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Euthanizing Xenopus 2/15/09
Hello crew, I have a Xenopus froglet that has what appears to be a very
painful condition. I've included pictures. He is currently in a
hospital tank with a dose of Maracyn. His condition has been unchanged
for several hours. He's not eating. Actually I can't say for
sure when was the last time he ate, because up until this morning
he's been in a 55G with 5 brothers and sisters. However, I can say
that up until this morning he was swimming and behaving normally
otherwise. A few days ago I noticed that his tummy looked swollen and
hard and his legs looked unusually skinny, but since everything else
seemed ok, I just kept an eye on him. This morning I noticed what, at
the time, appeared to be a small scrape on his side and decided to move
him to a hospital tank for treatment. Seconds before catching him, I
looked for him and noticed nothing out of the ordinary except, of
course, his still swollen belly. I placed a large plastic cup in the
tank and gently encouraged him to swim into it. This was much easier
than I had expected. Then transported him, in the cup, to the Q Tank.
At no time, did I net or handle the frog directly. Upon placing him in
the Q Tank, I immediately noticed the protrusion. At any rate, I
don't think it's looking too good for the little guy and would
like to minimize his suffering if possible. So, I read the article
about Euthanising fish, very informative, but I have a question. If I
were to use the clove oil method for a frog would it be the same
painless process? I ask because the frogs have to surface to breathe,
and drowning doesn't seem to me to be an easy passing. Thanks, as
always, for your input. Laura <Hello Laura. Methods for euthanising
amphibians are not the same as those for euthanising fish. Unlike fish,
amphibians breathe air, and also unlike fish, they respire across their
skin rather than via their gills. In addition, amphibians are able to
tolerate much longer periods without oxygen than fish, so any methods
that rely on suffocation, such as the use of Clove Oil, won't work.
By far the best way to euthanise an amphibian -- and the only one I
will recommend -- is having a vet do the job for you. In terms of
background reading, I'd point you to two scientific commentaries on
the subject at the links below. Both of these describe appropriate
methods for painlessly destroying amphibians. If you choose the
euthanise your amphibian at home, you may still need to contact a vet
to get hold of the required chemical(s) and to discuss appropriate
dosages and methods.
http://www.research.cornell.edu/care/documents/SOPs/CARE306.pdf Because
amphibians don't move their gills and generally show less activity
than fish, it is critically important to follow these verified methods
to the letter. With fish it's pretty obvious when it's dead,
but this isn't true with amphibians (or indeed reptiles). Cheers,
Neale.> Re: Euthanizing Xenopus, now salt form. with
frogs 2/15/09 Dr. Monks, I wonder if I can
ask an unrelated follow up? In my 55g frog tank I have two Apple Snails
that are showing REALLY poor shell growth. You once recommended a
Malawi Salt mix recipe for some snails I had in another tank. Can I use
this in the frog tank, or will it hurt them? Thanks again. Laura <Hi
Laura. Used as indicated, Malawi Salt mix will do snails no harm at
all. It is important that the carbonate hardness is reasonably high
when keeping Apple Snails otherwise, as you've probably observed,
they develop thin, brittle, discoloured shells with lots of pitting.
cheers, Neale.> African clawed frog dead, no data my two African clawed frogs appear dead they have what looks like skin shedding but they float at the top of water not moving or stand at the bottom not moving what is going on if you email answer back please do so to XXXX thank you <Linda... we need more information in order to help you... The system, maintenance, feeding, water quality test values... Do read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/xenopusdis.htm and the linked files above for background, some idea of what data we're looking for. Bob Fenner> Albino African clawed frog, hlth. 12/4/08 hello, I have had my albino clawed frog for about 3 1/2 years now. we have been through a lot together, and he has survived 3 other frogs, when I first got him. I got a 75 gallon tank this past summer just for him. I have silver dollars and other fish, but they all live peacefully. Anyway, yesterday, I noticed that he was at the bottom of the tank, almost on his back. I thought he was dead. I slowly brought him to the surface, and he started gasping for air. I did all the research I could find, and although he wasn't red at all, he couldn't use his back legs. I left him in the net at the top of the tank, checked my water, it all came out clean, and then had to leave. When I came back, he was worse, gasping, falling on his back like a seizure, and he was red on his arms, and legs. I had read where antibiotics help, so my husband and I gave him some, opened his mouth, and put some down his throat. <Mmmm... I would not do this... too indiscriminate (Antibiotics... "against life"...), too likely to be more toxic than of use administered orally here> Is there a better way? <Likely so...> He is still eating, bloodworms, but is weak. Today, he is not as red, but still can't swim. Any advice is greatly appreciated, and although he is just a frog, he is my most favorite pet. The only thing I can think would be causing him stress is I have a sucker fish, a plecostomus but have had it since the start. I really don't want him (jabba the hut, aka kfc), to die, but don't want him to suffer either. Please help. Thanks, Michele <Well... the twin most common sources, possibilities as root cause here are nutrition and environment... which in turn entail many other inputs... The best thing period will be to move this animal to other quarters... Where the possibility of bullying will be eliminated (should it be the Pleco or other tankmate)... and a smaller, shallower world will be better for the frog to get about for air, food... Next, I would supplement this animal's diet... by soaking the food offered ahead of time with a HUFA, Vitamin product... like Selcon, MicroVit... to discount there being a deficiency syndrome at play here. Bob Fenner> Sick African Clawed Frog 11/03/08 Over the past month and half I've been struggling to feed my frog. I've had him for about 11 months now (since he was tiny). Throughout those months we've gone through periods where he won't eat anything, or he tries to but then spits it back out. <Hmm... try live bloodworms. Few healthy aquatic frogs will turn these down. Wet frozen bloodworms should work too. That said, if water quality is poor, fish and frogs will go off their food.> But I'd have to say that this time is the worst. He's not eating anything, not even his favorites. I can't figure out what's wrong with him. I've increased the water temp to be about 80 degrees but still no desire in food. <Wouldn't keep him so warm; 25 C/77 F is ample. Warmer water = less oxygen in the water.> He's also been shedding excessively and this morning I watched him throw up. <When frogs shed a lot of mucous, it's a good sign water quality and/or water chemistry aren't correct.> I know that throwing up for a frog is not normal but how serious is this? <In itself loss of appetite and vomiting are not life threatening in animals any more than they are in humans. But they are a clue something isn't right, requiring further study on your part.> What he threw up looked something like poop, so I thought that he might have accidentally ingested some of his own feces by accident and it made him sick. Keep in mind that he's barely been eating this whole time and has just thrown up today. What can I do to make him feel better and have a better appetite? And can I use a product called Stress Coat in his water to help ward off bacterial infections as well as help him feel better? <Randomly adding medications rarely helps animals any more than it does humans. Understand the problem, diagnose the pathogen, and then treat. Nine times out of ten, fish and frogs get sick because of the environment, so if you are going to act randomly, at least concentrate on the most probable issue: the water.> Please help, I don't know what else to do. <Do water chemistry, quality tests. Get back to use with those. Tell us about the size of the tank, what filter you use. Cheers, Neale.> Water issues -FW, frogs 11/03/08 What is the best product to use to get rid of ammonia and other toxic substances that are in the water? <Most modern dechlorinators should remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia and copper from tap (or well) water. If yours doesn't, switch to a brand that does. Do understand that no ammonia-removing water condition does ANYTHING about ammonia from your fish or frogs. That's the job of the filter. All the water conditioner does is remove any small traces of ammonia in your water supply.> I have well water and I always use that without adding in any dechlorinators. Is that water to hard for my ACF? <Unless ridiculously high (i.e., above 25 degrees dH) hardness shouldn't be an issue. If you have very hard water, you could mix 50/50 with rainwater; that's what I do. Otherwise, don't worry about it: most fish and frogs can adapt to harder water in aquaria than in the wild, provided water quality is good.> Plus his diet usually consists of ReptoMin Sticks, lean raw beef, and occasionally a worm if I can find one. What types of foods do they like? <Aquatic frogs mostly feed in invertebrates of various types, particularly aquatic insect larvae. These are widely sold frozen.> Plus I think my frog has seeing problems because his pupils are shaped like teardrops. Is that normal? <The eyes should be bright and the pupil essentially circular.> When he was little he used to nibble at my finger and eat freeze-dried bloodworms. But that changed overtime. Then I had to start wiggling my finger on the surface to get his attention. I don't think that he has very good depth perception. I'll put a ReptoMin stick on the surface and wiggle my finger. At the time he acted like he really wanted it but he'd always "pretend" like he was getting it by shoving his little hands into his mouth but never actually getting the food. That continued to happen so I switched to beef, then I'd wiggle that in front of his face, he'd eat it immediately. But now nothing. What's happening to him, he's only 10 months old. <Do need information on the environment. Xenopus are subtropical frogs that need a fair sized container containing clean (zero ammonia/nitrite) water at around 18-22 degrees C; Hymenochirus frogs are smaller and need tropical conditions, around 25 degrees C, but still need clean water. So depending on the frog you have, you may need to review environmental conditions. Almost always when frogs get sick it's because of water quality issues. Take care not to overfeed: these frogs need small amounts of food, around 2-3 times per week. Change the water regularly, and make sure the filter is in good condition, rinsing the media if required. The shed skin often clogs small filters. Cheers, Neale.> African Clawed Frog and Nitrate Level 8/8/08 Hi WWM Crew, Just want you all to know that I think the crew at WWM is the best! <Thanks!> I have a question to ask; what level can Nitrates be at for an African Clawed Frog? Thanks in advance for your help. Jean <Jean, amphibians generally are sensitive to poor water quality, so the lower the nitrate level, the better. I'd recommend less than 20 mg/l as the ideal, and certainly no more than 50 mg/l. Don't fixate on the nitrate level though. Provided your tank is filtered, not too warm (these are subtropical frogs, remember, not tropical), and you do 25-50% water changes per week, you should be fine. Not overfeeding is also important; they certainly don't need meals every day. Cheers, Neale.>
Albino ACF 07/20/2008 Hey Guys, I recently bought a new albino ACF and I've had for a few months now in the same tank. I moved her to a bigger tank with plants a few days ago, I made sure to wash the plants with boiling water to make sure there was no bacteria issues, <? Shouldn't be... and the "films" on such are often of use...> and just took them out because her hands and halfway up her arm has begun to turn black! I've look all over but the only discolourations that I've read about have their skin turning red. What could be making this happen! <This condition may be due to chemical make-up of the system water, it not being completely "cycled" or perhaps pathogen growth... Do please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/xenopusdis.htm and the linked files above. I would check your water quality... urge nitrification. Bob Fenner> Albino African Clawed Frog swimming upside-down - 07/13/08 I have three African Clawed Frogs in a 29 gallon tank. They share the space with two spotted Rafael's. In the last two weeks my Albino ACF started acting weird and started swimming a little weird. I was away on vacation for the last week and changed 1/3rd the tanks water before leaving. Upon coming home I found my Albino friend upside-down on the bottom of the tank. I grabbed a net to take what I thought was my dead frog out of the tank only to find that my frog was very much alive. <Well that's good news at least. In any event, your first stop here would be to test the water, at minimum the nitrite level. Almost all "sudden disasters" in aquaria come down to water quality, and if you've been away, there's every possibility that something went wrong in this regard, and the livestock got sick. I'll put aside for now my general observation that fish and amphibians don't mix.> Watching her over the last day I see that she still has a lot of energy and a very strong kick, but she has trouble swimming right-side up. <Not really a symptom of any one thing.> My frog spends a lot of time in the corner wedged between a gravel filter tube and the side of the tank. I'm thinking she is doing this so as to breath air without trying to figure out which way is up. I also sometimes still find her upside-down on the aquarium bottom. I'm pretty sure she is not eating her regular diet of live crickets and recently added freeze-dried tube worms (with no luck either.) <Do remember that these animals won't thrive on a single food item. Frozen bloodworms and live earthworms would both make excellent additions to the diet of these frogs. Freeze-dried foods are, in my opinion, a waste of money. Moreover, not all animals eat them (and none of mine ever seemed to enjoy them).> The other two ACFs, a male and a female, both seem fine, as do the spotted Rafael's. The only major tank change I made before heading out on vacation was taking old plants that looked like they were dying, and replaced them with new ones. (The kind of live plants that come in a plastic container with a gelatin in the roots that keeps them alive for a while. <Never seen these. Must be something particular to your country. In any case, being protein-based, gelatin decays under water and adds to the nitrogenous wastes in the system. Could very easily have caused an ammonia/nitrite crisis in your absence.> These plants have not shared space with any other water animals.) I have two filters running. The pH is often high and I find I am regularly using pH Down to bring the pH level more in line with where it should be. <Arggghhh!!! Lesson #1 - Don't change the pH unless you also change the hardness. One of the most common mistakes inexperienced aquarists make is to assume that a fish "wants" a certain pH. They do not. Fish don't really care about the pH. What they need is for the pH to be stable. Beyond that, most freshwater species will adapt to anything within the range pH 6-8. What fish DO care about is hardness. So when you have an Amazonian fish and you read it comes from "soft, acidic water", that means your job is to reduce the hardness. Do that, and the pH will go down by itself (sort of, anyway). Change the pH using buffering potions without changing the hardness and all you're doing is creating an unstable environment. No fish wants to live in hard but acidic water overloaded with buffering agents. Blech! If your water is hard and alkaline (basic), then don't worry, you're fish don't care. I think the reason inexperienced aquarists change the pH is because it seems easy to do, especially when compared with softening water using rainwater or an RO filter. But that easiness is illusory! By the same token, this is why so-called soft water from a domestic water softener is bad for fishkeeping -- it's chemical composition is all wrong for most fish, despite the fact it is called "soft water" and so sounds like the stuff you get in the Amazon. It most certainly IS NOT like the stuff in the Amazon!> I also changed another 1/3rd of the water in the tank yesterday just in case. <Change more. After a crisis, change 50% immediately, and then another 50% 6-12 hours later.> My Albino friend is about 2 years old and does not have any skin problems, bloatedness, or red anywhere on its body. I've also heard that female frogs sometimes swim upside-down before laying eggs, but I don't think this is the issue. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem is and how I can help my small friend? <Almost certainly either water quality or water chemistry issues. Check these and act accordingly. My prediction would be that if you [a] stopped feeding for a few days and [b] did dechlorinated tap water changes to remove all traces of the pH buffer, the aquarium would quickly settle down. Use your test kits to check this.> I'm also heading away again for a number of days and could bring a separate small aquarium with me to monitor any progress but am wondering if it's best to leave her be. Thank you for any insights. <Hope this helps, Neale.> African albino clawed frog, hlth. 04/21/08 hello, I hope you can help. I have a 7year old albino African clawed frog always healthy he swallowed an upside down catfish. I believe they are barbed. <Yes... the dorsal and pecs> after 3 days he spit the fish out and now floats around hardly moving. he didn't eat for 8 days and now he ate a couple of Spirulina sticks and a few small bloodworms. can he have internal damage? <Yes> that's why he cant stay on the bottom? <Possibly> he has starting eating and is much more active but still hasn't spent much time fully submerged. any advice is greatly appreciated, we have become attached to "froggie" <Xenopus are very tough... I would just wait here, be patient, and hope for a self-cure. I take it there are no more swallow-able tankmates present. Bob Fenner> Re: African albino clawed frog 04/22/08 no more edible tankmates, 2 large goldfish both larger than the frog! hope u r <... no Netspeak please...> correct, thanks for the advice I came across your site totally by accident just when we were giving up hope. ps froggie has stayed submerged a bit longer today! <Ah good. B>
Mangled African albino clawed frog 8/16/07 Hi. My frog tore up its arms in what seems to me to be a bad idea aquarium-wise. I hung a plastic large plant from the top of my tank, trying to give it a more natural feel. Anyways, it appears my frog tangled its arms up in it and cut its arms quite a bit. Never knew plastic was so sharp until I actually felt it myself. Quarantined for a week, but when I put back into tank, my Oscar and catfish seemed to hunt the wounded frog. So I separated again, later more damage was done to its hands. This has been going on for about 6 weeks now and "Pac-Man" doesn't seem to be healing. Even more signs of extremities are almost rotting off. He won't eat. which he always did a lot of. The "bones" or whatever are still clearly present, but no new tissue is growing. Is this terminal? What else can I do to cure him? I've done complete water changes at least every other day. TY <Greetings. As soon as your frog damaged itself you should have treated for bacterial infections and fungus using an amphibian-safe medication. You local reptile store should be able to help there. After six weeks, the damage has been done, and the wounds have obviously become septic and the frog is dying. Unless you really kick into gear and treat right now, your lack of action has doomed your pet to a miserable and very painful death. Even if you do treat the frog, I wouldn't bet a lot of money on its recovery. It goes without saying that you should never, ever put anything inside an aquarium that feels spiky or rough. The idea is to create a safe and healthy environment! Giving pets cute names doesn't help them any, but common sense and proper care is what they want. Good luck, Neale> Sick Albino Clawed Frog? 5/14/07 Hey there I have an Albino Clawed frog in my tank with a few fish and two snails. The snails and filter help keep the tank rather clean and it's a newer tank. I know the Clawed frog is going to get big enough to eat the fish but for now he's just a little baby. (Barely larger around than a quarter). Anyway... the last couple days I've been noticing his belly is looking a little swollen on one side. Then I woke up today and it's -huge- (bigger than his head). It seemed to blow up from just slight swelling... where I wasn't sure if it was actually swollen or if it was just distortion from the angle I was looking at him at. (He moves around a lot and it's hard to get a good look at him!) Today he's just hanging right at the top of the tank and man it's big. I've looked at several pictures of Albinos with dropsy and it doesn't look like dropsy. I wish I could get you a picture but no digital cam... it's only on his left side so I'm thinking blockage. I read a post where someone had a similar problem and you suggested a teaspoon of Epsom salt per 10 gallons. I'm wanting to try this, in fact I have my Epsom salt and teaspoon on hand and ready!!... But I'm worried that this may hurt my snails. Should I take my snails out of this tank and put them in the other tank before I try to salt the water? Thanks! Erin in Arkansas < Your frog has eaten an item that is being broken down by bacteria and not being digested by the frog's stomach juices. As the bacteria break down the food item they generate gas and expand the abdomen of the frog. In fish we use a medication used on Protozoans that may work with your frog. Try some Metronidazole found at some fish stores or can be found online. I have not heard of Epsom salts being used on frogs but they can tolerate some salts in the water so I would give it a try but I don't think it will be effective.-Chuck> African Clawed Frog Can't Move 5/5/07 About a week and a half ago I came into my African clawed frogs room to find one upside down on the bottom of the tank. I thought she had past away but when I went to pick her up she moved a little. I put in a shallow pot of water and found out that she can not move her waste down and I decided to keep her in shallow water since she can't move I am scared she will not be able to get air and drown, she wouldn't eat anything so I tried aquarium salt and gel Tek (neomycin) but no change she wouldn't eat it so I tried Melafix and after a couple days she got sores on her back that wasn't open they just looked like big bubbles so I talked to the pet store and they gave me tetracycline she is on her fifth day of treatment and all her sores have cleared up but one. She still will not eat and is losing a lot of weight and her skin is loose and shedding a lot. I have tried feeding her the usual feeder fish and nothing I have also tried crickets, ReptoMin, and sinking brine shrimp pellets but she shows no interest I am very concerned I don't have a clue what is wrong with her and why she can't move she does move her front but she only has one front leg (since she was a baby) and it doesn't help her get around at all. Please help me I don't know what I would do if I lose my little froggy. She just had 50 tadpoles which now have sprouted legs. I would be very grateful for any advice. oh sorry by the way my name is Tricia. < Sometimes these little frogs make mad dashes to the surface for air. If the gap between the water and the top of the tank is close they might hit their head on the top of the tank and cause some trauma to the spinal cord. I don't think it is a disease but can't be sure. I would keep the water as clean as possible and offer some brown worms sold at the fish store for tropical fish. frogs have a difficult time refusing live food if they are hungry.-Chuck> Sick Clawed Frog 2/28/07 I have
a clawed frog, who has stopped eating for the last 3 days. She is only
2-3 years old. I have changed her water and put her into a clean tank.
She is listless and will let you pick her up, but she can still swim
away. I have tried to open her mouth gently to put food in, but she
won't open her mouth and take food. She frequently lets out bubbles
of air, she spends her time floating on the surface. Her skin has gone
very mottled and saggy. Have you any ideas what is wrong with her??? I
really would be upset to lose her! Any suggestions would be welcome.
Thanks Jill <These little frogs are actually pretty tough, but can
be sensitive to chemicals in the water. Try keeping the water very
clean and offering some life foods such as washed earthworms and
crickets. I suspect that their may be an internal problem with the
lungs since you are seeing bubbles. Try increasing the water temp to 80
F and see if that helps. On Kingsnake.com you may be able to find a vet
that can be of more help.-Chuck.> DEAD FROG I recently purchased two of the above and have them in a ten gallon tank with algae eaters, a black molly and they all seemed to be cohabitating well. One of the albino frogs was exhibiting rather odd behavior by spinning around in circles like it was possessed and then would proceed to flop to the bottom of the tank and just lay there. My room-mate and I watched this behavior for a few days thinking it was odd but also thinking maybe it was just having fun. I went out of town for two days and when I came home my roomie told me one of the frogs had died.......can you give me any insight to what may have happened? They get a steady diet of frozen blood worms and like I said, all my habitants of this tank seem to be fine. Perplexed! < I don't think it is anything in particular that caused his death or else both of the frogs would be dead. I will assume that one of the new frogs tried to eat something in the tank that it couldn't digest and eventually died from intestinal blockage. That would explain the weird behavior for the few days before it died.-Chuck> Albino Frog Problem Our frog was eating normally one night and all of a sudden it basically spazzed out. I don't know how to describe it. After that it fell to the bottom where I thought it died. I went to scoop it up and it very slowly crawled so I left it. I thought it was going to die but when I went back to it later it was still alive. It remained this way for about a week. It gradually started to move about but could not swim without spinning around uncontrollable. About a week later it became all bloated and it's eyes were really red and bulging. I thought for sure it had died, but it was still alive. About a week later it was back to normal size and looking for food on the bottom. It can now control itself on the bottom but it cannot swim at all. When it tries to swim it just spins around uncontrollable. It now has a bruise on it's right side and it's veins are protruding also it's sides are starting to sink in. I don't think it is eating because my goldfish eat the food before it gets to the bottom and it does not like shrimp pellets. I put it in a separate bowl to eat but it won't. I also forgot to mention that when this happened it is lopsided to the left it cannot sit or float normally anymore. I took it to my pet store and he said in all his thirty years he has never seen this. I also called Drs.Foster&Smith and they could not help me and sent me on to you. It is almost like it had a seizer or stroke is this possible? I would greatly appreciate your constructive comments. Thanks, Erica < Not much literature is available on frog diseases in captivity. External problems can be somewhat figured out but internal problems are a whole different story. If the frog were mine, I would treat it with Metronidazole. It is effective on internal bacterial infections on fish so it is worth a try. If the frog starts eating again I would give him some black worms or small washed earthworms to build up his strength. Frogs are pretty tough little creatures, Hopefully he didn't eat something like a piece of gravel that may stay lodged in his gut.-Chuck> Frogs hopping mad about ammonia 7/30/05 I currently have a twenty-nine gallon tank with three African clawed frogs. I keep about twenty-five gallons so they don't jump out. <Good idea> My problem is my ammonia is through the roof. <Toxic...> I switched to a canister filter about a month ago. It is keeping the water remarkably clear. I have in the media baskets the foam filters, pre filter (inert ceramic rings,) a carbon bag, an ammonia remover bag, and the media growing rings. I had been doing one third water changes every week, now I am doing two thirds. I am also switching the media every two weeks. <Shouldn't switch...> Two of the four sponges, carbon, and ammonia. I am staggering these out, so I don't disturb the beneficial bacteria. I expected an ammonia spike with the initial set up (the tank is about six weeks old,) but it seems I can't stabilize the tank. When I had a hang on the tank filter, my ammonia was close to nil. <Should have left the hang-on on during this transition to the canister... or used both even better> Granted the water was nasty (ACF's are pretty gross little beasts,) but I didn't have this problem at the time. I have no live plants in the tank and I have about twenty-five pounds of sand. I am currently using ammo-lock to make sure my frogs aren't harmed. I have also monitored their eating habits and they are eating what I feed them. There is very little food left after they eat. The frogs don't seem to be suffering any ill effects at all. The ghost shrimp that I put in (as a snack and to help clean are literality jumping out of the tank when I put them in. Any suggestions for me? <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> SICK FROG I read some other emails about their albino frog shredding its skin and that being normal. However, I had an old catfish recently die and as it was dying, the whiskers (not sure what they are called) began to shred away to almost nothing and it had red sores in its mouth. It was an old fish so I didn't think much of it, I just thought it was from age. After, my albino frog began to shed about 4 layers of skin and now a few of its front legs' claws have deteriorated and some claws are red on the end. I don't think this is normal shredding, but I am not sure because it is my first pet frog. Please help me. < You have a bacterial infection that began with you catfish and is now affecting your frog. Change 30 to 50% of the water and clean the filter. Vacuum the gravel to remove and sediment that has occurred there. The clean water should greatly help. Now if it gets worse then we need to try some antibiotics and I am not real sure which one would be appropriate. Look online at red legged frog diseases and see what others have been using. To be safe you could always ask a vet but many are not to familiar with frog diseases. If you need to try something ASAP to save its life then I would try Nitrofuranace. It works well on fish but frogs breath through their skin. If your frog starts to show any kind of reaction then get him out of the water immediately. Then try another medication like Maracyn but this is only a guess. I know these medications will work on the bacteria, I am just not familiar enough with frogs to know if they will have any adverse reactions to the antibiotics.-Chuck> Amphibian Ailments (4/2/2004) Hi
your site was suggested to me by a rep a pet land. <A well informed
pet store employee> I have 2 African albino clawed frogs and one of
them seems to have some thing wrong with its foot. It looks like
skin is peeling off, or shedding. Its also blood shot. <Could be
bacterial or fungal...is there any "fuzziness" or anything
indicative of a fungal infection, or is it more red and swollen,
possibly indicative of a bacterial infection? As a side note, do check
your ammonia levels, and I assume you are not using chlorinated
water?> I at first thought that it might of hurt it self or the
other frog bit it. But today it looks a little better. But now if you
look at it, you can see the bones on the foot. <Not good. Does it
appear to be spreading? Any red\swollen skin or any red "blood
poisoning" obvious in the legs\blood vessels? Frogs of this
species are especially susceptible to "Septicemia"> Would
you guys have a idea as to what it could be? The guy at Petland thought
that it might be a fungal infection, but the other frogs seem ok.
<Probably bacterial (Septicemia), a nasty and all to common
infection of these animals.> If you can email me back at * I'd
be grateful. <Try treating the frog with 'Triple Sulfa' by
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals or Tetracycline (available from Kordon and
other vendors, shouldn't be hard to find at your local pet store).
Do this in a separate container of tank water or a quarantine tank.
Dose appropriately and make sure to keep the water heated. If you
don't notice any improvements in 4-5 days, do send me another
email, along with the aquarium size, tankmates, and a picture of the
frog if possible> Thanks <No problem, let me know if your frog
doesn't improve in health in a few days. M. Maddox> Tropical frog problem Hi i have an albino frog, looking at your picture i think its an albino clawed frog but not sure. I have had him along with 3 others for about 2 months and he has been doing fine. When i woke up this morning and looked at him, he has bloated up. As if someone has blown him up with air, right down to his legs. I thought that if it was over feeding then by night time he would of gone down slightly, but no sign of getting better. My local pet store couldn't really offer any advice, so i was wondering if you could. So please help quickly as i don't know if he will last much longer. Thanks for help < If your frog is still eating then I would watch him for awhile and see if the bloat goes away. Being that it happened overnight I am wondering if it shed and ate its shed skin. If it is an internal bacterial infection then there is little we can offer except that you might have to consult a vet.-Chuck> Phil. Albino Clawed Frog I have an albino clawed frog that somehow jumped out of the tank during the night. We found it this morning and was wondering if there was anything that we should do cause it is still alive but looks kind of bad? Should we keep it in a separate tank away from the other frog or could we put it back? Any suggestion would be helpful and appreciated. < Keep him separated until he is fully rehydrated. Watch for bacterial infections. These frogs are usually pretty tough so I assume he will be back to normal in a couple of days.-Chuck> Thank you Sick Underwater Frog? 8/2/04 Hi, I have a female African clawed frog who has a strange discoloration on her leg. It is on the back of the leg at the joint where it bends inward- it is a reddish-purple color an is slightly swollen. She has not been acting any differently and had been eating normally. I have gone on several web sights to check the symptoms and I cannot find anything. The only thing this resembles (in on line symptomatology) is a fungal infection, but she does not have any white around it. I thank you for your time and appreciate your help with this matter. < I have heard of these bacterial infection on frog legs before. It is caused by a bacteria that quickly multiplies in water high in nitrates from dirty water. Keep the tank clean and remove all the uneaten food, service the filter. Watch that it doesn't get any bigger or becomes infected. If it is an injury from a fish bite then the same would apply. Not sure how the little frog would react to antibiotics. If it gets worse I would isolate him and treat with Maracyn at half strength and see how he reacts. If there is not problem then add the rest after a couple of hours if he is doing ok.-Chuck> Frog Eyes My African clawed frogs have grown feathery things from their eyes. <It may be the frog shedding some skin, or it could be a fungus. Fungus usually occur in dirty tanks or to injured body parts. Fungal medications for fish may be worse for the frogs than the fungus. Try treating with aquarium salt at a tablespoon per 3-5 gallons. Frogs do not like a lot of salt. At these levels, the frogs will not be harmed but perhaps the fungus will clear. Make sure his tank is clean and had fresh water. Don> I put 6 feeder fish in with them yesterday and only one has been eaten. Usually 3 are gone the first day. They are hanging out at the top more than usual and not very active. Frogs and drugs (no toad licking
here) Hi, I just treated my freshwater tank for what appears to be
velvet. I bought Greenex to treat the tank. I have an African Albino
Clawed Frog in there that reacted badly to this. Am I going to lose the
frog due to using this product? Thanks, Lynn <wow... I must admit
that is doesn't look good for the frog. Do remove it from the tank
or the medication from the water immediately (water changes and
carbon). Medications that include metals (like copper) or organic dyes
should never be used on invertebrates or scaleless animals (including
some fish). The frog was indeed overdosed... but don't give up,
please. They are hardy. Fresh water ASAP. Best regards,
Anthony> Clawed Frog Disease - 09/08/2005 My Frog, Bugzie, has a large bulging, swollen area under her mouth that extends from chin to throat. This occurred 3 days ago and seems to be getting larger and lighter in color....PLEASE HELP! <I recommend you try reading here: http://fluffyfrog.com/FrogPondVetF.html . Though this may just be some result of physical trauma (injury, etc.), it could be an infection of some sort.> Thanks. Carole <Wishing you and Bugzie well, -Sabrina> African Clawed Frog ... comp. 5/2/06 Hello Crew, <Hello Matthew!> I'm new to the interesting life called African Clawed Frogs. <Cute but dim, aren't they? I have a pair myself.> As such I have a question regarding the webbing on its back feet. It appears it is either shedding its webbing or it has been "eaten" by one of my other fish. Am I looking at infection or poor water condition? <It is hard to say without knowing what tankmates are in with it. It is not recommended to keep African Clawed Frogs with fish. If the fish don't nibble at the frog, as the frog gets larger, it will damage the fish. Infection is often a sign of poor water quality, so do try to keep the water pristine to allow the frog to heal.> Will this webbing regenerate itself? <If the frog is not harassed and the water quality is good, then yes... frogs do have a remarkable ability to heal/regrow.> Hope to hear from you soon <Do separate this frog... and make sure it has no "escape routes" (an inch-wide crack in the canopy is enough to lose these renowned escapologists). Best regards, John.> Sincerely Matthew Clawed Frog Constipation? - 11/19/2005 Hi, <Hello. Sabrina with you, today.> I've owned my African Clawed Frog for almost 3 years now and I have never had issues with him. He's had to deal with living at college with me and the trips back and forth and the freezing cold dorm rooms and has lasted through it all. <Mm, sounds like some stressful times.... Do please be cautious; such stresses can make an animal much more prone to disease....> Right now I have him in a 25 gallon tank with a ground feeder and a snail. The past week his butt has started to get red and irritated looking and it actually looks like he's almost constipated. <Hmm....> Last night I came home from being out and he had that bloated look of what Dropsy is but not as severely as some pictures I've seen. <Alright....> I woke up this morning expecting the worst but the bloating actually went down and he's eating and is shedding right now and acting normal except for looking irritated and constipated back there. <If he was constipated, he may have become bloated from the blockage, then after it passed, the bloating subsided. Mind you, though, I/we am/are not frog experts, so take anything from me with a grain or to of salt.> I've looked up stuff on red leg but it doesn't seem to be that. <Good.> I have the tank at a steady temperature of 76 and I always clean the tank the same way so there haven't been any drastic changes in his routine recently. <Mm, but do you test your water? Readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? Please do be testing for these, and maintain ammonia and nitrite at ZERO, nitrate less than 20ppm, with water changes.> Do you think you know what this might be because I can't find anything about it on the internet. <As above, perhaps the animal was in fact constipated.... or perhaps this is from ammonia or nitrite poisoning (any reading on these above ZERO should be considered toxic). I would urge you first to test your water and maintain optimal water quality, then do some Google searches on clawed frog nutrition and disease. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Sick African clawed frog 8/1/06 I love your website!! Unfortunately, I have a sick albino African clawed frog, Piggy. She is probably about 5 years old and no longer wants to eat. <This is a good old age for Xenopus...> She lives in a 55 gallon aquarium with two goldfish and another African clawed frog. There is a Fluval canister filter, a Fluval submersible filter, and a "homemade" canister type filter on the tank. They have all been together for a year or so. Water quality is fine--no ammonia, nitrites, ph 7.4 or so. No new decorations or fish. About a month ago, I noticed she wasn't eating as much (the frogs are hand fed)--maybe one or two ReptoMin sticks per day. I didn't worry too much--they do that occasionally. Then, she stopped eating completely. She absolutely refuses to eat anything--not even her favorites--worms and flies. <A very bad sign...> She ate nothing for three weeks-I noticed she started to get smaller. She doesn't swim around as much as she used to and sheds more than usual. How long can they go without food?? <Perhaps a few more weeks> She has no other physical symptoms--no injuries, red leg, fungus. I decided to force-feed her and see if it helped. I've been able to get several earthworms into her over the past week. <Good> I only force-feed her a few pieces every day or so (whenever I can catch up with my brother who is good at holding her and opening her mouth while I shove a worm piece in). She doesn't seem to have anything caught in her throat or mouth--we can see almost down into her stomach when we get her mouth opened sometimes. She doesn't spit the worms back out once we get them in her and she definitely swallows them. Since feeding her, she has gotten more active and not as skinny, but she still refuses to eat on her own. Can anyone help? <Mmm...> I've tried Maroxy and salt in the water, but neither seemed to help. I've read about all sorts of medicines to treat bacterial, fungal infections, but I don't' know if I should try something else or just wait. Maybe she has a blockage and needs Epsom salts??? <Doubtful, but as a "last ditch effort" worth trying> I can't tell if she is pooping or not. I have read that a Chloramphenicol bath may also be effective, but for how long??? <I myself would not use antibiotics here, but a 250 mg capsule dissolved in one gallon of water for about five minutes is about right> A bath for a few minutes or hours?? I work in a lab and we use Chloramphenicol on fish eggs to prevent bacterial/fungal contamination. Or would an antibiotic from a pet store be better? <These are identical to human use... though often "post-dated", old> Any suggestions would be appreciated. I've had many of these frogs over the years and just love them. They are so personable. <I suspect this frog is "just old"... cumulative heritable defects... doesn't "feel like" going on. A hard issue with our beloved pets, life around us. Bob Fenner> Frog Tank With High Ammonia 1/31/06 Hi, I am hoping that you can shed some light on what is going on in our tank. We have had this 10 gallon tank set up with 2 baby albino ACFs (African Clawed Frogs) for over a month and it was cycled before we added frogs. They are still very small frogs and we plan on a bigger tank once they grow a little. Anyway, something disrupted the biological filtration system. I am not sure exactly what happened. We raised the temp slightly (approx 2 degrees F) which I know will effect it slightly. The only other thing I can think of is that one of the frogs was extremely constipated and was extremely compacted with food. She finally passed it about three days ago. Two days ago when I tested for ammonia with a newly purchased test kit because I had been using strips and have learned they aren't all that accurate. The ammonia was around 1.0 ppm. I immediately prepared some tap water for a 50% water change. Within six hours of the water change the ammonia was back up to the same levels. I tested the tap water and another smaller tank (that I have been using drinking water in -instead of tap) to make sure the test kit was working and both came back zero. I did another 50% water change yesterday and the same thing happened. I tried using some Ammo-Lock out of desperation and tested again after an hour. It made absolutely no difference in the ammonia reading. Perhaps that batch of Ammo-Lock is bad or outdated. But, I still don't get why the ammonia level is rising so fast after a water change. We are using a whisper filter that goes up to 20 gallons. Also the other readings are pH 7.2, Nitrate 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, GH about 75 ppm, KH about 120 ppm. Water prep is letting the tap water sit overnight or for several hours and adding 2 drops pH down per gallon (tap water is off the chart alkaline for my pH testing kit before adding the pH down and very hard) and AquaSafe per directions. Any suggestions? Probably the Ammo-Lock wasn't the best idea since we need it to recycle but I was desperate. Should I continue doing a 50% water change everyday. It doesn't seem to be helping much. I would be interested to see if the level would get above 1.0ppm if I let it go but I won't put the little froggies at risk. Thank you so much!! Christi < Go to Marineland.com and go to Dr Tim's Library. Read the article titled "The First 30 Days." The will give you some background on cycling terms so you can determine if your tank is indeed truly cycled. If not add Bio-Spira from Marineland to get the tank cycled now.-Chuck> Bloated Frog 1/3/07 My albino African claw-toed frog, Bridezilla, is normally quite large. However, she is now quite swollen with what appears to be fluid (she ripples when she swims). She is otherwise engaging in all her normal behaviors, eating, swimming, snuggling with one of the Koi in the tank (they are buddies) and taking food from Frogzilla, a regular African claw-toed male, who is much smaller than she. I am very fond of my frogs, so am trying not to panic about her water retention. Help! Thanks, Sharon Kaczorowski, Delaware < These things are almost always diet related. Food sits in their gut and bacteria break it down instead of the frogs digestive fluids and cause gas. Try raising the water temp to increase the frogs metabolism. Then go to Kingsnake.com and try to find a frog vet that can give you more specific recommendations such a medications.-Chuck> Bloated African clawed water frog 5/8/06 Hello: I appreciate any help you could give me. I have a 15-16 year old African clawed water frog named May. <This is an unbelievably "ripe old age" for Xenopus> She is 6 to 8 inches long. She has been very hardy and healthy. I have never done anything special for her. She eats ReptoMin pellets. That's all she has ever eaten except when I once made the mistake of putting goldfish in her tank. She has lived through several near disasters. I haven't been diligent about cleaning her water. She has tolerated the lack of good care all of these years. Now she is bloated horribly. But she acts normal, still wants to eat, moves around, comes up to the surface. She has been bloating slowly for several months, maybe up to six months. I have had personal crises so I haven't been able to focus on her. I have read online that I could maybe use Maracyn 2, maybe aquatic salt, MelaFix, stress coat. Her water had a lot of "stuff" on top of the surface recently. My daughter recycled her water, using Genesis in the tap water she added. We have always used Genesis to remove the chlorine. What is the best way to treat May? <... I'd go with the Minocycline... the Maracyn2 product> How much longer can I expect her to live? We have never used soap to clean her tank, but is there something I can use to disinfect it since she might be suffering from some bacteria? <Mmm, best to just use clean water, rock salt...> If I use Maracyn, how do I know what dose and how long to treat her? Thank you for any help. Maria C. <Three treatments, change water and re-administer every three days. Bob Fenner> Sick Clawed Frog 2/28/07 I have a clawed frog, who has
stopped eating for the last 3 days. She is only 2-3 years old. I have
changed her water and put her into a clean tank. She is listless and
will let you pick her up, but she can still swim away. I have tried to
open her mouth gently to put food in, but she won't open her mouth
and take food. She frequently lets out bubbles of air, she spends her
time floating on the surface. Her skin has gone very mottled and saggy.
Have you any ideas what is wrong with her??? I really would be upset to
lose her! Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks Jill <These
little frogs are actually pretty tough, but can be sensitive to
chemicals in the water. Try keeping the water very clean and offering
some life foods such as washed earthworms and crickets. I suspect that
their may be an internal problem with the lungs since you are seeing
bubbles. Try increasing the water temp to 80 F and see if that helps.
On Kingsnake.com you may be able to find a vet that can be of more
help.-Chuck.> |
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