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Capnella sp. Indo-Pacific. Polyps found on small branches at end
of only a few branchings, and are not retractable. Have club-shaped
sclerites within. Often misidentified as Litophytons.
Genus Capnella Gray 1869: (Kenya) Tree Coral. Have small
arborescent headed colonies, with polyps that are non-retractile. |

Genus Paralemnalia Kukenthal 1913: Shorter, more numerous
branching (finger-like lobes arise from common bases) than Litophyton,
Lemnalia spp. Polyps can or cannot withdraw completely, colonies are
limited in their contraction. Red Sea 08. |
Acropora squarrosa (Ehrenberg 1834).
Characters: Colonies
are usually upright bushes with short compact branches. Axial corallites are
large and dome-shaped, with thick walls. Radial corallites have a wide range of
sizes but are identical to axial corallites in shape and appearance. All
corallites are smooth and rounded and have small openings. The coenosteum is
smooth.Colour: Cream
or pale brown. Corallite centres are a distinct blue or pink, depending on
Similar Species: Acropora plantaginea,
which has relatively crowded radial corallites. See also A. verweyi,
which has neat pocket-like radial corallites and A. maryae,
which has thinner branches, does not form compact clumps and has less exsert
radial corallites. See also A. rosaria and A. granulosa.
Habitat: Upper
reef slopes.
Abundance: Common.
in the Sinai, Red Sea 2019. |
Acropora squarrosa (Ehrenberg 1834).
Characters: Colonies
are usually upright bushes with short compact branches. Axial corallites are
large and dome-shaped, with thick walls. Radial corallites have a wide range of
sizes but are identical to axial corallites in shape and appearance. All
corallites are smooth and rounded and have small openings. The coenosteum is
smooth.Colour: Cream
or pale brown. Corallite centres are a distinct blue or pink, depending on
Similar Species: Acropora plantaginea,
which has relatively crowded radial corallites. See also A. verweyi,
which has neat pocket-like radial corallites and A. maryae,
which has thinner branches, does not form compact clumps and has less exsert
radial corallites. See also A. rosaria and A. granulosa.
Habitat: Upper
reef slopes.
Abundance: Common.
in the Sinai, Red Sea 2008.