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Chrysurus angel sick... Actually
sharks, med.s 8/8/07 Hello Mr Fenner I have a
very simple question to ask you and could not find a direct answer on
your site. Can Metronidazole be used with leopard sharks? <Yes> I
have a bad case of ich and hexamita and am currently using quinine
sulfate which seems to be working well (ant thoughts?) <I would use
the Quinine drug first... the Flagyl later if all did not appear
cleared up> Would you combine these 2 drugs? <Serially, not
simultaneously. BobF> thank you Kelly tank 400 gallon 60 gallon sump
filled with crushed coral g4x skimmer ammonia 0-10 nitrite 0 nitrate
5-10 ph buffered at every water change to 8.3 salinity 1.024 temp 76
Kelly Craven Saltwater ich treatment with fish and sharks I
have a tank with a 2 foot shark and 20 fish. I am trying to
find a way to treat for an outbreak of saltwater ich. Perhaps Bob
Fenner or someone else at Wet Web Media can tell me if, by removing and
coppering the fish in an aquarium and leaving the shark in this system
which has a significant outbreak of saltwater ich (Cryptocaryon), will
the parasite die for lack of a fish host or will the presence of the
shark act as a host to sustain the outbreak of parasites. I
already know that I can't copper the main system. What
period of time is recommended without any fish present if the shark
remains in this system before the parasites have completed their life
cycle (assuming this method will work). Any treatment
remedies would be greatly appreciated. <I responded to another
"shark with ich" person just this AM. Perhaps you will
benefit from this correspondence: Praziquantel dosing for sharks - 3/11/05 What Would The Average Dose For a 2 ft. shark be? <The treatment is based on weight. It is important to note that Droncit (Praziquantel) is usually very difficult to come by and usually will need a veterinarian to prescribe. In light of that these are the recommended treatments for when you can get your hands on some. For oral treatments the recommendation is nine milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight once a day for seven days. The recommended treatment for external trematodes is a saltwater bath mixture of 10 milligrams per liter for a three hour bath every third day for three treatments. As an alternative, 20 milligrams per liter for 90 minutes every third day of three treatments is not usually prescribed but can administered. Praziquantel is difficult to dissolve. Using 95% ETOH will help ( 1 g to 10ml ETOH), or it can be pressed through a stocking or other fine mesh net. Adding slowly to the water while stirring may help avoid coagulation. Hope this will help. Good luck. ~Paul> White spot in shark tank 9/30/05 Hi, I hope you can help me as I am running out of idea's, the problem is white spot / Oodinium in my marine tank. <Mmm, stop! Generally white spot is considered Crypt(ocaryon), not (Amyl)Oodinium...> The tank is a 260 gallon set up with a sump filter, uv and large skimmer, this tank has been running for over a year now and is set up as a shark tank with little live rock. <Where are the spaces between your sentences? Why do you think I/we have time to correct your grammar?> I have a large epaulette shark which is fine,1 x lunar wrasse,1 x bursa trigger and 1 x black trigger, I do have a quarantine tank which is used for any new fish before they go to the main tank, the problem seems to be in the main tank because every fish that is added to the new tank after coming from quarantine seam's to start with white spot, <The main system is infested...> the lunar is the only fish apart from the shark that seam's to be clean. My bursa at the moment is covered and my black has a couple of spot's, due to the size of the tank once any fish are in there I can not get them out alive, the tank has just been treated with Kent marine RxP <Worthless> which seemed ok but I have now lost 1 x red sea banner and a large six bar angle which a lovely fish, can you help me with any idea's on how I can get the main tank clear of this problem as I do not want to lose any more fish. <Time to send you... where you should have gone/been already... to the archived materials on/that are WWM... read... re parasitic systems, these two parasites mentioned here... medications> I have been told today that there could be a chance that my epaulette could have the white spot on it but because it doe's not effect them its just passing it on to any fish in the tank, could this be true <Yes... but, it is obvious that your system "has" the ich/velvet... the fishes have become symptom-less there from long exposure... However, with declining water quality, a loss of nutrition, resistance... they can/will succumb> if yes how could I get it cleared as I can not use any copper treatment on the shark. Thank you for your help Jason. <Keep reading... and learn to/use your spelling and grammar checkers... You don't want to appear/be ignorant, and I don't want to waste my time correcting you. Bob Fenner> Bamboo shark with Crypt - 8/26/04 Hi, I have a problem, my banded bamboo shark has ick, <Sharks usually are not affected by Cryptocaryon. How does this person know that it is Cryptocaryon? Need more information.> I have looked at many article about dealing with ick, I have used these methods on others saltwater and fresh water fish but I'm not sure that medication will be safe for a shark. From all that I found the only medication that might be okay is quick cure from aquarium products, because it doesn't contain copper. <You definitely do not want to use any meds that contain Copper with sharks> Do you think it would be safe to try this medication? <Again, sharks are not usually affected by crypt as far as I know. Before using this medication increase water changes and either send pictures or a better description of what you are seeing for shark behavior and infection sites would be very helpful.> If not, do you know any way that could get rid of my problem? <See above comments. Also note how long the shark has been suffering with this issue. ~Paul> Thank you, Alexandre Boudreau Biological Control for
External Shark Parasites Mr. Fenner, First I
wanted to thank you and the crew for the help you give and to give you
the credit for what all of you do for our hobby. I have just
recently caught two smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) that are to be
added to my shark pool. Presently they are in a smaller (450
gallon) quarantine tub and I have noticed that, as is the case with
sharks in colder weather, both have parasitic copepods attached to
their dorsal fins. <Yes, common> I have the Scott Michaels'
book and can remove them manually, but will a cleaner wrasse also serve
the same purpose? <Can be tried... were you thinking of juvenile
Bodianus? Other species? Tropical obligate cleaners can be tried... but
physical removal of adults is recommended over either course of
action... and if necessary a formalin "wash" (bath/dip) to
eradicate intermediates. Am sure you're aware that organophosphates
and copper compounds are contraindicated.> I want to avoid as much
handling as I can but would appreciate your advice and
experience. Just FYI the sharks will be going into an 18000
gallon shark pool that already houses a few other sharks and has been
running for over four years. Again thank you for your help
and dedication. Matt Hall <Bob Fenner>
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