be appropriate?) <Not terribly important. Floating plants are good because the spiny eels will "burrow" into them where you can watch them. Hollow ornaments are also favoured. Plastic or ceramic logs are probably the ideal. Rocks and bogwood aren't terribly important, particularly if the Spiny Eels have lots of sand for digging into.> Question 4 Tankmates: What fish go well with eels? I have read that they might eat smaller slower fish and understand that what Im more interested in are what are good tankmates that can co-exist without pestering the eel(s)? {Having read about fin nippers and eel pesterers and not having them defined.} <Anything too big to swallow will be safe, as Spiny Eels aren't aggressive towards other fish. Mastacembelus species tend to be mutually territorial, so they're usually kept alone. Macrognathus species are more sociable, and often work best in groups of three or more. Rainbowfish and gouramis are excellent companions for Spiny Eels; you can also choose any of the peaceful barbs and tetras, for example Golden Barbs or Bleeding Heart Tetras. If you have hard water, then large livebearers are a good option, things like Swordtails and Mollies (the latter especially if you're keeping your Spiny Eel in slightly brackish water). The fish to avoid are anything small and narrow (like Neons or Danios) as these may be eaten, and anything that will compete with them at night time for food (such as catfish and loaches).> Any advice you could give me or if there is anything you think I should consider I would appreciate hearing back from you, Chris <Hope this helps, Neale.> Tiger Barbs and peacock eels, comp., Mastacembelids gen. 1/5/08 Hello WWM! <Hello.> I am new (2 months) to freshwater aquariums. <OK.> I was wondering, will 2 Tiger Barbs and 2 Peacock Eels get along when in the same 10 gallon tank with limited places to hide and some live aquatic plants? I'm concerned since both are aggressive species. Will they fight? <Won't work. Tiger barbs are schooling fish and become nothing but trouble when kept in groups of less than six. They nip at other fish. So, get six Tiger barbs before you start fussing about other species. Six tiger barbs need more than 10 gallons of tank space. At least a long 20 gallon tank to get the room to swim and play they need.> Also, will Peacock Eels eat spikes (fly larvae), sinking shrimp pellets, freeze-dried blood worms, Tubifex worms and worms you use as bait when fishing? This is what I've been feeding them, but can't tell if they are eating or not. <Peacock Eels, by which I assume you mean Macrognathus siamensis, will eat live and frozen worms/insect larvae happily enough, but ignore dried foods, pellets, etc.> I just got my Tiger Barbs yesterday and they just seem to hang out together. <Why did you buy just two? That's mean. These are social animals and as they mature they create a pecking order. Denying them this leads to problems. Besides, they're too big for a 10 gallon tank. If you have access to January's edition of TFH Magazine, I have an article in there all about stocking 10 gallon tanks. Consider this essential reading!> So far, I've had 3 Striped Peacock Eels (one died when it was exploring its new home and it was eaten by my filter) they get along fine. <Please let me make this very clear: Peacock Eels are not easy to keep. For a start, they CANNOT be kept in tanks with gravel. Putting them in a tank with gravel is giving the eel a death sentence. These eels dig, and gravel scratches them, and then they get secondary bacterial infections, and then they die. I have seen this and heard about this too many times over the last twenty five years of my keeping tropical fish. Secondly, they are difficult to feed. Live foods are preferred, and they CANNOT be kept with any night-time bottom feeders. Neither catfish nor loaches. You must feed the eels at night, and they must be the only fish in the tank eating the bloodworms or whatever. Otherwise they starve to death. Finally, they jump out of tanks. Again, this is incredibly common when people keep these eels. The tank must be almost airtight. Block any holes big enough for the fish to squeeze through.> I also had 2 Pictus Cats and a Pleco not survive, any ideas why? <Your tank is insanely overstocked. A Plec will reach 45 cm, probably longer than your aquarium! Pimelodus pictus is a schooling, riverine catfish that needs to be kept in groups in a tank with lots of water current and swimming space.> I took a peek at your FAQ's and noticed there were quite a few articles about eels! Good Job!!! Just out of curiousity, how long have you been studying eels? <Studying them may be overdoing it a bit, but I kept my first Mastacembelus armatus back in 1988, and have been keeping and writing about them ever since.> Also, how are you supposed to determine the sex of Peacock Eels and Tiger Barbs? <Spiny eels are universally sexed by looking at their body shape: females are dramatically more deep-bodied than the males. Tiger barb females are rounded at spawning time. If you have a group of six or more mature fish, it's usually not a problem to identify the males and females.> Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, a curious newcomer. <Good luck, Neale.> Geophagus Sucking on Fire Eel? 11/15/07 I am sitting here watching my 150 gallon tank and I am seeing one of my Geophagus sucking on the fins of my 3.5 foot Fire Eel - <Neat!> What's up with that? The eel is prowling the surface hoping it is dinner time - an does not even flinch while the Geophagus is sucking on his tail fins... <Mmm... how to state this... fish mucus has many properties... of use to its producer, and is a food source to some other organisms. In this case, your Eartheater> I assume it is sucking cause there are no bite marks or scuffing. Any thoughts? Tim <If causing no damage, I would not be concerned... the Mastacembelid can take care of itself, assuredly. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Spiny Eel questions... ID, sys., comp. 2/26/07 Hiya, WWM. This is Ashley again; the paranoid person with the two spiny eels named Hope and Doom. <Hi Ashley, spiny eel keeper Marco here.> I'm pretty sure they're what I've seen called yellow-tailed spiny eels. (Mastacembelus armatus) <I just had a look at your older mails with pictures and hesitate to agree, because the second picture seems to show that they have a separate tail fin in contrast to an unbroken fin. If that's right, they are not M. armatus, but a smaller species, probably Macrognathus pancalus (max. 7 inches). Have a look at the tail fin to verify.> They're still going strong, eating like pigs, and uprooting my plants. I have been considering "downsizing" in the fish department, since I have 5 tanks to keep up with now, along with tons of fish, and many other pets. <That's just the beginning, you are already addicted> I was wondering if the two eels would be okay in a 10 gallon together (alone). I read somewhere that they stop growing at about 6 inches <Not if they are healthy M. armatus.>. I was thinking about either keeping them in a 10 gallon, or keeping just them, the gold dojo loaches, and the Pleco(s) in the 30 gallon. Which would be better? <If they are M. armatus, both tanks are too small in the long run, since these fishes will get 90 cm (35 inches) long. If they are a M. pancalus or another Asian species with separate tail fin, the 30 gallons would ok.> I'm also wondering if the activity of the other fish (various guppies, mollies, platies, the loaches, and the Pleco) affects the eels' activity level. They are fairly active during the day, and I'm wondering if I take the other fish out, will the eels' activity level go down? <To me it seems their activity is high, when the tank mates are peaceful, and low, when they are intimidating the eels.> Or do I just have some really weird eels? Thanks in advance for your reply, Ashley. <You are welcome.> Oh, and since they're fairly little, and don't even bother messing with anything bigger than a bloodworm, do you think they would harm 2 two and a half-inch Kuhli Loaches? I was told that they would attack them like worms... <They are probably safe with M. pancalus, but would be eaten by M. armatus>. African cichlids and eels??, Eels & Rift Lake Cichlids hey, would a fire eel work in a mixed African rift lake setup?? I currently have a 1-2" frontosa, 2" Malawi blue dolphin, 2 3" Synodontis multipunctatus.. if it doesn't work, r there any other eels that might survive in this.. can u recommend any?? Thanks, Jiwan.. <Well- "survival" is a relative word. Although Fire eels are adaptable to a range of water conditions, I'd probably pass on adding one to this system. Your Frontosa is gonna be a BIG fish, and the other fish can be fairly aggressive feeders. Fire eels also get big -more than 3 feet-but they are generally nocturnal and are not competitive feeders. For more info on eels, see ://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubwebIndex/matacembelids . Good luck! Scott F.> Black Shark and Fire Eel - Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire! Hello, hope you can help me! <I will indeed try.> I have been looking for quite a while and trying to decide what to purchase for my tank or if I need to buy a larger tank if it is needed! I am wondering if a black shark 2" long and a fire eel 9" long will be good tank mates? <No, black sharks (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) are said to be very hostile fish. I've read many sites saying how their red tailed Black Sharks have really hurt some tank mates. I would think that it would pester a fire eel.> I know that black sharks are aggressive, but are they to aggressive if they grow together! <They will eventually be mean... their nature won't allow them to be nice forever. No sense putting an eel through that. Here is a quick bit of info on the black sharks. http://aquarium.wendellarhoads.com/blshark.shtml They seem to list what had happened to their tankmates.> I have heard and red that balas, red tailed sharks, or rainbows and good possible tank mates, what about black sharks? <larger rainbows wouldn't bother an eel at all. The others you run a risk.> Would a lot of hiding places for the eel make a difference or keeping the black shark well fed make a difference? <It would help, but wouldn't take care of the underlying issue that the fish would be mean to the eel. I suggest that if you want these two fish, you think about having two separate tanks for them. Then you can enjoy both without worry. Good luck -Magnus.> Help Needed!!! Thanks CHO, IA Puffers I have one question, but first here is my tank set-up. 20 gallon tank with whisper filter and heater (it always stays at 76.5 degrees) inside are two dwarf puffer and three Buenos Aires tetras. I want to add a fire eel. Can I? What I mean is can I add the eel with out It killing the puffers? <No, I wouldn't add that to the tank, I really think that a fire eel will try to eat the dwarf puffers. Even if it doesn't eat them, it will surely stress the tiny things out. I would suggest setting a tank specifically for the eel if you really want to get one.> African cichlids w/ eels I have been doing some serious research about this and have unfortunately gotten (as usual) conflicting advise on the matter. First off I love the site, great answers. What do you know about Aethiomastacembelus elipsifer or Aethiomastacembelus plagiostoma? <Not much. Members of this genus of spiny eels rarely come into the trade in the west> I have an African setup in a 55 gallon w/ black sand and tons of rocks to hide in. Do you think these guys would do well? I know to cover any and every hole to prevent suicide and thought about actinic lights to possibly increase the time spent swimming instead of hiding. Tell me what you guys think. Thanks, <If the cichlids are not overly aggressive... and you can get the eels in relatively good initial health... you just might have a very nice biotope set-up going. Please write in re your experiences with these Mastacembelids. Bob Fenner> Freshwater eel Hi there, crew. It's been a while since I've written. Last we "spoke" I had gone freshwater only. I found good homes for my SW fish and corals, and now have a 180 oceanic with a huge sump and bio balls. I keep the tank at 80 F, and I am using an Iwaki RXLT 40 full blast for sump return. I do a 30 gallon water change once a week, and clean the overflow sponges at that time. I run a 40 Watt Aqua UV light on the tank, and use a diatom filter once a week at water change time. The gravel is a little on the large side, and not really conducive to burrowing. There are a lot of rock caves, though. I have four clown loaches (2 are 8+ inches [13 years in my care, so far] and two are 2 inches); 2 small Corys, 9 glass catfish, 2 Plecos. I was thinking about adding a spiny eel (after lengthy quarantine, of course). What do you think? I have read your FAQs, and would like to know what kind of eel might go well in that tank. I also have another tank (80 gal) with just a couple of dwarf Gouramis that I could place the eel in (he's going to start there, anyway). Would be interested in recommendation for a fish that did not grow too large and would not eat any tankmates. I feed frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp, flake food and sinking pellets. My loaches are pretty old and hefty, so I assume that they're happy with the diet. thanks for your help, tom Dear Tom; Tire track eels grow to two feet, and will eat any tankmates that fit into its mouth. Likewise fire eels. There is a pretty eel that grows to around 4 inches called the Short finned spiny eel (Latin name is Mastacembelus zebrinus) if you can find one for sale. Many other eels are either aggressive, grow large enough to eat your other fish, or are brackish/marine. Here is a link for ya: http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/eelprofilesindex/a/aa082901.htm -Gwen Purchasing some spiny eels I was thinking about purchasing some spiny eels from an online store. Is it wise to have a striped peacock, a Zig Zag, and a fire eel all in the same tank? <Not problematical in terms of them getting along, feeding/foods, having different habitats if this is what you mean> Also, the site I was planning on ordering from said that spiny eels eventually needed 29 gallon tanks... but I read about people having to put them in 100 gallon tanks, what's the minimum size I can have for one and does it affect what size of tank I need if I have one of each of the aforementioned spiny eels? <Mmm, at least a hundred for the Fire Eel... gets quite large over time, in good health... the others could live in 29 gallon systems (well-covered!). Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top)> I read that the eels will eat crustaceans, so I assume a blue crayfish would be a bad tank mate... Is it wise to order online? Or would you suggest going to a local breeder or distributor? Thanks in advance. <Both sources could work... or be trouble. The spiny eels are quite tough if cared for well, and doomed if not... Seeing them ahead of purchase is definitely a bonus, better start if you can find, order them locally. Bob Fenner> Trapping Spiny Eels Dear Crew, Would any of you have any experience in trapping eels? I have a 240gal. acrylic tank that I want transfer my Discus and Angels and Clown Loaches to. In this tank are several Leleupi Cichlids, Dnobnoi and a large clan of Brichardi so I will have to take all the rock and wood out anyway. But, as you know, the eels will be able to go under the gravel. The gravel is 4 to 5 inches deep and supports a jungle of Giant Val and a variety of other plants I would rather not have to rip up (their roots are a mass of tangles). Also, there are LOTS of eels. I had put just two in. Now, what are the odds that the 2 eels I bought were male and female!!! Or are they able to change sex to fit the situation? At first I was so amazed, and thrilled, to see the cutest little baby, but they just kept coming! I think there must be at least 5 generations in there. I think the smallest might be catchable because they don't seem able to get under the gravel and instead live amongst the plants and wood. However Mom and Pop and several of the teenagers disappear with no trouble at all. Any suggestions? Thank you for any help you can offer. < WOW, WOW, WOW. If these are true Lake Tanganyikan eels this is the first incident I have heard of. African eels are very expensive and are not very common in the hobby. Too bad you want to swap them out. Many of these eels sell for up to $45 plus depending on the species and the size. I suspect that they have been breeding in the Val grass and feeding off the numerous baby cichlids being bred in the tank. A few years ago while diving in Lake Tanganyika my wife noticed a pair spawning with cichlids all around eating the eggs. Sorry they are a real pain to catch and I am unaware of any traps available.-Chuck Questions about Peacock Eel Hi folks! <Howdy Carol> First of all thank you for a very informative website! I am a constant reader, and have learned much by reading your articles and responses to other people's questions. <Welcome> I have my own questions for you now, regarding a Peacock eel. I raise Mystery Snails and my nursery tanks are nearly overflowing. <These are great animals... when/where raised "properly"... unfortunately, most all the ones that go "through" normal wholesale channels are either DOA or very close to it...> I would like to relocate some snails to my 55 gal tank which houses a 5" peacock eel. Would this be safe? <Should be... small snails might be eaten, but this Mastacembelid does not eat larger snails by and large... however, worms of all kinds are history> I don't want to create a scenario that is going to result in snail carnage. I have some Sterbai Corys (10) in the tank with the eel. The LFS was adamant about Peacock eels being 'very, very gentle' and no problems at all with snails. However, I don't know if I can trust them as we all know that LFS's are renowned for misinformation. <All must by evaluated by you in the final synthesis> I have read on the Web conflicting information about Peacock eels, some say that they are extremely aggressive and will take small fish (like Corys) when they get large enough to do so. <I have never seen this... and have handled hundreds of Peacocks... other spiny eels that get much larger (e.g. erythrotaenia, the Fire) don't even touch armored cats...> I have also read that Peacocks are very gentle and won't eat anything aside from live worms, perhaps the odd bit of fresh shrimp, and/or ghost shrimp. <This is my opinion> Can you please tell me the truth... would such an eel take mystery snails, or bite off their tentacles? My snails range from babies of a few mm long to full sized adults. I have even contemplated another tank just to house the eel, but I've run out of room for more tanks quite some time ago. (I guess I could rearrange the furniture again though...). Also, how do Peacock eels do when housed with members of their own species? <Very well... are extremely social animals> I was advised to get a second eel to make mine feel more 'at home'. Thank you so much for any information you can give me! Sincerely, Carol <Thank you for writing. Bob Fenner> Peacock Eel average questions/conflicting answers I just discovered your website and I LOVE IT! I've been a constant freshwater fish fan for years and I have just purchased a peacock eel (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia <<This is a/the Fire... perhaps Macrognathus siamensis? RMF>) and I was just wondering if there was any way to tell the difference between the sexes. Also I have done as much research as I can and I have found so many conflicting reports it makes me dizzy. I just want to make sure I have the basics right so that he/she can live long and happy. For now he's in a 29 gallon (and in about 4 to 5 months to be moved to a 75 gallon) and the temperature goes from 70 (at night) to 75 (in the day). He is in something the pet store called "red sand" but it isn't red and looks like normal sand. The pH sometimes varies from 7.1 to 7.4. He seems to love the sand and only 5 minutes after releasing him he had found a perfect spot to dig and stick his head out. Some of the websites I visited said that they could eat flakes or pellets, is this true? for now he seems happy just to eat bloodworms that come out of this feeder when they are unfrozen. I was thinking (because I know in general spiny eels like live food) to add 1 male guppy and 2 female guppies so that when they mated he could eat the fry. My brother has a soft shelled turtle that he does this with and it seems to work rather well. In a couple of websites they said it would be ok to put him with a knife fish. My knife fish is very friendly and for the short time I had a sting ray in there (babysitting for a friend who's bacteria had all died after his younger brother poured in a bunch of VERY old fish medicine) the knife fish actually made friends with him and would swim just above him and tickle him with his lower fin. These are a lot of questions but I really want him/her to be happy. (I also like to know whether they are male or female so I can name them). >> Your eel should be called "fire eel" by its common name. The peacock spiny eel is another species, that does not have the red lines on its body. If it is a fire eel, it will get to a very large size, that means over three feet long, and he will need a tank large enough to live as he gets older. They do like live food, especially live earth worms. He should be fine with a knife fish. You may want to make sure that your temperature is more stable, best between 74 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Good Luck, Oliver Fire Eels Hello- I came across a website that had your email address and some information on the fire eel. A friend of mine recently purchased a fire eel and would like to get some more info. Would you happen to know how one goes about determining the sex?? <Not able to do... externally... as far as I'm aware> Also, is it ok to put more than one eel in your aquarium?? <Yes... a docile (though does get large) species toward fishes bigger than mouth-size, including other Mastacembelids. Bob Fenner> She would really appreciate any info you could give on the subject. Thank you, JB Hampton Striped peacock eel info 3/16/06 Dear Robert, I am new to eel care and have some questions regarding eel behavior. My eel is approximately 6-8 in long (I'm not sure exactly because he doesn't stay still) and appears to be healthy. I have only had him a few days and he still looks pretty nervous about his new home. <Typical> I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 1TB aquarium salt for every 5 gal. I am unsure about this but have read they do ok in brackish aquariums. <To an extent, yes> My main question is that could my 6-8 in eel eat a 3.5 in Senegal bichir or 5 in violet goby? <No, could not> My bichir is terrified of my eel and the violet goby is MIA at the moment. <The latter may have "jumped out"... look about on the floor... or be hiding.> Also I am unsure he is getting enough to eat I have tried fresh raw fish, cut Nightcrawlers, and shrimp pellets. I have heard and read that these are all foods accepted by eels but I am nervous anyway. <Best to offer some live worms, insect larvae that sink...> would a sort of community feeding spot work? <Mmm, could> None of my other fish are terribly voracious and I was thinking of a watering hole type situation. If you could help to unravel some of this I would appreciate it. Sincerely, Matt Tompkins <I do hope your livestock all settle-in... they should be compatible... that is, "get along" with another. I would not add any more salt than you mention... and would try black worms, Tubificids for your Mastacembelid eel for now. Bob Fenner> Fire Eel fdg., sys./comp. 4/1/06 Hi Crew! <Michael> Hope all is well in Wet Web land. I have a feeding issue with my 12" Fire Eel. I purchased him 8 days ago from my LFS and since then I have not been able to get (him or her) to eat. <Happens... Mastacembelids don't like changes... and being "moved" is a biggie> (We will assume its a he)............. I have tried feeding him frozen bloodworms with no luck and have just tried frozen krill even though I could not find any documentation supporting krill to feed him. <Some will take... but takes training on to> He is in a 94 gallon corner tank with plenty of caves housed with a red empress, Hap Ali, sunshine peacock, yellow lab, pike cichlid, <These are aggressive species...> and 2 cats (4" and not sure the type). All fish are between 4-5 inches. I understand that there is some good competition for food for him and have found ways around that. I have tried using a feeding stick to spear the krill and have used the stick which acts like a turkey baster as well to blow the bloodworms by him. He has had ample time to eat both. My latest attempt today was to put the bloodworms in a shot glass and to lay the glass in the tank (and yes, I took the Jack Daniels out of the shot glass first). <Heee, good idea to both> The bloodworms stayed in the glass and the cichlids left the food alone. I left that in there for a half hour and watch patiently to see him not eat. I have read and re-read your archives and understand that they can go on hunger strikes for weeks at a time but I guess I would really value your input on my situation. Aside from not eating he does look healthy and acts fine. Thank you in advance for your assistance! Michael J. Bukosky <I would try some live worms... likely "black Tubifex" if you could find, or other... placed in a container as you've done here... but really, the best scenario is going to be to place this fish in a less-agonistic setting... completely covered top, with "soft" rounded substrate, diffuse lighting and soft/er, more acidic water than some of the fish you list prefer. I would do this move if this spiny eel does not feed within another week. Bob Fenner> Peacock Eel questions... sys., comp. 4/26/06 Hello! I just found your site, and it's great! Anyway, I have a few questions. I currently have a peacock eel and 4 mollies (2 Sailfins, 2 Shortfins) in my aquarium. I have read in some places that Peacock Eels like brackish water, <Mmm, can tolerate some...> * and so do mollies, but other places say that the Peacock Eel is completely freshwater. <Many Mastacembelids are brackish... not this one. Please see: http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=50400> Do Peacock Eels benefit from marine salt in their water? <Not much, no> How much salt should I add is this is the case? <A minimum amount...> Also, I have seen a 'Figure 8 Puffer' in my local fish shop, and was also wondering if this species is a suitable tankmate. <... no. Too likely to bite the mollies, spiny eel> I have also heard that they are brackish. <... please see WWM re> Any other information about suitable tankmates for my mollies and my Peacock Eel would be greatly appreciated! Paul <Paul... time to read my friend. Learn to/use the indices, search tool on WWM. Bob Fenner> |
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