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Bartlett's Anthias with one severe Popeye
Popeye in Juvenile Asfur Angel 7/18/12 Clownfish Popeye 10/20/2009
Dwarf lion cloudy eye not swollen 5/27/2008 Hey crew, I hope all is well at the wet web. Ok this is more of a need for confirmation. I have a dwarf lion D. Brachypterus I have had him around 7 months. His right eye is cloudy not swollen. the left eye is perfectly normal. His behavior is business as usual eating to satiation. Current diet includes Enriched Krill, mysis shrimp, and silver sides (I do give on occasion Ghost shrimp loaded with Cyclopeeze). tank mates are a yellow tang, and a white ribbon eel. the tank is a 75 gallon mixed reef soft coral, clams , sps, LPSs, zoos, leathers, Shrooms, pectina, inverts, with a 30 gallon fuge. water needless to say is optimal. I am assuming that this is due to some type of trauma <Very likely, yes> since there are not any obvious signs of stress or going off feed, and the other eye is perfect. Am I right or am I putting him in Quarantine for antibiotics? <I would not... better to leave the fish where it is> also instead of putting him in quarantine would it be possible if necessary to put the meds into a silver side and feed him that he does hand feed after all? Thanks a lot Crew God bless Dan <And I would not "treat" the fish per se... just time going by, good water quality, nutrition will see this eye condition heal. Bob Fenner> Popeye in clownfish Hate to bother you guys/gals with another question, but I am starting to get worried about a clownfish. We have a 100 gallon with a pair of Sebae clowns, a yellow tang, and a Rabbitfish. All appear to get along and have been together for over a year with no new tank additions. Tank parameters are stable: Ammonia, rIte, rAte: 0, pH: 8.2, SG: 1.025, calcium: 450, alkalinity...eek, can't remember, but has not been an issue in the past, and temperature: 79. About a week ago, the female clown (about 3 inches) developed a swollen eye. I assumed it was trauma since it was unilateral and no other fish were affected. <We are in agreement> She has started hosting a hairy mushroom since the eye issue started. Prior to that, she hung out in the water column with the tang, male clown, and Rabbitfish. She still eats and her body condition looks fine otherwise. The eye itself looks ok...no opacity, etc. Today, the eye is HUGE....it's raised probably about one cm. off the side of her head. <Yikes!> Near the top of the swelling is a slight blood tinged area. It looks like it wants to rupture. My question is whether or not to remove her to a hospital tank. I hated to stress her out more for what I assume is trauma and not disease, but I am wondering if I will need antimicrobials for a secondary bacterial infection. <Mmm, these would not "get into" the fish expediently to do much good. I would not move the fish...> Do you recommend leaving her in the main tank for further observation or removing her to a hospital tank for treatment? I am a vet, so obtaining whatever antibiotic you recommend is not an issue. Thanks ahead of time and sorry for taking your time. Love the site as always! Michele <Mmmm... do please take a look in ref.s/the Net re dosage... am sure you have Chloramphenicol (prep., succinate) that would be efficacious... injectable, flank... subcutaneous. Bob Fenner>
Popeye (not the sailor-man, toot toot) This is just some information I wanted to share with Bob Fenner. I've been reading the faq's for a long time, mainly the ones on Popeye and wanted his input on something that was happening in my tanks quite a while ago. It seemed that every new fish I'd add to my tank would bring on a case of scratching and shuddering on a few of the inhabitants already in the tank and sometimes the new addition as well. There would be no obvious spots on the fish other than occasionally a cloudy eye. After killing a cream angel through stressing it with all sorts of treatments I decided to try freshwater dips on all new victims. What actually fell off the fish were flat transparent oval parasites like mini lenses ranging from 1.5mm to 4mm and totally invisible in the main aquarium but would immediately turn white in freshwater and fall to the bottom. They seemed to be mainly on the fishes eyes and the eye would only turn cloudy and swell plus possibly develop a bubble if there were 2 or 3 on it. I have just purchased a blue ring angel over the internet and had it delivered even though the vendor informed me about his Popeye, after leaving him in a tank on his own for over a week to recuperate I decided to give him a freshwater dip and guess what, three of these little contact lenses fell off his eye and the Popeye is gone. My question really is why is this such a common problem with me but in all the internet Popeye theories I've read I've never heard anyone mention these mainly eye parasites as a cause of Popeye with an easy treatment. <Mmm, don't know, or am not so sure this is such a common link... cause-symptomatically> for months in my main aquarium these little things would return and the fish would scratch and shudder occasionally and a little flat disc would just about be visible on the eye of one or more fishes, this happened on a monthly cycle and has now stopped altogether. Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated as my local shops don't seem to know what they are even though I have taken the parasites that fell off the fishes with me in a small jar. best regards Archie <Thank you for sending your notes, observations along. I do suspect that the disks you saw were Trematodes (flukes)... and that they might be linked to the symptoms you note. I am a BIG FAN of pH-adjusted freshwater dips for most all marine fish moves... as my long writing history will testify. Will archive your input for others edification. Bob Fenner> Epsom salts and Pop-eye 6/17/04 I was reading some of the other questions re: pop eye, and am still left confused. <no worries... I spend most of my days like that... confused, that is... not with pop-eye <G>)> I have a 10 gallon tank with a molly, a platy, a frog and a loach. My silver molly has one eye that seems to have popped out tremendously! <usually caused by blunt force. A black-eye so to speak> Other than the eye, he appears to be normal as do the others. The fish person at Petco recommended to treat with "quick Cure" for 5 days. <Yikes!!!!! Very mistaken. Not harmful, but not even remotely useful for this ailment (a good med overall though for parasites)> I've done that, and have not noticed any difference. <indeed... at worst, this is a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. Usually, though, it is merely an accumulation of fluid behind the eye from getting a little bump. > I saw you recommended isolating the fish to another tank and using Epson salt, but I only have a fish bowl I could use. Will a molly survive in a bowl vs. tank to administer the treatment?<Hmmm... in this case, since the symptom is suspected to be non-contagious, you can treat it in the main tank> If so, how much Epson salt do I use? <one tablespoon per five gallons then repeat after three days with another half dose. A water change in between will be helpful>> Also, my tank currently has a small amount of aquarium salt dissolving in a container to help maintain my water levels, will this do the same as Epson salt? <they are unrelated... no. Sodium chloride versus Magnesium sulfate> Please help me. This is all rather new to me. Thanks. Wendy Dern <no worries my dear... I suspect your fish will be fine very soon :) Anthony> Help! Green Water and Maracyn Hi Folks, <Valerie> Thank you for all your work on answering our questions! <Welcome> I have a Queen Angel with one severe Popeye. I have treated with Epsom salts (twice), and have done 3 days of Maracyn treatment (tonight/tomorrow will be the 4th and 5th days). The Popeye is still bad and is now showing additional "bubbles" on the Popeye. <Good observation, bad situation. Cases like this prove to be very persistent... months to forever/incurable> I understand that improvement of the Popeye may take a week or so. <I hope you're right> What I am worried about is that today the water in the tank is green! Could the Maracyn be causing that? <Yes... anti... biotic... Maracyn is a brand name for Erythromycin...> I had removed my charcoal and PhosGuard on the second day. Should I add it back in? <Nothing> the Maracyn package says that if the charcoal is more than 5 days old it can stay in the system. <Yes... carbons are very rapidly exhausted... ones more than a few hours in use are almost entirely "used up"> I have keep the skimmer running although there is a lot of foam in the sump. I turned the UV off but just put it back on after reading on your site that it can stay on. All other fish are doing fine. Thank you so much for your help!!! Valerie <Lots to say... I take it you're read through the FAQs on Popeye/Exophthalmia archived on WetWebMedia.com and if not, I would do so (you can use the Google search tool on the homepage)... other than stable, optimized conditions, good nutrition, there is not much else "to do" here. Bob Fenner> Treatment for Popeye Hi everyone, hope you are having a
wonderful New Year 2005! I have a somewhat urgent
question, as it seems all questions to this site must be. <Mmm, some
definitely more so than others> I have an algae blenny with Popeye,
he has had it about 3 weeks, and it was not getting better in my main
tank though my water parameters are good. (pH 8.0-8.2, nitrite = 0,
nitrate =10ppm, ammonia = 0, alkalinity 32.meq/L, temp 79 F, salinity
1.024). Last night I took him out of the main tank an put
him in the bare bottom hospital tank. I have a powerhead
with venturi and a heater and thermometer. I have a PVC tee
in the bottom for hiding. <Good> I don't have biological
filtration, and the water is newly made up. <Will need such
filtration, soon. Perhaps a seeded sponge filter> I did
adjust for temp, salinity and pH. He seems fine both in the
main tank and now in the hospital tank. Just the eye looks
cloudy and swollen. I added Melafix as this has worked for
me before for Popeye, with cloudiness. Should I add Epsom
salt as well (with the Melafix)? <I would add it... and not any more
Melafix> how much for a 10 gal tank? <Two level teaspoons> If
this doesn't work after a week, what should use? and should I
remove all the water with Melafix before starting something else?
<Give the Epsom at least a month...> Also, since I don't have
biological (or other filtration) how much water change should I do per
day? <Monitor, test for ammonia, change out enough to keep below 1.0
ppm.... As stated, look for biological filtration... and do water
changes with water from an established (your main) system. The cause of
the Popeye is physical, environmental> And should I add water from
my main tank into the hospital tank for the changes, and just put the
new water that I make up in the main tank? <Ahh, the former> I
understand that I should have used the water from my main tank to begin
with, but that just didn't work out. Maybe using the
main tank water for hospital tank changes will make up for it, and give
my main tank a small refresher each day as a bonus! <Good thinking.
Bob Fenner> Re: treatment for Popeye OK..
thanks, I think I will increase the dosage incrementally and monitor
him. I agree about being on the conservative end, I usually do that,
and will continue to do so. Keeps me out of
trouble! <You are wise here... or at least we're
both lost! Bob Fenner> - Treating Pop-eye - I have a coral beauty with pop eye. Having read up on this it seems to be an injury. He is eating well and behaving normally. <Ahh good, good signs.> I have read your FAQ's and just want to ask some specific questions. I do not have a separate tank and would like to treat in my main tank. its a 55gal. <Should be able to treat in place provided no one is hassling this fish. He needs peace and quiet.> I do a 20% water change every 3 weeks and my water quality is good. In my tank I have A bubble tip Anemone, several kinds of shrimp, flame scallop live rock, yellow tang, cinn clown, damsels, several varieties of star fish hermit crabs, feather dusters, snails, clams, will the Epsom salt harm any of these??? <No, should be safe to use in small amounts.> Also would I add the Epsom salt right to the tank or do I need to dissolve it first???? <I would dissolve it first in a glass of tank water.> Once added will it effect my Specific gravity much??? <I can if you add too much.> & Should I compensate for this??? <Not for now, but good to run the tests anyway. Cheers, J -- > Popeye/Invert. IDs/interested in helping/WWM 9/29/05 Hello to all. I recently had to do a major move for my fish, a couple of days later I noticed one of my clown's eyes was bulging. He had got caught in the net during the move and the water and sand was greatly stirred causing quite a mucky mess. So I am guessing that the Popeye was due to an injury received, then being in the messy water for a minute didn't help. <Well-stated> I immediately removed the fish and placed him in QT. It has now been near 2 months. I started off using MelaFix (hahaha-what a waste!) <Agreed> since it indicated that it is helpful for Popeye. <Scam!> Then I got into the FAQ's on this site and started adding Epsom salt (no longer adding MelaFix), 1 tbls per 5 gal. Wow! What a tremendous help! So now, I realize my fish can be in QT for quite some time, however.... when do I know that it is safe to put him back in his display tank? The eye started to look as if it was going to fall out, that was before the Epsom salt was added. The swelling went down and it has been at an idle position for a few weeks now. Will the eye go back into 'socket' or what should I expect in a general scenario? <The eye may never fully "shrink" back... If the fish is otherwise healthy, I would go ahead and return it to the main tank> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Another thing if you have spare time..... Any locations (I am looking into books as well) recommended for ID of various growths? I believe some of the growths to be sponges of some sort, but there are some worms that I am unfamiliar with and a creature of some sort that has grown out of a tube (I can not explain this one, too odd for my vocabulary. I'm hoping the fact that it has a tube may be helpful in guiding me, haha far fetched but I'm hopeful) But the worms.....maybe you know this one without seeing an image. When looking at the rocks all you see is little thread like strings spread out. They sometimes reach from one rock to another. There are a great deal of these little "strings" appearing to be a greenish color. Upon further inspection, these strings are attached to the top of the body of a worm (like a mass of stringy hair)....the worms are orange in color ranging from small to quite large. I have taken a syringe and squirted water in that area....when doing this, debris floats up. It is like these worms gather uneaten food, and gunk and just set in it. Thanks for the patience in my attempt to explain. I am looking in to a digital camera, maybe when I do this one of you will be interested in viewing the pictures. <Mmm, we have a bunch of Invertebrate Identification files, and Ron Shimek has done a great job of writing up guides to such unknowns and his work is largely published, accessible on the Net... additionally, he, Anthony Calfo and I have printed ID works on invert.s, and there are many such scientific and popular diving references... many of which are cited at the ends of my articles posted on WWM, and available through SeaChallengers.com, Amazon...> Ok.....one last thing! : ) I am throwing ideas around in my head. I am interested in starting some sort of salt water research/business. I don't want to jump into this, I am still young and have lots of things to learn. However, it is very interesting and enticing. I believe I could do great things with it and would like some input as to how feasible this would be to accomplish, especially not living near a coast. <Many possibilities... and exciting!> What would be the best way to go about learning what I need to know (i.e. the scientific names, medications, etc.) other than trial and error. <T and E... too long and costly... Reap the benefits of those who have come before... read, voraciously, widely... with a discerning mind... directed toward discovering "needs" in the trade... to exploit, develop> I am not sure exactly how you go about choosing members to respond to e-mails, and I am sorry if I am bluntly butting in, but are you looking for any more help? (I think that is one of the best ways for me to learn is by teaching others)....just thought I'd throw that in there while it was on my mind. Thank you!!!!! Codie <Always looking for help. Please tell me/us a bit about yourself... your area/s of expertise, time availability (we have many young and not friends who have school, other commitments that they must focus on foremost)... It is obvious you have a good grasp of English, a desire to help. Bob Fenner> Marine fish: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly... A Clint Eastwood spaghetti aquarium? Nope: Persistent Pop-eye... - 05/13/2006 Hello Everyone, Love the site use it all the time for the good, the bad and the ugly side of keeping marine fish. I have been in the hobby for quite a few years now and can't say I have ever seen this one before. I can't seem to find the right information anywhere on the site so I thought I would email for the first time ever. Well the situation is I have a sick Chalk Bass that I have had for at least 6 months. He was quarantined prior to adding him to my display tank (learned my lesson on quarantine a long time ago) showed no signs of anything for a month prior to being added to the established display. Now 2 months later boom March 15 POPEYE in 1 eye. I thought it was an injury at first as it did fully heal within 1 week. then 4-6 weeks later boom Popeye again. He does not show any other signs of infection bacterial or viral. NO marks, no bumps, no sores nothing. Again he healed up. Well about three days ago I noticed his eye beginning to swell again!!! This is the third time and this time it is both eyes. <Happens... initially this was likely due to a physical trauma... but does just keep getting "more susceptible"...> By far the worst he has looked. I put him in a quarantine tank and treated with Paraguard and Kanaplex in his food. He still acts quite normal swimming, breathing and eating. The problem is he basically acts normal but has huge swollen eyes (clear bubbles with blood in them). I don't think he has gone blind yet because he still sees me and comes out for food. Since he got sick I tested all tank parameters once a day due to the treatments. He is in QT now and for the last 3 days. Everything is great no ammonia, no nitrates PH perfect nothing unusual. I keep up on water changes and feed a variety of foods. Brine & Mysis shrimp, Spirulina flake, Omega flake and saturate frozen food 2-3 times a week with Selcon. So far no other fish has shown any type of infection. In fact the opposite everyone else is thriving!! Now I am worried that he has something bad like TB or a sister bacteria to TB or an internal Tumor. <Mmm... possibly, but doubtful... where would the Mycobacteria get in?> I realize this is a pretty rare and severe diagnosis but he is not improving or getting worse just staying the same. There was never any aggression in the display as it is a 75 bowfront with 2 clowns 1 Kole Tang and 1 chalk bass. Nothing was added prior to his affliction. So I am really at a loss and I don't want to lose my fish. What do you think is going on? Do you think that all the fish are at risk? Should I "put him down" . How long can this go on? <I would not sacrifice this fish... can go on... for years> My Process of elimination: not water quality or debris as I vacuum and water change regularly I don't' think malnutrition he does eat I don't think gas bubbles / microbubbles or excess gas I use RO water and agitate it overnight before adding so far seems to be non-infectious no visible marks on body or fins doesn't seem to be parasitic I don't' think he has been harassed belly is not swollen and fins in good shape not overcrowded <I agree/concur with your synopsis... as stated... tis likely blood/vascular in nature... some recurring semi-permanent damage to the circulation feeding the one eye... very hard to impossible to completely cure in some cases/circumstances... Providing the best conditions, nutrition... as you've done, is about the best shot for helping> Thanks in advance for you help. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely Nadeane <Bob Fenner> Question about Epsom Salt Treatment for Pop-eye - 10/15/06 Dear WWM Crew, I have a sebae clown with one bulging eye (other eye is fine). He's the only fish in a 40 gallon reef tank, 196W CF, deep sand bed, bioballs, AquaC remora, UV sterilizer, and carbon. Tank has been running 3 years and all tank stats are reading fine. The bulging eye is not cloudy or otherwise abnormal, except for the fact that it is bulging :) Based on reading the pop-eye and Epsom FAQs and the chat forums on WWM, I diagnosed the pop-eye as the result of trauma and treated the tank with 8 tablespoons total of Epsom salt on day 0, and then another 4 tablespoons on day 3. It is now day 8 and the bulging eye is still there. The fish is eating great, very active, nuzzling in his anemone, etc. Just wondering how long a response to the Epsom treatment typically takes in your experience? <Weeks... Epsom salts is not a silver arrow remedy, but rather something that will "help" ease the swelling. The underlying trauma that caused the initial swelling needs to heal in its own time.> I read in the FAQs that the Epsom treatment can be repeated, but I couldn't find any advice on how often to repeat (or what the half-life of the Epsom salt already in the tank is). <Would supplement the salts when you change water. Do keep an eye on specific gravity for the tank as you are still adding a salt.> Any advice you have to give would be appreciated. Thanks so much! And best regards, Preston Portland, Oregon <Cheers, J -- > Pop Eye eats me's spinach! (a success story) 3/11/07 <Greetings, Jeff. GrahamT here.> My tank is a 75 gallon reef. Last Monday I noticed my Long Nose Hawk had a severe case of pop eye. <Bummer.> After researching your site I decided to try the Epsom Salt. <Good call.> Did a 20% water change and added 1 tbs of Epsom Salt per 5 gallons. <Actually, prefer 1 tablespoon to 10 gallons ( http://www.wetwebmedia.com/epsomfaqs.htm )To the main system? Not generally advised. Won't mal-affect any other inhabitants, but is a good practice to isolate any ailing animals into their own system.> Did another water change on Thursday with a 1 tbs per gallon retreat of Epsom Salt. <Wah?!? 1:1??? > Almost one week later Sunday the Long Nose Hawks eye is back to normal. <Ahh, good. Must be understood that Epsom is more of a relief/aide than a treatment in itself... also outlined on WWM, so you probably already knew.> Just want to say thanks guys for providing us reefers with an extremely valuable site for our reefing problems. Jeff <You are very welcome, Jeff! I am glad to hear from a fellow hobbyist that made such productive use of our archive. Furthermore, you are a hero to your little buddy! YAY! -GrahamT> Re: Metal Halide size and T5 question, Flagfin angel dis./recovery 3/1/07 Thanks Bob for the prompt reply, <Welcome Larry> I think I'm going to go with the 150 HQI due to heat issues. I just needed to make sure that I could keep SPS and clams. <Ahh, this would be my choice as well> I'd like to share a success story with you about a sick fish since you here so many failures by hobbyists. <Please do> I have had a beautiful Flag Fin angel for 3 years. It became ill when one of my older fish died and I didn't find out till 2 days later. The angel developed bilateral cloud eye, fin rot, hemorrhagic patches on both sides of its abdomen and mouth. I immediately place it in my QT tank. It progressed very rapidly and the fish just labored at the top of the tank. It was literally knocking at deaths door and I thought about euthanizing it. I started treatment right away with 2 antibiotics, penicillin and furan along with every other day FW and Methylene blue dips and every other day water changes to my QT tank. Well now I call the angel the miracle fish. Its almost back to normal except for some residual damage to one eye. This fish did not eat for 12 days and now its swimming around the tank and just starting to peck at food. Its not completely out of the woods yet, but if it starts to eat again I just may get lucky. <Yes... your diligence has paid well> By the way, I'm a emergency medicine physician and my wife and friends are calling me the fish doctor. Have a great day and thanks for the help. Larry <A good title. BobF> Pop eye? Bob, Just this morning I noticed that my blue face has some sort of white film on his, but worse the eye is actually sticking out! Is this a form of fungus or bacteria? As you will remember this tank is coppered, just put in MarOxy yesterday. Will this eliminate it? Should I try a dip? Could be the copper? Should I hit the tank with Maracyn Thanks Tom >> Likely, some sort of physical trauma, compounded by the ongoing treatment(s)... I would definitely NOT net the fish, move it... or add the Maracyn (tm), or erythromycin (same) or any other "medication" at this point... If the eye doesn't resolve (the markings become more discrete) in a week or so... if may become "worth" the trouble/damage to net, coat the eye with a disinfectant... Let's wait. Bob Fenner Pop-eye clown Thanks for all your info, will the pop eye condition heal or what do I do???? >> Hopefully, and do nothing... manipulating the fish at this point will very likely do more harm than good. Bob Fenner Blindness Gentlemen: <cheers friend> About two weeks ago, my Crown Squirrelfish developed exophthalmia in both eyes. Thanks to Anthony for suggesting Epsom salts usage. Fortunately, the condition subsided within about four days. <quite welcome... it is a wonderful and fast home remedy> Unfortunately, I believe that the fish is now blind in both eyes. <possible... may improve in time or not> He still swims about, occasionally bumping into things. His sense of smell must be acute, as he "looks" for food when I feed the other animals. <yes...they can adapt. Consider a small specialized tank for it down the road if necessary> I have resorted to placing a piece of krill on a plastic stick and move it close to him. He eagerly devours it. <Ahh... you are very kind and empathetic. Kudos and keep up the good work> Is there anything that I can do to hopefully reverse the blindness? Your suggestions are always valued. <dubious but perhaps vitamin supplementation (even in the water). I like Dick Boyd's Vita-Chem for this. No guarantees... but worth the try> Thanks, Mitch <kindly, Anthony> Popeye and Bullies and Epsom Salt Bob / Anthony,
<cheers my friend> I introduced a new Copperband into my tank
last week. My tangs beat the crap out of him so I moved him to my
refugium tank. He got pop-eye in his left eye probably from being
chased and banging against something. <agreed... blunt trauma and a
simple build up of fluid behind the "black-eye"> Anyway,
the Epsom salt you suggested worked !!!. <hey... don't be so
surprised :)> The Epsom salt is drawing out the liquid from the
eye. <indeed... it is quite good at helping to regulate body
fluids (applied to birds, fishes, humans, etc). What it cannot do is
cure swelling that has been caused by or overrun by a bacterial
infection (future reference). It was very good that you took quick
action> He is recovering and is starting to eat brine shrimp
again...but how do I re-introduce him back into the main display tank
with those bully tangs ? <it may simply be that they will never get
along. Tangs are categorically tough characters. If the copperband is
there to do a job (eat Aiptasia, Syconoid sponges, etc) then remove the
tangs to QT for a couple of weeks while the BF works and gets
established. Still.. the reintroduction of the tang gang may be a less
than welcome affair> Any suggestion to avoid future bullying of this
wonderful, docile animal would be appreciated. <yep... don't mix
bullies with docile animals...heehee. In very large aquaria it can work
(couple/few hundred gallons+) but in popular sized smaller aquariums it
is pot luck of it will work or not.> Thanks, Chuck Spyropulos
<best regards, Anthony> Pop Eye and use of Epsom Salt Hi Bob <Anthony
Calfo in your service while Bob, fresh back from the Caribbean, tries
to inflate his dingy while awash in a sea of slides and pictures of
fishes from the trip... not his dingy)> I have a 30gal QT with a
sick Bi-color Dwarf Angel. When I purchased him he looked good. I
acclimated him per FFExpress details and made sure that the water in
the QT is good (from main tank). PH 8.2; Ammonia 0; Nitrite 0; Nitrate
0; phosphate 0; SG 1.020; temp 82f (I have other new fish with Ick).
Frequent water changes as you previously recommended. I'm currently
using Melafix, day 3 as of now. Is this a good product for pop eye?
<its not a good product for anything... it is mildly therapeutic at
best... claims to cure the most extraordinary and incongruous list of
pathogenic organisms (yada yada yada...). From a logical if not
scientific point of view the products claims are very dubious. Yes...
tonic at best. But then.. the proof is in the pudding: what has it
cured quickly for you? If it has helped you, do use it... but consider
that there are actually time tested and reliable meds out there in
preference> Will adding Epsom Salt drain the puffy eyes of the
bi-color? <a very good chance if it is merely a fluid build up
and not a full blown bacterial infection> If so, how much do I use
and where do I get it? <from the Pharmacy... it is used as a
laxative and to soak sore body parts in. Magnesium sulfate. in QT, add
1 tablespoon per five gallons... you can repeat after a few days. No
harm... this salt is in your fish food and sea salt naturally. A hard
water element> Can it be used with Melafix? <heehee... anything
can be mixed with Melafix... its just snake...er.. tea oil> Thanks!
Steve <my pleasure... Anthony> Popeye and Epsom salt Hi Guys. I sent this question last night and a guy whose name I didn't recognize (I think Dave Dowless ) responded saying he would not use the Epsom salt method. <yes.. I noticed afterwards and chatted with David about it> I am confused because I thought based on reading the FAQ that the Epsom salt method was the way to go. <indeed... in my opinion it is very helpful indeed and has almost no negative effects. We all (thankfully!) have different perspectives and David was expressing his. My suggestion to David/all is to simply explain your perspective and let all consider and make an intelligent consensus that suits your needs/perception. David is an excellent aquarist and has simply had different experiences I suppose> He also said not to use Epsom salt in the tank which I also thought was OK based on reading the FAQ. <you are correct. It is quite OK and even helpful in the main display. One of the few treatments that can be done without QT> So I just wanted to bounce it off another one of you to see what you thought. I will do nothing as David last night indicated I should, if you guys agree. I did a 10% water change this morning because I figured it couldn't hurt. The tang's eye looks about the same this morning. Thanks again, Bret <I do indeed recommend using Epsom salt (hard to overdose too!) for initially treating singular exophthalmia (one Popeye). It is usually a simple bump that causes it and some fluid builds up behind the eye. Often the Epsom salt will purge the fluid before it becomes a bacterial infection or the eye is lost. Use 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons and repeat after 3 days (half dose if you feel conservative). Best regards, Anthony> Treat Popeye with Epsom Salt...I wouldn't! Hello. <Hi!> I have read all of the FAQ already but I'm still not sure what to do. I have a 3" yellow tang in my 72G bowfront (I know it's kind of a small tank, upgrading for Christmas). I came home today and his right eye is bulged way out. His left eye is fine and both eyes are still clear. I can clearly see bubbles under the bulging eye. I pulled out and read in "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" that this could be a water quality issue. I just ran a full battery of Salifert tests: PH - 8.2 NH3 - 0 NO2 - 0 NO3 - <5 Alk - 9.0 dKH Temp. - 79 Everything seems in order as far as I know. The tank is FOWLR and a 4" DSB. Tankmates are a 2.5" Longnose Hawkfish, an 3" ornate wrasse, and a 12" snowflake moray. All of them appear fine. Since I can't see any damage to either eye it doesn't seem like a blunt trauma injury even though only one eye appears to be affected. But the water tests seem good too. What am I missing? <Everything appears to be in perfect order.> Should I use the Epsom salt without knowing exactly what is wrong? <I wouldn't.> If so, can I add it to the tank or do I need to quarantine the tang. <Treatments of any kind should be done in QT. Always.> I have a 20 Q tank but that's small enough I'm afraid it would stress him out. Also, if Epsom salt is in order, the dosage is 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons 3 times over 5 days right? <I would skip the Epsom's salt.> I hope that gives you enough information to make a suggestion. Thanks for any advice you can offer. <Normally Popeye is caused by a collision with a rock or the side of the tank. I wouldn't worry about this too much. Simply watch him for signs of other problems and move to a QT if necessary. Some experts have tried to link Popeye to a virus but as yet this hypothesis is unproven. At any rate, it isn't contagious...just not pretty. He will likely recover relatively fast if you keep water conditions optimal. David Dowless> Bret Pop-Eye I have just put in my second Coral Beauty
in my 60 gallon reef tank. The first one had died with Pop-Eye and Ich.
It was quarantined till death. The second Coral Beauty also has
Pop-Eye, I have been treating with an herbal medication. It has been
swimming normal, along with a health appetite. <Consider searching
Wetwebmedia.com for information on Popeye. Epsom salts is a good way to
treat this problem and the directions for using this are on the WWM
site. Just do a word search through the facts> It has recently been
swimming around an Arrow Crab that I have in the tank. When the Coral
gets close to the crab, it let's the crab grab hold of it's bad
eye. I think that the Coral Beauty is trying to peal of the dead eye
lens. <The lens isn't dead...or at least I hope not> I have
pulled the Arrow Crab from the tank and put it in another tank.
<Good!> Is this normal behavior? <Arrows can be rather
aggressive. It's hard to think the angel appreciated this
behavior> Should I let this cleaning process continue? <I
don't think this was cleaning> Will this harm the Coral
Beauty's eye, or pull it completely out? <Possibly> Thank you
for your time and response to my questions. You have been very helpful
in the past. <Thanks! Do yourself a favor and search the WetWebMedia
site for facts and articles. Popeye isn't that difficult to cure
but you need to arrest its progression fast. Try searching with the
keywords "Popeye Epsom Salts." Details on WWM> Daniel Popeye and skimmer selection Hi ....... My dear sweet purple tang has one pop eye. I was treating with Epsom salts but wanted to make sure I could leave my carbon filter in. I assume so because it is a salt similar to salt we normally add in....Correct? (Or is there something in Epsom that a carbon filter will remove? <Should be OK time should help. See here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/popeyefaqs.htm for more> Also.....what is a good protein skimmer that you'd recommend for a 50 gallon tank? <on the WWM main page, at the bottom, is a Google search for just the site. Put skimmer in here and follow the links> Love your site<thank you>!!!!! thanks......missy Popeye still... properly dosing antibiotics 2/15/03 Sorry to continue to plague with continued questions but am frustrated by conflicting advice and seek yours as being most knowledgeable. <Steven... part of the problem here is your apparent (and natural, given) sense that something must be done fast. The impatience led to the rash commitment to a weak or inappropriate drug that you now simply must finish (to be responsible and not allow/encourage the development of a resistant bacterial strain because of short-dosing). So keep in mind that nothing good happens fast in the aquarium. And that's not a bad thing. I assure you that in such cases of disease... isolation in QT with small daily water changes and stable water quality buys a lot of time for you to research and make a sound judgment the first time. If the fish dies within a day or two... there was nothing that could have been done with antibiotics to save him. They simply need time to work> Black & White Heniochus responding very slowly to Maracyn 2 in QT. <five full days is the minimum treatment with antibiotics. Really 7 or more is better. Results at best don't show until day 3 or 4 typically> Cannot find other than Nitrofurogene locally <mail order here: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/sc_view.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4626 there are 4 furan based meds on this page. You can have them sent by priority mail (USPS $3.85) 1-3 day service or even overnight if you like> and it has been suggested that I do a 20 percent water change with activated copper filter for 24 hours and then switch to Nitrofurogene. <I suspect the med named is supposed to be Aquarium Products "Nitrofura-G". It is what I've been recommending (Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone based meds)> What say you to this and also treating display tank with a half dose of the Maracyn 2 as a prophylaxis to prevent other fish with catching same disease that were in the tank originally with the diseased fish since removed though after two days they do not exhibit any signs of problem other than one blue tang with a split fin. If they do come down with the disease what should I treat the display tank with to avoid killing bacterial filter <half doses and doses stopped short are not only ineffective, but they are dangerous (creating resistant strains of bacteria in the world). For this reason, the government has been considering regulation of pet medications (too many people misapplying antibiotics). Please use the full strength treatment in the main tank, my friend. Then do a water change and continue with any furan-based drug. Remember to do daily water changes too in QT. QT all new fish from the start to avoid such matters in the future> Many Thanks, Stephen Pace Original answers were provided by Anthony. <good luck, Anthony> Popeye Have completed treatment with both: Maracyn 2, changed water and then Furacyn twice with some improvement in my B&W Heniochus or Wimple fish. What, if anything more would you recommend other than euthanasia and patience? Thank You, Stephen Pace <What I would have suggested in place of the above: Epsom salts... please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/popeyefaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Re: Popeye Epsom Salt was recommended for an apparent contusion and not fort clear eyes with no apparent injury for which the conclusion was a bacterial infection to be treated with the tetracycline and Furan per Scott. Thanks, Bob. have I misunderstood something? Also, it affected both eyes! <Ohh, I misunderstood. Would use antimicrobials/biotics here... did you discover the root cause of the problem? Bob Fenner> Powering Through A Popeye Infection Scott: At your suggestion have treated the B& W Heniochus with Furacyn after a water change and the Maracyn full treatment. have also been through two or three cycles of the Furacyn treatment with intermittent water changes. Fish is eating well and eyes have diminished a little but are still noticeably Popeye. This treatment has now lasted some three to five weeks. Should I continue to treat again with another course of Furacyn or what as there has been some improvement? Other wise what do you suggest for this bilateral Popeye. Thanks for your help, Stephen Pace <Well, Steven, I think that the fish needs a "break" from this round of treatment...I'd recommend impeccable water quality as an alternative "therapy" for two weeks or so. If the condition still manifests itself after that period of time, I'd consider another round of Maracyn, Hopefully, it won't be necessary...Keep the water quality up, and stay on top of things! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> The Eyes Have It! (Diagnosing and Treating Popeye)
Hi, I've noticed today that my Damsel fish has quite a
'pop-eye'. I wonder if it will spread onto other fish I have in
the tank... Should I try to medicate? With what? Are there any
antibiotics that would be ok to use with live rock (no corals) and
crabs? Thank you Luke <Well, Luke- there are really no antibiotics
(or other medications, for that matter) that I'd recommend for use
in the display tank. You have to assess accurately what you're
dealing with here. If it's just one eye that is inflamed-
you're probably looking at an injury or other trauma to the eye,
and you can remove the fish to a separate aquarium and administer Epsom
salt to the water to help reduce the swelling (an old standby). If your
fish has both eyes showing this condition, you will need to use
medication, such as Maracyn, to treat the condition (always in a
separate tank). Keep water quality as high as possible, and monitor the
fish carefully. You can cure either condition with relative ease,
provided you take quick, proper action. Good luck! Scott F> |
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