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The fancy basses, subfamily Anthiinae of the bass/grouper family
Serranidae, contain some dozen or so species that are standards in the
aquarium interest; and rightly so. Though many Anthiines are too touchy,
perishing easily from the rigors of collection, handling and shipping;
there are some, as the Two-Spot, that are relatively tough. Three key points to this fish’s successful keeping are securing initially healthy specimens, providing a proper environment; and sustaining them sufficient nutrition. Here we will suggest how to go about the above and more; so that if you have the desire to keep Two-spots you’ll do so with ease.
Distribution/Sources: P. bimaculatus is
found on deeper reefs (20-100 meters; usually below a hundred feet)
through-out the tropical Indo-Pacific; Eastern Africa to Indonesia. Best
specimens hail from the Maldives; but mostly the trade imports this fish
from Indo.
Some sources list this as a deep reef drop-off species, but I’ve only
encountered it in turbid, low-circulation environments. This may be a
clue to its ease of care in captive environments; other Anthiines
usually being found in much cleaner, more vigorous settings.
Selecting/Stocking/Compatibility: Learning how
to select good specimens is absolutely critical to having good to better
chances of these animals making it through introduction/acclimation, and
especially if employed, quarantine. In order of importance I stress:
Careful observation of all individuals. ANY of these little basses
showing signs of hiding, stray marks, spaced-out behavior disqualifies
the purchase of all from that system for me.
Are they feeding? The types/kinds of foods that you can and intend
to feed? Ask that these be offered in front of you and again, observe
carefully that all are eating.
How many pieces (individuals) does the dealer have on hand? It is
BETTER by far to purchase your specimens at the same time and place…
selecting just one male unless the system is huge; and three or more
Don’t buy “just arrived” fish! Most Anthiines die “mysteriously”,
especially shortly after being moved. All Fancy Basses are wild-caught
and severely traumatized being jammed together, kept in small volumes in
captivity; often not being fed for days ahead of shipping.
Fancy basses are best stocked first, ahead of other fishes that
you intend; but not so soon as to not allow your system to become
established. Waiting a few months after set up; allowing your non-fish
livestock to get situated, the small life to get populated, assures
their survival.
Anthiines are great reef tank additions, including the highest
technology SPS system. They do NOT pick on polyps, won’t bother shrimps,
snails, even Featherduster worms. What one does have to be cautious of
is other fishes that might inhale (e.g. Lionfishes and kin), or bother
them too much (e.g. some rambunctious wrasses). To reinforce my point:
Only one male with a few to several females should be stocked, and only
one species of Anthiine per system unless it is huge (several hundred,
thousands of gallons).
System: Though these are small fish, topping
out at about 14 cm, about five inches overall; they need SPACE. A five
foot long, 125 gallon or so tank, better even bigger, is necessary to
give them room to move, interact, and feel comfortable; able to get away
from you.
Despite what I’ve stated regarding the conditions where I’ve encountered
the Two-spot, you want to have vigorous water movement (at least ten
times turnover per hour) including expedient removal of organics (less
than 10 ppm Nitrate is a good window to use).
Décor is important with these fish; whatever you employ, do provide
plenty of nooks and crannies to allow them to duck into cover.
Oh, and per their deeper water habitat, these fish prefer cooler water;
the seventies F. (not eighties) working out best.
Foods/Feeding/Nutrition: These fish are
zooplanktivores, using all daylight hours to dance about upwelling
currents to pick off tasty arthropods on the fly. In captivity the ideal
arrangement would be to provide such small critters on a continuous
basis. A huge refugium could do this; or a fancy arrangement with live
food cultures… for most folks, simply proffering live or
frozen/defrosted copepods, brine shrimp, mysids and such three, four
times per day will suffice. It is a very good idea to supplement these
meaty offerings with an automated feeder supplying small pelleted foods
of high quality every hour or so during lights-on time.
Disease/Health: Though they appear easily
damaged, Fancy Basses are not easily lost to pathogenic disease. Yes;
they do contract the usual parasitic issues of tropical reef fishes; but
they are easily treated with common remedies. What they do not tolerate
well is poor water quality, a dearth of nutrition or incessant bothering
by aggressive tankmates.
Reproduction: Fancy basses are protogynic
synchronous hermaphrodites (“first female”, “not at the same time”,
“different, functional sexes”. If your one male should perish, don’t
agonize; the largest, more aggressive female will change into a male in
a few weeks’ time.
When kept in harems as they exist in the wild Anthiines, produce
and release gametes on a clock-work basis. As yet they are not
commercially produced for the ornamental trade; but this could be done…
and will likely be the source in the not-too distant future.
The Twinspot is a great choice for very easygoing Fish Only, FOWLR and full-blown reef systems as long as these contain other docile species. Do your bit in providing good specimens from the get go; giving them conditions they require, and frequent palatable foods and yours will provide you with years of active beauty.
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