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"Molly Keim" <molly.keim@thatpetplace.com> Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 15:21:42 -0400 Hi, My name is Molly Keim and I am the web designer for That Fish Place/That Pet Place. I received a request to provide you with a banner for your website. Here is a link to the banner: http://www.thatpetplace.com/images/presentation/inverBan1.gif - (this link is case sensitive) Please just link it back to http://www.thatpetplace.com < http://www.thatpetplace.com/> If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you, Molly Keim <Thanks much Molly. Will post, link today. Bob Fenner> Way Beyond the Banner pattieduffy@cox.net has sent you a Business2.com article. Personal message: Bob, I was able to locate the companion piece to the June 2002 article, "The Online Advertising Comeback". Interesting comparisons on Cost, Effectiveness & Annoyance Factor. Would like your feedback and would like to distribute both articles to all in electronic forms. Ok? Patti <Looked over and read both links... still personally find "other ad" formats unpalatable (like their annoyance factor rating system)... the American Greetings "Tower" ad is almost not worth deleting the entire page... More and more to consider, utilize in different parts/media here... I would like Jason.C's input on using these different mech.s on CA online zine, and his and Zo's input on our going entirely on WWM.com email service and booting MSN... and what sort of ad placement might be useful there. Bob F> To view the entire article, go to http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/0,1640,40552,FF.html Business 2.0 http://www.business2.com Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc. Bob, Been trying to cc you on this but it keeps coming back to me. I took the attachment off on this one to see if it was the problem. The attachment is the e-flier. <Thank you for your diligence... have not seen this... the filters... are on whatever the default setting is... "medium"... whatever that means. I know these folks line very well... bought Poly-Bio-Marine into Petco in the early nineties in designing their Aquatics program. Bob F> Patti To: PolyBio@aol.com Cc: Bob Fenner (E-mail); Anthony Rosario C (E-mail) Subject: Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc. Importance: High Dear Kent, Thank you for speaking with me today regarding sponsorship with WetWebMedia. I have formulated your questions and suggestions in a list below, which I will discuss with Bob Fenner and get back to you soon. In review: 1. You requested that an independent bonded auditor validate the website hit numbers. (% by filtration) <Mmm, don't know how to do this... but can contact Datapipe re... our statistics server link is: Stats2.datapipe.com and the password, WetWebMedia.com> 2. You stated $500 is too high for sponsorship and would consider sponsorship at one of the lower priced options if the "hit numbers" are validated. <Okay> 3. Server Size - how much traffic can it handle? Growth potential hard numbers. <Lorenzo, Jason, any idea here? Once again we have a server that WWN, images, video is on... and our root web is on Datapipes> 4. Would WWM consider a fee per hit revenue model? Similar to Kingsnake.com <Maybe> 5. We discussed how WWM uses the revenues received through sponsorship. ALL moneys go back into the research, development, content and support of WWM. <Yes, good> Please take a moment to review the attached flyer and visit our site. Use the Google search at the bottom of the page within WetWebMedia. Search by 'Poly Filters' and you can see first hand that there are over 75 FAQs which reference your filters. <Well done Patti. Be chatting on these issues this Sunday. Bob Fenner> Thank you again for your time & I look forward to speaking with you again. Patti Duffy RE: Am experimenting with the old QM logo/link on WWM Hi Bob, I was just about to forward you the chrome-look logo we talked about, I feared the lo-res. gif image featured on our site wouldn't work out well. You've done a splendid job with it and I think it looks great. Let's just keep that one. <Real good my friend. Onward and upward. Bob F> Thanks, Chris RE: Quality and WWM Hi Bob, I'd love to put the QM logo on your page, It is good promo for us, plus could even make your page look more spiffy! <Indeed!> Top row is good, Top right is very good, but I'm not too picky. I'd use the hovering chrome QM logo over water featured in our too-long-running current ad. <Per our phone conversation, am awaiting your IT fellow sending me the liquidy hover QM logo to place on the right shared border> Let me know what's involved. Ciao, Chris <Chat with and see you soon my friend. Bob Fenner> Top Shared Border Bob, It looks like the top shared border properties on the WWM got changed somehow. It's become detached from the right side border and won't scale up or down in size. I would fix it but I don't have a good enough internet connection. The way to repair it is highlight the entire top border, go into table properties, change the size of the width to 100 percent, it's probably at a set size of 800 to 900 pixels right now. let me know if you run into any problems. <Yikes... screw-up... I tried the above... and on save is now showing the ad for the ad on another line below... will try moving back above or possibly giving it the heave ho. Thanks. Bob> Mike Let us submit http://www.WetWebMedia.com for FREE on Japanese search engines, German search engines, Hispanic search engines , French search engines , Chinese search engines etc.....! After reviewing http://www.WetWebMedia.com, we have noticed that your website cannot be found on foreign search engines. Could you please put me in touch with your marketing director or whoever is in charge of web promotion for your website? As it stands Internet users searching on German search engines, French search engines, Hispanic, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese or Chinese search engines cannot find your website! In fact, it has not been optimized nor listed accordingly .... We will show you how to reach these multilingual markets without even having to translate your website! International search engines submission is not about doing business with foreigners in their native language but rather bringing foreigners to your website to do business with you in English! There are millions of foreigners who speak English but would rather use their native language to conduct a search. From the Japanese Yahoo to the German AltaVista, from the Spanish Lycos to the French Excite, get users to find your website when searching with Your Keywords in Their Mother Tongue. Let us submit your website on International search engines for FREE! Visit us at http://www.CyberMultilingual.com for full details! I do believe that a website like yours deserves a better exposure to international markets and this is why I would like to introduce you to our company: CyberDifference Corp. is an international website development agency mainly specialized in multilingual search engines submission in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. You may request additional info by email at rtd@cybermultilingual.com or call my office to schedule a free phone consultation: 1(727) 539-6178... Test a few markets! What will it be? The German web? The Japanese web? The French web? The choice is yours!! Let's double your Web exposure: reach "the other half of the Internet"! We will perform FREE monthly submissions for your site on foreign search engines.... Regards, Thomas DeGroot rtd@cybermultilingual.com Quality and WWM Chris, a brief note/query. Last week you mentioned an interest in ad space on our root web. Would like to have you with us. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sponsors.htm We have one slot left on the top shared border (could go either side of Walt's/PA Farms) or the right shared border. Please make it known when you're ready to have your logo/link placed... and will do. Bob Fenner Re: Your offer. Bob, Here is the reply from the ad company in Italy. Mike <Well done Miguel... we will find there is a much larger market for our content efforts worldwide. Bob F> Mediatic - Ufficio Stampa <press@mediatic.it> wrote: Dear Mr Kaechele, thank you very much for your mail. We will take it into great consideration in our plan. Yours faithfully, Dr.ssa Giorgia Paganelli MEDIATIC - Via Donizetti, 2 - I-42100 - Reggio Emilia - Italy Tel. +39.0522.383620 - Fax +39.0522.381484 - email Ufficio Stampa: press@mediatic.it ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr.ssa Giorgia Paganelli, If there is any other information I can provide to you concerning ad placement/sponsorship of the WetWebMedia website do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for visiting WetWebMedia. Sincerely, Mike Kaechele Mike@wetwebmedia.com Speaking of branding... The upper shared border is quite crowded and if I'm not mistaken the graphic which says WetWebMedia is among the smallest ones up there... this will hurt the branding IMNSHO. Anyway... perhaps we can lose the "put your add here" graphic just to free up some more space. <Can be done easily... have changed all around a half dozen times the last two days... Many other possibilities... perhaps a less tall but more prominent WWM banner running along above the sponsors on the top shared border? Mmmm> That and it looks like someone adjusted the shared borders again... things get really weird when you resize the window. <Will have to look again. Thank you. B> J -- Offer request Dear Sirs, our Agency works in the area of advertising and public relations. On behalf of one of our Clients, we would like to receive the following information about your website: a.. Access statistics: b.. General profile of the navigators (country, age, personality, status, interests). We would like to receive your offer for a.. one banner b.. one link on your website. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and look forward to receiving news from you soon. Yours Faithfully Dr.ssa Giorgia Paganelli MEDIATIC - Via Donizetti, 2 - I-42100 - Reggio Emilia - Italy Tel. +39.0522.383620 - Fax +39.0522.381484 - email press@mediatic.it <Miguel, please go back and forth with these folks. Do give them the stats2 engine addr. and pw., mention the Google cache... Bob F> Advertising Ideas Bob, <BWD> I was checking if there was ever a reply from the guy from Texas that sent in a question about his fish dying but mollies surviving - my 1 question taken? Never saw anything in my mailbox. <Never saw this... but you might want to look at the Poeciliids FAQs page: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/poecillidfaqs.htm the original or response might have been sent, answered by someone else... Happens as others are sorting, responding...> I then started wondering if you have ever considered adding advertisement to the responses you send people. <Mmm, no... think it takes too much time, effort and too commercial> Could be simple hyperlink text or html images (depending on a form the user filled out when submitting questions). This "ask a question form" could have people enter a user id and password to submit a question - a WWM membership. <Interesting possibility> The membership would be free of course but could be used to build a database of WWM users - that among other things get the daily picture - and come to think of it why aren't you advertising on the daily picture? <Don't really know... probably the same reasons stated above> I can see that you would want to keep this very professional - but I this can be done carefully w/o damaging the WWM reputation. Maybe you already considered this but I think you are giving away works of art by not acting on this immediately. You may even consider a premium subscription rate for the photos site - ultra hi res or something? <Zo is mainly the person to chat w/ re the images... but will query all the WWM Crew re these possibilities> Also, at one time long ago you attempted to give me the URL to a page that showed WWM's stats. When I attempt to sell Tetra (or anyone else that's internet savy), I am sure they are going to want to see this. Does it show how many hits are taken on the advertisers links? <Not as far as I'm aware: url is stats2.datapipe.com pw is our name WetWebMedia.com> I could never get into the one you gave me because the password was incorrect. Can please make sure some one gets me the correct url and password. Also , I'm wondering about the Contact Management system. Is that what the adtrackdb is?. Is this a real database or a list of names and numbers? <The latter... just a spdsht I've made up> What I am getting at is that in looking at the WWM site I am realizing that you have actually been pretty successful in getting a number of sponsors, especially for the Marine Aquatics section - we're running out of space! Its my opinion that WWM may have reached its peak with the spreadsheet, call when you feel like it, can scrounge up people approach (sometimes the best way to get things started). Maybe a more business like (but not too serious) attack with strategy meetings and reports/results just like a marketing group would use is where WWM needs to go to bring things to that next level. (I motion we have our first one today at your BBQ). <Good idea. Agreed> Also, how have you been successful in the past in selling the space. What incentives were offered - please give me the full details at the bbq. <Okay, hopefully Mike will be here, sober enough to explain. See you then. Bob F> Scooby Doo! Dave RE: WWPSA's Superzoo, July 19-21 Bob, can the gang from Custom Aquatic travel? <I think so. Do sign all up over the net... tis free...> We want the pond mini site. <Ah, will place you... Now> Todd <Bob Fenner> Our first Subweb sponsor is.... Custom Aquatic! Thanks to Todd Gabriel and crew: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm Now... let's go diving! Bob F Re: WWPSA's Superzoo, July 19-21 Hey Bob; So far looks like we'll be able to do it ...... would also like to take the kids again and this time, for the first time, take them to Dizzyland. Do you know of a good and cheap hotel close by there ???? <Will ask/cc Di re. Maurice, if you'd like, go to the website and sign up your kids and Valesha as part of the WWM staff (or, wait, you have a biz name, ways of identifying yourself as part of the industry... At any length, entry is free for registering over the Net. my name, pw there: WetWebMedia.com, fishXXXX> Also would you consider being our Guest speaker for this months meeting on the 18th of June ??? I mean if you still have some of your slides out and about from one of your most recent Trips ???? <Can do. No one's seen the verticals sent for Cancun, Australia, or the to-be-sent ones from Red Sea> Take Care and I will catch up with you one of these days, also did you know that Aquanetics moved up this way, 9885 Carroll Cyn. Rd one drive way East of the Carls Jr. !!!!!!!! Maurice B. <No, I'll be... will have to go by and say hi. Be seeing you, Bob F> >I signed us all up to get in free (Maurice, do you want to go, does >your >wife? Steve, Anthony, are you/will you be in town during this time?) >to >go... Todd.G et al. do you want to haul up there on Sat. the 20th >together? >Bob F, who wouldn't mind buying, using the overnight Disney passes >for the >later afternoon eve next door. WWPSA's Superzoo, July 19-21 I signed us all up to get in free (Maurice, do you want to go, does your wife? Steve, Anthony, are you/will you be in town during this time?) to go... Todd.G et al. do you want to haul up there on Sat. the 20th together? Bob F, who wouldn't mind buying, using the overnight Disney passes for the later afternoon eve next door. |
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